427 resultados para Diagnostic-interview
There are no validated criteria for the diagnosis of sensory neuronopathy (SNN) yet. In a preliminary monocenter study a set of criteria relying on clinical and electrophysiological data showed good sensitivity and specificity for a diagnosis of probable SNN. The aim of this study was to test these criteria on a French multicenter study. 210 patients with sensory neuropathies from 15 francophone reference centers for neuromuscular diseases were included in the study with an expert diagnosis of non-SNN, SNN or suspected SNN according to the investigations performed in these centers. Diagnosis was obtained independently from the set of criteria to be tested. The expert diagnosis was taken as the reference against which the proposed SNN criteria were tested. The set relied on clinical and electrophysiological data easily obtainable with routine investigations. 9/61 (16.4 %) of non-SNN patients, 23/36 (63.9 %) of suspected SNN, and 102/113 (90.3 %) of SNN patients according to the expert diagnosis were classified as SNN by the criteria. The SNN criteria tested against the expert diagnosis in the SNN and non-SNN groups had 90.3 % (102/113) sensitivity, 85.2 % (52/61) specificity, 91.9 % (102/111) positive predictive value, and 82.5 % (52/63) negative predictive value. Discordance between the expert diagnosis and the SNN criteria occurred in 20 cases. After analysis of these cases, 11 could be reallocated to a correct diagnosis in accordance with the SNN criteria. The proposed criteria may be useful for the diagnosis of probable SNN in patients with sensory neuropathy. They can be reached with simple clinical and paraclinical investigations.
La thrombocytopénie immune primaire (ITP) est une affection auto-immune acquise avec diminution de la survie des plaquettes et perturbation de la production plaquettaire. Il n'existe aucun test clinique simple permettant de prouver la nature auto-immune de l'affection. Pour cette raison, il s'agit presque toujours d'un diagnostic par exclusion d'autres causes. Bien que les plaquettes soient souvent inférieures à 10 x 109/l lors de la présentation initiale, la tendance hémorragique est étonnamment modérée chez la majorité des patients. Le traitement initial fait toujours appel aux corticostéroïdes, combinés à des immunoglobulines intraveineuses et à des transfusions de plaquettes dans les formes compliquées avec hémorragies significatives. Chez l'enfant, la maladie est souvent induite par des infections virales et son évolution est bénigne et spontanément régressive dans la majorité des cas. Chez l'adulte, la maladie est plus souvent persistante ou chroniquement récidivante, et le taux de plaquettes se situe souvent à un taux suffisant pour prévenir des hémorragies spontanées. Seule une faible proportion de patients souffre d'une thrombocytopénie sévère prolongée accompagnée de saignements réguliers avec risque d'hémorragies potentiellement fatales. C'est probablement ce groupe de patients restreint qui tirera surtout profit des nouvelles options thérapeutiques telles que les agonistes du récepteur de la thrombopoïétine. A la lumière de ces nouvelles possibilités, un groupe d'hématologues suisses s'est réuni pour élaborer des directives concernant la prise en charge de l'ITP conformément aux besoins et aux habitudes de notre pays.
Background: Chest pain (CP) represents about 5% of admissions to emergency departments (ED), even in young people. Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and myocarditis are among the most important diagnoses to rule out. Clinical and ECG findings are not specific for either condition and separating both diagnoses is a challenge. Aim of the study: To evaluate the prevalence of ACS and myocarditis in young patients presenting with CP and elevated cardiac biomarkers to the ED and to determinate the differences in their clinical presentation. Methods: Retrospective study of all consecutive patients < 40 years old admitted to our ED from January 2009 to June 2011 for CP with elevated serum troponin concentration. All clinical, angiographic and cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) data from the local database was reviewed. Clinical follow-up was obtained to assess all cause mortality, myocardial infarction and re-hospitalisation for CP. Results: 1588 patients < 40 years old were admitted to the ED with chest pain. 49 (3%) patients presenting with an elevated troponin I (> 0.09ug/l) were included in the study. 32.7% (16/49) were diagnosed with ACS (11 STEMI and 5 NSTEMI) and 59.2% (29/49) with myocarditis. Among the 29 patients with myocarditis, 17 presented with typical subepicardial late enhancement on CMR and 12 were diagnosed based on clinical presentation (6 had no complementary workup, 3 normal coronary angiogram and 3 inconclusive CMR). 8.1% (4/49) of patients had other diagnoses. Compared to patients with myocarditis, ACS patients were older (34.1±3.9 vs 26.9±6.4, p=0.0002) with significantly more cardiovascular risk factors (mean 2.06 vs 0.69, p<0.0001). Diabetes (18.8% vs 0%, p=0.004), dyslipidemia (56.3% vs 3.4%, p=0.0001) and family history of coronary artery disease (CAD) (37.5% vs 10.3%, p=0.050) were significantly associated with ACS. No significant association was found for smoking, hypertension and obesity. Fever (>38°C) or recent viral illness were present in 75.9% (22/29) of patients with myocarditis, and in 0% of ACS patients. During follow-up (mean 19.9 months ± 8.6), only 2 patients with myocarditis were re-admitted for chest pain. Conclusions: In this study, 32.7% of patients < 40 year old admitted to an ED with CP and elevated troponin had an ACS. Key clinical factors include diabetes, dyslipidemia, family history of CAD, fever or recent viral illness, and may help to differentiate ACS from myocarditis.
Chlamydia are obligate intracellular bacteria. Three species are considered human pathogens. Chlamydophila pneumoniae is one of the most common agents of atypical community-acquired pneumonia. Chlamydophila psittaci causes psittacosis, a severe zoonotic pneumonia transmitted by birds. Finally, Chlamydia trachomatis is the etiologic agent of trachoma and urogenital infections. The latter are commonly asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic. Thus, they may remain undiagnosed for years, leading to serious late complications such as salpingitis, ectopic pregnancy and infertility. Currently, the diagnosis of chlamydial infections is essentially based on molecular methods. Treatment should use an antibiotic with good intracellular bioavailability such as tetracycline, macrolides and new generation fluoroquinolones.
The French Analytical Questionnaire of diagnostic of the Personality (Q.A.P., 1996), who took over from the characterological questionnaire of Berger (1950), is a interesting one for psychologists and characterologists because this test is based on very coherent theoretical corpus. This questionnaire is divided in two parts, the first one consists of three factor or fundamental scales which allow to determine the characterological type of individuals, the second part is made of nine complementary scales allowing to determine more precisely the personality of the subjects. We have done a structural validation of that questionnaire using a large sample (n=865). Several factor analyses were conducted on both part of the test. We also made a reliability analysis of each scale using the alpha of Cronbach and a homogeneity analysis of each question. Thank to these analyses we were able to evalue that instrument and we were able to set up that the factorial structure of the test corresponds to the theoretical one developped by the french school of characterology. The Analytical Questionnaire of diagnostic of the Personnality is globaly reliable in particullary the fist part which is very consistent. The second part is less reliable, and this is partly on due to the correlations between the scales. We have also done a correlational analysis between the first part of the Q.A.P., the questionnaire of Berger and the Rapid Questionnaire of Diagnostic of the Personnality (Q.R.D.P., 1996). The Q.A.P. might be the more reliable one. Finally we have evaluated the impact of gender, age and profession on the factors of the Analytical Questionnaire of diagnostic of the Personnality.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The intuitive early diagnostic guess could play an important role in reaching a final diagnosis. However, no study to date has attempted to quantify the importance of general practitioners' (GPs) ability to correctly appraise the origin of chest pain within the first minutes of an encounter. METHODS: The validation study was nested in a multicentre cohort study with a one year follow-up and included 626 successive patients who presented with chest pain and were attended by 58 GPs in Western Switzerland. The early diagnostic guess was assessed prior to a patient's history being taken by a GP and was then compared to a diagnosis of chest pain observed over the next year. RESULTS: Using summary measures clustered at the GP's level, the early diagnostic guess was confirmed by further investigation in 51.0% (CI 95%; 49.4% to 52.5%) of patients presenting with chest pain. The early diagnostic guess was more accurate in patients with a life threatening illness (65.4%; CI 95% 64.5% to 66.3%) and in patients who did not feel anxious (62.9%; CI 95% 62.5% to 63.3%). The predictive abilities of an early diagnostic guess were consistent among GPs. CONCLUSIONS: The GPs early diagnostic guess was correct in one out of two patients presenting with chest pain. The probability of a correct guess was higher in patients with a life-threatening illness and in patients not feeling anxious about their pain.
RESUME Objectifs: Etudier la prévalence des troubles liés à l'utilisation de substances psychoatives parmi des adolescents suicidaires; évaluer l'influence de la prise de substances psychoactives sur le geste suicidaire; analyser l'association entre les troubles liés à l'utilisation de substances psychoactives et le risque de récidive de la conduite suicidaire. Méthode: 186 adolescents, âgés de 16 à 21 ans, hospitalisés pour tentative de suicide ou idées suicidaires envahissantes, ont été inclus. Parmi eux, 148 ont été revus pour évaluation à 6 et/ou 18 mois. Des diagnostics psychiatriques, basés sur les critères du DSM-IV, ont été posés à l'aide d'un questionnaire, le MINI (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview). Résultats: A l'inclusion, 39.2% des sujets avaient un trouble lié à l'utilisation de substances psychoactives. Parmi eux, une proportion significativement plus élevée était sous l'influence d'alcool ou drogue au moment de la tentative de suicide (44.3% versus 25.4%). Des 148 adolescents suivis et revus à 6 ou 18 mois, 2 sont décédés par suicide et il y a eu 30 récidives de tentative de suicide durant l'étude. Une association significative a été trouvée entre les récidives de suicide et un diagnostic d'abus/dépendance à l'alcool à l'inclusion (OR=3.3; CI 0.7-15.0; 0R=2.6, CI 0.7-9.3). Des antécédents de plusieurs tentatives de suicide (OR=3.2; CI 1.1-10.0) et un âge supérieur à 19 ans (OR=3.2; CI 1.1-9.2) à l'inclusion étaient associés à la probabilité de mort par suicide ou de récidive de tentative de suicide. Conclusion: Parmi les adolescents hospitalisés pour tentative de suicide ou idées suicidaires envahissantes, le risque de décès ou de récidive est important. Ce risque est associé, entre autres, à des antécédents suicidaires et au diagnostic de trouble lié à l'utilisation de substances psychoactives. Le risque suicidaire ainsi que la consommation de substances psychoactives devrait être évalué chez les adolescents. De plus, les sujets jugés à risque devraient être suivis systématiquement après une hospitalisation pour conduite suicidaire. ABSTRACT Aim: To study the prevalence of psychoactive substance use disorder (PSUD) among suicidal adolescents, psychoactive substance intoxication at the moment of the attempt and the association between PSUD at baseline and either occurrence of suicide or repetition of suicide attempt(s). Methods: 186 adolescents aged 16 to 21 hospitalised for suicide attempt or overwhelming suicidal ideation were included (TO); 148 of them were traced again for evaluations after 6 months and/or 18 months. DSM-IV diagnoses were assessed each time using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. Results: At TO, 39.2% of the subjects were found to have a PSUD. Among them, a significantly higher proportion was intoxicated at the time of the attempt than those without PSUD (44-.3% vs. 25.4%). Among the 148 adolescents who could be traced at either Ti or T2, two died from suicide and 30 repeated suicide attempt once or more time. A marginally significant association was found between death by suicide/repetition of suicide attempt and alcohol abuse/dependence at baseline (0R=3.3; CI 0.7-15.0; 0R=2.6, CI 0.7-9.3). More than one suicide attempt before admission to hospital at TO (OR=3.2; CI 1.1-10.0) and age over 19 at TO (0R=3.2; CI 1.1-9.2) were independently associated with the likelihood of death by suicide or repetition of suicide attempt. Conclusion: Among adolescents hospitalised for suicide attempt or overwhelming suicidal ideation, the risk of death or repetition of attempt is high and is associated with previous suicide attempts - especially among older adolescents - and also marginally associated with PSUD; these adolescents should be carefully evaluated for such risks and followed up once discharged from the hospital.
Glucocorticoïds are widely used in medicine and associated with numerous complications. Whenever possible, dosage reduction or treatment withdrawal should be considered as soon as possible depending on the underlying disease being treated. Administration of glucocorticoids induces a physiologic negative feed-back on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and three clinical situations can be distinguished during treatment withdrawal: reactivation of the disease for which the glucocorticoids were prescribed, acute adrenal insufficiency and steroid withdrawal syndrome. Acute adrenal insufficiency is a feared complication but probably rare. It is usually seen during stress situations and can be observed long after steroid withdrawal. There is no good predictive marker to anticipate acute adrenal insufficiency and clinical evaluation of the patient remains a key element in its diagnosis. If adrenal insufficiency is suspected, HPA suppression can be assessed with dynamic tests. During stress situation, steroid administration is then recommended depending on the severity of the stress.
Comparative effectiveness research (CER) allows evidence to be evaluated on the effectiveness, benefits, and detriments of management options, diagnostic tests, or ways to deliver health care. This process can be achieved in different ways, such as with well-designed randomized controlled trials or by meta-analyses. Several medical subspecialties are increasingly using CER, but CER remains underused by the neurosurgical community. Meta-analysis is a highly accurate method that permits results from multiple well-designed research studies to be quantitatively compared. Meta-analysis can be performed in many settings, such as the evaluation of treatment or of a diagnostic test or prognostic factor. Meta-analyses of randomized controlled treatment trials are well known, but there is a paucity of papers describing the ways to perform a meta-analysis of a diagnostic test. The aim of this paper is to improve neurosurgeons' familiarity with the meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy by describing and detailing each stage leading to publication.