103 resultados para very long path length
One hundred de novo multiple myeloma patients with t(4;14) treated with double intensive therapy according to IFM99 protocols were retrospectively analyzed. The median overall survival (OS) and event-free survival (EFS) were 41.4 and 21 months, respectively, as compared to 65 and 37 for patients included in the IFM99 trials without t(4;14) (P<10(-7)). We identified a subgroup of patients presenting at diagnosis with both low beta(2)-microglobulin <4 mg/l and high hemoglobin (Hb) >/=10 g/l (46% of the cases) with a median OS of 54.6 months and a median EFS of 26 months, respectively, which benefits from high-dose therapy (HDT); conversely patients with one or both adverse prognostic factor (high beta(2)-microglobulin and/or low Hb) had a poor outcome. The achievement of either complete response or very good partial response after HDT was also a powerful independent prognostic factor for both OS and EFS.
Our aim was to assess the clinical outcome of patients who were subjected to long-axis sacroplasty for the treatment of sacral insufficiency fractures. Nineteen patients with unilateral (n = 3) or bilateral (n = 16) sacral fractures were involved. Under local anaesthesia, each patient was subjected to CT-guided sacroplasty using the long-axis approach through a single entry point. An average of 6 ml of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) was delivered along the path of each sacral fracture. For each individual patient, the Visual Analogue pain Scale (VAS) before sacroplasty and at 1, 4, 24 and 48 weeks after the procedure was obtained. Furthermore, the use of analgesics (narcotic/non-narcotic) along with the evolution of post-interventional patient mobility before and after sacroplasty was also recorded. The mean pre-procedure VAS was 8 +/- 1.9 (range, 2 to 10). This rapidly and significantly (P < 0.001) declined in the first week after the procedure (mean 4 +/- 1.4; range, 1 to 7) followed by a gradual and significant (P < 0.001) decrease along the rest of the follow-up period at 4 weeks (mean 3 +/- 1.1; range, 1 to 5), 24 weeks (mean 2.2 +/- 1.1; range, 1 to 5) and 48 weeks (mean 1.6 +/- 1.1; range, 1 to 5). Eleven (58%) patients were under narcotic analgesia before sacroplasty, whereas 8 (42%) patients were using non-narcotics. Corresponding values after the procedure were 2/19 (10%; narcotic, one of them was on reserve) and 10/19 (53%; non-narcotic). The remaining 7 (37%) patients did not address post-procedure analgesic use. The evolution of post-interventional mobility was favourable in the study group as they revealed a significant improvement in their mobility point scale (P < 0.001). Long-axis percutaneous sacroplasty is a suitable, minimally invasive treatment option for patients who present with sacral insufficiency fractures. More studies with larger patient numbers are needed to explore any unrecognised limitations of this therapeutic approach.
Despite accumulating evidence from in vitro studies that cellular senescence is linked to telomere dynamics, how this relates to whole-organism senescence and longevity is poorly understood and controversial. Using data on telomere length in red blood cells and long-term survival from wild Alpine swifts of a range of ages, we report that the telomere length and the rate of telomere loss are predictive of life expectancy, and that slow erosion of relatively long telomeres is associated with the highest survival probabilities. Importantly, because telomere dynamics, rather than chronological age, predict life expectancy, our study provides good evidence for a mechanistic link between telomere erosion and reduced organism longevity under natural conditions, chronological age itself possibly not becoming a significant predictor until very old ages beyond those in our sample.
Summary Artificial radionuclides were released in the environment during the atmospheric nuclear weapon tests and after accidental events involving nuclear industries. As a primary receptor of the deposition, the soil is a very sensitive compartment and understanding the interaction and migration of radionuclides within soils allows the development of scenario for the contamination risk of the population and of the environment. Most available field studies on radionuclides in soils only concern one or two isotopes, mostly 137Cs, and few physico-chemical soil parameters. The purpose of this study was a broader understanding of the radioecology of an Alpine valley. In a first part, we aimed to describe the depth distribution of 137Cs, 90Sr, 239+240Pu, and 241Am within different alpine soils and to identify some stable elements as indicators for accumulating layers. In the central part of the study, the goal was to investigate the repartition of ^Sr and 239Pu between the truly dissolved fraction and the colloidal fraction of the soil solutions and to identify the nature of colloids involved in the adsorption of ^Sr and 239Pu. These results were integrated in an "advection- sorption" transport model seeking to explain the migration of 239Pu and 90Sr within the soils and to assess the importance of colloidal transport for these two isotopes. A further aspect studied was the role of the competition between the radioisotopes (137Cs and 90Sr) and their stable chemical analogues (K and Ca) with respect to plant uptake by different plant species. The results on the depth distribution within the soils showed that 137Cs was mostly retained in the topsoil, to the exception of an organic-rich soil (Histosol 2) receiving important surface runoff, where migration down to a depth of 30 cm was observed. 137Cs depth distribution within the soils was similar to unsupported 210Pb depth distribution. The plant uptake of 137Cs clearly depended on the concentration of exchangeable potassium in the soils. Moreover, we showed that the 137Cs uptake by certain species of the taxonomic orders Poales and Rosales was more sensitive to the increase in exchangeable Κ compared to other orders. Strontium-90 was much more mobile in the soils than 137Cs and depth migration and accumulation in specific AI- and Fe-rich layers were found down to 30 cm. Copper and Ni showed accumulations in these same layers, indicating their potential to be used as indicators for the migration of ^Sr within the soils. In addition, we observed a 90Sr activity peak in the topsoil that can be attributable to recycling of 90Sr by plant uptake. We demonstrated for the first time that a part of 90Sr (at least 40%) was associated with the colloids in organic-rich soil solutions. Therefore, we predict a significant effect of the colloidal migration of ^Sr in organic-rich soil solutions. The plant uptake results for 90Sr indicated a phylogenetic effect between Non-Eudicot and Eudicots: the order Poales concentrating much less 90Sr than Eudicots do. Moreover, we were able to demonstrate that the sensitivity of the 90Sr uptake by 5 different Alpine plant species to the amount of exchangeable Ca was species-independent. Plutonium and 241Am accumulated in the second layer of all soils and only a slight migration deeper than 20 cm was observed. Plutonium and 241Am showed a similar depth distribution in the soils. The model results suggested that the present day migration of 239Pu was very slow and that the uptake by plants was negligible. 239Pu activities between 0.01 to 0.08 mBq/L were measured in the bulk soil solutions. Migration of 239Pu with the soil solution is dominated by colloidal transport. We reported strong evidences that humic substances were responsible of the sorption of 239Pu to the colloidal fraction of the soil solutions. This was reflected by the strong correlation between 239Pu concentrations and the content of (colloidal) organic matter in the soil solution. Résumé Certains radioéléments artificiels ont été disséminés dans l'environnement suite aux essais atmosphériques de bombes nucléaires et suite à des accidents impliquant les industries nucléaires. En tant que récepteur primaire de la déposition, le sol est un compartiment sensible et des connaissances sur les interactions et la migration des radioéléments dans le sol permettent de développer des modèles pour estimer la contamination de la population et de l'environnement. Actuellement, la plupart des études de terrain sur ce sujet concernent uniquement un ou deux radioéléments, surtout le 137Cs et peu d'études intègrent les paramètres du sol pour expliquer la migration des radioéléments. Le but général de cette étude était une compréhension étendue de la radio-écologie d'une vallée alpine. Notre premier objectif était de décrire la distribution en profondeur de 137Cs, ^Sr, 239+240pu et 241Am dans différents sols alpins en relation avec des éléments stables du sol, dans le but d'identifier des éléments stables qui pourraient servir d'indicateurs pour des horizons accumulateurs. L'objectif de la deuxième partie, qui était la partie centrale de l'étude, était d'estimer le pourcentage d'activité sous forme colloïdale du 239Pu et du 90Sr dans les solutions des sols. De plus nous avons déterminé la nature des colloïdes impliqués dans la fixation du ^Sr et 239Pu. Nous avons ensuite intégré ces résultats dans un modèle de transport développé dans le but de décrire la migration du 239Pu et 90Sr dans le sol. Finalement, nous avons étudié l'absorption de 137Cs et 90Sr par les plantes en fonction de l'espèce et de la compétition avec leur élément analogue stable (K et Ca). Les résultats sur la migration en profondeur du 137Cs ont montré que ce radioélément était généralement retenu en surface, à l'exception d'un sol riche en matière organique dans lequel nous avons observé une nette migration en profondeur. Dans tous les sols, la distribution en profondeur du 137Cs était corrélée avec la distribution du 210Pb. L'absorption du 137Cs par les plantes, était dépendante de la concentration en Κ échangeable dans le sol, le potassium étant un compétiteur. De plus, nous avons observé que les espèces ne réagissaient pas de la même manière aux variations de la concentration de Κ échangeable. En effet, les espèces appartenant aux ordres des Poales et des Rosales étaient plus sensibles aux variations de potassium échangeable dans le sol. Dans tous les sols Le 90Sr était beaucoup plus mobile que le 137Cs. En effet, nous avons observé des accumulations de 90Sr dans des horizons riches en Fe et Al jusqu'à 30 cm de profondeur. De plus, le Cu et le Ni montraient des accumulations dans les mêmes horizons que le 90Sr, indiquant qu'il pourrait être possible d'utiliser ces deux éléments comme analogues pour la migration du 90Sr. D'après le modèle développé, le pic de 90Sr dans les premiers centimètres du sol peut être attribué à du recyclage par les plantes. Le 90Sr en solution était principalement sous forme dissoute dans des solutions de sols peu organique (entre 60 et 100% de 90Sr dissous). Par contre, dans des solutions organiques, un important pourcentage de 90Sr (plus de 40%) était associé aux colloïdes. La migration colloïdale du 90Sr peut donc être significative dans des solutions organiques. Comme pour le 137Cs, l'absorption du 90Sr par les plantes dépendait de la concentration de son analogue chimique dans la fraction échangeable du sol. Par contre, les espèces de plantes étudiées avaient la même sensibilité aux variations de la concentration du calcium échangeable. Le plutonium et l'américium étaient accumulés dans le deuxième horizon du sol et nous avons observé seulement une faible migration plus profondément que 20 cm. Selon le modèle, la migration actuelle du plutonium est très lente et l'absorption par les plantes semble négligeable. Nous avons mesuré entre 0.01 et 0.08 mBq/L de 239Pu dans les solutions de sol brutes. La migration du plutonium par la solution du sol est due principalement aux colloïdes, probablement de nature humique. Résumé grand public Dans les années 1950 à 1960, l'environnement a été contaminé par des éléments radioactifs (radioéléments) artificiels provenant des essais des armes atomiques et de l'industrie nucléaire. En effet, durant ces années, les premiers essais de bombes atomiques se faisaient dans l'atmosphère, libérant de grandes quantités d'éléments radioactifs. De plus certains accidents impliquant l'industrie nucléaire civile ont contribué à la dissémination d'éléments radioactifs dans l'environnement. Ce fut par exemple le cas de l'accident de la centrale atomique de Tchernobyl en 1986 qui a causé une importante contamination d'une grande partie de l'Europe par le 137Cs. Lorsqu'ils sont libérés dans l'atmosphère, les radioéléments sont dispersés et transportés par les courants atmosphériques, puis peuvent être déposés dans l'environnement, principalement par les précipitations. Une fois déposés sur le sol, les radioéléments vont interagir avec les composants du sol et migrer plus ou moins vite. La connaissance des interactions des éléments radioactifs avec le sol est donc importante pour prédire les risques de contamination de l'environnement et de l'homme. Le but général de ce travail était d'évaluer la migration de différents éléments radioactifs (césium-137, strontium-90, plutonium et américium-241) à travers le sol. Nous avons choisi un site d'étude en milieu alpin (Val Piora, Tessin, Suisse), contaminé en radioéléments principalement par les retombées de l'accident de Tchernobyl et des essais atmosphériques de bombes atomiques. Dans un premier temps, nous avons caractérisé la distribution en profondeur des éléments radioactifs dans le sol et l'avons comparée à divers éléments stables. Cette comparaison nous a permit de remarquer que le cuivre et le nickel s'accumulaient dans les mêmes horizons du sol que le strontium-90 et pourraient donc être utilisés comme analogue pour la migration du strontium-90 dans les sols. Dans la plupart des sols étudiés, la migration du césium-137, du plutonium et de l'américium-241 était lente et ces radioéléments étaient donc accumulés dans les premiers centimètres du sol. Par contre, le strontium-90 a migré beaucoup plus rapidement que les autres radioéléments si bien qu'on observe des accumulations de strontium-90 à plus de 30 cm de profondeur. Les radioéléments migrent dans la solution du sol soit sous forme dissoute, soit sous forme colloïdale, c'est-à-dire associés à des particules de diamètre < Ιμηι. Cette association avec des colloïdes permet à des radioéléments peu solubles, comme le plutonium, de migrer plus rapidement qu'attendu. Nous avons voulu savoir quelle était la part de strontium-90 et plutonium associés à des colloïdes dans la solution du sol. Les résultats ont montré que le plutonium en solution était principalement associé à des colloïdes de type organique. Quant au strontium-90, ce dernier était en partie associé à des colloïdes dans des solutions de sol riches en matière organique, par contre, il était principalement sous forme dissoute dans les solutions de sol peu organiques. L'absorption de radioéléments par les plantes représente une voie importante pour le transfert vers la chaîne alimentaire, par conséquent pour la contamination de l'homme. Nous avons donc étudié le transfert du césium-137 et du strontium-90 de plusieurs sols vers différentes espèces de plantes. Les résultats ont montré que l'absorption des radioéléments par les plantes était liée à la concentration de leur analogue chimique (calcium pour le strontium-90 et potassium pour le césium- 137) dans la fraction échangeable du sol. De plus certaines espèces de plantes accumulent significativement moins de strontium-90.
The long-term impact of irrigation on a Mediterranean sandy soil irrigated with Treated wastewater (TWW) since 1980 was evaluated. The main soil properties (CEC, pH, size distribution, exchangeable cations and chloride, hydraulic conductivity) as well as the organic matter and Cu, Cr and Pb speciation in an irrigated soil and a non-irrigated control soil at various soil depths were monitored and compared during a 2 years experiment. In this first part, the evolution of the physico-chemical soil properties was described. The irrigation with TWW was beneficial with regard to water and nutrient supplying. All the exchangeable cations other than K(+) were higher in the irrigated soil than in the reference one. A part of the exchangeable cations was not fixed on the exchange complex but stored as labile salts or in concentrated soil solution. Despite the very sandy soil texture, both saturated and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity exhibited a significant diminution in the irrigated soil, but remained high enough to allow water percolation during rainy periods and subsequent leaching of accumulated salts, preventing soil salinization. In the irrigated soil, exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) exhibited high values (20% on average) and the soil organic C was lower than in the reference. No significant effect was noticed on soil mineralogical composition due to irrigation. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The purpose of this study was to assess the outcomes of 118 patients with eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) enrolled in 2 prospective, randomized, open-label clinical trials (1994-2005), with or without Five-Factor Score (FFS)-defined poor-prognosis factors, focusing on survival, disease-free survival, relapses, clinical and laboratory findings, therapeutic responses, and factors predictive of relapse. Forty-four patients with FFS ≥ 1 were assigned to receive 6 or 12 cyclophosphamide pulses plus corticosteroids and the seventy-four with FFS = 0 received corticosteroids alone, with immunosuppressant adjunction when corticosteroids failed. Patients were followed (2005-2011) under routine clinical care in an extended study and data were recorded prospectively. Mean ± SD follow-up was 81.3 ± 39.6 months. Among the 118 patients studied, 29% achieved long-term remission and 10% died. Among the 115 patients achieving a first remission, 41% experienced ≥1 relapses, 26.1 ± 26.8 months after treatment onset, with 57% of relapses occurring when corticosteroid-tapering reached <10 mg/day. Treatment achieved new remissions in >90%, but relapses recurred in 38%. Overall survival was good, reaching 90% at 7 years, regardless of baseline severity. Age ≥65 years was the only factor associated with a higher risk of death during follow-up. The risk of relapse was higher for patients with anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies and lower for those with >3000 eosinophils/mm(3). Sequelae remained frequent, usually chronic asthma and peripheral neuropathy. In conclusion, EGPA patients' survival rate is very good when treatment is stratified according to the baseline FFS. Relapses are frequent, especially in patients with anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies and baseline eosinophilia <3000/mm(3).
BACKGROUND: Gastric banding still represents one of the most widely used bariatric procedures. It provides acceptable weight loss in many patients, but has frequent long-term complications. Because different types of bands may lead to different results, we designed a randomized study to compare the Lapband® with the SAGB®. We hereby report on the long-term results. METHODS: Between December 1998 and June 2002, 180 morbidly obese patients were randomized between Lapband® or SAGB®. Weight loss, long-term morbidity, and need for reoperation were evaluated. RESULTS: Long-term weight loss did not differ between the two bands. Patients who maintained their band had an acceptable long-term weight loss of between 50 and 60 % EBMIL. In both groups, about half the patients developed long-term complications, with about 50 % requiring major redo surgery. There was no difference in the overall rates of long-term complications or failures between the two groups, but patients who had a Lapband® were significantly more prone to develop band slippage/pouch dilatation (13.3 versus 0 %, p < 0,001). CONCLUSIONS: Although in the absence of complication, gastric banding leads to acceptable weight loss; the long-term complication and major reoperation rates are very high independently from the type of band used or on the operative technique. Gastric banding leads to relatively poor overall long-term results and therefore should not be considered the procedure of choice for the treatment of morbid obesity. Patients should be informed of the limited overall weight loss and the very high complication rates.
Background and Aims: The impact of d iagnostic delay ( a period from appearance of f irst s ymptoms t o diagnosis) o n the clinical c ourse o f Crohn's disease (CD) i s unknown. W e examined whether length of d iagnostic delay a ffects d isease outcome. Methods: Data from the Swiss IBD cohort study were analyzed. T he frequencies of o ccurrence of b owel s tenoses, internal fistulas, perianal f istulas, and CD-related surgery at distinct i ntervals a fter C D diagnosis (0 - < 2 , 2 - < 6, 6 years) were c ompared f or g roups o f patients w ith different length of d iagnostic delay. Results: T he data from a g roup o f 200 CD patients with long diagnostic delay (> 24 months, 76th - 100th p ercentile) were c ompared to t hose from a group of 4 61 patients with a short diagnostic delay ( within 9 months, 1st - 50th p ercentile). T reatment r egimens d id n ot d iffer between t he two groups. Two years following diagnosis, p atients with long diagnostic delay presented more frequently with bowel stenoses (25% vs. 13.1%, p = 0.044), internal fistulas (10% vs. 2%, p = 0.018), perianal f istulas ( 20% vs. 8 .1%, p = 0.023) a nd more frequently underwent intestinal surgery (15% vs. 5 .1%, p = 0.024) t han patients with short diagnostic delay. Intestinal surgery was a lso m ore frequently p erformed 6 y ears after diagnosis in t he group with long d iagnostic delay ( 56.2% vs. 42.3%, p = 0.005) w hen compared to t he g roup with short diagnostic delay. Conclusions: L ong diagnostic delay i s associated with worse o utcome c haracterized by t he development o f increased bowel damage, n ecessitating more frequently operations in t he years following CD d iagnosis. Efforts should be undertaken to shorten the diagnostic delay.
One of the major practical applications of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) assay is the monitoring of colorectal carcinoma patients after complete tumor resection. During the last 5 years, we have followed by repeated CEA assays 66 patients with histologically confirmed colon or rectum adenocarcinoma. Among 19 patients who developed a tumor recurrence, 17 had increased CEA levels preceding the clinical diagnosis by 2 to 26 months. Among the 47 patients who did not show any clinical evidence of tumor recurrence, 35 had CEA values remaining below the limit of 5 ng/ml, whereas 12 had moderate elevations of CEA level fluctuating around this limit. The majority of patients in this last group were heavy smokers or had liver enlargement, but in a few of them we did not find a satisfactory explanation for their moderately increased CEA levels. While our results confirm that repeated CEA assays can predict tumor recurrence with a lead time of several months over clinical diagnosis, they also give a word of warning concerning the interpretation of moderate elevations of CEA level. A moderate increase of CEA level can be the result of early distant metastases, local recurrence or exacerbation of an inflammatory disease. We feel that the decision of second look operations based on CEA results should be made only if increasing CEA values have been observed on three different blood samples taken within a period of 3 months and if no nonmalignant diseases known to increase CEA level are present. Ultimately only randomized clinical studies will determine if second look operations motivated by elevated CEA levels can improve the quality and length of survival of patients with colorectal carcinoma.
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les aspects comportementaux d'agents qui interagissent dans des systèmes de files d'attente à l'aide de modèles de simulation et de méthodologies expérimentales. Chaque période les clients doivent choisir un prestataire de servivce. L'objectif est d'analyser l'impact des décisions des clients et des prestataires sur la formation des files d'attente. Dans un premier cas nous considérons des clients ayant un certain degré d'aversion au risque. Sur la base de leur perception de l'attente moyenne et de la variabilité de cette attente, ils forment une estimation de la limite supérieure de l'attente chez chacun des prestataires. Chaque période, ils choisissent le prestataire pour lequel cette estimation est la plus basse. Nos résultats indiquent qu'il n'y a pas de relation monotone entre le degré d'aversion au risque et la performance globale. En effet, une population de clients ayant un degré d'aversion au risque intermédiaire encoure généralement une attente moyenne plus élevée qu'une population d'agents indifférents au risque ou très averses au risque. Ensuite, nous incorporons les décisions des prestataires en leur permettant d'ajuster leur capacité de service sur la base de leur perception de la fréquence moyenne d'arrivées. Les résultats montrent que le comportement des clients et les décisions des prestataires présentent une forte "dépendance au sentier". En outre, nous montrons que les décisions des prestataires font converger l'attente moyenne pondérée vers l'attente de référence du marché. Finalement, une expérience de laboratoire dans laquelle des sujets jouent le rôle de prestataire de service nous a permis de conclure que les délais d'installation et de démantèlement de capacité affectent de manière significative la performance et les décisions des sujets. En particulier, les décisions du prestataire, sont influencées par ses commandes en carnet, sa capacité de service actuellement disponible et les décisions d'ajustement de capacité qu'il a prises, mais pas encore implémentées. - Queuing is a fact of life that we witness daily. We all have had the experience of waiting in line for some reason and we also know that it is an annoying situation. As the adage says "time is money"; this is perhaps the best way of stating what queuing problems mean for customers. Human beings are not very tolerant, but they are even less so when having to wait in line for service. Banks, roads, post offices and restaurants are just some examples where people must wait for service. Studies of queuing phenomena have typically addressed the optimisation of performance measures (e.g. average waiting time, queue length and server utilisation rates) and the analysis of equilibrium solutions. The individual behaviour of the agents involved in queueing systems and their decision making process have received little attention. Although this work has been useful to improve the efficiency of many queueing systems, or to design new processes in social and physical systems, it has only provided us with a limited ability to explain the behaviour observed in many real queues. In this dissertation we differ from this traditional research by analysing how the agents involved in the system make decisions instead of focusing on optimising performance measures or analysing an equilibrium solution. This dissertation builds on and extends the framework proposed by van Ackere and Larsen (2004) and van Ackere et al. (2010). We focus on studying behavioural aspects in queueing systems and incorporate this still underdeveloped framework into the operations management field. In the first chapter of this thesis we provide a general introduction to the area, as well as an overview of the results. In Chapters 2 and 3, we use Cellular Automata (CA) to model service systems where captive interacting customers must decide each period which facility to join for service. They base this decision on their expectations of sojourn times. Each period, customers use new information (their most recent experience and that of their best performing neighbour) to form expectations of sojourn time at the different facilities. Customers update their expectations using an adaptive expectations process to combine their memory and their new information. We label "conservative" those customers who give more weight to their memory than to the xiv Summary new information. In contrast, when they give more weight to new information, we call them "reactive". In Chapter 2, we consider customers with different degree of risk-aversion who take into account uncertainty. They choose which facility to join based on an estimated upper-bound of the sojourn time which they compute using their perceptions of the average sojourn time and the level of uncertainty. We assume the same exogenous service capacity for all facilities, which remains constant throughout. We first analyse the collective behaviour generated by the customers' decisions. We show that the system achieves low weighted average sojourn times when the collective behaviour results in neighbourhoods of customers loyal to a facility and the customers are approximately equally split among all facilities. The lowest weighted average sojourn time is achieved when exactly the same number of customers patronises each facility, implying that they do not wish to switch facility. In this case, the system has achieved the Nash equilibrium. We show that there is a non-monotonic relationship between the degree of risk-aversion and system performance. Customers with an intermediate degree of riskaversion typically achieve higher sojourn times; in particular they rarely achieve the Nash equilibrium. Risk-neutral customers have the highest probability of achieving the Nash Equilibrium. Chapter 3 considers a service system similar to the previous one but with risk-neutral customers, and relaxes the assumption of exogenous service rates. In this sense, we model a queueing system with endogenous service rates by enabling managers to adjust the service capacity of the facilities. We assume that managers do so based on their perceptions of the arrival rates and use the same principle of adaptive expectations to model these perceptions. We consider service systems in which the managers' decisions take time to be implemented. Managers are characterised by a profile which is determined by the speed at which they update their perceptions, the speed at which they take decisions, and how coherent they are when accounting for their previous decisions still to be implemented when taking their next decision. We find that the managers' decisions exhibit a strong path-dependence: owing to the initial conditions of the model, the facilities of managers with identical profiles can evolve completely differently. In some cases the system becomes "locked-in" into a monopoly or duopoly situation. The competition between managers causes the weighted average sojourn time of the system to converge to the exogenous benchmark value which they use to estimate their desired capacity. Concerning the managers' profile, we found that the more conservative Summary xv a manager is regarding new information, the larger the market share his facility achieves. Additionally, the faster he takes decisions, the higher the probability that he achieves a monopoly position. In Chapter 4 we consider a one-server queueing system with non-captive customers. We carry out an experiment aimed at analysing the way human subjects, taking on the role of the manager, take decisions in a laboratory regarding the capacity of a service facility. We adapt the model proposed by van Ackere et al (2010). This model relaxes the assumption of a captive market and allows current customers to decide whether or not to use the facility. Additionally the facility also has potential customers who currently do not patronise it, but might consider doing so in the future. We identify three groups of subjects whose decisions cause similar behavioural patterns. These groups are labelled: gradual investors, lumpy investors, and random investor. Using an autocorrelation analysis of the subjects' decisions, we illustrate that these decisions are positively correlated to the decisions taken one period early. Subsequently we formulate a heuristic to model the decision rule considered by subjects in the laboratory. We found that this decision rule fits very well for those subjects who gradually adjust capacity, but it does not capture the behaviour of the subjects of the other two groups. In Chapter 5 we summarise the results and provide suggestions for further work. Our main contribution is the use of simulation and experimental methodologies to explain the collective behaviour generated by customers' and managers' decisions in queueing systems as well as the analysis of the individual behaviour of these agents. In this way, we differ from the typical literature related to queueing systems which focuses on optimising performance measures and the analysis of equilibrium solutions. Our work can be seen as a first step towards understanding the interaction between customer behaviour and the capacity adjustment process in queueing systems. This framework is still in its early stages and accordingly there is a large potential for further work that spans several research topics. Interesting extensions to this work include incorporating other characteristics of queueing systems which affect the customers' experience (e.g. balking, reneging and jockeying); providing customers and managers with additional information to take their decisions (e.g. service price, quality, customers' profile); analysing different decision rules and studying other characteristics which determine the profile of customers and managers.
Introduction: Ankle arthrodesis (AD) and total ankle replacement (TAR) are typical treatments for ankle osteoarthritis (AO). Despite clinical interest, there is a lack of their outcome evaluation using objective criteria. Gait analysis and plantar pressure assessment are appropriate to detect pathologies in orthopaedics but they are mostly used in lab with few gait cycles. In this study, we propose an ambulatory device based on inertial and plantar pressure sensors to compare the gait during long-distance trials between healthy subjects (H) and patients with AO or treated by AD and TAR. Methods: Our study included four groups: 11 patients with AO, 9 treated by TAR, 7 treated by AD and 6 control subjects. An ambulatory system (Physilog®, CH) was used for gait analysis; plantar pressure measurements were done using a portable insole (Pedar®-X, DE). The subjects were asked to walk 50 meters in two trials. Mean value and coefficient of variation of spatio-temporal gait parameters were calculated for each trial. Pressure distribution was analyzed in ten subregions of foot. All parameters were compared among the four groups using multi-level model-based statistical analysis. Results: Significant difference (p <0.05) with control was noticed for AO patients in maximum force in medial hindfoot and forefoot and in central forefoot. These differences were no longer significant in TAR and AD groups. Cadence and speed of all pathologic groups showed significant difference with control. Both treatments showed a significant improvement in double support and stance. TAR decreased variability in speed, stride length and knee ROM. Conclusions: In spite of a small sample size, this study showed that ankle function after AO treatments can be evaluated objectively based on plantar pressure and spatio-temporal gait parameters measured during unconstrained walking outside the lab. The combination of these two ambulatory techniques provides a promising way to evaluate foot function in clinics.
Tumor antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) play a major role in the adaptive immune response to cancers. This CTL response is often insufficient because of functional impairment, tumor escape mechanisms, or inhibitory tumor microenvironment. However, little is known about the fate of given tumor-specific CTL clones in cancer patients. Studies in patients with favorable outcomes may be very informative. In this longitudinal study, we tracked, quantified, and characterized functionally defined antigen-specific T-cell clones ex vivo, in peripheral blood and at tumor sites, in two long-term melanoma survivors. MAGE-A10-specific CD8+ T-cell clones with high avidity to antigenic peptide and tumor lytic capabilities persisted in peripheral blood over more than 10 years, with quantitative variations correlating with the clinical course. These clones were also found in emerging metastases, and, in one patient, circulating clonal T cells displayed a fully differentiated effector phenotype at the time of relapse. Longevity, tumor homing, differentiation phenotype, and quantitative adaptation to the disease phases suggest the contribution of the tracked tumor-reactive clones in the tumor control of these long-term metastatic survivor patients. Focusing research on patients with favorable outcomes may help to identify parameters that are crucial for an efficient antitumor response and to optimize cancer immunotherapy.
The number of cell divisions in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) following transplantation of bone marrow or mobilized peripheral blood into myelo-ablated recipients is unknown. This number is expected to depend primarily on the number of transplanted stem cells, assuming that stem cells do not differ in engraftment potential and other functional properties. In a previous study, we found that the telomere length in circulating granulocytes in normal individuals shows a biphasic decline with age, most likely reflecting age-related changes in the turnover of HSCs. In order to study HSCs' proliferation kinetics following stem cells transplantation, we analyzed the telomere length in donor-derived nucleated blood cells in four HLA-matched bone marrow transplant recipients relative to comparable cells from the sibling donors. In each case, the telomeres in granulocytes were shorter in the recipient than in the donor. This difference was established in the first year post transplantation and did not change after that. The telomere length in naïve and memory T cells showed marked differences after transplantation, complicating the interpretation of telomere length data using unseparated nucleated blood cells. Interestingly, the telomere length in naïve T cells that were first observed six months post transplantation was very similar in donor and recipient pairs. Our observations are compatible with a limited number of additional cell divisions in stem cell populations after bone marrow transplantations and support the idea that different populations of stem cells contribute to short-term myeloid and long-term lympho myeloid hematopoiesis.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : Evaluating Information Security Posture within an organization is becoming a very complex task. Currently, the evaluation and assessment of Information Security are commonly performed using frameworks, methodologies and standards which often consider the various aspects of security independently. Unfortunately this is ineffective because it does not take into consideration the necessity of having a global and systemic multidimensional approach to Information Security evaluation. At the same time the overall security level is globally considered to be only as strong as its weakest link. This thesis proposes a model aiming to holistically assess all dimensions of security in order to minimize the likelihood that a given threat will exploit the weakest link. A formalized structure taking into account all security elements is presented; this is based on a methodological evaluation framework in which Information Security is evaluated from a global perspective. This dissertation is divided into three parts. Part One: Information Security Evaluation issues consists of four chapters. Chapter 1 is an introduction to the purpose of this research purpose and the Model that will be proposed. In this chapter we raise some questions with respect to "traditional evaluation methods" as well as identifying the principal elements to be addressed in this direction. Then we introduce the baseline attributes of our model and set out the expected result of evaluations according to our model. Chapter 2 is focused on the definition of Information Security to be used as a reference point for our evaluation model. The inherent concepts of the contents of a holistic and baseline Information Security Program are defined. Based on this, the most common roots-of-trust in Information Security are identified. Chapter 3 focuses on an analysis of the difference and the relationship between the concepts of Information Risk and Security Management. Comparing these two concepts allows us to identify the most relevant elements to be included within our evaluation model, while clearing situating these two notions within a defined framework is of the utmost importance for the results that will be obtained from the evaluation process. Chapter 4 sets out our evaluation model and the way it addresses issues relating to the evaluation of Information Security. Within this Chapter the underlying concepts of assurance and trust are discussed. Based on these two concepts, the structure of the model is developed in order to provide an assurance related platform as well as three evaluation attributes: "assurance structure", "quality issues", and "requirements achievement". Issues relating to each of these evaluation attributes are analysed with reference to sources such as methodologies, standards and published research papers. Then the operation of the model is discussed. Assurance levels, quality levels and maturity levels are defined in order to perform the evaluation according to the model. Part Two: Implementation of the Information Security Assurance Assessment Model (ISAAM) according to the Information Security Domains consists of four chapters. This is the section where our evaluation model is put into a welldefined context with respect to the four pre-defined Information Security dimensions: the Organizational dimension, Functional dimension, Human dimension, and Legal dimension. Each Information Security dimension is discussed in a separate chapter. For each dimension, the following two-phase evaluation path is followed. The first phase concerns the identification of the elements which will constitute the basis of the evaluation: ? Identification of the key elements within the dimension; ? Identification of the Focus Areas for each dimension, consisting of the security issues identified for each dimension; ? Identification of the Specific Factors for each dimension, consisting of the security measures or control addressing the security issues identified for each dimension. The second phase concerns the evaluation of each Information Security dimension by: ? The implementation of the evaluation model, based on the elements identified for each dimension within the first phase, by identifying the security tasks, processes, procedures, and actions that should have been performed by the organization to reach the desired level of protection; ? The maturity model for each dimension as a basis for reliance on security. For each dimension we propose a generic maturity model that could be used by every organization in order to define its own security requirements. Part three of this dissertation contains the Final Remarks, Supporting Resources and Annexes. With reference to the objectives of our thesis, the Final Remarks briefly analyse whether these objectives were achieved and suggest directions for future related research. Supporting resources comprise the bibliographic resources that were used to elaborate and justify our approach. Annexes include all the relevant topics identified within the literature to illustrate certain aspects of our approach. Our Information Security evaluation model is based on and integrates different Information Security best practices, standards, methodologies and research expertise which can be combined in order to define an reliable categorization of Information Security. After the definition of terms and requirements, an evaluation process should be performed in order to obtain evidence that the Information Security within the organization in question is adequately managed. We have specifically integrated into our model the most useful elements of these sources of information in order to provide a generic model able to be implemented in all kinds of organizations. The value added by our evaluation model is that it is easy to implement and operate and answers concrete needs in terms of reliance upon an efficient and dynamic evaluation tool through a coherent evaluation system. On that basis, our model could be implemented internally within organizations, allowing them to govern better their Information Security. RÉSUMÉ : Contexte général de la thèse L'évaluation de la sécurité en général, et plus particulièrement, celle de la sécurité de l'information, est devenue pour les organisations non seulement une mission cruciale à réaliser, mais aussi de plus en plus complexe. A l'heure actuelle, cette évaluation se base principalement sur des méthodologies, des bonnes pratiques, des normes ou des standards qui appréhendent séparément les différents aspects qui composent la sécurité de l'information. Nous pensons que cette manière d'évaluer la sécurité est inefficiente, car elle ne tient pas compte de l'interaction des différentes dimensions et composantes de la sécurité entre elles, bien qu'il soit admis depuis longtemps que le niveau de sécurité globale d'une organisation est toujours celui du maillon le plus faible de la chaîne sécuritaire. Nous avons identifié le besoin d'une approche globale, intégrée, systémique et multidimensionnelle de l'évaluation de la sécurité de l'information. En effet, et c'est le point de départ de notre thèse, nous démontrons que seule une prise en compte globale de la sécurité permettra de répondre aux exigences de sécurité optimale ainsi qu'aux besoins de protection spécifiques d'une organisation. Ainsi, notre thèse propose un nouveau paradigme d'évaluation de la sécurité afin de satisfaire aux besoins d'efficacité et d'efficience d'une organisation donnée. Nous proposons alors un modèle qui vise à évaluer d'une manière holistique toutes les dimensions de la sécurité, afin de minimiser la probabilité qu'une menace potentielle puisse exploiter des vulnérabilités et engendrer des dommages directs ou indirects. Ce modèle se base sur une structure formalisée qui prend en compte tous les éléments d'un système ou programme de sécurité. Ainsi, nous proposons un cadre méthodologique d'évaluation qui considère la sécurité de l'information à partir d'une perspective globale. Structure de la thèse et thèmes abordés Notre document est structuré en trois parties. La première intitulée : « La problématique de l'évaluation de la sécurité de l'information » est composée de quatre chapitres. Le chapitre 1 introduit l'objet de la recherche ainsi que les concepts de base du modèle d'évaluation proposé. La maniéré traditionnelle de l'évaluation de la sécurité fait l'objet d'une analyse critique pour identifier les éléments principaux et invariants à prendre en compte dans notre approche holistique. Les éléments de base de notre modèle d'évaluation ainsi que son fonctionnement attendu sont ensuite présentés pour pouvoir tracer les résultats attendus de ce modèle. Le chapitre 2 se focalise sur la définition de la notion de Sécurité de l'Information. Il ne s'agit pas d'une redéfinition de la notion de la sécurité, mais d'une mise en perspectives des dimensions, critères, indicateurs à utiliser comme base de référence, afin de déterminer l'objet de l'évaluation qui sera utilisé tout au long de notre travail. Les concepts inhérents de ce qui constitue le caractère holistique de la sécurité ainsi que les éléments constitutifs d'un niveau de référence de sécurité sont définis en conséquence. Ceci permet d'identifier ceux que nous avons dénommés « les racines de confiance ». Le chapitre 3 présente et analyse la différence et les relations qui existent entre les processus de la Gestion des Risques et de la Gestion de la Sécurité, afin d'identifier les éléments constitutifs du cadre de protection à inclure dans notre modèle d'évaluation. Le chapitre 4 est consacré à la présentation de notre modèle d'évaluation Information Security Assurance Assessment Model (ISAAM) et la manière dont il répond aux exigences de l'évaluation telle que nous les avons préalablement présentées. Dans ce chapitre les concepts sous-jacents relatifs aux notions d'assurance et de confiance sont analysés. En se basant sur ces deux concepts, la structure du modèle d'évaluation est développée pour obtenir une plateforme qui offre un certain niveau de garantie en s'appuyant sur trois attributs d'évaluation, à savoir : « la structure de confiance », « la qualité du processus », et « la réalisation des exigences et des objectifs ». Les problématiques liées à chacun de ces attributs d'évaluation sont analysées en se basant sur l'état de l'art de la recherche et de la littérature, sur les différentes méthodes existantes ainsi que sur les normes et les standards les plus courants dans le domaine de la sécurité. Sur cette base, trois différents niveaux d'évaluation sont construits, à savoir : le niveau d'assurance, le niveau de qualité et le niveau de maturité qui constituent la base de l'évaluation de l'état global de la sécurité d'une organisation. La deuxième partie: « L'application du Modèle d'évaluation de l'assurance de la sécurité de l'information par domaine de sécurité » est elle aussi composée de quatre chapitres. Le modèle d'évaluation déjà construit et analysé est, dans cette partie, mis dans un contexte spécifique selon les quatre dimensions prédéfinies de sécurité qui sont: la dimension Organisationnelle, la dimension Fonctionnelle, la dimension Humaine, et la dimension Légale. Chacune de ces dimensions et son évaluation spécifique fait l'objet d'un chapitre distinct. Pour chacune des dimensions, une évaluation en deux phases est construite comme suit. La première phase concerne l'identification des éléments qui constituent la base de l'évaluation: ? Identification des éléments clés de l'évaluation ; ? Identification des « Focus Area » pour chaque dimension qui représentent les problématiques se trouvant dans la dimension ; ? Identification des « Specific Factors » pour chaque Focus Area qui représentent les mesures de sécurité et de contrôle qui contribuent à résoudre ou à diminuer les impacts des risques. La deuxième phase concerne l'évaluation de chaque dimension précédemment présentées. Elle est constituée d'une part, de l'implémentation du modèle général d'évaluation à la dimension concernée en : ? Se basant sur les éléments spécifiés lors de la première phase ; ? Identifiant les taches sécuritaires spécifiques, les processus, les procédures qui auraient dû être effectués pour atteindre le niveau de protection souhaité. D'autre part, l'évaluation de chaque dimension est complétée par la proposition d'un modèle de maturité spécifique à chaque dimension, qui est à considérer comme une base de référence pour le niveau global de sécurité. Pour chaque dimension nous proposons un modèle de maturité générique qui peut être utilisé par chaque organisation, afin de spécifier ses propres exigences en matière de sécurité. Cela constitue une innovation dans le domaine de l'évaluation, que nous justifions pour chaque dimension et dont nous mettons systématiquement en avant la plus value apportée. La troisième partie de notre document est relative à la validation globale de notre proposition et contient en guise de conclusion, une mise en perspective critique de notre travail et des remarques finales. Cette dernière partie est complétée par une bibliographie et des annexes. Notre modèle d'évaluation de la sécurité intègre et se base sur de nombreuses sources d'expertise, telles que les bonnes pratiques, les normes, les standards, les méthodes et l'expertise de la recherche scientifique du domaine. Notre proposition constructive répond à un véritable problème non encore résolu, auquel doivent faire face toutes les organisations, indépendamment de la taille et du profil. Cela permettrait à ces dernières de spécifier leurs exigences particulières en matière du niveau de sécurité à satisfaire, d'instancier un processus d'évaluation spécifique à leurs besoins afin qu'elles puissent s'assurer que leur sécurité de l'information soit gérée d'une manière appropriée, offrant ainsi un certain niveau de confiance dans le degré de protection fourni. Nous avons intégré dans notre modèle le meilleur du savoir faire, de l'expérience et de l'expertise disponible actuellement au niveau international, dans le but de fournir un modèle d'évaluation simple, générique et applicable à un grand nombre d'organisations publiques ou privées. La valeur ajoutée de notre modèle d'évaluation réside précisément dans le fait qu'il est suffisamment générique et facile à implémenter tout en apportant des réponses sur les besoins concrets des organisations. Ainsi notre proposition constitue un outil d'évaluation fiable, efficient et dynamique découlant d'une approche d'évaluation cohérente. De ce fait, notre système d'évaluation peut être implémenté à l'interne par l'entreprise elle-même, sans recourir à des ressources supplémentaires et lui donne également ainsi la possibilité de mieux gouverner sa sécurité de l'information.
OBJECTIVE: Sporadic late-onset nemaline myopathy (SLONM) is a rare, late-onset myopathy that progresses subacutely. If associated with a monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS), the outcome is unfavorable: the majority of these patients die within 1 to 5 years of respiratory failure. This study aims to qualitatively assess the long-term treatment effect of high-dose melphalan (HDM) followed by autologous stem cell transplantation (SCT) in a series of 8 patients with SLONM-MGUS. METHODS: We performed a retrospective case series study (n = 8) on the long-term (1-8 years) treatment effect of HDM followed by autologous SCT (HDM-SCT) on survival, muscle strength, and functional capacities. RESULTS: Seven patients showed a lasting moderate-good clinical response, 2 of them after the second HDM-SCT. All of them had a complete, a very good partial, or a partial hematologic response. One patient showed no clinical or hematologic response and died. CONCLUSIONS: This case series shows the positive effect of HDM-SCT in this rare disorder. Factors that may portend an unfavorable outcome are a long disease course before the hematologic treatment and a poor hematologic response. Age at onset, level and type of M protein (κ vs λ), and severity of muscle weakness were not associated with a specific outcome. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class IV evidence that for patients with SLONM-MGUS, HDM-SCT increases the probability of survival and functional improvement.