113 resultados para CRITICAL TEMPERATURE


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On the basis of the experiments carried out over various years, it was concluded that (1) grayling Thymallus thymallus and brown trout Salmo trutta are resistant to temperature-induced sex reversal at ecologically relevant temperatures, (2) environmental sex reversal is unlikely to cause the persistent sex ratio distortion observed in at least one of the study populations and (3) sex-specific tolerance of temperature-related stress may be the cause of distorted sex ratios in populations of T. thymallus or S. trutta.


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BACKGROUND: Single port access (SPA) cholecystectomy is a new concept in laparoscopic surgery. A review of existing results was performed to evaluate critically the current state of SPA with specific reference to feasibility, safety, learning curve, indications and cost-effectiveness. METHODS: All papers identified in MEDLINE until 15 February 2010 and all other relevant papers obtained from cited references were reviewed, without any language restriction. Case reports and series of fewer than three patients were excluded. RESULTS: After selection, 24 studies including 895 patients were analysed. None was randomized. Feasibility seems to be established, with a conversion rate of 2 per cent. SPA was not standardized and there was much technical variation. The learning curve could not be determined. Median follow-up time was 3 (range 0.25-12) months. The overall published complication rate was 5.4 per cent and the biliary complication rate 0.7 per cent. The rate of umbilical complications ranged from 2 to 10 per cent. CONCLUSION: SPA cholecystectomy seems feasible, but standardization, safety and the real benefits for patients need further assessment. Uncontrolled wide adoption of this approach may be responsible for a rise in biliary complications.


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BACKGROUND: Multiple electrode aggregometry (MEA) is a point-of-care test evaluating platelet function and the efficacy of platelet inhibitors. In MEA, electrical impedance of whole blood is measured after addition of a platelet activator. Reduced impedance implies platelet dysfunction or the presence of platelet inhibitors. MEA plays an increasingly important role in the management of perioperative platelet dysfunction. In vitro, midazolam, propofol, lidocaine and magnesium have known antiplatelet effects and these may interfere with MEA interpretation. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the extent to which MEA is modified in the presence of these drugs. DESIGN: An in-vitro study using blood collected from healthy volunteers. SETTING: Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2010 to 2011. PATIENTS: Twenty healthy volunteers. INTERVENTION: Measurement of baseline MEA was using four activators: arachidonic acid, ADP, TRAP-6 and collagen. The study drugs were then added in three increasing, clinically relevant concentrations. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: MEA was compared with baseline for each study drug. RESULTS: Midazolam, propofol and lidocaine showed no effect on MEA at any concentration. Magnesium at 2.5 mmol l had a significant effect on the ADP and TRAP tests (31 ± 13 and 96 ± 39 AU, versus 73 ± 21 and 133 ± 28 AU at baseline, respectively), and a less pronounced effect at 1 mmol l on the ADP test (39 ± 0 AU). CONCLUSION: Midazolam, propofol and lidocaine do not interfere with MEA measurement. In patients treated with high to normal doses of magnesium, MEA results for ADP and TRAP-tests should be interpreted with caution. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov (no. NCT01454427).


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Adaptive thermogenesis allows mammals to resist to cold. For instance, in brown adipose tissue (BAT) the facultative uncoupling of the proton gradient from ATP synthesis in mitochondria is used to generate systemic heat. However, this system necessitates an increase of the Uncoupling protein 1 (Ucp1) and its activation by free fatty acids. Here we show that mice without functional Period2 (Per2) were cold sensitive because their adaptive thermogenesis system was less efficient. Upon cold-exposure, Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) induced Per2 in the BAT. Subsequently, PER2 as a co-activator of PPARα increased expression of Ucp1. PER2 also increased Fatty acid binding protein 3 (Fabp3), a protein important to transport free fatty acids from the plasma to mitochondria to activate UCP1. Hence, in BAT PER2 is important for the coordination of the molecular response of mice exposed to cold by synchronizing UCP1 expression and its activation.


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Identifying adaptive genetic variation is a challenging task, in particular in non-model species for which genomic information is still limited or absent. Here, we studied distribution patterns of amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) in response to environmental variation, in 13 alpine plant species consistently sampled across the entire European Alps. Multiple linear regressions were performed between AFLP allele frequencies per site as dependent variables and two categories of independent variables, namely Moran's eigenvector map MEM variables (to account for spatial and unaccounted environmental variation, and historical demographic processes) and environmental variables. These associations allowed the identification of 153 loci of ecological relevance. Univariate regressions between allele frequency and each environmental factor further showed that loci of ecological relevance were mainly correlated with MEM variables. We found that precipitation and temperature were the best environmental predictors, whereas topographic factors were rarely involved in environmental associations. Climatic factors, subject to rapid variation as a result of the current global warming, are known to strongly influence the fate of alpine plants. Our study shows, for the first time for a large number of species, that the same environmental variables are drivers of plant adaptation at the scale of a whole biome, here the European Alps.


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PURPOSE: Resuscitated cardiac arrest (CA) patients typically receive therapeutic hypothermia, but arterial blood gases (ABGs) are often assessed after adjustment to 37°C (alpha-stat) instead of actual body temperature (pH-stat). We sought to compare alpha-stat and pH-stat assessment of Pao2 and Paco2 in such patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using ABG data obtained during the first 24 hours of intensive care unit admission, we determined the impact of measured alpha vs calculated pH-stat on Pao2 and Paco2 on patient classification and outcomes for CA patients. RESULTS: We assessed 1013 ABGs from 120 CA patients with a median age of patients 66 years (interquartile range, 50-76). Median alpha-stat Pao2 changed from 122 (95-156) to 107 (82-143) mm Hg with pH-stat and median Paco2 from 39 (34-46) to 35 (30-41) mm Hg (both P < .001). Using the categories of hyperoxemia, normoxemia, and hypoxemia, pH-stat estimation of Pao2 reclassified approximately 20% of patients. Using the categories of hypercapnia, normocapnia, and hypocapnia, pH stat estimation of Paco2 reclassified approximately 40% of patients. The mortality of patients in different Pao2 and Paco2 categories was similar for pH-stat and alpha-stat. CONCLUSIONS: Using the pH-stat method, fewer resuscitated CA patients admitted to intensive care unit were classified as hyperoxemic or hypercapnic compared with alpha-stat. These findings suggest an impact of ABG assessment methodology on Pao2, Paco2, and patient classification but not on associated outcomes.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the thermogenic response of dopamine at three different infusion rates and to analyze its effects on various biochemical variables. DESIGN: Randomized sequential experimental treatment bracketed by control periods. PATIENTS: Eight young healthy male volunteers with normal body weight (51 to 89 kg). INTERVENTIONS: Three experimental periods during which dopamine was administered iv in a randomized order at rates of 2.5, 5, or 10 micrograms/kg.min with one preinfusion baseline and two recovery periods in between. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: A significant (p less than .01) increase in resting energy expenditure was observed in response to the two highest dopamine infusion rates (5 and 10 micrograms/kg.min), corresponding to 6% and 15% median increases, respectively, as compared with preinfusion values. At the lowest dopamine infusion rate, no variation in resting energy expenditure was observed. Dopamine induced a significant (p less than .01) increase in hyperglycemia at all three infusion rates, and, at the highest infusion rate, dopamine induced a significant (p less than .05) increase of plasma free fatty acid concentrations. Insulin plasma concentrations were significantly (p less than .05 to p less than 0.1) increased at the three dopamine infusion rates. CONCLUSIONS: Dopamine infusion produces a dose-dependent thermogenic effect and induces various metabolic actions in man.


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If 'the dose makes the poison', and if the context of an exposure to a hazard shapes the risk as much as the innate character of the hazard itself, then what is 'toxic' and what is 'nontoxic'? This article is intended to help readers and communicators: anticipate that concepts such as 'toxic' and 'nontoxic' may have different meanings to different stakeholders in different contexts of general use, commerce, science, and the law; recognize specific situations in which terms and related information could potentially be misperceived or misinterpreted; evaluate the relevance, reliability, and other attributes of information for a given situation; control actions, assumptions, interpretations, conclusions, and decisions to avoid flaws and achieve a desired outcome; and confirm that the desired outcome has been achieved. To meet those objectives, we provide some examples of differing toxicology terminology concepts and contexts; a comprehensive decision-making framework for understanding and managing risk; along with a communication and education message and audience-planning matrix to support the involvement of all relevant stakeholders; a set of CLEAR-communication assessment criteria for use by both readers and communicators; example flaws in decision-making; a suite of three tools to assign relevance vs reliability, align know vs show, and refine perception vs reality aspects of information; and four steps to foster effective community involvement and support. The framework and supporting process are generally applicable to meeting any objective.


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In a recent issue of Critical Care, den Hartog and colleagues show an association between spontaneous hypothermia, defined by an admission body temperature < 35°C, and poor outcome in patients with coma after cardiac arrest (CA) treated with therapeutic hypothermia (TH). Given that TH alters neurological prognostication, studies aiming to identify early markers of injury severity and outcome are welcome, since they may contribute overall to optimize the management of comatose CA patients. This study provides an important message to clinicians involved in post-resuscitation care and raises important questions that need to be taken into account in future studies.


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River-dwelling fish, such as European graylings (Thymallus thymallus), are susceptible to changes in climate because they can often not avoid suboptimal temperatures, especially during early developmental stages. We analyzed data collected in a 62-year-long (1948-2009) population monitoring program. Male and female graylings were sampled about three times/week during the yearly spawning season in order to follow the development of the population. The occurrence of females bearing ripe eggs was used to approximate the timing of each spawning season. In the last years of the study, spawning season was more than 3 weeks earlier than in the first years. This shift was linked to increasing water temperatures as recorded over the last 39 years with a temperature logger at the spawning site. In early spring water temperatures rose more slowly than in later spring. Thus, embryos and larvae were exposed to increasingly colder water at a stage that is critical for sex determination and pathogen resistance in other salmonids. In summer, however, fry were exposed to increasingly warmer temperatures. The changes in water temperatures that we found embryos, larvae, and fry were exposed to could be contributing to the decline in abundance that has occurred over the last 30-40 years.


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Plant circadian clock controls a wide variety of physiological and developmental events, which include the short-days (SDs)-specific promotion of the elongation of hypocotyls during de-etiolation and also the elongation of petioles during vegetative growth. In A. thaliana, the PIF4 gene encoding a phytochrome-interacting basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor plays crucial roles in this photoperiodic control of plant growth. According to the proposed external coincidence model, the PIF4 gene is transcribed precociously at the end of night specifically in SDs, under which conditions the protein product is stably accumulated, while PIF4 is expressed exclusively during the daytime in long days (LDs), under which conditions the protein product is degraded by the light-activated phyB and also the residual proteins are inactivated by the DELLA family of proteins. A number of previous reports provided solid evidence to support this coincidence model mainly at the transcriptional level of the PIF 4 and PIF4-traget genes. Nevertheless, the diurnal oscillation profiles of PIF4 proteins, which were postulated to be dependent on photoperiod and ambient temperature, have not yet been demonstrated. Here we present such crucial evidence on PIF4 protein level to further support the external coincidence model underlying the temperature-adaptive photoperiodic control of plant growth in A. thaliana.