237 resultados para Acquired hearing deficiency
The fungus Aspergillus nidulans contains both a mitochondrial and peroxisomal ß-oxidation pathway. This work was aimed at studying the influence of mutations in the foxA gene, encoding a peroxisomal multifunctional protein, or in the scdA/echA genes, encoding a mitochondrial short-chain dehydrogenase and an enoyl-CoA hydratase, respectively, on the carbon flux to the peroxisomal ß-oxidation pathway. A. nidulans transformed with a peroxisomal polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) synthase produced PHA from the polymerization of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA intermediates derived from the peroxisomal ß-oxidation of external fatty acids. PHA produced from erucic acid or heptadecanoic acid contained a broad spectrum of monomers, ranging from 5 to 14 carbons, revealing that the peroxisomal ß-oxidation cycle can handle both long and short-chain intermediates. While the ∆foxA mutant grown on erucic acid or oleic acid synthesized 10-fold less PHA compared to wild type, the same mutant grown on octanoic acid or heptanoic acid produced 3- to 6-fold more PHA. Thus, while FoxA has an important contribution to the degradation of long-chain fatty acids, the flux of short-chain fatty acids to peroxisomal ß-oxidation is actually enhanced in its absence. While no change in PHA was observed in the ∆scdA∆echA mutant grown on erucic acid or oleic acid compared to wild type, there was a 2- to 4-fold increased synthesis of PHA in ∆scdA∆echA cells grown in octanoic acid or heptanoic acid. These results reveal that a compensatory mechanism exists in A. nidulans that increases the flux of short-chain fatty acids towards the peroxisomal ß-oxidation cycle when the mitochondrial ß-oxidation pathway is defective.
IMPORTANCE: The clinical benefit of adding a macrolide to a β-lactam for empirical treatment of moderately severe community-acquired pneumonia remains controversial. OBJECTIVE: To test noninferiority of a β-lactam alone compared with a β-lactam and macrolide combination in moderately severe community-acquired pneumonia. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Open-label, multicenter, noninferiority, randomized trial conducted from January 13, 2009, through January 31, 2013, in 580 immunocompetent adult patients hospitalized in 6 acute care hospitals in Switzerland for moderately severe community-acquired pneumonia. Follow-up extended to 90 days. Outcome assessors were masked to treatment allocation. INTERVENTIONS: Patients were treated with a β-lactam and a macrolide (combination arm) or with a β-lactam alone (monotherapy arm). Legionella pneumophila infection was systematically searched and treated by addition of a macrolide to the monotherapy arm. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Proportion of patients not reaching clinical stability (heart rate <100/min, systolic blood pressure >90 mm Hg, temperature <38.0°C, respiratory rate <24/min, and oxygen saturation >90% on room air) at day 7. RESULTS: After 7 days of treatment, 120 of 291 patients (41.2%) in the monotherapy arm vs 97 of 289 (33.6%) in the combination arm had not reached clinical stability (7.6% difference, P = .07). The upper limit of the 1-sided 90% CI was 13.0%, exceeding the predefined noninferiority boundary of 8%. Patients infected with atypical pathogens (hazard ratio [HR], 0.33; 95% CI, 0.13-0.85) or with Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI) category IV pneumonia (HR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.59-1.10) were less likely to reach clinical stability with monotherapy, whereas patients not infected with atypical pathogens (HR, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.80-1.22) or with PSI category I to III pneumonia (HR, 1.06; 95% CI, 0.82-1.36) had equivalent outcomes in the 2 arms. There were more 30-day readmissions in the monotherapy arm (7.9% vs 3.1%, P = .01). Mortality, intensive care unit admission, complications, length of stay, and recurrence of pneumonia within 90 days did not differ between the 2 arms. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: We did not find noninferiority of β-lactam monotherapy in patients hospitalized for moderately severe community-acquired pneumonia. Patients infected with atypical pathogens or with PSI category IV pneumonia had delayed clinical stability with monotherapy. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT00818610.
Context: Clinical manifestations of vitamin D deficiency rickets are widely described; however cardiorespiratory arrest is an extremely rare presentation. Objective: The aim of this paper is to present the symptoms of severe vitamin D deficiency rickets and to highlight the importance of vitamin D prophylaxis in infants. Results: We report a case of a 16-month-old infant who presented to emergency room with a stridor that evolved into a full cardiorespiratory arrest secondary to hypocalcemia. Medical history revealed that the infant was exclusively breastfed without vitamin D supplementation until the age of 10 months. Due to cultural habits, his diet was also grossly deficient in dairy products. Physical exam revealed clinical signs of rickets. Laboratory test showed severe hypocalcemia, elevated alkaline phosphatase, normal serum phosphorous, decreased 25(OH) cholecalciferol, increased intact parathyroid hormone level, and normal urine calcium excretion. The radiography of the wrist showed evidence of cupping, fraying, metaphyseal widening, and demineralization of the distal radial and ulnar metaphyses. The bone mineral density of the lumbar spine measured by dual x-ray absorptiometry showed a Z-score below -2 SD. His cardiorespiratory arrest secondary to hypocalcemia was therefore attributed to severe nutritional rickets. Conclusion: Vitamin D deficiency rickets can be life threatening. Vitamin D supplementation is therefore crucial, especially in breastfed infants and some ethnic minorities (dark-skinned people, poor sun exposure), more at risk for developing severe rickets if not supplemented.
Early-onset acquired epileptic aphasia (Landau-Kleffner syndrome) may present as a developmental language disturbance and the affected child may also exhibit autistic features. Landau-Kleffner is now seen as the rare and severe end of a spectrum of cognitive-behavioural symptoms that can be seen in idiopathic (genetic) focal epilepsies of childhood, the benign end being the more frequent typical rolandic epilepsy. Several recent studies show that many children with rolandic epilepsy have minor developmental cognitive and behavioural problems and that some undergo a deterioration (usually temporary) in these domains, the so-called "atypical" forms of the syndrome. The severity and type of deterioration correlate with the site and spread of the epileptic spikes recorded on the electroencephalogram within the perisylvian region, and continuous spike-waves during sleep (CSWS) frequently occur during this period of the epileptic disorder. Some of these children have more severe preexisting communicative and language developmental disorders. If early stagnation or regression occurs in these domains, it presumably reflects epileptic activity in networks outside the perisylvian area, i.e. those involved in social cognition and emotions. Longitudinal studies will be necessary to find out if and how much the bioelectrical abnormalities play a causal role in these subgroup of children with both various degrees of language and autistic regression and features of idiopathic focal epilepsy. One has to remember that it took nearly 40 years to fully acknowledge the epileptic origin of aphasia in Landau-Kleffner syndrome and the milder acquired cognitive problems in rolandic epilepsies.
We report a case of delusion characterized by a time disorientation with a constant three days advance. Five years previously, the patient had suffered a left hemisphere stroke with aphasia. The delusional belief appeared at the same time as a cortical deafness following a second right hemisphere infarction. There was severe behaviour disturbances which lasted seven months, then cleared without any other change in the clinical picture. The lesions involved the left parietal lobe as well as the temporal and insular regions of both hemispheres.
Thymic dendritic cells (DCs) form a discrete subset of bone marrow (BM)-derived cells, the function of which is to mediate negative selection of autoreactive thymocytes. The developmental origin of thymic DCs remains controversial. Although cell transfer studies support a model in which T cells and thymic DCs develop from the same intrathymic pluripotential precursor, it remains possible that these two types of cells develop from independent intrathymic precursors. Notch proteins are cell surface receptors involved in the regulation of cell fate specification. We have recently reported that T cell development in inducible Notch1-deficient mice is severely impaired at an early stage, before the expression of T cell lineage markers. To investigate whether development of thymic DCs also depends on Notch1, we have constructed mixed BM chimeric mice. We report here that thymic DC development from Notch1(-/)- BM precursors is absolutely normal (in terms of absolute number and phenotype) in this competitive situation, despite the absence of Notch1(-/)- T cells. Furthermore, we find that peripheral DCs and Langerhans cells are also not affected by Notch1 deficiency. Our results demonstrate that the development of DCs is totally independent of Notch1 function, and strongly suggest a dissociation between intrathymic T cell and DC precursors.
Background: Clinical practices and guidelines may differ regarding the management of inpatients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Methods: The management of 152 consecutive CAP inpatients (70+/-17 years) admitted to a teaching hospital was analyzed retrospectively and compared with published data and an evidence-based guideline developed at our institution. Results: Of the patients studied, 64% had a high prognostic score index (PSI), 14% were admitted to the ICU, and 4.6% died. Initially, patients received either a one-drug (47%) or a two-drug (53%) antibiotic regimen. None of the 20 PSI parameters, and neither the PSI nor admission to the ICU, was associated with the initial antibiotic regimen. Agreement between current practice and our guideline was low (kappa=0.16). Following the recommendations would have led to a decrease of 51% in the initial two-drug regimen. The duration of i.v. antibiotherapy was higher in patients following the two-drug regimen (142+/-150 vs. 102+/-60 h, P<0.05). Chest physiotherapy (CP) and bronchodilatators (BD) were prescribed in 72% and 54% of cases, respectively (median duration 10 days). Conclusions: The variations observed in the clinical management of CAP inpatients were not in agreement with published guidelines. The overuse of a two-drug regimen, CP, and BD necessitates the development and implementation of evidence-based guidelines proposing detailed steps for the management of CAP inpatients.
The aberrant accumulation of lipids in the liver ("fatty liver") is tightly associated with several components of the metabolic syndrome, including type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and atherosclerosis. Here we show that the impaired hepatic expression of transcriptional cofactor transducin beta-like (TBL) 1 represents a common feature of mono- and multigenic fatty liver mouse models. Indeed, the liver-specific ablation of TBL1 gene expression in healthy mice promoted hypertriglyceridemia and hepatic steatosis under both normal and high-fat dietary conditions. TBL1 deficiency resulted in inhibition of fatty acid oxidation due to impaired functional cooperation with its heterodimerization partner TBL-related (TBLR) 1 and the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) α. As TBL1 expression levels were found to also inversely correlate with liver fat content in human patients, the lack of hepatic TBL1/TBLR1 cofactor activity may represent a molecular rationale for hepatic steatosis in subjects with obesity and the metabolic syndrome.
Hyperammonemic disorders in pediatric patients lead to poorly understood irreversible effects on the developing brain that may be life-threatening. We showed previously that some of these NH4+-induced irreversible effects might be due to impairment of axonal growth that can be protected under ammonium exposure by creatine co-treatment. The aim of the present work was thus to analyse how the genes of arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) and guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT), allowing creatine synthesis, as well as of the creatine transporter SLC6A8, allowing creatine uptake into cells, are regulated in rat brain cells under NH4+ exposure. Reaggregated brain cell three-dimensional cultures exposed to NH4Cl were used as an experimental model of hyperammonemia in the developing central nervous system (CNS). We show here that NH4+ exposure differentially alters AGAT, GAMT and SLC6A8 regulation, in terms of both gene expression and protein activity, in a cell type-specific manner. In particular, we demonstrate that NH4+ exposure decreases both creatine and its synthesis intermediate, guanidinoacetate, in brain cells, probably through the inhibition of AGAT enzymatic activity. Our work also suggests that oligodendrocytes are major actors in the brain in terms of creatine synthesis, trafficking and uptake, which might be affected by hyperammonemia. Finally, we show that NH4+ exposure induces SLC6A8 in astrocytes. This suggests that hyperammonemia increases blood-brain barrier permeability for creatine. This is normally limited due to the absence of SLC6A8 from the astrocyte feet lining microcapillary endothelial cells, and thus creatine supplementation may protect the developing CNS of hyperammonemic patients.
Inorganic phosphate (Pi) is one of the main nutrients limiting plant growth anddevelopment in many agro-ecosystems. In plants, phosphate is acquired from the soil by theroots, and is then transferred to the shoot via the xylem. In the model plant Arabidopsisthaliana, PHO1 was previously identified as being involved in loading Pi into the xylem ofroots. AtPHO1, belongs to a multigenic family composed of 10 additional members, namelyAtPHO1;H1 to AtPHO1;10. In this study, we aimed at further investigating the role of thePHO1 gene family in Pi homeostasis in plants, and to this end we isolated and characterizedthe PHO1 members of two main model plants, the moss Physcomitrella patens and the riceOryza sativa.In the bryophyte P. patens, bioinformatic analyses revealed the presence of seven AtPHO1homologues, highly similar to AtPHO1. The seven moss PHO1 genes, namely PpPHO1;1 toPpPHO1;7 appeared to be differentially regulated, both at the tissue level and in response toPi status. However only PpPHO1;1 and PpPHO1;7 were specifically up-regulated upon Pistarvation, suggesting a potential role in Pi homeostasis. We also characterized the responseof P. patens to Pi starvation, showing that higher and lower plants share some commonstrategies to adapt to Pi-deficiency.In the second part, focusing on the monocotyledon rice, we showed the existence of threePHO1 homologues OsPHO1;1 to OsPHO1;3, with the unique particularity of each havingNatural Antisense Transcripts (NATs). Molecular analyses revealed that both the sense andthe antisense OsPHO1;2 transcripts were by far the most abundantly expressed transcripts ofthe family, preferentially expressed in the roots. The stable expression of OsPHO1;2 in allconditions tested, in opposition with the highly induced antisense transcript upon Pistarvation, suggest a putative role for the antisense in regulating the sense transcript.Moreover, mutant analyses revealed that OsPHO1;2 plays a key role in Pi homeostasis, intransferring Pi from the root to the shoot. Finally, complementing the pho1 mutant inArabidopsis, characterized by low Pi in the shoot and reduced growth, with the riceOsPHO1;2 gene revealed a new role for PHO1 in Pi signaling. Indeed, the complementedplants showed normal growth, with however low Pi content.
Leptospirosis is a rare disease in Switzerland. However its incidence is probably underestimated, due to its broad spectrum of presentations, including subclinical benign forms and the ictero-hemorragic form of the Weil's syndrome, whose mortality is high. We describe here a case of Weil's syndrome acquired in Switzerland with a favourable outcome under antibiotherapy. Even in the absence of any travel, the association of an acute renal insufficiency and jaundice with only moderate hepatic cytolysis should lead to the suspicion of leptospirosis. Clinical and epidemiological aspects of the disease are discussed in the article.
The confinement can lead to an important limitation of sun exposure of the prisoners. This limitation can lead to a deficit in vitamin D, source of diverse disorders. Diffuse pains of members and of joints are the most classics troubles. The association of vitamin D deficiency and psychiatric disorders is frequent but badly known. Even if there is still no evidence indicating a cause and effect relationship between vitamin D deficiency and depressive episodes, the contribution of vitamin D deficiency in the arisen of a depression has to be considered. The treatment of vitamin D deficiency cannot, in itself, constitute a treatment of the depressive disorder but contributes to the improvement of the whole status The psychiatric follow-up remains indispensable, in particular because of the suicidal risk, particularly present in prison.
Introduction: Vitamin D plays a major role in bone metabolism and neuromuscular function. Supplementation with vitamin D is effective to reduce the risk of fall and of fracture. However adherence to oral daily vitamin D supplementation is low. Screening and correcting vitamin D insufficiency in a general rheumatologic population could improve both morbidity and quality of life in these patients with chronic painful disorders and at high risk of osteoporosis. After determining the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in this population, we evaluated if supplementation with a single high dose of oral 25-OH vitamin D3 was sufficient to correct this abnormality. Methods: During one month (November 2009), levels of 25-OH vitamin D were systematically determined in our rheumatology outpatient clinic and classified into three groups: vitamin D deficiency (<10 μg/l), vitamin D insufficiency (10 to 30 μg/l) or normal vitamin D (>30 μg/l). Patients with insufficiency or deficiency received respectively a single high dose of 300000 IU or 600000 IU oral vitamin D3. In addition, all patients with osteoporosis were prescribed daily supplement of calcium (1 g) and vitamin D (800 IU). 25-OH vitamin D levels were reevaluated after 3 months. Results: Vitamin D levels were initially determined in 292 patients (mean age 53, 211 women, 87% Caucasian). 77% had inflammatory rheumatologic disease (IRD), 20% osteoporosis (OP) and 12% degenerative disease (DD). Vitamin D deficiency was present in 20 (6.8%), while 225 (77.1%) had insufficiency. Of the 245 patients with levels <30 μg/l, a new determination of vitamin D level was available in 173 (71%) at 3 months. Conclusion: Vitamin D insufficiency is highly prevalent in our rheumatologic population (84%), and is not adequately corrected by a single high dose of oral vitamin D3 in more than half of the patients with IRD and DD. In patients with OP, despite association of a single high dose with daily oral vitamin D supplementation, 40% of patients are still deficient when reevaluated at 3 months.
BACKGROUND: Although there is no strong evidence of benefit, chest physiotherapy (CP) seems to be commonly used in simple pneumonia. CP requires equipment and frequently involves the assistance of a respiratory therapist, engendering a significant medical workload and cost. AIM: To measure and compare the efficacy of two modalities of chest physiotherapy (CP) guideline implementation on the appropriateness of CP prescription among patients hospitalised for community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). PATIENTS AND METHODS: We measured the CP prescription rate and duration in all consecutive CAP inpatients admitted in a division of general internal medicine at an urban teaching community hospital during three consecutive one-year time periods: (1) before any guideline implementation; (2) after a passive implementation by medical grand rounds and guideline diffusion through mailing; (3) after adding a one-page reminder in the CAP patient's medical chart highlighting our recommendations. Death and recurrent hospitalisation rates within one year after hospitalisation were recorded to assess whether CP prescription reduction, if any, impaired patient outcomes. RESULTS: During the three successive phases, 127, 157, and 147 patients with similar characteristics were included. Among all CAP inpatients, the CP prescription rate decreased from 68% (86/127) to 51% (80/157), and to 48% (71/147), respectively (P for trend <0.01 for trend). A significant reduction in CP duration was observed after the active guideline implementation (12.0, 11.0, 7.0days, respectively) and persisted after adjustment for length of stay. Reductions in CP prescription rate and duration were also observed among CAP patients with COPD CP prescription rate: 97% (30/31), 67% (24/36), 75% (35/47), respectively (P<0.01 for trend). The mean cost of CP per patient was reduced by 56%, from $709 to $481, and to $309, respectively. Neither the in-hospital deaths, the one-year overall recurrent hospitalisation nor the one-year CAP-specific recurrent hospitalisation significantly differed between the three phases. CONCLUSION: Both passive and active implementation of guidelines appear to improve the appropriateness of CP prescription among inpatients with CAP without impairing their outcomes. Restricting CP use to patients who benefit from this treatment might be an opportunity to decrease CAP medical cost and workload.
Background: There is an increasing amount of data associating MBL deficiency with a higher susceptibility to meningococca[ disease. In addition, meningococca[ disease has been reported in patients with various immunosuppressive conditions. However, to our knowledge, only three cases of meningococca[ disease have been reported in solid organ recipients (SOT). Methods & Results: A 32 year-old male patient underwent cadaveric kidney transplantation for endstage renal disease of unknown origin. On day 71 post-transplantation he developed fever (39.6°C), shaking chilis, and tachycardia without hypotension. At this time, immunosuppression consisted of tacro[imus, prednisone 10mg daily and mycopheno[ ate mofeti[ 2 g daily. Physical examination on admission was normal, except for two small petechia[ lesions on the forearm. No meningeal signs were present. Three sets of blood cultures grew Neisseria meningitidis group C susceptible to ceftriaxone (MIC=0.003mg/[). Antibiotic therapy consisted in intravenous ceftriaxone 2 g per day for a total duration of 7 days. Serum immunog[obu[in levels, C3, C4 and CHS0 were normal However, using a method to screen for the functional activity of a[[ three pathways of complement (Wies[ab, Lund, Sweden), no activation via the MBL pathway could be detected (0%). A subsequent quantification of MBL pathway components revealed normal levels of MASP 2 but undetectab[e amounts of MBL (below 10 ng/m[, normal range: >500 ng/m[). Conclusion: Since the exact incidence and the possible relationship between meningococca[ disease and organ transplantation is not we[[ understood, we strongly encourage transplantation centers to report additional cases. The potential clinical usefu[ ness of screening SOT candidates for MBL deficiency in relation to infectious complications after transplantation remains to be determined.