412 resultados para Liver tumors
Telomerase activity (TA) is detected in most human cancers but, with few exceptions, not in normal somatic cells. Little is known about TA in soft tissue tumors. We have examined a series of benign and malignant soft tissue tumors for TA using the telomerase repeat amplification protocol assay. Analysis of the expression of the human telomerase reverse transcriptase was also carried out using RT-PCR. TA was undetectable in benign lesions (15 of 15) and low-grade sarcomas (6 of 6) and was detectable in 50% (19 of 38) of intermediate-/high-grade sarcomas. Although the presence of TA in soft tissue tumors is synonymous with malignancy, it is neither a reliable method in making the distinction between reactive/benign and malignant (especially low-grade) lesions nor a reliable marker of tumor aggressiveness. Leiomyosarcomas and storiform/pleomorphic malignant fibrous histiocytomas rarely showed TA, irrespective of their grade. A strong correlation between human telomerase reverse transcriptase mRNA expression and TA was observed, supporting the close relationship between both parameters. No significant relationship was observed between proliferative activity (as assessed by MIB-1 immunolabeling) and TA. We verified that the absence of telomerase expression was not due to the presence of telomerase inhibitors and therefore alternative mechanism(s) for cell immortalization, yet to be determined, seem to be involved in the development and/or maintenance of some soft tissue sarcomas.
Cancer is the second leading cause of mortality worldwide. Cancer progression leads to metastasis formation, which accounts for more than ninety percent of cancer-related death. Metastases are more difficult to be surgically removed because of their invasive behavior and shape. In addition, during their transformation journey, they become more and more resistant to anticancer drugs. Significant improvements have been achieved in therapy against cancer in recent years but targeting the metastatic cascade remains the Achilles heel of the cure against cancer. A First step in the metastatic process is the escape of cancer cells from the primary tumor site. This involves an increase in cell motility and the concomitant ability to clear a path through the extracellular matrix. From a therapeutic point of view, inhibition of cell migration is a logical approach to develop anti-metastatic drugs. Our lab previously developed a cell permeable peptide derived from a caspase-3-generaied fragment of the RasGAP protein called TAT-RasGAP317-326. This peptide efficiently and specifically sensitizes cancer cells to chemotherapy- and radiotherapy-induced ceil death, which allows decreasing the anticancer drug doses and eventually their associated side- effects. In the present study we discovered that TAT-RasGAP317.326 also increases cell adhesion which was associated with inhibition of cell migration and invasion into the extracellular matrix. The ability of TAT-RasGAP317.326 to increase ceil adhesion involves the dramatic depolymerization of actin cytoskekton together with redistribution of focal adhesions. We found that the inhibitory effects on migration were mediated by a RhoGAP tumor and metastasis suppressor cailed DLC1 (Deleted in Liver Cancer 1). Moreover. DEC 1 was found to be a direct RasGAP-interacting protein and this interaction requires the RasGAP tryptophan 317 residue, the very first RasGAP residue of TAT-RasGAP317.326. We then evaluated the roie of RasGAP fragments in the in vivo metastatic cascade. We found that breast cancer cells overexpressing the parental RasGAP fragment, to which the TAT-RasGAP317.326 peptide belongs, have a markedly decreased ability to form lung metastases. Unfortunately, we were not able to recapitulate these an ti-metastatic effects when TAT-RasGAP317.326 was injected. However, we later understood that this was due to the fact that TAT-RasGAP317.326 was not properly delivered to the primary tumors. Further work, aimed at better understanding of how TAT-RasGAP317.326 functions, revealed that the ten amino acid TAT-RasGAP317.326 peptide could, be narrowed down to a three amino acid TAT-RasGAP317.329 peptide while keeping its sensitizer activity. In parallel, investigations on the RasGAP-DLCl binding indicated that the arginine linger of the DLC1 GAP domain is required for this interaction, which suggests that TAT-RasGAP317.326 modulates the GAP activity of DLC1. Additional work should be performed to fully elucidate its mechanism of action and render TAT-RasGAP317.326 usable as a tool to fight cancer on two fronts, by improving chemotherapy and preventing metastatic progression. - Le cancer est la deuxième cause de mortalité dans le monde. La formation de métastases est la dernière étape de la progression cancéreuse et représente plus du nonante pour cent des morts induites par le cancer. De par leur morphologie et comportement invasifs, ii est difficile d'avoir recours à la chirurgie pour exciser des métastases. De plus, les cellules cancéreuses en progression deviennent souvent de plus en plus résistantes aux drogues anticancéreuses. Ces dernières années, des avancements significatifs ont contribué à l'amélioration de la lutte contre le cancer. Néanmoins, pouvoir cibler spécifiquement la cascade métastatique demeure cependant le talon d'Achille des thérapies anticancéreuses. Une première étape dans ie processus métastatique est l'évasion des cellules cancéreuses du site de la tumeur primaire. Ceci requiert une augmentation de la motiliié cellulaire couplée à la capacité de se frayer un chemin au sein de la matrice extracelluiaire. D'un point de vue thérapeutique, inhiber la migration cellulaire est une approche attrayante. Notre laboratoire a développé un peptide, nommé TAT-RasGAP317.326 dérivé d'un fragment qui est lui-même le résultat du clivage de la protéine RasGAP par la caspase-3. Ce peptide est capable de pénétrer les cellules cancéreuses et de les sensibiliser spécifiquement à la mort induite par la radiothérapie et la chimiothérapie. La finalité des effets de ce peptide est de pouvoir diminuer les doses des traitements anti-cancéreux et donc des effets secondaires qu'ils engendrent. Dans cette étude, nous avons découvert que TAT-RasGAP317.326 augmente l'adhésion des cellules et inhibe la migration cellulaire ainsi que l'invasion des cellules à travers une matrice extracellulaire. La capacité de TAT-RasGAP317.326 à induire l'adhésion repose sur ia dépolymérisation du cytosquelette d'actine associée à une redistribution des points d'ancrage cellulaire. Nous avons découvert que l'inhibition de ia migration par TAT-RasGAP317.326 nécessitait la présence d'un suppresseur de tumeur et de métastases appelé DLC1 (Deleted in Liver Cancer l), qui par ailleurs s'avère aussi être une protéine RhoGAP. De plus, nous avons aussi trouvé que DLC1 était un partenaire d'interaction de RasGAP et que cette interaction s'effectuait via l'acide aminé tryptophane 317 de RasGAP. qui s'avère être le premier acide aminé du peptide TAT-RasGAP317.326. Nous avons ensuite évalué le rôle joué par certains fragments de RasGAP dans le processus de métastatisation. Dans ce contexte, des cellules de cancer du sein qui sur-expriment un fragment de RasGAP contenant la séquence TAT-RasGAP317.326 ont vu leur potentiel métastatique diminuer drastiquerment. Malheureusement, aucun effet anti-métastatique n'a été obtenu après injection de TAT-RasGAP317.326 dans les souris. Cependant, nous avons réalisé rétrospectivement que TAT-RasGAP317.326 n'était pas correctement délivré à la tumeur primaire, ce qui nous empêche de tirer des conclusions sur le rôle anti-métastatique de ce peptide. La suite de cette étude visant à mieux comprendre comment TAT-RasGAP317.326 agit, a mené à la découverte que les dix acides aminés de TAT-RasGAP317.326 pouvaient être réduits à trois acides aminés, TAT-RasGAP317.329, tout en gardant l'effet sensibilisateur à la chimiothérapie. En visant à élucider le mode d'interaction entre RasGAP et DLC1, nous avons découvert qu'un acide aminé nécessaire à l'activité GAP de DLC1 était requis pour lier RasGAP, ce qui laisse présager que TAT-RasGAp317.32c, module i'activité GAP de DLC1. Des travaux supplémentaires doivent encore être effectués pour complètement élucider les mécanismes d'action de TAT-RasGAP317.326 et afin de pouvoir l'utiliser comme un outil pour combattre le cancer sur deux fronts, en améliorant les chimiothérapies et en inhibant la formation de métastases.
Rates of protein synthesis (PS) and turnover are more rapid during the neonatal period than during any other stage of postnatal life. Vitamin A and lactoferrin (Lf) can stimulate PS in neonates. However, newborn calves are vitamin A deficient and have a low Lf status, but plasma vitamin A and Lf levels increase rapidly after ingestion of colostrum. Neonatal calves (n = 6 per group) were fed colostrum or a milk-based formula without or with vitamin A, Lf, or vitamin A plus Lf to study PS in the jejunum and liver. l-[(13)C]Valine was intravenously administered to determine isotopic enrichment of free (nonprotein-bound) Val (AP(Free)) in the protein precursor pool, atom percentage excess (APE) of protein-bound Val, fractional protein synthesis rate (FSR) in the jejunum and liver, and isotopic enrichment of Val in plasma (APE(Pla)) and in the CO(2) of exhaled air (APE(Ex)). The APE, AP(Free), and FSR in the jejunum and liver did not differ significantly among groups. The APE(Ex) increased, whereas APE(Pla) decreased over time, but there were no group differences. Correlations were calculated between FSR(Jej) and histomorphometrical and histochemical data of the jejunum, and between FSR(Liv) and blood metabolites. There were negative correlations between FSR(Liv) and plasma albumin concentrations and between FSR(Jej) and the ratio of villus height:crypt depth, and there was a positive correlation between FSR(Jej) and small intestinal cell proliferation in crypts. Hence, there were no effects of vitamin A and Lf and no interactions between vitamin A and Lf on intestinal and hepatic PS. However, FSR(Jej) was correlated with histomorphometrical traits of the jejunum and FSR(Liv) was correlated with plasma albumin concentrations.
The aim of this work is to describe the techniques that have been used for preparation and analysis of whole fetal liver extracts destined for in utero transplantation. Nine fetal livers between 12 and 17 weeks of gestation were prepared: cell counts and assessment of the hematopoietic cell viability were performed on cell suspensions. Hepatocytes represented 40 to 80% of the whole cell population. The remaining cells were constituted by hematopoietic cells (mainly erythroblasts), as well as by endothelial cells. The latter expressed CD34 on their surface, interfering with the assessment of CD34+ hematopoietic cells by flow cytometry. Direct visual morphologic control using alkaline phosphatase anti-alkaline phosphatase techniques was needed to differentiate hematopoietic from extra-hematopoietic CD34+ cells. Between 3.0 and 34.6 x 10(6) CD34+ viable hematopoietic cells were collected per fetal liver. Adequate differentiation of these cells into burst-forming units erythroid (BFU-E), colony-forming units granulocyte-macrophage (CFU-GM), and colony-forming units granulocyte erythroid macrophage megakaryocyte (CFU-GEMM) has been shown for each sample in clonogeneic cultures. In conclusion, fetal liver is a potential source of hematopoietic stem cells. Their numeration, based on the presence of CD34, is hampered by the expression of this antigen on other cells contained in the liver cell extract, in particular endothelial cells.
Lebererkrankungen treten in der Schwangerschaft selten auf, können jedoch für Mutter und Kind dramatische Folgen haben, wenn sie nicht rechtzeitig erkannt werden. Prinzipiell unterscheidet man schwangerschaftsspezifische Lebererkrankungen von interkurrierenden Lebererkrankungen während der Schwangerschaft. Zu ersteren gehören die hepatischen Manifestationen der Hyperemesis gravidarum, die intrahepatische Schwangerschaftscholestase, die Leberbeteiligung bei Präeklampsie bzw. Eklampsie inkl. HELLP-Syndrom und die akute Schwangerschaftsfettleber. Die Differentialdiagnose schwangerschaftsassoziierter Lebererkrankungen basiert auf der Anamnese (Stadium der Schwangerschaft), der Klinik, wenigen Laboruntersuchungen und einer Ultrasonographie als primärem bildgebendem Verfahren. Die Behandlung der intrahepatischen Schwangerschaftscholestase mit Ursodeoxycholsäure verbessert den Pruritus und die mütterlichen Leberwerte. Eine engmaschige Überwachung der Schwangerschaft bleibt jedoch unabdingbar. Beim HELLP-Syndrom und der akuten Schwangerschaftsfettleber ist die rasche Entbindung anzustreben. Vorbestehende Lebererkrankungen bedürfen in der Schwangerschaft einer intensivierten Kontrolle. While liver diseases are a rare occurrence in pregnancy, they may have dramatic implications for mother and child if not detected in good time. A distinction is drawn between pregnancy-specific liver diseases and intercurrent liver diseases during pregnancy. The former include hepatic manifestations of hyperemesis gravidarum, intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, hepatic involvement in preeclampsia or eclampsia, including the HELLP syndrome, and acute fatty liver of pregnancy. Differential diagnosis of pregnancy-associated liver disorders is based on history (stage of pregnancy), clinical findings, a few laboratory tests and ultrasound as the primary imaging technique. Treatment of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy with ursodeoxycholic acid improves pruritus and maternal liver tests. Close monitoring of pregnancy remains however indispensable. In HELLP syndrome and acute fatty liver of pregnancy the aim should be rapid delivery. Preexisting liver diseases require intensified monitoring during pregnancy.
Purified fractions from a fetal sheep liver extract (FSLE) were investigated, in a murine model, for induction of leukocyte stimulating activities. The fractions FSLE-1 and FSLE-2 induced splenocyte proliferation in vitro in C57Bl/10ScSn (LPS responder) mice comparable to LPS, and in C57Bl/10ScCr (LPS non responder) mice. They also stimulated the release of nitrogen radicals in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) from several mouse inbred strains including both C57Bl/10ScSn and C57Bl/10ScCr mice. Stimulation of NO production could be blocked by L-NMMA, an inhibitor of iNOS, and enhanced by the simultaneous addition of IFN-gamma. Moreover, stimulation of macrophages by FSLE-1 and FSLE-2 induced a cytostatic effect of the activated macrophages for Abelson 8-1 tumor cells. The stimulatory activity of the purified fractions is partially due to trace amounts of LPS derived from the fetal liver extract which was enriched during purification. Our results may help to explain the beneficial effect of the extract in patients which has been observed clinically.
Immunization route may be pivotal for tissue-specific localization of the effector T cell response (Sandoval et al., this issue).
Elevation of the biliary CEA level in patients with liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma has been reported. The aim of this study is to determine the potential value of biliary CEA assay in the early detection of liver metastases. Biliary and serum CEA levels were determined in patients operated on for a colorectal cancer and in control groups. Among 13 patients with liver metastases from colorectal carcinomas, biliary CEA levels were markedly elevated (> 40 ng/ml) in nine, moderately elevated (5-40 ng/ml) in two and normal (arbitrarily defined as < 5 ng/ml) in two. Of 28 patients with primary colorectal carcinoma without detectable hepatic secondaries, three had marked CEA elevation in the bile, 10 had moderate CEA elevation and 15 had normal levels. Among nine patients with non-malignant hepatobiliary pathology, there was one marked biliary CEA elevation, one moderate elevation and seven normal levels. None of the 13 individuals with no identified hepatobiliary pathology had elevated biliary CEA levels. The follow-up of patients with a primary colorectal tumour, no evidence of hepatic secondaries and a biliary CEA elevation is of particular interest. If subsequent appearance of liver metastases is found in such cases, intra-operative biliary CEA assay could be considered a valuable diagnostic test. Further studies will then have to prove the possible benefit of a specific treatment for this group of patients.
Induction of drug-metabolizing enzymes (DMEs) is highly species-specific and can lead to drug-drug interaction and toxicities. In this series of studies we tested the species specificity of the antidiabetic drug development candidate and mixed peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) alpha/gamma agonist (S)-4-O-tolylsulfanyl-2-(4-trifluormethyl-phenoxy)-butyric acid (EMD 392949, EMD) with regard to the induction of gene expression and activities of DMEs, their regulators, and typical PPAR target genes. EMD clearly induced PPARalpha target genes in rats in vivo and in rat hepatocytes but lacked significant induction of DMEs, except for cytochrome P450 (P450) 4A. CYP2C and CYP3A were consistently induced in livers of EMD-treated monkeys. Interestingly, classic rodent peroxisomal proliferation markers were induced in monkeys after 17 weeks but not after a 4-week treatment, a fact also observed in human hepatocytes after 72 h but not 24 h of EMD treatment. In human hepatocyte cultures, EMD showed similar gene expression profiles and induction of P450 activities as in monkeys, indicating that the monkey is predictive for human P450 induction by EMD. In addition, EMD induced a similar gene expression pattern as the PPARalpha agonist fenofibrate in primary rat and human hepatocyte cultures. In conclusion, these data showed an excellent correlation of in vivo data on DME gene expression and activity levels with results generated in hepatocyte monolayer cultures, enabling a solid estimation of human P450 induction. This study also clearly highlighted major differences between primates and rodents in the regulation of major inducible P450s, with evidence of CYP3A and CYP2C inducibility by PPARalpha agonists in monkeys and humans.
Recent evidence has emerged that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha), which is largely involved in lipid metabolism, can play an important role in connecting circadian biology and metabolism. In the present study, we investigated the mechanisms by which PPARalpha influences the pacemakers acting in the central clock located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and in the peripheral oscillator of the liver. We demonstrate that PPARalpha plays a specific role in the peripheral circadian control because it is required to maintain the circadian rhythm of the master clock gene brain and muscle Arnt-like protein 1 (bmal1) in vivo. This regulation occurs via a direct binding of PPARalpha on a potential PPARalpha response element located in the bmal1 promoter. Reversely, BMAL1 is an upstream regulator of PPARalpha gene expression. We further demonstrate that fenofibrate induces circadian rhythm of clock gene expression in cell culture and up-regulates hepatic bmal1 in vivo. Together, these results provide evidence for an additional regulatory feedback loop involving BMAL1 and PPARalpha in peripheral clocks.
20 patients with liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma undergoing laparotomy received 15-60 mg intravenously, either intact or fragments of, anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (anti-CEA) monoclonal antibodies labelled with 0.55-1.48 GBq (15-40 mCi) of 131I, 3-8 days prior to operation. The uptake measured per gram of metastases ranged from 0.33 to 6.6 x 10(-3%) of injected dose. Tumour to liver uptake ratios ranged from 2 to 33. The radiation dose, estimated in 6 patients (3 of each group), for an extrapolated dose of 3.7 GBq (100 mCi) of 131I ranged from 0.3 to 0.8 Gy in normal liver or spleen (an acceptable estimate for bone marrow radiation dose) and from 3.4 to 8.2 Gy to the hepatic metastases, indicating that probably other therapeutic modalities should be associated with radioimmunotherapy.
Neuroendocrine differentiation has been described in rectal adenocarcinomas receiving neoadjuvant therapy prior to radical surgery, but its clinical relevance is controversial and no data are currently available in colorectal carcinoma metastases as compared to primary tumors. The presence of chromogranin A positive tumor cells was investigated by means of immunohistochemistry on surgical specimens from 54 primary colorectal carcinomas and their corresponding metastases, resected at diagnosis or during tumor progression. In 47 patients, tumor metastases were resected 1 month to 12 years after chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, while in the remaining seven patients no additional therapy after primary surgery was performed. In primary tumors, neuroendocrine differentiation was found in 12/54 cases (22.2%) as compared to 25/54 metastatic lesions (46.3%; p?=?0.01). The presence of neuroendocrine phenotype was not correlated with any clinical pathological parameter nor with a different proliferation index. However, patients having neuroendocrine cells in the primary tumor had a significantly shorter survival from the time of metastatic spread than those having not (33.3 vs. 55.5 months; p?=?0.04). In summary, our data show that colorectal carcinoma metastases contain a higher percentage of neuroendocrine differentiated cells as compared to their corresponding primaries, a finding possibly related to the influence of chemotherapy in neuroendocrine differentiation during colorectal carcinoma progression.