292 resultados para Multi-detector Computed Tomography


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Positron emission tomography is a functional imaging technique that allows the detection of the regional metabolic rate, and is often coupled with other morphological imaging technique such as computed tomography. The rationale for its use is based on the clearly demonstrated fact that functional changes in tumor processes happen before morphological changes. Its introduction to the clinical practice added a new dimension in conventional imaging techniques. This review presents the current and proposed indications of the use of positron emission/computed tomography for prostate, bladder and testes, and the potential role of this exam in radiotherapy planning.


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BackgroundPulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis (PLCH) is a rare disorder characterised by granulomatous proliferation of CD1a-positive histiocytes forming granulomas within lung parenchyma, in strong association with tobacco smoking, and which may result in chronic respiratory failure. Smoking cessation is considered to be critical in management, but has variable effects on outcome. No drug therapy has been validated. Cladribine (chlorodeoxyadenosine, 2-CDA) down-regulates histiocyte proliferation and has been successful in curbing multi-system Langerhans cell histiocytosis and isolated PLCH.Methods and patientsWe retrospectively studied 5 patients (aged 37¿55 years, 3 females) with PLCH who received 3 to 4 courses of cladribine therapy as a single agent (0.1 mg/kg per day for 5 consecutive days at monthly intervals). One patient was treated twice because of relapse at 1 year. Progressive pulmonary disease with obstructive ventilatory pattern despite smoking cessation and/or corticosteroid therapy were indications for treatment. Patients were administered oral trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and valaciclovir to prevent opportunistic infections. They gave written consent to receive off-label cladribine in the absence of validated treatment.ResultsFunctional class dyspnea improved with cladribine therapy in 4 out of 5 cases, and forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) increased in all cases by a mean of 387 ml (100¿920 ml), contrasting with a steady decline prior to treatment. Chest high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) features improved with cladribine therapy in 4 patients. Hemodynamic improvement was observed in 1 patient with pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension. The results suggested a greater treatment effect in subjects with nodular lung lesions and/or thick-walled cysts on chest HRCT, with diffuse hypermetabolism of lung lesions on positron emission tomography (PET)-scan, and with progressive disease despite smoking cessation. Infectious pneumonia developed in 1 patient, with later grade 4 neutrocytopenia but without infection.DiscussionData interpretation was limited by the retrospective, uncontrolled study design and small sample size.ConclusionCladribine as a single agent may be effective therapy in patients with progressive PLCH.


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Rapport de synthèse : Les tumeurs de la paroi thoracique sont des pathologies graves dont le traitement principal consiste en une résection chirurgicale. L'enjeu majeur de cette intervention ontologique est de réséquer la totalité de la tumeur, ce qui nécessite une planification préopératoire minutieuse. Classiquement, l'identification et la localisation de la tumeur se fait à l'aide de la tomodensitométrie (computed tomography, CT) ou de l'imagerie par résonnance magnétique (1RM). Actuellement, l'imagerie nucléaire fonctionnelle par tomographie par émission de positons (positron emission tomography, PET) qui peut être couplée au CT (PET/CT) est de plus en plus appliquée aux patients présentant une tumeur maligne. Son efficacité a fréquemment été démontrée. Le but de la présente étude est d'évaluer la valeur du PET dans la planification de la résection des tumeurs de la paroi thoracique. Une analyse rétrospective de dix-huit patients opérés entre 2004 et 2006 a été réalisée; Dans ce groupe de patient, la taille de la tumeur mesurée sur la pièce opératoire réséquée a été comparée à la taille de la tumeur mesurée sur le CT et le PET. Les résultats démontrent que le CT surestimait de manière consistante la taille réelle de la tumeur par rapport au PET (+64% par rapport à +1%, P<0.001). De plus, le PET s'est avéré particulièrement performant pour prédire la taille des tumeurs de plus de 5.5 cm de diamètre par rapport au CT (valeur prédictive positive 80% par rapport à 44% et spécificité 93% par apport à 64%, respectivement). Cette étude démontre que le PET permettrait de mesurer la taille des tumeurs de la paroi thoracique de manière plus précise que le CT. Cette nouvelle modalité diagnostique s'avèrerait donc utile pour planifier les résections chirurgicales de telles tumeurs. A notre connaissance, aucune publication ne décrit la valeur du PET dans ce domaine. Les performances accrues du PET permettraient une meilleure délimitation des tumeurs ce qui améliorerait la précision de la résection chirurgicale. En conclusion, cette étude préliminaire rétrospective démontre la faisabilité du PET pour les tumeurs de la paroi thoracique. Ces résultats devraient être confirmés par une étude prospective incluant un plus grand nombre de patients avec la perspective de juger l'impact clinique réel du PET sur la prise en charge thérapeutique des patients.


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BACKGROUND: "Virtual" autopsy by postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) can replace medical autopsy to a certain extent but has limitations for cardiovascular diseases. These limitations might be overcome by adding multiphase PMCT angiography. OBJECTIVE: To compare virtual autopsy by multiphase PMCT angiography with medical autopsy. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01541995) SETTING: Single-center study at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, between 1 April 2012 and 31 March 2013. PATIENTS: Hospitalized patients who died unexpectedly or within 48 hours of an event necessitating cardiopulmonary resuscitation. MEASUREMENTS: Diagnoses from clinical records were compared with findings from both types of autopsy. New diagnoses identified by autopsy were classified as major or minor, depending on whether they would have altered clinical management. RESULTS: Of 143 eligible patients, 50 (35%) had virtual and medical autopsy. Virtual autopsy confirmed 93% of all 336 diagnoses identified from antemortem medical records, and medical autopsy confirmed 80%. In addition, virtual and medical autopsy identified 16 new major and 238 new minor diagnoses. Seventy-three of the virtual autopsy diagnoses, including 32 cases of coronary artery stenosis, were identified solely by multiphase PMCT angiography. Of the 114 clinical diagnoses classified as cardiovascular, 110 were confirmed by virtual autopsy and 107 by medical autopsy. In 11 cases, multiphase PMCT angiography showed "unspecific filling defects," which were not reported by medical autopsy. LIMITATION: These results come from a single center with concerted interest and expertise in postmortem imaging; further studies are thus needed for generalization. CONCLUSION: In cases of unexpected death, the addition of multiphase PMCT angiography increases the value of virtual autopsy, making it a feasible alternative for quality control and identification of diagnoses traditionally made by medical autopsy. PRIMARY FUNDING SOURCE: University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare organ doses delivered to patients in wrist and petrous bone examinations using a multislice spiral computed tomography (CT) and a C-arm cone-beam CT equipped with a flat-panel detector (XperCT). For this purpose, doses to the target organ, i.e. wrist or petrous bone, together with those to the most radiosensitive nearby organs, i.e. thyroid and eye lens, were measured and compared. Furthermore, image quality was compared for both imaging systems and different acquisition modes using a Catphan phantom. Results show that both systems guarantee adequate accuracy for diagnostic purposes for wrist and petrous bone examinations. Compared with the CT scanner, the XperCT system slightly reduces the dose to target organs and shortens the overall duration of the wrist examination. In addition, using the XperCT enables a reduction of the dose to the eye lens during head scans (skull base and ear examinations).


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OBJECTIVE: To systematically review and meta-analyze published data about the diagnostic performance of Fluorine-18-Fluorodeoxyglucose ((18)F-FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) and PET/computed tomography (PET/CT) in the assessment of pleural abnormalities in cancer patients. METHODS: A comprehensive literature search of studies published through June 2013 regarding the role of (18)F-FDG-PET and PET/CT in evaluating pleural abnormalities in cancer patients was performed. All retrieved studies were reviewed and qualitatively analyzed. Pooled sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood ratio (LR+ and LR-) and diagnostic odd ratio (DOR) of (18)F-FDG-PET or PET/CT on a per patient-based analysis were calculated. The area under the summary ROC curve (AUC) was calculated to measure the accuracy of these methods in the assessment of pleural abnormalities. Sub-analyses considering (18)F-FDG-PET/CT and patients with lung cancer only were carried out. RESULTS: Eight studies comprising 360 cancer patients (323 with lung cancer) were included. The meta-analysis of these selected studies provided the following results: sensitivity 86% [95% confidence interval (95%CI): 80-91%], specificity 80% [95%CI: 73-85%], LR+ 3.7 [95%CI: 2.8-4.9], LR- 0.18 [95%CI: 0.09-0.34], DOR 27 [95%CI: 13-56]. The AUC was 0.907. No significant improvement considering PET/CT studies only and patients with lung cancer was found. CONCLUSIONS: (18)F-FDG-PET and PET/CT demonstrated to be useful diagnostic imaging methods in the assessment of pleural abnormalities in cancer patients, nevertheless possible sources of false-negative and false-positive results should be kept in mind. The literature focusing on the use of (18)F-FDG-PET and PET/CT in this setting remains still limited and prospective studies are needed.


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Preoperative imaging for resection of chest wall malignancies is generally performed by computed tomography (CT). We evaluated the role of (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) in planning full-thickness chest wall resections for malignancies. We retrospectively included 18 consecutive patients operated from 2004 to 2006 at our institution. Tumor extent was measured by CT and PET, using the two largest perpendicular tumor extensions in the chest wall plane to compute the tumor surface assuming an elliptical shape. Imaging measurements were compared to histopathology assessment of tumor borders. CT assessment consistently overestimated the tumor size as compared to PET (+64% vs. +1%, P<0.001). Moreover, PET was significantly better than CT at defining the size of lesions >24 cm(2) corresponding to a mean diameter >5.5 cm or an ellipse of >4 cm x 7.6 cm (positive predictive value 80% vs. 44% and specificity 93% vs. 64%, respectively). Metabolic PET imaging was superior to CT for defining the extent of chest wall tumors, particularly for tumors with a diameter >5.5 cm. PET can complement CT in planning full-thickness chest wall resection for malignancies, but its true value remains to be determined in larger, prospective studies.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the technical quality and the diagnostic performance of a protocol with use of low volumes of contrast medium (25 mL) at 64-detector spiral computed tomography (CT) in the diagnosis and management of adult, nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was performed outside the United States and was approved by the institutional review board. Intracranial CT angiography was performed in 73 consecutive patients with nontraumatic SAH diagnosed at nonenhanced CT. Image quality was evaluated by two observers using two criteria: degree of arterial enhancement and venous contamination. The two independent readers evaluated diagnostic performance (lesion detection and correct therapeutic decision-making process) by using rotational angiographic findings as the standard of reference. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were calculated for patients who underwent CT angiography and three-dimensional rotational angiography. The intraclass correlation coefficient was calculated to assess interobserver concordance concerning aneurysm measurements and therapeutic management. RESULTS: All aneurysms were detected, either ruptured or unruptured. Arterial opacification was excellent in 62 cases (85%), and venous contamination was absent or minor in 61 cases (84%). In 95% of cases, CT angiographic findings allowed optimal therapeutic management. The intraclass correlation coefficient ranged between 0.93 and 0.95, indicating excellent interobserver agreement. CONCLUSION: With only 25 mL of iodinated contrast medium focused on the arterial phase, 64-detector CT angiography allowed satisfactory diagnostic and therapeutic management of nontraumatic SAH.


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The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic value of post-mortem computed tomography angiography (PMCTA) to conventional, ante-mortem computed tomography (CT)-scan, CT-angiography (CTA) and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in the detection and localization of the source of bleeding in cases of acute hemorrhage with fatal outcomes. The medical records and imaging scans of nine individuals who underwent a conventional, ante-mortem CT-scan, CTA or DSA and later died in the hospital as a result of an acute hemorrhage were reviewed. Post-mortem computed tomography angiography, using multi-phase post-mortem CTA, as well as medico-legal autopsies were performed. Localization accuracy of the bleeding was assessed by comparing the diagnostic findings of the different techniques. The results revealed that data from ante-mortem and post-mortem radiological examinations were similar, though the PMCTA showed a higher sensitivity for detecting the hemorrhage source than did ante-mortem radiological investigations. By comparing the results of PMCTA and conventional autopsy, much higher sensitivity was noted in PMCTA in identifying the source of the bleeding. In fact, the vessels involved were identified in eight out of nine cases using PMCTA and only in three cases through conventional autopsy. Our study showed that PMCTA, similar to clinical radiological investigations, is able to precisely identify lesions of arterial and/or venous vessels and thus determine the source of bleeding in cases of acute hemorrhages with fatal outcomes.


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Positron emission computed tomography (PET) is a functional, noninvasive method for imaging regional metabolic processes that is nowadays most often combined to morphological imaging with computed tomography (CT). Its use is based on the well-founded assumption that metabolic changes occur earlier in tumors than morphologic changes, adding another dimension to imaging. This article will review the established and investigational indications and radiopharmaceuticals for PET/CT imaging for prostate cancer, bladder cancer and testicular cancer, before presenting upcoming applications in radiation therapy.


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The goal of this study was to assess the localization and types of thrombosed plaques in cases of sudden cardiac death attributed to coronary artery disease and to evaluate possible correlations with body mass index (BMI) and increased heart weight. This retrospective study was performed on forensic cases for which the cause of death was attributed to coronary artery disease. A complete autopsy and a multi-phase postmortem computed tomography (CT) angiography (MPMCTA) were performed in all cases. Eighty-five cases were selected (mean age, 55.18 ± 11.04 years; 72 men and 13 women). MPMCTA performed prior to autopsy enabled an evaluation of coronary artery perfusion before dissection of the body and helped therefore to guide sampling for histology. An acute coronary thrombosis was found in 57 cases, which included plaque erosion in 26 cases (mean age, 46.73 ± 8.33 years) and rupture or intra-plaque hemorrhage in 31 cases (mean age, 58.23 ± 10.62 years). Erosions were most frequently found in the left anterior descending artery (61.5 %), while only 35.48 % of ruptures were observed in this artery. Chronic coronary pathology was considered as the main cause of death in 28 cases (mean age, 59.64 ± 9.47 years). Sixty-two of the cases (72.94 %) had a BMI in the overweight category (BMI ≥25), with the highest mean BMI in patients with chronic coronary pathology without acute thrombosis found at autopsy. The heart weight was above the predicted reference values in 52 cases (61.18 %). Our results are in accordance with previously published studies on the spatial distribution of vulnerable plaques. We observed a higher percentage of eroded plaques than previously reported. Patients with coronary erosions were significantly younger than those with plaque rupture or those without an acute coronary thrombosis (p values <0.0001). BMI and heart weight were significantly higher for cases without thrombosis in comparison with those with plaque rupture (p values 0.028 and 0.003, respectively). Our results indicating that increased BMI and overweight hearts are associated with chronic ischemic heart disease are compatible with clinical studies. Performing more postmortem studies on forensic autopsies, including modern radiological examinations with MPMCTA, can enhance the detection of vulnerable plaques in living patients and prevent sudden cardiac death.


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BACKGROUND: Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) systems are widely used tools to verify and correct the target position before each fraction, allowing to maximize treatment accuracy and precision. In this study, we evaluate automatic three-dimensional intensity-based rigid registration (RR) methods for prostate setup correction using CBCT scans and study the impact of rectal distension on registration quality. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 115 CBCT scans of 10 prostate patients. CT-to-CBCT registration was performed using (a) global RR, (b) bony RR, or (c) bony RR refined by a local prostate RR using the CT clinical target volume (CTV) expanded with 1-to-20-mm varying margins. After propagation of the manual CT contours, automatic CBCT contours were generated. For evaluation, a radiation oncologist manually delineated the CTV on the CBCT scans. The propagated and manual CBCT contours were compared using the Dice similarity and a measure based on the bidirectional local distance (BLD). We also conducted a blind visual assessment of the quality of the propagated segmentations. Moreover, we automatically quantified rectal distension between the CT and CBCT scans without using the manual CBCT contours and we investigated its correlation with the registration failures. To improve the registration quality, the air in the rectum was replaced with soft tissue using a filter. The results with and without filtering were compared. RESULTS: The statistical analysis of the Dice coefficients and the BLD values resulted in highly significant differences (p<10(-6)) for the 5-mm and 8-mm local RRs vs the global, bony and 1-mm local RRs. The 8-mm local RR provided the best compromise between accuracy and robustness (Dice median of 0.814 and 97% of success with filtering the air in the rectum). We observed that all failures were due to high rectal distension. Moreover, the visual assessment confirmed the superiority of the 8-mm local RR over the bony RR. CONCLUSION: The most successful CT-to-CBCT RR method proved to be the 8-mm local RR. We have shown the correlation between its registration failures and rectal distension. Furthermore, we have provided a simple (easily applicable in routine) and automatic method to quantify rectal distension and to predict registration failure using only the manual CT contours.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of liver hypertrophy of the future liver remnant volume (FLR) induced by preoperative portal vein embolization (PVE) on the immediate postoperative complications after a standardized major liver resection. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: PVE is usually indicated when FLR is estimated to be too small for major liver resection. However, few data exist regarding the exact quantification of sufficient minimal functional hepatic volume required to avoid postoperative complications in both patients with or without chronic liver disease. METHODS: All consecutive patients in whom an elective right hepatectomy was feasible and who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria between 1998 and 2000 were assigned to have alternatively either immediate surgery or surgery after PVE. Among 55 patients (25 liver metastases, 2 cholangiocarcinoma, and 28 hepatocellular carcinoma), 28 underwent right hepatectomy after PVE and 27 underwent immediate surgery. Twenty-eight patients had chronic liver disease. FLR and estimated rate of functional future liver remnant (%FFLR) volumes were assessed by computed tomography. RESULTS: The mean increase of FLR and %FFLR 4 to 8 weeks after PVE were respectively 44 +/- 19% and 16 +/- 7% for patients with normal liver and 35 +/- 28% and 9 +/- 3% for those with chronic liver disease. All patients with normal liver and 86% with chronic liver disease experienced hypertrophy after PVE. The postoperative course of patients with normal liver who underwent PVE before right hepatectomy was similar to those with immediate surgery. In contrast, PVE in patients with chronic liver disease significantly decreased the incidence of postoperative complications as well as the intensive care unit stay and total hospital stay after right hepatectomy. CONCLUSIONS: Before elective right hepatectomy, the hypertrophy of FLR induced by PVE had no beneficial effect on the postoperative course in patients with normal liver. In contrast, in patients with chronic liver disease, the hypertrophy of the FLR induced by PVE decreased significantly the rate of postoperative complications.


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Standard chest radiographs have been shown to be insensitive for the diagnosis of morphologic abnormalities of airways. Computed tomography is the most sensitive and specific investigation to diagnose emphysema. However, as emphysema may be missed on computed tomography, this investigation cannot be used to definitely rule out the diagnosis. Computed tomography may contribute to the investigation of bronchiolitis, and it is now considered as the gold standard for establishing the diagnosis of bronchiectasis. Imaging may contribute to identify complications such as bronchopulmonary infection, pulmonary hypertension, pneumothorax, cancer of the lung, compressive bullae, and pulmonary embolism.


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Electroencephalography is mandatory to determine the epilepsy syndrome. However, for the precise localization of the irritative zone in patients with focal epilepsy, costly and sometimes cumbersome imaging techniques are used. Recent small studies using electric source imaging suggest that electroencephalography itself could be used to localize the focus. However, a large prospective validation study is missing. This study presents a cohort of 152 operated patients where electric source imaging was applied as part of the pre-surgical work-up allowing a comparison with the results from other methods. Patients (n = 152) with >1 year postoperative follow-up were studied prospectively. The sensitivity and specificity of each imaging method was defined by comparing the localization of the source maximum with the resected zone and surgical outcome. Electric source imaging had a sensitivity of 84% and a specificity of 88% if the electroencephalogram was recorded with a large number of electrodes (128-256 channels) and the individual magnetic resonance image was used as head model. These values compared favourably with those of structural magnetic resonance imaging (76% sensitivity, 53% specificity), positron emission tomography (69% sensitivity, 44% specificity) and ictal/interictal single-photon emission-computed tomography (58% sensitivity, 47% specificity). The sensitivity and specificity of electric source imaging decreased to 57% and 59%, respectively, with low number of electrodes (<32 channels) and a template head model. This study demonstrated the validity and clinical utility of electric source imaging in a large prospective study. Given the low cost and high flexibility of electroencephalographic systems even with high channel counts, we conclude that electric source imaging is a highly valuable tool in pre-surgical epilepsy evaluation.