105 resultados para Karyotype symmetry
Karyotype analysis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) at diagnosis has provided valuable prognostic markers for treatment stratification. However, reports of cytogenetic studies of relapsed ALL samples are limited. We compared the karyotypes from 436 nonselected B-cell precursor ALL patients at initial diagnosis and of 76 patients at first relapse. We noticed a relative increase of karyotypes that did not fall into the classic ALL cytogenetic subgroups (high hyperdiploidy, t(12;21), t(9;22), 11q23, t(1;19), <45 chromosomes) in a group of 29 patients at relapse (38%) compared to 130 patients at presentation (30%). Non-classical cytogenetic aberrations in these 29 patients were mostly found on chromosomes 1, 2, 7, 9, 13, 14, and 17. We also describe six rare reciprocal translocations, three of which involved 14q32. The most frequent abnormalities were found in 9p (12/29 cases) and were associated with a marked decrease in the duration of the second remission, but not of the probability of 10-year event-free survival after relapse treatment. From 29 patients with non-classical cytogenetic aberrations, only 8 (28%) had been stratified to a high risk-arm on the first treatment protocol, suggesting that this subgroup might benefit from the identification of new prognostic markers in future studies.
In the presence of 2-hydroxybiphenyl, the enhancer binding protein, HbpR, activates the sigma54-dependent P(hbpC) promoter and controls the initial steps of 2-hydroxybiphenyl degradation in Pseudomonas azelaica. In the activation process, an oligomeric HbpR complex of unknown subunit composition binds to an operator region containing two imperfect palindromic sequences. Here, the HbpR-DNA binding interactions were investigated by site-directed mutagenesis of the operator region and by DNA-binding assays using purified HbpR. Mutations that disrupted the twofold symmetry in the palindromes did not affect the binding affinity of HbpR, but various mutations along a 60 bp region, and also outside the direct palindromic sequences, decreased the binding affinity. Footprints of HbpR on mutant operator fragments showed that a partial loss of binding contacts occurs, suggesting that the binding of one HbpR 'protomer' in the oligomeric complex is impaired whilst leaving the other contacts intact. An HbpR variant, devoid of its N-terminal sensing A-domain, was unable to activate transcription from the hbpC promoter while maintaining protection of the operator DNA in footprints. Wild-type HbpR was unable to activate transcription from the hbpC promoter when delta A-HbpR was expressed in the same cell, suggesting the formation of (repressing) hetero-oligomers. This model implies that HbpR can self-associate on its operator DNA without effector recognition or ATP binding. Furthermore, our findings suggest that the N-terminal sensing domain of HbpR is needed to activate the central ATPase domain rather than to repress a constitutively active C domain, as is the case for the related regulatory protein XylR.
A fundamental problem in cell biology is how cells define one or several discrete sites of polarity. Through mechanisms involving positive and negative feedback, the small Rho-family guanosine triphosphatase Cdc42 breaks symmetry in round budding yeast cells to define a single site of polarized cell growth. However, it is not clear how cells can define multiple sites of polarization concurrently. We discuss a study in which rod-shaped fission yeast cells, which naturally polarize growth at their two cell ends, exhibited oscillations of Cdc42 activity between these sites. We compare these findings with similar oscillatory behavior of Cdc42 detected in budding yeast cells and discuss the possible mechanism and functional outputs of these oscillations.
We report on two familial cases from a non-consanguineous marriage, presenting multiple intestinal and choanal atresia. Massive hydramnios and dilatation of the bowel were observed at 29 weeks of gestation during routine ultrasound scan of a healthy mother. The fetal karyotype was normal and cystic fibrosis screening was negative. Regular scans were performed throughout the pregnancy. The child was born at 34 weeks gestation. Choanal atresia was diagnosed at birth and abdominal investigations showed multiple atresia interesting both the small bowel and the colon. Further interventions were necessary because of recurrent obstructions. During the following pregnancy, a dilatation of the fetal intestinal tract was detected by ultrasonography at 27 weeks of gestation. Pregnancy was interrupted. Post-mortem examination of the fetus confirmed the stenosis of long segments of the small intestine associated with areas of colonic atresia. In both cases, histology and distribution were consistent with those reported in hereditary multiple intestinal atresia (HMIA). An association between multiple intestinal and choanal atresia has never been reported. We suggest it could correspond to a new autosomal recessive entity for which cytogenetic investigations and high-resolution array CGH revealed no visible anomalies.
Objectives: This qualitative study aims at understanding the consequences of body deconstruction through mastectomy on corporality and identity in women with breast cancer. Design: Nineteen women were contacted through the hospital. All had to undergo mastectomy. Some were offered immediate breast reconstruction, others, because of cancer treatments, had no planned reconstruction. A qualitative reflexive methodological background was chosen. Method: Women were invited to participate in three semi-structured interviews, one shortly before or after mastectomy, and the other interviews later in their illness courses, after surgery. All interviews were transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was performed. The analysis of the first interview of each woman is presented in this article. Results: Mastectomy provokes a painful experience of body deconstruction. Even when immediate reconstruction is proposed, contrasted feelings and dissonance are expressed when comparing the former healthy body to the present challenged body entity. Body transformations are accompanied with experiences of mutilation, strangeness, and modify the physical, emotional social, symbolic and relational dimensions of the woman's gendered identity. Although the opportunity of breast reconstruction is seen as a possible recovery of a lost physical symmetry and body integrity, grieving the past body and integrating a new corporality leads to a painful identity crisis. Conclusion: With mastectomy, the roots of the woman's identity are challenged, leading to a re-evaluation of her existential values. The consequences of mastectomy transform the woman's corporality and embodiment, and question her identity. Psychological support is discussed in the perspective of our results.
Hybrid zones between genetically differentiated populations provide material to study evolutionary processes. Since the discovery of chromosomal races in Sorex araneus, contact zones have attracted attention of scientists. So far, studies on genetic markers in Sorex hybrid zones are missing. The acrocentric chromosomal race Cordon and the highly metacentric race Valais meet and hybridize at Les Houches in the Western Alps. On a transect through the hybrid zone, 273 shrews were caught at 15 localities over 4 years. Karyotype as well as the nuclear protein loci Alb and Pg were analyzed. F-st and F-is values were calculated by F-statistics. An analysis on pooled samples revealed the genetical differences between the hybridizing races as the only cause of population structuring. Genetical markers show dines with very strong frequency shifts at a mountain torrent, but behave differently through the zone. The performance of the torrent in maintaining the hybrid zone, selection against hybrids, possible assortative mating and linkage of the Valais Pg allele to a diagnostic chromosome arm, are discussed.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence of intermediate and premutation FMR1 alleles in women with occult primary ovarian insufficiency (oPOI) and in controls. DESIGN: Observational study. SETTING: Division of Infertility and Service of Genetic Medicine, Geneva University Hospitals. PATIENT(S): The study group consisted of 27 infertile women with oPOI referred by infertility specialists for FMR1 testing in 2005-6 because of unexplained poor response to controlled ovarian hyperstimulation or altered hormonal profiles. The control group consisted of 32 women undergoing genetic testing for conditions unrelated to mental retardation or ovarian function. The DNA samples were anonymized. INTERVENTION(S): In the study group, data were collected concerning reproductive/family history, hormonal markers, possible fertility treatment outcomes, and results of karyotype and FMR1 testing. In the control group, FMR1 gene testing was done. The only clinical data available in controls were sex and indication for genetic testing. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Distribution of FMR1 alleles. RESULT(S): Six (22%) of 27 women with oPOI had FMR1 alleles of >40 repeats (intermediate to premutation range), compared with one (3%) of 32 controls. CONCLUSION(S): These results suggest that women with oPOI might be at risk of carrying alleles in the intermediate and premutation range.
This study aimed to compare the effects of 2 different prior endurance exercises on subsequent whole-body fat oxidation kinetics. Fifteen men performed 2 identical submaximal incremental tests (Incr2) on a cycle ergometer after (i) a ∼40-min submaximal incremental test (Incr1) followed by a 90-min continuous exercise performed at 50% of maximal aerobic power-output and a 1-h rest period (Heavy); and (ii) Incr1 followed by a 2.5-h rest period (Light). Fat oxidation was measured using indirect calorimetry and plotted as a function of exercise intensity during Incr1 and Incr2. A sinusoidal equation, including 3 independent variables (dilatation, symmetry and translation), was used to characterize the fat oxidation kinetics and to determine the intensity (Fat(max)) that elicited the maximal fat oxidation (MFO) during Incr. After the Heavy and Light trials, Fat(max), MFO, and fat oxidation rates were significantly greater during Incr2 than Incr1 (p < 0.001). However, Δ (i.e., Incr2-Incr1) Fat(max), MFO, and fat oxidation rates were greater in the Heavy compared with the Light trial (p < 0.05). The fat oxidation kinetics during Incr2(Heavy) showed a greater dilatation and rightward asymmetry than Incr1(Heavy), whereas only a greater dilatation was observed in Incr2(Light) (p < 0.05). This study showed that although to a lesser extent in the Light trial, both prior exercise sessions led to an increase in Fat(max), MFO, and absolute fat oxidation rates during Incr2, inducing significant changes in the shape of the fat oxidation kinetics.
Les plantes sont essentielles pour les sociétés humaines. Notre alimentation quotidienne, les matériaux de constructions et les sources énergétiques dérivent de la biomasse végétale. En revanche, la compréhension des multiples aspects développementaux des plantes est encore peu exploitée et représente un sujet de recherche majeur pour la science. L'émergence des technologies à haut débit pour le séquençage de génome à grande échelle ou l'imagerie de haute résolution permet à présent de produire des quantités énormes d'information. L'analyse informatique est une façon d'intégrer ces données et de réduire la complexité apparente vers une échelle d'abstraction appropriée, dont la finalité est de fournir des perspectives de recherches ciblées. Ceci représente la raison première de cette thèse. En d'autres termes, nous appliquons des méthodes descriptives et prédictives combinées à des simulations numériques afin d'apporter des solutions originales à des problèmes relatifs à la morphogénèse à l'échelle de la cellule et de l'organe. Nous nous sommes fixés parmi les objectifs principaux de cette thèse d'élucider de quelle manière l'interaction croisée des phytohormones auxine et brassinosteroïdes (BRs) détermine la croissance de la cellule dans la racine du méristème apical d'Arabidopsis thaliana, l'organisme modèle de référence pour les études moléculaires en plantes. Pour reconstruire le réseau de signalement cellulaire, nous avons extrait de la littérature les informations pertinentes concernant les relations entre les protéines impliquées dans la transduction des signaux hormonaux. Le réseau a ensuite été modélisé en utilisant un formalisme logique et qualitatif pour pallier l'absence de données quantitatives. Tout d'abord, Les résultats ont permis de confirmer que l'auxine et les BRs agissent en synergie pour contrôler la croissance de la cellule, puis, d'expliquer des observations phénotypiques paradoxales et au final, de mettre à jour une interaction clef entre deux protéines dans la maintenance du méristème de la racine. Une étude ultérieure chez la plante modèle Brachypodium dystachion (Brachypo- dium) a révélé l'ajustement du réseau d'interaction croisée entre auxine et éthylène par rapport à Arabidopsis. Chez ce dernier, interférer avec la biosynthèse de l'auxine mène à la formation d'une racine courte. Néanmoins, nous avons isolé chez Brachypodium un mutant hypomorphique dans la biosynthèse de l'auxine qui affiche une racine plus longue. Nous avons alors conduit une analyse morphométrique qui a confirmé que des cellules plus anisotropique (plus fines et longues) sont à l'origine de ce phénotype racinaire. Des analyses plus approfondies ont démontré que la différence phénotypique entre Brachypodium et Arabidopsis s'explique par une inversion de la fonction régulatrice dans la relation entre le réseau de signalisation par l'éthylène et la biosynthèse de l'auxine. L'analyse morphométrique utilisée dans l'étude précédente exploite le pipeline de traitement d'image de notre méthode d'histologie quantitative. Pendant la croissance secondaire, la symétrie bilatérale de l'hypocotyle est remplacée par une symétrie radiale et une organisation concentrique des tissus constitutifs. Ces tissus sont initialement composés d'une douzaine de cellules mais peuvent aisément atteindre des dizaines de milliers dans les derniers stades du développement. Cette échelle dépasse largement le seuil d'investigation par les moyens dits 'traditionnels' comme l'imagerie directe de tissus en profondeur. L'étude de ce système pendant cette phase de développement ne peut se faire qu'en réalisant des coupes fines de l'organe, ce qui empêche une compréhension des phénomènes cellulaires dynamiques sous-jacents. Nous y avons remédié en proposant une stratégie originale nommée, histologie quantitative. De fait, nous avons extrait l'information contenue dans des images de très haute résolution de sections transverses d'hypocotyles en utilisant un pipeline d'analyse et de segmentation d'image à grande échelle. Nous l'avons ensuite combiné avec un algorithme de reconnaissance automatique des cellules. Cet outil nous a permis de réaliser une description quantitative de la progression de la croissance secondaire révélant des schémas développementales non-apparents avec une inspection visuelle classique. La formation de pôle de phloèmes en structure répétée et espacée entre eux d'une longueur constante illustre les bénéfices de notre approche. Par ailleurs, l'exploitation approfondie de ces résultats a montré un changement de croissance anisotropique des cellules du cambium et du phloème qui semble en phase avec l'expansion du xylème. Combinant des outils génétiques et de la modélisation biomécanique, nous avons démontré que seule la croissance plus rapide des tissus internes peut produire une réorientation de l'axe de croissance anisotropique des tissus périphériques. Cette prédiction a été confirmée par le calcul du ratio des taux de croissance du xylème et du phloème au cours de développement secondaire ; des ratios élevés sont effectivement observés et concomitant à l'établissement progressif et tangentiel du cambium. Ces résultats suggèrent un mécanisme d'auto-organisation établi par un gradient de division méristématique qui génèrent une distribution de contraintes mécaniques. Ceci réoriente la croissance anisotropique des tissus périphériques pour supporter la croissance secondaire. - Plants are essential for human society, because our daily food, construction materials and sustainable energy are derived from plant biomass. Yet, despite this importance, the multiple developmental aspects of plants are still poorly understood and represent a major challenge for science. With the emergence of high throughput devices for genome sequencing and high-resolution imaging, data has never been so easy to collect, generating huge amounts of information. Computational analysis is one way to integrate those data and to decrease the apparent complexity towards an appropriate scale of abstraction with the aim to eventually provide new answers and direct further research perspectives. This is the motivation behind this thesis work, i.e. the application of descriptive and predictive analytics combined with computational modeling to answer problems that revolve around morphogenesis at the subcellular and organ scale. One of the goals of this thesis is to elucidate how the auxin-brassinosteroid phytohormone interaction determines the cell growth in the root apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis), the plant model of reference for molecular studies. The pertinent information about signaling protein relationships was obtained through the literature to reconstruct the entire hormonal crosstalk. Due to a lack of quantitative information, we employed a qualitative modeling formalism. This work permitted to confirm the synergistic effect of the hormonal crosstalk on cell elongation, to explain some of our paradoxical mutant phenotypes and to predict a novel interaction between the BREVIS RADIX (BRX) protein and the transcription factor MONOPTEROS (MP),which turned out to be critical for the maintenance of the root meristem. On the same subcellular scale, another study in the monocot model Brachypodium dystachion (Brachypodium) revealed an alternative wiring of auxin-ethylene crosstalk as compared to Arabidopsis. In the latter, increasing interference with auxin biosynthesis results in progressively shorter roots. By contrast, a hypomorphic Brachypodium mutant isolated in this study in an enzyme of the auxin biosynthesis pathway displayed a dramatically longer seminal root. Our morphometric analysis confirmed that more anisotropic cells (thinner and longer) are principally responsible for the mutant root phenotype. Further characterization pointed towards an inverted regulatory logic in the relation between ethylene signaling and auxin biosynthesis in Brachypodium as compared to Arabidopsis, which explains the phenotypic discrepancy. Finally, the morphometric analysis of hypocotyl secondary growth that we applied in this study was performed with the image-processing pipeline of our quantitative histology method. During its secondary growth, the hypocotyl reorganizes its primary bilateral symmetry to a radial symmetry of highly specialized tissues comprising several thousand cells, starting with a few dozens. However, such a scale only permits observations in thin cross-sections, severely hampering a comprehensive analysis of the morphodynamics involved. Our quantitative histology strategy overcomes this limitation. We acquired hypocotyl cross-sections from tiled high-resolution images and extracted their information content using custom high-throughput image processing and segmentation. Coupled with an automated cell type recognition algorithm, it allows precise quantitative characterization of vascular development and reveals developmental patterns that were not evident from visual inspection, for example the steady interspace distance of the phloem poles. Further analyses indicated a change in growth anisotropy of cambial and phloem cells, which appeared in phase with the expansion of xylem. Combining genetic tools and computational modeling, we showed that the reorientation of growth anisotropy axis of peripheral tissue layers only occurs when the growth rate of central tissue is higher than the peripheral one. This was confirmed by the calculation of the ratio of the growth rate xylem to phloem throughout secondary growth. High ratios are indeed observed and concomitant with the homogenization of cambium anisotropy. These results suggest a self-organization mechanism, promoted by a gradient of division in the cambium that generates a pattern of mechanical constraints. This, in turn, reorients the growth anisotropy of peripheral tissues to sustain the secondary growth.
An original karyotype (2n=34) of 3 shrews from two localities on Crete is described. It confirms the specific status of Crocidura zimmermanni Wettstein, 1953.
The karyotype, morphology and biology of Crocidura from Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) are described. The species has a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 36, thus differing from all other species of the genus. A detailed morphological comparison of the shrews from Fuerteventura, Lanzarote and other islets with C. russula from Morocco revealed specific characters for both taxa. Differences were also observed in biological parameters. It is concluded that the Canary Island populations of Crocidura form a biological species which is consequently named Crocidura canariensis sp. nov.
Previous studies assessed the outcome of ankle arthrodesis (AA) and total ankle replacement (TAR) surgeries; however, the extent of postoperative recovery towards bilateral gait mechanics (BGM) is unknown. We evaluated the outcome of the two surgeries at least 2 years post rehabilitation, focusing on BGM. 36 participants, including 12 AA patients, 12 TAR patients, and 12 controls were included. Gait assessment over 50 m distance was performed utilizing pressure insoles and 3D inertial sensors, following which an intraindividual comparison was performed. Most spatiotemporal and kinematic parameters in the TAR group were indicative of good gait symmetry, while the AA group presented significant differences. Plantar pressure symmetry among the AA group was also significantly distorted. Abnormality in biomechanical behavior of the AA unoperated, contralateral foot was observed. In summary, our results indicate an altered BGM in AA patients, whereas a relatively fully recovered BGM is observed in TAR patients, despite the quantitative differences in several parameters when compared to a healthy population. Our study supports a biomechanical assessment and rehabilitation of both operated and unoperated sides after major surgeries for ankle osteoarthrosis.
There is a widespread agreement from patient and professional organisations alike that the safety of stem cell therapeutics is of paramount importance, particularly for ex vivo autologous gene therapy. Yet current technology makes it difficult to thoroughly evaluate the behaviour of genetically corrected stem cells before they are transplanted. To address this, we have developed a strategy that permits transplantation of a clonal population of genetically corrected autologous stem cells that meet stringent selection criteria and the principle of precaution. As a proof of concept, we have stably transduced epidermal stem cells (holoclones) obtained from a patient suffering from recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. Holoclones were infected with self-inactivating retroviruses bearing a COL7A1 cDNA and cloned before the progeny of individual stem cells were characterised using a number of criteria. Clonal analysis revealed a great deal of heterogeneity among transduced stem cells in their capacity to produce functional type VII collagen (COLVII). Selected transduced stem cells transplanted onto immunodeficient mice regenerated a non-blistering epidermis for months and produced a functional COLVII. Safety was assessed by determining the sites of proviral integration, rearrangements and hit genes and by whole-genome sequencing. The progeny of the selected stem cells also had a diploid karyotype, was not tumorigenic and did not disseminate after long-term transplantation onto immunodeficient mice. In conclusion, a clonal strategy is a powerful and efficient means of by-passing the heterogeneity of a transduced stem cell population. It guarantees a safe and homogenous medicinal product, fulfilling the principle of precaution and the requirements of regulatory affairs. Furthermore, a clonal strategy makes it possible to envision exciting gene-editing technologies like zinc finger nucleases, TALENs and homologous recombination for next-generation gene therapy.
Cette thèse porte sur l'élaboration et la mise en pratique de politiques interculturelles dans le champ de la santé internationale, en se basant sur une ethnographie d'un programme de préven¬tion de la violence de genre dans le canton de Loreto, en Amazonie équatorienne, mis en place par la Croix-Rouge suisse et aujourd'hui géré de concert avec l'Etat équatorien et une organisation kichwa locale. Suivant une approche qui fait varier les échelles d'analyses pour articuler le niveau local, national et international, elle met en évidence les lieux d'intersection et les hiatus entre l'idéal d'interculturalité tel qu'il est conçu «par le haut» et les pratiques qui sont mises en oeuvre au quotidien par des professionnels de la santé et du développement métis équatoriens. Elle révèle ainsi qu'au-delà de l'idéal du respect des « différences culturelles autochtones » et de la symétrie entre les « cultures », les discours et les pratiques de ces professionnels consistent en une entreprise de normalisation et de moralisation des comportements des destinataires kichwa en matière de rapports de genre. Pour affiner ces analyses et dépasser une approche critique de la santé publique, cette thèse explore également les représentations et les pratiques des destinataires - femmes agents de santé et « bénéficiaires » kichwa du programme - en matière de violence et de rapports de genre. Elle montre ainsi que le transfert de normes et de valeurs via la santé publique fait l'objet de mul¬tiples processus d'appropriations, et explore les différentes d'interprétations, de négociations et d'instrumentalisations de la part des destinataires, tant au niveau individuel que collectif. -- Intercultural politics and the prevention of violence against kichwa women in the Ecuadorian Amazon This PhD thesis focuses on the development and application of intercultural policies in the field of international health. It is drawn on an ethnographic fieldwork conducted in canton Loreto, in the Ecuadorian Amazon, about a gender violence prevention program which was set up by the Swiss Red Cross and which is now managed in cooperation with the Ecuadorian State and a local kichwa organization. Following a multiple-scale analysis in order to articulate the local, national and international dynamics, it highlights the intersections and the gaps between, on the one hand, the the institutional prescriptions about the ideal of interculturality and on the other hand, the daily practices of Ecuadorian mestizo health and development profesionals. It reveals that beyond the ideal of respect for «indigenous cultural differences» and of symmetry between «cultures», the discourses and practices of these professionals consist of a normalizing and moralizing enter¬prise concerning the gendered and, more broadly, social behaviors of kichwa «beneficiaries». In order to refine the analysis and to go beyond a critical approach of public health, this thesis also explores the violence and gender relations representations and practices of kichwa women health workers and «beneficiaries», men and women. Thus it shows that the transfer of norms via public health is the subject of multiple processes of appropriation, interpretation, negotiation and instru¬mentalisation both on individual and collective levels by the «beneficiaries».
NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">This study is aimed at the determination of the measurement properties of the shoulder function B-B Score measured with a smartphone. This score measures the symmetry between sides of a power-related metric for two selected movements, with 100% representing perfect symmetry. Twenty healthy participants, 20 patients with rotator cuff conditions, 23 with fractures, 22 with capsulitis, and 23 with shoulder instabilities were measured twice across a six-month interval using the B-B Score and shoulder function questionnaires. The discriminative power, responsiveness, diagnostic power, concurrent validity, minimal detectable change (MDC), minimal clinically important improvement (MCII), and patient acceptable symptom state (PASS) were evaluated. Significant differences with the control group and significant baseline-six-month differences were found for the rotator cuff condition, fracture, and capsulitis patient groups. The B-B Score was responsive and demonstrated excellent diagnostic power, except for shoulder instability. The correlations with clinical scores were generally moderate to high, but lower for instability. The MDC was 18.1%, the MCII was 25.2%, and the PASS was 77.6. No floor effect was observed. The B-B Score demonstrated excellent measurement properties in populations with rotator cuff conditions, proximal humerus fractures, and capsulitis, and can thus be used as a routine test to evaluate those patients.