180 resultados para puzzle difficulty
Le travail d'un(e) expert(e) en science forensique exige que ce dernier (cette dernière) prenne une série de décisions. Ces décisions sont difficiles parce qu'elles doivent être prises dans l'inévitable présence d'incertitude, dans le contexte unique des circonstances qui entourent la décision, et, parfois, parce qu'elles sont complexes suite à de nombreuse variables aléatoires et dépendantes les unes des autres. Etant donné que ces décisions peuvent aboutir à des conséquences sérieuses dans l'administration de la justice, la prise de décisions en science forensique devrait être soutenue par un cadre robuste qui fait des inférences en présence d'incertitudes et des décisions sur la base de ces inférences. L'objectif de cette thèse est de répondre à ce besoin en présentant un cadre théorique pour faire des choix rationnels dans des problèmes de décisions rencontrés par les experts dans un laboratoire de science forensique. L'inférence et la théorie de la décision bayésienne satisfont les conditions nécessaires pour un tel cadre théorique. Pour atteindre son objectif, cette thèse consiste de trois propositions, recommandant l'utilisation (1) de la théorie de la décision, (2) des réseaux bayésiens, et (3) des réseaux bayésiens de décision pour gérer des problèmes d'inférence et de décision forensiques. Les résultats présentent un cadre uniforme et cohérent pour faire des inférences et des décisions en science forensique qui utilise les concepts théoriques ci-dessus. Ils décrivent comment organiser chaque type de problème en le décomposant dans ses différents éléments, et comment trouver le meilleur plan d'action en faisant la distinction entre des problèmes de décision en une étape et des problèmes de décision en deux étapes et en y appliquant le principe de la maximisation de l'utilité espérée. Pour illustrer l'application de ce cadre à des problèmes rencontrés par les experts dans un laboratoire de science forensique, des études de cas théoriques appliquent la théorie de la décision, les réseaux bayésiens et les réseaux bayésiens de décision à une sélection de différents types de problèmes d'inférence et de décision impliquant différentes catégories de traces. Deux études du problème des deux traces illustrent comment la construction de réseaux bayésiens permet de gérer des problèmes d'inférence complexes, et ainsi surmonter l'obstacle de la complexité qui peut être présent dans des problèmes de décision. Trois études-une sur ce qu'il faut conclure d'une recherche dans une banque de données qui fournit exactement une correspondance, une sur quel génotype il faut rechercher dans une banque de données sur la base des observations faites sur des résultats de profilage d'ADN, et une sur s'il faut soumettre une trace digitale à un processus qui compare la trace avec des empreintes de sources potentielles-expliquent l'application de la théorie de la décision et des réseaux bayésiens de décision à chacune de ces décisions. Les résultats des études des cas théoriques soutiennent les trois propositions avancées dans cette thèse. Ainsi, cette thèse présente un cadre uniforme pour organiser et trouver le plan d'action le plus rationnel dans des problèmes de décisions rencontrés par les experts dans un laboratoire de science forensique. Le cadre proposé est un outil interactif et exploratoire qui permet de mieux comprendre un problème de décision afin que cette compréhension puisse aboutir à des choix qui sont mieux informés. - Forensic science casework involves making a sériés of choices. The difficulty in making these choices lies in the inévitable presence of uncertainty, the unique context of circumstances surrounding each décision and, in some cases, the complexity due to numerous, interrelated random variables. Given that these décisions can lead to serious conséquences in the admin-istration of justice, forensic décision making should be supported by a robust framework that makes inferences under uncertainty and décisions based on these inferences. The objective of this thesis is to respond to this need by presenting a framework for making rational choices in décision problems encountered by scientists in forensic science laboratories. Bayesian inference and décision theory meets the requirements for such a framework. To attain its objective, this thesis consists of three propositions, advocating the use of (1) décision theory, (2) Bayesian networks, and (3) influence diagrams for handling forensic inference and décision problems. The results present a uniform and coherent framework for making inferences and décisions in forensic science using the above theoretical concepts. They describe how to organize each type of problem by breaking it down into its différent elements, and how to find the most rational course of action by distinguishing between one-stage and two-stage décision problems and applying the principle of expected utility maximization. To illustrate the framework's application to the problems encountered by scientists in forensic science laboratories, theoretical case studies apply décision theory, Bayesian net-works and influence diagrams to a selection of différent types of inference and décision problems dealing with différent catégories of trace evidence. Two studies of the two-trace problem illustrate how the construction of Bayesian networks can handle complex inference problems, and thus overcome the hurdle of complexity that can be present in décision prob-lems. Three studies-one on what to conclude when a database search provides exactly one hit, one on what genotype to search for in a database based on the observations made on DNA typing results, and one on whether to submit a fingermark to the process of comparing it with prints of its potential sources-explain the application of décision theory and influ¬ence diagrams to each of these décisions. The results of the theoretical case studies support the thesis's three propositions. Hence, this thesis présents a uniform framework for organizing and finding the most rational course of action in décision problems encountered by scientists in forensic science laboratories. The proposed framework is an interactive and exploratory tool for better understanding a décision problem so that this understanding may lead to better informed choices.
Explaining how polymorphism is maintained in the face of selection remains a puzzle since selection tends to erode genetic variation. Provided an infinitely large unsubdivided population and no frequency-dependance of selective values, heterozygote advantage is the text book explanation for the maintenance of polymorphism when selection acts at a diallelic locus. Here, we investigate whether this remains true when selection acts at multiple diallelic loci. We use five different definitions of heterozygote advantage that largely cover this concept for multiple loci. Using extensive numerical simulations, we found no clear associations between the presence of any of the five definitions of heterozygote advantage and the maintenance of polymorphism at all loci. The strength of the association decreases as the number of loci increases or as recombination decreases. We conclude that heterozygote advantage cannot be a general mechanism for the maintenance of genetic polymorphism at multiple loci. These findings suggest that a correlation between the number of heterozygote loci and fitness is not warranted on theoretical ground.
Avec Cendrars, la vie et l'oeuvre se confondent en formant ce que Henry Miller a nommé « une masse poétique étincelante, dédiée à l'archipel de l'insomnie ». Voilà ce qui, aux yeux de son ami américain, faisait de lui rien de moins que l'écrivain du siècle. Un écrivain trop « distraitement reconnu », au dire de Malraux, qui déplorait que le poète ait été souvent négligé au profit du bourlingueur, dont Cendrars lui-même a largement contribué à sculpter la figure. Au miroir déformant de la légende, le romancier, le mémorialiste, le cinéaste ou encore l'homme de radio et le reporter se sont effacés, ne laissant trop longtemps persister de Cendrars qu'un cliché, celui de l'aventurier au visage buriné prêt à raconter ses voyages : sans doute la meilleure façon pour lui de prendre le large. Dès 1912 avec le poème Les Pâques et jusqu'en 1956 avec le roman baroque Emmène-moi au bout du monde !..., chaque publication ressemble à l'une des pièces d'un vaste puzzle où se dessine la modernité du XXe siècle. C'est peu dire que Cendrars fut un novateur de formes et de genres : son oeuvre, élaborée dans l'effervescence et le tumulte est hétiques, offre aujourd'hui plus que jamais des échos puissants à nos questionnements contemporains : elle ne cesse de commencer. Ce volume rassemble les contributions au colloque international « Aujourd'hui Cendrars. 1961-2011 » organisé, à l'occasion du cinquantenaire du décès de Blaise Cendrars, par l'Université de Lausanne, l'Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, le Centre d'Études Blaise Cendrars (CEBC) et l'Association internationale Blaise Cendrars (AIBC), qui s'est déroulé à Dorigny-Lausanne du 4 au 6 mai 2011.
In the last decades, the globalized competition among cities and regions made them develop new strategies for branding and promoting their territory to attract tourists, investors, companies and residents. Major sports events - such as the Olympic Games, the FIFA World Cup or World and Continental Championships - have played an integral part in these strategies. Believing, with or without evidence, in the capacity of those events to improve the visibility and the economy of the host destination, many cities, regions and even countries have engaged in establishing sports events hosting strategies. The problem of the globalized competition in the sports events "market" is that many cities and regions do not have the resources - either financial, human or in terms of infrastructure - to compete in hosting major sports events. Consequently, many cities or regions have to turn to second-tier sports events. To organise those smaller events means less media coverage and more difficulty in finding sponsors, while the costs - both financial and in terms of services - stay high for the community. This paper analyses how Heritage Sporting Events (HSE) might be an opportunity for cities and regions engaged in sports events hosting strategies. HSE is an emerging concept that to date has been under-researched in the academic literature. Therefore, this paper aims to define the concept of HSE through an exploratory research study. A multidisciplinary literature review reveals two major characteristics of HSEs: the sustainability in the territory and the authenticity of the event constructed through a differentiation process. These characteristics, defined through multiple variables, give us the opportunity to observe the construction process of a sports event into a heritage object. This paper argues that HSEs can be seen as territorial resources that can represent a competitive advantage for host destinations. In conclusion, academics are invited to further research HSEs to better understand their construction process and their impacts on the territory, while local authorities are invited to consider HSEs for the branding and the promotion of their territory.
La thèse traite de projets de classes enfantines avec de l'activité physique, projets pilotes ayant entre autres le but d'évaluer les effets d'un apport d'activité physique auprès d'enfants de 4 à 6 ans. Le projet de recherche saisit l'opportunité de pouvoir observer les effets de l'AP sur de jeunes enfants (n=86, classes AP=40, classes contrôles=46) et ceci par trois regards distincts : une quantification de l'activité physique, l'influence de cette dernière sur certaines composantes cognitives (créativité, intelligence et concentration) des jeunes enfants et, enfin, l'influence de l'activité physique au niveau psychosocial (microsystèmes familial et scolaire). La méthodologie mélange des méthodes qualitatives (entretiens, observations) et quantitatives (accéléromètres (GT1M), tests de créativité (Krampen, 1996), d'intelligence (Cattell, Weiss & Osterland, 1997), de concentration (Krampen, 2007)). Les principaux résultats démontrent que ce type de projet permet d'augmenter l'AP durant le temps scolaire et les résultats sont plus contrastés en extrascolaire. Un temps supérieur consacré à l'AP ne démontre aucune diminution des capacités cognitives dans cette tranche d'âge-là. L'analyse du microsystème familial nous informe sur le fait que les parents qui ont placé leurs enfants dans ce type de classes sont eux-mêmes plus actifs que la moyenne de la population suisse (Lamprecht, Fischer, & Stamm, 2008a). Enfin, un apport d'AP ne permet pas d'augmenter le nombre de feedbacks tournés vers l'autonomie et le style contrôlant est même renforcé. Nos résultats sont discutés sur la base des études de Kriemler et al. (2010) qui démontrent toute la difficulté d'une intervention scolaire pour modifier les comportements familiaux en extrascolaire. La fonction exécutive (Tomporowski et al., 2008) offre un regard neurophysiologique éclairant les effets de l'AP sur les différentes capacités étudiées. Enfin, il semble que la pression générée par la mise en place de projets liés à un apport d'AP en école enfantine va dans le sens d'une augmentation d'un style contrôlant (Tessier, 2006). Ce choix d'approcher les observations selon plusieurs angles d'étude est audacieux car il se situe en situation écologique mais il représente en même temps le seul moyen d'observer les effets en tenant davantage compte de la complexité des conduites des interactions entre différents facteurs. - The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of physical activity (PA) in kindergartens with children aged from 4 to 6 years old. The project seizes the opportunity to observe the effects of PA on young children (n=86, classes AP=40, control classes=46) with three different axes: a quantification of PA, the influence of PA on cognitive functions (creativity, intelligence and concentration), and the influence on the family and the climate in the class. The methodology is based on a mix of qualitative (interviews, observations) and quantitative (accelerometer (GT1M), creativity test (Krampen, 1996), intelligence test (Cattell, Weiss & Osterland, 1997), concentration test (Krampen, 2007)) methods. The main results show that PA during the schooltime increased and the results outside of the school present more contrasts. More time spent for PA doesn't influence negatively the evolution of the cognitive functions at this age. The parents, who have interest for this kind of kindergartens for their children move significantly more than the Swiss population (Lamprecht, et al., 2008a). More PA during the lessons doesn't increase the feedbacks given with autonomy and more control is even observed. The results show the difficulty of changing the behaviors of a family linked to PA outside of the school (Kriemler et al., 2010). The discussion of the results of the cognitive functions is based on the executive function, which seems to be linked to PA (Tomporowski et al., 2008). Finally, it seems that the pressure occurred by those projects with PA tend to foster a climate with more control (Tessier, 2006). The choice of structuring the thesis with three different axes represents a risk because it is established in ecological conditions, but it also allows to observe the effects of PA taking into consideration the interactions between the different factors.
In a series of three experiments, participants made inferences about which one of a pair of two objects scored higher on a criterion. The first experiment was designed to contrast the prediction of Probabilistic Mental Model theory (Gigerenzer, Hoffrage, & Kleinbölting, 1991) concerning sampling procedure with the hard-easy effect. The experiment failed to support the theory's prediction that a particular pair of randomly sampled item sets would differ in percentage correct; but the observation that German participants performed practically as well on comparisons between U.S. cities (many of which they did not even recognize) than on comparisons between German cities (about which they knew much more) ultimately led to the formulation of the recognition heuristic. Experiment 2 was a second, this time successful, attempt to unconfound item difficulty and sampling procedure. In Experiment 3, participants' knowledge and recognition of each city was elicited, and how often this could be used to make an inference was manipulated. Choices were consistent with the recognition heuristic in about 80% of the cases when it discriminated and people had no additional knowledge about the recognized city (and in about 90% when they had such knowledge). The frequency with which the heuristic could be used affected the percentage correct, mean confidence, and overconfidence as predicted. The size of the reference class, which was also manipulated, modified these effects in meaningful and theoretically important ways.
Data mining can be defined as the extraction of previously unknown and potentially useful information from large datasets. The main principle is to devise computer programs that run through databases and automatically seek deterministic patterns. It is applied in different fields of application, e.g., remote sensing, biometry, speech recognition, but has seldom been applied to forensic case data. The intrinsic difficulty related to the use of such data lies in its heterogeneity, which comes from the many different sources of information. The aim of this study is to highlight potential uses of pattern recognition that would provide relevant results from a criminal intelligence point of view. The role of data mining within a global crime analysis methodology is to detect all types of structures in a dataset. Once filtered and interpreted, those structures can point to previously unseen criminal activities. The interpretation of patterns for intelligence purposes is the final stage of the process. It allows the researcher to validate the whole methodology and to refine each step if necessary. An application to cutting agents found in illicit drug seizures was performed. A combinatorial approach was done, using the presence and the absence of products. Methods coming from the graph theory field were used to extract patterns in data constituted by links between products and place and date of seizure. A data mining process completed using graphing techniques is called ``graph mining''. Patterns were detected that had to be interpreted and compared with preliminary knowledge to establish their relevancy. The illicit drug profiling process is actually an intelligence process that uses preliminary illicit drug classes to classify new samples. Methods proposed in this study could be used \textit{a priori} to compare structures from preliminary and post-detection patterns. This new knowledge of a repeated structure may provide valuable complementary information to profiling and become a source of intelligence.
For enterococcal implant-associated infections, the optimal treatment regimen has not been defined. We investigated the activity of daptomycin, vancomycin, and gentamicin (and their combinations) against Enterococcus faecalis in vitro and in a foreign-body infection model. Antimicrobial activity was investigated by time-kill and growth-related heat production studies (microcalorimetry) as well as with a guinea pig model using subcutaneously implanted cages. Infection was established by percutaneous injection of E. faecalis in the cage. Antibiotic treatment for 4 days was started 3 h after infection. Cages were removed 5 days after end of treatment to determine the cure rate. The MIC, the minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) in the logarithmic phase, and the MBC in the stationary phase were 1.25, 5, and >20 μg/ml for daptomycin, 1, >64, and >64 μg/ml for vancomycin, and 16, 32, and 4 μg/ml for gentamicin, respectively. In vitro, gentamicin at subinhibitory concentrations improved the activity against E. faecalis when combined with daptomycin or vancomycin in the logarithmic and stationary phases. In the animal model, daptomycin cured 25%, vancomycin 17%, and gentamicin 50% of infected cages. In combination with gentamicin, the cure rate for daptomycin increased to 55% and that of vancomycin increased to 33%. In conclusion, daptomycin was more active than vancomycin against adherent E. faecalis, and its activity was further improved by the addition of gentamicin. Despite a short duration of infection (3 h), the cure rates did not exceed 55%, highlighting the difficulty of eradicating E. faecalis from implants already in the early stage of implant-associated infection.
Objective: Single port laparoscopy andNOTES aim at decreasing the number¦of trocars, at a price of increased technical difficulty and cost, without until now¦any proof of benefit for the patient.Morbidity related to 5 mm trocar sites (TS)¦is claimed to be low, but there are no good quality data on this topic. The aim¦of the present prospective study is to measure the morbidity and overall specific¦impact related to the 5 mm TS and compare them to larger TS.¦Methods:Wecollected prospectively data on 300 consecutive patients operated¦by laparoscopy in our institution between 2009 and 2010. Pain, morbidity,¦cosmetic, and overall patient discomfort were assessed specifically for each¦TS, using standardized questionnaires, at 3 time points: at discharge from¦the hospital, at 1 month and at 6 months after surgery. Results were compared¦between 5 mmand larger TS (10 mm, 12 mmand 15 mm).Trocar sites replaced¦by a minilaparotomy or a stoma were excluded from analysis. In this study we¦present the short-term results.¦Results: Three-hundred patients (mean age 47·5, women 55%) were operated¦with 1074 TS of which 477(44%) were 5 mm TS. Indication to laparoscopy was¦cholecystectomy (31·3%), appendectomy (26·6%), upper GI surgery (16·3%),¦colon resection (13·3%) or other (12·3%). Follow-up at 1 month was completed¦in 90%.¦The 5 mm TS had an infection rate of 0·2%, and a hematoma rate of 1·7%.¦VAS pain scores at the 5mm TS were ≤3 in 91·6% at rest and in 75·9% upon¦effort at discharge, and in 97% at 1 month. Median patient scar assessment¦score (PSAS) of the 5 mm TS at 1 month was 6 (IQR: 2-9) out of 60 (0 =¦best score). Overall discomfort of the 5 mm TS in a VAS scale was 0 in 77%¦and ≤3 in 95% of patients at 1 month. Morbidity, pain assessments, PSAS, and¦overall discomfort scores were all significantly better for 5 mm TS compared to¦larger TS.¦Conclusion: Morbidity, pain, cosmetic impact and overall patient's discomfort¦related to a 5 mm trocar site is extremely low. For this reason, any potential¦advantage related to omitting 5 mm trocars to perform the same type of surgery¦will be difficult to demonstrate.
Intuitively, we think of perception as providing us with direct cognitive access to physical objects and their properties. But this common sense picture of perception becomes problematic when we notice that perception is not always veridical. In fact, reflection on illusions and hallucinations seems to indicate that perception cannot be what it intuitively appears to be. This clash between intuition and reflection is what generates the puzzle of perception. The task and enterprise of unravelling this puzzle took, and still takes, centre stage in the philosophy of perception. The goal of my dissertation is to make a contribution to this enterprise by formulating and defending a new structural approach to perception and perceptual consciousness. The argument for my structural approach is developed in several steps. Firstly, I develop an empirically inspired causal argument against naïve and direct realist conceptions of perceptual consciousness. Basically, the argument says that perception and hallucination can have the same proximal causes and must thus belong to the same mental kind. I emphasise that this insight gives us good reasons to abandon what we are instinctively driven to believe - namely that perception is directly about the outside physical world. The causal argument essentially highlights that the information that the subject acquires in perceiving a worldly object is always indirect. To put it another way, the argument shows that what we, as perceivers, are immediately aware of, is not an aspect of the world but an aspect of our sensory response to it. A view like this is traditionally known as a Representative Theory of Perception. As a second step, emphasis is put on the task of defending and promoting a new structural version of the Representative Theory of Perception; one that is immune to some major objections that have been standardly levelled at other Representative Theories of Perception. As part of this defence and promotion, I argue that it is only the structural features of perceptual experiences that are fit to represent the empirical world. This line of thought is backed up by a detailed study of the intriguing phenomenon of synaesthesia. More precisely, I concentrate on empirical cases of synaesthetic experiences and argue that some of them provide support for a structural approach to perception. The general picture that emerges in this dissertation is a new perspective on perceptual consciousness that is structural through and through.
BACKGROUND: The quality of colon cleansing is a major determinant of quality of colonoscopy. To our knowledge, the impact of bowel preparation on the quality of colonoscopy has not been assessed prospectively in a large multicenter study. Therefore, this study assessed the factors that determine colon-cleansing quality and the impact of cleansing quality on the technical performance and diagnostic yield of colonoscopy. METHODS: Twenty-one centers from 11 countries participated in this prospective observational study. Colon-cleansing quality was assessed on a 5-point scale and was categorized on 3 levels. The clinical indication for colonoscopy, diagnoses, and technical parameters related to colonoscopy were recorded. RESULTS: A total of 5832 patients were included in the study (48.7% men, mean age 57.6 [15.9] years). Cleansing quality was lower in elderly patients and in patients in the hospital. Procedures in poorly prepared patients were longer, more difficult, and more often incomplete. The detection of polyps of any size depended on cleansing quality: odds ratio (OR) 1.73: 95% confidence interval (CI)[1.28, 2.36] for intermediate-quality compared with low-quality preparation; and OR 1.46: 95% CI[1.11, 1.93] for high-quality compared with low-quality preparation. For polyps >10 mm in size, corresponding ORs were 1.0 for low-quality cleansing, OR 1.83: 95% CI[1.11, 3.05] for intermediate-quality cleansing, and OR 1.72: 95% CI[1.11, 2.67] for high-quality cleansing. Cancers were not detected less frequently in the case of poor preparation. CONCLUSIONS: Cleansing quality critically determines quality, difficulty, speed, and completeness of colonoscopy, and is lower in hospitalized patients and patients with higher levels of comorbid conditions. The proportion of patients who undergo polypectomy increases with higher cleansing quality, whereas colon cancer detection does not seem to critically depend on the quality of bowel preparation.
The cistern of the velum interpositum is a space located between the corpus callosum dorsally and the roof of the third ventricle ventrally. Lesions located within the velum interpositum are rare and include meningiomas, pilocytic astrocytomas, atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors and arachnoid cysts. Epidermoid cysts in this location have not been reported previously. We report the clinical and radiological features of two patients with epidermoid cysts located in the velum interpositum. The patients presented with gait difficulty and features of raised intracranial pressure and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated large tumors in the velum interpositum with intensities suggestive of epidermoid cysts. There was ventral displacement of the internal cerebral veins and dorsal displacement of the corpus callosum in keeping with a mass in the velum interpositum. Tumors of the third ventricle displace the internal cerebral veins dorsally. A transcallosal approach was used in both patients to effectively excise the tumors.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: To examine the association between overweight/obesity and several self-reported chronic diseases, symptoms and disability measures. METHODS: Data from eleven European countries participating in the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe were used. 18,584 non-institutionalised individuals aged 50 years and over with BMI > or = 18.5 (kg/m2) were included. BMI was categorized into normal weight (BMI 18.5-24.9), overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9) and obesity (BMI > or = 30). Dependent variables were 13 diagnosed chronic conditions, 11 health complaints, subjective health and physical disability measures. For both genders, multiple logistic regressions were performed adjusting for age, socioeconomic status and behaviour risks. RESULTS: The odds ratios for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis, joint pain and swollen legs were significantly increased for overweight and obese adults. Compared to normal-weight individuals, the odds ratio (OR) for reporting > or = 2 chronic diseases was 2.4 (95% CI 1.9-2.9) for obese men and 2.7 (95% CI 2.2-3.1) for obese women. Overweight and obese women were more likely to report health symptoms. Obesity in men (OR 0.5, 95% CI 0.4-0.6), and overweight (OR 0.5, 95% CI 0.4-0.6) and obesity (OR 0.4, 95% CI 0.3-0.5) in women, were associated with poorer subjective health (i.e. a decreased risk of reporting excellent, very good or good subjective health). Disability outcomes were those showing the greatest differences in strength of association across BMI categories, and between genders. For example, the OR for any difficulty in walking 100 metres was non-significant at 0.8 for overweight men, at 1.9 (95% CI 1.3-2.7) for obese men, at 1.4 (95% CI 1.1-1.8) for overweight women, and at 3.5 (95% CI 2.6-4.7) for obese women. CONCLUSIONS: These results highlight the impact of increased BMI on morbidity and disability. Healthcare stakeholders of the participating countries should be aware of the substantial burden that obesity places on the general health and autonomy of adults aged over 50.
This study examines syntactic and morphological aspects of the production and comprehension of pronouns by 99 typically developing French-speaking children aged 3 years, 5 months to 6 years, 5 months. A fine structural analysis of subject, object, and reflexive clitics suggests that whereas the object clitic chain crosses the subject chain, the reflexive clitic chain is nested within it. We argue that this structural difference introduces differences in processing complexity, chain crossing being more complex than nesting. In support of this analysis, both production and comprehension experiments show that children have more difficulty with object than with reflexive clitics (with more omissions in production and more erroneous judgments in sentences involving Principle B in comprehension). Concerning the morphological aspect, French subject and object pronouns agree in gender with their referent. We report serious difficulties with pronoun gender both in production and comprehension in children around the age of 4 (with nearly 30% errors in production and chance level judgments in comprehension), which tend to disappear by age 6. The distribution of errors further suggests that the masculine gender is processed as the default value. These findings provide further insights into the relationship between comprehension and production in the acquisition process.
BACKGROUND: The writing of prescriptions is an important aspect of medical practice. This activity presents some specific problems given a danger of misinterpretation and dispensing errors in community pharmacies. The objective of this study was to determine the evolution of the prescription practice and writing quality in the outpatient clinics of our paediatric university hospital.¦METHODS: Copies of prescriptions written by physicians were collected from community pharmacies in the region of our hospital for a two-month period in 2005 and 2010. They were analysed according to standard criteria, including both formal and pharmaceutical aspects.¦RESULTS: A total of 597 handwritten prescriptions were reviewed in 2005 and 633 in 2010. They contained 1,456 drug prescriptions in 2005 and 1,348 in 2010. Fifteen drugs accounted for 80% of all prescriptions and the most common drugs were paracetamol and ibuprofen. A higher proportion of drugs were prescribed as International Nonproprietary Names (INN) or generics in 2010 (24.7%) compared with 2005 (20.9%). Of the drug prescriptions examined, 55.5% were incomplete in 2005 and 69.2% in 2010. Moreover in 2005, 3.2% were legible only with difficulty, 22.9% were ambiguous, and 3.0% contained an error. These proportions rose respectively to 5.2%, 27.8%, and 6.8% in 2010.¦CONCLUSION: This study showed that fifteen different drugs represented the majority of prescriptions, and a quarter of them were prescribed as INN or generics in 2010; and that handwritten prescriptions contained numerous omissions and preventable errors. In our hospital computerised prescribing coupled with advanced decision support is eagerly awaited.