127 resultados para 617.413


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The fate of European arctic-alpine species during Pleistocene climatic oscillations still remains debated. Did these cold-adapted species invade much of the continental steppe or did they remain restricted to warmer slopes of inner mountain massifs? To examine this question, we investigated the phylogeography of Gentiana nivalis, a typical European arctic-alpine plant species. Genome fingerprinting analyses revealed that four genetic pools are actually unevenly distributed across the continent. One cluster covers almost all mountain massifs as well as northern areas, and thus coincides with a scenario of past distribution covering a large part of the European glacial steppe. In contrast, the three other lineages are strongly restricted spatially to western, central, and eastern Alps, respectively, thus arguing towards a scenario of in situ glacial survival. The coexistence of lineages with such contrasting demographic histories in Europe challenges our classical view of refugia and corroborates several hypotheses of biogeographers from the twentieth century.


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How glucose sensing by the nervous system impacts the regulation of β cell mass and function during postnatal development and throughout adulthood is incompletely understood. Here, we studied mice with inactivation of glucose transporter 2 (Glut2) in the nervous system (NG2KO mice). These mice displayed normal energy homeostasis but developed late-onset glucose intolerance due to reduced insulin secretion, which was precipitated by high-fat diet feeding. The β cell mass of adult NG2KO mice was reduced compared with that of WT mice due to lower β cell proliferation rates in NG2KO mice during the early postnatal period. The difference in proliferation between NG2KO and control islets was abolished by ganglionic blockade or by weaning the mice on a carbohydrate-free diet. In adult NG2KO mice, first-phase insulin secretion was lost, and these glucose-intolerant mice developed impaired glucagon secretion when fed a high-fat diet. Electrophysiological recordings showed reduced parasympathetic nerve activity in the basal state and no stimulation by glucose. Furthermore, sympathetic activity was also insensitive to glucose. Collectively, our data show that GLUT2-dependent control of parasympathetic activity defines a nervous system/endocrine pancreas axis that is critical for β cell mass establishment in the postnatal period and for long-term maintenance of β cell function.


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INTRODUCTION : 1. L'OBJET ET L'INTÉRÊT DE LA THÈSE : DES BARRIÈRES D'ACCÈS À LA JUSTICE L'accès à la justice est un droit fondamental garanti par les art. 29a Cst. et 6 CEDH. Il s'agit d'un droit social mis en place par l'avènement de l'Etat providence qui accorde à chacun le droit à ce qu'un tribunal connaisse de toute contestation relative à ses droits et obligations de caractère civil. Aussi a-t-il pour effet de rendre efficace la législation mise en place par un Etat. Ainsi dans le cas particulier du droit de la consommation, l'élaboration des règles de droit matériel ne suffirait pas à concrétiser la protection des consommateurs voulue par le constituant et le législateur fédéral si une voie d'accès à la justice n'était pas ouverte afin de permettre aux consommateurs dont les droits sont violés d'en obtenir réparation. Si le droit formel permet à chacun de poursuivre la réalisation de ses droits par la voie judiciaire, y compris pour les consommateurs, il n'en demeure pas moins que ces derniers, dans la pratique, rencontrent plusieurs obstacles qui, souvent, les découragent de faire valoir leurs droits en justice. En effet, les tribunaux, victimes de leur succès, ont de plus en plus de peine à faire face à la masse des litiges qui leur sont soumis. L'engorgement de l'institution judiciaire est responsable de longs délais avant qu'une affaire soit jugée. A cela s'ajoutent des problèmes d'ordre financier : le coût de la justice comprenant le coût de la consultation juridique et de la représentation, des frais de consultation d'experts qui, parfois, peuvent dépasser le montant même du litige, sans oublier le risque, pour le consommateur, de devoir assurer, en cas d'échec du procès, les frais de l'autre partie. Puis on trouve des barrières d'ordre psychologique liées à la complexité et au formalisme qui accompagnent certaines procédures judiciaires civiles. Enfin, il y a la situation très complexe du litige revêtant un caractère intercantonal ou international (litiges transfrontaliers). S'agissant de litiges de faible valeur litigieuse (petits litiges ou small claims en anglais), ces barrières prennent une importance telle que de nombreux consommateurs renoncent tout simplement à faire valoir leurs droits en justice et subissent parfois la violation de ceux-ci. La valeur limitée de l'enjeu économique du litige peut rendre la durée de la procédure judiciaire démesurée et son coût disproportionné. En ce qui concerne le coût de la justice, nous illustrons ce propos par l'exemple reproduit sous l'annexe I ci-dessous. Il est également bon de signaler une étude couvrant 15 Etats membres de l'Union européenne réalisée en 1995 par la Commission européenne selon laquelle " le coût moyen (frais de justice + frais d'avocat, hors TVA) d'un règlement judiciaire d'un litige intracommunautaire portant sur un montant de 2'000 écus s'élève, dans la meilleure des hypothèses pour la partie demanderesse, à un montant d'environ 2'500 écus ". Après avoir relevé l'importance de l'accès à la justice pour le consommateur et les différents obstacles qui se dressent sur son chemin, nous allons nous intéresser aux solutions proposées pour minimiser voire supprimer ces barrières. A cet égard, on se posera la question de savoir dans quelle mesure les moyens extrajudiciaires, tels que des institutions d'ombudsmans et des organismes paritaires existant dans certains secteurs de la consommation, peuvent constituer des alternatives efficaces à la saisine des tribunaux. Puis on se demandera de quelle manière il faut alléger les formalités de procédure afin de permettre aux consommateurs non assistés de mandataires professionnels de saisir la justice et par-là même de diminuer le coût lié à celle-ci. Enfin, vu les difficultés qu'affrontent les consommateurs agissant individuellement, la question de l'opportunité de procédures collectives sera abordée. Comme ces interrogations touchent de près ou de loin les alinéas 2 et 3 de l'art. 97 Cst. nous avons jugé opportun d'exposer à titre liminaire la genèse de cette disposition. De plus, comme celui qui entreprend de traiter l'accès des consommateurs à la justice se doit de commencer par définir ce que l'on entend par consommateur, nous aborderons les notions de consommateur et de litige de consommation avant d'entrer dans le vif de la matière.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to describe the demographic, social and medical characteristics, and healthcare use of highly frequent users of a university hospital emergency department (ED) in Switzerland. METHODS: A retrospective consecutive case series was performed. We included all highly frequent users, defined as patients attending the ED 12 times or more within a calendar year (1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009). We collected their characteristics and calculated a score of accumulation of risk factors of vulnerability. RESULTS: Highly frequent users comprised 0.1% of ED patients, and they accounted for 0.8% of all ED attendances (23 patients, 425 attendances). Of all highly frequent users, 87% had a primary care practitioner, 82.6% were unemployed, 73.9% were socially isolated, and 60.9% had a mental health or substance use primary diagnosis. One-third had attempted suicide during study period, all of them being women. They were often admitted (24.0% of attendances), and only 8.7% were uninsured. On average, they cumulated 3.3 different risk factors of vulnerability (SD 1.4). CONCLUSION: Highly frequent users of a Swiss academic ED are a highly vulnerable population. They are in poor health and accumulate several risk factors of being even in poorer health. The small number of patients and their high level of insurance coverage make it particularly feasible to design a specific intervention to approach their needs, in close collaboration with their primary care practitioner. Elaboration of the intervention should focus on social reinsertion and risk-reduction strategies with regard to substance use, hospital admissions and suicide.


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Cet article aborde l'entretien motivationnel (EM), considéré comme un style thérapeutique centré sur le client et directif, visant à développer la motivation au changement par l'exploration et la résolution de l'ambivalence (Miller, W.R., Rollnick, S., 2002. Motivational interviewing: preparing people for change. The Guilford Press, New York, p. 25). Après une brève présentation théorique de ce style thérapeutique, nous présentons un survol des principaux résultats empiriques relatifs à la question de son efficacité dans la prise en charge des troubles liés à l'utilisation de substances psychoactives. Malgré un corpus important de travaux qui mettent en évidence les effets de l'EM, la question des « ingrédients actifs » reste encore relativement peu explorée. Quelques hypothèses permettant de mieux comprendre le succès de l'EM sont évoquées.


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New evidences published this year are susceptible to change the management of several medical emergencies. Combined antiplatelet therapy might be beneficial for the management of TIA or minor stroke and rapid blood pressure lowering might improve the outcome in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage. A restrictive red cell transfusion strategy is indicated in case of upper digestive bleeding and coagulation factors concentrates are superior to fresh frozen plasma for urgent warfarin reversal. Prolonged systemic steroid therapy is not warranted in case of acute exacerbation of BPCO, and iterative physiotherapy is not beneficial after acute whiplash. Finally, family presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation may reduce post-traumatic stress disorder among relatives.


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The present prospective study, with a five-year follow-up, presents an extensive psychiatric and educational assessment of an adolescent population (N = 30) in the age range 14-20, suffering from several psychiatric disorders, though apt to follow a normal academic program. The residential settings where the study took place provide both psychiatric and schooling facilities. In this environment, what is the effectiveness of long-term hospitalization? Are there any criteria for predicting results? After discharge, could social adjustments difficulties be prevented? Assessment instruments are described and the results of one preliminary study are presented. The actual data seems to confirm the impact of the special treatment facilities combining schooling and psychiatric settings on the long term outcome of adolescents.


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OBJECTIVES: The pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters of artesunate, recently discovered to possess promising trematocidal activity, and its main metabolite dihydroartemisinin (DHA) were determined in rats infected with hepatic and biliary stages of Fasciola hepatica and compared with uninfected rats after single intragastric and intravenous (iv) doses. METHODS: Rats infected with F. hepatica for 25 and 83 days and uninfected rats were cannulated in the right jugular vein and blood samples were withdrawn at selected timepoints following 10 mg/kg of iv and a single 100 mg/kg oral dose of artesunate. Plasma was analysed for artesunate and DHA by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. RESULTS: Rats harbouring juvenile and adult F. hepatica infections revealed considerable changes in PK parameters of artesunate and DHA. Following oral administration, maximum plasma concentrations (C(max)) of artesunate and DHA were 1.8-2.3-fold higher in infected rats [artesunate: 1334 +/- 1404 ng/mL (no infection) versus 2454 +/- 1494 ng/mL (acute infection) and 2768 +/- 538 ng/mL (chronic infection); DHA: 3802 +/- 2149 ng/mL (no infection) versus 6507 +/- 3283 ng/mL (acute infection) and 9093 +/- 884 ng/mL (chronic infection)]. The AUCs of artesunate and DHA were 2.1-4.4-fold greater in infected rats. An opposite trend was observed after iv injection. C(max) and AUC of artesunate and DHA following iv dosing were 5784 +/- 3718 and 140 938 +/- 128 783 ng.min/mL and 3849 +/- 3060 and 86 107 +/- 41 863 ng.min/mL, respectively, in uninfected rats versus 2623 +/- 1554 and 21 617 +/- 12 230 ng.min/mL and 2835 +/- 980 and 64 290 +/- 29 057 ng.min/mL, respectively, in rats harbouring a chronic infection. The elimination half-lives (t(1/2)) of artesunate and DHA were considerably altered in infected rats following oral and iv administration of artesunate. CONCLUSIONS: F. hepatica infections strongly influence the disposition kinetics of artesunate and its metabolite in rats. The clinical implications of this finding need to be carefully studied.


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APO866, an inhibitor of NAD biosynthesis, exhibits potent antitumor properties in various malignancies. Recently, it has been shown that APO866 induces apoptosis and autophagy in human hematological cancer cells, but the role of autophagy in APO866-induced cell death remains unclear. Here, we report studies on the molecular mechanisms underlying APO866-induced cell death with emphasis on autophagy. Treatment of leukemia and lymphoma cells with APO866 induced both autophagy, as evidenced by an increase in autophagosome formation and in SQSTM1/p62 degradation, but also increased caspase activation as revealed by CASP3/caspase 3 cleavage. As an underlying mechanism, APO866-mediated autophagy was found to deplete CAT/catalase, a reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger, thus promoting ROS production and cell death. Inhibition of autophagy by ATG5 or ATG7 silencing prevented CAT degradation, ROS production, caspase activation, and APO866-induced cell death. Finally, supplementation with exogenous CAT also abolished APO866 cytotoxic activity. Altogether, our results indicated that autophagy is essential for APO866 cytotoxic activity on cells from hematological malignancies and also indicate an autophagy-dependent CAT degradation, a novel mechanism for APO866-mediated cell killing. Autophagy-modulating approaches could be a new way to enhance the antitumor activity of APO866 and related agents.


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OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to investigate post-mortem magnetic resonance imaging (pmMRI) for the assessment of myocardial infarction and hypointensities on post-mortem T2-weighted images as a possible method for visualizing the myocardial origin of arrhythmic sudden cardiac death. BACKGROUND: Sudden cardiac death has challenged clinical and forensic pathologists for decades because verification on post-mortem autopsy is not possible. pmMRI as an autopsy-supporting examination technique has been shown to visualize different stages of myocardial infarction. METHODS: In 136 human forensic corpses, a post-mortem cardiac MR examination was carried out prior to forensic autopsy. Short-axis and horizontal long-axis images were acquired in situ on a 3-T system. RESULTS: In 76 cases, myocardial findings could be documented and correlated to the autopsy findings. Within these 76 study cases, a total of 124 myocardial lesions were detected on pmMRI (chronic: 25; subacute: 16; acute: 30; and peracute: 53). Chronic, subacute, and acute infarction cases correlated excellently to the myocardial findings on autopsy. Peracute infarctions (age range: minutes to approximately 1 h) were not visible on macroscopic autopsy or histological examination. Peracute infarction areas detected on pmMRI could be verified in targeted histological investigations in 62.3% of cases and could be related to a matching coronary finding in 84.9%. A total of 15.1% of peracute lesions on pmMRI lacked a matching coronary finding but presented with severe myocardial hypertrophy or cocaine intoxication facilitating a cardiac death without verifiable coronary stenosis. CONCLUSIONS: 3-T pmMRI visualizes chronic, subacute, and acute myocardial infarction in situ. In peracute infarction as a possible cause of sudden cardiac death, it demonstrates affected myocardial areas not visible on autopsy. pmMRI should be considered as a feasible post-mortem investigation technique for the deceased patient if no consent for a clinical autopsy is obtained.


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Catecholamines as well as phorbol esters can induce the phosphorylation and desensitization of the alpha1B-adrenergic receptor (alpha1BAR). In this study, phosphoamino acid analysis of the phosphorylated alpha1BAR revealed that both epinephrine- and phorbol ester-induced phosphorylation predominantly occurs at serine residues of the receptor. The findings obtained with receptor mutants in which portions of the C-tail were truncated or deleted indicated that a region of 21 amino acids (393-413) of the carboxyl terminus including seven serines contains the main phosphorylation sites involved in agonist- as well as phorbol ester-induced phosphorylation and desensitization of the alpha1BAR. To identify the serines invoved in agonist- versus phorbol ester-dependent regulation of the receptor, two different strategies were adopted, the seven serines were either substituted with alanine or reintroduced into a mutant lacking all of them. Our findings indicate that Ser394 and Ser400 were phosphorylated following phorbol ester-induced activation of protein kinase C, whereas Ser404, Ser408, and Ser410 were phosphorylated upon stimulation of the alpha1BAR with epinephrine. The observation that overexpression of G protein-coupled kinase 2 (GRK2) could increase agonist-induced phosphorylation of Ser404, Ser408, and Ser410, strongly suggests that these serines are the phosphorylation sites of the alpha1BAR for kinases of the GRK family. Phorbol ester-induced phosphorylation of the Ser394 and Ser400 as well as GRK2-mediated phosphorylation of the Ser404, Ser408, and Ser410, resulted in the desensitization of alpha1BAR-mediated inositol phosphate response. This study provides generalities about the biochemical mechanisms underlying homologous and heterologous desensitization of G protein-coupled receptors linked to the activation of phospholipase C.


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Platelet P2YI2 receptor inhibition with clopidogrel, prasugrel or ticagrelor plays a key role to prevent recurrent ischaemic events after percutaneous coronary intervention in acute coronary syndromes or elective settings. The degree of platelet inhibition depends on the antiplatelet medication used and is influenced by clinical and genetic factors. A concept of therapeutic window exists. On one side, efficient anti-aggregation is required in order to reduce cardio-vascular events. On the other side, an excessive platelet inhibition represents a risk of bleeding complications. This article describes the current knowledge about some platelet function tests and genetic tests and summarises their role in the clinical practice.


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Sedentary lifestyle in children is increasing at an alarming rate. Now, promotion of physical activity by health professionals is a promising way. To support childhood specialists in this role, a transdisciplinary training is being developped.


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A human in vivo toxicokinetic model was built to allow a better understanding of the toxicokinetics of folpet fungicide and its key ring biomarkers of exposure: phthalimide (PI), phthalamic acid (PAA) and phthalic acid (PA). Both PI and the sum of ring metabolites, expressed as PA equivalents (PAeq), may be used as biomarkers of exposure. The conceptual representation of the model was based on the analysis of the time course of these biomarkers in volunteers orally and dermally exposed to folpet. In the model, compartments were also used to represent the body burden of folpet and experimentally relevant PI, PAA and PA ring metabolites in blood and in key tissues as well as in excreta, hence urinary and feces. The time evolution of these biomarkers in each compartment of the model was then mathematically described by a system of coupled differential equations. The mathematical parameters of the model were then determined from best fits to the time courses of PI and PAeq in blood and urine of five volunteers administered orally 1 mg kg(-1) and dermally 10 mg kg(-1) of folpet. In the case of oral administration, the mean elimination half-life of PI from blood (through feces, urine or metabolism) was found to be 39.9 h as compared with 28.0 h for PAeq. In the case of a dermal application, mean elimination half-life of PI and PAeq was estimated to be 34.3 and 29.3 h, respectively. The average final fractions of administered dose recovered in urine as PI over the 0-96 h period were 0.030 and 0.002%, for oral and dermal exposure, respectively. Corresponding values for PAeq were 24.5 and 1.83%, respectively. Finally, the average clearance rate of PI from blood calculated from the oral and dermal data was 0.09 ± 0.03 and 0.13 ± 0.05 ml h(-1) while the volume of distribution was 4.30 ± 1.12 and 6.05 ± 2.22 l, respectively. It was not possible to obtain the corresponding values from PAeq data owing to the lack of blood time course data.