124 resultados para Bisexual Branching Processes
In the last few years, a need to account for molecular flexibility in drug-design methodologies has emerged, even if the dynamic behavior of molecular properties is seldom made explicit. For a flexible molecule, it is indeed possible to compute different values for a given conformation-dependent property and the ensemble of such values defines a property space that can be used to describe its molecular variability; a most representative case is the lipophilicity space. In this review, a number of applications of lipophilicity space and other property spaces are presented, showing that this concept can be fruitfully exploited: to investigate the constraints exerted by media of different levels of structural organization, to examine processes of molecular recognition and binding at an atomic level, to derive informative descriptors to be included in quantitative structure--activity relationships and to analyze protein simulations extracting the relevant information. Much molecular information is neglected in the descriptors used by medicinal chemists, while the concept of property space can fill this gap by accounting for the often-disregarded dynamic behavior of both small ligands and biomacromolecules. Property space also introduces some innovative concepts such as molecular sensitivity and plasticity, which appear best suited to explore the ability of a molecule to adapt itself to the environment variously modulating its property and conformational profiles. Globally, such concepts can enhance our understanding of biological phenomena providing fruitful descriptors in drug-design and pharmaceutical sciences.
The discovery that astrocytes possess a nonelectrical form of excitability (calcium excitability) that leads to the release of chemical transmitters, an activity called gliotransmission, indicates that these cells may have additional important roles in brain function. Elucidating the stimulussecretion coupling leading to the exocytic release of chemical transmitters (such as glutamate, Bezzi et al., Nature Neurosci, 2004) may therefore clarify i) whether astrocytes represent in full a new class of secretory cells in the brain and ii) whether they can participate to the fast brain signaling in the brain. We have recently discovered the existence in astrocytes of functional sub-membrane microdomains of calcium release from the internal stores in response to mGluR5 activation (Marchaland et al., J of Neurosci., 2008). Such sub-plasma membrane calcium microdomains control exocytosis of astrocytic glutamate signaling to neurons. Homer proteins are scaffold proteins controlling calcium signaling in different cellular microdomains, including dendritic spines in neurons (Sala et al., J of Neurosci., 2005). Thus, similarly to dendritic pines, Homer1 could be implicated in the coupling between astrocytic mGluR5 and IP3Rs on the ER. Here, by using a recently developed approach for studying vesicle recycling dynamics at synapses (Voglmaier et al., Neuron, 2006; Balaji and Ryan, PNAS, 2007) combined with epifluorescence and total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) imaging, we investigated the involvement of Homer1 proteins in the calcium dependent stimulus-secretion coupling leading glutamate exocytosis of synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMVs) in astrocytes.
Stable isotope compositions of a suite of magmatic amphiboles from alkaline basalts and andesitic rocks were examined to constrain the effects of degassing processes on the hydrogen isotope compositions. The Fe3+ (as Fe3+/Fe-total) and H2O contents, as well as the H isotope compositions of the amphiboles, differ markedly (27-58%, 0.5-2.2 wt%, -107 to -15 parts per thousand, respectively) but indicate systematic variations. The observed trends can be explained either as dehydrogenation or dehydration processes, both of which are coupled to oxidation processes, the latter most probably related to O2- substitution within amphiboles. The dehydrogenation-dehydration models can be used to assess the primary compositions of the magmas. As an important example, delta D values of amphiboles of Martian meteorites are discussed in a similar context. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Mississippi Tialley-type zinc-lead deposits and ore occurrences in the San Vicente belt are hosted in dolostones of the eastern Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Pucara basin, central Peru. Combined inorganic and organic geochemical data from 22 sites, including the main San Vicente deposit, minor ore occurrences, and barren localities, provide better understanding of fluid pathways and composition, ore precipitation mechanisms, Eh-pH changes during mineralization, and relationships between organic matter and ore formation. Ore-stage dark replacement dolomite and white sparry dolomite are Fe and rare earth element (REE) depleted, and Mn enriched, compared to the host dolomite. In the main deposit, they display significant negative Ce and probably Eu anomalies. Mixing of an incoming hot, slightly oxidizing, acidic brine (H2CO3 being the dominant dissolved carbon species), probably poor in REE and Fe, with local intraformational, alkaline, reducing waters explains the overall carbon and oxygen isotope variation and the distributions of REE and other trace elements in the different hydrothermal carbonate generations. The incoming ore fluid flowed through major aquifers, probably basal basin detrital units, with limited interaction with the carbonate host rocks. The hydrothermal carbonates show a strong regional chemical homogeneity, indicating access of the ore fluids by interconnected channelways near the ore occurrences. Negative Ce anomalies in the main deposit, that are absent at the district scale, indicate local ore-fluid chemical differences. Oxidation of both migrated and indigenous hydrocarbons by the incoming fluid provided the local reducing conditions necessary for sulfate reduction to H2S, pyrobitumen precipitation, and reduction of Eu3+ to Eu2+. Fe-Mn covariations, combined with the REE contents of the hydrothermal carbonates, are consistent with the mineralizing system shifting from reducing/rock-dominated to oxidizing/fluid-dominated conditions following ore deposition. Sulfate and sulfide sulfur isotopes support sulfide origin from evaporite-derived sulfate by thermochemical organic reduction; further evidence includes the presence of C-13-depleted calcite cements (similar to-12 parts per thousand delta(13)C) as sulfate pseudomorphs, elemental sulfur, altered organic matter in the host dolomite, and isotopically heavier, late, solid bitumen. Significant alteration of the indigenous and extrinsic hydrocarbons, with absent bacterial membrane biomarkers (hopanes) is observed. The light delta(34)S of sulfides from small mines and occurrences compared to the main deposit reflect a local contribution of isotopically light sulfur, evidence of local differences in the ore-fluid chemistry.
The relationships between stratigraphic and tectonic setting, recharge processes and underground drainage of the glacierised karst aquifer system `Tsanfleuron-Sanetsch' in the Swiss Alps have been studied by means of various methods, particularly tracer tests (19 injections). The area belongs to the Helvetic nappes and consists of Jurassic to Palaeogene sedimentary rocks. Strata are folded and form a regional anticlinorium. Cretaceous Urgonian limestone constitutes the main karst aquifer, overlain by a retreating glacier in its upper part. Polished limestone surfaces are exposed between the glacier front and the end moraine of 1855/1860 (Little Ice Age); typical alpine karrenfields can be observed further below. Results show that (1) large parts of the area are drained by the Glarey spring, which is used as a drinking water source, while marginal parts belong to the catchments of other springs; (2) groundwater flow towards the Glarey spring occurs in the main aquifer, parallel to stratification, while flow towards another spring crosses the entire stratigraphic sequence, consisting of about 800 m of marl and limestone, along deep faults that were probably enlarged by mass movements; (3) the variability of glacial meltwater production influences the shape of the tracer breakthrough curves and, consequently, flow and transport in the aquifer.
To analyze the effects of triamcinolone intravitreal injection on the wound healing processes after argon laser retinal photocoagulation, wild type C57BL/6J mice, 8-12 weeks old underwent a standard argon laser photocoagulation protocol. After pentobarbital anesthesia and pupil dilatation, argon laser lesions were induced (50microm, 400mW, 0.05s). Two photocoagulation impacts created two disc diameters from the optic nerve in both eyes. The photocoagulated mice were divided into four groups: Group I (n=12), photocoagulation controls, did not receive any intravitreous injection. Group II (n=12), received an intravitreous injection of 1microl of balanced salt solution (BSS). Group III (n=12), received an intravitreous injection of 1microl containing 15microg of triamcinolone acetonide (TAAC) in BSS. Two mice from each of these three groups were sacrificed at 1, 3, 7, 14 days and 2 and 4 months after photocoagulation. Group IV (n=10) received 1.5, 3, 7.5, 15, or 30microg of TAAC and were all sacrificed on day 14. The enucleated eyes were subjected to systematic analysis of the cellular remodeling processes taking place within the laser lesion and its vicinity. To this purpose, specific antibodies against GFAP, von Willebrand factor, F4/80 and KI67 were used for the detection of astrocytes, activated Müller cells, vascular endothelial cells, infiltrating inflammatory cells and actively proliferating cells. TUNEL reaction was also carried out along with nuclear DAPI staining. Temporal and spatial observations of the created photocoagulation lesions demonstrate that 24h following the argon laser beam, a localized and well-delineated affection of the RPE cells and choroid is observed in mice in Groups I and II. The inner retinal layers in these mice eyes are preserved while TUNEL positive (apoptotic) cells are observed at the retinal outer nuclear layer level. At this stage, intense staining with GFAP is associated with activated retinal astrocytes and Müller cells throughout the laser path. From day 3 after photocoagulation, dilated new choroidal capillaries are detected on the edges of the laser lesion. These processes are accompanied by infiltration of inflammatory cells and the presence of proliferating cells within the lesion site. Mice in Group III treated with 15microg/mul of triamcinolone showed a decreased number of infiltrating inflammatory cells and proliferating cells, which was not statistically significant compared to uninjected laser treated controls. The development of new choroidal capillaries on the edges of the laser lesion was also inhibited during the first 2 months after photocoagulation. However, on month 4 the growth of new vessels was observed in these mice treated with TAAC. Mice of Group IV did not show any development of new capillaries even with small doses. After argon laser photocoagulation of the mouse eye, intravitreal injection of triamcinolone markedly influenced the retina and choroid remodeling and healing processes. Triamcinolone is a powerful inhibitor of the formation of neovessels in this model. However, this inhibition is transient. These observations should provide a practical insight for the mode of TAAC use in patients with wet AMD.
INTRODUCTION: Handwriting is a modality of language production whose cerebral substrates remain poorly known although the existence of specific regions is postulated. The description of brain damaged patients with agraphia and, more recently, several neuroimaging studies suggest the involvement of different brain regions. However, results vary with the methodological choices made and may not always discriminate between "writing-specific" and motor or linguistic processes shared with other abilities. METHODS: We used the "Activation Likelihood Estimate" (ALE) meta-analytical method to identify the cerebral network of areas commonly activated during handwriting in 18 neuroimaging studies published in the literature. Included contrasts were also classified according to the control tasks used, whether non-specific motor/output-control or linguistic/input-control. These data were included in two secondary meta-analyses in order to reveal the functional role of the different areas of this network. RESULTS: An extensive, mainly left-hemisphere network of 12 cortical and sub-cortical areas was obtained; three of which were considered as primarily writing-specific (left superior frontal sulcus/middle frontal gyrus area, left intraparietal sulcus/superior parietal area, right cerebellum) while others related rather to non-specific motor (primary motor and sensorimotor cortex, supplementary motor area, thalamus and putamen) or linguistic processes (ventral premotor cortex, posterior/inferior temporal cortex). CONCLUSIONS: This meta-analysis provides a description of the cerebral network of handwriting as revealed by various types of neuroimaging experiments and confirms the crucial involvement of the left frontal and superior parietal regions. These findings provide new insights into cognitive processes involved in handwriting and their cerebral substrates.
The Puklen complex of the Mid-Proterozoic Gardar Province, South Greenland, consists of various silica-saturated to quartz-bearing syenites, which are intruded by a peralkaline granite. The primary mafic minerals in the syenites are augite +/- olivine + Fe-Ti oxide + amphibole. Ternary feldspar thermometry and phase equilibria among mafic silicates yield T = 950-750degreesC, a(SiO2) = 0.7-1 and an f(O2) of 1-3 log units below the fayalite-magnetite-quartz (FMQ) buffer at 1 kbar. In the granites, the primary mafic minerals are ilmenite and Li-bearing arfvedsonite, which crystallized at temperatures below 750degreesC and at f(O2) values around the FMQ buffer. In both rock types, a secondary post-magmatic assemblage overprints the primary magmatic phases. In syenites, primary Ca-bearing minerals are replaced by Na-rich minerals such as aegirine-augite and albite, resulting in the release of Ca. Accordingly, secondary minerals include ferro-actinolite, (calcite-siderite)(ss), titanite and andradite in equilibrium with the Na-rich minerals. Phase equilibria indicate that formation of these minerals took place over a long temperature interval from near-magmatic temperatures down to similar to300degreesC. In the course of this cooling, oxygen fugacity rose in most samples. For example, late-stage aegirine in granites formed at the expense of arfvedsonite at temperatures below 300degreesC and at an oxygen fugacity above the haematite-magnetite (HM) buffer. The calculated delta(18)O(melt) value for the syenites (+5.9 to +6.3parts per thousand) implies a mantle origin, whereas the inferred delta(18)O(melt) value of <+5.1parts per thousand for the granitic melts is significantly lower. Thus, the granites require an additional low-delta(18)O contaminant, which was not involved in the genesis of the syenites. Rb/Sr data for minerals of both rock types indicate open-system behaviour for Rb and Sr during post-magmatic metasomatism. Neodymium isotope compositions (epsilonNd(1170 Ma) = -3.8 to -6.4) of primary minerals in syenites are highly variable, and suggest that assimilation of crustal rocks occurred to variable extents. Homogeneous epsilon(Nd) values of -5.9 and -6.0 for magmatic amphibole in the granites lie within the range of the syenites. Because of the very similar neodymium isotopic compositions of magmatic and late- to post-magmatic minerals from the same syenite samples a principally closed-system behaviour during cooling is implied. In contrast, for the granites an externally derived fluid phase is required to explain the extremely low epsilon(Nd) values of about -10 and low delta(18)O between +2.0 and +0.5parts per thousand for late-stage aegirine, indicating an open system in the late-stage history. In this study we show that the combination of phase equilibria constraints with stable and radiogenic isotope data on mineral separates can provide much better constraints on magma evolution during emplacement and crystallization than conventional whole-rock studies.
AbstractEstablishment of a functional nervous system occurs through an orchestrated multistep process during embryogenesis. As dendrites are the primary sites of synaptic connections, development of dendritic arborization is essential for the formation of functional neural circuits. Maturation of dendritic arbor occurs through dynamic processes that are regulated by intrinsic genetic factors and external signals, such as environmental stimuli, neuronal activity and growth factors. Among the latter, the neurotrophic factor BDNF is a key regulator of dendritic growth. However, the mechanisms by which BDNF controls dendritic development remain elusive.In this study, we first showed that activation of the MAPK signaling pathway and phosphorylation of the transcription factor CREB are required to mediate the effects of BDNF on dendritic development of cortical neurons. However, phosphorylation of CREB alone is not sufficient to induce dendritic growth in response to BDNF. Thus, by using a mutant form of CREB unable to bind its coactivator CRTC1, we demonstrated that BDNF-induced dendritic elaboration requires the functional interaction between CREB and CRTC1. Consistent with these observations, inhibition of CRTC1 expression by shRNA-mediated knockdown was found to suppress the effects of BDNF on dendritic length and branching of cortical neurons.The nuclear translocation of CRTC1, a step necessary for the interaction between CREB and CRTC1, was shown to result from the activation of NMD A receptors by glutamate, leading to the dephosphorylation of CRTC1 by the protein phosphatase calcineurin. In line with these findings, prevention of CRTC1 nuclear translocation in the absence of glutamate, or by inhibiting NMDA receptors or calcineurin suppressed the promotion of dendritic growth by BDNF.Increasing evidence supports a role for the growth factor HGF in the regulation of dendritic morphology during brain development. Despite these observations, little is known about the cellular mechanisms underlying the effects of HGF on dendritic elaboration of cortical neurons. The second part of this study was aimed at elucidating the cellular processes that mediate the effects of HGF on dendritic differentiation. We found that HGF increases cortical dendritic growth through mechanisms that involve MAPK-dependent phosphorylation of CREB, and interaction of CREB with its coactivator CRTC1. These data indicate that the mechanisms underlying the promotion of dendritic growth by HGF are similar to those that mediate the effects of BDNF, suggesting that the role of CREB and CRTC1 in the regulation of dendritic development may not be limited to HGF and BDNF, but may extend to other neurotrophic factors that control dendritic differentiation.Together, these results identify a previously unrecognized mechanism by which CREB and its coactivator CRTC1 mediate the effects of BDNF and HGF on dendritic growth of cortical neurons. Moreover, these data highlight the important role of the cooperation between BDNF/HGF and glutamate that converges on CREB to stimulate the expression of genes that contribute to the development of dendritic arborization.RésuméL'établissement d'un système nerveux fonctionnel s'accomplit grâce à des mécanismes précis, orchestrés en plusieurs étapes au cours de l'embryogenèse. Les dendrites étant les principaux sites de connexions synaptiques, le développement de l'arborisation dendritique est essentiel à la formation de circuits neuronaux fonctionnels. La maturation de l'arbre dendritique s'effectue grâce à des processus dynamiques qui sont régulés par des facteurs génétiques intrinsèques ainsi que par des facteurs externes tels que les stimuli environnementaux, l'activité neuronale ou les facteurs de croissance. Parmi ces derniers, le facteur neurotrophique BDNF est - connu pour être un régulateur clé de la croissance dendritique. Cependant, les mécanismes par lesquels BDNF contrôle le développement dendritique demeurent mal connus.Au cours de cette étude, nous avons montré dans un premier temps que l'activation de la voie de signalisation de la MAPK et la phosphorylation du facteur de transcription CREB sont nécessaires aux effets du BDNF sur le développement dendritique des neurones corticaux. Toutefois, la phosphorylation de CREB en tant que telle n'est pas sûffisante pour permettre la pousse des dendrites en réponse au BDNF. Ainsi, en utilisant une forme mutée de CREB incapable de se lier à son coactivateur CRTC1, nous avons démontré que l'élaboration des dendrites induite par le BDNF nécessite également une interaction fonctionnelle entre CREB et CRTC1. Ces résultats ont été confirmés par d'autres expériences qui ont montré que l'inhibition de l'expression de CRTC1 par l'intermédiaire de shRNA supprime les effets du BDNF sur la longueur et le branchement dendritique des neurones corticaux.Les résultats obtenus au cours de ce travail montrent également que la translocation nucléaire de CRTC1, qui est une étape nécessaire à l'interaction entre CREB et CRTC1, résulte de l'activation des récepteurs NMDA par le glutamate, entraînant la déphosphorylation de CRTC1 par la protéine phosphatase calcineurine. De plus, le blocage de la translocation nucléaire de CRTC1 en absence de glutamate, ou suite à l'inhibition des récepteurs NMDA ou de la calcineurine, supprime complètement la pousse des dendrites induite par le BDNF.De nombreuses d'évidences indiquent que le facteur de croissance HGF joue également un rôle important dans la régulation de la morphologie dendritique au cours du développement cérébral. Malgré ces observations, peu d'éléments sont connus quant aux mécanismes cellulaires qui sous-tendent les effets du HGF sur la croissance dendritique des neurones corticaux. Le but de la seconde partie de cette étude a eu pour but d'élucider les processus cellulaires responsables des effets du HGF sur la différenciation dendritique des neurones corticaux. Au cours de ces expériences, nous avons pu mettre en évidence que le HGF induit la pousse dendritique par des mécanismes qui impliquent la phosphorylation de CREB par la MAPK, et l'interaction de CREB avec son coactivateur CRTC1. Ces données indiquent que les mécanismes impliqués dans la stimulation de la croissance dendritique par le HGF sont similaires à ceux régulant les effets du BDNF, ce qui suggère que le rôle de CREB et de CRTC1 dans la régulation du développement dendritique n'est vraisemblablement pas limité aux effets du HGF ou du BDNF, mais pourrait s'étendre à d'autres facteurs neurotrophiques qui contrôlent la différenciation dendritique.En conclusion, ces résultats ont permis l'identification d'un nouveau mécanisme par lequel CREB et son coactivateur CRTC1 transmettent les effets du BDNF et du HGF sur la croissance dendritique de neurones corticaux. Ces observations mettent également en évidence le rôle important joué par la coopération entre BDNF/HGF et le glutamate, dans l'activation de CREB ainsi que dans l'expression de gènes qui participent au développement de l'arborisation dendritique des neurones corticaux.
It is known that post-movement beta synchronization (PMBS) is involved both in active inhibition and in sensory reafferences processes. The aim of this study was examine the temporal and spatial dynamics of the PMBS involved during multi-limb coordination task. We investigated post-switching beta synchronization (assigned PMBS) using time-frequency and source estimations analyzes. Participants (n = 17) initiated an auditory-paced bimanual tapping. After a 1500 ms preparatory period, an imperative stimulus required to either selectively stop the left while maintaining the right unimanual tapping (Switch condition: SWIT) or to continue the bimanual tapping (Continue condition: CONT). PMBS significantly increased in SWIT compared to CONT with maximal difference within right central region in broad-band 14âeuro"30 Hz and within left central region in restricted-band 22âeuro"26 Hz. Source estimations localized these effects within right pre-frontal cortex and left parietal cortex, respectively. A negative correlation showed that participants with a low percentage of errors in SWIT had a large PMBS amplitude within right parietal and frontal cortices. This study shows for the first time simultaneous PMBS with distinct functions in different brain regions and frequency ranges. The left parietal PMBS restricted to 22âeuro"26 Hz could reflect the sensory reafferences of the right hand tapping disrupted by the switching. In contrast, the right pre-frontal PMBS in a broad-band 14âeuro"30 Hz is likely reflecting the active inhibition of the left hand stopped. Finally, correlations between behavioral performance and the magnitude of the PMBS suggest that beta oscillations can be viewed as a marker of successful active inhibition.
Generally, so-called control processes are thought to be necessary when we must perform one out of several competing actions. Some examples include performance of a less well-practiced action instead of a well-practiced one (prepotency); learning a new action (novelty); and rapidly switching from one action to another (task-switching). While it certainly is difficult to perform the desired action in these circumstances, it is less clear that a separate set of processes (e.g., control processes) are necessary to explain the observed behavior. Another way to approach the study of control processes is to investigate physiological dependent measures (e.g., electrophysiological or neuroimaging measures). Although these offer another avenue of inquiry into control processes, they have yet to furnish unambiguous evidence that control processes exist. While this might suggest that there are no control processes, it is also possible that our methods are insufficiently sensitive to measure control processes. We have investigated this latter possibility using tasks that are neuroanatomically distinct, though within the same modality (vision). This approach did not yield evidence for a separable set of control processes. However, recent works using a task-switching paradigm in which subjects switch between a visual and an auditory task suggest that switching both task and modality may be importantly different than switching task within a given modality. This may represent a way forward in the study of control processes.
The world-class Idrija mercury deposit (western Slovenia) is hosted by highly deformed Permocarboniferous to Middle Triassic sedimentary rocks within a complex tectonic structure at the transition between the External Dinarides and the Southern Alps. Concordant and discordant mineralization formed concomitant with Middle Triassic bimodal volcanism in an aborted rift. A multiple isotopic (C, O, S) investigation of host rocks and ore minerals was performed to put constraints on the source and composition of the fluid, and the hydrothermal alteration. The distributions of the delta(13)C and delta(18)O values of host and gangue carbonates are indicative of a fracture-controlled hydrothermal system, with locally high fluid-rock ratios. Quantitative modeling of the delta(13)C and delta(18)O covariation for host carbonates during temperature dependent fluid-rock interaction, and concomitant precipitation of void-filling dolomites points to a slightly acidic hydrothermal fluid (delta(13)Capproximate to-4parts per thousand and delta(18)Oapproximate to+10parts per thousand), which most likely evolved during isotopic exchange with carbonates under low fluid/rock ratios. The delta(34)S values of hydrothermal and sedimentary sulfur minerals were used to re-evaluate the previously proposed magmatic and evaporitic sulfur sources for the mineralization, and to assess the importance of other possible sulfur sources such as the contemporaneous seawater sulfate, sedimentary pyrite, and organic sulfur compounds. The delta(34)S values of the sulfides show a large variation at deposit down to hand-specimen scale. They range for cinnabar and pyrite from -19.1 to +22.8parts per thousand, and from -22.4 to +59.6parts per thousand, respectively, suggesting mixing of sulfur from different sources. The peak of delta(34)S values of cinnabar and pyrite close to 0parts per thousand is compatible with ore sulfur derived dominantly from a magmatic fluid and/or from hydrothermal leaching of basement rocks. The similar stratigraphic trends of the delta(34)S values of both cinnabar and pyrite suggest a minor contribution of sedimentary sulfur (pyrite and organic sulfur) to the ore formation. Some of the positive delta(34)S values are probably derived from thermochemical reduction of evaporitic and contemporaneous seawater sulfates.