178 resultados para Pet-Vet


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Energy metabolism measurements in spinal cord tumors, as well as in osseous spinal tumors/metastasis in vivo, are rarely performed only with molecular imaging (MI) by positron emission tomography (PET). This imaging modality developed from a small number of basic clinical science investigations followed by subsequent work that influenced and enhanced the research of others. Apart from precise anatomical localization by coregistration of morphological imaging and quantification, the most intriguing advantage of this imaging is the opportunity to investigate the time course (dynamics) of disease-specific molecular events in the intact organism. Most importantly, MI represents one of the key technologies in translational molecular neuroscience research, helping to develop experimental protocols that may later be applied to human patients. PET may help monitor a patient at the vertebral level after surgery and during adjuvant treatment for recurrent or progressive disease. Common clinical indications for MI of primary or secondary CNS spinal tumors are: (i) tumor diagnosis, (ii) identification of the metabolically active tumor compartments (differentiation of viable tumor tissue from necrosis) and (iii) prediction of treatment response by measurement of tumor perfusion or ischemia. While spinal PET has been used under specific circumstances, a question remains as to whether the magnitude of biochemical alterations observed by MI in CNS tumors in general (specifically spinal tumors) can reveal any prognostic value with respect to survival. MI may be able to better identify early disease and to differentiate benign from malignant lesions than more traditional methods. Moreover, an adequate identification of treatment effectiveness may influence patient management. MI probes could be developed to image the function of targets without disturbing them or as treatment to modify the target's function. MI therefore closes the gap between in vitro and in vivo integrative biology of disease. At the spinal level, MI may help to detect progression or recurrence of metastatic disease after surgical treatment. In cases of nonsurgical treatments such as chemo-, hormone- or radiotherapy, it may better assess biological efficiency than conventional imaging modalities coupled with blood tumor markers. In fact, PET provides a unique possibility to correlate topography and specific metabolic activity, but it requires additional clinical and experimental experience and research to find new indications for primary or secondary spinal tumors.


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PURPOSE: To assess the failure pattern observed after (18)F fluoroethyltyrosine (FET) planning after chemo- and radiotherapy (RT) for high-grade glioma. METHODS: All patients underwent prospectively RT planning using morphological gross tumour volumes (GTVs) and biological tumour volumes (BTVs). The post-treatment recurrence tumour volumes (RTVs) of 10 patients were transferred on their CT planning. First, failure patterns were defined in terms of percentage of RTV located outside the GTV and BTV. Second, the location of the RTV with respect to the delivered dose distribution was assessed using the RTV's DVHs. Recurrences with >95% of their volume within 95% isodose line were considered as central recurrences. Finally, the relationship between survival and GTV/BTV mismatches was assessed. RESULTS: The median percentages of RTV outside the GTV and BTV were 41.8% (range, 10.5-92.4) and 62.8% (range, 34.2-81.1), respectively. The majority of recurrences (90%) were centrally located. Using a composite target volume planning formalism, the degree of GTV and BTV mismatch did not correlate with survivorship. CONCLUSIONS: The observed failure pattern after FET-PET planning and chemo-RT is primarily central. The target mismatch-survival data suggest that using FET-PET planning may counteract the possibility of BTV-related progression, which may have a detrimental effect on survival.


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AIMS: To investigate the effect of surgical gastric bypass-induced weight loss and related alterations in endocannabinoids (ECs) and adipocytokine plasma levels on coronary circulatory dysfunction in morbidly obese (MOB) individuals. METHODS AND RESULTS: Myocardial blood flow (MBF) responses to cold pressor test (CPT) from rest (ΔMBF) and during pharmacologically induced hyperaemia were measured with &supl;³N-ammonia PET/CT in 18 MOB individuals with a body mass index (BMI) > 40 kg/m² at baseline and after a median follow-up period of 22 months. Gastric bypass intervention decreased BMI from a median of 44.8 (inter-quartile range: 43.3, 48.2) to 30.8 (27.3, 34.7) kg/m² (P < 0.0001). This decrease in BMI was accompanied by a marked improvement in endothelium-related ΔMBF to CPT and hyperaemic MBFs, respectively [0.34 (0.18, 0.41) from 0.03 (-0.08, 0.15) mL/g/min, P = 0.002; and 2.51 (2.17, 2.64) from 1.53 (1.39, 2.18) mL/g/min, P < 0.001]. There was an inverse correlation between decreases in plasma concentrations of the EC anandamide and improvement in ΔMBF to CPT (r = -0.59, P = 0.009), while increases in adiponectin plasma levels correlated positively with hyperaemic MBFs (r = 0.60, P = 0.050). Conversely, decreases in leptin plasma concentrations were not observed to correlate with the improvement in coronary circulatory function (r = 0.22, P = 0.400, and r = -0.31, P = 0.250). CONCLUSIONS: Gastric bypass-related reduction of BMI in MOB individuals beneficially affects coronary circulatory dysfunction. The dysbalance between ECs and adipocytokines appears to be an important determinant of coronary circulatory function in obesity.


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Neuroimaging techniques provide valuable tools for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease (AD), monitoring disease progression and evaluating responses to treatment. There is currently a wide array of techniques available including computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and, for recording electrical brain activity, electroencephalography (EEG). The choice of technique depends on the contrast between tissues of interest, spatial resolution, temporal resolution, requirements for functional data and the probable number of scans required. For example, while PET, CT and MRI can be used to differentiate between AD and other dementias, MRI is safer and provides better contrast of soft tissues. Neuroimaging is a technique spanning many disciplines and requires effective communication between doctors requesting a scan of a patient or group of patients and those with technical expertise. Consideration and discussion of the most suitable type of scan and the necessary settings to achieve the best results will help ensure appropriate techniques are chosen and used effectively. Neuroimaging techniques are currently expanding understanding of the structural and functional changes that occur in dementia. Further research may allow identification of early neurological signs ofAD, before clinical symptoms are evident, providing the opportunity to test preventative therapies. CombiningMRI and machine learning techniques may be a powerful approach to improve diagnosis ofAD and to predict clinical outcomes.


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Objectives: Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and spectroscopy (MRS) allow the establishment of the anatomical evolution and neurochemical profiles of ischemic lesions. The aim of the present study was to identify markers of reversible and irreversible damage by comparing the effects of 10-mins middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO), mimicking a transient ischemic attack, with the effects of 30-mins MCAO, inducing a striatal lesion. Methods: ICR-CD1 mice were subjected to 10-mins (n = 11) or 30-mins (n = 9) endoluminal MCAO by filament technique at 0 h. The regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) was monitored in all animals by laser- Doppler flowmetry with a flexible probe fixed on the skull with < 20% of baseline CBF during ischemia and > 70% during reperfusion. All MR studies were carried out in a horizontal 14.1T magnet. Fast spin echo images with T2-weighted parameters were acquired to localize the volume of interest and evaluate the lesion size. Immediately after adjustment of field inhomogeneities, localized 1H MRS was applied to obtain the neurochemical profile from the striatum (6 to 8 microliters). Six animals (sham group) underwent nearly identical procedures without MCAO. Results: The 10-mins MCAO induced no MR- or histologically detectable lesion in most of the mice and a small lesion in some of them. We thus had two groups with the same duration of ischemia but a different outcome, which could be compared to sham-operated mice and more severe ischemic mice (30-mins MCAO). Lactate increase, a hallmark of ischemic insult, was only detected significantly after 30-mins MCAO, whereas at 3 h post ischemia, glutamine was increased in all ischemic mice independently of duration and outcome. In contrast, glutamate, and even more so, N-acetyl-aspartate, decreased only in those mice exhibiting visible lesions on T2-weighted images at 24 h. Conclusions: These results suggest that an increased glutamine/glutamate ratio is a sensitive marker indicating the presence of an excitotoxic insult. Glutamate and NAA, on the other hand, appear to predict permanent neuronal damage. In conclusion, as early as 3 h post ischemia, it is possible to identify early metabolic markers manifesting the presence of a mild ischemic insult as well as the lesion outcome at 24 h.


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RESUME Objectif : Les lymphomes épiduraux primaires représentent moins de 10% des tumeurs épidurales et de 0,1 à 3,3% de tous les lymphomes. Le but de cette étude a été d'évaluer le profil clinique de cette maladie rare, son traitement, ses résultats ainsi que ses facteurs de pronostic. Matériel et méthode : Entre 1982 et 2002, 52 patients présentant un lymphome épidural primaire ont été traités dans neuf institutions membres du Rare Cancer Network. Les critères d'inclusion comprenaient : une biopsie confirmant le lymphome non-hodgkinien, un stade IE et IIE selon la classification de Ann Arbor, un traitement à visée curative de radiothérapie combinée ou non à une chimiothérapie et un suivi d'au moins six mois. Selon la Working Formulation, 12 patients (23%) présentaient un lymphome de bas grade, 28 (54%) un grade intermédiaire et 12 (23%) un haut grade. Les hommes étaient atteints 1.9 fois plus fréquemment que les femmes. L'âge moyen était de 61 ans (intervalle : 21 à 96). Le bilan incluait un Ct-scan spinal (98%), une IRM (52%), un CT-scan thoraco-abdominal (77%) et une aspiration ou biopsie de moelle osseuse (96%). Les symptômes les plus fréquents comprenaient des douleurs dorsales (79% des patients), une faiblesse musculaire (92%) et des déficits sensoriels (71 %). Quarante-huit patients ont subi une laminectomie de décompression avec résection partielle ou complète (42% et 13% des cas respectivement), tous ont reçu une radiothérapie seule (20 patients) ou en combinaison avec une chimiothérapie (32 patients). La dose médiane totale était de 36 Gy (intervalle 6-50 Gy) avec une moyenne de 20 Gy par fraction (intervalle : 1-25). Le suivi moyen était de 71 mois (intervalle : 22-165 mois). Résultats : Suite au traitement, une progression locale a été observée chez 6 patients après un temps de latence moyen de 6 mois. Le taux de rechute systémique a été de 42% (22 patients) le plus souvent dans les ganglions lymphatiques (n=9) après un intervalle de temps moyen de 20 mois. Lors du dernier contrôle, 28 patients étaient vivants et 24 patients étaient décédés. Le taux de survie à 5 ans, le taux de survie sans maladie et le contrôle local étaient de 69%, 57% et 88% respectivement. En analyse univariée, les facteurs pronostics favorables statistiquement significatifs concernant la survie sans maladie étaient un âge inférieur à 63 ans, ainsi qu'une réponse neurologique complète. Pour la survie à 5 ans, les facteurs favorables étaient un âge inférieur à 63 ans. En analyse multivariée, les facteurs pronostics favorables pour la survie globale à 5 ans étaient une réponse neurologique complète, un traitement combiné, un volume de radiothérapie plus que focal, une dose totale de radiothérapie supérieure à 36 Gy et une résection partielle ou complète de la tumeur. En ce qui concerne la survie sans maladie, les facteurs pronostics favorables étáient un âge inférieur à 63 ans et un traitement combiné. Conclusion : Ce qui ressort de cette analyse est que le bilan diagnostic devrait inclure une IRM ou un CT-scan, un échantillon de tissu pour poser le diagnostic pathologique définitif de la lésion, une histoire médicale et un examen physique complet, une chimie sanguine, un CTscan thoraco-abdominal et une biopsie de la moelle osseuse, un PET-scan devrait également faire partie du bilan. Le traitement devrait consister, dans la phase aiguë, en une chirurgie de décompression avec ou sans résection, suivie d'une radiothérapie d'au moins 36Gy en 2 Gy par fraction et d'une chimiothérapie. Tous les patients présentant un lymphome de haut grade ou de grade intermédiaire devraient pouvoir bénéficier d'un traitement combiné.


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In this thesis, I examine the diffusion process for a complex medical technology, the PET scanner, in two different health care systems, one of which is more market-oriented (Switzerland) and the other more centrally managed by a public agency (Quebec). The research draws on institutional and socio-political theories of the diffusion of innovations to examine how institutional contexts affect processes of diffusion. I find that diffusion proceeds more rapidly in Switzerland than in Quebec, but that processes in both jurisdictions are characterized by intense struggles among providers and between providers and public agencies. I show that the institutional environment influences these processes by determining the patterns of material resources and authority available to actors in their struggles to strategically control the technology, and by constituting the discursive resources or institutional logics on which actors may legitimately draw in their struggles to give meaning to the technology in line with their interests and values. This thesis illustrates how institutional structures and meanings manifest themselves in the context of specific decisions within an organizational field, and reveals the ways in which governance structures may be contested and realigned when they conflict with interests that are legitimized by dominant institutional logics. It is argued that this form of contestation and readjustment at the margins constitutes one mechanism by which institutional frameworks are tested, stretched and reproduced or redefined.


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Purpose: EEG is mandatory in the diagnosis of the epilepsy syndrome. However, its potential as imaging tool is still under estimated. In the present study, we aim to determine the prerequisites of maximal benefit of electric source imaging (ESI) to localize the irritative zone in patients with focal epilepsy. Methods: One hundred fifty patients suffering from focal epilepsy and with minimum 1 year postoperative follow-up were studied prospectively and blinded to the underlying diagnosis. We evaluated the influence of two important factors on sensitivity and specificity of ESI: the number of electrodes (low resolution, LR-ESI: <30 versus high resolution, HR-ESI: 128-256 electrodes), and the use of individual MRI (i-MRI) versus template MRI (t-MRI) as the head model. Findings: ESI had a sensitivity of 85% and a specificity of 87% when HR-ESI with i-MRI was used. Using LR-ESI, sensitivity decreased to 68%, or even 57% when only t-MRI was available. The sensitivity of HR-ESI/i-MRI compared favorably with those of MRI (76%), PET (69%) and ictal/interictal SPECT (64%). Interpretation: This study on a large patient group shows excellent sensitivity and specificity of ESI if 128 EEG channels or more are used for ESI and if the results are coregistered to the patient's individual MRI. Localization precision is as high as or even higher than established brain imagery techniques. HR-ESI appears to be a valuable additional imaging tool, given that larger electrode arrays are easily and rapidly applied with modern EEG equipment and that structural MRI is nearly always available for these patients.


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OBJECT: Cerebrovascular pressure reactivity is the ability of cerebral vessels to respond to changes in transmural pressure. A cerebrovascular pressure reactivity index (PRx) can be determined as the moving correlation coefficient between mean intracranial pressure (ICP) and mean arterial blood pressure. METHODS: The authors analyzed a database consisting of 398 patients with head injuries who underwent continuous monitoring of cerebrovascular pressure reactivity. In 298 patients, the PRx was compared with a transcranial Doppler ultrasonography assessment of cerebrovascular autoregulation (the mean index [Mx]), in 17 patients with the PET-assessed static rate of autoregulation, and in 22 patients with the cerebral metabolic rate for O(2). Patient outcome was assessed 6 months after injury. RESULTS: There was a positive and significant association between the PRx and Mx (R(2) = 0.36, p < 0.001) and with the static rate of autoregulation (R(2) = 0.31, p = 0.02). A PRx > 0.35 was associated with a high mortality rate (> 50%). The PRx showed significant deterioration in refractory intracranial hypertension, was correlated with outcome, and was able to differentiate patients with good outcome, moderate disability, severe disability, and death. The graph of PRx compared with cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) indicated a U-shaped curve, suggesting that too low and too high CPP was associated with a disturbance in pressure reactivity. Such an optimal CPP was confirmed in individual cases and a greater difference between current and optimal CPP was associated with worse outcome (for patients who, on average, were treated below optimal CPP [R(2) = 0.53, p < 0.001] and for patients whose mean CPP was above optimal CPP [R(2) = -0.40, p < 0.05]). Following decompressive craniectomy, pressure reactivity initially worsened (median -0.03 [interquartile range -0.13 to 0.06] to 0.14 [interquartile range 0.12-0.22]; p < 0.01) and improved in the later postoperative course. After therapeutic hypothermia, in 17 (70.8%) of 24 patients in whom rewarming exceeded the brain temperature threshold of 37 degrees C, ICP remained stable, but the average PRx increased to 0.32 (p < 0.0001), indicating significant derangement in cerebrovascular reactivity. CONCLUSIONS: The PRx is a secondary index derived from changes in ICP and arterial blood pressure and can be used as a surrogate marker of cerebrovascular impairment. In view of an autoregulation-guided CPP therapy, a continuous determination of a PRx is feasible, but its value has to be evaluated in a prospective controlled trial.


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BACKGROUND: Positron emission tomography (PET) during the cold pressor test (CPT) has been used to assess endothelium-dependent coronary vasoreactivity, a surrogate marker of cardiovascular events. However, its use remains limited by cardiac PET availability. As multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) is more widely available, we aimed to develop a measurement of endothelium-dependent coronary vasoreactivity with MDCT and similar radiation burden as with PET. METHODS AND RESULTS: A study group of 18 participants without known cardiovascular risk factor (9F/9M; age 60±6 years) underwent cardiac PET with (82)Rb and unenhanced ECG-gated MDCT within 4h, each time at rest and during CPT. The relation between absolute myocardial blood flow (MBF) response to CPT by PET (ml·min(-1)·g(1)) and relative changes in MDCT-measured coronary artery surface were assessed using linear regression analysis and Spearman's correlation. MDCT and PET/CT were analyzed in all participants. Hemodynamic conditions during CPT at MDCT and PET were similar (P>0.3). Relative changes in coronary artery surface because of CPT (2.0-21.2%) correlated to changes in MBF (-0.10-0.52ml·min(-1)·g(1)) (ρ=0.68, P=0.02). Effective dose was 1.3±0.2mSv for MDCT and 3.1mSv for PET/CT. CONCLUSIONS: Assessment of endothelium-dependent coronary vasoreactivity using MDCT CPT appears feasible. Because of its wider availability, shorter examination time and similar radiation burden, MDCT could be attractive in clinical research for coronary status assessment.


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Résumé : Le virus tumoral de la glande mammaire de la souris (MMTV) est un rétrovirus provoquant le développement de tumeurs dans les glandes mammaires des souris susceptibles femelles. Au cours de son évolution, le virus s'est adapté et s'exprime dans des cellules spécialisées. Les lymphocytes B sont les premières cellules infectées et elles sont essentielles pour la propagation de l'infection aux glandes mammaires. Dans notre étude, le virus MMTV a été utilisé afin d'examiner les voies de signalisation induites par les glucocorticoïdes (dexaméthasone (dex), une hormone stéroïdienne) et le transforming growth factor-f3 (TGF-P, une cytokine), deux molécules impliquées dans l'activation de la transcription à partir du promoteur du MMTV dans les cellules B. Le TGF-P seul n'influence pas l'activité du promoteur du MMTV. Par contre, en synergie avec dex, le TGF-P provoque une super-induction de l'expression du promoteur par rapport à une stimulation par le glucocorticoïde seul. Cette super-induction est régulée par une famille de protéines, les Smads. Ainsi, dans les lymphocytes B, l'utilisation du MMTV a permis de mettre en évidence une nouvelle synergie entre les glueocortieoïdes et le TGF-p. pans ce travail, l'utilisation d'inhibiteurs pharmacologiques et de mutants « dominant-négatifs » nous a pet mis de démontrer qu'une Protéine Kinase C delta (PKC5) active est impliquée dans la transduction du signal lors de la réponse au dex ainsi que celle au TGF-P. Néanmoins, la PKC5 est régulée différemment dans chaque voie spécifique : la voie du TGF-p nécessitait l'activation du PKC5 par diacylglycerol (DAG) et la phosphorylation de tyrosines spécifiques, alors que la voie impliquant les glucocorticoïdes ne le nécessitait pas. Nous avons aussi démontré qu'une tyrosine kinase de la famille Src est responsable de la phosphorylation des tyrosines sur la PKC5. Les essais de kinase in vitro nous ont permis de découvrir que plusieurs Src kinases peuvent phosphoryler la PKC6 dans les cellules B et qu'elles étaient constitutivement actives. Enfin, nous avons montré qu'il existe une interaction protéine - protéine induite par dex, entre le récepteur aux glucocorticoïdes (GR) et la PKC5 dans les cellules B, une association qui n'a pas été démontrée auparavant. Par ailleurs, nous avons analysé les domaines d'interactions entre PKC5 et GR en utilisant les essais de «GST pull-down». Nos résultats montrent que le domaine régulateur de la PKC5 et celui qui interagit avec l'ADN du GR sont impliqués. En résumé, nous avons trouvé que dans une lignée lymphocytaire B, le virus MMTV utilise des mécanismes pour réguler à la fois la transcription et la voie de signalisation qui sont différents de ceux utilisés dans les cellules mammaires épithéliales et les fibroblastes. Nos découvertes pourraient être utilisées comme modèles pour l'étude de gènes cellulaires impliqués dans des processus tels qu'inflammation, immunité ou cancérogénèse. Summary: Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus (MMTV) is a retrovirus that causes tumors in the mammary glands of susceptible female mice and has adapted evolutionarily to be expressed in specialized cells. The B lymphocytes are the first cells to be infected by the MMTV and are essential for the spread of infection to the mammary glands. Here, we used the MMTV as a model system to investigate the signalling cascade induced by giucocorticoids (dexamethasone, "dex", a steroid hormone), and by Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-P, a cytokine) leading to its transcriptional activation in B lymphocytes. By itself, TGF-I3 does not affect the basal activity of the MMTV promoter. However, TGF-13 significantly increases glucocorticoid-induced expression, through its effectors, the Smad factors. Thus, MMTV in B cells demonstrates a novel synergism between glucocorticoids and TGF-16. In this thesis project, we present evidence, based on the use of pharmacological inhibitors and of dominant-negative mutants, that an active Protein Kinase C delta (PKC6) is required as a signal transducer for the dex response and for the TGF-P superinduction as well. The PKC6 is differentially regulated in each specific pathway: whereas the TGF-13 superinduction required PKC6 to be activated by diacylglycerol (DAG) and to be phosphorylated at specific tyrosine residues, the glueocorticoid-induced pathway did not. We also showed that a protein tyrosine kinase of the Src family is responsible for the phosphorylation of tyrosines on PKC6. By performing in vitro kinase assays, we found that several Src kinases of B cells were able to phosphorylate PKC6 and that they were constitutively active. Finally, we demonstrate a dex-dependent functional protein-protein interaction between the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and PKC6 in B cells, an association that has not been previously described. We further analysed the interacting domains of PKG6 and GR using in vitro GST pull-down assays, whereby the regulatory domain of PKC6 and the extended DNA-binding domain of the GR were involved. In summary, we found that in B-lymphoid cell lines, MMTV uses novel mechanisms of transcriptional control and signal transduction that are different from those at work in mammary epithelial or fibroblastic cells. These findings will be used as model for cellular genes involved in cellular processes such as immune functions, inflammation, or oncogenic transformation that may have a similar pattern of regulation.


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Depuis la Décennie du cerveau, proclamée en 1990 aux Etats-Unis et en 1993 en Suisse, les neurosciences semblent avoir lié solidement la psychiatrie à la médecine somatique et aux sciences de la vie, notamment à travers la neuroimagerie fonctionnelle (TEP, IRMf, EEG). Ces différentes techniques permettent d'enregistrer l'activité cérébrale humaine in vivo au cours de certaines tâches cognitives et de la corréler à des diagnostics, des symptômes ou des traits psychologiques. Elles promettent le développement d'une recherche enfin interdisciplinaire et translationnelle, qui vise l'application de la recherche fondamentale neuroscientifique à la clinique psychiatrique afin de résoudre la question des causes neurobiologiques des maladies mentales. Ce travail propose une autre histoire des techniques de neuroimagerie en psychiatrie, sur plus d'un siècle, en se basant sur des entretiens, des observations in situ et des sources historiques peu connues appartenant entre autres au passé de la psychiatrie académique suisse. Cette thèse montre de quelle manière la neuroimagerie fonctionnelle contribue à la formation de versions cliniques et expérimentales d'un sujet cérébral à l'intersection de la psychopathologie, de la psychopharmacologie et de la neuropsychologie cognitive.¦-¦Since the Decade of the brain, which was proclaimed in the USA in 1990 and in Switzerland in 1993, psychiatry appeared to get closer to somatic medicine and neurosciences, mainly thanks to functional neuroimaging (PET, fMRI, EEG). These techniques record in vivo human brain activity during cognitive tasks and correlate patterns of activity with psychiatric disorders, symptoms or psychological dimensions. They promise the development of interdisciplinary and translational research in biomedicine, resulting in the application of fundamental research to clinical psychiatry. The aim is to solve the etiology of mental disorders. This dissertation proposes another story of these techniques as used in psychiatry, starting more than a century ago. Relying on interviews, in situ observations and unexploited historical sources belonging mainly to swiss academic psychiatry past, this study shows how functional neuroimaging has contributed to versions of clinical and experimental cerebral subject at the crossroads between psychopathology, psychopharmacology, and cognitive neuropsychology.


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Purpose: To compare MDCT, MRI and 18F-FDG PET/CT for the detection of peritoneal carcinomatosis due to ovarian cancerMethods and Materials: Fifteen women (mean age 65±) with clinical suspicion of ovarian cancer and peritoneal carcinomatosis underwent MDCT, MRI and 18F-FDG PET/CT, simultaneously and shortly performed before surgery (delay 8.1± days). According to the peritoneal cancer index nine abdominopelvic regions were defined. We applied four scores of lesion size on MDCT and MR images, while the maximal standard uptake value (SUVmax) was measured on 18F-FDG PET/CT. Three sites of lymphadenopathy and posterobasal pleural carcinomatosis were also analyzed. First, one radiologist blindly and separately read MDCT and MR images, while one nuclear physician blindly read PET/CT images grading each lesion according to four diagnostic certitudes. Secondly, all the images were reviewed jointly and compared with histopathology. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis was performed.Results: Peritoneal implants were proven in ten women (75%). Altogether, 228 abdominopelvic sites were compared. Sensitivity and specificity for MDCT was 90.2% and 90.6%, for MRI 93.5% and 86.3%, and for 18F-FDG PET/CT 92.7% and 95.7%, respectively. ROC area under the curve were 0.93 for MDCT and MRI, and 0.96 for 18F-FDG PET/CT respectively. No significant differences (p=0.11) were found between the three modalities.Conclusion: Although MRI revealed to be the most sensitive and 18F-FDG PET/CT the most specific modality, no significant differences were shown between the three techniques.


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Combining measurements of the monoamine metabolites in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and neuroimaging can increase efficiency of drug discovery for treatment of brain disorders. To address this question, we examined five drug-naïve patients suffering from schizophrenic disorder. Patients were assessed clinically, using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS): at baseline and then at weekly intervals. Plasma and CSF levels of quetiapine and norquetiapine as well CSF 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), homovanillic acid (HVA), 5-hydroxyindole-acetic acid (5-HIAA) and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) were obtained at baseline and again after at least a 4 week medication trail with 600 mg/day quetiapine. CSF monoamine metabolites levels were compared with dopamine D(2) receptor occupancy (DA-D(2)) using [(18)F]fallypride and positron emission tomography (PET). Quetiapine produced preferential occupancy of parietal cortex vs. putamenal DA-D(2), 41.4% (p<0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons). DA-D(2) receptor occupancies in the occipital and parietal cortex were correlated with CSF quetiapine and norquetiapine levels (p<0.01 and p<0.05, respectively). CSF monoamine metabolites were significantly increased after treatment and correlated with regional receptor occupancies in the putamen [DOPAC: (p<0.01) and HVA: (p<0.05)], caudate nucleus [HVA: (p<0.01)], thalamus [MHPG: (p<0.05)] and in the temporal cortex [HVA: (p<0.05) and 5-HIAA: (p<0.05)]. This suggests that CSF monoamine metabolites levels reflect the effects of quetiapine treatment on neurotransmitters in vivo and indicates that monitoring plasma and CSF quetiapine and norquetiapine levels may be of clinical relevance.


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Résumé : Objectif: Analyse d'un traitement de chimiothérapie à base de cisplatine de type néoadjuvant en comparaison à un traitement de radio-chimiothérapie suivi de la résection chirurgicale chez des patients présentant un carcinome pulmonaire non à petites cellules de stade Ill (N2) prouvé histologiquement par médiastinoscopie. Evaluation de la morbidité postopératoire, du down-staging ganglionnaire, des taux de survie globale et sans récidive ainsi que du site de récidive. Matériel et méthodes : 82 patients ont été inclus dans l'étude entre Janvier 1994 et Juin 2003, parmi eux 36 ont été traités avec une chimiothérapie néoadjuvante à base de cisplatine et doxétacel (groupe l). Les autres 46 patients ont été soumis à une radio-chimiothérapie néoadjuvante avec administration de 44 Gy (groupe II), soit de façon séquentielle (25 cas) soit concomitante (21 cas). Dans tous les cas des métastases à distance ont été exclues par une évaluation préopératoire comprenant une scintigraphie osseuse, un Ct scan thoraco-abdominal, ou un examen PET scan ainsi qu'une IRM cérébrale. La médiastinoscopie effectuée avant le traitement d'induction chez la totalité des patients, de même que la résection chirurgicale de la tumeur pulmonaire et la lymphadenectomie médiastinale ont été effectuées par le même chirurgien. Résultats : La tumeur pulmonaire était de stade Ti à T2 dans respectivement 47% et 28% des patients des groupes (e II, T3 dans 45% et 41% et T4 dans 8% et 31% des cas. Le type de résection effectué (lobectomie, lobectomie en manchon, pneumonectomie) était comparable dans les deux collectifs (p=0.03) Le taux de mortalité postopératoire à 90 jours était de respectivement 3% et 4 "Vo (p=0.6). Une résection complète (RO) a pu être obtenue dans 92% et 94% des cas (p=0.6) avec un downstaging ganglionnaire médiastinal dans 61% et 78% des patients respectivement (p<0.001). Les taux de survie globale à 5 ans et de survie sans récidive à 5 ans s'élevaient à 40% et à 36% respectivement, sans différence significative entre des tumeurs de stade Ti à T3 et T4. Le taux de survie globale n'était pas significativement différent entre les deux modalités de traitement d'induction, toutefois après radio-chimiothérapie on observait une plus longue survie sans récidive (p.0.04). Il n'y avait par ailleurs pas de différence significative, en termes de morbidité post-opératoire, résecabilité, downstaging ganglionnaire, survie globale et sans récidive, entre les patients traités par radio-chimiothérapie séquentielle ou concomitante. Conclusions : En cas de carcinome pulmonaire non à petites cellules de stade III (N2) un traitement d'induction par radio chimiothérapie suivi de la résection chirurgicale est associé avec un meilleur downstaqing médiastinal ainsi qu'une plus longue survie sans récidive en comparaison au traitement d'induction par chimiothérapie seule. Abstract : Objective: Comparison of prospectively treated patients with neoadjuvant cisplatin-based chemotherapy vs radiochemotherapy followed by resection for mediastinoscopically proven stage III NZ non-small cell lung cancer with respect to postoperative morbidity, pathological nodal downstaging, overall and disease-free survival, and site of recurrence. Methods: Eighty-two patients were enrolled between January 1994 to June 2003, 36 had cisplatin and doxetacel-based chemotherapy (group I) and 46 cisplatin-based radiochemotherapy up to 44 Gy (group II), either as sequential (25 patients) or concomitant (21 patients) treatment. All patients had evaluation of absence of distant metastases by bone scintigraphy, thoracoabdominal CT scan or PET scan, and brain MRI, and all underwent pre-induction mediastinoscopy, resection and mediastinal lymph node dissection by the same surgeon. Results: Group I and II comprised T1/2 tumors in 47 and 28%, 13 tumors in 45 and 41%, and 14 tumors in 8 and 31% of the patients, respectively (P=0.03). There was a similar distribution of the extent of resection (lobectomy, sleeve lobectomy, left and right pneumonectomy) in both groups (P=0.9). Group I and II revealed a postoperative 90-d mortality of 3 and 4% (P=0.6), a RO-resection rate of 92 and 94% (P=0.9), and a pathological mediastinal downstaging in 61 and 78% of the patients (P<0.01), respectively. 5y-overall survival and disease-free survival of all patients were 40 and 36%, respectively, without significant difference between T1-3 and T4 tumors. There was no significant difference in overall survival rate in either induction regimens, however, radiochemotherapy was associated with a longer disease-free survival than chemotherapy (P=0.04). There was no significant difference between concurrent vs sequential radiochemotherapy with respect to postoperative morbidity, resectability, pathological nodal downstaging, survival and disease-free survival. Conclusions: Neoadjuvant cisplatin-based radiochemotherapy was associated with a similar postoperative mortality, an increased pathological nodal downstaging and a better disease-free survival as compared to cisplatin doxetacel-based chemotherapy in patients with stage III (N2) NSCLC although a higher number of 14 tumors were admitted to radiochemotherapy.