102 resultados para Cutaneous radiation syndrome


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PURPOSE: Temozolomide is a novel oral alkylating agent with demonstrated efficacy as second-line therapy for patients with recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). This phase II study was performed to determine the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of concomitant radiation plus temozolomide therapy followed by adjuvant temozolomide therapy in patients with newly diagnosed GBM. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixty-four patients were enrolled onto this open-label, phase II trial. Temozolomide (75 mg/m(2)/d x 7 d/wk for 6 weeks) was administered orally concomitant with fractionated radiotherapy (60 Gy total dose: 2 Gy x 5 d/wk for 6 weeks) followed by temozolomide monotherapy (200 mg/m(2)/d x 5 days, every 28 days for six cycles). The primary end points were safety and tolerability, and the secondary end point was overall survival. RESULTS: Concomitant radiation plus temozolomide therapy was safe and well tolerated. Nonhematologic toxicities were rare and mild to moderate in severity. During the concomitant treatment phase, grade 3 or 4 neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, or both were observed in 6% of patients, including two severe infections with Pneumocystis carinii. During adjuvant temozolomide, 2% and 6% of cycles were associated with grade 3 and 4 neutropenia or thrombocytopenia, respectively. Median survival was 16 months, and the 1- and 2-year survival rates were 58% and 31%, respectively. Patients younger than 50 years old and patients who underwent debulking surgery had the best survival outcome. CONCLUSION: Continuous daily temozolomide and concomitant radiation is safe. This regimen of concomitant chemoradiotherapy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy may prolong the survival of patients with glioblastoma. Further investigation is warranted, and a randomized trial is ongoing.


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Södgren's syndrome treatment has essentially been based on symptomatic approach and has been of limited efficacy. Novel biological therapies targeting B cells, a key player in the pathophysiology of the syndrome, have recently been tested in controlled clinical trials and raise the hope of improving glandular and extraglandular manifestations of Söigren's syndrome.


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Purpose: In this prospective randomized study efficacy and safety of two immunosuppressive regimens (Tac, MMF, Steroids vs. CsA, MMF, Steroids) after Lung Transplantation were compared. Primary objective was the incidence of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS). Secondary objectives were incidence of acute rejection and infection, survival and adverse events. 248 patients with a complete 3 year follow-up were included in the analysis. Methods and Materials: Patients were randomized to treatment group A: Tac (0.01-0.03 mg/kg/d iv-0.05-0.3 mg/kg/d po) or B: CsA (1-3 mg/kg/d iv-2-8 mg/kg/d po). MMF dose was1-4 mg/d in both groups. No induction therapy was given. Patients were stratified for cystic fibrosis. Intention to treat analysis was performed in patients who were switched to a different immunosuppressive regimen. Results: 3 of 123 Tac patients and 41 of 125 CsA patients were switched to another immunosuppressive regimen and were analyzed as intention to treat. Three year follow-up data of the complete patient cohort were included in this final analysis. Groups showed no difference in demographic data. Kaplan Meier analysis revealed significantly less BOS in Tac treated patients (p=0.033, log rank test, pooled over strata). Cox regression showed a twice as high risk for BOS in the CsA group (factor 2.003). Incidence of acute rejection was 67.5% (Tac) and 75.2% (CsA) (p=0.583). One- and 3-year-survival-rates were not different (85.4% Tac vs. 88.8% CsA, and 80.5% Tac vs. 83.2% CsA, p=n.s.). Incidence of infections and renal failure was similar (p=n.s.). Conclusions: Tac significantly reduced the risk for BOS after 3 years in this intention to treat analysis. Both regimens have a good immunosuppressive potential and offer a similar safety profile with excellent one and three year survival rates. Acute rejection rates were similar in both groups. Incidence of infections and renal failure showed no difference.


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Long-term observations of individuals with the so-called Langer-Giedion (LGS) or tricho-rhino-phalangeal type II (TRPS2) are scarce. We report here a on follow-up of four LGS individuals, including one first described by Andres Giedion in 1969, and review the sparse publications on adults with this syndrome which comprises ectodermal dysplasia, multiple cone-shaped epiphyses prior to puberty, multiple cartilaginous exostoses, and mostly mild intellectual impairment. LGS is caused by deletion of the chromosomal segment 8q24.11-q24.13 containing among others the genes EXT1 and TRPS1. Most patients with TRPS2 are only borderline or mildly cognitively delayed, and few are of normal intelligence. Their practical skills are better than their intellectual capability, and, for this reason and because of their low self-esteem, they are often underestimated. Some patients develop seizures at variable age. Osteomas on processes of cervical vertebrae may cause pressure on cervical nerves or dissection of cerebral arteries. Joint stiffness is observed during childhood and changes later to joint laxity causing instability and proneness to trauma. Perthes disease is not rare. Almost all males become bald at or soon after puberty, and some develop (pseudo) gynecomastia. Growth hormone deficiency was found in a few patients, TSH deficiency so far only in one. Puberty and fertility are diminished, and no instance of transmission of the deletion from a non-mosaic parent to a child has been observed so far. Several affected females had vaginal atresia with consequent hydrometrocolpos.


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The epithelial amiloride-sensitive sodium channel (ENaC) controls transepithelial Na+ movement in Na(+)-transporting epithelia and is associated with Liddle syndrome, an autosomal dominant form of salt-sensitive hypertension. Detailed analysis of ENaC channel properties and the functional consequences of mutations causing Liddle syndrome has been, so far, limited by lack of a method allowing specific and quantitative detection of cell-surface-expressed ENaC. We have developed a quantitative assay based on the binding of 125I-labeled M2 anti-FLAG monoclonal antibody (M2Ab*) directed against a FLAG reporter epitope introduced in the extracellular loop of each of the alpha, beta, and gamma ENaC subunits. Insertion of the FLAG epitope into ENaC sequences did not change its functional and pharmacological properties. The binding specificity and affinity (Kd = 3 nM) allowed us to correlate in individual Xenopus oocytes the macroscopic amiloride-sensitive sodium current (INa) with the number of ENaC wild-type and mutant subunits expressed at the cell surface. These experiments demonstrate that: (i) only heteromultimeric channels made of alpha, beta, and gamma ENaC subunits are maximally and efficiently expressed at the cell surface; (ii) the overall ENaC open probability is one order of magnitude lower than previously observed in single-channel recordings; (iii) the mutation causing Liddle syndrome (beta R564stop) enhances channel activity by two mechanisms, i.e., by increasing ENaC cell surface expression and by changing channel open probability. This quantitative approach provides new insights on the molecular mechanisms underlying one form of salt-sensitive hypertension.


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Introduction : Le syndrome de Brugada, décrit en 1992 par Pedro et Josep Brugada, est un syndrome cardiaque caractérisé par un sus-décalage particulier du segment ST associé à un bloc de branche droit atypique au niveau des dérivations ECG V1 à V3. Les altérations ECG du syndrome de Brugada sont classifiées en 3 types dont seul le type 1 est diagnostique. Les mécanismes physiopathologiques exacts de ce syndrome sont pour le moment encore controversés. Plusieurs hypothèses sont proposées dans la littérature dont deux principales retiennent l'attention : 1) le modèle du trouble de repolarisation stipule des potentiels d'action réduits en durée et en amplitude liés à un changement de répartition de canaux potassiques 2) le modèle du trouble de dépolarisation spécifie un retard de conduction se traduisant par une dépolarisation retardée. Dans le STEMI, un sus-décalage ST ressemblant à celui du syndrome de Brugada est expliqué par deux théories : 1) le courant de lésion diastolique suggère une élévation du potentiel diastolique transformé artificiellement en sus-décalage ST par les filtres utilisés dans tous les appareils ECG.¦Objectif : Recréer les manifestations ECG du syndrome de Brugada en appliquant les modifications du potentiel d'action des cardiomyocytes rapportées dans la littérature.¦Méthode : Pour ce travail, nous avons utilisé "ECGsim", un simulateur informatique réaliste d'ECG disponible gratuitement sur www.ecgsim.org. Ce programme est basé sur une reconstruction de l'ECG de surface à l'aide de 1500 noeuds représentant chacun les potentiels d'action des ventricules droit et gauche, épicardiques et endocardiques. L'ECG simulé peut être donc vu comme l'intégration de l'ensemble de ces potentiels d'action en tenant compte des propriétés de conductivité des tissus s'interposant entre les électrodes de surface et le coeur. Dans ce programme, nous avons définit trois zones, de taille différente, comprenant la chambre de chasse du ventricule droit. Pour chaque zone, nous avons reproduit les modifications des potentiels d'action citées dans les modèles du trouble de repolarisation et de dépolarisation et des théories de courant de lésion systolique et diastolique. Nous avons utilisé, en plus des douze dérivations habituelles, une électrode positionnée en V2IC3 (i.e. 3ème espace intercostal) sur le thorax virtuel du programme ECGsim.¦Résultats : Pour des raisons techniques, le modèle du trouble de repolarisation n'a pas pu être entièrement réalisée dans ce travail. Le modèle du trouble de dépolarisation ne reproduit pas d'altération de type Brugada mais un bloc de branche droit plus ou moins complet. Le courant de lésion diastolique permet d'obtenir un sus-décalage ST en augmentant le potentiel diastolique épicardique des cardiomyocytes de la chambre de chasse du ventricule droit. Une inversion de l'onde T apparaît lorsque la durée du potentiel d'action est prolongée. L'amplitude du sus-décalage ST dépend de la valeur du potentiel diastolique, de la taille de la lésion et de sa localisation épicardique ou transmurale. Le courant de lésion systolique n'entraîne pas de sus-décalage ST mais accentue l'amplitude de l'onde T.¦Discussion et conclusion : Dans ce travail, l'élévation du potentiel diastolique avec un prolongement de la durée du potentiel d'action est la combinaison qui reproduit le mieux les altérations ECG du Brugada. Une persistance de cellules de type nodal au niveau de la chambre de chasse du ventricule droit pourrait être une explication à ces modifications particulières du potentiel d'action. Le risque d'arythmie dans la Brugada pourrait également être expliqué par une automaticité anormale des cellules de type nodal. Ainsi, des altérations des mécanismes cellulaires impliqués dans le maintien du potentiel diastolique pourraient être présentes dans le syndrome de Brugada, ce qui, à notre connaissance, n'a jamais été rapporté dans la littérature.


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The pandemic metabolic syndrome is generally attributed to our lifestyle. The current therapeutic strategies are centered on the behavioral changes and pharmacotherapy. A deeply analysis reveals the importance of the socio-cultural determinants with a "dose-responses effect according to the socio-economic level. The "syndemic" theory, which puts at the same level the socio-cultural environment, the behaviors and biomedecine, suggests a more holistic approach. This theory suggests introducing other partners of care, such cultural-mediators and welfare workers trained in the care, to have finally an approach centered on the roots of the causes. The healthcare networks centered on the management of the costs of health should not forget the socio-cultural dimension, unless wanting to select the good cases.


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Background: To assess the early clinical outcomes and toxicities in patients treated with high precision radiation therapy (RT) consisting of helical tomotherapy (HT) or intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for anal cancer. Materials and Methods: Since March 2006, 30 patients with stage I-IIIB anal squamous-cell carcinoma were treated curatively by IMRT or HT alone (n = 2) or by concomitant chemotherapy and IMRT or HT (n = 28). Median age was 59 years (range, 36−83 years) and the female/male ratio was 2.3 (21/9). Primary tumor site was anal canal, anal margin, or both in 26, 1, and 3 patients, respectively. Anal tumor, pelvic and inguinal nodes were irradiated with a median dose of 36 Gy using HT, or 5- or 7-field IMRT in 18 and 12 patients, respectively; After a planned gap of 1−2 weeks (median 1 week), a median boost dose of 23.4 Gwas delivered to the tumor and/or involved nodes using 3DRT (n = 24) or HT/IMRT (n = 6). The total delivered dose ranged between 59.4 and 64.8 Gy (median, 59.4 Gy). Concomitant chemotherapy consisted of mitomycin C alone (n = 1), mitomycin C and 5-fluorouracil (n = 17) or capecitabin (n = 10) in 28 patients. Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events v3.0 scale was used to score acute and late toxicities. Results: All but one patient, who developed progressive local and distant disease at the end of RT, achieved a complete response. Twelve months following RT, one patient had a recurrence at the primary tumor site, salvaged with brachytherapy. After a median follow-up of 7.5 months (range, 1−35 months), no deaths were observed. The 2-year actuarial locoregional control and probability of disease control without colostomy rates were 82% and 79%, respectively. RT was well tolerated without any unplanned treatment interruptions. Grade 1 or 2 acute adverse events consisted of skin toxicity in 8 and 22 patients, diarrhea in 18 and 3 patients, and cystitis in 9 and 2 patients; respectively. Only one patient developed grade 3 mucosal necrosis at the end of the treatment, requiring diverting colostomy. No difference in terms of acute toxicity was observed between patients treated with HT or IMRT. None of the 22 patients with a follow-up of more than 3 months developed grade 3 or more late toxicity. Conclusions: Our preliminary results suggest that HT or IMRT combined with concomitant chemotherapy for anal cancer is effective, and associated with favorable rates of toxicity compared with historical series. Further follow-up is warranted to assess late toxicity.


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Continuous turnover of epithelia is ensured by the extensive self-renewal capacity of tissue-specific stem cells. Similarly, epithelial tumour maintenance relies on cancer stem cells (CSCs), which co-opt stem cell properties. For most tumours, the cellular origin of these CSCs and regulatory pathways essential for sustaining stemness have not been identified. In murine skin, follicular morphogenesis is driven by bulge stem cells that specifically express CD34. Here we identify a population of cells in early epidermal tumours characterized by phenotypic and functional similarities to normal bulge skin stem cells. This population contains CSCs, which are the only cells with tumour initiation properties. Transplants derived from these CSCs preserve the hierarchical organization of the primary tumour. We describe beta-catenin signalling as being essential in sustaining the CSC phenotype. Ablation of the beta-catenin gene results in the loss of CSCs and complete tumour regression. In addition, we provide evidence for the involvement of increased beta-catenin signalling in malignant human squamous cell carcinomas. Because Wnt/beta-catenin signalling is not essential for normal epidermal homeostasis, such a mechanistic difference may thus be targeted to eliminate CSCs and consequently eradicate squamous cell carcinomas.


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Sleep disorders are very prevalent and represent an emerging worldwide epidemic. However, research into the molecular genetics of sleep disorders remains surprisingly one of the least active fields. Nevertheless, rapid progress is being made in several prototypical disorders, leading recently to the identification of the molecular pathways underlying narcolepsy and familial advanced sleep-phase syndrome. Since the first reports of spontaneous and induced loss-of-function mutations leading to hypocretin deficiency in human and animal models of narcolepsy, the role of this novel neurotransmission pathway in sleep and several other behaviors has gained extensive interest. Also, very recent studies using an animal model of familial advanced sleep-phase syndrome shed new light on the regulation of circadian rhythms.