192 resultados para Oz (Imaginary place)


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Shared decision-making approach to uncertain clinical situations such as cancer screening seems more appropriate than ever. Shared decision making can be defined as an interactive process where physician and patient share all the stages of the decision making process. For patients who wish to be implicated in the management of their health conditions, physicians might express difficulty to do so. Use of patient decision aids appears to improve such process of shared decision making. L'incertitude quant à l'efficacité de certains dépistages de cancers et du traitement en cas de test positif rend l'application du partage de la décision particulièrement appropriée. Le concept du partage de la décision peut être défini comme un processus interactif où le médecin et le patient partagent les étapes du processus de décision. Face aux patients qui désirent être impliqués dans les décisions concernant leur santé, les médecins peinent parfois à le faire. Or, l'utilisation d'outils d'aide à la décision est un moyen efficace de favoriser ce partage de l'information et, si souhaité par le patient, de la décision.


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Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the major causes of pain and of outpatient's clinics. 15 years ago, physiopathology of OA and its potential therapeutic targets were announced to be better understood, but the results of therapeutic trials were finally not as convincing as expected. Slow Acting Drugs (SADs) are part of the treatments evaluated in OA. Even if evidence based medicine is low, positive effects of SADs have been observed. We can reasonably propose these treatments for a short test period. It can sometimes enable us to decrease the dosage of others treatment such as NSAIDs. In any case, the physician must properly inform the patient about products available in Switzerland and must be aware of degrees of purity and costs of the products available on the intemet.


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La clinique systémique est trop souvent identifiée à la thérapie de couple ou de famille au détriment de la psychothérapie individuelle. Cet article présente les résultats d'un groupe de travail de thérapeutes systémiciens qui ont longuement réfléchi à cette question. Après une revue bibliographique commentée sur le sujet, il propose un certain nombre de points critiques concernant la clinique de la psychothérapie individuelle d'orientation systémique.


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This research note presents a set of strategies to conduct small-N comparisons in policy research including the Swiss case. Even though every country can be considered "special" to some extent, the Swiss political system is often viewed as a particularly difficult case for comparison because of the impact of its idiosyncratic institutional features (most notably direct democracy). In order to deal with this problem, our note sets out two possible strategies - the use of functional equivalents and of counterfactual reasoning - and explains how to implement them empirically through process tracing and the establishment of causal chains. As an illustration, these strategies are used for a comparison of the process of electricity market liberalisation in Switzerland and Belgium.


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Thirty percent of patients suffering from malignant disease will develop pulmonary metastases. Effective chemotherapy is lacking for many of these tumors. Many studies suggest survival benefit in selected patients when pulmonary metastasectomy allows complete resection. Several operative approach may be offered in order to achieve complete resection and maximal lung sparring. Pre-operative workup must assess the control of the primary tumor and the possibility of performing complete resection. Minimally invasive approaches may offer better quality life and equivalent oncologic outcomes than open approach.


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Les POCT (point of care tests) ont un grand potentiel d'utilisation en médecine infectieuse ambulatoire grâce à leur rapidité d'exécution, leur impact sur l'administration d'antibiotiques et sur le diagnostic de certaines maladies transmissibles. Certains tests sont utilisés depuis plusieurs années (détection de Streptococcus pyogenes lors d'angine, anticorps anti-VIH, antigène urinaire de S. pneumoniae, antigène de Plasmodium falciparum). De nouvelles indications concernent les infections respiratoires, les diarrhées infantiles (rotavirus, E. coli entérohémorragique) et les infections sexuellement transmissibles. Des POCT, basés sur la détection d'acides nucléiques, viennent d'être introduits (streptocoque du groupe B chez la femme enceinte avant l'accouchement et la détection du portage de staphylocoque doré résistant à la méticilline). POCT have a great potential in ambulatory infectious diseases diagnosis, due to their impact on antibiotic administration and on communicable diseases prevention. Some are in use for long (S. pyogenes antigen, HIV antibodies) or short time (S. pneumoniae antigen, P. falciparum). The additional major indications will be community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections, infectious diarrhoea in children (rotavirus, enterotoxigenic E. coli), and hopefully sexually transmitted infections. Easy to use, these tests based on antigen-antibody reaction allow a rapid diagnosis in less than one hour; the new generation of POCT relying on nucleic acid detection are just introduced in practice (detection of GBS in pregnant women, carriage of MRSA), and will be extended to many pathogens


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We know very little about the importance of history and physical examination compared to the importance of paraclinical tests in the diagnostic process in primary care. To answer this question, we examined prospectively 672 consecutive patients with chest pain in primary care. We recorded the timing and the clinical characteristics of the most frequent diagnosis. The resort to laboratory or other clinical tests and reference to specialist were influenced by: emergency consultation, potentially life-threatening aetiology, personal characteristics of the general practitioners' (GP) and patients' anxiety. GPs attributed the diagnosis to history and physical examination alone in 66% and to the association of history, physical examination and tests in 31% cases. This, clinical strategy remains the most important factor in the diagnostic process; even when they are insufficient, they allowed to generate hypotheses and guide investigations.


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Along with the decrease in kidney function arises a secondary hyperparathyroidism, which constitutes one of the most important risk factor for mortality in patients suffering from renal insufficiency. Treating secondary hyperparathyroidism is challenging, as most of the parameters of mineral metabolism are interconnected. We review here the pathophysiology and treatment options of this entity.


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La fracture vertébrale ostéoporotique est associée à une morbidité et une mortalité élevée. La vertébroplastie a pour but de diminuer les douleurs. La cyphoplastie permet en plus de restaurer la hauteur vertébrale. Ces deux techniques se font avec un risque faible d'effet secondaire immédiat. Cependant elles augmentent à cour et long terme le risque de nouvelle fracture vertébrale, surtout aux niveaux adjacents à la vertébre traitée.


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