272 resultados para Intégration positive


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Purpose: Pelvic radiation therapy (RT) represents a therapeutic option in the treatment of node-positive prostate cancer but it remains controversial, because of its high rate toxicities. New radiation technique such as IMRT may reduce these complications. In this study, we aimed to assess the rate of toxicities according to CTC-NCI.v3 in such patients treated with either 3DCRT or IMRT (Tomotherapy).Methods and Materials: From January 2008 to December 2010, data were analyzed from 30 consecutive patients including 29 node-positive prostate cancer undergoing definitive or adjuvant RT (IMRT and/or 3DCRT) after radical prostatectomy and lymphadenectomy combined to hormonal therapy. Median age was 66 years (range : 52-83). Median preoperative PSA value was 12 ng/ml (range: 2.72-165). According to the pT-classification, there were 4 pT2, 7 pT3a, 10 pT3b, and 1 pT4 patients. Pathologic positive lymph nodes were found in 23 patients. Radiologic positive lymph nodes were found in 5 patients. Two patients were node negative. Gleason score was ranging between 7 to 10. Twelve patients were treated by Tomotherapy including 4 with simultaneous integrated boost (SIB). Eighteen patients were treated by Tomotherapy including 2 with SIB to the whole pelvis and 3DCRT boost to the prostate. V50% for bladder and rectum were recorded. Acute and late toxicities were assessed according to CTC-NCI.v3 classification.Results: With a median follow-up of 17 months, only one patient presented nodal and metastatic failure. Urinary incontinence was graded 1 after surgery for 6 patients and grade 2 in two. Sexual impuissance was noted in 3 patients. Acute toxicities during RT were proctitis grade 0 in 23 patients (76.5%), grade 1 in 7 (23.5%). Nocturia grade 1 in 9 patients. Interruption of treatment was seen in only case because of grade 3 urinary incontinence. Late effects included erectile dysfunction in 5 patients (83%) and one patient had grade 3proctitis requiring colostomy 3 months after RT. Median Dose-Volume Histogram according to radiation techniques V50% bladder V50% rectum Tomotherapy (IMRT) 36.25 Gy 39 Gy Tomotherapy + 3DCRT 41.26 Gy 39.18 GyConclusion: Based on our above-mentioned findings, there is no a significant difference in morbidity in patients treated with Tomotherapy or Tomotherapy with 3DCRT boost.


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The expression of Ia-associated human Invariant (In) chain glycoproteins was studied in the Raji B cells as well as in their RJ 2.2.5 Ia-negative derived variant cells by using a specific rabbit anti-human In chain antiserum. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of immunoprecipitates from either biosynthetically labeled or surface labeled cells were analyzed. In addition, flow microfluorometric analysis of stained cells was performed. The results indicate that the In chain is constitutively produced in the Ia-negative B cell variant. Moreover, it appears that several forms of In chain-related molecules, with different charges and distinct m.w. are equally expressed in Ia-positive and Ia-negative B cells. Finally, no evidence could be obtained that the In molecular family was expressed on the cell surface of Ia-positive Raji and Ia-negative RJ 2.2.5 cells.


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Dès les années 2000, l'Office Fédéral de la Santé Publique recommande aux médecins de premier recours, dont les gynécologues, d'aborder activement la sexualité en consultation, en raison notamment de l'augmentation des infections sexuellement transmissibles asymptomatiques (1ST). Dans le même sens, comme le montrent nombre d'études, plus de 70% des patientes souhaiteraient être interrogées au sujet de leur sexualité en consultation gynécologique. Or, il semble que peu de médecins intègrent systématiquement des questions de sexualité dans leur anamnèse. La revue de la littérature relève que les recherches réalisées à ce jour ont été menées principalement à l'aide de questionnaire selon une perspective naturaliste, qui étudie la sexualité de manière décontextualisée et qui la conçoit comme un invariant biologique et par conséquent universel. Notre objectif est de saisir en profondeur les perceptions et le vécu des gynécologues et des femmes, face à l'intégration de la sexualité en consultation gynécologique. Nous avons adopté une perspective critique en psychologie de la santé (Santiago-Delefosse & Chamberlain, 2008 ; Murray, 2004a ; Lyons & Chamberlain, 2006) qui permet de privilégier d'une part, l'étude de la signification que les sujets donnent à la sexualité dans leur contexte socio-historique et, d'autre part, une vision de l'être humain comprenant des dimensions corporelles, psychologiques et sociétales (Santiago-Delefosse, 2011). Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé un dispositif de méthodes mixtes en deux phases. Dans la première phase, nous avons mené 21 entretiens semi directifs avec des gynécologues hommes et femmes. Puis, nous avons réalisé 3 groupes focalisés (N=16) avec des femmes âgées de 23 à 65 ans. La seconde phase a consisté à créer un questionnaire, élaboré à partir des résultats de la première phase, afin d'élargir l'expérience de l'intégration de la sexualité en consultation, à une population plus diversifiée de femmes (N=421). Les données récoltées par le biais de ces trois méthodes nous ont permis d'esquisser un modèle présentant les processus en jeu dans la situation de non intégration de la sexualité en consultation gynécologique. Celui-ci relève non seulement des lacunes dans le cursus universitaire de médecine en matière de sexualité, mais également d'importantes discordances entre les gynécologues et les femmes interviewés concernant le rôle du gynécologue, la perception de l'intime, la perception d'introduire le sujet de la sexualité en consultation, ainsi que de la définition même de la sexualité. Nos résultats ouvrent sur des perspectives pratiques pour la consultation gynécologique, ainsi que sur des pistes pour des recherches futures dans l'étude de la sexualité, selon une perspective plus intégrative. -- Since the 2000's, the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health recommended primary care physicians, including gynaecologists, to actively address sexuality issues in consultation, namely because of the increasing incidence of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI). In line with this, studies have shown that more than 70% of patients would like to be asked about their sexuality by their gynaecologist. However, physicians do not take systematically sexual histories from their patients. Literature in the field has highlighted that most research has been restricted to using questionnaires following a naturalist theoretical perspective according to which sexual behaviour is defined as biologically invariant, hence, universal. Our objective is to deepen understand perceptions from gynaecologists and women with regard to the integration of sexuality in consultations. A critical health psychology approach allows us to consider on the one hand sexuality as a construct that is inseparable from a given socio-historical context. On the other hand, this approach takes into consideration an embodied, social and psychological definition of human beings. Therefore, we used a mixed methods design that included two main research steps : First, we conducted 21 semi-structured interviews with male and female gynaecologists. In this phase, we also led 3 focus groups made up of 16 women aged from 21 to 65. Second, a survey was implemented (N= 421) based on findings stemming from the first phase. This allowed us to further analyse experiences on the integration of sexuality and to extend findings to a more diversified population of women. The data analysis allowed us to create a model that highlights the processes involved in the non integration of sexuality during gynaecological consultation. It shows a lack of training in sexology within medical programs. Moreover, it emphasises the mismatches on perceptions between gynaecologists and women concerning the gynaecologist's role ; intimacy, the issue of whether introducing sexuality topics, and finally, on the actual definition of sexuality itself. Our findings open new research perspectives for the study of sexuality by proposing a more integrative approach. They also provide practical and clinical perspectives concerning consultations in gynaecology.


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Quinupristin-dalfopristin (Q-D) synergizes with cefepime for the treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Here, we studied whether the synergism was restricted to MRSA and if it extended to non-beta-lactam cell wall inhibitors or to other inhibitors of protein synthesis. Three MRSA and two methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) strains were tested, including an isogenic pair of mecA (-)/mecA (+) S. aureus Newman. The drug interactions were determined by fractional inhibitory concentration (FIC) indices and population analysis profiles. The antibacterial drugs that we used included beta-lactam (cefepime) and non-beta-lactam cell wall inhibitors (D-cycloserine, fosfomycin, vancomycin, teicoplanin), inhibitors of protein synthesis (Q-D, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, linezolid, fusidic acid), and polynucleotide inhibitors (cotrimoxazole, ciprofloxacin). The addition of each protein inhibitor to cefepime was synergistic (FIC ≤ 0.5) or additive (FIC > 0.5 but < 1) against MRSA, but mostly indifferent against MSSA (FIC ≥ 1 but ≤ 4). This segregation was not observed after adding cotrimoxazole or ciprofloxacin to cefepime. Population analysis profiles were performed on plates in the presence of increasing concentrations of the cell wall inhibitors plus 0.25 × minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of Q-D. Cefepime combined with Q-D was synergistic against MRSA, but D-cycloserine and glycopeptides were not. Thus, the synergism was specific to beta-lactam antibiotics. Moreover, the synergism was not lost against fem mutants, indicating that it acted at another level. The restriction of the beneficial effect to MRSA suggests that the functionality of penicillin-binding protein 2A (PBP2A) was affected, either directly or indirectly. Further studies are necessary in order to provide a mechanism for this positive interaction.


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RESUME La ventilation en pression positive continue (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, CPAP), utilisée pour la première fois chez. les prématurés en 1971, est une technique actuellement très largement utilisée dans les unités néonatales. L'utilisation de la CPAP présente de nombreux avantages à court terme: diminution de la fraction maximale inspirée d'oxygène, de la durée de l'oxygénothérapie, du taux d'intubation et donc du recours à une ventilation mécanique, réduction de l'utilisation des amines, des curares et de la morphine, possible prévention de l'apparition d'une bronchodysplasie pulmonaire, et possibles réductions du nombre d'infections postnatales et des entérocolites nécrosantes. Mais peu d'études existent concernant les effets à long terme de la CPAP sur le neurodéveloppement et la croissance, qui constituent l'objectif de la présente étude. L'utilisation systématique de la CPAP comme alternative à la ventilation mécanique a été introduite à Lausanne en 1998. La population cible de cette étude est constituée des prématurés nés à moins de 32 semaines de gestation ou pesant moins de 1500 g à la naissance; ils ont été systématiquement suivis jusqu'en âge préscolaire dans le cadre de l'étude de cohorte «Unité de Développement, CHUV». L'originalité de ce travail réside dans le fait d'évaluer le neurodéveloppement et la croissance à long terme d'enfants prématurés traités préférentiellement avec la CPAP, en comparaison avec un groupe historique contrôle traité par d'autres modes ventilatoires, en tenant compte de nombreux autres paramètres néonataux. Du point de vue du neurodéveloppement, l'usage, de la CPAP montre une tendance à diminuer l'incidence d'hémorragie intraventriculaire et le risque d'avoir un mauvais neurodéveloppement à 6 mois. Ces résultats positifs sur le neurodéveloppement s'estompent à l'âge de 18 mois, où persiste néanmoins une valeur plus élevée du quotient de développement, et disparaissent complètement en âge préscolaire. Du point de vue de la croissance, l'utilisation de la CPAP ne montre aucun effet sur le poids, mais par contre un effet positif sur la taille à 6 et 18 mois et sur le périmètre crânien à 6 mois, 18 mois et en âge préscolaire. Malgré le caractère non randomisé de cette étude, les résultats positifs obtenus ici permettent sans conteste de s'assurer d'une utilisation de la CPAP sans effet négatif sur le neurodéveloppement et la croissance, et fournissent donc un argument supplémentaire pour l'utilisation systématique de la CPAP chez les prématurés.


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The objectives of this study were to characterize raltegravir (RAL) population pharmacokinetics in HIV-positive (HIV(+)) and healthy individuals, identify influential factors, and search for new candidate genes involved in UDP glucuronosyltransferase (UGT)-mediated glucuronidation. The pharmacokinetic analysis was performed with NONMEM. Genetic association analysis was performed with PLINK using the relative bioavailability as the phenotype. Simulations were performed to compare once- and twice-daily regimens. A 2-compartment model with first-order absorption adequately described the data. Atazanavir, gender, and bilirubin levels influenced RAL relative bioavailability, which was 30% lower in HIV(+) than in healthy individuals. UGT1A9*3 was the only genetic variant possibly influencing RAL pharmacokinetics. The majority of RAL pharmacokinetic variability remains unexplained by genetic and nongenetic factors. Owing to the very large variability, trough drug levels might be very low under the standard dosing regimen, raising the question of a potential relevance of therapeutic drug monitoring of RAL in some situations.


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BACKGROUND: Humanized KS-interleukin-2 (huKS-IL2), an immunocytokine with specificity for epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), has demonstrated favorable tolerability and immunologic activity as a single agent. METHODS: Phase 1b study in patients with EpCAM-positive advanced solid tumors to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and safety profile of huKS-IL2 in combination with low-dose cyclophosphamide. Treatment consisted of cyclophosphamide (300 mg/m2 on day 1), and escalating doses of huKS-IL2 (0.5-4.0 mg/m2 IV continuous infusion over 4 hours) on days 2, 3, and 4 of each 21-day cycle. Safety, pharmacokinetic profile, immunogenicity, anti-tumor and biologic activity were evaluated. RESULTS: Twenty-seven patients were treated for up to 6 cycles; 26 were evaluable for response. The MTD of huKS-IL2 in combination with 300 mg/m2 cyclophosphamide was 3.0 mg/m2. At higher doses, myelosuppression was dose-limiting. Transient lymphopenia was the most common grade 3/4 adverse event (AE). Other significant AEs included hypotension, hypophosphatemia, and increase in serum creatinine. All patients recovered from these AEs. The huKS-IL2 exposure was dose-dependent, but not dose-proportional, accumulation was negligible, and elimination half-life and systemic clearance were independent of dose and time. Most patients had a transient immune response to huKS-IL2. Immunologic activity was observed at all doses. Ten patients (38%) had stable disease as best response, lasting for ≥ 4 cycles in 3 patients. CONCLUSION: The combination of huKS-IL2 with low-dose cyclophosphamide was well tolerated. Although no objective responses were observed, the combination showed evidence of immunologic activity and 3 patients showed stable disease for ≥ 4 cycles. TRIAL REGISTRATION: http://NCT00132522.


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In a case of a driving ability assessment, hair analysis for ethyl glucuronide (EtG) was requested by the authorities. The person concerned denied alcohol consumption and did not present any clinical sign of alcoholism. However, EtG was found in concentrations of up to 910pg/mg in hair from different sampling dates suggesting an excessive drinking behavior. The person declared to use a hair lotion on a regularly base. To evaluate a possible effect of the hair lotion, prospective blood and urine controls as well as hair sampling of scalp and pubic hair were performed. The traditional clinical biomarkers of ethanol consumption, CDT and GGT, were inconspicuous in three blood samples taken. EtG was not detected in all collected urine samples. The hair lotion was transmitted to our laboratory. The ethanol concentration in this lotion was determined with 35g/L. The EtG immunoassay gave a positive result indicating EtG, which could be confirmed by GC-MS/MS-NCI. In a follow-up experiment the lotion was applied to the hair of a volunteer over a period of six weeks. After this treatment, EtG could be measured in the hair at a concentration of 72pg/mg suggesting chronic and excessive alcohol consumption. Overnight incubation of EtG free hair in the lotion yielded an EtG concentration of 140pg/mg. In the present case, the positive EtG hair findings could be interpreted as the result of an EtG containing hair care product. To our knowledge, the existence of such a product has not yet been reported, and it is exceptionally unusual to find EtG in cosmetics. Therefore, external sources for hair contamination should always be taken into account when unusual cosmetic treatment is mentioned. In those cases, it is recommended to analyze the hair product for a possible contamination with EtG. The analysis of body hair can help to reveal problems occurring from cosmetic treatment of head hair. As a consequence, the assessment of drinking behavior should be based on more than one diagnostic parameter.


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Presented here is a cell-suspension model for positive selection using thymocytes from alphabeta-TCR (H-2Db-restricted) transgenic mice specific to the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) on a nonselecting MHC background (H-2d or TAP-1 -/-), cocultured with freshly isolated adult thymus stromal cells of the selecting MHC type. The thymic stromal cells alone induced positive selection of functional CD4- CD8+ cells whose kinetics and efficiency were enhanced by nominal peptide. Fibroblasts expressing the selecting MHC alone did not induce positive selection; however, together with nonselecting stroma and nominal peptide, there was inefficient positive. These results suggest multiple signaling in positive selection with selection events able to occur on multiple-cell types. The ease with which this model can be manipulated should greatly facilitate the resolution of the mechanisms of positive selection in normal and pathological states.


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BACKGROUND & AIM: Brain metastases are frequent in patients with metastatic melanoma, indicating poor prognosis. We investigated the BRAF kinase inhibitor vemurafenib in patients with advanced melanoma with symptomatic brain metastases. METHODS: This open-label trial assessed vemurafenib (960mg twice a day) in patients with BRAF(V600) mutation-positive metastatic melanoma with non-resectable, previously treated brain metastases. The primary end-point was safety. Secondary end-points included best overall response rate, and progression-free and overall survival. RESULTS: Twenty-four patients received vemurafenib for a median treatment duration of 3.8 (0.1-11.3) months. The majority of discontinuations were due to disease progression (n=22). Twenty-three of 24 patients reported at least one adverse event (AE). Grade 3 AEs were reported in four (17%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 4.7-37.4%) patients and included cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in four patients. Median progression-free survival was 3.9 (95% CI, 3.0-5.5) months, and median survival was 5.3 (95% CI, 3.9-6.6) months. An overall partial response (PR) at both intracranial and extracranial sites was achieved in 10 of 24 (42%; 95% CI, 22.1-63.4) evaluable patients, with stable disease in nine (38%; 95% CI, 18.8-59.4) patients. Of 19 patients with measurable intracranial disease, seven (37%) achieved >30% intracranial tumour regression, and three (16%; 95% CI, 3.4-39.6%) achieved a confirmed PR. Other signs of improvement included reduced need for corticosteroids and enhanced performance status. CONCLUSIONS: Vemurafenib can be safely used in patients with advanced symptomatic melanoma that has metastasised to the brain and can result in meaningful tumour regression.


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Data mining can be defined as the extraction of previously unknown and potentially useful information from large datasets. The main principle is to devise computer programs that run through databases and automatically seek deterministic patterns. It is applied in different fields of application, e.g., remote sensing, biometry, speech recognition, but has seldom been applied to forensic case data. The intrinsic difficulty related to the use of such data lies in its heterogeneity, which comes from the many different sources of information. The aim of this study is to highlight potential uses of pattern recognition that would provide relevant results from a criminal intelligence point of view. The role of data mining within a global crime analysis methodology is to detect all types of structures in a dataset. Once filtered and interpreted, those structures can point to previously unseen criminal activities. The interpretation of patterns for intelligence purposes is the final stage of the process. It allows the researcher to validate the whole methodology and to refine each step if necessary. An application to cutting agents found in illicit drug seizures was performed. A combinatorial approach was done, using the presence and the absence of products. Methods coming from the graph theory field were used to extract patterns in data constituted by links between products and place and date of seizure. A data mining process completed using graphing techniques is called ``graph mining''. Patterns were detected that had to be interpreted and compared with preliminary knowledge to establish their relevancy. The illicit drug profiling process is actually an intelligence process that uses preliminary illicit drug classes to classify new samples. Methods proposed in this study could be used \textit{a priori} to compare structures from preliminary and post-detection patterns. This new knowledge of a repeated structure may provide valuable complementary information to profiling and become a source of intelligence.