205 resultados para Agonistic Experience
Des équipes mobiles de psychiatrie ont été développées dans les trois âges pour répondre aux besoins de personnes qui devraient bénéficier d'une évaluation ou de soins spécialisés, lorsque ceux-ci doivent avoir lieu à domicile. Pour arriver à ce but, les équipes tissent de forts liens de partenariat dans le réseau, que ce soit avec les proches ou avec les professionnels impliqués. Les principes généraux d'intervention sont semblables entre les âges : une population cible définie, une intervention à domicile au bénéfice également des proches et des soins de proximité, des équipes pluridisciplinaires avec une charge de cas limitée pour garantir leur disponibilité. Les spécificités de chaque âge seront analysées. Mobile teams have been developed for the three ages to meet the needs of people who should receive--but do not access to--a psychiatric assessment or to specialized care. To achieve this goal, the teams built a strong partnership within the social network, both with relatives and professionals involved. The general principles of intervention are similar between the ages: a focused target population, assertive outreach which benefits also relatives and carers, multidisciplinary teams with a limited caseload to ensure availability. The specificities of each age will be analyzed
Scientific data from family medicine are relevant for the majority of the population. They are therefore essential from an ethical and public health perspective. We need to promote quality research in family medicine despite methodological, financial and logistic barriers. To highlight the strengths and weaknesses of research in family medicine in the French-speaking part of Switzerland we asked practitioners from this region to share their experience, critics and needs in relation to research. This article summarizes their contribution in light of the international literature.
Clinical Experience with Immune Monitoring for Cytomegalovirus in Solid-Organ Transplant Recipients.
Novel strategies are needed to further reduce the burden of cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease in solid-organ transplant (SOT) recipients. Measurement of the specific cell-mediated immunity against CMV can identify the actual risk for the development of CMV disease in a given patient. Thus, immune monitoring is an attractive strategy for individualizing the management of CMV after transplantation. A growing number of observational studies on immune monitoring for CMV have been published over recent years, although there is a lack of data coming from interventional trials. In high-risk patients, measurement of CMV-specific T-cell responses appropriately stratifies the risk of CMV disease after discontinuation of antiviral prophylaxis. Immune monitoring may also help to identify patients followed by the preemptive approach at low risk for progression to CMV disease. Pretransplant assessment of cell-mediated immunity in seropositive patients may predict the development of posttransplant CMV infection. Overall, these studies indicate that the use of cell-mediated immunity assays has the potential to improve the management of CMV disease in SOT recipients.
Nilotinib, a novel tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) that inhibits BCR-ABL, the stem cell factor receptor (KIT), and platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha (PDGFRα), is approved for the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and those with CML that is imatinib-resistant or -intolerant. Due to its potent inhibition of KIT and PDGFRα--the two tyrosine kinases that are the central oncogenic mechanisms of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST)--nilotinib also has been investigated for potential efficacy and safety in patients with GIST who have progressed on other approved treatments. Initial results have been encouraging, as nilotinib has demonstrated clinical efficacy and safety in a phase I trial as either a single agent or in combination with imatinib, as well as in heavily pretreated patients with GIST in a compassionate use program. In addition, the phase III trial of nilotinib versus best supportive care (with or without a TKI at the investigator's discretion) indicated that nilotinib may have efficacy in some third-line patients. Furthermore, the Evaluating Nilotinib Efficacy and Safety in Clinical Trials (ENEST g1 trial), a phase III randomized, open-label study comparing the safety and efficacy of imatinib versus nilotinib in the first-line treatment of patients with GIST, is currently under way. Other studies with nilotinib either have been initiated or are in development. Based on published and accruing clinical data, nilotinib shows potential as a new drug in the clinician's armamentarium for the management of GIST.
Purpose: To evaluate the diagnostic value of specific MR features for detection of suspected placental invasion according to observers' experience.Methods and Materials: Our study population included 25 pregnant women (mean age 35.16) investigated by prenatal MRI. In twelve out of them placental invasion was histopathologically proven, the 13 other women (52%) without placental invasion served as control group. Multiplanar T1- and T2-weighted sequences had been performed mostly without IV contrast injection (1.5 T). MR examinations of the two groups were rendered anonymous, mixed, then independently and retrospectively reviewed by two senior and two junior radiologists in view of 8 MR features indicating placentar invasion including the degree. Results were compared with surgical diagnosis (placenta normal/increta/accreta/percreta). Interobserver agrement between senior and junior readers were calculated. Stepwise logistic regression and receiver operating (ROC) curvers were performed.Results: Demographics between the two groups were not statistically different. Overall sensitivity and specificity for detecting placentar invasion was 90.9% and 75.0% for senior readers, and 81.8% and 61.8% for junior readers respectively. The most significant MR features indicating placentar invasion were T2 hypointense placental bands, followed by placenta praevia, focally interrupted myometrial border, posterior placental insertion, and heterogeneous placental signal. For each of the evaluated MR features the interobserver agreement kappa between the two senior readers was superior than that between the junior readers, ranging from bad (<0.4) to good (0.4-0.75).Conclusions: MRI can be a reliable and reproducible tool for detection of suspected placentar invasion, however very variable according to the observers' experience.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the contribution of ultrasound scanning to the prenatal detection of trisomy 21 in a large unselected European population. Data from 19 congenital malformation registers in 11 European countries were included. The prenatal ultrasound screening programs in the countries ranged from no routine screening to three ultrasound investigations per patient. Routine serum screening was offered in four of the 11 countries and routine screening on the basis of maternal age amniocentesis in all. The results show that overall 53% of cases of trisomy 21 were detected prenatally with a range from 3% in Lithuania to 88% in Paris. Ninety-eight percent of women whose babies were diagnosed before 24 weeks gestation chose to terminate the pregnancy. Centres/countries that offer serum screening do not have a significantly higher detection rate of trisomy 21 when compared to those that offer maternal age amniocentesis and anomaly scanning only. Fifty percent of trisomy 21 cases were born to women aged 35 years or more. In conclusions, second trimester ultrasound plays an important role in the prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 21. Of those cases prenatally diagnosed, 64% of cases in women <35 years and 36% of those in women >or=35 years were detected because of an ultrasound finding. Ultrasound soft markers accounted for 84% of the scan diagnoses. There is evidence of increasing maternal age across Europe with 50% of cases of trisomy 21 born to women aged 35 years or more.
BACKGROUND: Controlled clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of adalimumab in patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease (CD), but there is, however, only limited long-term experience with adalimumab in daily practice. AIM: To assess the long-term effectiveness and safety of adalimumab in a multicenter cohort of practice-based patients with moderate-to-severe CD. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the charts of CD patients who received adalimumab over a 3-year period. Disease severity was scored using the Harvey-Bradshaw index (HBI). Remission was defined as an HBI of <or=4 and response as a reduction in the HBI of >3 points at evaluation compared to the baseline. Univariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify the predictive variables associated with response. RESULTS: The charts of 55 patients were reviewed; remission and response rates observed at weeks 4-6 were 52.7 and 83.6%, respectively. Remission was maintained at weeks 12, 24 and 52 in 89.6, 72.4 and 44.7% of patients, respectively. Remission and response rates were not influenced by smoking status, disease location or duration, the first month total dose, or previous infliximab therapy. The remission rate at weeks 4-6 was significantly higher in patients intolerant of infliximab as compared to those who lost response to this drug. Adalimumab was well tolerated overall. CONCLUSION: Adalimumab can be considered a suitable option in patients with moderate-to-severe CD, demonstrating sustained long-term effectiveness.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart diseases by ultrasound investigation in well-defined European populations. DESIGN: Data from 20 registries of congenital malformations in 12 European countries were included. The prenatal ultrasound screening programs in the countries ranged from no routine screening to three ultrasound investigations per patient routinely performed. RESULTS: There were 2454 cases with congenital heart disease with an overall prenatal detection rate of 25%. Termination of pregnancy was performed in 293 cases (12%). There was considerable variation in prenatal detection rate between regions, with the lowest detection rates being in countries without ultrasound screening (11%) and in Eastern European countries (Croatia, Lithuania and Ukraine; 8%). In Western European countries with ultrasound screening, detection rate ranged from 19-48%. There was a significant difference in prenatal detection rate and proportion of induced abortions between isolated congenital heart disease and congenital heart disease associated with chromosome anomalies, multiple malformations and syndromes (P < 0.0001). There were 1694 cases with isolated congenital heart disease of which 16% were diagnosed prenatally. Malformations affecting the size of the ventricles were detected prenatally in half of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: Prenatal detection rate of congenital heart disease varies significantly between countries even with the same screening recommendations. The presence of associated malformations significantly increases the prenatal detection rate.
Background: Arthrodesis of the knee by intramedullary fixation hasbeen reported to have a higher rate of success than external fixationor compression plating. Antegrade nailing however can lead to complicationsdue to the different diameters of the medullary canals, fracturesduring insertion, poor rotational stability, breakage of the IM-nailand insufficient compression at the fusion site.Method: This retrospective study reports all knee fusions performedby the same orthopaedic surgeon with the Wichita (Stryker) fusion nail(WFN) from 2004 to 2010. The Wichita nail is a short nail with a deviceat the knee which allows for coupling of differently sized and interlockedfemoral and tibial components and at the same time for compression.Results: We report of 18 patients with a mean follow up of 28 months(range 3-71 months). Infected TKA was the most common indicationfor arthrodesis in 9 cases. The remaining reasons included asepticfailed TKA in 3 cases, 2 patients after fracture, 1 patient with neurologicalinstability after knee dislocation, 1 patient after tumoral resectionand 1 non union after failed arthrodesis with long antegrade nail.Finally 1 patient with bilateral congenital knee dislocation operated onboth sides. As expected, patients receiving the WFN had undergonea large number of previous knee surgeries with a mean of 3.8 (range0-8) procedures per patient. The complication rate was 27% (5 of 18).Two patients had persistent pain requiring revision surgery to increasestability with plating. One case of periprosthetic fracture needed openreduction and internal fixation. 2 patients with superficial hematomawere treated one with open drainage and the other with physiotherapy.Infection was erradicated in all septic cases, we found no new infectionand the fusion rate was 100%.Conclusion: The results in these often difficult cases are satisfyingand we think that this technique is a valid alternative to the otherknown techniques of knee fusion in patients with a poor bone stockand fragile soft tissues.
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study is to describe the experience of Jules Gonin Eye Hospital on the long-term outcome of anti-TNF-alpha therapy in chronic non-infectious uveitis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We identified and followed those patients with chronic non-infectious uveitis who received systemic anti-TNF-alpha therapy. Anti-TNF-alpha therapy was administered when no response had been obtained with classical immunosuppressive therapies or in the presence of severe rheumatoid disease. RESULTS: Fifteen patients (28 eyes), 7 male and 8 female (mean age, 43 years; range: 7 to 70 years) were identified. Diagnoses included HLA-B27-associated anterior uveitis (n = 4), sarcoidosis (n = 2), juvenile idiopathic arthritis (n = 2), idiopathic retinal vasculitis with uveitis (n = 2), pars planitis (n = 2), Adamantiades-Behçet disease (n = 1), birdshot retinochoroidopathy (n = 1), and Crohn's disease (n = 1). Mean duration of ocular disease was 8 years (range: 1 to 29 years). Treatment with infliximab (n = 11), etanercept (n = 2), or adalimumab (n = 2) was initiated. One patient with etanercept was switched to infliximab due to lack of clinical response. Clinical and angiographic regression of uveitis was observed within the first two months of therapy in all patients, and was maintained throughout the entire follow-up period (mean 18 months; range: 3 - 72 months). Recurrence was observed in 3 patients, and resolved after adjustment of therapy. Adverse events were recorded in only one patient (arterial hypotension). CONCLUSIONS: In this series of patients with chronic non-infectious uveitis, anti-TNF-alpha therapy was effective and safe. Further clinical studies are needed to determine an adequate duration of therapy.
TWEAK, a TNF family ligand with pleiotropic cellular functions, was originally described as capable of inducing tumor cell death in vitro. TWEAK functions by binding its receptor, Fn14, which is up-regulated on many human solid tumors. Herein, we show that intratumoral administration of TWEAK, delivered either by an adenoviral vector or in an immunoglobulin Fc-fusion form, results in significant inhibition of tumor growth in a breast xenograft model. To exploit the TWEAK-Fn14 pathway as a therapeutic target in oncology, we developed an anti-Fn14 agonistic antibody, BIIB036. Studies described herein show that BIIB036 binds specifically to Fn14 but not other members of the TNF receptor family, induces Fn14 signaling, and promotes tumor cell apoptosis in vitro. In vivo, BIIB036 effectively inhibits growth of tumors in multiple xenograft models, including colon (WiDr), breast (MDA-MB-231), and gastric (NCI-N87) tumors, regardless of tumor cell growth inhibition response observed to BIIB036 in vitro. The anti-tumor activity in these cell lines is not TNF-dependent. Increasing the antigen-binding valency of BIB036 significantly enhances its anti-tumor effect, suggesting the contribution of higher order cross-linking of the Fn14 receptor. Full Fc effector function is required for maximal activity of BIIB036 in vivo, likely due to the cross-linking effect and/or ADCC mediated tumor killing activity. Taken together, the anti-tumor properties of BIIB036 validate Fn14 as a promising target in oncology and demonstrate its potential therapeutic utility in multiple solid tumor indications.
Objective: Recovery-oriented care for patients with schizophrenia involves consideration of cultural issues, such as religion and spirituality. However, there is evidence that psychiatrists rarely address such topics. This study examined acceptance of a spiritual assessment by patients and clinicians, suggestions for treatment that arose from the assessment, and patient outcomes-in terms of treatment compliance and satisfaction with care (as measured by treatment alliance). Methods: Outpatients with psychosis were randomly assigned to two groups: an intervention group that received traditional treatment and a religious and spiritual assessment (N=40) and a control group that received only traditional treatment (N=38). Eight psychiatrists were trained to administer the assessment to their established and stable patients. After each administration, the psychiatrist attended a supervision session with a psychiatrist and a psychologist of religion. Baseline and three-month data were collected. Results: The spiritual assessment was well accepted by patients. During supervision, psychiatrists reported potential clinical uses for the assessment information for 67% of patients. No between-group differences in medication adherence and satisfaction with care were found at three months, although patients in the in- tervention group had significantly better appointment attendance dur- ing the follow-up period. Their interest in discussing religion and spirituality with their psychiatrists remained high. The process was not as well accepted by psychiatrists. Conclusions: Spiritual assessment can raise important clinical issues in the treatment of patients with chronic schizophrenia. Cultural factors, such as religion and spirituality, should be considered early in clinical training, because many clinicians are not at ease addressing such topics with patients.