264 resultados para CFTR gene
MOTIVATION: In silico modeling of gene regulatory networks has gained some momentum recently due to increased interest in analyzing the dynamics of biological systems. This has been further facilitated by the increasing availability of experimental data on gene-gene, protein-protein and gene-protein interactions. The two dynamical properties that are often experimentally testable are perturbations and stable steady states. Although a lot of work has been done on the identification of steady states, not much work has been reported on in silico modeling of cellular differentiation processes. RESULTS: In this manuscript, we provide algorithms based on reduced ordered binary decision diagrams (ROBDDs) for Boolean modeling of gene regulatory networks. Algorithms for synchronous and asynchronous transition models have been proposed and their corresponding computational properties have been analyzed. These algorithms allow users to compute cyclic attractors of large networks that are currently not feasible using existing software. Hereby we provide a framework to analyze the effect of multiple gene perturbation protocols, and their effect on cell differentiation processes. These algorithms were validated on the T-helper model showing the correct steady state identification and Th1-Th2 cellular differentiation process. AVAILABILITY: The software binaries for Windows and Linux platforms can be downloaded from http://si2.epfl.ch/~garg/genysis.html.
Inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has become the standard of care for patients presenting with wet age-related macular degeneration. However, monthly intravitreal injections are required for optimal efficacy. We have previously shown that electroporation enabled ciliary muscle gene transfer results in sustained protein secretion into the vitreous for up to 9 months. Here, we evaluated the long-term efficacy of ciliary muscle gene transfer of three soluble VEGF receptor-1 (sFlt-1) variants in a rat model of laser-induced choroidal neovascularization (CNV). All three sFlt-1 variants significantly diminished vascular leakage and neovascularization as measured by fluorescein angiography (FA) and flatmount choroid at 3 weeks. FA and infracyanine angiography demonstrated that inhibition of CNV was maintained for up to 6 months after gene transfer of the two shortest sFlt-1 variants. Throughout, clinical efficacy was correlated with sustained VEGF neutralization in the ocular media. Interestingly, treatment with sFlt-1 induced a 50% downregulation of VEGF messenger RNA levels in the retinal pigment epithelium and the choroid. We demonstrate for the first time that non-viral gene transfer can achieve a long-term reduction of VEGF levels and efficacy in the treatment of CNV.Gene Therapy advance online publication, 27 June 2013; doi:10.1038/gt.2013.36.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Excess glucose transport to embryos during diabetic pregnancy causes congenital malformations. The early postimplantation embryo expresses the gene encoding the high-Km GLUT2 (also known as SLC2A2) glucose transporter. The hypothesis tested here is that high-Km glucose transport by GLUT2 causes malformations resulting from maternal hyperglycaemia during diabetic pregnancy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Glut2 mRNA was assayed by RT-PCR. The Km of embryo glucose transport was determined by measuring 0.5-20 mmol/l 2-deoxy[3H]glucose transport. To test whether the GLUT2 transporter is required for neural tube defects resulting from maternal hyperglycaemia, Glut2+/- mice were crossed and transient hyperglycaemia was induced by glucose injection on day 7.5 of pregnancy. Embryos were recovered on day 10.5, and the incidence of neural tube defects in wild-type, Glut2+/- and Glut2-/- embryos was scored. RESULTS: Early postimplantation embryos expressed Glut2, and expression was unaffected by maternal diabetes. Moreover, glucose transport by these embryos showed Michaelis-Menten kinetics of 16.19 mmol/l, consistent with transport mediated by GLUT2. In pregnancies made hyperglycaemic on day 7.5, neural tube defects were significantly increased in wild-type embryos, but Glut2+/- embryos were partially protected from neural tube defects, and Glut2-/- embryos were completely protected from these defects. The frequency of occurrence of wild-type, Glut2+/- and Glut2-/- embryos suggests that the presence of Glut2 alleles confers a survival advantage in embryos before day 10.5. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATIONS: High-Km glucose transport by the GLUT2 glucose transporter during organogenesis is responsible for the embryopathic effects of maternal diabetes.
BACKGROUND: Male carriers of the FMR1 premutation are at risk of developing the fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), a newly recognised and largely under-diagnosed late onset neurodegenerative disorder. Patients affected with FXTAS primarily present with cerebellar ataxia and intention tremor. Cognitive decline has also been associated with the premutation, but the lack of data on its penetrance is a growing concern for clinicians who provide genetic counselling. METHODS: The Mattis Dementia Rating Scale (MDRS) was administered in a double blind fashion to 74 men aged 50 years or more recruited from fragile X families (35 premutation carriers and 39 intrafamilial controls) regardless of their clinical manifestation. Based on previous publications, marked cognitive impairment was defined by a score <or=123 on the MDRS. RESULTS: Both logistic and survival models confirmed that in addition to age and education level, premutation size plays a significant (p<0.01 and p<0.03 for logistic and survival model, respectively) role in cognitive impairment. The estimated penetrance of marked cognitive impairment in our sample (adjusted for the mean age 63.4 years and mean education level 9.7 years) for midsize/large (70-200 CGG) and small (55-69 CGG) premutation alleles was 33.3% (relative risk (RR) 6.5; p = 0.01) and 5.9% (RR 1.15; p = 0.9) respectively. Penetrance in the control group was 5.1%. CONCLUSIONS: Male carriers of midsize to large premutation alleles had a sixfold increased risk of developing cognitive decline and the risk increases with allele size. In addition, it was observed that cognitive impairment may precede motor symptoms. These data provide guidance for genetic counselling although larger samples are required to refine these estimates.
High-throughput technologies are now used to generate more than one type of data from the same biological samples. To properly integrate such data, we propose using co-modules, which describe coherent patterns across paired data sets, and conceive several modular methods for their identification. We first test these methods using in silico data, demonstrating that the integrative scheme of our Ping-Pong Algorithm uncovers drug-gene associations more accurately when considering noisy or complex data. Second, we provide an extensive comparative study using the gene-expression and drug-response data from the NCI-60 cell lines. Using information from the DrugBank and the Connectivity Map databases we show that the Ping-Pong Algorithm predicts drug-gene associations significantly better than other methods. Co-modules provide insights into possible mechanisms of action for a wide range of drugs and suggest new targets for therapy
BACKGROUND: To report the clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical findings of two novel mutations within the TGFBI gene. METHODS: The genotype of 41 affected members of 16 families and nine sporadic cases was investigated by direct sequencing of the TGFBI gene. Clinical, histological and immunohistochemical characteristics of corneal opacification were reported and compared with the coding region changes in the TGFBI gene. RESULTS: A novel mutation Leu509Pro was detected in one family with a geographic pattern-like clinical phenotype. Histopathologically we found amyloid together with non-amyloid deposits and immunohistochemical staining of Keratoepithelin (KE) KE2 and KE15 antibodies. In two families and one sporadic case the novel mutation Gly623Arg with a late-onset, map-like corneal dystrophy was identified. Here amyloid and immunohistochemical staining of only KE2 antibodies occurred. Further, five already known mutations are reported: Arg124Cys Arg555Trp Arg124His His626Arg, Ala546Asp in 13 families and five sporadic cases of German origin. The underlying gene defect within the TBFBI gene was not identified in any of the four probands with Thiel-Behnke corneal dystrophy. CONCLUSIONS: The two novel mutations within the TGFBI gene add another two phenotypes with atypical immunohistochemical and histopathological features to those so far reported.
The alpha chain of the interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R alpha) is a key regulator of lymphocyte proliferation. To analyze the mechanisms controlling its expression in normal cells, we used the 5'-flanking region (base pairs -2539/+93) of the mouse gene to drive chloramphenicol acetyltransferase expression in four transgenic mouse lines. Constitutive transgene activity was restricted to lymphoid organs. In mature T lymphocytes, transgene and endogenous IL-2R alpha gene expression was stimulated by concanavalin A and up-regulated by IL-2 with very similar kinetics. In thymic T cell precursors, IL-1 and IL-2 cooperatively induced transgene and IL-2R alpha gene expression. These results show that regulation of the endogenous IL-2R alpha gene occurs mainly at the transcriptional level. They demonstrate that cis-acting elements in the 5'-flanking region present in the transgene confer correct tissue specificity and inducible expression in mature T cells and their precursors in response to antigen, IL-1, and IL-2. In a complementary approach, we screened the 5' end of the endogenous IL-2R alpha gene for DNase-I hypersensitive sites. We found three lymphocyte specific DNase-I hypersensitive sites. Two, at -0.05 and -5.3 kilobase pairs, are present in resting T cells. A third site appears at -1.35 kilobase pairs in activated T cells. It co-localizes with IL-2-responsive elements identified by transient transfection experiments.
ICEclc is a mobile genetic element found in two copies on the chromosome of the bacterium Pseudomonas knackmussii B13. ICEclc harbors genes encoding metabolic pathways for the degradation of chlorocatechols (CLC) and 2-aminophenol (2AP). At low frequencies, ICEclc excises from the chromosome, closes into a circular DNA molecule which can transfer to another bacterium via conjugation. Once in the recipient cell, ICEclc can reintegrate into the chromosome by site-specific recombination. This thesis aimed at identifying the regulatory network underlying the decisions for ICEclc horizontal transfer (HGT). The first chapter is an introduction on integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs) more in general, of which ICEclc is one example. In particular I emphasized the current knowledge of regulation and conjugation machineries of the different classes of ICE. In the second chapter, I describe a transcriptional analysis using microarrays and other experiments to understand expression of ICEclc in exponential and stationary phase. By overlaying transcriptomic profiles with Northern hybridizations and RT- PCR data, we established a transcription map for the entire core region of ICEclc, a region assumed to encode the ICE conjugation process. We also demonstrated how transcription of the ICEclc core is maximal in stationary phase, which correlates to expression of reporter genes fused to key ICEclc promoters. In the third chapter, I present a transcriptome analysis of ICEclc in a variety of different host species, in order to explore whether there are species-specific differences. In the fourth chapter, I focus on the role of a curious ICEclc-encoded TetR-type transcriptional repressor. We find that this gene, which we name mfsR, not only controls its own expression but that of a set of genes for a putative multi-drug efflux pump (mfsABC) as well. By using a combination of biochemical and molecular biology techniques, I could show that MfsR specifically binds to operator boxes in two ICEclc promoters (PmfsR and PmfsA), inhibiting the transcription of both the mfsR and mfsABC-orf38184 operons. Although we could not detect a clear phenotype of an mfsABC deletion, we discuss the implications of pump gene reorganizations in ICEclc and close relatives. In the fifth chapter, we find that mfsR not only controls its own expression and that of the mfsABC operon, but is also indirectly controlling ICEclc transfer. Using gene deletions, microarrays, transfer assays and microscopy-based reporter fusions, we demonstrate that mfsR actually controls a small operon of three regulatory genes. The last gene of this mfsR operon, orf17162, encodes a LysR-type activator that when deleted strongly impairs ICEclc transfer. Interestingly, deletion of mfsR leads to transfer competence in almost all cells, thereby overruling the bistability process in the wild-type. In the final sixth chapter, I discuss the relevance of the present thesis and the resulting perspectives for future studies.
We report on a consanguineous, Afghani family with two sisters affected with characteristic facial features, multiple contractures, progressive joint and skin laxity, hemorrhagic diathesis following minor trauma and multisystem fragility-related manifestations suggestive of a diagnosis of musculocontractural Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). This novel form of connective tissue disorder was recently reported in patients of Japanese, Turkish, and Indian descent who were formerly classified as having EDS type VIB and has now been recognized to be a part of spectrum including patients previously classified as having adducted thumb-clubfoot syndrome. We identified a previously unreported mutation in the CHST14 gene, which codes for the enzyme dermatan 4-O-sulfotransferase. We discuss the prenatal presentation, detailed clinical manifestations, and neurological findings in two sisters with this newly described musculocontractural EDS-CHST14 type. We demonstrate that fibroblasts from one of our patients produce more chondroitin sulfate than normal and show lower than normal deposition of collagens I and II and fibrillin 1-containing microfibrills. These findings suggest that the imbalance in the glycosaminoglycan content in developing tissues might interfere with normal deposition of other extracellular matrix components and ultimately contribute to the development of the phenotype observed in these patients. Furthermore, we ruled out the contribution of intrinsic platelet factors to the bleeding diathesis observed in some affected individuals. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The genes involved in the biosynthesis of biotin were identified in the hyphal fungus Aspergillus nidulans through homology searches and complementation of Escherichia coli biotin-auxotrophic mutants. Whereas the 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase and dethiobiotin synthetase are encoded by distinct genes in bacteria and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, both activities are performed in A. nidulans by a single enzyme, encoded by the bifunctional gene bioDA. Such a bifunctional bioDA gene is a genetic feature common to numerous members of the ascomycete filamentous fungi and basidiomycetes, as well as in plants and oömycota. However, unlike in other eukaryota, the three bio genes contributing to the four enzymatic steps from pimeloyl-CoA to biotin are organized in a gene cluster in pezizomycotina. The A. nidulans auxotrophic mutants biA1, biA2 and biA3 were all found to have mutations in the 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase domain of the bioDA gene. Although biotin auxotrophy is an inconvenient marker in classical genetic manipulations due to cross-feeding of biotin, transformation of the biA1 mutant with the bioDA gene from either A. nidulans or Aspergillus fumigatus led to the recovery of well-defined biotin-prototrophic colonies. The usefulness of bioDA gene as a novel and robust transformation marker was demonstrated in co-transformation experiments with a green fluorescent protein reporter, and in the efficient deletion of the laccase (yA) gene via homologous recombination in a mutant lacking non-homologous end-joining activity.
In the pathogenesis of type I diabetes mellitus, activated leukocytes infiltrate pancreatic islets and induce beta cell dysfunction and destruction. Interferon (IFN)-gamma, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin (IL)-1 beta play important, although not completely defined, roles in these mechanisms. Here, using the highly differentiated beta Tc-Tet insulin-secreting cell line, we showed that IFN-gamma dose- and time-dependently suppressed insulin synthesis and glucose-stimulated secretion. As described previously IFN-gamma, in combination with IL-1 beta, also induces inducible NO synthase expression and apoptosis (Dupraz, P., Cottet, S., Hamburger, F., Dolci, W., Felley-Bosco, E., and Thorens, B. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 37672--37678). To assess the role of the Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) pathway in IFN-gamma intracellular signaling, we stably overexpressed SOCS-1 (suppressor of cytokine signaling-1) in the beta cell line. We demonstrated that SOCS-1 suppressed cytokine-induced STAT-1 phosphorylation and increased cellular accumulation. This was accompanied by a suppression of the effect of IFN-gamma on: (i) reduction in insulin promoter-luciferase reporter gene transcription, (ii) decrease in insulin mRNA and peptide content, and (iii) suppression of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Furthermore, SOCS-1 also suppressed the cellular effects that require the combined presence of IL-1 beta and IFN-gamma: induction of nitric oxide production and apoptosis. Together our data demonstrate that IFN-gamma is responsible for the cytokine-induced defect in insulin gene expression and secretion and that this effect can be completely blocked by constitutive inhibition of the Janus kinase/STAT pathway.
Proline- and acid-rich (PAR) basic region leucine zipper (bZIP) proteins thyrotroph embryonic factor (TEF), D-site-binding protein (DBP), and hepatic leukemia factor have been involved in neurotransmitter homeostasis and amino acid metabolism. Here we demonstrate a novel role for these proteins in the transcriptional control of a BH3-only gene. PAR bZIP proteins are able to transactivate the promoter of bcl-gS. This promoter is particularly responsive to TEF activation and is silenced by NFIL3, a repressor that shares the consensus binding site with PAR bZIP proteins. Consistently, transfection of TEF induces the expression of endogenous bcl-gS in cancer cells, and this induction is independent of p53. A naturally occurring variant of DBP (tDBP), lacking the transactivation domain, has been identified and shown to impede the formation of active TEF dimers in a competitive manner and to reduce the TEF-dependent induction of bcl-gS. Of note, treatment of cancer cells with etoposide induces TEF activation and promotes the expression of bcl-gS. Furthermore, blockade of bcl-gS or TEF expression by a small interfering RNA strategy or transfection with tDBP significantly reduces the etoposide-mediated apoptotic cell death. These findings represent the first described role for PAR bZIP proteins in the regulation of a gene involved in the execution of apoptosis.
Canine distemper virus (CDV) produces a glycosylated type I fusion protein (F) with an internal hydrophobic signal sequence beginning around 115 residues downstream of the first AUG used for translation initiation. Cleavage of the signal sequence yields the F0 molecule, which is cleaved into the F1 and F2 subunits. Surprisingly, when all in-frame AUGs located in the first third of the F gene were mutated a protein of the same molecular size as the F0 molecule was still expressed from both the Onderstepoort (OP) and A75/17-CDV F genes. We designated this protein, which is initiated from a non-AUG codon protein Fx. Site-directed mutagenesis allowed to identify codon 85, a GCC codon coding for alanine, as the most likely position from which translation initiation of Fx occurs in OP-CDV. Deletion analysis demonstrated that at least 60 nucleotides upstream of the GCC codon are required for efficient Fx translation. This sequence is GC-rich, suggesting extensive folding. Secondary structure may therefore be important for translation initiation at codon 85.
The Bacillus subtilis thermosensitive mutant ts-21 bears two C-G-->T-A transitions in the mnaA gene. At the nonpermissive temperature it is characterized by coccoid cell morphology and reduced cell wall phosphate content. MnaA converts UDP-N-acetylglucosamine into UDP-N-acetylmannosamine, a precursor of the teichoic acid linkage unit.