95 resultados para C53 - Forecasting and Other Model Applications
The European Society for the study of Chlamydia, Coxiella, Anaplasma and Rickettsia (ESCCAR) held his triennial international meeting in Lausanne. This meeting gathered 165 scientists from 28 countries and all 5 continents, allowing efficient networking and major scientific exchanges. Topics covered include molecular and cellular microbiology, genomics, as well as epidemiology, veterinary and human medicine. Several breakthroughs have been revealed at the meeting, such as (i) the presence of CRISPR (the "prokaryotic immune system") in chlamydiae, (ii) an Anaplasma effector involved in host chromatin remodelling, (iii) the polarity of the type III secretion system of chlamydiae during the entry process revealed by cryo-electron tomography. Moreover, the ESCCAR meeting was a unique opportunity to be exposed to cutting-edge science and to listen to comprehensive talks on current hot topics.
Waddlia chondrophila is an emerging pathogen associated with abortion in cattle. In humans, a growing body of evidence supports its pathogenic role in miscarriage and in respiratory tract infection. The human pathogenicity of W. chondrophila is further supported by the presence of several virulence factors including a catalase, a functional T3SS and several adhesins. Despite this medical importance, no commercial tests are available and diagnostic of this strict intracellular bacterium mainly relies on serology, PCR and immunohistochemistry. So far, the epidemiology of W. chondrophila remains largely unexplored and zoonotic, waterborne or interhuman transmission has been considered. Apart from its pathogenic role, chlamydiologists are also interested in W. chondrophila in order to better understand biological mechanisms conserved and shared with Chlamydia spp. Indeed, W. chondrophila proved to be a useful model organism to study the pathobiology of chlamydiae thanks to its rapid replication, its large size allowing precise subcellular protein localization, as well as its growth in Dictyostelium amoebae.
The different Bartonella species can cause various human infections such as cat scratch disease, chronic bacteremia (homeless patient with nonspecific symptom), endocarditis, bacillary angiomatosis, peliosis, and Carrion's disease. Diagnostic approaches include serology, culture and molecular approaches. PCR is especially useful on lymph nodes biopsies from patients with cat-scratch disease and on valvular samples taken from culture-negative endocarditis. Serology exhibits a very high sensitivity in the latter situation. The treatment should be chosen according to the clinical presentation.