198 resultados para Rupture aortique
Rupture of a congenital aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva is a rare congenital cardiac malformation. This case report describes a congenital aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva which ruptured into the right ventricle in a 3-year-old girl. The exact route of the fistula through the cardiac walls and the localization of the rupture into the right ventricle was not completely defined by two-dimensional and color Doppler echocardiography and could be determined only by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Les récits de conversion religieuse présentent plusieurs traits communs avec les récits de découvertes scientifiques (Aha-Erlebnisse, expériences de eurêka): événement instantané, exceptionnel, inattendu, marquant une rupture par rapport au passé. Or, il s'agit dans les deux cas de reconstructions a posteriori qui ont tendance à survaloriser le caractère instantané d'un événement au détriment du processus organisant la mise en place d'une nouvelle vision du monde. Howard Gruber l'a très bien montré dans son étude consacrée à Charles Darwin. Là où le récit autobiographique, formulé une quarantaine d'années après l'énoncé de la théorie de la sélection naturelle, donne l'impression d'une intuition subite, les carnets de notes, rédigés à l'époque où s'élabore la théorie, permettent de mettre en évidence un processus créatif qui s'étale sur près d'un an et demi. Ce constat peut être étendu aux récits de conversion religieuse. Le cas de Martin Luther en est une excellente illustration. Ce parallèle entre découverte scientifique et conversion religieuse jette un éclairage nouveau sur cette dernière: l'événement inattendu où tout bascule doit être articulé avec un processus psychologique qui le porte et même le décompose sur une durée bien plus longue que ce que la mémoire ne le reconstruit après-coup. Au point qu'il n'est pas exagéré de voir dans le récit d'une conversion religieuse, ne serait-ce que pour une part, l'expression de la créativité d'un sujet qui invente une solution au problème de sa vie.
Although rare, popliteal artery aneurysms are the most common peripheral aneurysms and are frequently associated with abdominal aorta aneurysms. They are often bilateral. One third of patients are asymptomatic at diagnosis, with an insidious evolution. Symptomatic patients may present with symptoms of either acute ischemia or chronic ischemia, or rarely compression or rupture. Surgical exclusion of aneurysm followed by venous bypass remains the treatment of choice. Endovascular treatment is an attractive alternative currently reserved for patients at high risk, with good anatomical criteria. Elective treatment before symptoms onset is preferable given the best results in terms of patency and complications. A conservative approach is allowed for small aneurysms without major embolic risk provided careful monitoring by ultrasound.
Mitral valve injury after blunt chest trauma is a rare occurrence. We recently admitted a patient with severe traumatic mitral regurgitation who was successfully treated with surgery. Review of the literature aimed at taking an inventory of cases of traumatic nonpenetrating mitral insufficiency that were operated on, since the earliest report in 1964. Eighty-two cases were found and analyzed allowing for a better understanding of the epidemiology, etiology, natural history, pathology, and treatment of this rare condition. The most common lesions reach the papillary muscles (PM), followed by the chordae and then the mitral valve leaflets. Among the 82 cases reported that have been treated with surgery, 57% required a valve replacement. More than half of the patients had a PM injury with a complete or partial rupture. When the rupture is complete, and especially when it involves the anterior PM, the clinical picture is most always acute with clinically important hemodynamic repercussions, often necessitating emergency surgery, most of the time with mitral valve replacement. One must always suspect traumatic mitral injury after blunt chest trauma. The most common mitral lesions affect the PM. The clinical course can be indolent or devastating, and most often requires urgent or delayed surgical treatment, either with mitral valve repair or replacement.
Rapport de synthèse : Mesures de l'aorte ascendante par scanner synchronisé au rythme cardiaque: une étude pilote pour établir des valeurs normatives dans le cadre des futures thérapies par transcathéter. Objectif : L'objectif de cette étude est d'établir les valeurs morphométriques normatives de l'aorte ascendante à l'aide de l'angiographie par scanner synchronisé au rythme cardiaque, afin d'aider au développement des futurs traitements par transcathéter. Matériels et méthodes : Chez soixante-dix-sept patients (âgé de 22 à 83 ans, âge moyen: 54,7 ans), une angiographie par scanner synchronisé au rythme cardiaque a été réalisée pour évaluation des vaisseaux coronaires. Les examens ont été revus afin d'étudier l'anatomie de la chambre de chasse du ventricule gauche jusqu'au tronc brachio-céphalique droit. A l'aide de programmes de reconstructions multiplanaires et de segmentation automatique, différents diamètres et longueurs considérés comme importants pour les futurs traitements par transcathéter ont été mesurés. Les valeurs sont exprimées en moyennes, médianes, maximums, minimums, écart-types et en coefficients de variation. Les variations de diamètre de l'aorte ascendante durant le cycle cardiaque ont été aussi considérées. Résultats : Le diamètre moyen de la chambre de chasse du ventricule gauche était de 20.3+/-3.4 mm. Au niveau du sinus coronaire de l'aorte, il était de 34.2+/-4.1 mm et au niveau de la jonction sinotubulaire il était de 29.7+/-3.4 mm. Le diamètre moyen de l'aorte ascendante était de 32.7+/-3.8 mm. Le coefficient de variation de ces mesures variait de 12 à 17%. La distance moyenne entre l'insertion proximale des valvules aortiques et le départ du tronc brachio-céphalique droit était de 92.6+/-11.8 mm. La distance moyenne entre l'insertion proximale des valvules aortiques et l'origine de l'artère coronaire proximale était de 12.1+/-3.7 mm avec un coefficient de variation de 31%. La distance moyenne entre les deux ostia coronaires était de 7.2+/-3.1 mm avec un coefficient de variation de 43%. La longueur moyenne du petit arc de l'aorte ascendante entre l'artère coronaire gauche et le tronc brachio-céphalique droit était de 52.9+/-9.5 mm. La longueur moyenne de la continuité fibreuse entre la valve aortique et la valvule mitrale antérieure était de 14.6+/-3.3 mm avec un coefficient de variation de 23%. L'aire moyenne de la valve aortique était de 582.0+/-131.9 mm2. La variation du diamètre antéro-postérieur et transverse de l'aorte ascendante était respectivement de 8.4% et de 7.3%. Conclusion Il existe d'importantes variations inter-individuelles dans les mesures de l'aorte ascendante avec cependant des variations intra-individuelles faibles durant le cycle cardiaque. De ce fait, une approche personnalisée pour chaque patient est recommandée dans la confection des futures endoprothèses de l'aorte ascendante. Le scanner synchronisé au rythme cardiaque jouera un rôle prépondérant dans le bilan préthérapeutique. Abstract : The aim of this study was to provide an insight into normative values of the ascending aorta in regards to novel endovascular procedures using ECG-gated multi-detector CT angiography. Seventy-seven adult patients without ascending aortic abnormalities were evaluated. Measurements at relevant levels of the aortic root and ascending aorta were obtained. Diameter variations of the ascending aorta during cardiac cycle were also considered. Mean diameters (mm) were as follows: LV outflow tract 20.3+/-3.4, coronary sinus 34.2+/-4.1, sinotubular junction 29.7+-3.4 and mid ascending aorta 32.7+/-3.8 with coefficients of variation (CV) ranging from 12 to 17%. Mean distances (mm) were: from the plane passing through the proximal insertions of the aortic valve cusps to the right brachio-cephalic artery (BCA) 92.6111.8, from the plane passing through the proximal insertions of the aortic valve cusps to the proximal coronary ostium 12.1+/-3.7, and between both coronary ostia 7.2+/-3.1, minimal arc of the ascending aorta from left coronary ostium to right BCA 52.9 X9.5, and the fibrous continuity between the aortic valve and the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve 14.óf3.3, CV 13-43%. Mean aortic valve area was 582+-131.9 mm2. The variations of the antero-posterior and transverse diameters of the ascending aorta during the cardiac cycle were 8.4% and 7.3%, respectively. Results showed large inter-individual variations in diameters and distances but with limited intra-individual variations during the cardiac cycle. A personalized approach for planning endovascular devices must be considered.
Objectif: Déterminer la prévalence de la dysfonction de la valve aortique, de la dilatation de l'aorte proximale et des interventions au niveau de la valve aortique et de l'aorte ascendante chez les adultes avec une coarctation de l'aorte. Contexte: La dysfonction de la valve aortique et la dilatation de l'aorte proximale sont rares chez les enfants et les adolescents avec une coarctation de l'aorte. A long terme, les adultes pourraient être plus à risque de développer ce type de pathologie. Méthode: Nous avons rétrospectivement passé en revue tous les adultes avec une coarctation de l'aorte corrigée ou pas suivis au « Boston Children's Hospital » entre 2004 et 2010. Résultats: 216 adultes (56 % d'hommes) avec une coarctation ont été identifiés. L'âge médian à la dernière évaluation était de 28 (de 18 à 75) ans. Une bicuspidie aortique était présente dans 66% des cas. Au dernier contrôle, 3% avaient une sténose aortique modérée ou sévère et 4% avaient une insuffisance aortique modérée à sévère. Une dilatation de la racine de l'aorte ou de l'aorte ascendante était présente dans 28%, respectivement 42% des patients. Une dilatation au moins modérée de la racine de l'aorte ou de l'aorte ascendante (score Z > 4) était présente dans 8%, respectivement 14%. Les patients avec une bicuspidie aortique étaient plus sujets à avoir une dilatation au moins modérée de la racine de l'aorte ou de l'aorte ascendante comparés à ceux sans bicuspidie (20% contre 0%; p<0.001). L'âge était associé à une dilatation de l'aorte ascendante (p=0.04). Au dernier suivi, 6% avait nécessité une intervention au niveau de la valve aortique et 3% un remplacement de la racine de l'aorte ou de l'aorte ascendante.
We report the case of a 58-year-old diabetic man admitted to the hospital in a comatose state due to medicamentous hypoglycemia in a context of hypovolemic acute renal failure. Hypovolemia was due to hemoperitoneum in a alcoholic patient with cirrhotic hepatic failure. CT-scan and arterial angiographies revealed a voluminous isolated hepatic mass with active bleeding suggesting the diagnosis of spontaneous bleeding from a hepatocellular carcinoma. The hemorrhage resolved after selective arterial embolization, but the patient died two weeks later from an infectious cause. The differential diagnosis of a spontaneous hemoperitoneum and possibilities of treatment in the case of ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma are discussed.
Attitudinal and behavioural change among gay men in Switzerland was measured between 1987 and 1990 to evaluate the effectiveness of AIDS prevention activities. The methodology used included a self-administered questionnaire published in Swiss gay magazines and distributed by gay organizations (N = 795 in 1987, N = 720 in 1990) and in-depth interviews with men recruited through advertisements and through the questionnaire (N = 42 in 1987, N = 24 in 1990). The two independent sampling procedures yielded similar samples with regard to socio-demographic characteristics, allowing comparisons to be made between the 1987 and 1990 data. Personal confrontation with AIDS (knowing someone who is HIV-positive, or who is ill or dead from AIDS) increased significantly during the period but more adequate ways of coping developed. Behavioural change towards safer sex began well before the first study. The majority of responding homosexuals have adapted their sexual behaviour to the new situation created by AIDS and generally maintain a protective behaviour. However, "exceptions" (condom rupture or episodes of non-protection) are not infrequent and should deserve more attention. Three indicators of sexual behaviour (number of sexual partners, anal sex and use of condom and oral sex with ejaculation), reported for the last 3 months before each study, exhibit few changes between 1987 and 1990: number of partners remained stable, unprotected oral sex decreased. Anal sex slightly increased, the use of condoms remaining stable. Sixty-seven percent of the sample knew their serostatus in 1990 (57% in 1987), and 13% of these stated that they were HIV+ (14% in 1987).
Objectifs: Comparer le CT et l'échocardiographie cardiaques pour l'évaluation pré-interventionnelle des patients éligibles pour un remplacement aortique percutané (TAVI). Matériels et méthodes: Trente patients (15F/15H, âge 84±7y) éligibles pour un TAVI par voie transfémorale (n=15) ou transapicale (n=15) ont bénéficié d'un CT pré-procédural pour évaluer le diamètre (DCT) valvulaire aortique. Une échographie trans-thoracique pré et post-TAVI a été effectuée pour évaluer le gradient trans-valvulaire (Gmax) et la différence (ΔGmax), et une échographie trans-oesophagienne (ETO) pour confirmer le diamètre valvulaire (DUS). Le test-t de Student, le test de Lin (ρc) et le test de Bland-Altman (LOA) ont été utilisés pour les comparaisons. Résultats: Le DCT était similaire chez les patients bénéficiant d'un TAVI transfémoral ou transapical (22.9±3.0mm vs. 21.2±1.5mm,p=0.06). Le DCT était plus bas que le DUS (22.2±2.6mm vs. 23.3±2.1mm,p=0.017) et l'agrément entre DCT et DUS était modéré (ρc=0.62,différence moyenne=-1.1±1.9mm, 95%LOA:-4.8-2.6). Le Gmax pré-TAVI était similaire chez les patients ayant un TAVI transfémoral ou transapical (70.8±33.7 vs. 86.3±24.0mmHg,p=0.17). Le Gmax post-TAVI était plus bas que le Gmax pré-TAVI (78.5±29.7 vs. 16.8±5.1mmHg,p<0.001). Le ΔGmax était similaire pour les TAVI transfémoraux ou transapicaux (46.3±28.6 vs. 70.4±25.1 mmHg,p=0.05). Conclusion: Le CT cardiaque représente une alternative non-invasive à l'ETO pour l'évaluation pré-TAVI du diamètre valvulaire aortique.
The observation concerns a patient who was professionally exposed to silica dust. Radiologically he presented a diffuse interstitial infiltrate and clinically an obstructive syndrome with emphysem. The diagnosis of silicosis was made. The development was followed during 12 years without important modification of the X-ray or the respiratory functions. The patient died of a ruptured aortic aneurysm. At the autopsy the examination of the lungs permitted to exclude the initial diagnosis of silicosis and to conclude to an histiocytosis X. This diagnostic mistake allows to get on some radiological, clinical and epidemiological aspects, characteristic or these both pathologies.
Introduction: Boerhaave syndrome (BS) is a spontaneous esophageal perforation, described in aged, alcoholic males, secondary to forceful vomiting. BS has rarely been described in children. Case presentation: The patient is a 7-year-old Nigerian girl. She has a past history of clinical gastro-esophageal reflux (treated conservatively with prokinetics and good evolution), malaria at the age of 3 months and an episode of acute pancreatitis at 5 years. One week prior admission, she had stopped atovaquone-proguanil (AP) prophylaxis after a trip in an endemic area. Two days prior admission, she presented several bouts of isolated acute vomiting, without fever or diarrhea. On admission, she complained of chest pain. Cardiac auscultation revealed crepitus. No subcutaneous emphysema nor respiratory distress was present. Chest radiography and CT-scan confirmed a pneumomediastinum extending to the neck. Esophageal perforation was suspected. An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was performed and showed a small esophageal tear, grade II-III esophagitis and a single gastric ulcer without any sign of H. Pylori infection. Enteral feeds were stopped and a nasogastric sucking tube inserted. The patient made a full recovery on intravenous antibiotics and conservative treatment. Of note a second episode of subclinical acute pancreatitis, treated conservatively, probably drug-induced. Discussion: BS is a complete rupture of all layers of the esophagus, secondary to an increased intra-abdominal pressure due to incomplete opening of the cricophayngeal sphincter occurring during vomiting or cough. Rarer causes include eosinophilic or Barrett's esophagitis, HIV and caustic ingestion. Esophageal perforation in children is rare, most of time secondary to necrotizing esophagitis in the newborn, medical intervention (endoscopy, sucking, or intubation) or trauma in the older child. Our patient had none of those risk factors and it is still unclear what predisposed her to this complication. However, we believe that preceding forceful vomiting with increased abdominal pressure acting on a weakened oesophagus due to esophagitis might be responsible. We could not find any association in the literature between AP and BS nor between BS and acute pancreatitis. The origin of her recurrent pancreatitis remains unclear, reason for which genetic testing for mutations in the trypsinogen, trypsin inhibitor and CFTR genes will be performed in case of a third episode.
BACKGROUND: Topiramate (Topamax(R)) is an anti-epileptic drug of the sulfamate group used secondarily for bipolar disease. HISTORY AND SIGNS: One week after initiation of topiramate treatment for a bipolar disorder, a 57-year-old man presented with blurred vision. Clinical examination revealed a bilateral conjunctivitis, areflexic mydriasis, severe anterior chamber shallowing, with a myopic shift and vitritis. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: A spinal tap revealed an increased protein content of 1581 mg/L on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis, being compatible with a rupture of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). UBM exposed bilateral ciliochoroidal effusions with secondary angle-closure. Topiramate was promptly discontinued, whereas visual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP), and anterior and posterior segments anatomy normalized within 1 week. One month later, bilateral iris atrophy was present. CONCLUSION: The presence of BBB disruption with increased protein content in CSF with simultaneous blood ocular barrier breakdown may suggest a common inflammatory mechanism.
Background: Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a subtype of stroke characterized by a haematoma within the brain parenchyma resulting from blood vessel rupture and with a poor outcome. In ICH, the blood entry into the brain triggers toxicity resulting in a substantial loss of neurons and an inflammatory response. At the same time, blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption increases water content (edema) leading to growing intracranial pressure, which in turn worsens neurological outcome. Although the clinical presentation is similar in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, the treatment is different and the stroke type needs to be determined beforehand by imaging which delays the therapy. C-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) are a family of kinases activated in response to stress stimuli and involved in several pathways such as apoptosis. Specific inhibition of JNK by a TAT-coupled peptide (XG-102) mediates strong neuroprotection in several models of ischemic stroke in rodents. Recently, we have observed that the JNK pathway is also activated in a mouse model of ICH, raising the question of the efficacy of XG-102 in this model. Method: ICH was induced in the mouse by intrastriatal injection of bacterial collagenase (0,1 U). Three hours after surgery, animals received an intravenous injection of 100 mg/kg of XG-102. The neurological outcome was assessed everyday until sacrifice using a score (from 0 to 9) based on 3 behavioral tests performed daily until sacrifice. Then, mice were sacrificed at 6 h, 24 h, 48 h, and 5d after ICH and histological studies performed. Results: The first 24 h after surgery are critical in our ICH mice model, and we have observed that XG-102 significantly improves neurological outcome at this time point (mean score: 1,8 + 1.4 for treated group versus 3,4+ 1.8 for control group, P<0.01). Analysis of the lesion volume revealed a significant decrease of the lesion area in the treated group at 48h (29+ 11mm3 in the treated group versus 39+ 5mm3 in the control group, P=0.04). XG-102 mainly inhibits the edema component of the lesion. Indeed, a significant inhibition Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (2009) 29, S490-S493 & 2009 ISCBFM All rights reserved 0271-678X/09 $32.00 www.jcbfm.com of the brain swelling was observed in treated animals at 48h (14%+ 13% versus 26+ 9% in the control group, P=0.04) and 5d (_0.3%+ 4.5%versus 5.1+ 3.6%in the control group, P=0.01). Conclusions: Inhibition of the JNK pathway by XG- 102 appears to lead to several beneficial effects. We can show here a significant inhibition of the cerebral edema in the ICH model providing a further beneficial effect of the XG-102 treatment, in addition to the neuroprotection previously described in the ischemic model. This result is of interest because currently, clinical treatment for brain edema is limited. Importantly, the beneficial effects observed with XG-102 in models of both stroke types open the possibility to rapidly treat stroke patients before identifying the stroke subtype by imaging. This will save time which is precious for stroke outcome.
SummaryDiscrete data arise in various research fields, typically when the observations are count data.I propose a robust and efficient parametric procedure for estimation of discrete distributions. The estimation is done in two phases. First, a very robust, but possibly inefficient, estimate of the model parameters is computed and used to indentify outliers. Then the outliers are either removed from the sample or given low weights, and a weighted maximum likelihood estimate (WML) is computed.The weights are determined via an adaptive process such that if the data follow the model, then asymptotically no observation is downweighted.I prove that the final estimator inherits the breakdown point of the initial one, and that its influence function at the model is the same as the influence function of the maximum likelihood estimator, which strongly suggests that it is asymptotically fully efficient.The initial estimator is a minimum disparity estimator (MDE). MDEs can be shown to have full asymptotic efficiency, and some MDEs have very high breakdown points and very low bias under contamination. Several initial estimators are considered, and the performances of the WMLs based on each of them are studied.It results that in a great variety of situations the WML substantially improves the initial estimator, both in terms of finite sample mean square error and in terms of bias under contamination. Besides, the performances of the WML are rather stable under a change of the MDE even if the MDEs have very different behaviors.Two examples of application of the WML to real data are considered. In both of them, the necessity for a robust estimator is clear: the maximum likelihood estimator is badly corrupted by the presence of a few outliers.This procedure is particularly natural in the discrete distribution setting, but could be extended to the continuous case, for which a possible procedure is sketched.RésuméLes données discrètes sont présentes dans différents domaines de recherche, en particulier lorsque les observations sont des comptages.Je propose une méthode paramétrique robuste et efficace pour l'estimation de distributions discrètes. L'estimation est faite en deux phases. Tout d'abord, un estimateur très robuste des paramètres du modèle est calculé, et utilisé pour la détection des données aberrantes (outliers). Cet estimateur n'est pas nécessairement efficace. Ensuite, soit les outliers sont retirés de l'échantillon, soit des faibles poids leur sont attribués, et un estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance pondéré (WML) est calculé.Les poids sont déterminés via un processus adaptif, tel qu'asymptotiquement, si les données suivent le modèle, aucune observation n'est dépondérée.Je prouve que le point de rupture de l'estimateur final est au moins aussi élevé que celui de l'estimateur initial, et que sa fonction d'influence au modèle est la même que celle du maximum de vraisemblance, ce qui suggère que cet estimateur est pleinement efficace asymptotiquement.L'estimateur initial est un estimateur de disparité minimale (MDE). Les MDE sont asymptotiquement pleinement efficaces, et certains d'entre eux ont un point de rupture très élevé et un très faible biais sous contamination. J'étudie les performances du WML basé sur différents MDEs.Le résultat est que dans une grande variété de situations le WML améliore largement les performances de l'estimateur initial, autant en terme du carré moyen de l'erreur que du biais sous contamination. De plus, les performances du WML restent assez stables lorsqu'on change l'estimateur initial, même si les différents MDEs ont des comportements très différents.Je considère deux exemples d'application du WML à des données réelles, où la nécessité d'un estimateur robuste est manifeste : l'estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance est fortement corrompu par la présence de quelques outliers.La méthode proposée est particulièrement naturelle dans le cadre des distributions discrètes, mais pourrait être étendue au cas continu.
BACKGROUND: Extrahepatic Portal vein aneurysm (EPVA) is a rare finding that may be associated with different complications, e.g. thrombosis, rupture, portal hypertension and compression of adjacent structures. It is being diagnosed more frequently with the advent of modern cross-sectional imaging. Our review of the English literature disclosed 13 cases of thrombosed EPVA. CASE PRESENTATION: A 50-years-old woman presented with acute abdominal pain but no other symptom. She had no relevant medical history. Palpation of the right upper quadrant showed tenderness. Laboratory tests were unremarkable. A computed tomography showed portal vein aneurysm measuring 88 × 65 mm with thrombosis extending to the superior mesenteric and splenic vein. The patient was treated conservatively with anticoagulation therapy. She was released after two weeks and followed on an outpatient basis. At two months, she reported decreased abdominal pain and her physical examination was normal. A computed tomography was performed showing a decreased thrombosis size and extent, measuring 80 × 55 mm. CONCLUSIONS: Although rare, surgeons should be made aware of this entity. Complications are various. Conservative therapy should be chosen in first intent in most cases. We reported the case of the second largest thrombosed extra-hepatic PVA described in the literature, treated by anticoagulation therapy with a good clinical and radiological response.