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PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of recent advances in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) radiofrequency (RF) coil and parallel imaging technology on brain volume measurement consistency. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In all, 103 whole-brain MRI volumes were acquired at a clinical 3T MRI, equipped with a 12- and 32-channel head coil, using the T1-weighted protocol as employed in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative study with parallel imaging accelerations ranging from 1 to 5. An experienced reader performed qualitative ratings of the images. For quantitative analysis, differences in composite width (CW, a measure of image similarity) and boundary shift integral (BSI, a measure of whole-brain atrophy) were calculated. RESULTS: Intra- and intersession comparisons of CW and BSI measures from scans with equal acceleration demonstrated excellent scan-rescan accuracy, even at the highest acceleration applied. Pairs-of-scans acquired with different accelerations exhibited poor scan-rescan consistency only when differences in the acceleration factor were maximized. A change in the coil hardware between compared scans was found to bias the BSI measure. CONCLUSION: The most important findings are that the accelerated acquisitions appear to be compatible with the assessment of high-quality quantitative information and that for highest scan-rescan accuracy in serial scans the acquisition protocol should be kept as consistent as possible over time. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2012;36:1234-1240. ©2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine whether the initial benefits of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) treatment for critical limb ischemia (CLI) persist over years. DESIGN: Analysis of data prospectively collected for every CLI patient receiving permanent SCS. Follow-up range 12 to 98 months (mean 46+/-23, median 50 months). POPULATION: 87 patients (28% stage III, 72%stage IV) with unreconstructable CLI due (83%) or not (17%) to atherosclerosis and with an initial sitting/supine transcutaneous pO2 gradient >15 mmHg. METHODS: Assessment of actuarial patient survival (PS), limb salvage (LS) and amputation-free patient survival (AFPS). Analysis of the impact of 15 risk factors on long-term outcomes using the Fischer's exact test for categorical variables and the t test for continuous variables. RESULTS: Follow-up was complete for patient and limb survival. A single non-atherosclerotic patient died during follow-up. Among atherosclerotic patients PS decreased from 88% at 1y, to 76% at 3y, 64% at 5y and 57% at 7y. LS reached 84% at 1y, 78% at 2y, 75% at 3y and remained stable thereafter. Diabetes was found to affect LS (p<0.05) and heart disease to reduce PS (p<0.01). AFPS was reduced in heart patients (p<0.01), diabetics (p<0.05) and in patients with previous stroke (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In CLI patients the beneficial effects of SCS persist far beyond the first year of treatment and major amputation becomes infrequent after the second year.


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Background: Urinary human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) concentration is routinely measured in all anti-doping laboratories to exclude the misuse of recombinant or urinary hCG preparations. In this study, extended validation of two commercial immunoassays for hCG measurements in urine was performed. Both tests were initially designed for hCG determination in human serum/plasma. Methods: Access (R) and Elecsys (R) 1010 are two automated immunoanalysers for central laboratories. The limits of detection and quantification, as well as intra-laboratory and inter-technique correlation, precision, and accuracy, were determined. Stability studies of hCG in urine following freezing and thawing cycles (n = 3) as well as storage conditions at room temperature, 4 degrees C and 20 degrees C, were performed. Results: Statistical evaluation of hCG concentrations in male urine samples (n = 2429) measured with the Elecsys (R) 1010 system enabled us to draw a skewed frequency histogram and establish a far outside value equal to 2.3 IU/L. This decision limit corresponds to the concentration at which a sportsman will be considered positive for hCG. Intra-assay precision for the Access (R) analyser was less than 4.0 A, whereas the inter-assay precision was closer to 4.5 % (concentrations of the official external controls contained between 5.5 and 195.0 IU/L). Intra and inter-assay precision for the Elecsys (R) 1010 analyser was slightly better. A good inter-technique correlation was obtained when measuring various urine samples (male and female). No urinary hCG loss was observed after two freeze/thaw cycles. On the other hand, time and inappropriate storage conditions, such as temperatures above 10 degrees C for more than 5 days, can deteriorate urinary hCG. Conclusions: Both analysers showed acceptable performances and are suitable for screening urine for anti-doping analyses. Each laboratory should validate and establish its own reference values because hCG concentrations measured in urine can be different from one immunoassay to another. The time delay between urine collection and analysis should be reduced as much as possible, and urine samples should be transported in optimal conditions to avoid a loss of hCG immunoreactivity.


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BACKGROUND: Prevalence of unhealthy alcohol use among medical inpatients is high. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the course and outcomes of unhealthy alcohol use, and factors associated with these outcomes. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 287 medical inpatients with unhealthy alcohol use. MAIN MEASURES: At baseline and 12 months later, consumption and alcohol-related consequences were assessed. The outcome of interest was a favorable drinking outcome at 12 months (abstinence or drinking "moderate" amounts without consequences). The independent variables evaluated included demographics, physical/sexual abuse, drug use, depressive symptoms, alcohol dependence, commitment to change (Taking Action), spending time with heavy-drinking friends and receipt of alcohol treatment (after hospitalization). Adjusted regression models were used to evaluate factors associated with a favorable outcome. KEY RESULTS: Thirty-three percent had a favorable drinking outcome 1 year later. Not spending time with heavy-drinking friends [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 2.14, 95% CI: 1.14-4.00] and receipt of alcohol treatment [AOR (95% CI): 2.16(1.20-3.87)] were associated with a favorable outcome. Compared to the first quartile (lowest level) of Taking Action, subjects in the second, third and highest quartiles had higher odds of a favorable outcome [AOR (95% CI): 3.65 (1.47, 9.02), 3.39 (1.38, 8.31) and 6.76 (2.74, 16.67)]. CONCLUSIONS: Although most medical inpatients with unhealthy alcohol use continue drinking at-risk amounts and/or have alcohol-related consequences, one third are abstinent or drink "moderate" amounts without consequences 1 year later. Not spending time with heavy-drinking friends, receipt of alcohol treatment and commitment to change are associated with this favorable outcome. This can inform efforts to address unhealthy alcohol use among patients who often do not seek specialty treatment.


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BACKGROUND: Pain is a major issue after burns even when large doses of opioids are prescribed. The study focused on the impact of a pain protocol using hypnosis on pain intensity, anxiety, clinical course, and costs. METHODS: All patients admitted to the ICU, aged >18 years, with an ICU stay >24h, accepting to try hypnosis, and treated according to standardized pain protocol were included. Pain was scaled on the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) (mean of daily multiple recordings), and basal and procedural opioid doses were recorded. Clinical outcome and economical data were retrieved from hospital charts and information system, respectively. Treated patients were matched with controls for sex, age, and the burned surface area. FINDINGS: Forty patients were admitted from 2006 to 2007: 17 met exclusion criteria, leaving 23 patients, who were matched with 23 historical controls. Altogether patients were 36+/-14 years old and burned 27+/-15%BSA. The first hypnosis session was performed after a median of 9 days. The protocol resulted in the early delivery of higher opioid doses/24h (p<0.0001) followed by a later reduction with lower pain scores (p<0.0001), less procedural related anxiety, less procedures under anaesthesia, reduced total grafting requirements (p=0.014), and lower hospital costs per patient. CONCLUSION: A pain protocol including hypnosis reduced pain intensity, improved opioid efficiency, reduced anxiety, improved wound outcome while reducing costs. The protocol guided use of opioids improved patient care without side effects, while hypnosis had significant psychological benefits.


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RESUME Objectif : Les lymphomes épiduraux primaires représentent moins de 10% des tumeurs épidurales et de 0,1 à 3,3% de tous les lymphomes. Le but de cette étude a été d'évaluer le profil clinique de cette maladie rare, son traitement, ses résultats ainsi que ses facteurs de pronostic. Matériel et méthode : Entre 1982 et 2002, 52 patients présentant un lymphome épidural primaire ont été traités dans neuf institutions membres du Rare Cancer Network. Les critères d'inclusion comprenaient : une biopsie confirmant le lymphome non-hodgkinien, un stade IE et IIE selon la classification de Ann Arbor, un traitement à visée curative de radiothérapie combinée ou non à une chimiothérapie et un suivi d'au moins six mois. Selon la Working Formulation, 12 patients (23%) présentaient un lymphome de bas grade, 28 (54%) un grade intermédiaire et 12 (23%) un haut grade. Les hommes étaient atteints 1.9 fois plus fréquemment que les femmes. L'âge moyen était de 61 ans (intervalle : 21 à 96). Le bilan incluait un Ct-scan spinal (98%), une IRM (52%), un CT-scan thoraco-abdominal (77%) et une aspiration ou biopsie de moelle osseuse (96%). Les symptômes les plus fréquents comprenaient des douleurs dorsales (79% des patients), une faiblesse musculaire (92%) et des déficits sensoriels (71 %). Quarante-huit patients ont subi une laminectomie de décompression avec résection partielle ou complète (42% et 13% des cas respectivement), tous ont reçu une radiothérapie seule (20 patients) ou en combinaison avec une chimiothérapie (32 patients). La dose médiane totale était de 36 Gy (intervalle 6-50 Gy) avec une moyenne de 20 Gy par fraction (intervalle : 1-25). Le suivi moyen était de 71 mois (intervalle : 22-165 mois). Résultats : Suite au traitement, une progression locale a été observée chez 6 patients après un temps de latence moyen de 6 mois. Le taux de rechute systémique a été de 42% (22 patients) le plus souvent dans les ganglions lymphatiques (n=9) après un intervalle de temps moyen de 20 mois. Lors du dernier contrôle, 28 patients étaient vivants et 24 patients étaient décédés. Le taux de survie à 5 ans, le taux de survie sans maladie et le contrôle local étaient de 69%, 57% et 88% respectivement. En analyse univariée, les facteurs pronostics favorables statistiquement significatifs concernant la survie sans maladie étaient un âge inférieur à 63 ans, ainsi qu'une réponse neurologique complète. Pour la survie à 5 ans, les facteurs favorables étaient un âge inférieur à 63 ans. En analyse multivariée, les facteurs pronostics favorables pour la survie globale à 5 ans étaient une réponse neurologique complète, un traitement combiné, un volume de radiothérapie plus que focal, une dose totale de radiothérapie supérieure à 36 Gy et une résection partielle ou complète de la tumeur. En ce qui concerne la survie sans maladie, les facteurs pronostics favorables étáient un âge inférieur à 63 ans et un traitement combiné. Conclusion : Ce qui ressort de cette analyse est que le bilan diagnostic devrait inclure une IRM ou un CT-scan, un échantillon de tissu pour poser le diagnostic pathologique définitif de la lésion, une histoire médicale et un examen physique complet, une chimie sanguine, un CTscan thoraco-abdominal et une biopsie de la moelle osseuse, un PET-scan devrait également faire partie du bilan. Le traitement devrait consister, dans la phase aiguë, en une chirurgie de décompression avec ou sans résection, suivie d'une radiothérapie d'au moins 36Gy en 2 Gy par fraction et d'une chimiothérapie. Tous les patients présentant un lymphome de haut grade ou de grade intermédiaire devraient pouvoir bénéficier d'un traitement combiné.


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INTRODUCTION. Reduced cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) may worsen secondary damage and outcome after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), however the optimal management of CPP is still debated. STUDY HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesized that the impact of CPP on outcome is related to brain tissue oxygen tension (PbtO2) level and that reduced CPP may worsen TBI prognosis when it is associated with brain hypoxia. DESIGN. Retrospective analysis of prospective database. METHODS. We analyzed 103 patients with severe TBI who underwent continuous PbtO2 and CPP monitoring for an average of 5 days. For each patient, duration of reduced CPP (\60 mm Hg) and brain hypoxia (PbtO2\15 mm Hg for[30 min [1]) was calculated with linear interpolation method and the relationship between CPP and PbtO2 was analyzed with Pearson's linear correlation coefficient. Outcome at 30 days was assessed with the Glasgow Outcome Score (GOS), dichotomized as good (GOS 4-5) versus poor (GOS 1-3). Multivariable associations with outcome were analyzed with stepwise forward logistic regression. RESULTS. Reduced CPP (n=790 episodes; mean duration 10.2 ± 12.3 h) was observed in 75 (74%) patients and was frequently associated with brain hypoxia (46/75; 61%). Episodes where reduced CPP were associated with normal brain oxygen did not differ significantly between patients with poor versus those with good outcome (8.2 ± 8.3 vs. 6.5 ± 9.7 h; P=0.35). In contrast, time where reduced CPP occurred simultaneously with brain hypoxia was longer in patients with poor than in those with good outcome (3.3±7.4 vs. 0.8±2.3 h; P=0.02). Outcome was significantly worse in patients who had both reduced CPP and brain hypoxia (61% had GOS 1-3 vs. 17% in those with reduced CPP but no brain hypoxia; P\0.01). Patients in whom a positive CPP-PbtO2 correlation (r[0.3) was found also were more likely to have poor outcome (69 vs. 31% in patients with no CPP-PbtO2 correlation; P\0.01). Brain hypoxia was an independent risk factor of poor prognosis (odds ratio for favorable outcome of 0.89 [95% CI 0.79-1.00] per hour spent with a PbtO2\15 mm Hg; P=0.05, adjusted for CPP, age, GCS, Marshall CT and APACHE II). CONCLUSIONS. Low CPP may significantly worsen outcome after severe TBI when it is associated with brain tissue hypoxia. PbtO2-targeted management of CPP may optimize TBI therapy and improve outcome of head-injured patients.


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We report on advanced dual-wavelength digital holographic microscopy (DHM) methods, enabling single-acquisition real-time micron-range measurements while maintaining single-wavelength interferometric resolution in the nanometer regime. In top of the unique real-time capability of our technique, it is shown that axial resolution can be further increased compared to single-wavelength operation thanks to the uncorrelated nature of both recorded wavefronts. It is experimentally demonstrated that DHM topographic investigation within 3 decades measurement range can be achieved with our arrangement, opening new applications possibilities for this interferometric technique. ©2008 COPYRIGHT SPIE


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Contexte et but de l'étude :Le statut socio-économique est suspecté d'avoir une influence significative sur l'incidence des attaques cérébrales (AVC), sur les facteurs de risque cardio-vasculaire, ainsi que sur le pronostic. L'influence de ce statut socio-économique sur la sévérité de l'AVC et sur les mécanismes physiopathologiques sous-jacents est moins connue.Méthode :Sur une période de 4 ans, nous avons collecté de manière prospective (dans un registre) des données concernant tous les patients avec AVC aigus admis à l'Unité Cérébrovasculaire du CHUV. Les données comprenaient le statut assécurologique du patient (assurance privée ou générale), les données démographiques, les facteurs de risque cérébrovasculaires, l'utilisation de traitements aigus de recanalisation vasculaire, le délai avant l'admission à l'hôpital, ainsi que la sévérité et le pronostic de l'AVC en phase aiguë, à 7 jours et à 3 mois des symptômes. Les patients avec assurance privée ont été comparés à ceux avec assurance générale.Résultats :Sur 1062 patients avec AVC, 203 avaient une assurance privée et 859 avaient une assurance générale. Il y a avait 585 hommes et 477 femmes. Les deux populations étaient similaires en âge. Les facteurs de risque cardio-vasculaire, la médication préventive, le délai d'arrivée à l'hôpital, l'incidence du taux de thrombolyse et l'étiologie de l'AVC ne différaient pas dans les deux populations. Le score de gravité de l'AVC en phase aiguë, mesuré par le NIHSS, était significativement plus élevé chez les patients avec assurance générale. Un pronostic favorable, mesuré par le score de Rankin modifié (mRS), était plus fréquemment obtenu à 7 jours et à 3 mois chez les patients avec assurance privée.Commentaires :Un statut socio-économique bas est associé à une incidence plus élevée de maladies cérébrovasculaires ainsi qu'à un plus mauvais pronostic, comme cela a été démontré dans différents pays. Il a été suspecté que l'accès à une prise en charge spécialisée en phase aiguë ou en rééducation soit différent selon le statut socio-économique. Comme la Suisse a un système de santé universel, avec une couverture assécurologique obligatoire pour chaque habitant, il y a là une occasion unique de comparer l'influence de l'aspect socio-économique sur la sévérité et le pronostic de l'AVC. De plus, les patients ont été admis dans la même Unité Cérébrovasculaire et pris en charge par la même équipe médicale.Conclusion et perspectives :Le lien entre le statut assécurologique et le statut socio-économique a déjà été prouvé par le passé dans d'autres pays. Nous avons mis en évidence une sévérité plus importante et un plus mauvais pronostic chez les patients avec assurance générale dans la population étudiée. L'étiologie de cette différence dans un système de santé à couverture universelle comme celui de la Suisse reste peu claire. Elle devrait être étudiée à plus grande échelle.


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The medulla oblongata (MO) contains a high density of glycinergic synapses and a particularly high concentration of glycine. The aims of this study were to measure directly in vivo the neurochemical profile, including glycine, in MO using a spin-echo-based (1)H MRS sequence at TE?=?2.8 ms and to compare it with three other brain regions (cortex, striatum and hippocampus) in the rat. Glycine was quantified in MO at TE?=?2.8 ms with a Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB) of approximately 5%. As a result of the relatively low level of glycine in the other three regions, the measurement of glycine was performed at TE?=?20 ms, which provides a favorable J-modulation of overlapping myo-inositol resonance. The other 14 metabolites composing the neurochemical profile were quantified in vivo in MO with CRLBs below 25%. Absolute concentrations of metabolites in MO, such as glutamate, glutamine, ?-aminobutyrate, taurine and glycine, were in the range of previous in vitro quantifications in tissue extracts. Compared with the other regions, MO had a three-fold higher glycine concentration, and was characterised by reduced (p?<?0.001) concentrations of glutamate (-50?±?4%), glutamine (-54?±?3%) and taurine (-78?±?3%). This study suggests that the functional specialisation of distinct brain regions is reflected in the neurochemical profile.


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Leaders must scan the internal and external environment, chart strategic and task objectives, and provide performance feedback. These instrumental leadership (IL) functions go beyond the motivational and quid-pro quo leader behaviors that comprise the full-range-transformational, transactional, and laissez faire-leadership model. In four studies we examined the construct validity of IL. We found evidence for a four-factor IL model that was highly prototypical of good leadership. IL predicted top-level leader emergence controlling for the full-range factors, initiating structure, and consideration. It also explained unique variance in outcomes beyond the full-range factors; the effects of transformational leadership were vastly overstated when IL was omitted from the model. We discuss the importance of a "fuller full-range" leadership theory for theory and practice. We also showcase our methodological contributions regarding corrections for common method variance (i.e., endogeneity) bias using two-stage least squares (2SLS) regression and Monte Carlo split-sample designs.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Critically ill patients with complicated evolution are frequently hypermetabolic, catabolic, and at risk of underfeeding. The study aimed at assessing the relationship between energy balance and outcome in critically ill patients. METHODS: Prospective observational study conducted in consecutive patients staying > or = 5 days in the surgical ICU of a University hospital. Demographic data, time to feeding, route, energy delivery, and outcome were recorded. Energy balance was calculated as energy delivery minus target. Data in means+/-SD, linear regressions between energy balance and outcome variables. RESULTS: Forty eight patients aged 57+/-16 years were investigated; complete data are available in 669 days. Mechanical ventilation lasted 11+/-8 days, ICU stay 15+/-9 was days, and 30-days mortality was 38%. Time to feeding was 3.1+/-2.2 days. Enteral nutrition was the most frequent route with 433 days. Mean daily energy delivery was 1090+/-930 kcal. Combining enteral and parenteral nutrition achieved highest energy delivery. Cumulated energy balance was between -12,600+/-10,520 kcal, and correlated with complications (P < 0.001), already after 1 week. CONCLUSION: Negative energy balances were correlated with increasing number of complications, particularly infections. Energy debt appears as a promising tool for nutritional follow-up, which should be further tested. Delaying initiation of nutritional support exposes the patients to energy deficits that cannot be compensated later on.