190 resultados para Communication Barriers


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While it was thought that most of cerebral creatine is of peripheral origin, AGAT and GAMT are well expressed in CNS where brain cells synthesize creatine. While the creatine transporter SLC6A8 is expressed by microcapillary endothelial cells (MCEC) at blood-brain barrier (BBB), it is absent from their surrounding astrocytes. This raised the concept that BBB has a limited permeability for peripheral creatine, and that the brain supplies a part of its creatine by endogenous synthesis. This review brings together the latest data on creatine and guanidinoacetate transport through BBB and blood-CSF barrier (BCSFB) with the clinical evidence of AGAT-, GAMT- and SLC6A8-deficient patients, in order to delineate a clearer view on the roles of BBB and BCSFB in the transport of creatine and guanidinoacetate between periphery and CNS, and on brain synthesis and transport of creatine. It shows that in physiological conditions, creatine is taken up by CNS from periphery through SLC6A8 at BBB, but in limited amounts, and that CNS also needs its own creatine synthesis. No uptake of guanidinoacetate from periphery occurs at BBB except under GAMT deficiency, but a net exit of guanidinoacetate seems to occur from CSF to blood at BCSFB, predominantly through the taurine transporter TauT.


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Numerous rockfalls were detected in the Las Cuevas valley, Argentina, after the 27 February 2010 earthquake in Chile. Live rockfalls were observed during aftershocks of 11 March 2010. Many rockfall source areas coincide with known thrust fault and some areas presented a rockfall activity even after the tremors. Some rockfalls crossed the National Road 7 but no damages to houses or vehicles were reported. This study illustrates how the 27 February 2010 earthquake impacted on unstable slopes in a valley far from the earthquakes epicentre. It is an interesting addition to previous studies on landslides caused by earthquakes because of the high magnitude of the event and of its aftershocks.


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Sleep-wake cycle is characterized by changes in neuronal network activity. However, for the last decade there is increasing evidence that neuroglial interaction may play a role in the modulation of sleep homeostasis and that astrocytes have a critical impact in this process. Interestingly, astrocytes are organized into communicating networks based on their high expression of connexins, which are the molecular constituents of gap junction channels. Thus, neuroglial interactions should also be considered as the result of the interplay between neuronal and astroglial networks. Here, we investigate the effect of modafinil, a wakefulness-promoting agent, on astrocyte gap junctional communication. We report that in the cortex modafinil injection increases the expression of mRNA and protein of connexin 30 but not those of connexin 43, the other major astroglial connexin. These increases are correlated with an enhancement of intercellular dye coupling in cortical astrocytes, which is abolished when neuronal activity is silenced by tetrodotoxin. Moreover, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, which at a millimolar concentration induces sleep, has an opposite effect on astroglial gap junctions in an activity-independent manner. These results support the proposition that astroglia may play an important role in complex physiological brain functions, such as sleep regulation, and that neuroglial networking interaction is modified during sleep-wake cycle. This article is part of the Special Issue Section entitled 'Current Pharmacology of Gap Junction Channels and Hemichannels'.


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Les carences en compétences en santé touchent principalement certaines populations à risques en limitant l'accès aux soins, l'interaction avec les soignants et l'autoprise en charge. L'utilisation systématique d'instruments de dépistage n'est pas recommandée et les interventions préconisées en pratique consistent plutôt à diminuer les obstacles entravant la communication patient-soignant. Il s'agit d'intégrer non seulement les compétences de la population en matière de santé mais aussi les compétences communicationnelles d'un système de santé qui se complexifie. Health literacy is defined as "the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions." Low health literacy mainly affects certain populations at risk limiting access to care, interaction with caregivers and self-management. If there are screening tests, their routine use is not advisable and recommended interventions in practice consist rather to reduce barriers to patient-caregiver communication. It is thus important to include not only population's health literacy but also communication skills of a health system wich tend to become more complex.


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The complex relationship between structural and functional connectivity, as measured by noninvasive imaging of the human brain, poses many unresolved challenges and open questions. Here, we apply analytic measures of network communication to the structural connectivity of the human brain and explore the capacity of these measures to predict resting-state functional connectivity across three independently acquired datasets. We focus on the layout of shortest paths across the network and on two communication measures-search information and path transitivity-which account for how these paths are embedded in the rest of the network. Search information is an existing measure of information needed to access or trace shortest paths; we introduce path transitivity to measure the density of local detours along the shortest path. We find that both search information and path transitivity predict the strength of functional connectivity among both connected and unconnected node pairs. They do so at levels that match or significantly exceed path length measures, Euclidean distance, as well as computational models of neural dynamics. This capacity suggests that dynamic couplings due to interactions among neural elements in brain networks are substantially influenced by the broader network context adjacent to the shortest communication pathways.


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Introduction: Evidence-based medicine (EBM) improves the quality of health care. Courses on how to teach EBM in practice are available, but knowledge does not automatically imply its application in teaching. We aimed to identify and compare barriers and facilitators for teaching EBM in clinical practice in various European countries. Methods: A questionnaire was constructed listing potential barriers and facilitators for EBM teaching in clinical practice. Answers were reported on a 7-point Likert scale ranging from not at all being a barrier to being an insurmountable barrier. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 120 clinical EBM teachers from 11 countries. Lack of time was the strongest barrier for teaching EBM in practice (median 5). Moderate barriers were the lack of requirements for EBM skills and a pyramid hierarchy in health care management structure (median 4). In Germany, Hungary and Poland, reading and understanding articles in English was a higher barrier than in the other countries. Conclusion: Incorporation of teaching EBM in practice faces several barriers to implementation. Teaching EBM in clinical settings is most successful where EBM principles are culturally embedded and form part and parcel of everyday clinical decisions and medical practice.


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This study investigated the effectiveness of modules involving standardized patients and role-plays on training communication skills. The first module involved standardized patients and an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE); the second module consisted of peer role-plays and a written examination. A randomized posttest-only control group design with first-year nursing students was used. The intervention group received one-to-one communication training with direct oral feedback from the standardized patient. The control group had training with peer role-playing and mutual feedback. The posttest involved students' rating their self-efficacy, and real patients and clinical supervisors evaluated their communication skills. No significant differences were found between self-efficacy and patient ratings. However, the clinical supervisors rated the intervention group's communication skills to be significantly (p < 0.0001) superior. Assessments by clinical supervisors indicate that communication training modules including standardized patients and an OSCE are superior to communication training modules with peer role-playing.


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SUMMARY Inflammation has evolved as a mechanism to defend the body against invading microorganisms and to respond to injury. It requires the coordinated response of a large number of cell types from the whole organism in a time- and space-dependent fashion. This coordination involves several cell-cell communication mechanisms. Exchange of humoral mediators such as cytokines is a major one. Moreover, direct contact between cells happens and plays a primordial role, for example when macrophages present antigens to lymphocytes. Contact between endothelial cells and leucocytes occurs when the latter cross the blood vessel barrier and transmigrate to the inflammatory site. A particular way by which cells communicate with each other in the course of inflammation, which at this time starts to gain attention, is the intercellular communication mediated by gap junctions. Gap junctions are channels providing a direct pathway (i.e. without transit through the extracellular space) for the diffusion of small molecules between adjacent cells. This process is known as gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC). The general aim of this thesis was to study a possible involvement of GJIC in the pathophysiology of inflammation. A first part of the work was dedicated to study the implication of GJIC in the modification of vascular endothelial function by inflammation. In a second part, we were interested in the possible role of GJIC in the transmigration of neutrophil polymorphonuclear leucocytes through the endothelium. The main positive finding of this work is that acute inflammation preferentially modulates the expression of connexin 40 (Cx40), a gap junction protein specifically expressed in vascular endothelium. The modulation could be towards overexpression (aortic endothelium of septic rats) or towards downregulation (acutely inflamed mouse lung). We put a lot of efforts in search of possible functions of these modulations, in two directions: a potential protective role of Cx40 increased expression against sepsis-induced endothelial dysfunction, and a facilitating role of Cx40 decreased expression in neutrophil transmigration. To pursue both directions, it seemed logical to study the impact of Cx40 deletion using knock-out mice. Concerning the potential protective role of Cx40 overexpression we encountered a roadblock as we observed, in the aorta, a Cx40 downregulation in wild type mouse whereas Cx40 was upregulated in the rat. Regarding the second direction and using an in vivo approach, we observed that pulmonary neutrophil transmigration was not affected by the genetic deletion of Cx40. In spite of their negative nature, these results are the very first ones regarding the potential implication of GJIC concerning leucocyte transmigration in vivo. Because this process involves such tight cell-cell physical contacts, the hypothesis for a role of GJIC remains attractive.


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Résumé La cryptographie classique est basée sur des concepts mathématiques dont la sécurité dépend de la complexité du calcul de l'inverse des fonctions. Ce type de chiffrement est à la merci de la puissance de calcul des ordinateurs ainsi que la découverte d'algorithme permettant le calcul des inverses de certaines fonctions mathématiques en un temps «raisonnable ». L'utilisation d'un procédé dont la sécurité est scientifiquement prouvée s'avère donc indispensable surtout les échanges critiques (systèmes bancaires, gouvernements,...). La cryptographie quantique répond à ce besoin. En effet, sa sécurité est basée sur des lois de la physique quantique lui assurant un fonctionnement inconditionnellement sécurisé. Toutefois, l'application et l'intégration de la cryptographie quantique sont un souci pour les développeurs de ce type de solution. Cette thèse justifie la nécessité de l'utilisation de la cryptographie quantique. Elle montre que le coût engendré par le déploiement de cette solution est justifié. Elle propose un mécanisme simple et réalisable d'intégration de la cryptographie quantique dans des protocoles de communication largement utilisés comme les protocoles PPP, IPSec et le protocole 802.1li. Des scénarios d'application illustrent la faisabilité de ces solutions. Une méthodologie d'évaluation, selon les critères communs, des solutions basées sur la cryptographie quantique est également proposée dans ce document. Abstract Classical cryptography is based on mathematical functions. The robustness of a cryptosystem essentially depends on the difficulty of computing the inverse of its one-way function. There is no mathematical proof that establishes whether it is impossible to find the inverse of a given one-way function. Therefore, it is mandatory to use a cryptosystem whose security is scientifically proven (especially for banking, governments, etc.). On the other hand, the security of quantum cryptography can be formally demonstrated. In fact, its security is based on the laws of physics that assure the unconditional security. How is it possible to use and integrate quantum cryptography into existing solutions? This thesis proposes a method to integrate quantum cryptography into existing communication protocols like PPP, IPSec and the 802.l1i protocol. It sketches out some possible scenarios in order to prove the feasibility and to estimate the cost of such scenarios. Directives and checkpoints are given to help in certifying quantum cryptography solutions according to Common Criteria.


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The common shrew (Sorex araneus) is subdivided into numerous chromosome races. The Valais and Cordon chromosome races meet and hybridize at a mountain river in Les Houches (French Alps). Significant genetic structuring was recently reported among populations found on the Valais side of this hybrid zone. In this paper, a phylogenetic analysis and partial Mantel tests are used to investigate the patterns and causes of this structuring. A total of 185 shrews were trapped at 12 localities. All individuals were typed for nine microsatellite loci. Although several mountain rivers are found in the study area, riverine barriers do not have a significant influence on gene flow. Partial Mantel tests show that our result is caused by the influence of the hybrid zone with the Cordon race. The geographical patterns of this structuring are discussed in the context of the contact zone, which appears to extend up to a group of two rivers. The glacier they originate from is known to have cut the Arve valley as recently as 1818. The recent history of this glacier, its moraine and possibly rivers, may therefore be linked to the history of this hybrid zone.