154 resultados para Redox remodelling


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Secretory component (SC) represents the soluble ectodomain of the polymeric Ig receptor, a membrane protein that transports mucosal Abs across epithelial cells. In the protease-rich environment of the intestine, SC is thought to stabilize the associated IgA by unestablished molecular mechanisms. To address this question, we reconstituted SC-IgA complexes in vitro by incubating dimeric IgA (IgAd) with either recombinant human SC (rSC) or SC isolated from human colostral milk (SCm). Both complexes exhibited an identical degree of covalency when exposed to redox agents, peptidyl disulfide isomerase, and temperature changes. In cross-competition experiments, 50% inhibition of binding to IgAd was achieved at approximately 10 nM SC competitor. Western blot analysis of IgAd digested with intestinal washes indicated that the alpha-chain in IgAd was primarily split into a 40-kDa species, a phenomenon delayed in rSC- or SCm-IgAd complexes. In the same assay, either of the SCs was resistant to degradation only if complexed with IgAd. In contrast, the kappa light chain was not digested at all, suggesting that the F(ab')2 region was left intact. Accordingly, IgAd and SC-IgAd digestion products retained functionality as indicated by Ag reactivity in ELISA. Size exclusion chromatography under native conditions of digested IgAd and rSC-IgAd demonstrates that SC exerts its protective role in secretory IgA by delaying cleavage in the hinge/Fc region of the alpha-chain, not by holding together degraded fragments. The function of integral secretory IgA and F(ab')2 is discussed in terms of mucosal immune defenses.


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Abnormal development can lead to deficits in adult brain function, a trajectory likely underlying adolescent-onset psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia. Developmental manipulations yielding adult deficits in rodents provide an opportunity to explore mechanisms involved in a delayed emergence of anomalies driven by developmental alterations. Here we assessed whether oxidative stress during presymptomatic stages causes adult anomalies in rats with a neonatal ventral hippocampal lesion, a developmental rodent model useful for schizophrenia research. Juvenile and adolescent treatment with the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine prevented the reduction of prefrontal parvalbumin interneuron activity observed in this model, as well as electrophysiological and behavioral deficits relevant to schizophrenia. Adolescent treatment with the glutathione peroxidase mimic ebselen also reversed behavioral deficits in this animal model. These findings suggest that presymptomatic oxidative stress yields abnormal adult brain function in a developmentally compromised brain, and highlight redox modulation as a potential target for early intervention.


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Erythrocyte concentrates (ECs) are the major labile blood product being transfused worldwide, aiming at curing anemia of diverse origins. In Switzerland, ECs are stored at 4 °C up to 42 days in saline-adenine-glucose-mannitol (SAGM). Such storage induces cellular lesions, altering red blood cells (RBCs) metabolism, protein content and rheological properties. A hot debate exists regarding the impact of the storage lesions, thus the age of ECs on transfusion-related clinical adverse outcomes. Several studies tend to show that poorer outcomes occur in patients receiving older blood products. However, no clear association was demonstrated up to date. While metabolism and early rheological changes are reversible through transfusion of the blood units, oxidized proteins cannot be repaired, and it is likely such irreversible damages would affect the quality of the blood product and the efficiency of the transfusion. In vivo, RBCs are constantly exposed to oxygen fluxes, and are thus well equipped to deal with oxidative challenges. Moreover, functional 20S proteasome complexes allow for recognition and proteolysis of fairly oxidized protein, and some proteins can be eliminated from RBCs by the release of microvesicles. The present PhD thesis is involved in a global research project which goal is to characterize the effect of processing and storage on the quality of ECs. Assessing protein oxidative damages during RBC storage is of major importance to understand the mechanisms of aging of stored RBCs. To this purpose, redox proteomic-based investigations were conducted here. In a first part, cysteine oxidation and protein carbonylation were addressed via 2D-DIGE and derivatization-driven immunodetection approaches, respectively. Then, the oxidized sub- proteomes were characterized through LC-MS/MS identification of proteins in spots of interest (cysteine oxidation) or affinity-purified carbonylated proteins. Gene ontology annotation allowed classifying targets of oxidation according to their molecular functions. In a third part, the P20S activity was evaluated throughout the storage period of ECs, and its susceptibility to highly oxidized environment was investigated. The potential defensive role of microvesiculation was also addressed through the quantification of eliminated carbonylated proteins. We highlighted distinct protein groups differentially affected by cysteine oxidation, either reversibly or irreversibly. In addition, soluble extracts showed a decrease in carbonylation at the beginning of the storage and membrane extracts revealed increasing carbonylation after 4 weeks of storage. Engaged molecular functions revealed that antioxidant (AO) are rather reversibly oxidized at their cysteine residue(s), but are irreversibly oxidized through carbonylation. In the meantime, the 20S proteasome activity is decreased by around 40 % at the end of the storage period. Incubation of fresh RBCs extracts with exogenous oxidized proteins showed a dose-dependent and protein-dependent inhibitory effect. Finally, we proved that the release of microvesicles allows the elimination of increasing quantities of carbonylated proteins. Taken together, these results revealed an oxidative pathway model of RBCs storage, on which further investigation towards improved storage conditions will be based. -- Les concentrés érythrocytaires (CE) sont le produit sanguin le plus délivré au monde, permettant de traiter différentes formes d'anémies. En Suisse, les CE sont stocké à 4 °C pendant 42 jours dans une solution saline d'adénine, glucose et mannitol (SAGM). Une telle conservation induit des lésions de stockage qui altèrent le métabolisme, les protéines et les propriétés rhéologique du globule rouge (GR). Un débat important concerne l'impact du temps de stockage des CE sur les risques de réaction transfusionnelles, certaines études tentant de démontrer que des transfusions de sang vieux réduiraient l'espérance de vie des patients. Cependant, aucune association concrète n'a été prouvée à ce jour. Alors que les modifications du métabolisme et changement précoces des propriétés rhéologiques sont réversibles suite à la transfusion du CE, les protéines oxydées ne peuvent être réparées, et il est probable que de telles lésions affectent la qualité et l'efficacité des produits sanguins. In vivo, les GR sont constamment exposés à l'oxygène, et sont donc bien équipés pour résister aux lésions oxydatives. De plus, les complexes fonctionnels de proteasome 20S reconnaissent et dégradent les protéines modérément oxydées, et certaines protéines peuvent être éliminées par les microparticules. Cette thèse de doctorat est imbriquée dans un projet de recherche global ayant pour objectif la caractérisation des effets de la préparation et du stockage sur la qualité des GR. Evaluer les dommages oxydatifs du GR pendant le stockage est primordial pour comprendre les mécanismes de vieillissement des produits sanguin. Dans ce but, des recherches orientées redoxomique ont été conduites. Dans une première partie, l'oxydation des cystéines et la carbonylation des protéines sont évaluées par électrophorèse bidimensionnelle différentielle et par immunodétection de protéines dérivatisées. Ensuite, les protéines d'intérêt ainsi que les protéines carbonylées, purifiées par affinité, sont identifiées par spectrométrie de masse en tandem. Les protéines cibles de l'oxydation sont classées selon leur fonction moléculaire. Dans une troisième partie, l'activité protéolytique du protéasome 20S est suivie durant la période de stockage. L'impact du stress oxydant sur cette activité a été évalué en utilisant des protéines exogènes oxydées in vitro. Le potentiel rôle défensif de la microvesiculation a également été étudié par la quantification des protéines carbonylées éliminées. Dans ce travail, nous avons observé que différents groupes de protéines sont affectés par l'oxydation réversible ou irréversible de leurs cystéines. De plus, une diminution de la carbonylation en début de stockage dans les extraits solubles et une augmentation de la carbonylation après 4 semaines dans les extraits membranaires ont été montrées. Les fonctions moléculaires engagées par les protéines altérées montrent que les défenses antioxydantes sont oxydées de façon réversible sur leurs résidus cystéines, mais sont également irréversiblement carbonylées. Pendant ce temps, l'activité protéolytique du protéasome 20S décroit de 40 % en fin de stockage. L'incubation d'extraits de GR en début de stockage avec des protéines oxydées exogènes montre un effet inhibiteur « dose-dépendant » et « protéine-dépendant ». Enfin, les microvésicules s'avèrent éliminer des quantités croissantes de protéines carbonylées. La synthèse de ces résultats permet de modéliser une voie oxydative du stockage des GRs, à partir de laquelle de futures recherches seront menées avec pour but l'amélioration des conditions de stockage.


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Abstract:During my doctoral research, I focused on deciphering the interactions between sea-level and climate change during the Late Barremian-Early Aptian, their expression in the Tethys basin and in the Helvetic carbonate platform. The research highlights are summarized here in three points: In the Helvetic Alps, the transition between the Lower Schrattenkalk (Upper Barremian) and the Rawil Member (Lowermost Aptian) is characterized by a change from a predominantly photozoan to a heterozoan carbonate-producing system, which coincides in time with a general increase in detrital and nutrient input. The clay mineral record shows the appearance of kaolinite within the Rawil Member, whereas this mineral is absent from the uppermost Lower and lowermost Upper Schrattenkalk Members. This indicates the installation of a warmer and more humid climate during this time period. A negative peak in 513C is recorded at the top of the Lower Schrattenkalk Member, and correlates with the well-known negative excursion of -l%o occurring in other basins and dated as latest Barremian, thus confirming a latest Barremian and earliest Aptian age for the Lower Schrattenkalk and Rawil Members, respectively. Furthermore, a sequence stratigraphie framework has been defined for the Rawil Member, based on both the ecology of faunal and floral assemblages, and their palaeoenvironmental interpretation, as well as on the stacking pattern of limestone beds observed during field prospection. The presence of a sequence boundary is postulated near the top of the Lower Schrattenkalk Member, which is correlated with the earliest Aptian SbAl defined in Vercors (France). The SbAl is characterized by a maximum of proximal assemblages and by the disappearance of several benthic foraminiferal species. Within the Rawil Member itself, the stacking pattern and microfacies trends are interpreted to represent the TST of the first Aptian sequence. With regards to the pelagic setting in the Tethyan realm, I investigated the Gorgo a Cerbara section (central Italy). There, thin organic-rich layers occur episodically in pelagic carbonates of the upper Barremian portion of the Maiolica Formation. They are associated with high Corg:Ptot ratios, which indicate the presence of intermittent dysoxic to anoxic conditions. Coarse correlations are also observed between TOC, Ρ and biogenic silica contents, indicating links between Ρ availability, productivity, and organic matter preservation. The corresponding 813Ccarb and δ180 records remain, however, quite stable, indicating that these brief periods of enhanced TOC preservation did not have sufficient impact on the marine carbon household to deviate 6,3C records, and are probably not the consequence of major climate change. On the other hand, organic-rich layers become more frequent around the Barremian-Aptian boundary in both pelagic and hemi-pelagic environments (Gorgo a Cerbara and La Bédoule, France), which are correlated with negative excursions in 6l3Ccarb and 613Corg records. During the earliest Aptian, at Gorgo a Cerbara, the frequency of organic-rich intervals progressively increases and redox-sensitive trace-element enrichments become more frequent, until the highest TOC-enriched level just below the "Livello Selli", indicator of Oceanic Anoxic Event la (OAEla). The latter is associated with the well-known negative spike in 613Ccarb and S,3Corg records, a diminution in the δ,80 record interpreted as the consequence of a wanning interval, an important peak in Ρ accumulation and high Cor::Ptot ratios indicating the prevalence of anoxic conditions. The Selli Level (OAEla) documents a general cooling phase and coincides with maximum RSTE enrichments as well as high Corg:Ptot ratios, which confirm the importance of anoxic conditions during OAE1 a at this site.During the Early Aptian, environmental change on the platform is expressed by orbitolinids proliferation that may be induced by both climate change and sea-level rise. In the basin, the successive black shales horizons from the Late Barremian until the OAE la are interpreted as the progressive impact of palaeoenvironmental change probably linked to the formation of the Ontong- Java plate-basalt plateau.RésuméCe travail de thèse a permis d'investiguer les interactions entre les variations du niveau marin et les changements climatiques sur la plate-forme helvétique ainsi qu'en domaine pélagique à la limite Barrémien-Aptien (Crétacé).Dans les Alpes helvétiques, la limite Barrémien-Aptien est marquée par la transition du Schrattenkalk inférieur, caractérisé par des carbonates photozaires, au Membre de Rawil caractérisé par des carbonates héterozoaires. Cette transition est marquée par une arrivée massive d'éléments détritiques et un apport de nutriments ayant entraîné la prolifération de foraminifères agglutinés tels que les orbitolines. L'analyse des minéraux argileux indique l'apparition de la kaolinite durant le Membre de Rawil, interprétée comme l'installation d'un climat plus chaud et humide. Un pic négatif en 513C est enregistré au sommet du Schrattenkalk inférieur correspond à l'excursion négative de -1%0 bien connue en domaine pélagique et datée comme Barrémien terminal. Cette corrélation apporte un contrôle chronostratigraphique supplémentaire permettant de dater le Schrattenkalk inférieur du Barrémien sup. et le Membre de Rawil de l'Aptien inf. D'autre part, une étude stratigraphique, basée sur des observations de terrain et sur l'interprétation d'assemblages floristiques et faunistiques en terme de paléoenvironnement a permis de mettre en évidence une limite de séquence au sommet du Schrattenkalk inf., corrélable avec la SbAl définie dans le Vercors. Durant la mise en place du Membre de Rawil, l'évolution des microfaciès est interprétée comme le « Transgressive System Tract » de la première séquence aptienne.En domaine pélagique, de minces couches riches en matière organique (MO) apparaissent dès le Barrémien sup. dans la coupe de Gorgo a Cerbara (Italie). Elles sont associées à un ratio C:P élevé indiquant des conditions épisodiquement dysoxiques à anoxiques. De plus, une corrélation nette entre Carbone Organique Total (TOC), phosphore (P) et silice biogénique est observée correspondant à un lien entre Ρ disponible, productivité et préservation de la MO. Pourtant, dans le même temps, le ÔI3C et le δ1βΟ restent constants indiquant des conditions environnementales stables et un cycle du carbone non perturbé par la préservation de MO qui ne serait pas la conséquence d'un changement climatique global mais juste d'un effet local.Ala limite Barrémien-Aptien, en domaine hémi-pélagique (La Bédoule, France) et pélagique (Gorgo a Cerbara), les couches riches en MO sont plus fréquentes et plus épaisses, elles se sont déposées en même temps qu'un pic négatif en 513CCARB et ô13Coib probablement dû à un épisode volcanique. A l'Aptien inf. le TOC des niveaux riches en MO augmente progressivement en même temps que la teneur en éléments traces jusqu'au dernier enrichissement avant l'événement anoxique océanique la (OAE la) correspondant au « niveau critique inf. », indiquant des conditions anoxiques moins restreintes. Celui-ci est également caractérisé par le fameux pic négatif en Ô13C (C3), une diminution du δ180 interprétée comme un réchauffement, par un pic en Ρ et un ratio C:P élevé. L'OAE 1 a, quant à lui, enregistre un refroidissement et coïncide avec le maximum en éléments traces ainsi qu'un fort ratio C:P mettant en valeur l'importance des conditions anoxiques pendant 1ΌΑΕ la dans cette coupe alors qu'aucune perturbation n'est enregistrés à La Bédoule probablement à cause de conditions paléogéographiques locales.Durant l'Aptien inf., les changements environnementaux sur la plate-forme se marquent par la prolifération d'orbitolines due à un changement climatique et une hausse du niveau marin. En domaine profond, la succession de niveaux riches en MO du Barrémien sup. jusqu'à l'OAE la documente l'impact progressif de changements paléoenvironnementaux, probablement liés à la formation du plateau d'Ontong Java à l'ouest de l'océan Pacifique.


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In neurodegenerative diseases, one can observe deposits of degradation products that represent hallmark structures. Actually, the underlying mechanisms are not well understood, but some hypotheses claim that the ubiquitin-proteasome system is perturbed in neurodegenerative diseases. Some of the influencing factors are aging, oxidation and the formation of free radicals, as well as genetic mutations which affect the function of proteins and result in an accumulation and formation of aggresomes. The amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, in which a malfunction of the sodium dismutase perturbs the redox system, is characterized by the accumulation of elements of the cytoskeleton in motor neurons and a progressive neuronal death. We suppose that in these diseases the ubiquitin- proteasome system is deregulated and try to demonstrate this hypothesis by comparing the ubiquitination of different neurofilaments in brain and spinal cord of transgenic and control mice. These NFH-LacZ mice with a truncated NF-H protein and a ß-galactosidase marker protein induce an accumulation of NF-proteins and neurofilaments are no longer transported into axons or dendrites. The accumulation of such aggregates resembles the phenotype of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Beside the ubiquitination the neurofilament expression and phosphorylation state was investigated. The results cannot demonstrate a perturbation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system of neurofilaments in transgenic mice. In contrast, in accordance with the mechanism of the NFH-LacZ mice a decrease of high and medium density neurofilaments and a hypophosphorylation were found. In conclusion, to elicit the pathological mechanism of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and to develop focused treatments, we have to review the pathological mechanism of the transgenic mice and repeat the experiments with other animal models or with human material. Other possibilities would be to focus on other degradation mechanisms, such as the endosome/lysosome system, and to define their role in the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis more clearly.


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Dans certaines conditions pathologiques, telles que l'hypertension artérielle ou l'infarctus du myocarde, le coeur répond à une augmentation de la post-charge par des processus de remodelage aboutissant à une hypertrophie du ventricule gauche. L'hypertrophie cardiaque est caractérisée par une croissance hypertrophique des cardiomyocytes, ainsi que par une différenciation des fibroblastes en un phenotype présentant une capacité accrue de synthèse protéiques, nommés myofibroblastes. Ceci résulte en une accumulation excessive des constituants de la matrice extracellulaire, ou autrement dit fibrose. En raison de son effet délétère sur la contractilité du coeur, menant sur le long terme à une insuffisance cardiaque, de nombreux efforts ont été déployés, afin de définir les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la réponse profibrotique. A ce jour, de nombreuses études indiquent que la petite GTPase RhoA pourrait être un médiateur important de la réponse profibrotique du myocarde. Cependant, les facteurs d'échanges impliqués dans la transduction de signaux profibrotiques, via la régulation de son activité au niveau des fibroblastes cardiaques, n'ont pas encore été identifiés. De précédentes études menées dans le laboratoire, ont identifiées une nouvelle protein d'ancrage de la PKA, exprimée majoritairement dans le coeur, nommée AKAP-Lbc. Il a été montré que cette protéine, en plus de sa fonction de protein d'ancrage, possédait une activité de facteur d'échange de nucléotide guanine (GEF) pour la petite GTPase RhoA. Au niveau des cardiomyocytes, il a été montré que l'AKAP-Lbc participe à une voie de signalisation pro-hypertrophique, incluant la sous-unité alpha de la protéine G hétérotrimerique G12 et RhoA. Chose intéressante, des observations antérieures à cette étude, indiquent que dans le coeur, l'AKAP-Lbc est également exprimée dans les fibroblastes. Cependant aucunes études n'a encore reporté de fonction pour ce facteur d'échange dans les fibroblastes cardiaques. Dans ce travail, les résultats obtenus indiquent que dans les fibroblastes cardiaques, I'activation de RhoA par l'AKAP-Lbc est impliquée dans la transmission de signaux profibrotiques, en aval des récépteurs à l'angiotensine II. En particulier, nous avons observé que la suppression de l'expression de l'AKAP-Lbc dans les fibroblastes ventriculaires de rat adultes, réduisait fortement Γ activation de Rho induite par l'angiotensine II, la déposition de collagène, la capacité migratoire des fibroblastes ainsi que leur différenciation en myofibroblastes. A notre connaissance, l'AKAP-Lbc est le premier RhoGEF identifié comme médiateur de la réponse profibrotique dans les fibroblastes cardiaques. - In pathological conditions such as chronic hypertension or myocardial infarction, the myocardium is subjected to various biomechanical and biochemical stresses, and undergoes an adverse ventricular remodelling process associated with cardiomyocytes hypertrophy and excess deposition of extracellular matrix proteins resulting in fibrosis. During the fibrotic response, cardiac fibroblasts differentiate into a more mobile and contractile phenotype termed myofibroblasts. These cells, possess a greater synthetic ability to produce ECM proteins and have been implicated in diseases with increased ECM deposition including cardiac fibrosis. Because fibrosis impairs myocardial contractility and is associated with the progression to heart failure, a major cause of lethality worldwide, many efforts have been made to define the molecular players involved in this process. During these last years, increasing evidence suggests a role for the small GTPase RhoA in mediating the fibrotic response in CFbs. However the identity of the exchange factors that modulate its activity and transduce fibrotic signals in CFbs is still unknown. Earlier work in our laboratory identified a novel PKA anchoring protein expressed in the heart termed AKAP-Lbc that has been shown to function as anchoring protein as well as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for the small GTPase RhoA. In response to several hypertrophic stimuli we have shown that RhoGEF activity of AKAP-Lbc mediated by Gan promotes the activation of a signaling pathway including RhoA, leading to cardiomyocytes hypertrophy. Within the heart, previous observations made in the laboratory indicated that AKAP-Lbc was also expressed in fibroblasts. However its role in cardiac fibroblasts remained to be determined. In the present study, we show that AKAP-Lbc is critical for activating RhoA and transducing profibrotic signals downstream of angiotensin II receptors in cardiac fibroblasts. In particular, our results indicate that suppression of AKAP-Lbc expression by infecting adult rat ventricular fibroblasts with lentiviruses encoding AKAP-Lbc specific short hairpin RNAs strongly reduces angiotensin II-induced RhoA activation, collagen deposition as well as cell migration and differentiation. These findings identify AKAP-Lbc as the first Rho-guanine nucleotide exchange factor involved in a profibrotic signalling pathway at the level of cardiac fibroblasts.


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OBJECTIVE: Intimal hyperplasia is a vascular remodelling process that occurs after a vascular injury. The mechanisms involved in intimal hyperplasia are proliferation, dedifferentiation, and migration of medial smooth muscle cells towards the subintimal space. We postulated that gap junctions, which coordinate physiologic processes such as cell growth and differentiation, might participate in the development of intimal hyperplasia. Connexin43 (Cx43) expression levels may be altered in intimal hyperplasia, and we therefore evaluated the regulated expression of Cx43 in human saphenous veins in culture in the presence or not of fluvastatin, an inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase activity. METHODS: Segments of harvested human saphenous veins, obtained at the time of bypass graft, were opened longitudinally with the luminal surface uppermost and maintained in culture for 14 days. Vein fragments were then processed for histologic examination, neointimal thickness measurements, immunocytochemistry, RNA, and proteins analysis. RESULTS: Of the four connexins (Cx37, 40, 43, and 45), we focused on Cx43 and Cx40, which we found by real-time polymerase chain reaction to be expressed in the saphenous vein because they are the predominant connexins expressed by smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells. After 14 days of culture, histomorphometric analysis showed a significant increase in the intimal thickness as observed during the process of intimal hyperplasia. A time-course analysis revealed a progressive upregulation of Cx43 to reach a maximal increase of sixfold to eightfold at both transcript and protein levels after 14 days in culture. In contrast, the expression of Cx40, abundantly expressed in the endothelial cells, was not altered. Immunofluorescence showed a large increase in Cx43 within smooth muscle cell membranes of the media layer. The development of intimal hyperplasia in vitro was decreased in presence of fluvastatin and was associated with reduced Cx43 expression. CONCLUSIONS: These data show that Cx43 is increased in vitro during the process of intimal hyperplasia and that fluvastatin could prevent this induction, supporting a critical role for Cx43-mediated gap-junctional communication in the human vein during the development of intimal hyperplasia. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Stenosis due to intimal hyperplasia is the most common cause of failure of venous bypass grafts. To better understand the development of intimal hyperplasia, we used an ex vivo organ culture model to study saphenous veins harvested from patients undergoing a lower limb bypass surgery. In this model, the morphologic and functional integrity of the vessel wall is maintained and significant intimal hyperplasia development occurs after 14 days in culture. We have postulated that gap junctions, which coordinate physiologic processes such as cell growth and differentiation, may participate in the development of intimal hyperplasia. Indeed, intimal hyperplasia consists of proliferation and migration of smooth muscle cells into the subendothelial space. Intercellular communication is responsible for the direct transfer of ions and small molecules from one cell to the other through gap-junction channels found at cell-cell appositions. No study to date has evaluated whether gap junctional communication is involved in the process of intimal hyperplasia in humans. This assertion was investigated by using the aforementioned organ culture model of intimal hyperplasia in human saphenous veins, and our data support a critical role for Cx43-mediated gap junctional communication in human vein during the development of intimal hyperplasia.


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In forensic science, there is a strong interest in determining the post-mortem interval (PMI) of human skeletal remains up to 50 years after death. Currently, there are no reliable methods to resolve PMI, the determination of which relies almost exclusively on the experience of the investigating expert. Here we measured (90)Sr and (210)Pb ((210)Po) incorporated into bones through a biogenic process as indicators of the time elapsed since death. We hypothesised that the activity of radionuclides incorporated into trabecular bone will more accurately match the activity in the environment and the food chain at the time of death than the activity in cortical bone because of a higher remodelling rate. We found that determining (90)Sr can yield reliable PMI estimates as long as a calibration curve exists for (90)Sr covering the studied area and the last 50 years. We also found that adding the activity of (210)Po, a proxy for naturally occurring (210)Pb incorporated through ingestion, to the (90)Sr dating increases the reliability of the PMI value. Our results also show that trabecular bone is subject to both (90)Sr and (210)Po diagenesis. Accordingly, we used a solubility profile method to determine the biogenic radionuclide only, and we are proposing a new method of bone decontamination to be used prior to (90)Sr and (210)Pb dating.


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Early studies showed that the administration of the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL10) protects against permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in mice. In this study, transgenic mice expressing murine IL10 (IL10T) directed by the major histocompatibility complex Ea promoter were produced and used to explore the effect of chronically increased IL10 levels on MCAO-related molecular mechanisms. IL10 was over-expressed in astrocytes, microglia, and endothelial brain cells in IL10T compared with wild type mice. Four days following MCAO, IL10T mice showed a 40% reduction in infarct size which was associated to significantly reduced levels of active caspase 3 compared with wild type mice. Under basal conditions, anti-inflammatory factors such as nerve growth factor and GSH were up-regulated and the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL1beta was down-regulated in the brain of IL10T animals. In addition, these mice displayed increased basal GSH levels in microglial and endothelial cells as well as a marked increase in manganese superoxide dismutase in endothelial lining blood vessels. Following ischemia, IL10T mice showed a marked reduction in pro-inflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interferon-gamma, and IL1beta. Our data indicate that constitutive IL10 over-expression is associated with a striking resistance to cerebral ischemia that may be attributed to changes in the basal redox properties of glial/endothelial cells.


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Nodular fasciitis (NF) is a rapidly growing cellular mass composed of fibroblasts/myofibroblasts, usually localized in subcutaneous tissues, that typically undergoes fibrosis and almost never recurs. Desmoid tumours (DTs) are rare forms of fibroblastic/myofibroblastic growth that arise in deep soft tissues, display a propensity for local infiltration and recurrence, but fail to metastasize. Given that both entities are primarily fibroblastic/myofibroblastic lesions with overlapping histological features, their gene expression profiles were compared to identify differentially expressed genes that may provide not only potential diagnostic markers, but also clues as to the pathogenesis of each disorder. Differentially expressed transcripts (89 clones displaying increased expression in DTs and 246 clones displaying increased expression in NF) included genes encoding several receptor and non-receptor tyrosine kinases (EPHB3, PTPRF, GNAZ, SYK, LYN, EPHA4, BIRC3), transcription factors (TWIST1, PITX2, EYA2, OAS1, MITF, TCF20), and members of the Wnt signalling pathway (AXIN2, WISP1, SFRP). Remarkably, almost one-quarter of the differentially expressed genes encode proteins associated with inflammation and tissue remodelling, including members of the interferon (IFN), tumour necrosis factor (TNF), and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) signalling pathways as well as metalloproteinases (MMP1, 9, 13, 23), urokinase plasminogen activator (PLAU), and cathepsins. The observations provide the first comparative molecular characterization of desmoid tumours and nodular fasciitis and suggest that selected tyrosine kinases, transcription factors, and members of the Wnt, TGF-beta, IFN, and TNF signalling pathways may be implicated in influencing and distinguishing their fate.


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We present new geochemical and sedimentological data from marginal marine strata of Penarth Bay, south Wales (UK) to elucidate the origin of widespread but enigmatic concentrations of vertebrate hard parts (bonebeds) in marine successions of Rhaetian age (late Triassic). Sedimentological evidence shows that the phosphatic constituents of the bonebeds were subjected to intense phosphatization in shallow current-dominated settings and subsequently reworked and transported basinward by storms. Interbedded organic-rich strata deposited under quiescent and poorly oxygenated conditions record enhanced phosphorus regeneration from sedimentary organic matter into the water column and probably provided the main source of phosphate required for heavy bonebed clast phosphatization. The stratigraphically limited interval showing evidence for oxygen depletion and accelerated P-cycling coincides with a negative 4% organic carbon isotope excursion, which possibly reflects supra-regional changes in carbon cycling and clearly predates the 'initial isotope excursion' characterizing many Triassic-Jurassic boundary strata. our data indicate that Rhaetian bonebeds are the lithological signature of profound, climatically driven changes in carbon cycling and redox conditions and support the idea of a multi-pulsed environmental crisis at the end of the Triassic, possibly linked to successive episodes of igneous activity in the central Atlantic Magmatic Province.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate, during the first postoperative year in obese pre-menopausal women, the effects of laparoscopic gastric banding on calcium and vitamin D metabolism, the potential modifications of bone mineral content and bone mineral density, and the risk of development of secondary hyperparathyroidism. SUBJECTS: Thirty-one obese pre-menopausal women aged between 25 and 52 y with a mean body mass index (BMI) of 43.6 kg/m(2), scheduled for gastric banding were included. Patients with renal, hepatic, metabolic and bone disease were excluded. METHODS: Body composition and bone mineral density (BMD) were measured at baseline, 6 and 12 months after gastric banding using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Serum calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyltransferase, bilirubin, urea, creatinine, uric acid, proteins, parathormone, vitamin D(3), IGF-1, IGF-BP3 and telopeptide, as well as urinary telopeptide, were measured at baseline and 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after surgery. RESULTS: After 1 y vitamin D3 remained stable and PTH decreased by 12%, but the difference was not significant. Serum telopeptide C increased significantly by 100% (P<0.001). There was an initial drop of the IGF-BP3 during the first 6 months (P<0.05), but the reduction was no longer significant after 1 y. The BMD of cortical bone (femoral neck) decreased significantly and showed a trend of a positive correlation with the increase of telopeptides (P<0.06). The BMD of trabecular bone, at the lumbar spine, increased proportionally to the reduction of hip circumference and of body fat. CONCLUSION: There is no evidence of secondary hyperparathyroidism 1 y after gastric banding. Nevertheless biochemical bone markers show a negative remodelling balance, characterized by an increase of bone resorption. The serum telopeptide seems to be a reliable parameter, not affected by weight loss, to follow up bone turnover after gastroplasty.


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Glutathione (GSH) dysregulation at the gene, protein, and functional levels has been observed in schizophrenia patients. Together with disease-like anomalies in GSH deficit experimental models, it suggests that such redox dysregulation can play a critical role in altering neural connectivity and synchronization, and thus possibly causing schizophrenia symptoms. To determine whether increased GSH levels would modulate EEG synchronization, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), a glutathione precursor, was administered to patients in a randomized, double-blind, crossover protocol for 60 days, followed by placebo for another 60 days (or vice versa). We analyzed whole-head topography of the multivariate phase synchronization (MPS) for 128-channel resting-state EEGs that were recorded at the onset, at the point of crossover, and at the end of the protocol. In this proof of concept study, the treatment with NAC significantly increased MPS compared to placebo over the left parieto-temporal, the right temporal, and the bilateral prefrontal regions. These changes were robust both at the group and at the individual level. Although MPS increase was observed in the absence of clinical improvement at a group level, it correlated with individual change estimated by Liddle's disorganization scale. Therefore, significant changes in EEG synchronization induced by NAC administration may precede clinically detectable improvement, highlighting its possible utility as a biomarker of treatment efficacy. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01506765.


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Mitochondrial dysfunction is one of the possible mechanisms by which azole resistance can occur in Candida glabrata. Cells with mitochondrial DNA deficiency (so-called "petite mutants") upregulate ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter genes and thus display increased resistance to azoles. Isolation of such C. glabrata mutants from patients receiving antifungal therapy or prophylaxis has been rarely reported. In this study, we characterized two sequential and related C. glabrata isolates recovered from the same patient undergoing azole therapy. The first isolate (BPY40) was azole susceptible (fluconazole MIC, 4 μg/ml), and the second (BPY41) was azole resistant (fluconazole MIC, >256 μg/ml). BPY41 exhibited mitochondrial dysfunction and upregulation of the ABC transporter genes C. glabrata CDR1 (CgCDR1), CgCDR2, and CgSNQ2. We next assessed whether mitochondrial dysfunction conferred a selective advantage during host infection by testing the virulence of BPY40 and BPY41 in mice. Surprisingly, even with in vitro growth deficiency compared to BPY40, BPY41 was more virulent (as judged by mortality and fungal tissue burden) than BPY40 in both systemic and vaginal murine infection models. The increased virulence of the petite mutant correlated with a drastic gain of fitness in mice compared to that of its parental isolate. To understand this unexpected feature, genome-wide changes in gene expression driven by the petite mutation were analyzed by use of microarrays during in vitro growth. Enrichment of specific biological processes (oxido-reductive metabolism and the stress response) was observed in BPY41, all of which was consistent with mitochondrial dysfunction. Finally, some genes involved in cell wall remodelling were upregulated in BPY41 compared to BPY40, which may partially explain the enhanced virulence of BPY41. In conclusion, this study shows for the first time that mitochondrial dysfunction selected in vivo under azole therapy, even if strongly affecting in vitro growth characteristics, can confer a selective advantage under host conditions, allowing the C. glabrata mutant to be more virulent than wild-type isolates.


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Background: We previously reported in schizophrenia patients a decreased level of glutathione ([GSH]), the principal non-protein antioxidant and redox regulator, both in cerebrospinal-fluid and prefrontal cortex. To identify possible genetic causation, we studied genes involved in GSH metabolism. Methods: Genotyping: mass spectrometry analysis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified DNA fragments purified from peripheral blood. Gene expression: real-time PCR of total RNA isolated from fibroblast cultures derived from skin of patients (DSM-IV) and healthy controls (DIGS). Results: Case-control association study of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) from the GSH key synthesizing enzyme glutamate-cysteine-ligase (GCL) modifier subunit (GCLM) was performed in two populations: Swiss (patients/controls: 40/31) and Danish (349/348). We found a strong association of SNP rs2301022 in GCLM gene (Danish: c2=3.2; P=0.001 after correction for multiple testing). Evidence for GCLM as a risk factor was confirmed in linkage study of NIMH families. Moreover, we observed a decrease in GCLM mRNA levels in patient fibroblasts, consistently with the association study. Interestingly, Dalton and collaborators reported in GCLM knock-out mice an increased feedback inhibition of GCL activity, resulting in 60% decrease of brain [GSH], a situation analogous to patients. These mice also exhibited an increased sensitivity to oxidative stress. Similarly, under oxidative stress conditions, GCL enzymatic activity was also decreased in patient fibroblasts. Conclusions: These results at the genetic and functional levels, combined with observations that GSH deficient models reveal morphological, electrophysiological, and behavioral anomalies analogous to those observed in patients, suggest that GCLM allelic variant is a vulnerability factor for schizophrenia.