387 resultados para Möller, Kaspar Henrik


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Cet ouvrage a pour objet de faire un point actualisé sur l'environnement légal et réglementaire de la recherche biomédicale. En effet, le médecin est un acteur fondamental dans l'organisation et la mise en oeuvre d'une recherche biomédicale. La loi du 20 décembre 1988 a redéfini son rôle exact ; elle l'a également mis en charge de nouvelles obligations : responsabilité déontologique, civile et pénale, obligations administratives et financières. Dans le cadre d'essais cliniques, l'accent est mis sur les relations patients/investigateurs. Cet ouvrage a donc pour but de fournir aux médecins les informations dont ils peuvent avoir besoin dans le cadre de leur intervention dans les recherches biomédicales.


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L' »Ethique » de Bonhoeffer est un ouvrage marquant. Il l'est d'abord à cause de la personnalité de son auteur, résistant antinazi actif dans les complots contre Hitler, condamné et exécuté pour cela par les SS le 23 avril 1945. L' »Ethique » fait comprendre les raisons profondes de cet engagement au coeur du combat politique de l'époque et ce souci d'assumer de façon responsable ce que Bonhoeffer appelle les « réalités avant-dernières » du salut. Il y a plus: l' »Ethique » est devenu un classique de la réflexion éthique chrétienne qui prend au sérieux l'amour de Dieu en Christ pour le monde. Avec sa dimension incontestablement prophétique, Bonhoeffer donnait à cette réflexion la capacité d'entrevoir les défis que notre fin de siècle affronte. Dietrich Bonhoeffer est né en 1906 et mort, exécuté, le 8 avril 1945.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Les trois grandes religions monothéistes se partagent un même ancêtre: Abraham. Pour les juifs, il est le Juste; les chrétiens voient en lui le Père des croyants et les musulmans le nomment Ami de Dieu. Il n'y a donc pas un discours sur Abraham, mais une multitude de lectures des textes fondamentaux et superbes qui racontent le destin d'Abraham dans la Bible. Dans ce livre, on propose quelques relectures du personnage et de son accueil dans l'histoire. Les auteurs permettent ainsi de redonner à la figure emblématique d'Abraham une jeunesse oh! combien nécessaire. Auteurs: Thomas Römer, David Banon, Jean-Daniel Kaestli, Daniel Marguerat, Jean-Claude Basset, Thierry de Saussure, Bernard Reymond, Denis Müller, Pierre Gisel, Abraham Segal.


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La thèse de l'A. est que le protestantisme ne pourra parvenir à une authentique élucidation de son rapport critique avec la modernité, et donc aussi à une gestion théologique convaincante du thème hautement controversé de la postmodernité, qu'à la condition de procéder avec patience et rigueur à la reconstruction de sa propre généalogie. En effet, seule une approche de type généalogique paraît à même de penser critiquement la relation du protestantisme avec les conditions de son émergence. Par émergence, l'A. entend les points de vue synchronique et diachronique


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PURPOSE: To determine whether syngeneic retinal cells injected in the vitreous cavity of the rat are able to initiate a proliferative process and whether the ocular inflammation induced in rats by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) promotes this proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). METHODS: Primary cultured differentiated retinal Müller glial (RMG) and retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells isolated from 8 to 12 postnatal Lewis rats were injected into the vitreous cavity of 8- to 10-week-old Lewis rats (10(5) cells/eye in 2 microlieter sterile saline), with or without the systemic injection of 150 microgram LPS to cause endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU). Control groups received an intravitreal injection of 2 microliter saline. At 5, 15, and 28 days after cell injections, PVR was clinically quantified, and immunohistochemistry for OX42, ED1, vimentin (VIM), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and cytokeratin was performed. RESULTS: The injection of RMG cells, alone or in combination with RPE cells, induced the preretinal proliferation of a GFAP-positive tissue, that was enhanced by the systemic injection of LPS. Indeed, when EIU was induced at the time of RMG cell injection into the vitreous cavity, the proliferation led to retinal folds and localized tractional detachments. In contrast, PVR enhanced the infiltration of inflammatory cells in the anterior segment of the eye. CONCLUSIONS: In the rat, syngeneic retinal cells of glial origin induce PVR that is enhanced by the coinduction of EIU. In return, vitreoretinal glial proliferation enhanced the intensity and duration of EIU.


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Exogenous administration of glucocorticoids is a widely used and efficient tool to investigate the effects of elevated concentrations of these hormones in field studies. Because the effects of corticosterone are dose and duration-dependent, the exact course of plasma corticosterone levels after exogenous administration needs to be known. We tested the performance of self-degradable corticosterone pellets (implanted under the skin) in elevating plasma corticosterone levels. We monitored baseline (sampled within 3min after capture) total corticosterone levels and investigated potential interactions with corticosteroid-binding-globulin (CBG) capacity and the endogenous corticosterone response to handling in Eurasian kestrel Falco tinnunculus and barn owl Tyto alba nestlings. Corticosterone pellets designed for a 7-day-release in rodents elevated circulating baseline total corticosterone during only 2-3 days compared to placebo-nestlings. Highest levels occurred 1-2days after implantation and levels decreased strongly thereafter. CBG capacity was also increased, resulting in a smaller, but still significant, increase in baseline free corticosterone levels. The release of endogenous corticosterone as a response to handling was strong in placebo-nestlings, but absent 2 and 8 days after corticosterone pellet implantation. This indicates a potential shut-down of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis after the 2-3 days of elevated baseline corticosterone levels. 20 days after pellet implantation, the endogenous corticosterone response to handling of nestlings implanted with corticosterone pellets attained similar levels as in placebo-nestlings. Self-degradable pellets proved to be an efficient tool to artificially elevate circulating baseline corticosterone especially in field studies, requiring only one intervention. The resulting peak-like elevation of circulating corticosterone, the concomitant elevation of CBG capacity, and the absence of an endogenous corticosterone response to an acute stressor have to be taken into account.


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PURPOSE: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder (CD), and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) are common externalizing disorders of childhood. The common effects of these disorders on substance abuse need further investigation. The current study investigated the joint clusters of childhood/adolescence ADHD, CD, and ODD, and their influence on substance abuse/dependence in a population-based sample of adults. METHODS: The data were drawn from the PsyCoLaus study (n = 3,720) conducted in Lausanne, Switzerland. The population-based sample included 238 subjects meeting criteria for ADHD/ODD/CD diagnoses before the age of 15. Latent class analyses (LCA) were performed to derive comorbidity subtypes, which were subsequently characterized with respect to psychosocial correlates and substance use. RESULTS: The best fit in LCAs was achieved with three latent classes: an ADHD subtype (35.7 %); an externalizing multimorbid subtype (33.6 %) involving ODD, ADHD, and CD; and a third subtype with CD (30.7 %). The CD subtype showed the highest association with substance use. Apart from this, the externalizing multimorbid subtype was also significantly linked to substance use. The ADHD subtype had only elevated frequencies for alcohol dependence in comparison with subjects that had no history of ADHD, ODD, and CD during childhood or adolescence. Finally, important interactions between subtypes and sex were observed with regard to substance use. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence showing that subtyping the externalizing disorders, ADHD, ODD and CD, along their comorbidity patterns leads to important differences regarding substance use. This could have implications for the etiology, prevention, and treatment of substance use disorders.


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Little is known about the role of the transcription factor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) beta/delta in liver. Here we set out to better elucidate the function of PPARbeta/delta in liver by comparing the effect of PPARalpha and PPARbeta/delta deletion using whole genome transcriptional profiling and analysis of plasma and liver metabolites. In fed state, the number of genes altered by PPARalpha and PPARbeta/delta deletion was similar, whereas in fasted state the effect of PPARalpha deletion was much more pronounced, consistent with the pattern of gene expression of PPARalpha and PPARbeta/delta. Minor overlap was found between PPARalpha- and PPARbeta/delta-dependent gene regulation in liver. Pathways upregulated by PPARbeta/delta deletion were connected to innate immunity and inflammation. Pathways downregulated by PPARbeta/delta deletion included lipoprotein metabolism and various pathways related to glucose utilization, which correlated with elevated plasma glucose and triglycerides and reduced plasma cholesterol in PPARbeta/delta-/- mice. Downregulated genes that may underlie these metabolic alterations included Pklr, Fbp1, Apoa4, Vldlr, Lipg, and Pcsk9, which may represent novel PPARbeta/delta target genes. In contrast to PPARalpha-/- mice, no changes in plasma free fatty acid, plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate, liver triglycerides, and liver glycogen were observed in PPARbeta/delta-/- mice. Our data indicate that PPARbeta/delta governs glucose utilization and lipoprotein metabolism and has an important anti-inflammatory role in liver. Overall, our analysis reveals divergent roles of PPARalpha and PPARbeta/delta in regulation of gene expression in mouse liver.


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Chromatin insulators are defined as transcriptionally neutral elements that prevent negative or positive influence from extending across chromatin to a promoter. Here we show that yeast subtelomeric anti-silencing regions behave as boundaries to telomere-driven silencing and also allow discontinuous propagation of silent chromatin. These two facets of insulator activity, boundary and silencing discontinuity, can be recapitulated by tethering various transcription activation domains to tandem sites on DNA. Importantly, we show that these insulator activities do not involve direct transcriptional activation of the reporter promoter. These findings predict that certain promoters behave as insulators and partition genomes in functionally independent domains.