342 resultados para µCT-scan
We propose to evaluate automatic three-dimensional gray-value rigid registration (RR) methods for prostate localization on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans. In total, 103 CBCT scans of 9 prostate patients have been analyzed. Each one was registered to the planning CT scan using different methods: (a) global RR, (b) pelvis bone structure RR, (c) bone RR refined by local soft-tissue RR using the CT clinical target volume (CTV) expanded with a 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 or 20-mm margin. To evaluate results, a radiation oncologist was asked to manually delineate the CTV on the CBCT scans. The Dice coefficients between each automatic CBCT segmentation - derived from the transformation of the manual CT segmentation - and the manual CBCT segmentation were calculated. Global or bone CT/CBCT RR has been shown to yield insufficient results in average. Local RR with an 8-mm margin around the CTV after bone RR was found to be the best candidate for systematically significantly improving prostate localization.
Intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS) has been described to be useful during central corpectomy for compressive cervical myelopathy. This study aimed at documenting the utility of IOUS in oblique cervical corpectomy (OCC). Prospective data from 24 patients undergoing OCC for cervical spondylotic myelopathy and ossified posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL) were collected. Patients had a preoperative cervical spine magnetic resonance (MR) image, IOUS and a postoperative cervical CT scan. Retrospective data from 16 historical controls that underwent OCC without IOUS were analysed to compare the incidence of residual compression between the two groups. IOUS identified the vertebral artery in all cases, detected residual cord compression in six (27%) and missed compression in two cases (9%). In another two cases with OPLL, IOUS was sub-optimal due to shadowing. IOUS measurement of the corpectomy width correlated well with these measurements on the postoperative CT. The extent of cord expansion noted on IOUS after decompression showed no correlation with immediate or 6-month postoperative neurological recovery. No significant difference in residual compression was noted in the retrospective and prospective groups of the study. Craniocaudal spinal cord motion was noted after the completion of the corpectomy. IOUS is an inexpensive and simple real-time imaging modality that may be used during OCC for cervical spondylotic myelopathy. It is helpful in identifying the vertebral artery and determining the trajectory of approach, however, it has limited utility in patients with OPLL due to artifacts from residual ossification.
This paper describes a realistic simulator for the Computed Tomography (CT) scan process for motion analysis. In fact, we are currently developing a new framework to find small motion from the CT scan. In order to prove the fidelity of this framework, or potentially any other algorithm, we present in this paper a simulator to simulate the whole CT acquisition process with a priori known parameters. In other words, it is a digital phantom for the motion analysis that can be used to compare the results of any related algorithm with the ground-truth realistic analytical model. Such a simulator can be used by the community to test different algorithms in the biomedical imaging domain. The most important features of this simulator are its different considerations to simulate the best the real acquisition process and its generality.
Chordomas are uncommon tumours occuring from remnants of the notochord. They are mainly localized in the sacrococcygium, the spine and the skull base. We focused our study on skull base chordomas and reviewed 531 published cases and 6 cases diagnosed in our institution. The six cases diagnosed at our hospital are described with a special mention of a unique case presenting with meningitis. Clinical features, radiology, histopathology and survival with different treatments are reviewed. Skull base chordomas can occur at any age and are slightly more frequent in males. Patients complain most often of diplopia and headaches. Abducens nerve palsy is the commonest neurological finding. Radiological examination should include both CT-scan which shows extensive osteolysis, calcifications and contrast enhancement and MRI for topographical definition. Metastases rarely occur. Treatment remains controversial but combined surgery and radiotherapy is the best treatment with a 5 year survival rate of 75%.
Exophthalmos is the main symptom revealing orbital masses. This sign needs to be imaged mainly by MRI and/or CT. As Graves disease is the main etiology of exophthalmos, CT scan should be performed as the initial imaging modality. Indications for US and Doppler are mostly limited to the study of ocular masses, and eventually may help the characterization of extra-ocular lesions. In all cases, imaging is useful to characterize: the precise location of the lesion which can be the intra-conal space (including muscles), the extra-conal space (associated or not to an extra-orbital lesion), or the eyeball; the features of the lesion (density, signal, enhancement.). These findings are used to generate a differential diagnosis. Imaging is also useful to precise the extension of the mass, and in some cases to select the appropriate surgical approach, and for follow-up.
Purpose/Objective(s): Letrozole radiosensitizes breast cancer cells in vitro. In clinical settings, no data exist for the combination of letrozole and radiotherapy. We assessed concurrent and sequential radiotherapy and letrozole in the adjuvant setting.Materials/Methods: The present study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00208273. This Phase 2 randomized trial was undertaken in two centers in France and one in Switzerland between January 12, 2005, and February 21, 2007. One hundred fifty postmenopausal women with early-stage breast cancer were randomly assigned after conserving surgery to either concurrent radiotherapy and letrozole (n = 75) or sequential radiotherapy and letrozole (n = 75). Randomization was open label with a minimization technique, stratified by investigational centers, chemotherapy (yes vs. no), radiation boost (yes vs. no), and value of radiation-induced lymphocyte apoptosis (#16% vs. .16%). The whole breast was irradiated to a total dose of 50 Gy in 25 fractions over 5 weeks. In the case of supraclavicular and internal mammary node irradiation, the dose was 44 - 50 Gy. Letrozole was administered orally once daily at a dose of 2 - 5 mg for 5 years (beginning 3 weeks pre-radiotherapy in the concomitant group, and 3 weeks postradiotherapy in the sequential group). The primary endpoint was the occurrence of acute (during and within 6 weeks of radiotherapy) and late (within 2 years) radiation-induced Grade 2 or worse toxic effects of the skin and lung (functional pulmonary test and lung CT-scan). Analyses were by intention-to-treat. The long-term follow-up after 2 years was only performed in Montpellier (n = 121) and evaluated skin toxicity (clinical examination every 6 months), lung fibrosis (one CT-scan yearly), cosmetic outcome.Results: All patients were analyzed apart from 1 in the concurrent group who withdrew consent before any treatment.Within the first 2 years (n = 149), no lung toxicity was identified by CT scan and no modification from baseline was noted by the lung diffusion capacity test. Two patients in each group had Grade 2 or worse late effects (both radiation-induced subcutaneous fibrosis [RISF]). After 2 years (n = 121), and with a median follow-up of 50 months (38-62), 2 patients (1 in each arm) presented a Grade 3 RISF. No lung toxicity was identified by CT scan. Cosmetic results (photographies) and quality of life was good to excellent. All patients who had Grade 3 subcutaneous fibrosis had an RILA value of 16% or less, irrespective of the sequence with letrozole.Conclusions:With long-term follow-up, letrozole can be safely delivered shortly after surgery and concomitantly with radiotherapy.
OBJECTIVES: To describe the spectrum of pathologies responsible for neck ailments in a primary care pediatric emergency setting and evaluate their outcome. METHODS: All children aged 16 years or younger, who presented to the emergency department of the Children's Hospital of Lausanne during a 1-year period, were retrospectively identified and charts were reviewed. Causes of neck complaints were classified as traumatic (group 1), infectious (group 2), postural (group 3), or miscellaneous (group 4) according to the final diagnosis. History and physical examination findings, radiological and laboratory results, as well as patient outcomes were recorded. RESULTS: During the study period, 28,722 children were observed in the emergency department, and 170 were identified as having neck complaints. The number of patients with neck ailments in group 1 was 105 (62%). Group 2 contained 33 patients (19%), of which 28 (16.5%) had a viral infection and 5 (2.9%) had a bacterial infection. Group 3 contained 30 children (17.6%) and group 4 contained 2 children (1.2%). Cervical spine radiography was performed on an emergency basis in 60 children (57 in group 1, 2 in group 2, and 1 in group 3). Significant abnormalities were observed in 6 children. Cervical computed tomography (CT) was performed in 9 children, from which 5 were in group 1, 3 were in group 2, and 1 was in group 4. The CT scan revealed pathologic findings in 6 children. Follow-up data were available in 135 patients (79.4%), of which 129 (95.6%) experienced complete recovery in less than 2 weeks. Admission to the hospital was necessary in 4 children (1 in group 1 and 3 in group 2), including 2 for emergency surgical drainage of retropharyngeal abscesses. One child with posttraumatic torticollis was treated conservatively as an outpatient and recovered in 7 weeks. One child was had his/her condition eventually diagnosed with osteoid osteoma and treated with oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. CONCLUSIONS: Most cases of neck ailments in children presenting to the emergency department were due to trauma or infection, which were effectively managed as outpatients. When signs and symptoms suggested an emergent cause, CT provided a definitive diagnosis. The evaluation of a child presenting with acute neck complaints should be based on history and physical examination. Plain radiographs and CT scan are contributive in selected cases.
Less-lethal weapons are used in law enforcement to neutralize combative individuals and to disperse riot crowds. Local police recently used such an impact weapon, the Flash-Ball, in two different situations. This gun fires large rubber bullets with kinetic energies around 200 J. Although it is designed to avoid skin penetration, impacts at such energies may still create major trauma with associated severe injuries to internal organs. This is a report of 2 patients shot with the Flash-Ball who required medical attention. One could be discharged quickly, but the other required hospitalization for heart and lung contusion. Both patients required advanced investigations including computed tomography (CT) scan. The medical literature on injuries induced by less-lethal impact weapons is reviewed. Impacts from the Flash-Ball can cause significant injury to internal organs, even without penetration. Investigations as for other high-energy blunt traumas are called for in these cases.
PURPOSE: To prospectively evaluate the accuracy and reliability of "freehand" posttraumatic orbital wall reconstruction with AO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Osteosynthese) titanium mesh plates by using computer-aided volumetric measurement of the bony orbits. METHODS: Bony orbital volume was measured in 12 patients from coronal CT scan slices using OsiriX Medical Image software. After defining the volumetric limits of the orbit, the segmentation of the bony orbital region of interest of each single slice was performed. At the end of the segmentation process, all regions of interest were grouped and the volume was computed. The same procedure was performed on both orbits, and thereafter the volume of the contralateral uninjured orbit was used as a control for comparison. RESULTS: In all patients, the volume data of the reconstructed orbit fitted that of the contralateral uninjured orbit with accuracy to within 1.85 cm3 (7%). CONCLUSIONS: This preliminary study has demonstrated that posttraumatic orbital wall reconstruction using "freehand" bending and placement of AO titanium mesh plates results in a high success rate in re-establishing preoperative bony volume, which closely approximates that of the contralateral uninjured orbit.
Introduction: La survenue d'une hémorragie dans les muscles iliopsoasconstitue une pathologie grave, dont le diagnostic est souventtardif et grevé d'une morbidité importante. Sa présentation cliniquedoit être reconnue précocement, en particulier par les médecins depremier recours.Cas clinique: Un patient de 65 ans est admis aux urgences en raisonde douleurs invalidantes de la jambe droite, prédominant sur la faceantérieure de la cuisse. Les douleurs irradient dans le pli inguinal, leflanc, la région lombaire, ainsi que la hanche droite. Elles sont associéesà une parésie du quadriceps droit. Le patient a bénéficié en2006 d'un remplacement de valve aortique, avec implantation d'unevalve mécanique motivant une anticoagulation par acenocoumarol.Il présente par ailleurs une parésie sur le territoire du nerf sciatiquedroit, après fracture du bassin en 1970. Le diagnostic est évoqué auvu d'une antioagulation supra-thérapeutique (INR 5).Un CT-scan de l'abdomen confirmera un important hématome(11 x 7 cm) du muscle iliaque droit (fig. 1) qui sera drainé chirurgicalement,après réversion partielle de la crase, permettant une évolutionfavorable.Discussion: Les hématomes des muscles ilio-psoas surviennentclassiquement de manière spontanée. Les symptômes sont peu spécifiques,à type de douleurs diffuses abdominales, lombaires ou crurales,de paresthésies, de limitation fonctionnelle ou de chute isoléede l'hémoglobine (Hb). Les patients sous anticoagulants (héparine,acenocoumarol) ou présentant des troubles de la coagulation (hémophilie,thrombopathie, maladie de von Willebrand) sont particulièrementà risque. Les complications sont fréquentes: compressions dunerf fémoral (avec hypoesthésie, parésie du quadriceps ou abolitiondu réflexe rotulien), anémie, état de choc. Le traitement implique lacorrection des troubles de la coagulation, ainsi qu'un suivi clinique,radiologique et biologique (Hb) régulier. Le traitement conservateurest proposé lors d'hématome de petite taille, si le patient est stable etpeu symptomatique. Dans les autres cas, un drainage chirurgical parvoie ouverte ou par voie percutanée est recommandé. L'embolisationartérielle s'affiche comme une future option thérapeutique.Conclusions: Ce cas illustre les différents éléments cliniques etbiologiques qui orientent précocement vers le diagnostic d'hématomedes muscles ilio-psoas. Il devrait favoriser l'évocation d'une pathologierare, permettant de garantir un diagnostic précoce.
Résumé Contexte: Bon nombre d'études épidémiologiques concernant les premières crises comitiales ont été effectuées principalement sur des populations générales. Cependant, les patients admis dans un hôpital peuvent présenter des éléments cliniques différents. Nous avons donc mené une étude prospective auprès de sujets dans une population hospitalière ayant subi une première crise d'épilepsie, afin d'étudier leur pronostic et le rôle des examens complémentaires (examen neurologique, imagerie cérébrale, examens sanguins, EEG) dans le choix de l'administration d'une médication antiépileptique. Méthodes : Sur une période d'une année, nous avons suivi 177 patients adultes, admis consécutivement, ayant présenté une crise d'épilepsie dont l'évaluation aiguë a été effectuée dans notre hôpital. Pendant 6 mois, nous avons pratiqué pour chaque patient un suivi du traitement antiépileptique, des récidives de crises et d'un éventuel décès. Résultats : L'examen neurologique était anormal dans 72.3% des cas, l'imagerie cérébrale dans 54.8% et les examens sanguins dans 57.1%. L'EEG a montré des éléments épileptiformes dans 33.9% des cas. L'étiologie la plus fréquemment représentée était constituée par des intoxications. Un traitement antiépileptique a été prescrit chez 51% des patients. 31.6% des sujets suivis à six mois ont subi une récidive ; la mortalité s'est élevée à 17.8%. Statistiquement, l'imagerie cérébrale, l'EEG et l'examen neurologique étaient des facteurs prédictifs indépendants pour l'administration d'antiépileptiques, et l'imagerie cérébrale le seul facteur associé au pronostic. Conclusions : Les patients évalués en aigu dans un hôpital pour une première crise comitiale présentent un profil médical sous-jacent, qui explique probablement leur mauvais pronostic. L'imagerie cérébrale s'est avérée être le test paraclinique le plus important dans la prévention du traitement et du pronostic. Mots-clés : première crise d'épilepsie, étiologie, pronostic, récidive, médication antiépileptique, population hospitalière Summary Background: Epidemiological studies focusing on first-ever seizures have been carried out mainly on community based populations. However, since hospital populations may display varying clinical features, we prospectively analysed patients with first-ever seizure in a hospital based community to evaluate prognosis and the role of complementary investigations in the decision to administer antiepileptic drugs (AED). Methods: Over one year, we recruited 177 consecutive adult patients with a first seizure acutely evaluated in our hospital. During six months' follow-up data relating to AED treatment, recurrence of seizures and death were collected for each patient. Results:. Neurological examination was abnormal in 72.3%, neuroimaging in 54.8% and biochemical tests in 57.1%. Electroencephalogram (EEG) showed epileptiform features in 33.9%. Toxicity represented the most common aetiology. AED was prescribed in 51% of patients. Seizure recurrence at six months involved 31.6% of patients completing the follow-up; mortality was 17.8%. Statistical analysis showed that brain CT, EEG and neurological examination are independent predictive factors for AED administration, but only CT scan is associated with outcome. Conclusions: Patients evaluated acutely for first- ever seizure in a hospital setting have severe underlying clinical conditions apparently related to their relatively poor prognosis. Neuroimaging represents the most important paraclinical test in predicting both treatment administration and outcome.
A 68 year-old woman presented with increasing dyspnoea (NYHA II) and systolic murmur at auscultation. Echocardiography showed thickened pulmonary valve leaflets, a systolic prolapsing mass provoking severe pulmonary stenosis (peak systolic pulmonary pressure: 42 mmHg), no regurgitation, minimal right ventricular dilatation but normal ventricular function. CT scan showed a dense structure extending from the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) up to the pulmonary bifurcation infiltrating the pulmonary valve (PV).
BACKGROUND: Visceral obesity (VO) increases technical difficulty in laparoscopic surgery. The body mass index (BMI) does not always correlate to intra-abdominal fat distribution. Our hypothesis was that simple anthropometric measures that reflect VO, could predict technical difficulty in laparoscopic colorectal surgery, as reflected by the operative time, more accurately than the BMI. METHODS: Charts of all consecutive patients who underwent laparoscopic left colon resection in our institution between 2007 and 2010 were reviewed retrospectively. On a preoperative CT scan, anthropometric measures were taken on an axial plane at the L4-L5 level. Demographic, operative and anthropometric CT measures were correlated with the operative time. Logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the value of anthropometric CT measures or BMI to predict the duration of the colectomy. RESULTS: 121 patients with elective left colon resection for benign (56%) or malignant disease (44%) were included. There were 74 sigmoid resections (61%), 21 left hemicolectomies (17%) and 26 low anterior resections (22%). A longer sagittal abdominal diameter (≥24.8 cm) was significantly associated with longer corrected operative time (248 vs. 228 min, p = 0.043). In multivariate analysis, greater sagittal abdominal diameter, sagittal internal diameter and abdominal perimeter were significantly associated with longer operative time. No significant association was found for the BMI neither in univariate nor in multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that simple linear measures taken on a CT scan, such as sagittal abdominal diameter, sagittal internal diameter and abdominal perimeter, may predict longer operative time in laparoscopic left colonic resections more accurately than BMI.
The case of a 41-year-old alcoholic patient who presented with massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding is reported. The diagnosis was established rapidly by endoscopy which revealed bleeding through the papilla of Vater. Selective angiography of the superior mesenteric artery opacified the pancreatic duct as well as the duodenum. CT scan showed signs of chronic pancreatitis. Because of the recurrence of bleeding and shock, an urgent operation was necessary and a Whipple procedure was performed. Recovery was complete. The clinical presentation, the etiology, the diagnostic modalities and the treatment of this particular condition are discussed. Usually, hemorrhage through the pancreatic duct presents as repeated episodes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding with no source found at endoscopy. The presence of chronic pancreatitis or of epigastric pain during bleeding should suggest the diagnosis. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and angiography are the principal diagnostic tools. Definitive treatment requires surgery, and resection in most of the cases.
PURPOSE: To investigate current practices and timing of neurological prognostication in comatose cardiac arrest patients. METHODS: An anonymous questionnaire was distributed to the 8000 members of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine during September and October 2012. The survey had 27 questions divided into three categories: background data, clinical data, decision-making and consequences. RESULTS: A total of 1025 respondents (13%) answered the survey with complete forms in more than 90%. Twenty per cent of respondents practiced outside of Europe. Overall, 22% answered that they had national recommendations, with the highest percentage in the Netherlands (>80%). Eighty-nine per cent used induced hypothermia (32-34 °C) for comatose cardiac arrest patients, while 11% did not. Twenty per cent had separate prognostication protocols for hypothermia patients. Seventy-nine per cent recognized that neurological examination alone is not enough to predict outcome and a similar number (76%) used additional methods. Intermittent electroencephalography (EEG), brain computed tomography (CT) scan and evoked potentials (EP) were considered most useful. Poor prognosis was defined as cerebral performance category (CPC) 3-5 (58%) or CPC 4-5 (39%) or other (3%). When prognosis was considered poor, 73% would actively withdraw intensive care while 20% would not and 7% were uncertain. CONCLUSION: National recommendations for neurological prognostication after cardiac arrest are uncommon and only one physician out of five uses a separate protocol for hypothermia treated patients. A neurological examination alone was considered insufficient to predict outcome in comatose patients and most respondents advocated a multimodal approach: EEG, brain CT and EP were considered most useful. Uncertainty regarding neurological prognostication and decisions on level of care was substantial.