168 resultados para Parental warmth
This project is a study of the men's movement in Switzerland, especially regarding organizations seeking to redefine male identity. So far, this topic has been understudied, in Switzerland. The few studies available on the subject mostly adopt a (pro)feminist perspective. Their main purpose is to criticize men's movement participants. What is more, scarce researches on this problem mostly conducted by members of the Swiss men's movement themselves are mainly descriptive and methodologically problematic. In this context, I initiated the first national and sociological study of the men's movement in Switzerland. My main goals are: firstly, to propose a typology of organizations forming the men's movement in Switzerland. Secondly, I develop a sociological analysis of this phenomenon, taking into account in this process especially the characteristics of the Swiss context. Consequently, I adopted a mixed method approach, which included two main research steps: Firstly, I defined a representative sample of men's movement organizations in Switzerland. Based on a content analysis of men's organizations' websites, I was able to distinguish three ideal-types: Radical Criticism of Masculinity, Criticism of Hegemonic Masculinity, Defense of Men and Traditional Masculinity. Based on these three concepts, I subsequently analyzed the discourse on masculinity amongst men's movement organizations. Secondly, I conducted a survey of men's movement participants. This survey was based on the results of the content analysis. In this particular stage, I mainly used factor analysis. My results show that it would be all too simplistic to characterize the men's movement, in Switzerland, as a criticism of women's emancipation. On the contrary, my analysis reveals a more complex picture: The two main factors, which influence the men's movement, in Switzerland, are the contemporary sociological context and the Swiss society's particular features. I find that male roles, on the one hand, depend very much on today's cultural shift from materialistic to self-expression values. On the other hand, male role models reflect a social adaptation process. Moreover, as a reaction to deep changes in contemporary family structures, I observe an individualization process, characterized by separation between parental and conjugal functions that greatly shapes male role models. - Cette thèse analyse le phénomène des hommes en mouvement, dans le contexte de la Suisse. Cet ensemble est formé d'organisations regroupant des hommes impliqués consciemment dans un processus d'actions et de réflexions sur l'identité masculine. La revue de la littérature révèle qu'en Suisse, le sujet des hommes en mouvement est très peu étudié. Jusqu'ici, les rares recherches s'y intéressant adoptent généralement une approche (pro)féministe, dont l'objectif est de dénoncer ce phénomène. En outre, de rares recherches, issues des acteurs mêmes de ce mouvement, proposent une vue descriptive de l'ensemble, mais souffrant de faiblesses méthodologiques. Par notre recherche, nous souhaitons contribuer à l'étude de ce sujet, en initiant la première étude d'envergure nationale portant sur les hommes en mouvement. L'objectif final est de déboucher sur une typologie des organisations réunissant les hommes en mouvement, puis sur une analyse de la spécificité de cet ensemble, dans le contexte suisse. Pour remplir ces objectifs, nous avons mis en place un dispositif de méthodes mixtes, en deux phases. Lors d'une première étape, nous avons sélectionné un échantillon représentatif de la diversité des organisations masculines. Par une analyse de contenu effectuée sur la documentation récoltée sur les sites Internet de ces dernières, nous avons pu, en utilisant une démarche inductive et qualitative, faire émerger trois idéaux-types : Critique radicale de la masculinité, Critique de la masculinité hégémonique, Défense des hommes et de la masculinité traditionnelle. Ces concepts permettent de rendre compte, de manière schématique, des trois types de discours contemporains sur l'identité masculine diffusés par les hommes en mouvement. Lors d'une seconde étape, nous avons réalisé une enquête auprès des membres des organisations masculines. Pour y parvenir, nous avons créé un questionnaire incluant des propositions élaborées à partir des résultats de l'étape précédente. Lors de cette phase, nous avons réalisé une analyse factorielle. Les résultats montrent que le phénomène du mouvement des hommes ne saurait se réduire, en Suisse, à un mouvement de ressac visant à attaquer les droits des femmes. Au contraire, il s'agit d'un phénomène complexe, fortement dépendant du contexte sociologique contemporain et des caractéristiques de la société helvétique. Nous affirmons, entre autres, que les modèles masculins observables dans cet ensemble sont façonnés, d'une part, par une transition culturelle, caractérisée par le passage des valeurs matérialistes aux valeurs d'expression de soi. D'autre part, les modèles masculins prônés par les hommes en mouvement reflètent un processus d'adaptation sociale. En effet, en réaction au contexte de reconfiguration des formes familiales, on assiste à une individualisation des rapports de filiation et au détachement de la fonction parentale et conjugale, qui imprègnent fortement les modèles masculins défendus par ces hommes.
Mechanisms of reproductive isolation between an ant species of hybrid origin and one of its parents.
The establishment of new species by hybridization is difficult because it requires the development of reproductive isolation (RI) in sympatry to escape the homogenizing effects of gene flow from the parental species. Here we investigated the role of two pre- and two postzygotic mechanisms of RI in a system comprising two interdependent Pogonomyrmex harvester ant lineages (the H1 and H2 lineages) of hybrid origin and one of their parental species (P. rugosus). Similar to most other ants, P. rugosus is characterized by an environmental system of caste determination with female brood developing either into queens or workers depending on nongenetic factors. By contrast, there is a strong genetic component to caste determination in the H1 and H2 lineages because the developmental fate of female brood depends on the genetic origin of the parents, with interlineage eggs developing into workers and intralineage eggs developing into queens. The study of a mixed mating aggregation revealed strong differences in mating flight timing between P. rugosus and the two lineages as a first mechanism of RI. A second important prezygotic mechanism was assortative mating. Laboratory experiments also provided support for one of the two investigated mechanisms of postzygotic isolation. The majority of offspring produced from the few matings between P. rugosus and the lineages aborted at the egg stage. This hybrid inviability was under maternal influence, with hybrids produced by P. rugosus queens being always inviable whereas a small proportion of H2 lineage queens produced large numbers of adult hybrid offspring. Finally, we found no evidence that genetic caste determination acted as a second postzygotic mechanism reducing gene flow between P. rugosus and the H lineages. The few viable P. rugosus-H hybrids were not preferentially shunted into functionally sterile workers but developed into both workers and queens. Overall, these results reveal that the nearly complete (99.5%) RI between P. rugosus and the two hybrid lineages stems from the combination of two typical prezygotic mechanisms (mating time divergence and assortative mating) and one postzygotic mechanism (hybrid inviability).
ABSTRACT : Gene duplication is a fundamental source of raw material for the origin of genetic novelty. It has been assumed for a long time that DNA-based gene duplication was the only source of new genes. Recently however, RNA-based gene duplication (retroposition) was shown in multiple organisms to contribute significantly to their genetic diversity. This mechanism produces intronless gene copies (retrocopies) that are inserted in random genomic position, independent of the position of the parental source genes. In human, mouse and fruit fly, it was demonstrated that the X-linked genes spawned an excess of functional retroposed gene copies (retrogenes). In human and mouse, the X chromosome also recruited an excess of retrogenes. Here we further characterized these interesting biases related to the X chromosome in mammals. Firstly, we have confirmed presence of the aforementioned biases in dog and opossum genome. Then based on the expression profile of retrogenes during various spermatogenetic stages, we have provided solid evidence that meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI) is responsible for an excess of retrogenes stemming from the X chromosome. Moreover, we showed that the X-linked genes started to export an excess of retrogenes just after the split of eutherian and marsupial mammalian lineages. This suggests that MSCI has originated around this time as well. More fundamentally, as MSCI reflects the spread of recombination barrier between the X and Y chromosomes during their evolution, our observation allowed us to re-estimate the age of mammalian sex chromosomes. Previous estimates suggested that they emerged in the common ancestor of all mammals (before the split of monotreme lineage); whereas, here we showed that they originated around the split of marsupial and eutherian lineages, after the divergence of monotremes. Thus, the therian (marsupial and eutherian) sex chromosomes are younger than previously thought. Thereafter, we have characterized the bias related to the recruitment of genes to the X chromosome. Sexually antagonistic forces are most likely driving this pattern. Using our limited retrogenes expression data, it is difficult to determine the exact nature of these forces but some conclusions have been made. Lastly, we looked at the history of this biased recruitment: it commenced around the split of marsupial and eutherian lineages (akin to the biased export of genes out of the X). In fact, the sexually antagonistic forces are predicted to appear just around that time as well. Thereby, the history of the recruitment of genes to the X, provides an indirect evidence that these forces are responsible for this bias.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form symbioses with the majority of plants, improving plant nutrition and diversity. Evidence exists suggesting that AMF contain populations of genetically different nucleotypes coexisting in a common cytoplasm. This potentially has two important consequences for their genetics. First, by random distribution of nuclei at spore formation, new offspring of an AMF could receive different complements of nucleotypes compared to the parent or siblings-we consider this as segregation. Second, genetic exchange between AMF would allow the mixing of nuclei, altering nucleotype diversity in new spores. Because segregation was assumed not to occur and genetic exchange has only recently been demonstrated, no attempts have been made to test whether this affects the symbiosis with plants. Here, we show that segregation occurs in the AMF Glomus intraradices and can enhance the growth of rice up to five times, even though neither parental nor crossed AMF lines induced a positive growth response. This process also resulted in an alteration of symbiosis-specific gene transcription in rice. Our results demonstrate that manipulation of AMF genetics has important consequences for the symbiotic effects on plants and could be used to enhance the growth of globally important crops.
The conflict between siblings over how parental resources are divided has promoted the evolution of specific behaviour to outcompete each other. Young animals look out for parents' arrival in order to start begging as quickly as possible, since a rapid begging reaction increases the likelihood of being fed before nestmates. If the young can physically intercept the parents, selection might be operating on the offspring ability to monitor parent arrival (vigilance towards parents) and any sudden modifications in siblings' behaviour (vigilance towards siblings). To investigate the adaptive value of nestling vigilance in the context of family interactions, we recorded which direction barn owl Tyto alba siblings were facing in 89 two-chick broods before the first parental feeding visit of the night. Nestlings were more vigilant towards nest entrance than expected by chance suggesting that vigilance towards parents is an important component of sibling competition. When positioned near the nest-box entrance where parents predictably deliver food, the younger individual (i.e. junior) looked more towards the entrance than its older sibling. Thus, when the likelihood of obtaining a food item is relatively high, juniors are more vigilant than seniors to detect the incoming parent. When positioned at the back of the nest, the senior looked relatively more frequently towards its sibling than the junior did in the same situation. This suggests that when the likelihood of obtaining a food item is relatively low, seniors are more vigilant than juniors to observe their sibling. Because vigilance was not related to hunger level and prey obtaining, we propose the hypothesis that vigilance towards parents and siblings only indirectly influences the outcome of sibling competition.
Objective: Limited information is available on the quantitative relationship between family history and the corresponding underlying traits. We analyzed these associations for blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, and cholesterol levels. Methods: Data were obtained from 6,102 Caucasian participants (2,903 men and 3,199 women) aged 35-75 years using a population-based cross-sectional survey in Switzerland. Cardiovascular disease risk factors were measured, and the corresponding family history was self-reported using a structured questionnaire. Results: The prevalence of a positive family history (in first-degree relatives) was 39.6% for hypertension, 22.3% for diabetes, and 29.0% for hypercholesterolemia. Family history was not known for at least one family member in 41.8% of participants for hypertension, 14.4% for diabetes, and 50.2% for hypercholesterolemia. A positive family history was strongly associated with higher levels of the corresponding trait, but not with the other traits. Participants who reported not to know their family history of hypertension had a higher systolic blood pressure than participants with a negative history. Sibling histories had higher positive predictive values than parental histories. The ability to discriminate, calibrate, and reclassify was best for the family history of hypertension. Conclusions: Family history of hypertension, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia was strongly associated with the corresponding dichotomized and continuous phenotypes.
BackgroundThe importance of hybridisation during species diversification has long been debated among evolutionary biologists. It is increasingly recognised that hybridisation events occurred during the evolutionary history of numerous species, especially during the early stages of adaptive radiation. We study the effect of hybridisation on diversification in the clownfishes, a clade of coral reef fish that diversified through an adaptive radiation process. While two species of clownfish are likely to have been described from hybrid specimens, the occurrence and effect of hybridisation on the clade diversification is yet unknown.ResultsWe generate sequences of three mitochondrial genes to complete an existing dataset of nuclear sequences and document cytonuclear discordance at a node, which shows a drastic increase of diversification rate. Then, using a tree-based jack-knife method, we identify clownfish species likely stemming from hybridisation events. Finally, we use molecular cloning and identify the putative parental species of four clownfish specimens that display the morphological characteristics of hybrids.ConclusionsOur results show that consistently with the syngameon hypothesis, hybridisation events are linked with a burst of diversification in the clownfishes. Moreover, several recently diverged clownfish lineages likely originated through hybridisation, which indicates that diversification, catalysed by hybridisation events, may still be happening.
The present dissertation analyzed the construct of attachment at different time points, specifically focusing on two phases of adoptive family life that have so far received little attention from investigators. Study 1 focused on the first months of adoption, and analyzed the development of the attachment relationship to new caregivers. The sample was composed of a small but homogeneous group (n=6) of Korean-born children, adopted by Italian parents. The Parent Attachment Diary (Dozier & Stovall, 1997) was utilized to assess the child's attachment behavior. We assessed these behavior for the first 3 months after placement into adoption. Results showed a double variability of attachment behavior: within subjects during the 3-months, and between subjects, with just half of the children developing a stable pattern of attachment. In order to test the growth trajectories of attachment behavior, Hierarchical Linear Models (Bryk & Raudenbush, 1992) were also applied, but no significant population trend was identified. Study 2 analyzed attachment among adoptees during the sensitive period of adolescence. Data was derived from an international collection (n= 104, from Belgium Italy, and Romania) of semi-structured clinical interviews (with adolescents and with their adoptive parents), as well as from questionnaires. The purpose of this study was to detect the role played by risk and protective factors on the adoptee's behavioral and socio-emotional outcomes. In addition, we tested the possible interactions between the different attachment representations within the adoptive family. Results showed that pre-adoptive risk predicted the adolescent's adjustment; however, parental representations constituted an important moderator of this relationship. Moreover, the adolescent's security of attachment partially mediated the relationship between age at placement and later behavioral problems. In conclusion, the two present attachment studies highlighted the notable rate of change of attachment behavior over time, which showed its underlying plasticity, and thus the possible reparatory value of the adoption practice. Since parents have been proven to play an important role, especially in adolescence, the post-adoption support acquires even more importance in order to help parents promoting a positive and stable relational environment over time. - L'objectif de cette thèse est de décrire la formation des relations d'attachement chez les enfants et les adolescents adoptés, lors de deux phases particulières de la vie de la famille adoptive, qui ont été relativement peu étudiées. L'Étude 1 analyse les premiers mois après l'adoption, avec le but de comprendre si, et comment, une relation d'attachement aux nouveaux parents se développe. L'échantillon est composé d'un petit groupe (n = 6) d'enfants provenant de Corée du Sud, adoptés par des parents Italiens. A l'aide du Parent Attachment Diary (Dozier & Stovall, 1997), des observations des comportements d'attachement de l'enfant ont été recueillies chaque jour au cours des 3 premiers mois après l'arrivée. Les résultats montrent une double variabilité des comportements d'attachement: au niveau inter- et intra-individuel ; au premier de ces niveaux, seuleme la moitié des enfants parvient à développer un pattern stable d'attachement ; au niveau intra-individuel, les trajectoires de développement des comportements d'attachement ont été testées à l'aide de Modèles Linéaires Hiérarchiques (Bryk et Raudenbush, 1992), mais aucune tendance significative n'a pu être révélée. L'Étude 2 vise à analyser l'attachement chez des enfants adoptés dans l'enfance, lors de la période particulièrement sensible de l'adolescence. Les données sont issues d'un base de données internationale (n = 104, Belgique, Italie et Roumanie), composée d' entretiens cliniques semi-structurées (auprès de l'adolescents et des ses parents adoptifs), ainsi que de questionnaires. Les analyses statistiques visent à détecter la présence de facteurs de risque et de protection relativement à l'attachement et aux problèmes de comportement de l'enfant adopté. En outre, la présence d'interactions entre les représentations d'attachement des membres de la famille adoptive est évaluée. Les résultats montrent que les risques associés à la période pré-adoptive prédisent la qualité du bien-être de l'adolescent, mais les représentations parentales constituent un modérateur important de cette relation. En outre, la sécurité de l'attachement du jeune adopté médiatise partiellement la relation entre l'âge au moment du placement et les problèmes de comportement lors de l'adolescence. En conclusion, à l'aide de multiples données relatives à l'attachement, ces deux études soulignent son évolution notable au fil du temps, ce qui sous-tend la présence d'une certaine plasticité, et donc la possible valeur réparatrice de la pratique de l'adoption. Comme les parents semblent jouer un rôle important de ce point de vue, surtout à l'adolescence, cela renforce la notion d'un soutien post-adoption, en vue d'aider les parents à la promotion d'un environnement relationnel favorable et stable. - Il presente lavoro è volto ad analizzare l'attaccamento durante le due fasi della vita della famiglia adottiva che meno sono state indagate dalla letteratura. Lo Studio 1 aveva l'obiettivo di analizzare i primi mesi che seguono il collocamento del bambino, al fine di capire se e come una relazione di attaccamento verso i nuovi genitori si sviluppa. Il campione è composto da un piccolo gruppo (n = 6) di bambini provenienti dalla Corea del Sud e adottati da genitori italiani. Attraverso il Parent Attachment Diary (Stovall e Dozier, 1997) sono stati osservati quotidianamente, e per i primi tre mesi, i comportamenti di attaccamento del bambino. I risultati hanno mostrato una duplice variabilità: a livello intraindividuale (nell'arco dei 3 mesi), ed interindividuale, poiché solo la metà dei bambini ha sviluppato un pattern stabile di attaccamento. Per verificare le traiettorie di sviluppo di tali comportamenti, sono stati applicati i Modelli Lineari Gerarchici (Bryk & Raudenbush, 1992), che però non hanno stimato una tendenza significativa all'interno della popolazione. Obiettivo dello Studio 2 è stato quello di esaminare l'attaccamento nelle famiglie i cui figli adottivi si trovavano nella delicata fase adolescenziale. I dati, provenienti da una raccolta internazionale (n = 104, Belgio, Italia e Romania), erano costituiti da interviste cliniche semi-strutturate (con gli adolescenti e i propri genitori adottivi) e da questionari. Le analisi hanno indagato il ruolo dei fattori di rischio sullo sviluppo socio-emotivo e sugli eventuali problemi comportamentali dei ragazzi. Inoltre, sono state esaminate le possibili interazioni tra le diverse rappresentazioni di attaccamento dei membri della famiglia adottiva. I risultati hanno mostrato che il rischio pre-adottivo predice l'adattamento dell'adolescente, sebbene le rappresentazioni genitoriali costituiscano un importante moderatore di questa relazione. Inoltre, la sicurezza dell'attaccamento dell'adolescente media parzialmente la relazione tra età al momento dell'adozione e problemi comportamentali in adolescenza. In conclusione, attraverso i molteplici dati relativi all'attaccamento, i due studi ne hanno evidenziato il cambiamento nel tempo, a riprova della sua plasticità, e pertanto sottolineano il possibile valore riparativo dell'adozione. Dal momento che i genitori svolgono un ruolo importante, soprattutto in adolescenza, il supporto nel post- adozione diventa centrale per aiutarli a promuovere un ambiente relazionale favorevole e stabile nel tempo.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The Senecio hybrid zone on Mt Etna, Sicily, is characterized by steep altitudinal clines in quantitative traits and genetic variation. Such clines are thought to be maintained by a combination of 'endogenous' selection arising from genetic incompatibilities and environment-dependent 'exogenous' selection leading to local adaptation. Here, the hypothesis was tested that local adaptation to the altitudinal temperature gradient contributes to maintaining divergence between the parental species, S. chrysanthemifolius and S. aethnensis. METHODS: Intra- and inter-population crosses were performed between five populations from across the hybrid zone and the germination and early seedling growth of the progeny were assessed. KEY RESULTS: Seedlings from higher-altitude populations germinated better under low temperatures (9-13 °C) than those from lower altitude populations. Seedlings from higher-altitude populations had lower survival rates under warm conditions (25/15 °C) than those from lower altitude populations, but also attained greater biomass. There was no altitudinal variation in growth or survival under cold conditions (15/5 °C). Population-level plasticity increased with altitude. Germination, growth and survival of natural hybrids and experimentally generated F(1)s generally exceeded the worse-performing parent. CONCLUSIONS: Limited evidence was found for endogenous selection against hybrids but relatively clear evidence was found for divergence in seed and seedling traits, which is probably adaptive. The combination of low-temperature germination and faster growth in warm conditions might enable high-altitude S. aethnensis to maximize its growth during a shorter growing season, while the slower growth of S. chrysanthemifolius may be an adaptation to drought stress at low altitudes. This study indicates that temperature gradients are likely to be an important environmental factor generating and maintaining adaptive divergence across the Senecio hybrid zone on Mt Etna.
Genetic diversity is the amount of variation observed between DNA sequences from distinct individuals of a given species. This pivotal concept of population genetics has implications for species health, domestication, management and conservation. Levels of genetic diversity seem to vary greatly in natural populations and species, but the determinants of this variation, and particularly the relative influences of species biology and ecology versus population history, are still largely mysterious. Here we show that the diversity of a species is predictable, and is determined in the first place by its ecological strategy. We investigated the genome-wide diversity of 76 non-model animal species by sequencing the transcriptome of two to ten individuals in each species. The distribution of genetic diversity between species revealed no detectable influence of geographic range or invasive status but was accurately predicted by key species traits related to parental investment: long-lived or low-fecundity species with brooding ability were genetically less diverse than short-lived or highly fecund ones. Our analysis demonstrates the influence of long-term life-history strategies on species response to short-term environmental perturbations, a result with immediate implications for conservation policies.
Both reproduction and parasite defense can be costly, and an animal may face a trade-off between investing in offspring or in parasite defense. In contrast to the findings from nonexperimental studies that the poorly reproducing individuals are often the ones with high parasite loads, this life-history view predicts that individuals with high reproductive investment will show high parasite prevalence. Here we provide an experimental confirmation of a positive association between parental investment levels of male great tits Parus major and the prevalence of Plasmodium spp, a hematozoa causing malaria in various bird species. We manipulated brood size, measured feeding effort of both males and females, and assessed the prevalence of the hemoparasite from blood smears. In enlarged broods the males, but not the females, showed significantly higher rates of food provisioning to the chicks, and the rate of malarial infection was found to be more than double in male, but not female, parents of enlarged broods. The findings show that there may be a trade-off between reproductive effort and parasite defense of the host and also suggest a mechanism for the well documented trade-off between current reproductive effort and parental survival.
Mammalian sex chromosomes stem from ancestral autosomes and have substantially differentiated. It was shown that X-linked genes have generated duplicate intronless gene copies (retrogenes) on autosomes due to this differentiation. However, the precise driving forces for this out-of-X gene "movement" and its evolutionary onset are not known. Based on expression analyses of male germ-cell populations, we here substantiate and extend the hypothesis that autosomal retrogenes functionally compensate for the silencing of their X-linked housekeeping parental genes during, but also after, male meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI). Thus, sexually antagonistic forces have not played a major role for the selective fixation of X-derived gene copies in mammals. Our dating analyses reveal that although retrogenes were produced ever since the common mammalian ancestor, selectively driven retrogene export from the X only started later, on the placental mammal (eutherian) and marsupial (metatherian) lineages, respectively. Together, these observations suggest that chromosome-wide MSCI emerged close to the eutherian-marsupial split approximately 180 million years ago. Given that MSCI probably reflects the spread of the recombination barrier between the X and Y, crucial for their differentiation, our data imply that these chromosomes became more widely differentiated only late in the therian ancestor, well after the divergence of the monotreme lineage. Thus, our study also provides strong independent support for the recent notion that our sex chromosomes emerged, not in the common ancestor of all mammals, but rather in the therian ancestor, and therefore are much younger than previously thought
Background: Recombinant viruses based on the attenuated vaccinia virus strain NYVAC are promising HIV vaccine candidates as phase I/II clinical trials have shown good safety and immunogenicity profiles. However, this NYVAC strain is non-replicating in most human cell lines and encodes viral inhibitors of the immune system. Methods: With the aim to increase the immune potency of the current NYVAC-C vector (expressing the codon optimized clade C HIV-1 genes encoding gp120 and Gag-Pol-Nef polyprotein), we have generated and characterized three NYVAC-C-based vectors by, 1) deletion of the viral type I IFN inhibitor gene (NYVAC-CdeltaB19R), 2) restoration of virus replication competence in human cells by re-inserting K1L and C7L host range genes (NYVAC-C-KC) and, 3) combination of both strategies (NYVACC- KC-deltaB19R). Results: Insertion of the KC fragment restored the replication competence of the viruses in human cells (HeLa cells and primary dermal fibroblasts and keratinocytes), increased the expression of HIV antigens by more than 3-fold compared to the non-replicating homologs, inhibited apoptosis induced by the parental NYVAC-C and retained attenuation in a newborn mouse model. In adult mice, replication-competent viruses showed a limited capacity to replicate in tissues surrounding the inoculation site (ovaries and lymph nodes). After infection of keratinocytes, PBMCs and dendritic cells these viruses induced differential modulation in specific host cell signal transduction pathways, triggering genes important in immune modulation. Conclusion: We have developed improved NYVAC-C-based vectors with enhanced HIV-1 antigen expression, with the ability to replicate in cultured human cells and partially in some tissues, with an induced expression of cellular genes relevant to immune system activation, and which trigger IFN-dependent and independent signalling pathways, while maintaining a safety phenotype. These new vectors are promising new HIV vaccine candidates. These studies were performed within the Poxvirus Tcell Vaccine Discovery Consortium (PTVDC) which is part of the CAVD program.
The study investigates associations between attachment cognitions and depression symptoms in 71 15-25-year-olds, 26 of whom have eating disorders, and 20 of whom are drug misusers. Attachment cognitions were measured with the CaMir Q-sort, which provides indexes for secure, avoidant, and preoccupied attachment, as well as scores on 13 dimensions. The BDI-13 was used to measure depressive symptomatology. Consistent with the literature, BDI scores were associated with cognitions of preoccupied attachment. They were also related to cognitions of avoidant attachment, confirming Bowlby's theory on defensive exclusion. For participants with eating disorders, depressive symptomatology was related to preoccupation and parental interference, whereas for drug misusers, it was negatively related to security, preoccupation, parental support, and lack of parental concern. These findings help understand how attachment cognitions may participate in depressive symptomatology, namely in youth whose behavior problems may be associated with specific attachment experiences.
Introduction : DTI has proven to be an exquisite biomarker of tissue microstructure integrity. This technique has been successfully applied to schizophrenia in showing that fractional anisotropy (FA, a marker of white matter integrity) is diminished in several areas of the brain (Kyriakopoulos M et al (2008)). New ways of representing diffusion data emerged recently and achieved to create structural connectivity maps in healthy brains (Hagmann P et al. (2008)). These maps have the capacity to study alterations over the entire brain at the connection and network level. This is of high interest in complex disconnection diseases like schizophrenia. We report on the specific network alterations of schizophrenic patients. Methods : 13 patients with chronic schizophrenia were recruited from in-patient, day treatment, out-patient clinics. Comparison subjects were recruited and group-matched to patients on age, sex, handedness, and parental social economic-status. This study was approved by the local IRB and subjects had to give informed written consent. They were scanned with a 3T clinical MRI scanner. DTI and high-resolution anatomical T1w imaging were performed during the same session. The path from diffusion MRI to a multi-resolution structural connection matrices of the entire brain is a five steps process that was performed in a similar way as described in Hagmann P et al. (2008). (1) DTI and T1w MRI of the brain, (2) segmentation of white and gray matter, (3) white matter tractography, (4) segmentation of the cortex into 242 ROIs of equal surface area covering the entire cortex (Fig 1), (5) the connection network was constructed by measuring for each ROI to ROI connection the related average FA along the corresponding tract. Results : For every connection between 2 ROIs of the network we tested the hypothesis H0: "average FA along fiber pathway is larger or equal in patients than in controls". H0 was rejected for connections where average FA in a connection was significantly lower in patients than in controls. Threshold p-value was 0.01 corrected for multiple comparisons with false discovery rate. We identified consistently that temporal, occipito-temporal, precuneo-temporal as well as frontal inferior and precuneo-cingulate connections were altered (Fig 2: significant connections in yellow). This is in agreement with the known literature, which showed across several studies that FA is diminished in several areas of the brain. More precisely, abnormalities were reported in the prefrontal and temporal white matter and to some extent also in the parietal and occipital regions. The alterations reported in the literature specifically included the corpus callosum, the arcuate fasciculus and the cingulum bundle, which was the case here as well. In addition small world indexes are significantly reduced in patients (p<0.01) (Fig. 3). Conclusions : Using connectome mapping to characterize differences in structural connectivity between healthy and diseased subjects we were able to show widespread connectional alterations in schizophrenia patients and systematic small worldness decrease, which is a marker of network desorganization. More generally, we described a method that has the capacity to sensitively identify structure alterations in complex disconnection syndromes where lesions are widespread throughout the connectional network.