102 resultados para police-community engagement
Natural fluctuations in soil microbial communities are poorly documented because of the inherent difficulty to perform a simultaneous analysis of the relative abundances of multiple populations over a long time period. Yet, it is important to understand the magnitudes of community composition variability as a function of natural influences (e.g., temperature, plant growth, or rainfall) because this forms the reference or baseline against which external disturbances (e.g., anthropogenic emissions) can be judged. Second, definition of baseline fluctuations in complex microbial communities may help to understand at which point the systems become unbalanced and cannot return to their original composition. In this paper, we examined the seasonal fluctuations in the bacterial community of an agricultural soil used for regular plant crop production by using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism profiling (T-RFLP) of the amplified 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) gene diversity. Cluster and statistical analysis of T-RFLP data showed that soil bacterial communities fluctuated very little during the seasons (similarity indices between 0.835 and 0.997) with insignificant variations in 16S rRNA gene richness and diversity indices. Despite overall insignificant fluctuations, between 8 and 30% of all terminal restriction fragments changed their relative intensity in a significant manner among consecutive time samples. To determine the magnitude of community variations induced by external factors, soil samples were subjected to either inoculation with a pure bacterial culture, addition of the herbicide mecoprop, or addition of nutrients. All treatments resulted in statistically measurable changes of T-RFLP profiles of the communities. Addition of nutrients or bacteria plus mecoprop resulted in bacteria composition, which did not return to the original profile within 14 days. We propose that at less than 70% similarity in T-RFLP, the bacterial communities risk to drift apart to inherently different states.
Oral levofloxacin is as efficient as sequential antibiotic treatment in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). The current authors assessed whether oral levofloxacin treatment of patients with severe CAP, followed-up for 30 days, would save money. Over a 12-month period, 129 hospitalised patients with severe non-intensive care unit CAP were randomly assigned to receive either oral levofloxacin or sequential antibiotic treatment. Direct and indirect costs were compared over a 30-day period from several perspectives. CAP resolved in 71 out of 77 oral levofloxacin (92%) and in 34 out of 37 sequential antibiotic treatment patients (92%). Patients' characteristics, treatment duration, hospital length of stay and mortality were similar in both groups. Drug acquisition costs were 1.7-times smaller in oral levofloxacin patients, who were less often transferred to rehabilitation centres, but they used more physicians' visits during follow-up and their total costs were lower. As only a minority of patients was still active, inability to work and, hence, indirect costs were similar in both groups. In this study, oral levofloxacin for severe non-intensive care unit community-acquired pneumonia was equally effective as sequential antibiotic treatment, but did not lead to major costs savings except for drug acquisition costs. External factors linked with patients' characteristics and/or medical practice are likely to play a role and should be addressed.
OBJECTIVES: Within a strong interdisciplinary framework, improvement in the quality of care for children with autistic spectrum disorders through a 2 year implementation program of Practice Parameters, aimed principally at improving early detection and intervention. METHOD: We developed Practice Parameters (PPs) for Pervasive Developmental Disorders and circulated the PPs to all child and adolescent psychiatrists practicing in the region. RESULTS: PP development and parallel information strategies resulted in a significant decrease of 1.5 years in the mean-age-at-diagnosis. However, further analysis indicated that improvement was only transient. CONCLUSION: Despite the encouraging improvement in mean-age-at-diagnosis 2 years after PP implementation, other indicators showed a failure to maintain the improvements. A systematic screening program would be the most reliable method to reinforce the PPs.
Objectives: To measure the positive predictive value (PPV) of the cost of drug therapy (threshold = 2000 Swiss francs [CHF], US$1440, <euro>1360) as a screening criterion for identifying patients who may benefit from medication review (MR). To describe identified drug-related problems (DRPs) and expense problems (EPs), and to estimate potential savings if all recommendations were accepted. Setting Five voluntary Swiss community pharmacies. Methods: Of 12,680 patients, 592 (4.7%) had drug therapy costs exceeding 2000 CHF over a six-month period from July 1 to December 31, 2002. This threshold limit was set to identify high-risk patients for DRPs and EPs. Three pharmacists consecutively conducted a medication review based on the pharmaceutical charts of 125 sampled patients who met the inclusion criterion. Main outcome measure: The PPV of a threshold of 2000 CHF for identifying patients who might benefit from a MR: true positives were patients with at least one DRP, while false positives were patients with no DRP. Results: The selection based on this criterion had a PPV of 86% for detecting patients with at least one DRP and 95% if EPs were also considered. There was a mean of 2.64 (SD = 2.20) DRPs per patient and a mean of 2.14 (SD = 1.39) EPs per patient. Of these patients, 90% were over 65 years old or were treated with at least five chronic medications, two common criteria for identifying patients at risk of DRPs. The main types of DRPs were drug-drug interactions, compliance problems and duplicate drugs. Mean daily drug cost per patient was CHF 14.87 (US$10.70, <euro>10.10). A potential savings of CHF 1.67 (US$1.20, <euro>1.14) per day (11%) was estimated if all recommendations to solve DRPs and EPs suggested herein were implemented. Conclusion: Further studies should investigate whether the potential benefit of medication reviews in preventing DRPs and containing costs in this patient group can be confirmed in a real practice environment. [Authors]
Les développements technologiques et la spécialisation des laboratoires de police scientifique et de science forensique éloignent de plus en plus les spécialistes de leur objet d'étude: la trace comme vestige, avec toutes les difficultés associées à son caractère unique, non contrôlé qui lui donnent la dimension d'une recherche historique plus qu'expérimentale. Pour paraphraser Kirk (Kirk 1963), la discipline qui touche à l'exploitation des traces fait appel à une pléthore de moyens techniques, mais manque cruellement de recherches et de développements fondamentaux. Cela se reflète d'ailleurs dans l'absence de rigueur quant au vocabulaire utilisé et une confusion dans la nomenclature, par exemple entre l'empreinte (référent) et la trace, l'échantillon (statistiquement sélectionné) et le spécimen, l'analyse, qui n'est pas que chimique, la contamination et la pollution. Ce manque de rigueur traverse la littérature scientifique et cet essai vise à clarifier la terminologie et à proposer un emploi sémantique strict du vocabulaire et des notions de base qui touchent aux fondements de la discipline.
Background: Community phylogenetics is an emerging field of research that has made important contributions to understanding community assembly. The rapid development of this field can be attributed to the merging of phylogenetics and community ecology research to provide improved clarity on the processes that govern community structure and composition. Question: What are the major challenges that impede the sound interpretation of the patterns and processes of phylogenetic community assembly? Methods: We use four scenarios to illustrate explicitly how the phylogenetic structure of communities can exist in stable or transient phases, based on the different combinations of phylogenetic relationships and phenotypic traits among co-occurring species. We discuss these phases by implicating a two-way process in the assembly and disintegration of the given ecological community. Conclusions: This paper synthesizes the major concepts of community phylogenetics using habitat filtering and competition processes to elucidate how the understanding of phylogenetic community structure is currently hindered by the dynamics of community assembly and disassembly.
Using H-2Kd-restricted CTL clones, which are specific for a photoreactive derivative of the Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite peptide PbCS(252-260) (SYIPSAEKI) and permit assessment of TCR-ligand interactions by TCR photoaffinity labeling, we have previously identified several peptide derivative variants for which TCR-ligand binding and the efficiency of Ag recognition deviated by fivefold or more. Here we report that the functional CTL response (cytotoxicity and IFN-gamma production) correlated with the rate of TCR-ligand complex dissociation, but not the avidity of TCR-ligand binding. While peptide antagonists exhibited very rapid TCR-ligand complex dissociation, slightly slower dissociation was observed for strong agonists. Conversely and surprisingly, weak agonists typically displayed slower dissociation than the wild-type agonists. Acceleration of TCR-ligand complex dissociation by blocking CD8 participation in TCR-ligand binding increased the efficiency of Ag recognition in cases where dissociation was slow. In addition, permanent TCR engagement by TCR-ligand photocross-linking completely abolished sustained intracellular calcium mobilization, which is required for T cell activation. These results indicate that the functional CTL response depends on the frequency of serial TCR engagement, which, in turn, is determined by the rate of TCR-ligand complex dissociation.
La thématique des désaffiliations religieuses du milieu évangélique est le parent pauvre des études faites jusqu'à ce jour sur ce courant religieux. En effet, l'accent est généralement mis sur son développement en termes d'affiliation faisant alors l'impasse sur les pertes qu'il connaît pourtant. De plus, la question des désaffiliations religieuses est un angle d'approche sociologique particulièrement fécond pour étudier les groupes religieux en permettant, entre autres, de cerner plus en profondeur leur identité, les mécanismes qui favorisent leur pérennisation, mais aussi leur rapport à la société environnante. Dans ce travail, qui s'inscrit en sociologie des religions et qui puise autant dans la littérature sur les désaffiliations religieuses que dans celle des désengagements militants, l'analyse s'est focalisée sur les processus de désengagement au niveau microsociologique : quels sont les motifs qui président les désaffiliations, comment se déroulent ces dernières, quels effets ont-elles sur l'individu en termes identitaires et comment sont-elles perçues par ceux qui restent ? Ces principales questions ont permis de (re] questionner des éléments constitutifs de l'engagement évangélique : les processus de socialisation ; la structuration des liens intragroupe développés par le milieu et son rapport à l'extérieur ; son système normatif; son système de représentation du monde et la démarche religieuse qu'il valorise, qui sont autant d'aspects qui jouent un rôle dans les processus de désaffiliation. Plus précisément, ces éléments agissent en tant que mécanismes de rétention tant sociaux que psychologiques compliquant ainsi le désengagement. Cette thèse s'est construite sur dix-sept entretiens semi directifs menés auprès de personnes ayant grandi pour la plupart dans une famille évangélique et qui ont décidé, un jour, de ne plus fréquenter ce milieu religieux. Pour élargir la perspective analytique et pour permettre de comprendre et d'expliquer les processus de désaffiliation en lien avec le groupe quitté, un ensemble de septante-huit entretiens semi directifs et de mille cent questionnaires standardisés de membres d'Eglises évangéliques a été mobilisé. Partant des logiques du désengagement, cette thèse affine les connaissances actuelles sur l'évangélisme dans le contexte de la modernité, grâce à l'éclairage inédit qu'elle lui donne. Elle développe également le champ des connaissances sur les désaffiliations religieuses en lui fournissant un nouvel exemple de cas tout en lui offrant une autre façon de théoriser les sorties de groupes religieux qui valorisent un engagement de type militant. - Religious disaffiliations from the evangelical milieu have not yet been investigated. Indeed, former studies have usually focused on the development of the milieu by looking at conversions. However, it appears that the study of the disaffiliation processes may not only give results on the reasons and experiences of those disaffiliating, but also shed light on the attributes and the development of the evangelical milieu itself. The main goal of this thesis was to fill this gap in the literature. From a microsociological approach, this thesis sought to answer the following central question : Why, how and with what effects do individuals leave the evangelical milieu and how is this phenomenon perceived, interpreted and managed by the individuals who leave the evangelical community and by the members of the evangelical milieu? These questions enabled me to investigate the functioning of the evangelical milieu : its processes of socialization ; internal and external relationships ; normative system ; belief system or its religious engagement. This set of aspects can influence and complicate the processes of disaffiliation. The analysis of religious disaffiliation was based on seventeen qualitative interviews with former members of evangelical chrurches who decided, one day, not to attend an evangelical church anymore and who question more or less strongly the « system of evangelical thought ». Seventy-eight qualitative interviews with members of evangelical free churches and a representative survey with members of evangelical free churches (N = 1100] completed the analysis and inserted the individual disengagement in the « milieu's logics ». This thesis complements and enriches the literature on evangelism as well as on religious disaffiliation in general.