115 resultados para (abiotic and biotic) stress


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Members of the genus Sphingomonas are important catalysts for removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil, but their activity can be affected by various stress factors. This study examines the physiological and genome-wide transcription response of the phenanthrene-degrading Sphingomonas sp. strain LH128 in biofilms to solute stress (invoked by 450 mM NaCl solution), either as an acute (4-h) or a chronic (3-day) exposure. The degree of membrane fatty acid saturation was increased as a response to chronic stress. Oxygen consumption in the biofilms and phenanthrene mineralization activities of biofilm cells were, however, not significantly affected after imposing either acute or chronic stress. This finding was in agreement with the transcriptomic data, since genes involved in PAH degradation were not differentially expressed in stressed conditions compared to nonstressed conditions. The transcriptomic data suggest that LH128 adapts to NaCl stress by (i) increasing the expression of genes coping with osmolytic and ionic stress such as biosynthesis of compatible solutes and regulation of ion homeostasis, (ii) increasing the expression of genes involved in general stress response, (iii) changing the expression of general and specific regulatory functions, and (iv) decreasing the expression of protein synthesis such as proteins involved in motility. Differences in gene expression between cells under acute and chronic stress suggest that LH128 goes through changes in genome-wide expression to fully adapt to NaCl stress, without significantly changing phenanthrene degrading activity.


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Cardiovascular complications represent by far the most severe manifestations of diabetes mellitus. Treatment aimed at stopping progression of vascular lesions may fall short if initiated when the disease becomes clinically evident. Therefore, identification of the earliest vascular disfunctions may offer the best opportunity to interfere with pathogenic mechanisms and avoid progression of diabetic vasculopathy. In this report, we present a few mechanisms that alter hemodynamic and metabolic homeostasis in the course of diabetes mellitus. Endothelial function with special emphasis on nitric oxide and oxidative stress, advanced glycation end products, and the renin angiotensin system are briefly discussed. New pharmacological agents that may favorably influence these parameters are presently undergoing clinical trials. However, tight control of plasma glucose and cardiovascular risk factors represent the cornerstone of the treatment in diabetes to slow progression of vascular disease.


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The mainstay of contemporary therapies for extensive occlusive arterial disease is venous bypass graft. However, its durability is threatened by intimal hyperplasia (IH) that eventually leads to vessel occlusion and graft failure. Mechanical forces, particularly low shear stress and high wall tension, are thought to initiate and to sustain these cellular and molecular changes, but their exact contribution remains to be unraveled. To selectively evaluate the role of pressure and shear stress on the biology of IH, an ex vivo perfusion system (EVPS) was created to perfuse segments of human saphenous veins under arterial regimen (high shear stress and high pressure). Further technical innovations allowed the simultaneous perfusion of two segments from the same vein, one reinforced with an external mesh. Veins were harvested using a no-touch technique and immediately transferred to the laboratory for assembly in the EVPS. One segment of the freshly isolated vein was not perfused (control, day 0). The two others segments were perfused for up to 7 days, one being completely sheltered with a 4 mm (diameter) external mesh. The pressure, flow velocity, and pulse rate were continuously monitored and adjusted to mimic the hemodynamic conditions prevailing in the femoral artery. Upon completion of the perfusion, veins were dismounted and used for histological and molecular analysis. Under ex vivo conditions, high pressure perfusion (arterial, mean = 100 mm Hg) is sufficient to generate IH and remodeling of human veins. These alterations are reduced in the presence of an external polyester mesh.


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Questionnaire studies indicate that high-anxious musicians may suffer from hyperventilation symptoms before and/or during performance. Reported symptoms include amongst others shortness of breath, fast or deep breathing, dizziness and thumping heart. A self-report study by Widmer, Conway, Cohen and Davies (1997) shows that up to seventy percent of the tested highly anxious musicians are hyperventilators during performance. However, no study has yet tested if these self-reported symptoms reflect actual cardiorespiratory changes just before and during performance. Disturbances in breathing patterns and hyperventilation may negatively affect the performance quality in stressful performance situations. The main goal of this study is to determine if music performance anxiety is manifest physiologically in specific correlates of cardiorespiratory activity. We studied 74 professional music students of Swiss Music Universities divided into two groups (high- and lowanxious) based on their self-reported performance anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory by Spielberger). The students were tested in three distinct situations: baseline, performance without audience, performance with audience. We measured a) breathing patterns, end-tidal carbon dioxide, which is a good non-invasive estimator for hyperventilation, and cardiac activation and b) self-perceived emotions and self-perceived physiological activation. Analyses of heart rate, respiratory rate, self-perceived palpitations, self-perceived shortness of breath and self-perceived anxiety for the 15 most and the 15 least anxious musicians show that high-anxious and low-anxious music students have a comparable physiological activation during the different measurement periods. However, highanxious music students feel significantly more anxious and perceive significantly stronger palpitations and significantly stronger shortness of breath just before and during a public performance. The results indicate that low- and high-anxious music students a) do not differ in the considered physiological responses and b) differ in the considered self-perceived physiological symptoms and the selfreported anxiety before and/or during a public performance.


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There is a debate on whether an influence of biotic interactions on species distributions can be reflected at macro-scale levels. Whereas the influence of biotic interactions on spatial arrangements is beginning to be studied at local scales, similar studies at macro-scale levels are scarce. There is no example disentangling, from other similarities with related species, the influence of predator-prey interactions on species distributions at macro-scale levels. In this study we aimed to disentangle predator-prey interactions from species distribution data following an experimental approach including a factorial design. As a case of study we selected the short-toed eagle because of its known specialization on certain prey reptiles. We used presence-absence data at a 100 Km2 spatial resolution to extract the explanatory capacity of different environmental predictors (five abiotic and two biotic predictors) on the short-toed eagle species distribution in Peninsular Spain. Abiotic predictors were relevant climatic and topographic variables, and relevant biotic predictors were prey richness and forest density. In addition to the short-toed eagle, we also obtained the predictor's explanatory capacities for i) species of the same family Accipitridae (as a reference), ii) for other birds of different families (as controls) and iii) species with randomly selected presences (as null models). We run 650 models to test for similarities of the short-toed eagle, controls and null models with reference species, assessed by regressions of explanatory capacities. We found higher similarities between the short-toed eagle and other species of the family Accipitridae than for the other two groups. Once corrected by the family effect, our analyses revealed a signal of predator-prey interaction embedded in species distribution data. This result was corroborated with additional analyses testing for differences in the concordance between the distributions of different bird categories and the distributions of either prey or non-prey species of the short-toed eagle. Our analyses were useful to disentangle a signal of predator-prey interactions from species distribution data at a macro-scale. This study highlights the importance of disentangling specific features from the variation shared with a given taxonomic level.


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Ecological conditions can influence not only the expression of a phenotype, but also the heritability of a trait. As such, heritable variation for a trait needs to be studied across environments. We have investigated how pathogen challenge affects the expression of MHC genes in embryos of the lake whitefish Coregonus palaea. In order to experimentally separate paternal (i.e. genetic) from maternal and environmental effects, and determine whether and how stress affects the heritable variation for MHC expression, embryos were produced in full-factorial in vitro fertilizations, reared singly, and exposed at 208 degree days (late-eyed stage) to either one of two strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens that differ in their virulence characteristics (one increased mortality, while both delayed hatching time). Gene expression was assessed 48 h postinoculation, and virulence effects of the bacterial infection were monitored until hatching. We found no evidence of MHC class II expression at this stage of development. MHC class I expression was markedly down-regulated in reaction to both pseudomonads. While MHC expression could not be linked to embryo survival, the less the gene was expressed, the earlier the embryos hatched within each treatment group, possibly due to trade-offs between immune function and developmental rate or further factors that affect both hatching timing and MHC expression. We found significant additive genetic variance for MHC class I expression in some treatments. That is, changes in pathogen pressures could induce rapid evolution in MHC class I expression. However, we found no additive genetic variance in reaction norms in our study population.


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Images of myocardial strain can be used to diagnose heart disease, plan and monitor treatment, and to learn about cardiac structure and function. Three-dimensional (3D) strain is typically quantified using many magnetic resonance (MR) images obtained in two or three orthogonal planes. Problems with this approach include long scan times, image misregistration, and through-plane motion. This article presents a novel method for calculating cardiac 3D strain using a stack of two or more images acquired in only one orientation. The zHARP pulse sequence encodes in-plane motion using MR tagging and out-of-plane motion using phase encoding, and has been previously shown to be capable of computing 3D displacement within a single image plane. Here, data from two adjacent image planes are combined to yield a 3D strain tensor at each pixel; stacks of zHARP images can be used to derive stacked arrays of 3D strain tensors without imaging multiple orientations and without numerical interpolation. The performance and accuracy of the method is demonstrated in vitro on a phantom and in vivo in four healthy adult human subjects.


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Fragebogenstudien haben gezeigt, dass ängstliche Musiker vor und/oder während eines Auftritts möglicherweise unter Hyperventilationssymptomen leiden. Berichtete Symptome beinhalten Kurzatmigkeit, schnelles oder tiefes Einatmen, Schwindelgefühl und Herzklopfen. Bisher hat jedoch noch keine Studie getestet, ob diese selbstberichteten Symptome tatsächlich kardiorespiratorische Veränderungen widerspiegeln. Das Hauptziel dieser Studie ist es, zu bestimmen, ob sich Auftrittsangst bei Musikern physiologisch über kardiorespiratorische Muster äußert. Wir haben insgesamt 74 Musikstudenten von Schweizer Musikhochschulen getestet. Diese Studenten wurden aufgrund ihrer selbstberichteten Auftrittsangst (STAI-S) in zwei Gruppen unterteilt: ängstliche Musiker und nichtängstliche Musiker. Die Studenten wurden in drei unterschiedlichen Situationen getestet: Ausgangszustand, Auftritt ohne Publikum, Auftritt mit Publikum. Wir haben folgende Parameter gemessen: a) kardiorespiratorische Muster und endexpiratorisches CO2, welches eine gute nichtinvasive Schätzung des Hyperventilationsgrades liefert und b) subjektiv wahrgenommene Emotionen und subjektiv wahrgenommene physiologische Aktivität. Das Poster zeigt die ersten Resultate der 15 ängstlichsten und der 15 am wenigsten ängstlichen Musiker. Das Hauptinteresse gilt den folgenden Punkten: Herz- und Atemfrequenz, subjektiv wahrgenommenes Herzklopfen, subjektiv wahrgenommene Kurzatmigkeit und subjektiv wahrgenommenes Angstgefühl. Die Resultate dieser Studie zeigen erstens, dass ängstliche und nichtängstliche Musikstudenten zu den verschiedenen Messzeitpunkten eine vergleichbare physiologische Aktivität aufweisen und zweitens, dass ängstliche Musikstudenten ein signifikant höheres Angstgefühl haben und signifikant mehr Herzklopfen und Kurzatmigkeit wahrnehmen vor und/oder während eines Auftritts mit Publikum. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass sich ängstliche und nichtängstliche Musikstudenten a) bezüglich der subjektiv wahrgenommenen physiologischen Symptome und des selbst berichteten Angstgefühls vor und/oder während eines öffentlichen Auftritts unterscheiden und sich b) bezüglich der untersuchten physiologischen Reaktionen nicht unterscheiden.


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Genomic approaches to the study of the expression of plant genes induced in response to disease and attack are now showing that there is an intimate association between pathogen perception and general stress detection.


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Descriptors: music performance anxiety, respiration, hyperventilation Surveys indicate that high-anxious musicians may suffer from hyperventilation (HV) before or during performance. Reported symptoms include shortness of breath, fast/ deep breathing and thumping heart. However, no study has yet tested if these selfreported symptoms reflect actual cardiorespiratory activity. Themain goal of this study was to determine if MPA is manifested physiologically in specific correlates of cardiorespiratory activity associated with HV.We studied 74 professional music students from Swiss Music Academies. In this study, we compared the most anxious students (highanxious; n 5 20) with the least anxious students (low-anxious; n 5 23) based on their self-reported performance anxiety. We measured cardiorespiratory patterns with the Lifeshirt system, end-tidal CO2 with a capnograph (EtCO2, a good non-invasive estimator of HV), self-perceived physiological activation and affective experience in three situations on different days: baseline, performance without audience, and performance with audience. Comparing measures for the private vs. the public concert, high- compared to low-anxious students showed a significant drop in EtCO2 before the public concert and reported larger increases in anxiety, tension, palpitations and breathing difficulties. In contrast, heart rate, respiratory rate and volume did not differ significantly between groups. The results of this study support the hypothesis thatMPA may be associated with a tendency to hyperventilate and, thus, point to a potential hyperventilation problem in high-anxious music students.


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Overactivation of the sympatho-adrenergic system is an essential mechanism providing short-term adaptation to the stressful conditions of critical illnesses. In the same way, the administration of exogenous catecholamines is mandatory to support the failing circulation in acutely ill patients. In contrast to these short-term benefits, prolonged adrenergic stress is detrimental to the cardiovascular system by initiating a series of adverse effects triggering significant cardiotoxicity, whose pathophysiological mechanisms are complex and only partially elucidated. In addition to the development of myocardial oxygen supply/demand imbalance induced by the sustained activation of adrenergic receptors, catecholamines can damage cardiomyocytes by fostering mitochondrial dysfunction, via two main mechanisms. The first one is calcium overload, consecutive to β-adrenergic receptor-mediated activation of protein kinase A and subsequent phosphorylation of multiple Ca(2+)-cycling proteins. The second one is oxidative stress, primarily related to the transformation of catecholamines into "aminochromes," which undergo redox cycling in mitochondria to generate copious amounts of oxygen-derived free radicals. In turn, calcium overload and oxidative stress promote mitochondrial permeability transition and cardiomyocyte cell death, both via the apoptotic and necrotic pathways. Comparable mechanisms of myocardial toxicity, including marked oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, have been reported with the use of cocaine, a common recreational drug with potent sympathomimetic activity. The aim of the current review is to present in detail the pathophysiological processes underlying the development of catecholamine and cocaine-induced cardiomyopathy, as such conditions may be frequently encountered in the clinical practice of cardiologists and ICU specialists.


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Biomarkers of blood lipid modification and oxidative stress have been associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity. We sought to determine whether these biomarkers were related to functional indices of stenosis severity among patients with stable coronary artery disease. We studied 197 consecutive patients with stable coronary artery disease due to single vessel disease. Fractional flow reserve (FFR) ≤ 0.80 was assessed as index of a functionally significant lesion. Serum levels of secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) activity, secretory phospholipase A2 type IIA (sPLA2-IIA), myeloperoxydase (MPO), lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2), and oxidized low-density lipoprotein (OxLDL) were assessed using commercially available assays. Patients with FFR > 0.8 had higher sPLA2 activity, sPLA2 IIA, and OxLDL levels than patients with FFR ≤ 0.8 (21.25 [16.03-27.28] vs 25.85 [20.58-34.63] U/mL, p < 0.001, 2.0 [1.5-3.4] vs 2.6 [2.0-3.4] ng/mL, p < 0.01; and 53.0 [36.0-71.0] vs 64.5 [50-89.25], p < 0.001 respectively). Patients with FFR > 0.80 had similar Lp-PLA2 and MPO levels versus those with FFR ≤ 0.8. sPLA2 activity, sPLA2 IIA significantly increased area under the curve over baseline characteristics to predict FFR ≤ 0.8 (0.67 to 0.77 (95 % confidence interval [CI]: 0.69-0.85) p < 0.01 and 0.67 to 0.77 (95 % CI: 0.69-0.84) p < 0.01, respectively). Serum sPLA2 activity as well as sPLA2-IIA level is related to functional characteristics of coronary stenoses in patients with stable coronary artery disease.


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The Jebel Ressas Pb-Zn deposits in North-Eastern Tunisia occur mainly as open-space fillings (lodes, tectonic breccia cements) in bioclastic limestones of the Upper Jurassic Ressas Formation and along the contact of this formation with Triassic rocks. The galena-sphalerite association and their alteration products (cerussite, hemimorphite, hydrozincite) are set within a calcite gangue. The Triassic rocks exhibit enrichments in trace metals, namely Pb, Co and Cd enrichment in clays and Pb, Zn, Cd, Co and Cr enrichment in carbonates, suggesting that the Triassic rocks have interacted with the ore-bearing fluids associated with the Jebel Ressas Pb-Zn deposits. The delta(18)O content of calcite associated with the Pb-Zn mineralization suggests that it is likely to have precipitated from a fluid that was in equilibrium with the Triassic dolostones. The delta(34)S values in galenas from the Pb-Zn deposits range from -1.5 to +11.4%, with an average of 5.9% and standard deviation of 3.9%. These data imply mixing of thermochemically-reduced heavy sulfur carried in geothermal- and fault-stress-driven deep-seated source fluid with bacterially-reduced light sulfur carried in topography-driven meteoric fluid. Lead isotope ratios in galenas from the Pb-Zn deposits are homogenous and indicate a single upper crustal source of base-metals for these deposits. Synthesis of the geochemical data with geological data suggests that the base-metal mineralization at Jebel Ressas was formed during the Serravallian-Tortonian (or Middle-Late Miocene) Alpine compressional tectonics.


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Background : Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma), characterized by ichthyotic, rippled hyperkeratosis, erythroderma and skin blistering, is a rare autosomal dominant disease caused by mutations in keratin 1 or keratin 10 (K10) genes. A severe phenotype is caused by a missense mutation in a highly conserved arginine residue at position 156 (R156) in K10. Objectives: To analyse molecular pathomechanisms of hyperproliferation and hyperkeratosis, we investigated the defects in mechanosensation and mechanotransduction in keratinocytes carrying the K10R156H mutation. Methods: Differentiated primary human keratinocytes infected with lentiviral vectors carrying wild-type K10 (K10wt) or mutated K10R156H were subjected to 20% isoaxial stretch. Cellular fragility and mechanosensation were studied by analysis of mitogen-activated protein kinase activation and cytokine release. Results: Cultured keratinocytes expressing K10R156H showed keratin aggregate formation at the cell periphery, whereas the filament network in K10wt cells was normal. Under stretching conditions K10R156H keratinocytes exhibited about a twofold higher level of filament collapse compared with steady state. In stretched K10R156H cells, higher p38 activation, higher release of tumour necrosis factor-alpha and RANTES but reduced interleukin-1 beta secretion compared with K10wt cells was observed. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that the R156H mutation in K10 destabilizes the keratin intermediate filament network and affects stress signalling and inflammatory responses to mechanical stretch in differentiated cultured keratinocytes.