98 resultados para Financial Instrument
Here we present results of studies conducted by the Research Unit of Legal Psychiatry and Psychology of Lausanne about risk assessment and protective factors in the evaluation of violence recidivism. It aims to help experts in considering the relevance and use of tools at their disposal. Particular attention is given to the significance of protective factors and impulsive dimensions, as to the inter-raters process that leads to the final deliberations.
La présente contribution propose l'étude d'un dispositif de financement par projet particulier : les projets de coopération et d'innovation. Cette étude vise à analyser la manière dont les contraintes propres à ce type d'instrument sont légitimées par la Confédération et appréhendées par les chercheurs-enseignants financés par cet instrument. L'analyse menée montre les difficultés rencontrées par la Confédération à modifier les institutions académiques, malgré une plus grande légitimité acquise ces dernières années à intervenir dans ce domaine d'action publique.
AIM: To develop and test the Parental PELICAN Questionnaire, an instrument to retrospectively assess parental experiences and needs during their child's end-of-life care. BACKGROUND: To offer appropriate care for dying children, healthcare professionals need to understand the illness experience from the family perspective. A questionnaire specific to the end-of-life experiences and needs of parents losing a child is needed to evaluate the perceived quality of paediatric end-of-life care. DESIGN: This is an instrument development study applying mixed methods based on recommendations for questionnaire design and validation. METHOD: The Parental PELICAN Questionnaire was developed in four phases between August 2012-March 2014: phase 1: item generation; phase 2: validity testing; phase 3: translation; phase 4: pilot testing. Psychometric properties were assessed after applying the Parental PELICAN Questionnaire in a sample of 224 bereaved parents in April 2014. Validity testing covered the evidence based on tests of content, internal structure and relations to other variables. RESULTS: The Parental PELICAN Questionnaire consists of approximately 90 items in four slightly different versions accounting for particularities of the four diagnostic groups. The questionnaire's items were structured according to six quality domains described in the literature. Evidence of initial validity and reliability could be demonstrated with the involvement of healthcare professionals and bereaved parents. CONCLUSION: The Parental PELICAN Questionnaire holds promise as a measure to assess parental experiences and needs and is applicable to a broad range of paediatric specialties and settings. Future validation is needed to evaluate its suitability in different cultures.
Swiss municipalities are, to a large extent, responsible for their financial resources. Since these resources primarily depend on income and property taxes from individuals and enterprises, municipality budgets are likely to be directly affected by the current crisis in the financial sector and the economy. This article investigates how municipalities perceived this threat and how they reacted to it. In a nationwide survey conducted at the end of 2009 in all 2596 Swiss municipalities, we asked local secretaries which measures had been launched in order to cope with expected losses in tax income and a possible increase in welfare spending. Did the municipalities rely on Keynesian measures increasing public spending and accepting greater deficits, or did they try to avoid further deficits by using austerity measures and a withdrawal of planned investments? Our results show that only a few municipalities - mainly the bigger ones - expected to be greatly affected by the crisis. Their reactions, however, did not reveal any clear patterns that theory would lead one to expect. Preferences for austerity measures and deficit spending become visible but many municipalities took measures from both theories. The strongest explanatory factors for determining how/why municipalities react are: the municipality's level of affectedness followed by whether or not the municipality belongs to the French-speaking part of the country. Size also has an impact, whereas the strength of the Social Democrat party is negligible. Explaining what kind of measures municipalities are likely to take is more difficult. However, the more a municipality is affected, the more likely it is to stick to austerity measures.
[Table des matières] 1. Les acteurs du système suisse de santé : les assureurs maladies, les fournisseurs de prestations, l'Etat, les assurés patients. 2. Quelle concurrence pour quelle organisation? : 2.1 Concurrence entre fournisseurs de prestations: Références étrangères (Grande-Bretagne, USA, Pays-Bas); Le système suisse: Financement et planification, Conventions tarifaires, Un élement indispensable à la concurrence: l'information. 2.2 Concurrence entre assureurs maladie. 3. Nouvelles formes d'organisation : 3.1 Les Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO); 3.2 Les HMO en Suisse: un moyen d'endiguer la croissance des coûts; 3.3 Les Nouvelles Orientations de Politique Sanitaire (NOPS); 3.4 La concurrence dans le cadre des réseaux intégrés.