174 resultados para Fission Track Method
The application of the Fry method to measure strain in deformed porphyritic granites is discussed. This method requires that the distribution of markers has to satisfy at least two conditions. It has to be homogeneous and isotropic. Statistics on point distribution with the help of a Morishita diagram can easily test homogeneity. Isotropy can be checked with a cumulative histogram of angles between points. Application of these tests to undeformed (Mte Capanne granite, Elba) and to deformed (Randa orthogneiss, Alps of Switzerland) porphyritic granite reveals that their K-feldspars phenocrysts both satisfy these conditions and can be used as strain markers with the Fry method. Other problems are also examined. One is the possible distribution of deformation on discrete shear-bands. Providing several tests are met, we conclude that the Fry method can be used to estimate strain in deformed porphyritic granites. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We describe a simple method to achieve both hemostasis and stabilization of the left anterior descending coronary artery during minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting. This technique allows the surgeon to perform a precise anastomosis of the left internal mammary artery to the target vessel on a beating heart.
Polarization is a fundamental cellular property, which is essential for the function of numerous cell types. Over the past three to four decades, research using the best-established yeast systems in cell biological research, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (or budding yeast) and Schizosaccharomyces pombe (or fission yeast), has brought to light fundamental principles governing the establishment and maintenance of a polarized, asymmetric state. These two organisms, though both ascomycetes, are evolutionarily very distant and exhibit distinct shapes and modes of growth. In this review, we compare and contrast the two systems. We first highlight common cell polarization pathways, detailing the contribution of Rho GTPases, the cytoskeleton, membrane trafficking, lipids, and protein scaffolds. We then contrast the major differences between the two organisms, describing their distinct strategies in growth site selection and growth zone dimensions and compartmentalization, which may be the basis for their distinct shapes.
AIM: To prospectively study the intraocular pressure (IOP) lowering effect and safety of the new method of very deep sclerectomy with collagen implant (VDSCI) compared with standard deep sclerectomy with collagen implant (DSCI). METHODS: The trial involved 50 eyes of 48 patients with medically uncontrolled primary and secondary open-angle glaucoma, randomized to undergo either VDSCI procedure (25 eyes) or DSCI procedure (25 eyes). Follow-up examinations were performed before surgery and after surgery at day 1, at week 1, at months 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 months. Ultrasound biomicroscopy was performed at 3 and 12 months. RESULTS: Mean follow-up period was 18.6+/-5.9 (VDSCI) and 18.9+/-3.6 (DSCI) months (P=NS). Mean preoperative IOP was 22.4+/-7.4 mm Hg for VDSCI and 20.4+/-4.4 mm Hg for DSCI eyes (P=NS). Mean postoperative IOP was 3.9+/-2.3 (VDSCI) and 6.3+/-4.3 (DSCI) (P<0.05) at day 1, and 12.2+/-3.9 (VDSCI) and 13.3+/-3.4 (DSCI) (P=NS) at month 24. At the last visit, the complete success rate (defined as an IOP of < or =18 mm Hg and a percentage drop of at least 20%, achieved without medication) was 57% in VDSCI and 62% in DSCI eyes (P=NS) ultrasound biomicroscopy at 12 months showed a mean volume of the subconjunctival filtering bleb of 3.9+/-4.2 mm3 (VDSCI) and 6.8+/-7.5 mm3 (DSCI) (P=0.426) and 5.2+/-3.6 mm3 (VDSCI) and 5.4+/-2.9 mm3 (DSCI) (P=0.902) for the intrascleral space. CONCLUSIONS: Very deep sclerectomy seems to provide stable and good control of IOP at 2 years of follow-up with few postoperative complications similar to standard deep sclerectomy with the collagen implant.
BACKGROUND: Radiation dose exposure is of particular concern in children due to the possible harmful effects of ionizing radiation. The adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR) method is a promising new technique that reduces image noise and produces better overall image quality compared with routine-dose contrast-enhanced methods. OBJECTIVE: To assess the benefits of ASIR on the diagnostic image quality in paediatric cardiac CT examinations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four paediatric radiologists based at two major hospitals evaluated ten low-dose paediatric cardiac examinations (80 kVp, CTDI(vol) 4.8-7.9 mGy, DLP 37.1-178.9 mGy·cm). The average age of the cohort studied was 2.6 years (range 1 day to 7 years). Acquisitions were performed on a 64-MDCT scanner. All images were reconstructed at various ASIR percentages (0-100%). For each examination, radiologists scored 19 anatomical structures using the relative visual grading analysis method. To estimate the potential for dose reduction, acquisitions were also performed on a Catphan phantom and a paediatric phantom. RESULTS: The best image quality for all clinical images was obtained with 20% and 40% ASIR (p < 0.001) whereas with ASIR above 50%, image quality significantly decreased (p < 0.001). With 100% ASIR, a strong noise-free appearance of the structures reduced image conspicuity. A potential for dose reduction of about 36% is predicted for a 2- to 3-year-old child when using 40% ASIR rather than the standard filtered back-projection method. CONCLUSION: Reconstruction including 20% to 40% ASIR slightly improved the conspicuity of various paediatric cardiac structures in newborns and children with respect to conventional reconstruction (filtered back-projection) alone.
Functional specialization is tightly linked to the ability of eukaryotic cells to acquire a particular shape. Cell morphogenesis, in turn, relies on the capacity to establish and maintain cell "polarity", which is achieved by orienting the trafficking of signaling molecules and organelles towards specific cellular locations and/or membrane domains. The "oriented" transport is based upon cytoskeletal polymers, microtubules and actin filaments, which serve as tracks for molecular motors. These latter generate motion that is translated either into pulling forces or directed transport. Fission yeast, a rod-like unicellular eukaryote, shapes itself by restricting growth at cell tips through the concerted activity of microtubules and actin cables. Microtubules, which assemble into 2-6 bundles and run parallel to the long axis of the cell, serve to orient growth to the tips. Growth is supported by the actin cytoskeleton, which provides tracks, the cables, for motor-based transport of secretory vesicles. The molecular motors, which bind cargos and deliver them to the tips along cables, are also known as type V myosins (hereafter indicated as myosin V). How the bundles of parallel actin filaments, i.e. the cables, extend from the tips through the cell and whether they serve any other purpose, besides providing tracks, is poorly understood. It is also unclear how the crosstalk between the two cytoskeletal systems is achieved. These are the basic questions I addressed during my PhD. The first part of the thesis work (Chapter two) suggests that the sole function of actin cables in polarized growth is to serve as tracks for motors. The data indicate that cells may have evolved two cytoskeletal systems to provide robustness to the polarization process but in principle a unique cytoskeleton might have been able to direct and support polarized growth. How actin cables are organized within the cell to optimize cargo transport is addressed later on (Chapter three). The major finding, based on the actin cable defect of cells lacking myosin Vs, is that actin filaments self-organize through the activity of the transport motors. In fact, by delivering cargos to cell tips and exerting physical pulling forces on actin filaments, Myosin Vs contribute not only to polarize cargo transport but also actin tracks. Among the cargos transported by Myosin V, which may be relevant to its function in organizing cables, there is likely the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Actin cables, which run parallel to cortical ER, may serve as tracks for Myosin V. Myosin V-driven displacement, in turn, may account for the dynamic expansion and organization of ER during polarized growth as suggested in Chapter four. The last part of the work (Chapter five) highlights the existence of a crosstalk between actin and microtubules. In absence of myosin V, indeed, microtubules contribute to actin cable organization, likely playing a scaffolding/tethering function. Whether or not the kinesin 1, Klp3, plays any role in such process has to be demonstrated. In conclusion the work proposes a novel role for myosin Vs in actin organization, besides its transport function, and provides molecular tools to further dissect the role of this type of myosin in fission yeast. - La spécialisation fonctionnelle est étroitement connectée à la capacité des cellules eucaryotes d'acquérir une forme particulière. La morphogenèse cellulaire à son tour, est basée sur la capacité d'établir et de maintenir la polarité cellulaire, polarité réalisée en orientant le trafic des molécules signales et des organelles vers des zones cellulaires spécifiques. Ce transport directionnel dépend des polymères du cytosquelette, microtubules et microfilaments, qui servent comme des voies pour les moteurs moléculaires. Ces derniers engendrent du mouvement, traduit soit en force de traction soit en transport directionnel. La levure fissipare, un eucaryote unicellulaire en forme de bâtonnet, acquière sa forme en limitant sa croissance aux extrémités par l'action concertée des microtubules et de l'actine. Les microtubules, qui s'assemblent de façon antiparallèle et parcourent la cellule parallèlement à l'axe longitudinal, servent à orienter la croissance aux extrémités. Cette croissance est permise par le cytosquelette d'actine, fournissant des voies, les câbles, pour le transport actif des vésicules de sécrétion. Les moteurs moléculaires, responsables de ce transport actif sont aussi appelés myosines de type V (par la suite appelés myosines V). La manière dont ces câbles s'étendent depuis l'extrémité jusqu'à l'intérieur de la cellule est peu connue. De plus, on ignore également si ces câbles présentent une fonction autre que le transport. L'interaction entre les deux cytosquelettes est également obscure. Ce sont ces questions de base auxquelles j'ai tenté de répondre lors de ma thèse. La première partie de cette thèse (chapitre II) suggère que les câbles d'actine, pendant la croissance polarisée, fonctionnent uniquement comme des voies pour les moteurs moléculaires. Les données indiqueraient que les cellules ont fait évoluer deux systèmes de cytosquelette pour assurer plus de robustesse au processus de polarisation, bien que, comme nous le verrons, un système unique est suffisant. Au chapitre III, nous verrons comment les câbles d'actine sont organisés à l'intérieur de la cellule afin d'optimiser le transport des cargo. La découverte majeure, réalisée en observant des cellules dont la myosine V fait défaut, est que ces filaments d'actine s'auto organisent grâce au passage des moteurs moléculaires le long de ces voies. En réalité, en délivrant les cargos aux extrémités de la cellule et en exerçant des forces de traction sur les câbles, les myosines V contribuent non seulement à polariser le transport mais également à polariser les voies elles mêmes. Nous verrons également au chapitre IV, que parmi les cargos importants pour l'organisation des câbles, il y aurait le réticulum endoplasmique (RE). En effet, les câbles d'actine, qui s'étalent parallèlement au RE cortical, pourraient servir comme voie pour la myosine V. Cette dernière en retour pourrait être responsable de l'expansion dynamique et de l'organisation du RE pendant la croissance polarisée.
The trabecular bone score (TBS) is a gray-level textural metric that can be extracted from the two-dimensional lumbar spine dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) image. TBS is related to bone microarchitecture and provides skeletal information that is not captured from the standard bone mineral density (BMD) measurement. Based on experimental variograms of the projected DXA image, TBS has the potential to discern differences between DXA scans that show similar BMD measurements. An elevated TBS value correlates with better skeletal microstructure; a low TBS value correlates with weaker skeletal microstructure. Lumbar spine TBS has been evaluated in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. The following conclusions are based upon publications reviewed in this article: 1) TBS gives lower values in postmenopausal women and in men with previous fragility fractures than their nonfractured counterparts; 2) TBS is complementary to data available by lumbar spine DXA measurements; 3) TBS results are lower in women who have sustained a fragility fracture but in whom DXA does not indicate osteoporosis or even osteopenia; 4) TBS predicts fracture risk as well as lumbar spine BMD measurements in postmenopausal women; 5) efficacious therapies for osteoporosis differ in the extent to which they influence the TBS; 6) TBS is associated with fracture risk in individuals with conditions related to reduced bone mass or bone quality. Based on these data, lumbar spine TBS holds promise as an emerging technology that could well become a valuable clinical tool in the diagnosis of osteoporosis and in fracture risk assessment.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare specificity and sensitivity of different biological markers that can be used in a forensic field to identify potentially dangerous drivers because of their alcohol habits. Methods: We studied 280 Swiss drivers after driving while under the alcohol influence. 33 were excluded for not having CDT N results, 247 were included (218 men (88%) and 29 women (12%). Mean age was 42,4 (SD:12, min: 20 max: 76). The evaluation of the alcohol consumption concerned the month before the CDT test and was considered as such after the interview: Heavy drinkers (>3 drinks per day): 60 (32.7%), < 3 drinks per day and moderate: 127 (51.4%) 114 (46.5%), abstinent: 60 (24.3%) 51 (21%). Alcohol intake was monitored by structured interviews, self-reported drinking habits and the C-Audit questionnaire as well as information provided by their family and general practitioner. Consumption was quantified in terms of standard drinks, which contain approximately 10 grams of pure alcohol (Ref. WHO). Results: comparison between moderate (less or equal to 3 drinks per day) and excessive drinkers (more than 3 drinks) Marker ROC area 95% CI cut-off sensitivity specificity CDT TIA 0.852 0.786-0917 2.6* 0.93 LR+1.43 0.35 LR-0.192 CDT N latex 0.875 0.821-0.930 2.5* 0.66 LR+ 6.93 0.90 LR- 0.369 Asialo+disialo-tf 0.881 0.826-0.936 1.2* 0.78 LR+4.07 0.80 LR-0.268 1.7° 0.66 LR+8.9 0.93 LR-0.360 GGT 0.659 0.580-0.737 85* 0.37 LR+2.14 0.83 LR-0.764 * cut-off point suggested by the manufacturer ° cut-off point suggested by our laboratory Conclusion: With the cut-off point established by the manufacturer, CDT TIA performed poorly in term of specificity. N latex CDT and CZE CDT were better, especially if a 1.7 cut-off is used with CZE
The sequence profile method (Gribskov M, McLachlan AD, Eisenberg D, 1987, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 84:4355-4358) is a powerful tool to detect distant relationships between amino acid sequences. A profile is a table of position-specific scores and gap penalties, providing a generalized description of a protein motif, which can be used for sequence alignments and database searches instead of an individual sequence. A sequence profile is derived from a multiple sequence alignment. We have found 2 ways to improve the sensitivity of sequence profiles: (1) Sequence weights: Usage of individual weights for each sequence avoids bias toward closely related sequences. These weights are automatically assigned based on the distance of the sequences using a published procedure (Sibbald PR, Argos P, 1990, J Mol Biol 216:813-818). (2) Amino acid substitution table: In addition to the alignment, the construction of a profile also needs an amino acid substitution table. We have found that in some cases a new table, the BLOSUM45 table (Henikoff S, Henikoff JG, 1992, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 89:10915-10919), is more sensitive than the original Dayhoff table or the modified Dayhoff table used in the current implementation. Profiles derived by the improved method are more sensitive and selective in a number of cases where previous methods have failed to completely separate true members from false positives.