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The transition between hospital and community is an interface at high risk for medication. "The Association of Family Doctors" committee in the canton of Vaud (MFVaud), together with community pharmacists' and Homecare representatives, have begun to consider the following improvements: fast and co-ordinated care providers' information; arrangements for family doctors appointments as soon as possible; awareness and education for interprofessional collaboration; more secured preparation of pill boxes; development of interprofessional means such as medication use reviews and reconciliations. In the opinion of all the experts, there is an urgent public health need to act in an interprofessional manner, even if the solutions required (especially change in professional culture and technologies) are not immediate.
Objectives - Treatment of established status epilepticus (SE) requires immediate intravenous anticonvulsant therapy. Currently used first-line drugs may cause potentially hazardous side effects. We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of intravenous lacosamide (LCM) in SE after failure of standard treatment. Methods - We retrospectively analyzed 39 patients (21 women, 18 men, median age 62 years) from the hospital databases of five neurological departments in Germany, Austria and Switzerland between September 2008 and January 2010 who were admitted in SE and received at least one dose of intravenous LCM. Results - Types of SE were generalized convulsive (n = 6), complex partial (n = 17) and simple partial (n = 16). LCM was administered after failure of benzodiazepins or other standard drugs in all but one case. Median bolus dose of LCM was 400 mg (range 200-400 mg), which was administered at 40-80 mg/min in those patients where infusion rate was documented. SE stopped after LCM in 17 patients, while 22 patients needed further anticonvulsant treatment. The success rate in patients receiving LCM as first or second drug was 3/5, as third drug 11/19, and as fourth or later drug 3/15. In five subjects, SE could not be terminated at all. No serious adverse events attributed to LCM were documented. Conclusions - Intravenous LCM may be an alternative treatment for established SE after failure of standard therapy, or when standard agents are considered unsuitable.
Thrombolysis is the most effective treatment improving the outcome of patients suffering from acute stroke. Moreover, its effectiveness increases when administrated as quick as possible after the onset of the first symptoms. Prehospital selection of patients and their immediate transfer to stroke center are the principal factors allowing the practice of thrombolysis within the authorized time frame. On the basis of regional Swiss French data, it seems that patients evaluated by emergency physician and their direct transfer in an acute stroke unit reduces delays and allows for a higher thrombolysis rate.
Most humeral shaft fractures are amenable to nonoperative treatment. According to shoulder and elbow functions, humeral shaft malunions are well tolerated with deformities up to 30 degrees of varus, 20 degrees of anterior bowing and 15 degrees of internal rotation. Limitations to nonoperative treatment do exist. Open fractures with extensive soft-tissue lesions, penetrating open fractures with neurological or vascular impairment are best managed with immediate stabilization. However the appropriate treatment strategy has to be adapted for each patient. Patient expectations, fracture propensity for nonunion, ability to tolerate nonoperative treatment for medical or social reasons should be taken into consideration for operative indication.
La tesi di Dottorato, condotta in accordo di colutela tra l'Università di Roma Tor Vergata e l'UNIL di Losanna, ha affrontato l'analisi di un gruppo di undici disegni custodia presso la National Gallery of Scotland di Edimburgo, copie di alcuni dei più significativi mosaici medioevali delle chiese di Roma, ricostruendone la genesi, quindi le vicende legate alla committenza, e il percorso collezionistico. I disegni scozzesi, oggetto di un importante articolo di Julian Gardner pubblicato sul Burlington Magatine nel 1973, furono commissionati intorno agli anni Settanta del XVII secolo dall'antiquario romano Giovanni Giustino Ciampini (1633-1698) in connessione alla stesura della sua opera di erudizione più avvertita e famosa: i Vetera Mommenta in' quibus praecipue Musiva Opera, sacrarum, profanan,mque, Aedìum structura, ac nonnulli antiqui ritus dissertationibus iconìbusque illustrantur. La composizione dei Vetera Mommenta - un'opera riccamente illustrata che nasce per rispondere alle esigenze della ideologia della Chiesa di Roma in un momento di rinnovata crisi del sistema - impone a Ciampini di porsi da un lato nella prospettiva della più alta tradizione antiquaria cinque e seicentesca, di cui recupera i metodi di lettura e di analisi applicati allo studio delle monete e dei monumenti antichi interpretati quali prove per la ricostruzione storica, e dall'altra, come è emerso dalle mie ricerche, lo pone immediatamente in contatto con gli avamposti del più moderno metodo di indagine storica e filologica applicato alle fonti e ai documenti della storia ecclesiastica, inaugurato dall'ambiente bollandista e inaurino. I monumenti paleocristiani e medioevali assumono in quest'ottica lo status di 'fatti incontestabili', le fonti primarie attraverso le quali Ciampini ricuce le tappe salienti della storia della Chiesa, da Costantino fino al XV secolo. Nel 1700 le copie di Edimburgo arrivano nelle mani del mercante e connoisseur milanese il padre oratoriano Sebastiano Resta (1635-1714), di stanza a Roma presso la Chiesa Nuova della Vallicella dal 1660, che decide di rilegarle tutte insieme in un volume da donare al suo maggiore acquirente e patrono, il vescovo di Arezzo Giovanni Matteo Marchetti. Come spiega Resta in alcune sue lettere, il presente avrebbe dovuto costituire insieme una curiosità ed offrire un confronto: infatti «le copie delli mosaici di Roma che erano di Monsignor Ciampini» - afferma Resta - avrebbero mostrato al Marchetti «le maniere di que' tempi gottici, barbari e divoti de cristiani e [fatto] spiccare i secoli seguenti». Questa indagine infatti ha fatto riemergere aspetti della precoce attenzione di Sebastiano Resta per l'arte dei "secoli bassi", mai debitamente affrontata dagli studi. E' infatti sulla scorta di una profonda conoscenza dei testi della letteratura artistica, e in connessione alla esplosione vivacissima della controversia Malvasia/Baldinucci sul primato del risorgere delle arti in Toscana, che Sebastiano a partire dagli anni Ottanta del Seicento comincia a meditare sul Medioevo artistico con il fine di spiegare l'evoluzione del linguaggio tecnico e formale che ha condotto alla perfezione dell'atte moderna. In questa prospettiva ι disegni del XIV e XV secolo che egli riuscì ad intercettare sul mercato valgono quali testimonianze delle maniere degli artefici più antichi e sono imbastiti nei molteplici album che Resta compone nel rispetto della successione cronologica dei presunti autori, e ordinati in base alle scuole pittoriche di pertinenza. La tesi permette perciò di descrivere nelle loro diverse specificità: da un lato il modo dei conoscitori come Resta, interessati nell'opera al dato stilistico, con immediate e sensibili ricadute sul mercato, e disposti anche con passione a ricercare i documenti relativi all'opera in quanto pressati dall'urgenza di collocarla nella sequenza cronologica dello sviluppo del linguaggio formale e tecnico; dall'altro gli antiquari come Ciampini e come Bianchini, per i quali le opere del passato valgono come prove irrefutabili della ricostruzione storica, e divengono quindi esse stesse, anche nel loro statuto di copia, documento della stona. Sono due approcci che si manifestano nel Seicento, e talvolta in una medesima persona, come mostra il caso anche per questo cruciale di Giovati Pietro Bellori, ma che hanno radici cinquecentesche, di cui i protagonisti di queste vicende sono ben consapevoli: e se dietro Resta c'è palesemente Vasari, dietro Ciampini e soprattutto Bianchini c'è la più alta tradizione antiquaria del XVI secolo, da Antonio Augustin a Fulvio Orsini.
Résumé La mobilité ne signifie plus uniquement se mouvoir d'un point à un autre ; il s'agit d'un concept lui-même en constante évolution, grâce au progrès technique et à l'innovation sociale notamment. Aujourd'hui, la recherche de la vitesse n'est plus le seul enjeu au coeur de nos préoccupations. Elle a été remplacée par un retour au voyage enrichi par l'expérience et ce quelle que soit sa durée. Cet enrichissement s'est principalement fait par le truchement des technologies de l'information et de la communication et peut prendre plusieurs formes liées aux problématiques contemporaines de la ville et du territoire. Citons comme exemple la valorisation du temps de déplacement, grâce à un meilleur accès à l'information (travail, réseaux sociaux, etc.) et à la recherche d'une plus grande cohérence entre l'acte de se mouvoir et l'environnement proche ou lointain. Cette « recontextualisation » du mouvement nous interpelle dans notre rapport à l'espace et nous donne également des pistes pour repenser le métier d'urbaniste de la ville intelligente. Abstract Mobility issues do not only involve the act of moving nowadays. The concept itself evolves continuously thanks to technological and social innovations. The main stakes do not focus anymore on improving speed, but on enriching the experience of travelling, even in the case of short trips. One of the main factors that fosters this evolution is the progressive adoption of information and communication technologies that help to reshape the issues of contemporary cities. For example, the quality of travel time has improved thanks to the ubiquitous accessibility to information, and by offering a better coherence between the trip and the immediate social environment. The "recontextualisation" of everyday activities (working, interacting, etc.) challenges the relationship individuals have with space and offers many clues in regard to the required skills that urban planners and designers of the smart city should possess.
Introduction: We launched an investigator-initiated study (ISRCTN31181395) to evaluate the potential benefit of pharmacokinetic-guided dosage individualization of imatinib for leukaemiapatients followed in public and private sectors. Following approval by the research ethics committee (REC) of the coordinating centre, recruitment throughout Switzerland necessitatedto submit the protocol to 11 cantonal RECs.Materials and Methods: We analysed requirements and evaluation procedures of the 12 RECs with associated costs.Results: 1-18 copies of the dossier, in total 4300 printed pages, were required (printing/posting costs: ~300 CHF) to meet initial requirements. Meeting frequencies of RECs ranged between 2 weeks and 2 months, time from submission to fi rst feedback took 2-75 days. Study approval was obtained from a chairman, a subor the full committee, the evaluation work being invoiced by0-1000 CHF (median: 750 CHF, total: 9200 CHF). While 5 RECs gave immediate approval, the other 6 rose in total 38 queries before study release, mainly related to wording in the patient information, leading to 7 different fi nal versions approved. Submission tasks employed an investigator half-time over about 6 months.Conclusion: While the necessity of clinical research evaluation by independent RECs is undisputed, there is a need of further harmonization and cooperation in evaluation procedures. Current administrative burden is indeed complex, time-consuming and costly. A harmonized electronic application form, preferably compatible with other regulatory bodies and European countries, could increase transparency, improve communication, and encourage academic multi-centre clinical research in Switzerland.
BACKGROUND: Up to 10% of the patients in whom suspected betalactam hypersensitivity (HS) has been excluded by skin and challenge tests report suspected allergic reactions during subsequent treatments with the same or very similar betalactams. It has been suggested that the reactions may result from a resensitization induced by the challenge performed at the time of the allergological work-up. However, most patients did not undergo a second allergological work-up, to determine if the reactions resulted from betalactam HS or not. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to determine if children diagnosed nonallergic to betalactams have tolerated subsequent treatments with the initially suspected and/or other betalactams, and, in case of a reaction, if the reaction resulted from betalactam HS. Methods: We sent a questionnaire concerning the clinical history of their children to the parents of 256 children previously diagnosed nonallergic to betalactams. A second allergological work-up was performed in the children reporting suspected allergic reactions during subsequent treatments with the same and/or other betalactams. Skin tests were performed with the soluble form of the suspected (or very similar) betalactams and other betalactams from the same and other classes. Skin test responses were assessed at 15-20 min (immediate), 6-8 h (semi-late) and 48-72 h (late). Oral challenge (OC) was performed in children with negative skin tests, either at the hospital (immediate and accelerated reactions), or at home (delayed reactions). RESULTS: A response was obtained from 141 children (55.3%). Forty-eight (34%) of those children had not been treated with the betalactams for whom a diagnosis of allergy had been ruled out previously. Seven (7.5%) of the 93 children who had been treated again reported suspected allergic reactions. Skin tests and OC were performed in six of those children, and gave negative results in five children. In one child previously diagnosed nonallergic to amoxicillin associated with clavulanic acid, we diagnosed a delayed HS to clavulanic acid and a serum sickness-like disease to cefaclor. Thus, the frequency of reactions resulting from betalactam HS in children with negative skin and challenge tests is very low, and does not exceed 2.1% (2/93) if we consider that the child which refused a second allergological work-up is really allergic to betalactams. CONCLUSION: Our results in a very large number of children show that reactions presumed to result from betalactam HS are rare in children in whom the diagnosis of betalactam allergy has been ruled out previously. Moreover, they suggest that, as shown for the initial reactions, most of the reactions during subsequent treatments are rather a consequence of the infectious diseases for whom betalactams have been prescribed than a result of betalactam HS. Finally, they suggest that the risk of resensitization by OC is very low, and do not support the notion that skin testing should be repeated in children diagnosed nonallergic to betalactams.
BACKGROUND: This study evaluates sealing characteristics of two designs of endovascular grafts by angiographic demonstration of exclusion of porcine lumbar arteries. METHODS: 6 endovascular grafts (3 self-expandable with integrated polyurethane wall versus 3 nitinol structures covered with polyester fabric) were implanted in 6 porcine aortae. Perfusion of lumbar arteries was assessed by angiography after implantation and by angiography and dissection at graft explantation after 4 +/- 2 months. Tissue healing was evaluated by light and scanning electron microscopy. RESULTS: Immediate exclusion of the lumbar arteries was achieved in 14/31 vessels (12 by polyurethane grafts and 2 by polyester grafts, p < 0.001). Follow-up angiography and dissection at explantation revealed perfusion of 30/31 lumbar arteries with a collateral network in most cases. Another reason for reperfusion of initially excluded branches was distention of the polyurethane grafts with resulting shortening allowing reperfusion of 8 of the 31 originally covered branches. Histological examination revealed a complete neointimal lining and a tight contact between endovascular grafts and aorta. CONCLUSIONS: The immediate angiographic demonstration of exclusion of lumbar arteries predicts sealing characteristics of endovascular grafts. Later angiographic reappearance is due to development of a collateral network and possible shortening of self-expandable devices.
Allergy to radiographic contrast media Hypersensitivity reactions to radio-contrast media are common in the daily practice. These products are responsible for immediate (< or = 1 hour after administration) and non immediate (> 1 hour after administration) hypersensitivity reactions. A diagnostic work-up by an allergologist with skin tests and in some cases provocation tests is of value in reducing the risk of recurrent hypersensitivity reactions to iodinated contrast media. A careful selection of the patients is required because the incidence of breakthrough reactions is still concerning, even with proper premedication. Practical recommendations are presented in this article. For gadolinium-based contrast agents, data in the literature is not sufficient for suggesting guidelines.
Multisensory experiences enhance perceptions and facilitate memory retrieval processes, even when only unisensory information is available for accessing such memories. Using fMRI, we identified human brain regions involved in discriminating visual stimuli according to past multisensory vs. unisensory experiences. Subjects performed a completely orthogonal task, discriminating repeated from initial image presentations intermixed within a continuous recognition task. Half of initial presentations were multisensory, and all repetitions were exclusively visual. Despite only single-trial exposures to initial image presentations, accuracy in indicating image repetitions was significantly improved by past auditory-visual multisensory experiences over images only encountered visually. Similarly, regions within the lateral-occipital complex-areas typically associated with visual object recognition processes-were more active to visual stimuli with multisensory than unisensory pasts. Additional differential responses were observed in the anterior cingulate and frontal cortices. Multisensory experiences are registered by the brain even when of no immediate behavioral relevance and can be used to categorize memories. These data reveal the functional efficacy of multisensory processing.
Acute organophosphate (OP) intoxication is associated with many symptoms and clinical signs, including potentially life-threatening seizures and status epilepticus. Instead of being linked to the direct cholinergic toxidrome, OP-related seizures are more probably linked to the interaction of OPs with acetylcholineindependent neuromodulation pathways, such as GABA and NMDA. The importance of preventing, or recognizing and treating OP-related seizures lies in that, the central nervous system (CNS) damage from OP poisoning is thought to be due to the excitotoxicity of the seizure activity itself rather than a direct toxic effect. Muscular weakness and paralysis occurring 1-4 days after the resolution of an acute cholinergic toxidrome, the intermediate syndrome is usually not diagnosed until significant respiratory insufficiency has occurred; it is nevertheless a major cause of OP-induced morbidity and mortality and requires aggressive supportive treatment. The condition usually resolves spontaneously in 1-2 weeks.Treatment of OP intoxication relies on prompt diagnosis, and specific and immediate treatment of the lifethreatening symptoms. Since patients suffering from OP poisoning can secondarily expose care providers via contaminated skin, clothing, hair, or body fluids. EMS and hospital caregivers should be prepared to protect themselves with appropriate protective equipment, isolate such patients, and decontaminate them. After prompt decontamination, the initial priority of patient management is an immediate ABCDE (A : airway, B : breathing, C : circulation, D : dysfunction or disability of the central nervous system, and E : exposure) resuscitation approach, including aggressive respiratory support, since respiratory failure is the usual ultimate cause of death. The subsequent priority is initiating atropine therapy to oppose the muscarinic symptoms and diazepam to prevent or control seizures, with oximes added to enhance acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity recovery. Large doses of atropine and oximes may be necessary for poisoning due to suicidal ingestions of OP pesticides.
BACKGROUND: Clinical studies suggest that transmyocardial laser revascularization may improve regional blood flow of the subendocardial layer. The vascular growth pattern of laser channels was analyzed. METHODS: Twenty pigs were randomized to undergo ligation of left marginal arteries (n = 5), to undergo transmyocardial laser revascularization of the left lateral wall (n = 5), to undergo both procedures (n = 5) or to a control group (n = 5). All the animals were sacrificed after 1 month. Computed morphometric analysis of vascular density of the involved area was expressed as number of vascular structures per square millimeter (+/-1 standard deviation). RESULTS: The vascular density of the scar tissue of the laser channel was significantly increased in comparison with myocardial infarction alone: 49.6+/-12.8/mm2 versus 25.5+/-8.6/mm2 (p < 0.0001). The vascular densities of subendocardial and subepicardial channel areas were similar: 52.9+/-16.8/mm2 versus 46.3+/-13.6/mm2 (p = 0.41). The area immediately adjacent to the channels showed a vascular density similar to that of normal tissue: 6.02+/-1.7/mm2 versus 5.2+/-1.9/mm2 (p = 0.08). In the infarction + transmyocardial laser revascularization group, the channels were indistinguishable from infarction scar. CONCLUSIONS: Scars of transmyocardial laser revascularization channels exhibit an increased vascular density in comparison with scar tissue of myocardial infarction, which does not extend into their immediate vicinity. There was no vascular density gradient along the longitudinal axis of the channels.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY/PRINCIPLES: After arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) an early diagnosis helps preserve treatment options that are no longer available later. Paediatric AIS is difficult to diagnose and often the time to diagnosis exceeds the time window of 6 hours defined for thrombolysis in adults. We investigated the delay from the onset of symptoms to AIS diagnosis in children and potential contributing factors. METHODS: We included children with AIS below 16 years from the population-based Swiss Neuropaediatric Stroke Registry (2000-2006). We evaluated the time between initial medical evaluation for stroke signs/symptoms and diagnosis, risk factors, co-morbidities and imaging findings. RESULTS: A total of 91 children (61 boys), with a median age of 5.3 years (range: 0.2-16.2), were included. The time to diagnosis (by neuro-imaging) was <6 hours in 32 (35%), 6-12 hours in 23 (25%), 12-24 hours in 15 (16%) and >24 hours in 21 (23%) children. Of 74 children not hospitalised when the stroke occurred, 42% had adequate outpatient management. Delays in diagnosis were attributed to: parents/caregivers (n = 20), physicians of first referral (n = 5) and tertiary care hospitals (n = 8). A co-morbidity hindered timely diagnosis in eight children. No other factors were associated with delay to diagnosis. A total of 17 children were inpatients at AIS onset. CONCLUSIONS: One-third of children with AIS were diagnosed within six hours. Diagnostic delay was predominately caused by insufficient recognition of stroke symptoms. Increased public and expert awareness and immediate access to diagnostic imaging are essential. The ability of parents/caregivers and health professionals to recognise stroke symptoms in a child needs to be improved.
Background: Contrary to the frequent assumption that alexithymia is a rather static personality trait hampering psychotherapeutic approaches, we have observed that cancer patients who qualify for the criteria of alexithymia may benefit from psychotherapy. Therefore, in patients facing a cancer diagnosis, alexithymia can often be considered as a state due to the threat of the disease (secondary alexithymia).Aims: To identify prevalence of alexithymia in newly diagnosed cancer patients and to document its evolution with and without psychotherapeutic interventions.Methods: Between 2006 and summer 2009, every newpatient of the Oncology Service of the University Hospital Lausanne was invited to benefit from psychotherapeutic support. Accepting patients were randomly assigned to a psychotherapeutic intervention or to a 4-month waiting list. Psychotherapies were formalized as psychodynamic-oriented short interventions (1-4 sessions) or brief psychodynamic psychotherapies (16 sessions). Patients who declined psychotherapeutic support were asked to participate in an observational group. Socio-demographic and medical data, alexithymia (TAS), anxiety and depression (SCL-90, HADS) and quality of life (EORTC) of participants of all groups were recorded at base line and at 1, 4, 8 and 12-months follow-up. Results: Of the 419 patients included, 190 desired psychotherapeutic support (94 were assigned to an immediate and 96 to a delayed intervention) and 229 patients accepted to be followed in the observational group. A very high proportion, almost 2/3 of the patients in all groups, qualified for alexithymia. With regard to the evolution of alexithymia, no significant changes were observed within and between groups and psychological symptoms also remained almost stable.Conclusions: Secondary alexithymia seems to be highly prevalent in newly diagnosed cancer patients. This raises important clinical and scientific questions: are these patients deprived from psychological support? How should interventions be conceptualized? Are interventions necessary and beneficial? Does alexithymia neutralize the effect of interventions on symptoms of anxiety and depression? Which outcome should be chosen for patients with secondary alexithymia?Keywords: Alexithymia, cancer, psycho-oncology, psychotherapy, secondary alexithymia