104 resultados para Neonatal seizure detection


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BACKGROUND: Using a bench test model, we investigated the hypothesis that neonatal and/or adult ventilators equipped with neonatal/pediatric modes currently do not reliably administer pressure support (PS) in neonatal or pediatric patient groups in either the absence or presence of air leaks. METHODS: PS was evaluated in 4 neonatal and 6 adult ventilators using a bench model to evaluate triggering, pressurization, and cycling in both the absence and presence of leaks. Delivered tidal volumes were also assessed. Three patients were simulated: a preterm infant (resistance 100 cm H2O/L/s, compliance 2 mL/cm H2O, inspiratory time of the patient [TI] 400 ms, inspiratory effort 1 and 2 cm H2O), a full-term infant (resistance 50 cm H2O/L/s, compliance 5 mL/cm H2O, TI 500 ms, inspiratory effort 2 and 4 cm H2O), and a child (resistance 30 cm H2O/L/s, compliance 10 mL/cm H2O, TI 600 ms, inspiratory effort 5 and 10 cm H2O). Two PS levels were tested (10 and 15 cm H2O) with and without leaks and with and without the leak compensation algorithm activated. RESULTS: Without leaks, only 2 neonatal ventilators and one adult ventilator had trigger delays under a given predefined acceptable limit (1/8 TI). Pressurization showed high variability between ventilators. Most ventilators showed TI in excess high enough to seriously impair patient-ventilator synchronization (> 50% of the TI of the subject). In some ventilators, leaks led to autotriggering and impairment of ventilation performance, but the influence of leaks was generally lower in neonatal ventilators. When a noninvasive ventilation algorithm was available, this was partially corrected. In general, tidal volume was calculated too low by the ventilators in the presence of leaks; the noninvasive ventilation algorithm was able to correct this difference in only 2 adult ventilators. CONCLUSIONS: No ventilator performed equally well under all tested conditions for all explored parameters. However, neonatal ventilators tended to perform better in the presence of leaks. These findings emphasize the need to improve algorithms for assisted ventilation modes to better deal with situations of high airway resistance, low pulmonary compliance, and the presence of leaks.


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Infected lateral cervical cysts in newborn are rare. We present the case of a baby born at 41 weeks of gestation. At day 3, persistent cyanosis was noted, and a mass appeared in the left cervical region next to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. No cutaneous sinus was visible. Ultrasound imaging showed no sign of blood flow within the mass and no septae. The mass extended down to the aortic arch and pushed the trachea to the right. A cervical lymphangioma was first suspected. Puncture of the mass evacuated 80 mL of pus, and a drain was put in place. Opacification through the drain showed a tract originating from the left pyriform fossa. Preoperative laryngoscopy and catheterization of the fistula tract confirmed the diagnosis. The cyst was totally excised up to the sinus with the assistance of a guidewire inserted orally through a rigid laryngoscope. This is a rare case of an infected pyriform sinus cyst in the neonatal period.


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Frequent expression of cancer testis antigens (CTA) has been consistently observed in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). For instance, in 52 HNSCC patients, MAGE-A3 and -A4 CTA were expressed in over 75% of tumors, regardless of the sites of primary tumors such as oral cavity or hypopharynx. Yet, T-cell responses against these CTA in tumor-bearing patients have not been investigated in detail. In this study, we assessed the naturally acquired T-cell response against MAGE-A3 and -A4 in nonvaccinated HNSCC patients. Autologous antigen-presenting cells pulsed with overlapping peptide pools were used to detect and isolate MAGE-A3 and MAGE-A4 specific CD4(+) T cells from healthy donors and seven head and neck cancer patients. CD4(+) T-cell clones were characterized by cytokine secretion. We could detect and isolate MAGE-A3 and MAGE-A4 specific CD4(+) T cells from 7/7 cancer patients analyzed. Moreover, we identified six previously described and three new epitopes for MAGE-A3. Among them, the MAGE-A3(111-125) and MAGE-A3(161-175) epitopes were shown to be naturally processed and presented by DC in association with HLA-DP and DR, respectively. All of the detected MAGE-A4 responses were specific for new helper epitopes. These data suggest that naturally acquired CD4(+) T-cell responses against CT antigens often occur in vivo in HNSCC cancer patients and provide a rationale for the development of active immunotherapeutic approaches in this type of tumor.


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The in situ deposition of zinc oxide on gold nanoparticles in aqueous solution has been here successfully applied in the field of fingermark detection on various non-porous surfaces. In this article, we present the improvement of the multimetal deposition, an existing technique limited up to now to non-luminescent results, by obtaining luminescent fingermarks with very good contrast and details. This is seen as a major improvement in the field in terms of selectivity and sensitivity of detection, especially on black surfaces.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the diagnostic value of previously described MR features used for detecting suspected placental invasion according to observers' experience. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Our population included 25 pregnant women (mean age 35.16) investigated by prenatal MRI (1.5T, T1- and T2-weighted MR-sequences without i.v. contrast), among them 12 with histopathologically proven placental invasion and 13 women (52%) without placental invasion used as control group. Two senior and two junior radiologists blindly and independently reviewed MR-examinations in view of 6 previously defined MR-features indicating presence and degree of placental invasion (placenta increta, accreta or percreta). For each reader the sensibility, specificity, and receiver operating curve (ROC) were calculated. Interobserver agreements between senior and junior readers were determined. Stepwise logistic regression was performed including the 6 MR-features predictive of placental invasion. RESULTS: Demographics between both groups were statistically equivalent. Overall sensitivity and specificity for placental invasion was 90.9% and 75.0% for seniors and 81.8% and 61.8% for juniors, respectively. The best single MR-feature indicating placental invasion was T2-hypointense placental bands (r(2)=0.28), followed by focally interrupted myometrial border, infiltration of pelvic organs and tenting of the bladder (r(2)=0.36). Interobserver agreement for detecting placental invasion was 0.64 for seniors and 0.41 for juniors, thus substantial and moderate, respectively. Seniors detected placental invasion and depth of infiltration with significantly higher diagnostic certitude than juniors (p=0.0002 and p=0.0282, respectively). CONCLUSION: MRI can be a reliable and reproducible tool for the detection of suspected placental invasion, but the diagnostic value significantly depends on observers' experience.


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The neonatal immune response is impaired during the first weeks after birth. To obtain a better understanding of this immaturity, we investigated the development of T cell interactions with B cells in mice. For this purpose, we analyzed the immune response to three T-dependent antigens in vivo: (i) the polyclonal antibody response induced by vaccinia virus; (ii) the production of polyclonal and specific antibodies following immunization with hapten-carrier conjugates; (iii) the mouse mammary tumor virus superantigen (sAg) response involving an increase in sAg-reactive T cells and induction of polyclonal antibody production. After vaccinia virus injection into neonates, the polyclonal antibody response was similar to that observed in adult mice. The antibody response to hapten-carrier conjugates, however, was delayed and reduced. Injection with sAg-expressing B cells from neonatal or adult mice allowed us to determine whether B cells, T cells or both were implicated in the reduced immune response. In these sAg responses, neonatal T cells were stimulated by both neonatal and adult sAg-presenting B cells but only B cells from adult mice differentiated into IgM- and IgG-secreting plasma cells in the neonatal environment in vivo. Injecting neonatal B cells into adult mice did not induce antibody production. These results demonstrate that the environment of the neonatal lymph node is able to support a T and B cell response, and that immaturity of B cells plays a key role in the reduced immune response observed in the neonate.


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RÉSUMÉ Le but d'un traitement antimicrobien est d'éradiquer une infection bactérienne. Cependant, il est souvent difficile d'en évaluer rapidement l'efficacité en utilisant les techniques standard. L'estimation de la viabilité bactérienne par marqueurs moléculaires permettrait d'accélérer le processus. Ce travail étudie donc la possibilité d'utiliser le RNA ribosomal (rRNA) à cet effet. Des cultures de Streptococcus gordonii sensibles (parent Wt) et tolérants (mutant Tol 1) à l'action bactéricide de la pénicilline ont été exposées à différents antibiotiques. La survie bactérienne au cours du temps a été déterminée en comparant deux méthodes. La méthode de référence par compte viable a été comparée à une méthode moléculaire consistant à amplifier par PCR quantitative en temps réel une partie du génome bactérien. La cible choisie devait refléter la viabilité cellulaire et par conséquent être synthétisée de manière constitutive lors de la vie de la bactérie et être détruite rapidement lors de la mort cellulaire. Le choix s'est porté sur un fragment du gène 16S-rRNA. Ce travail a permis de valider ce choix en corrélant ce marqueur moléculaire à la viabilité bactérienne au cours d'un traitement antibiotique bactéricide. De manière attendue, les S. gordonii sensibles à la pénicilline ont perdu ≥ 4 log10 CFU/ml après 48 heures de traitement par pénicilline alors que le mutant tolérant Tol1 en a perdu ≥ 1 log10 CFU/ml. De manière intéressant, la quantité de marqueur a augmenté proportionnellement au compte viable durant la phase de croissance bactérienne. Après administration du traitement antibiotique, l'évolution du marqueur dépendait de la capacité de la bactérie à survivre à l'action de l'antibiotique. Stable lors du traitement des souches tolérantes, la quantité de marqueur détectée diminuait de manière proportionnelle au compte viable lors du traitement des souches sensibles. Cette corrélation s'est confirmée lors de l'utilisation d'autres antibiotiques bactéricides. En conclusion, l'amplification par PCR du RNA ribosomal 16S permet d'évaluer rapidement la viabilité bactérienne au cours d'un traitement antibiotique en évitant le recours à la mise en culture dont les résultats ne sont obtenus qu'après plus de 24 heures. Cette méthode offre donc au clinicien une évaluation rapide de l'efficacité du traitement, particulièrement dans les situations, comme le choc septique, où l'initiation sans délai d'un traitement efficace est une des conditions essentielles du succès thérapeutique. ABSTRACT Assessing bacterial viability by molecular markers might help accelerate the measurement of antibiotic-induced killing. This study investigated whether ribosomal RNA (rRNA) could be suitable for this purpose. Cultures of penicillin-susceptible and penicillin-tolerant (Tol1 mutant) Streptococcus gordonii were exposed to mechanistically different penicillin and levofloxacin. Bacterial survival was assessed by viable counts, and compared to quantitative real-time PCR amplification of either the 16S-rRNA genes (rDNA) or the 16S rRNA, following reverse transcription. Penicillin-susceptible S. gordonii lost ≥ 4 log10 CFU/ml of viability over 48 h of penicillin treatment. In comparison, the Toll mutant lost ≤ 1 log10 CFU/ml. Amplification of a 427-base fragment of 16S rDNA yielded amplicons that increased proportionally to viable counts during bacterial growth, but did not decrease during drug-induced killing. In contrast, the same 427-base fragment amplified from 16S rDNA paralleled both bacterial growth and drug-induced killing. It also differentiated between penicillin-induced killing of the parent and the Toll mutant (≥4 log10 CFU/ml and ≤1 lo10 CFU/ml, respectively), and detected killing by mechanistically unrelated levofloxacin. Since large fragments of polynucleotides might be degraded faster than smaller fragments the experiments were repeated by amplifying a 119-base region internal to the origina1 427-base fragment. The amount of 119-base amplicons increased proportionally to viability during growth, but remained stable during drug treatment. Thus, 16S rRNA was a marker of antibiotic-induced killing, but the size of the amplified fragment was critical to differentiate between live and dead bacteria.


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Stable isotope labels are routinely introduced into proteomes for quantification purposes. Full labeling of cells in varying biological states, followed by sample mixing, fractionation and intensive data acquisition, is used to obtain accurate large-scale quantification of total protein levels. However, biological processes often affect only a small group of proteins for a short time, resulting in changes that are difficult to detect against the total proteome background. An alternative approach could be the targeted analysis of the proteins synthesized in response to a given biological stimulus. Such proteins can be pulse-labeled with a stable isotope by metabolic incorporation of 'heavy' amino acids. In this study we investigated the specific detection and identification of labeled proteins using acquisition methods based on Precursor Ion Scans (PIS) on a triple-quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer. PIS-based methods were set to detect unique immonium ions originating from labeled peptides. Different labels and methods were tested in standard mixtures to optimize performance. We showed that, in comparison with an untargeted analysis on the same instrument, the approach allowed a several-fold increase in the specificity of detection of labeled proteins over unlabeled ones. The technique was applied to the identification of proteins secreted by human cells into growth media containing bovine serum proteins, allowing the preferential detection of labeled cellular proteins over unlabeled bovine ones. However, compared with untargeted acquisitions on two different instruments, the PIS-based strategy showed some limitations in sensitivity. We discuss possible perspectives of the technique.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prenatal detection of rare chromosomal autosomal abnormalities by ultrasound (US) examination. Data were obtained from 19 congenital malformation registries from 11 European countries, between 01/07/96 and 31/12/98. A total of 664,340 births were covered and 7,758 cases with congenital malformations were recorded. Rare autosomal abnormalities were diagnosed in 114 cases (6.6%) from a total of 1,738 chromosome abnormalities. There were a wide variety of autosomal abnormalities: the most common were deletions (33 cases), duplications (32 cases), trisomies of chromosomes 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, and 16 (23 cases), and unbalanced rearrangements (19 cases). Out of these cases, 45.6% were detected prenatally by US examination due to the presence of congenital anomaly. As for the types of chromosomal anomaly, unbalanced rearrangements and deletions were the most frequently detected by US. A high percentage of cases with balanced rearrangements were associated with severe congenital anomalies. The most frequent congenital anomalies detected by US were cystic hygroma (20.6%), central nervous system defects (17.6%), cardiac defects (13.2%), and diaphragm defects (10.3%). This large series offers useful information about prenatal diagnosis by US of congenital defects associated with rare autosomal abnormalities and it provides a valuable knowledge about outcome. Fetal anomalies detected by US that were associated with rare autosomal abnormalities were significantly more frequent than those associated with common chromosomal abnormalities (45.6 vs. 34.7%). This study indicates the need to increase the detection of congenital anomalies by US.


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A transportable Raman spectrometer was tested for the detection of illicit drugs seized during border controls. In a first step, the analysis methodology was optimized using reference substances such as diacetylmorphine (heroin), cocaine and amphetamine (as powder or liquid forms). Adequate focalisation distance and times of analysis, influence of daylight and artificial light sources, repeatability and limits of detection were studied. In a second step the applications and limitations of the technique to detect the illicit substances in different mixtures and containers was evaluated. Transportable Raman spectroscopy was found to be adequate for a rapid screen of liquids and powders for the detection and identification of controlled substances. Additionally, it had the advantage over other portable techniques, such as ion mobility spectrometry, of being non-destructive and capable of rapid analysis of large quantities of substances through containers such as plastic bags and glass bottles.


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The diagnosis of infections involving internal or external neurosurgical drainage devices is challenging, and to our knowledge no single reliable microbiological test exists. We used sonication to study bacterial colonization in 14 explanted external ventricular drains (EVD) and 13 ventriculo-peritoneal shunt (VPS) devices. This technique dislodges biofilm bacteria from the surface of implanted materials before culture. Removed devices were sonicated in saline (40 kHz, 1 minute, 0.25 W/cm(2)), the resulting fluid was cultured aerobically and anaerobically at 37°C, and bacterial growth was counted. Ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was cultured separately. In the EVD group, sonication cultures grew significantly more bacteria (64%, 9/14) than cultures of aspirated ventricular CSF (14%, 2/14). In the VPS group the difference was not significant. Positive sonication cultures of EVD catheters yielded a median of >100 colony forming units (CFU) (range, 60-800). For positive sonication cultures of VPS, the median was 1000 CFU (range, 20-100,000). All patients with bacteria in their CSF also had positive sonication cultures from the removed device. Of the five patients with sterile or presumably contaminated CSF cultures but positive sonication cultures of removed shunts, one became afebrile after removal of the EVD, two developed meningitis and two remained asymptomatic. Sonication culture of EVD appears to improve the microbiological assessment of device-related infection and it corroborates with CSF cultures of revision surgery for VPS. Sonication of the removed EVD tip may raise awareness for the onset of meningitis.


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Stimulation of erythropoiesis is one of the most efficient ways of doping. This type of doping is advantageous for aerobic physical exercise and of particular interest to endurance athletes. Erythropoiesis, which takes place in bone marrow, is under the control of EPO, a hormone secreted primarily by the kidneys when the arterial oxygen tension decreases. In certain pathological disorders, such as chronic renal failure, the production of EPO is insufficient and results in anemia. The pharmaceutical industry has, thus, been very interested in developing drugs that stimulate erythropoiesis. With this aim, various strategies have been, and continue to be, envisaged, giving rise to an expanding range of drugs that are good candidates for doping. Anti-doping control has had to deal with this situation by developing appropriate methods for their detection. This article presents an overview of both the drugs and the corresponding methods of detection, and thus follows a roughly chronological order.


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BACKGROUND: Ultra high throughput sequencing (UHTS) technologies find an important application in targeted resequencing of candidate genes or of genomic intervals from genetic association studies. Despite the extraordinary power of these new methods, they are still rarely used in routine analysis of human genomic variants, in part because of the absence of specific standard procedures. The aim of this work is to provide human molecular geneticists with a tool to evaluate the best UHTS methodology for efficiently detecting DNA changes, from common SNPs to rare mutations. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We tested the three most widespread UHTS platforms (Roche/454 GS FLX Titanium, Illumina/Solexa Genome Analyzer II and Applied Biosystems/SOLiD System 3) on a well-studied region of the human genome containing many polymorphisms and a very rare heterozygous mutation located within an intronic repetitive DNA element. We identify the qualities and the limitations of each platform and describe some peculiarities of UHTS in resequencing projects. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: When appropriate filtering and mapping procedures are applied UHTS technology can be safely and efficiently used as a tool for targeted human DNA variations detection. Unless particular and platform-dependent characteristics are needed for specific projects, the most relevant parameter to consider in mainstream human genome resequencing procedures is the cost per sequenced base-pair associated to each machine.


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Epigenetic changes have long-lasting effects on gene expression and are related to, and often induced by, the environment in which early development takes place. In particular, the period of development that extends from pre-conception to early infancy is the period of life during which epigenetic DNA imprinting activity is the most active. Epigenetic changes have been associated with modification of the risk for developing a wide range of adulthood, non-communicable diseases (including cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, diseases of the reproductive system, etc.). This paper reviews the molecular basis of epigenetics, and addresses the issues related to the process of developmental programming of the various areas of human health.