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OBJECTIVES: To define properly the consequences of oxygen deprivation and readmission for the functioning of the developing heart. METHODS: Spontaneously beating hearts excised from three-day-old chick embryos were loaded with a drop of viscous nontoxic silicone oil and cultured in a special chamber in which variations of PO2 at the tissue level could be strictly controlled. All parts of the hearts were simultaneously submitted to identical changes in PO2. Instantaneous heart rate, myocardial shortening, velocities of contraction and relaxation, and mechanical propagation along the heart tube were determined photometrically. RESULTS: The hearts, submitted to a PO2 ramp (0 to 9.3 kPa) or absolute anoxia, reacted rapidly, reversibly and reproducibly. Under sustained anoxia, ventricular activity stopped after 3.8±0.7 mins (n=4) and then resumed intermittently in the form of tachycardic bursts. Brief anoxia (1 min) provoked tachycardia followed by bradycardia, induced contracture, depressed contractility and retarded atrioventricular propagation. Upon reoxygenation, ventricular contractions ceased suddently for 20±11 s (n=5), whereas a residual atrial activity could persist. The duration of this arrest and the rate of recovery depended on duration of the preceding anoxia. Such a dysfunction constitutes the embryonic analogue of the oxygen paradox observed in adult hearts. Initial impulses, including arrhythmic activity, originated exclusively from the atrium, and no ventricular ectopic beats were detected whatever the conditions of oxygenation. CONCLUSIONS: This in vitro model seems promising for studying the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with hypoxia and reoxygenation in the developing heart.


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Postischemic recovery of contractile function is better in hearts from fasted rats than in hearts from fed rats. In this study, we examined whether feeding-induced inhibition of palmitate oxidation at the level of carnitine palmitoyl transferase I is involved in the mechanism underlying impaired recovery of contractile function. Hearts isolated from fasted or fed rats were submitted to no-flow ischemia followed by reperfusion with buffer containing 8 mM glucose and either 0.4 mM palmitate or 0.8 mM octanoate. During reperfusion, oxidation of palmitate was higher after fasting than after feeding, whereas oxidation of octanoate was not influenced by the nutritional state. In the presence of palmitate, recovery of left ventricular developed pressure was better in hearts from fasted rats. Substitution of octanoate for palmitate during reperfusion enhanced recovery of left ventricular developed pressure in hearts from fed rats. However, the chain length of the fatty acid did not influence diastolic contracture. The results suggest that nutritional variation of mitochondrial fatty acid transfer may influence postischemic recovery of contractile function.


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AIMS: Resting heart rate is a promising modifiable cardiovascular risk marker in older adults, but the mechanisms linking heart rate to cardiovascular disease are not fully understood. We aimed to assess the association between resting heart rate and incident heart failure (HF) and cardiovascular mortality, and to examine whether these associations might be attributable to systemic inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied 4084 older adults aged 70-82 years with known cardiovascular risk factors or previous cardiovascular disease, without pre-existing HF or beta-blockers in the PROSPER study. Over a 3.2-year follow-up period, we examined incident HF hospitalization and cardiovascular mortality according to resting heart rate, along with C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), and von Willebrand factor (vWf). Mean heart rate was 67 b.p.m. for men and 70 b.p.m. for women. CRP, IL-6, tPA, and vWf levels were all positively correlated with heart rate. After multivariate adjustment, heart rate was associated with HF hospitalization [hazard ratio (HR) 1.78 for highest vs. lowest distribution third, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.21-2.63, P= 0.003] and cardiovascular mortality (HR 1.74, 95% CI 1.23-2.47, P= 0.002). Further adjustment for both IL-6 and vWf levels decreased HR to 1.60 (95% CI 1.08-2.38, P= 0.020) for HF and to 1.50 (95% CI 1.04-2.15, P= 0.028) for cardiovascular mortality. CONCLUSION: Increased heart rate is associated with increased systemic inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. These factors are likely to contribute to, but do not fully explain, the risk of HF and cardiovascular death associated with increased heart rate in older age.


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Diabetes is a growing epidemic with devastating human, social and economic impact. It is associated with significant changes in plasma concentrations of lipoproteins. We tested the hypothesis that lipoproteins modulate the function and survival of insulin-secreting cells. We first detected the presence of several receptors that participate in the binding and processing of plasma lipoproteins and confirmed the internalization of fluorescent LDL and HDL particles in insulin-secreting β-cells. Purified human VLDL and LDL particles reduced insulin mRNA levels and β-cell proliferation, and induced a dose-dependent increase in the rate of apoptosis. In mice lacking the LDL receptor, islets showed a dramatic decrease in LDL uptake and were partially resistant to apoptosis caused by LDL. VLDL-induced apoptosis of β-cells involved caspase-3 cleavage and reduction in levels of the c-Jun N-terminal (JNK) Interacting Protein-1 (IB1/JIP-1). In contrast, the pro-apoptotic signaling of lipoproteins was antagonized by HDL particles or by a small peptide inhibitor of JNK. The protective effects of HDL were mediated, in part, by inhibition of caspase-3 cleavage and activation of the protein kinase Akt/PKB. Heart disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality among patients with diabetes. When heart failure is refractory to medical therapy and cannot be improved by electrical resynchronization, percutaneous angioplasty or coronary graft bypass surgery, heart transplantation remains a "last resort" therapy. Nevertheless, it is limited by the side effects of immunosuppressive drugs and chronic rejection. Localized expression of immunomodulatory genes in the donor organ can create a state of immune privilege within the graft, and was performed in rodent hearts by infecting cells with an adenovirus encoding indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), the rate-limiting enzyme in the catabolism of tryptophane. Other strategies are based on genetic manipulation of dendritic cells (DCs) with immunosuppressive genes and in vitro exposure of DCs to agents that prevent their maturation by inflammatory cytokines. Finally, we used 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine, which is incorporated into DNA and diluted with cell division, to identify long-term label retaining cells in the adult rodent heart. The majority of these cells were positive for the stem cell antigen-1 (Sca-1) and negative for the endothelial precursor marker CD31. They formed cardiospheres in vitro and showed differentiation potential into mesenchymal cell lineages. When cultured in cardiomyogenic differentiation medium, they expressed cardiac-specific genes. Taken together, these data provide evidence of slow-cycling stem cells in the rodent heart. Chronic shortage of donor organs opens the way to cardiac stem cell therapy in humans, although the long way from animal experimentation to routine therapy in patients may still take several years. - Du diabète de type 2 à la maladie coronarienne : trois études sur les dysfonctions de la cellule sécrétrice d'insuline induites par les dyslipidémies, l'immunomodulation dans la transplantation cardiaque, et la thérapie par des cellules souches myocardiques. Le diabète de type 2 a pris les dimensions d'une épidémie, avec des conséquences sociales et économiques dont nous n'avons pas encore pris toute la mesure. La maladie s'accompagne souvent d'une dyslipidémie caractérisée par une hypertriglycéridémie, des taux abaissés de cholestérol HDL, et des concentrations de cholestérol LDL à la limite supérieure de ce qui est considéré comme acceptable. L'hypothèse à la base de cette étude est qu'une modification des taux plasmatiques de lipoprotéines pourrait avoir une influence directe sur la cellule β sécrétrice d'insuline en modifiant sa fonction, sa durée de vie et son taux de régénération. Dans un premier temps, nous avons mis en évidence, sur la cellule β, la présence de plusieurs récepteurs impliqués dans la captation des lipoprotéines. Nous avons confirmé la fonctionnalité de ces récepteurs en suivant l'internalisation de LDL et de HDL marqués. En présence de VLDL ou de LDL humains, nous avons observé une diminution de la transcription du gène de l'insuline, une prolifération cellulaire réduite, et une augmentation de l'apoptose, toutes fonctions de la dose et du temps d'exposition. L'apoptose induite par les VLDL passe par une activation de la caspase-3 et une réduction du taux de la protéine IB1/JIP-1 (Islet Brain1/JNK Interacting Protein 1), dont une mutation est associée à une forme monogénique de diabète de type 2. Par opposition, les HDL, ainsi que des peptides inhibiteurs de JNK, sont capables de contrer la cascade pro-apoptotique déclenchée, respectivement, par les LDL et les VLDL. Ces effets protecteurs comprennent l'inhibition du clivage de la caspase-3 et l'activation de la protéine kinase Akt/PKB. En conclusion, les lipoprotéines sont des éléments clés de la survie de la cellule β, et pourraient contribuer au dysfonctionnement observé dans le pancréas endocrine au cours du développement du diabète. La maladie cardiaque, et plus particulièrement la maladie coronarienne, est une cause majeure de morbidité et de mortalité chez les patients atteints de diabète. Plusieurs stratégies sont utilisées quotidiennement pour pallier les atteintes cardiaques: traitements médicamenteux, électromécaniques par resynchronisation électrique, ou communément appelés « interventionnels » lorsqu'ils font appel à l'angioplastie percutanée. La revascularisation du myocarde par des pontages coronariens donne également de très bons résultats dans certaines situations. Il existe toutefois des cas où plus aucune de ces approches n'est suffisante. La transplantation cardiaque est alors la thérapie de choix pour un nombre restreint de patients. La thérapie génique, en permettant l'expression locale de gènes immunomodulateurs dans l'organe greffé, permet de diminuer les réactions de rejet inhérentes à toute transplantation (à l'exception de celles réalisées entre deux jumeaux homozygotes). Nous avons appliqué chez des rongeurs cette stratégie en infectant le coeur greffé avec un adénovirus codant pour l'enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygénase (IDO), une enzyme clé dans le catabolisme du tryptophane. Nous avons procédé de manière identique in vitro en surexprimant IDO dans les cellules dendritiques, dont le rôle est de présenter les antigènes aux lymphocytes Τ du receveur. Des expériences similaires ont été réalisées en traitant les cellules dendritiques avec des substances capables de prévenir, en partie du moins, leur maturation par des agents pro-inflammatoires. Finalement, nous avons exploré une stratégie utilisée couramment en hématologie, mais qui n'en est encore qu'à ses débuts au niveau cardiaque : la thérapie par des cellules souches. En traitant des rongeurs avec un marqueur qui s'incorpore dans l'ADN nucléaire, le 5-bromo- 2'-deoxyuridine, nous avons identifié une population cellulaire se divisant rarement, positive en grande partie pour l'antigène embryonnaire Sca-1 et négative pour le marqueur endothélial CD31. En culture, ces cellules forment des cardiosphères et sont capables de se différencier dans les principaux types tissulaires mésenchymateux. Dans un milieu de differentiation adéquat, ces cellules expriment des gènes cardiomyocytaires. En résumé, ces données confirment la présence chez le rongeur d'une population résidente de précurseurs myocardiques. En addenda, on trouvera deux publications relatives à la cellule β productrice d'insuline. Le premier article démontre le rôle essentiel joué par la complexine dans l'insulino-sécrétion, tandis que le second souligne l'importance de la protéine IB1/JIP-1 dans la protection contre l'apoptose de la cellule β induite par certaines cytokines.


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BACKGROUND: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is largely regarded to be initiated from left atrial (LA) dilatation, with subsequent dilatation of the right atrium (RA) in those who progress to chronic AF. We hypothesized that in adult patients with right-sided congenital heart disease (CHD) and AF, RA dilatation will predominate with subsequent dilatation of the left atrium, as a mirror image. METHODS: Adult patients with diagnosis of right-sided, ASD or left-sided CHD who had undergone an echocardiographic study and electrocardiographic recording in 2007 were included. RA and LA area were measured from the apical view. AF was diagnosed from a 12-lead electrocardiogram or Holter recording. A multivariate logistic regression model was used to identify predictors of AF and linear regression models were performed to measure relationship between RA and LA area and AF. RESULTS: A total of 291 patients were included in the study. Multivariate analysis showed that age (p=0.0001), RA (p=0.025) and LA area (p=0.0016) were significantly related to AF. In patients with pure left-sided pathologies, there was progressive and predominant LA dilatation that paralleled the development of AF from none to paroxysmal to chronic AF. In patients with pure right-sided pathologies, there was a mirror image of progressive and predominant RA dilatation with the development of AF. CONCLUSION: We observed a mirror image atrial dilatation in patients with right sided disease and AF. This may provide novel mechanistic insight as to the origin of AF in these patients and deserves further studying in the form of targeted electrophysiological studies.


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22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) is a common genetic condition associated with cognitive and learning impairments. In this study, we applied a three-dimensional method for quantifying gyrification at thousands of points over the cortical surface to imaging data from 44 children, adolescents, and young adults with 22q11.2DS (17 males, 27 females; mean age 17y 2mo [SD 9y 1mo], range 6-37y), and 53 healthy participants (21 males, 32 females; mean age 15y 4mo [SD 8y 6mo]; range 6-40y). Several clusters of reduced gyrification were observed, further substantiating the pattern of cerebral alterations presented by children with the syndrome. Comparisons within 22q11.2DS demonstrated an effect of congenital heart disease (CHD) on cortical gyrification, with reduced gyrification at the parieto-temporo-occipital junction in patients with CHD, as compared with patients without CHD. Reductions in gyrification can resemble mild polymicrogyria, suggesting early abnormal neuronal proliferation or migration and providing support for an effect of hemodynamic factors on brain development in 22q11.2DS. The results also shed light on the pathophysiology of acquired brain injury in other populations with CHD.


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The Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios of living ostracods belonging to 15 different species and sampled monthly over a one year-cycle at five sites (2, 5, 13, 33, and 70 m water depths) in western Lake Geneva (Switzerland) are compared to the oxygen and carbon isotope compositions measured on the same samples as well as to the temperature and chemical composition of the water (δ18OH2O, δ13CDIC, Mg/CaH2O, and Sr/CaH2O) at the time of ostracod calcification. The results indicate that trace element incorporation varied at the species level, mainly because of the ecological and biological differences between the different species (life-cycle, (micro-)habitat preference, biomineralisation processes) and the control thereof on trace element incorporation of the ostracods. In littoral zones, the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca of ostracod valves increase as temperature and Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca of water increase during spring and summer, hence reflecting mainly seasonal variations. However, given that for Lake Geneva the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca of water also vary with temperature, it is not possible to distinguish the effects of temperature from those of changes in chemical composition of water on the trace element content in ostracod valves. Results support that both water temperature and water Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios control the final trace element content of Cyprididae valves. In contrast, the trace element content of species living in deeper zones of the basin is influenced by variations in the chemical composition of the pore water for the infaunal species. Trace element content measured for these specimens cannot, therefore, be used to reconstruct the compositions of the water lake bottom. In addition, incorporation of Mg and Sr into the shell differs from one family, sub-family, or even species to the other. This suggests that the distinctive Mg and Sr partition coefcients for the analysed taxa result from different valve calcification strategies that may be phylogenetic.


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Thoracic pain in primary care. Don't forget the patients without heart disease Thoracic pain is a frequent medical complaint. Diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines have been developed and evaluated mostly in emergency and hospital settings. The primary care practitioner, as the emergency room doctor, has to identify quickly any severe condition needing urgent and highly specialized treatment. But in primary care, the process is not finished then! A patient with no vital and urgent problem still needs a diagnosis, information and adequate treatment. This review goes over the presentation of thoracic pain, the differential diagnoses and the challenge of treating such patients in ambulatory care.


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OBJECTIVES: The Contegra bioprosthesis (valved heterologous bovine jugular vein) is used for reconstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) in congenital heart malformations and pulmonary valve replacement in different settings. Compared to pulmonary homografts, the Contegra conduit is readily available 'on the shelf'. So far, its use was mainly described in children. The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and the outcome of Contegra graft implantation in the adult. METHODS: Between November 1999 and December 2007, a total of 32 Contegra grafts were implanted in 31 patients (24 men and 7 women), with a mean age of 35.7+/-10.5 years (range 18-54 years). All operations have been completed through median sternotomy with cardiopulmonary bypass. Indications included: Ross procedure for aortic valve disease (n=22); re-operation of corrected Fallot-tetralogy (n=5); isolated pulmonary valve disease (n=2); re-operation of double outlet right ventricle (DORV) (n=1); pulmonary stenosis in congenital dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) (n=1). Conduit sizes included 22 mm (n=31), 20 mm (n=1). RESULTS: There was no hospital mortality and no valved conduit related early morbidity. In the median follow-up of 38 months (range 1-99 months) of 28 patients there was one late death, not conduit related (total mortality 3.6%). Re-operation for symptomatic graft stenosis was realised in two patients, 7 and 16 months after primo-implantation, corresponding to graft related late morbidity of 7.1%. CONCLUSIONS: In this small review of 32 operations using the Contegra graft for RVOT reconstruction in adult cardiac surgery for different indications, we observed good postoperative mid-term results concerning conduit function. Mean transpulmonary pressure gradients remain low (13.3+/-6.6 mmHg postoperative, 14.5+/-7.9 mmHg at follow-up). The use of the Contegra graft seems to be a good alternative to the homograft with low operative mortality and morbidity. Long-term outcome data are not available and further investigations must be performed to evaluate results.


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PRINCIPLES: International guidelines for heart failure (HF) care recommend the implementation of inter-professional disease management programmes. To date, no such programme has been tested in Switzerland. The aim of this randomised controlled trial (RCT) was to test the effect on hospitalisation, mortality and quality of life of an adult ambulatory disease management programme for patients with HF in Switzerland.METHODS: Consecutive patients admitted to internal medicine in a Swiss university hospital were screened for decompensated HF. A total of 42 eligible patients were randomised to an intervention (n = 22) or usual care group (n = 20). Medical treatment was optimised and lifestyle recommendations were given to all patients. Intervention patients additionally received a home visit by a HF-nurse, followed by 17 telephone calls of decreasing frequency over 12 months, focusing on self-care. Calls from the HF nurse to primary care physicians communicated health concerns and identified goals of care. Data were collected at baseline, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. Mixed regression analysis (quality of life) was used. Outcome assessment was conducted by researchers blinded to group assignment.RESULTS: After 12 months, 22 (52%) patients had an all-cause re-admission or died. Only 3 patients were hospitalised with HF decompensation. No significant effect of the intervention was found on HF related to quality of life.CONCLUSIONS: An inter-professional disease management programme is possible in the Swiss healthcare setting but effects on outcomes need to be confirmed in larger studies.


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The importance of the right ventricle as a determinant of clinical symptoms, exercise capacity, peri-operative survival and postoperative outcome has been underestimated for a long time. Right ventricular ejection fraction has been used as a measure of right ventricular function but has been found to be dependent on loading conditions, ventricular interaction as well as on myocardial structure. Altered left ventricular function in patients with valvular disease influences right ventricular performance mainly by changes in afterload but also by ventricular interaction. Right ventricular function and regional wall motion can be determined with right ventricular angiography, radionuclide ventriculography, two-dimensional echocardiography or magnetic resonance imaging. However, the complex structure of the right ventricle and its pronounced translational movements render quantification difficult. True regional wall motion analysis is, however, possible with myocardial tagging based on magnetic resonance techniques. With this technique a baso-apical shear motion of the right ventricle was observed which was enhanced in patients with aortic stenosis.


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BACKGROUND: This study determines the prevalence of Congenital Heart Defects (CHD), diagnosed prenatally or in infancy, and fetal and perinatal mortality associated with CHD in Europe. METHODS AND RESULTS: Data were extracted from the European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies central database for 29 population-based congenital anomaly registries in 16 European countries covering 3.3 million births during the period 2000 to 2005. CHD cases (n=26 598) comprised live births, fetal deaths from 20 weeks gestation, and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly (TOPFA). The average total prevalence of CHD was 8.0 per 1000 births, and live birth prevalence was 7.2 per 1000 births, varying between countries. The total prevalence of nonchromosomal CHD was 7.0 per 1000 births, of which 3.6% were perinatal deaths, 20% prenatally diagnosed, and 5.6% TOPFA. Severe nonchromosomal CHD (ie, excluding ventricular septal defects, atrial septal defects, and pulmonary valve stenosis) occurred in 2.0 per 1000 births, of which 8.1% were perinatal deaths, 40% were prenatally diagnosed, and 14% were TOPFA (TOPFA range between countries 0% to 32%). Live-born CHD associated with Down syndrome occurred in 0.5 per 1000 births, with > 4-fold variation between countries. CONCLUSION: Annually in the European Union, we estimate 36 000 children are live born with CHD and 3000 who are diagnosed with CHD die as a TOFPA, late fetal death, or early neonatal death. Investing in primary prevention and pathogenetic research is essential to reduce this burden, as well as continuing to improve cardiac services from in utero to adulthood.


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BACKGROUND: Several markers of atherosclerosis and of inflammation have been shown to predict coronary heart disease (CHD) individually. However, the utility of markers of atherosclerosis and of inflammation on prediction of CHD over traditional risk factors has not been well established, especially in the elderly. METHODS: We studied 2202 men and women, aged 70-79, without baseline cardiovascular disease over 6-year follow-up to assess the risk of incident CHD associated with baseline noninvasive measures of atherosclerosis (ankle-arm index [AAI], aortic pulse wave velocity [aPWV]) and inflammatory markers (interleukin-6 [IL-6], C-reactive protein [CRP], tumor necrosis factor-a [TNF-a]). CHD events were studied as either nonfatal myocardial infarction or coronary death ("hard" events), and "hard" events plus hospitalization for angina, or the need for coronary-revascularization procedures (total CHD events). RESULTS: During the 6-year follow-up, 283 participants had CHD events (including 136 "hard" events). IL-6, TNF-a and AAI independently predicted CHD events above Framingham Risk Score (FRS) with hazard ratios [HR] for the highest as compared with the lowest quartile for IL-6 of 1.95 (95%CI: 1.38-2.75, p for trend<0.001), TNF-a of 1.45 (95%CI: 1.04-2.02, p for trend 0.03), of 1.66 (95%CI: 1.19-2.31) for AAI £0.9, as compared to AAI 1.01-1.30. CRP and aPWV were not independently associated with CHD events. Results were similar for "hard" CHD events. Addition of IL-6 and AAI to traditional cardiovascular risk factors yielded the greatest improvement in the prediction of CHD; C-index for "hard"/total CHD events increased from 0.62/0.62 for traditional risk factors to 0.64/0.64 for IL-6 addition, 0.65/0.63 for AAI, and 0.66/0.64 for IL-6 combined with AAI. Being in the highest quartile of IL-6 combined with an AAI £ 0.90 or >1.40 yielded an HR of 2.51 (1.50-4.19) and 4.55 (1.65-12.50) above FRS, respectively. With use of CHD risk categories, risk prediction at 5 years was more accurate in models that included IL-6, AAI or both, with 8.0, 8.3 and 12.1% correctly reclassified respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Among older adults, markers of atherosclerosis and of inflammation, particularly IL-6 and AAI, are independently associated with CHD. However, these markers only modestly improve cardiovascular risk prediction beyond traditional risk factors. Acknowledgments: This study was supported by Contracts NO1-AG-6-2101, NO1-AG-6- 2103, and NO1-AG-6-2106 of the National Institute on Aging. This research was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, National Institute on Aging.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the influence of obesity on the regulation of myocardial glucose metabolism following protein kinase C (PKC) activation in obese (fa/fa) and lean (Fa/?) Zucker rats. DESIGN: Isolated hearts obtained from 17-week-old lean and obese Zucker rats were perfused with 200 nM phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) for different time periods prior to the evaluation of PKC and GLUT-4 translocation. For metabolic studies isolated hearts from 48 h starved Zucker rats were perfused with an erythrocytes-enriched buffer containing increased concentrations (10-100 nM) of PMA. MEASUREMENTS: Immunodetectable PKC isozymes and GLUT-4 were determined by Western blots. Glucose oxidation and glycolysis were evaluated by measuring the myocardial release of 14CO2 and 3H2O from [U-14C]glucose and [5-3H]glucose, respectively. RESULTS: PMA (200 nM) induced maximal translocation of ventricular PKCalpha from the cytosol to the membranes within 10 min. This translocation was 2-fold lower in the heart from obese rats when compared to lean rats. PMA also induced a significant translocation of ventricular GLUT-4 from the microsomal to the sarcolemmal fraction within 60 min in lean but not in obese rats. Rates of basal cardiac glucose oxidation and glycolysis in obese rats were approximately 2-fold lower than those of lean rats. Perfusion with increasing concentrations of PMA (10-100 nM) led to a significant decrease of cardiac glucose oxidation in lean but not in obese rats. CONCLUSION: Our results show that in the heart of the genetically obese Zucker rat, the impairment in PKCalpha activation is in line with a diminished activation of GLUT-4 as well as with the lack of PMA effect on glucose oxidation.