180 resultados para Optically Active Constituents (OACs)
RP 59500 is a new injectable streptogramin composed of two synergistic components (quinupristin and dalfopristin) which are active against erythromycin-susceptible and -resistant gram-positive pathogens. The present experiments compared the therapeutic efficacy of RP 59500 with that of vancomycin against experimental endocarditis due to either of two erythromycin-susceptible or two constitutively erythromycin-resistant isolates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. RP 59500 had low MICs for the four test organisms as well as for 24 additional isolates (the MIC at which 90% of the isolates were inhibited was < 1 mg/liter) which were mostly inducibly (47%) or constitutively (39%) erythromycin resistant. Aortic endocarditis in rats was produced with catheter-induced vegetations. Three-day therapy was initiated 12 h after infection, and the drugs were delivered via a computerized pump, which permitted the mimicking of the drug kinetics produced in human serum by twice-daily intravenous injections of 7 mg of RP 59500 per kg of body weight or 1 g of vancomycin. Both antibiotics reduced vegetation bacterial titers to below detection levels in ca. 70% of animals infected with the erythromycin-susceptible isolates (P < 0.05 compared with titers in controls). Vancomycin was also effective against the constitutively resistant strains, but RP 59500 failed against these isolates. Further experiments proved that RP 59500 failures were related to the very short life span of dalfopristin in serum (< or = 2 h, compared with > or = 6 h for quinupristin), since successful treatment was restored by artificially prolonging the dalfopristin levels for 6 h. Thus, RP 59500 is a promising alternative to vancomycin against methicillin-resistant S. aureus infections, provided that pharmacokinetic parameters are adjusted to afford prolonged levels of both of its constituents in serum. This observation is also relevant to humans, in whom the life span of dalfopristin in serum is also shorter than that of quinupristin.
In this paper, we propose two active learning algorithms for semiautomatic definition of training samples in remote sensing image classification. Based on predefined heuristics, the classifier ranks the unlabeled pixels and automatically chooses those that are considered the most valuable for its improvement. Once the pixels have been selected, the analyst labels them manually and the process is iterated. Starting with a small and nonoptimal training set, the model itself builds the optimal set of samples which minimizes the classification error. We have applied the proposed algorithms to a variety of remote sensing data, including very high resolution and hyperspectral images, using support vector machines. Experimental results confirm the consistency of the methods. The required number of training samples can be reduced to 10% using the methods proposed, reaching the same level of accuracy as larger data sets. A comparison with a state-of-the-art active learning method, margin sampling, is provided, highlighting advantages of the methods proposed. The effect of spatial resolution and separability of the classes on the quality of the selection of pixels is also discussed.
Hsp70 is a central molecular chaperone that passively prevents protein aggregation and uses the energy of ATP hydrolysis to solubilize, translocate, and mediate the proper refolding of proteins in the cell. Yet, the molecular mechanism by which the active Hsp70 chaperone functions are achieved remains unclear. Here, we show that the bacterial Hsp70 (DnaK) can actively unfold misfolded structures in aggregated polypeptides, leading to gradual disaggregation. We found that the specific unfolding and disaggregation activities of individual DnaK molecules were optimal for large aggregates but dramatically decreased for small aggregates. The active unfolding of the smallest aggregates, leading to proper global refolding, required the cooperative action of several DnaK molecules per misfolded polypeptide. This finding suggests that the unique ATP-fueled locking/unlocking mechanism of the Hsp70 chaperones can recruit random chaperone motions to locally unfold misfolded structures and gradually disentangle stable aggregates into refoldable proteins.
This study was conducted to assess the pharmacologic properties of the new orally active angiotensin II subtype I (AT1) antagonist UR-7247, a product with a half-life >100 h in humans. The experiment was designed as an open-label, single-dose administration study with four parallel groups of four healthy men receiving increasing single oral doses (2.5, 5, and 10 mg) of UR-7247 or losartan, 100 mg. Angiotensin II receptor blockade was investigated < or =96 h after drug intake, with three independent methods [i.e., the inhibition of blood pressure (BP) response to exogenous Ang II, an in vitro Ang II-receptor assay (RRA), and the reactive increase in plasma angiotensin II. Plasma drug levels also were measured. The degree of blockade observed in vivo was statistically significant < or = 96 h with all UR-7247 doses for diastolic BP (p < 0.05) and < or =48 h for systolic BP. The maximal inhibition achieved with 10 mg UR-7247 was measured 6-24 h after drug intake and reached 54 +/- 17% and 48 +/- 20% for diastolic and systolic responses, respectively. Losartan, 100 mg, induced a greater short-term AT1-receptor blockade than 2.5- and 5.0-mg doses of UR-7247 (p < 0.001 for diastolic BP), but the UR-7247 effect was longer lasting. In vivo, no significant difference was observed between 10 mg UR-7247 and 100 mg losartan 4 h after drug intake, but in vitro, the blockade achieved with 100 mg losartan was higher than that seen with UR-7247. Finally, the results confirm that UR-7247 has a very long plasma elimination half-life, which may be due to a high but also tight binding to protein binding sites. In conclusion, UR-7247 is a long-lasting, well-tolerated AT1 receptor in healthy subjects.
OBJECTIVE: HIV-1 post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is frequently prescribed after exposure to source persons with an undetermined HIV serostatus. To reduce unnecessary use of PEP, we implemented a policy including active contacting of source persons and the availability of free, anonymous HIV testing ('PEP policy'). METHODS: All consultations for potential non-occupational HIV exposures i.e. outside the medical environment) were prospectively recorded. The impact of the PEP policy on PEP prescription and costs was analysed and modelled. RESULTS: Among 146 putative exposures, 47 involved a source person already known to be HIV positive and 23 had no indication for PEP. The remaining 76 exposures involved a source person of unknown HIV serostatus. Of 33 (43.4%) exposures for which the source person could be contacted and tested, PEP was avoided in 24 (72.7%), initiated and discontinued in seven (21.2%), and prescribed and completed in two (6.1%). In contrast, of 43 (56.6%) exposures for which the source person could not be tested, PEP was prescribed in 35 (81.4%), P < 0.001. Upon modelling, the PEP policy allowed a 31% reduction of cost for management of exposures to source persons of unknown HIV serostatus. The policy was cost-saving for HIV prevalence of up to 70% in the source population. The availability of all the source persons for testing would have reduced cost by 64%. CONCLUSION: In the management of non-occupational HIV exposures, active contacting and free, anonymous testing of source persons proved feasible. This policy resulted in a decrease in prescription of PEP, proved to be cost-saving, and presumably helped to avoid unnecessary toxicity and psychological stress.
Rapport de synthèse : Introduction : plusieurs études observationnelles suggèrent qu'il existe une association entre le tabagisme actif et l'incidence du diabète de type 2. Toutefois de telles études n'ont jamais été synthétisées de façon systématique. Objectif : conduire une revue systématique avec meta-analyse des études évaluant l'association entre le tabagisme actif et l'incidence du diabète de type 2. Méthode : nous avons effectué une recherche dans les bases de donnée électroniques MEDLINE et EMBASE de 1966 à mai 2007, et l'avons complétée par une recherche manuelle des bibliographies des articles clés retenus ainsi que par la recherche d'abstracts de congrès scientifiques et le contact d'experts. Pour être inclues dans notre revue, les études devaient avoir un design de type cohorte, reporter un risque de glycémies jeun élevée, d'intolérance au glucose ou de diabète de type 2 en relation avec le statut tabagique des participants lors du recrutement et devaient exclure les sujets avec un diabète au début de l'étude. Deux auteurs ont sélectionné de façon indépendante les études et ont extrait les données. Les risques relatifs de diabète étaient ensuite compilés, utilisant un modèle de type « random effect ». Résultats : la recherche a aboutit à 25 études de cohorte prospectives (N=1'165'374 participants) et a reporté en tout 45'844 cas de diabète de type 2 pendant une durée de suivi s'étendant sur 5 à 30 années. Sur les 25 études, 24 reportaient un risque augmenté de diabète chez les fumeurs par comparaison aux non fumeurs. Le risque relatif (RR) commun de toutes les études était de 1.44 (intervalle de confiance (IC) à 95% : 1.31-1.58). Le risque de diabète était plus élevé chez les fumeurs de plus de 20 cigarettes par jour (RR : 1.61, IC 95% : 1.43-1.80) en comparaison aux fumeurs ayant une consommation inférieure (RR : 1.29, IC 95% : 1.13-1.48) et le risque était moindre pour les anciens fumeurs (RR :1.23; IC 95% : 1.14-1.33) comparé aux fumeurs actifs. Ces éléments parlent en faveur d'un effet dose-réponse et donc d'une relation de causalité, sans pour autant la prouver. Conclusion : notre étude révèle que le tabagisme actif est associé avec un risque augmenté de 44% de diabète de type 2. Des recherches futures sont nécessaires pour évaluer si cette association est causale et pour clarifier les mécanismes d'action. Dans l'intervalle, les professionnels de santé devraient mentionner l'éviction du diabète comme une raison supplémentaire d'arrêter de fumer ou de ne pas commencer à fumer.
X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) is a dosage compensation mechanism that silences the majority of genes on one X chromosome in each female cell. To characterize epigenetic changes that accompany this process, we measured DNA methylation levels in 45,X patients carrying a single active X chromosome (X(a)), and in normal females, who carry one X(a) and one inactive X (X(i)). Methylated DNA was immunoprecipitated and hybridized to high-density oligonucleotide arrays covering the X chromosome, generating epigenetic profiles of active and inactive X chromosomes. We observed that XCI is accompanied by changes in DNA methylation specifically at CpG islands (CGIs). While the majority of CGIs show increased methylation levels on the X(i), XCI actually results in significant reductions in methylation at 7% of CGIs. Both intra- and inter-genic CGIs undergo epigenetic modification, with the biggest increase in methylation occurring at the promoters of genes silenced by XCI. In contrast, genes escaping XCI generally have low levels of promoter methylation, while genes that show inter-individual variation in silencing show intermediate increases in methylation. Thus, promoter methylation and susceptibility to XCI are correlated. We also observed a global correlation between CGI methylation and the evolutionary age of X-chromosome strata, and that genes escaping XCI show increased methylation within gene bodies. We used our epigenetic map to predict 26 novel genes escaping XCI, and searched for parent-of-origin-specific methylation differences, but found no evidence to support imprinting on the human X chromosome. Our study provides a detailed analysis of the epigenetic profile of active and inactive X chromosomes.
We have mutated a single residue, Thr373 [corrected], in the C-terminal portion of the third intracellular loop of the alpha 2C10-adrenergic receptor into five different amino acids. In analogy with the effect of similar mutations in the alpha 1B- and beta 2-adrenergic receptors, these substitutions resulted in two major biochemical modifications: 1) increased constitutive activity of the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor leading to agonist-independent inhibition of adenylyl cyclase and 2) increased affinity of the receptor for binding agonist but not antagonists. The increased constitutive activity of the mutated alpha 2-adrenergic receptors could be inhibited by pertussis toxin, clearly indicating that it results from spontaneous ligand-independent receptor coupling to Gi. In contrast, the increased affinity of the mutant receptors for binding agonists was unaffected by pertussis toxin treatment, indicating that this is an inherent property of the receptors not dependent on interaction with Gi. Coexpression of the receptor mutants with the receptor-specific kinase, beta ARK1, indicated that the constitutively active alpha 2-adrenergic receptors are substrates for beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (beta ARK)-mediated phosphorylation even in the absence of agonist. These findings strengthen the idea that constitutively active adrenergic receptors mimic the "active" state of a G protein-coupled receptor adopting conformations similar to those induced by agonist when it binds to wild type receptors. In addition, these results extend the notion that in the adrenergic receptor family the C-terminal portion of the third intracellular loop plays a general role in the processes involved in receptor activation.
The Polochic and Motagua faults define the active plate boundary between the North American and Caribbean plates in central Guatemala. A splay of the Polochic Fault traverses the rapidly growing city of San Miguel Uspantan that is periodically affected by destructive earthquakes. This fault splay was located using a 2D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) survey that also characterized the fault damage zone and evaluated the thickness and nature of recent deposits upon which most of the city is built. ERT images show the fault as a similar to 50 m wide, near-vertical low-resistivity anomaly, bounded within a few meters by high resistivity anomalies. Forward modeling reproduces the key aspects of the observed electrical resistivity data with remarkable fidelity thus defining the overall location, geometry, and internal structure of the fault zone as well as the affected lithologies. Our results indicate that the city is constructed on a similar to 20 m thick surficial layer consisting of poorly consolidated, highly porous, water-logged pumice. This soft layer is likely to amplify seismic waves and to liquefy upon moderate to strong ground shaking. The electrical conductivity as well as the major element chemistry of the groundwater provides evidence to suggest that the local aquifer might, at least in part, be fed by water rising along the fault. Therefore, the potential threat posed by this fault splay may not be limited to its seismic activity per se, but could be compounded its potential propensity to enhance seismic site effects by injecting water into the soft surficial sediments. The results of this study provide the basis for a rigorous analysis of seismic hazard and sustainable development of San Miguel Uspantan and illustrate the potential of ERT surveying for paleoseismic studies.
We are interested in the development, implementation and testing of an orthotropic model for cardiac contraction based on an active strain decomposition. Our model addresses the coupling of a transversely isotropic mechanical description at the cell level, with an orthotropic constitutive law for incompressible tissue at the macroscopic level. The main differences with the active stress model are addressed in detail, and a finite element discretization using Taylor-Hood and MINI elements is proposed and illustrated with numerical examples.
Gene expression often cycles between active and inactive states in eukaryotes, yielding variable or noisy gene expression in the short-term, while slow epigenetic changes may lead to silencing or variegated expression. Understanding how cells control these effects will be of paramount importance to construct biological systems with predictable behaviours. Here we find that a human matrix attachment region (MAR) genetic element controls the stability and heritability of gene expression in cell populations. Mathematical modeling indicated that the MAR controls the probability of long-term transitions between active and inactive expression, thus reducing silencing effects and increasing the reactivation of silent genes. Single-cell short-terms assays revealed persistent expression and reduced expression noise in MAR-driven genes, while stochastic burst of expression occurred without this genetic element. The MAR thus confers a more deterministic behavior to an otherwise stochastic process, providing a means towards more reliable expression of engineered genetic systems.
In human transcriptional regulation, DNA-sequence-specific factors can associate with intermediaries that orchestrate interactions with a diverse set of chromatin-modifying enzymes. One such intermediary is HCFC1 (also known as HCF-1). HCFC1, first identified in herpes simplex virus transcription, has a poorly defined role in cellular transcriptional regulation. We show here that, in HeLa cells, HCFC1 is observed bound to 5400 generally active CpG-island promoters. Examination of the DNA sequences underlying the HCFC1-binding sites revealed three sequence motifs associated with the binding of (1) ZNF143 and THAP11 (also known as Ronin), (2) GABP, and (3) YY1 sequence-specific transcription factors. Subsequent analysis revealed colocalization of HCFC1 with these four transcription factors at ∼90% of the 5400 HCFC1-bound promoters. These studies suggest that a relatively small number of transcription factors play a major role in HeLa-cell transcriptional regulation in association with HCFC1.