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The relationship between blood pressure (BP) and coffee is of major interest given its widespread consumption and the public health burden of high BP. Yet, there is no specific recommendation regarding coffee intake in existing hypertension guidelines. The lack of a definitive understanding of the BP-coffee relationship is partially attributable to issues that we discuss in this review, issues such as acute vs. chronic effects, genetic and smoking effect modifications, and coffee vs. caffeine effects. We also present evidence from meta-analyses of studies on the association of BP with coffee intake. The scope of this review is limited to the latest advances published with a specific focus on caffeine, acknowledging that caffeine is only one among numerous components in coffee that may influence BP. Finally, considering the state of the research, we propose a mechanism by which the CYP1A2 gene and enzyme influence BP via inhibition of the adenosine receptor differentially in smokers and non-smokers.
We examined drivers of article citations using 776 articles that were published from 1990-2012 in a broad-based and high-impact social sciences journal, The Leadership Quarterly. These articles had 1,191 unique authors having published and received in total (at the time of their most recent article published in our dataset) 16,817 articles and 284,777 citations, respectively. Our models explained 66.6% of the variance in citations and showed that quantitative, review, method, and theory articles were significantly more cited than were qualitative articles or agent-based simulations. As concerns quantitative articles, which constituted the majority of the sample, our model explained 80.3% of the variance in citations; some methods (e.g., use of SEM) and designs (e.g., meta-analysis), as well as theoretical approaches (e.g., use of transformational, charismatic, or visionary type-leadership theories) predicted higher article citations. Regarding the statistical conclusion validity of quantitative articles, articles having endogeneity threats received significantly fewer citations than did those using a more robust design or an estimation procedure that ensured correct causal estimation. We make several general recommendations on how to improve research practice and article citations.
BACKGROUND: Incarcerated hernias represent about 5-15 % of all operated hernias. Tension-free mesh is the preferred technique for elective surgery due to low recurrence rates. There is however currently no consensus on the use of mesh for the treatment of incarcerated hernias, especially in case of bowel resection. AIM: The aims of this study were (i) to report our current practice for the treatment of incarcerated hernias, (ii) to identify risk factors for postoperative complications, and (iii) to assess the safety of mesh placement in potentially infected surgical fields. METHODS: This retrospective study included 166 consecutive patients who underwent emergency surgery for incarcerated hernia between January 2007 and January 2012 in two university hospitals. Demographics, surgical details, and short-term outcome were collected. Univariate analysis was employed to identify risk factors for overall, infectious, and major complications. RESULTS: Eighty-four patients (50.6 %) presented inguinal hernias, 43 femoral (25.9 %), 37 umbilical hernias (22.3 %), and 2 mixed hernias (1.2 %), respectively. Mesh was placed in 64 patients (38.5 %), including 5 patients with concomitant bowel resection. Overall morbidity occurred in 56 patients (32.7 %), and 8 patients (4.8 %) developed surgical site infections (SSI). Univariate risk factors for overall complications were ASA grade 3/4 (P = 0.03), diabetes (P = 0.05), cardiopathy (P = 0.001), aspirin use (P = 0.023), and bowel resection (P = 0.001) which was also the only identified risk factor for SSI (P = 0.03). In multivariate analysis, only bowel incarceration was associated with a higher rate of major morbidity (OR = 14.04; P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: Morbidity after surgery for incarcerated hernia remains high and depends on comorbidities and surgical presentation. The use of mesh could become current practice even in case of bowel resection.
Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) is a relevant conifer species for studying adaptive responses to drought and fire regimes in the Mediterranean region. In this study, we performed Illumina next-generation sequencing of two phenotypically divergent Aleppo pine accessions with the aims of (i) characterizing the transcriptome through Illumina RNA-Seq on trees phenotypically divergent for adaptive traits linked to fire adaptation and drought, (ii) performing a functional annotation of the assembled transcriptome, (iii) identifying genes with accelerated evolutionary rates, (iv) studying the expression levels of the annotated genes and (v) developing gene-based markers for population genomic and association genetic studies. The assembled transcriptome consisted of 48,629 contigs and covered about 54.6 Mbp. The comparison of Aleppo pine transcripts to Picea sitchensis protein-coding sequences resulted in the detection of 34,014 SNPs across species, with a Ka /Ks average value of 0.216, suggesting that the majority of the assembled genes are under negative selection. Several genes were differentially expressed across the two pine accessions with contrasted phenotypes, including a glutathione-s-transferase, a cellulose synthase and a cobra-like protein. A large number of new markers (3334 amplifiable SSRs and 28,236 SNPs) have been identified which should facilitate future population genomics and association genetics in this species. A 384-SNP Oligo Pool Assay for genotyping with the Illumina VeraCode technology has been designed which showed an high overall SNP conversion rate (76.6%). Our results showed that Illumina next-generation sequencing is a valuable technology to obtain an extensive overview on whole transcriptomes of nonmodel species with large genomes.
PURPOSE: To review the literature on young people's perspectives on health care with a view to defining domains and indicators of youth-friendly care. METHODS: Three bibliographic databases were searched to identify studies that purportedly measured young people's perspectives on health care. Each study was assessed to identify the constructs, domains, and indicators of adolescent-friendly health care. RESULTS: Twenty-two studies were identified: 15 used quantitative methods, six used qualitative methods and one used mixed methodology. Eight domains stood out as central to young people's positive experience of care. These were: accessibility of health care; staff attitude; communication; medical competency; guideline-driven care; age appropriate environments; youth involvement in health care; and health outcomes. Staff attitudes, which included notions of respect and friendliness, appeared universally applicable, whereas other domains, such as an appropriate environment including cleanliness, were more specific to particular contexts. CONCLUSION: These eight domains provide a practical framework for assessing how well services are engaging young people. Measures of youth-friendly health care should address universally applicable indicators of youth-friendly care and may benefit from additional questions that are specific to the local health setting.
Food intake increases to a varying extent during pregnancy to provide extra energy for the growing fetus. Measuring the respiratory quotient (RQ) during the course of pregnancy (by quantifying O2 consumption and CO2 production with indirect calorimetry) could be potentially useful since it gives an insight into the evolution of the proportion of carbohydrate vs. fat oxidized during pregnancy and thus allows recommendations on macronutrients for achieving a balanced (or slightly positive) substrate intake. A systematic search of the literature for papers reporting RQ changes during normal pregnancy identified 10 papers reporting original research. The existing evidence supports an increased RQ of varying magnitude in the third trimester of pregnancy, while the discrepant results reported for the first and second trimesters (i.e. no increase in RQ), explained by limited statistical power (small sample size) or fragmentary data, preclude safe conclusions about the evolution of RQ during early pregnancy. From a clinical point of view, measuring RQ during pregnancy requires not only sophisticated and costly indirect calorimeters but appears of limited value outside pure research projects, because of several confounding variables: (1) spontaneous changes in food intake and food composition during the course of pregnancy (which influence RQ); (2) inter-individual differences in weight gain and composition of tissue growth; (3) technical factors, notwithstanding the relatively small contribution of fetal metabolism per se (RQ close to 1.0) to overall metabolism of the pregnant mother.
BACKGROUND: Therapeutic cancer vaccines aim to boost the natural immunity against transformed cancer cells, and a series of adjuvants and co-stimulatory molecules have been proposed to enhance the immune response against weak self-antigens expressed on cancer cells. For instance, a peptide/CpG-based cancer vaccine has been evaluated in several clinical trials and was shown in pre-clinical studies to favor the expansion of effector T versus Tregs cells, resulting in a potent antitumor activity, as compared to other TLR ligands. Alternatively, the adjuvant activity of CD1d-restricted invariant NKT cells (iNKT) on the innate and adaptive immunity is well demonstrated, and several CD1d glycolipid ligands are under pre-clinical and clinical evaluation. Importantly, additive or even synergistic effects have been shown upon combined CD1d/NKT agonists and TLR ligands. The aim of the present study is to combine the activation and tumor targeting of activated iNKT, NK and T cells. METHODS: Activation and tumor targeting of iNKT cells via recombinant α-galactosylceramide (αGC)-loaded CD1d-anti-HER2 fusion protein (CD1d-antitumor) is combined or not with OVA peptide/CpG vaccine. Circulating and intratumoral NK and H-2Kb/OVA-specific CD8 responses are monitored, as well as the state of activation of dendritic cells (DC) with regard to activation markers and IL-12 secretion. The resulting antitumor therapy is tested against established tumor grafts of B16 melanoma cells expressing human HER2 and ovalbumin. RESULTS: The combined CD1d/iNKT antitumor therapy and CpG/peptide-based immunization leads to optimized expansion of NK and OVA-specific CD8 T cells (CTLs), likely resulting from the maturation of highly pro-inflammatory DCs as seen by a synergistic increase in serum IL-12. The enhanced innate and adaptive immune responses result in higher tumor inhibition that correlates with increased numbers of OVA-specific CTLs at the tumor site. Antibody-mediated depletion experiments further demonstrate that in this context, CTLs rather than NK cells are essential for the enhanced tumor inhibition. CONCLUSIONS: Altogether, our study in mice demonstrates that αGC/CD1d-antitumor fusion protein greatly increases the efficacy of a therapeutic CpG-based cancer vaccine, first as an adjuvant during T cell priming and second, as a therapeutic agent to redirect immune responses to the tumor site.
Plasma concentrations of the enantiomers of fluoxetine (FLX) and norfluoxetine (NFLX) were measured at days 7, 14, and 23 of oral administration of 20 mg of racemic fluoxetine in 11 patients who were comedicated with risperidone. Eight patients were genotyped as being cytochrome P4502D6 extensive metabolizers (EMs) and three as cytochrome P4502D6 poor metabolizers (PMs). No statistically significant differences were calculated between EMs and PMs in the concentrations of (R)-FLX and (R)-NFLX for all days examined (day 23, mean +/- SD for (R)-FLX and (R)-NFLX in EMs, 16 +/- 5 and 29 +/- 20 ng/mL, respectively; in PMs, 16 +/- 1 and 20 +/- 2 ng/mL, respectively). However, concentrations of (S)-FLX and (S)-NFLX were higher and lower, respectively, in PMs as compared with EMs (day 7, p = 0.037 and p = 0.036; day 14, p = 0.014 and p = 0.014; day 23, p = 0.068 and p = 0.038). On day 23, mean (S)-FLX and (S)-NFLX in EMs were (mean +/- SD) 39 +/- 26 and 63 +/- 26 ng/mL, and in PMs they were 88 +/- 7 and 19 +/- 2 ng/mL. This study confirms the results of the single-dose studies showing that CYP2D6 is involved in the demethylation of FLX to NFLX, with a stereoselectivity toward the (S)-enantiomer. The data also clearly show that the CYP2D6 genotype has an important influence on the concentrations of the (S)- but not of the (R)-enantiomer of FLX and NFLX after multiple doses.
BACKGROUND: The prescription of recommended medical therapies is a key factor to improve prognosis after acute coronary syndromes (ACS). However, reasons for cardiovascular therapies discontinuation after hospital discharge are poorly reported in previous studies. METHODS: We enrolled 3055 consecutive patients hospitalized with a main diagnosis of ACS in four Swiss university hospitals with a prospective one-year follow-up. We assessed the self-reported use of recommended therapies and the reasons for medication discontinuation according to the patient interview performed at one-year follow-up. RESULTS: 3014 (99.3%) patients were discharged with aspirin, 2983 (98.4%) with statin, 2464 (81.2%) with beta-blocker, 2738 (90.3%) with ACE inhibitors/ARB and 2597 (100%) with P2Y12 inhibitors if treated with coronary stent. At the one-year follow-up, the discontinuation percentages were 2.9% for aspirin, 6.6% for statin, 11.6% for beta-blocker, 15.1% for ACE inhibitor/ARB and 17.8% for P2Y12 inhibitors. Most patients reported having discontinued their medication based on their physicians' decision: 64 (2.1%) for aspirin, 82 (2.7%) for statin, 212 (8.6%) for beta-blocker, 251 (9.1% for ACE inhibitor/ARB) and 293 (11.4%) for P2Y12 inhibitors, while side effect, perception that medication was unnecessary and medication costs were uncommon reported reasons (<2%) according to the patients. CONCLUSIONS: Discontinuation of recommended therapies after ACS differs according the class of medication with the lowest percentages for aspirin. According to patients, most stopped their cardiovascular medication based on their physician's decision, while spontaneous discontinuation was infrequent.
The aim of this study was to evaluate splenic eosinophil and mast cell accumulation using pagoda red stain in a series of anaphylaxis-related deaths that underwent medico-legal investigations. Our goal was to assess whether fatal reactions to insect stings, intramuscularly administered antibiotics and intravenously injected contrast media are responsible for specific patterns of eosinophil and mast cell accumulation. Two study groups were prospectively formed, an anaphylaxis-related death group and a control group. Autopsy, histology (haematoxylin-eosin stain, pagoda red stain and immunohistochemistry using anti-tryptase antibodies), toxicology and postmortem biochemistry (beta-tryptase, total IgE and specific IgE) were performed in all cases. All tested parameters (spleen weight, beta-tryptase and total IgE levels as well as eosinophil, mast cell and degranulated mast cell numbers in the spleen) were significantly higher in the anaphylaxis-related death group. No statistically significant differences were observed among the various groups (intramuscular antibiotic injection, intravenous contrast medium administration and stinging insects) in any combination, suggesting that mast cell and eosinophil accumulation in the spleen during anaphylaxis does not have any specific pattern related to the triggering allergen. Despite a lower sensitivity than immunohistochemical staining in discriminating eosinophil and mast cells, pagoda red stain allowed these cells to be identified and could therefore be proposed as a low-cost, first-line diagnostic procedure in those situations where immunohistochemistry is not systematically performed or cannot be carried out.
The tonotopic representations within the primary auditory cortex (PAC) have been successfully mapped with ultra-high field fMRI. Here, we compared the reliability of this tonotopic mapping paradigm at 7 T with 1.5 mm spatial resolution with maps acquired at 3 T with the same stimulation paradigm, but with spatial resolutions of 1.8 and 2.4 mm. For all subjects, the mirror-symmetric gradients within PAC were highly similar at 7 T and 3 T and across renderings at different spatial resolutions; albeit with lower percent signal changes at 3 T. In contrast, the frequency maps outside PAC tended to suffer from a reduced BOLD contrast-to-noise ratio at 3 T for a 1.8 mm voxel size, while robust at 2.4 mm and at 1.5 mm at 7 T. Overall, our results showed the robustness of the phase-encoding paradigm used here to map tonotopic representations across scanners.
INTRODUCTION: We report the impact of canakinumab, a fully human anti-interleukin-1β monoclonal antibody, on inflammation and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with difficult-to-treat Gouty Arthritis. METHODS: In this eight-week, single-blind, double-dummy, dose-ranging study, patients with acute Gouty Arthritis flares who were unresponsive or intolerant to--or had contraindications for--non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and/or colchicine were randomized to receive a single subcutaneous dose of canakinumab (10, 25, 50, 90, or 150 mg) (N = 143) or an intramuscular dose of triamcinolone acetonide 40 mg (N = 57). Patients assessed pain using a Likert scale, physicians assessed clinical signs of joint inflammation, and HRQoL was measured using the 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) (acute version). RESULTS: At baseline, 98% of patients were suffering from moderate-to-extreme pain. The percentage of patients with no or mild pain was numerically greater in most canakinumab groups compared with triamcinolone acetonide from 24 to 72 hours post-dose; the difference was statistically significant for canakinumab 150 mg at these time points (P < 0.05). Treatment with canakinumab 150 mg was associated with statistically significant lower Likert scores for tenderness (odds ratio (OR), 3.2; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.27 to 7.89; P = 0.014) and swelling (OR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.09 to 6.50, P = 0.032) at 72 hours compared with triamcinolone acetonide. Median C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A levels were normalized by seven days post-dose in most canakinumab groups, but remained elevated in the triamcinolone acetonide group. Improvements in physical health were observed at seven days post-dose in all treatment groups; increases in scores were highest for canakinumab 150 mg. In this group, the mean SF-36 physical component summary score increased by 12.0 points from baseline to 48.3 at seven days post-dose. SF-36 scores for physical functioning and bodily pain for the canakinumab 150 mg group approached those for the US general population by seven days post-dose and reached norm values by eight weeks post-dose. CONCLUSIONS: Canakinumab 150 mg provided significantly greater and more rapid reduction in pain and signs and symptoms of inflammation compared with triamcinolone acetonide 40 mg. Improvements in HRQoL were seen in both treatment groups with a faster onset with canakinumab 150 mg compared with triamcinolone acetonide 40 mg. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov: NCT00798369.