137 resultados para participative administration
Rapport de synthèse : Objectif de l'étude : étudier si l'administration orale ou vaginale d'hormones contraceptives influence les concentrations sériques d'hormone antimüllérienne (AMH). Design : essai prospectif chez des femmes recrutées par annonce. Les femmes désireuses d'avoir une contraception ont été randomisées entre une contraception orale et une contraception vaginale. Celles qui ne souhaitaient pas de contraception ont été incluses dans le groupe témoin. Cadre de l'étude : unité de médecine de la reproduction d'un hôpital universitaire. Patientes : vingt-quatre jeunes femmes en bonne santé avec des cycles menstruels réguliers qui n'avaient pas utilisé de contraception hormonale pendant les trois mois précédant l'étude. Intervention : contraception orale ou vaginale du 5ème au 25ème jour du cycle menstruel dans les groupes contraception versus pas de contraception dans le groupe témoin. Mesure d'issue : variations inter et intra-cycle des concentrations sériques d'AMH dans les trois groupes: groupe témoin en cycle spontané et groupes sous contraception oestroprogestative orale ou vaginale. Résultats : les fluctuations d'AMH observées pendant le cycle menstruel (variations intra-cycle) restent dans les valeurs des variations entre deux cycles (variations inter-cycles) tant chez les femmes en cycle spontané que chez les femmes sous contraception orale ou vaginale. Conclusions : nos résultats confirment que les concentrations sériques d'AMH restent stables pendant le cycle menstruel et indiquent qu'elles ne sont pas influencées par l'administration exogène de stéroïdes sexuels contraceptifs, que ce soit par voie orale ou vaginale.
MVA is a candidate vector for vaccination against pathogens and tumors. Little is known about its behaviour in mucosal tissues. We have investigated the fate and biosafety of MVA, when inoculated by different routes in C57BL/6 mice. Intranasal inoculation targeted the virus to the nasal associated lymphoid tissue and the lungs, whereas systemic inoculation led to distribution of MVA in almost all lymphoid organs, lungs and ovaries. Intravaginal, intrarectal and intragastric inoculations failed to induce efficient infection. After 48 h no virus was detectable any more in the organs analyzed. Upon intranasal inoculation, no inflammatory reactions were detected in the central nervous system as well as the upper and lower airways. These results show the tropism of MVA and indicate that high doses of recombinant MVA are safe when nasally administered, a vaccination route known to elicit strong cellular and humoral immune responses in the female genital tract.
Antisense oligonucleotides (ODNs) specific for VEGFR-2-(17 MER) and inhibiting HUVEC proliferation in-vitro were screened. One efficient sequence was selected and incorporated in different types of nanoemulsions the potential toxicity of which was evaluated on HUVEC and ARPE19 cells. Our results showed that below 10 microl/ml, a 2.5% mid-chain triglycerides cationic DOTAP nanoemulsion was non-toxic on HUVEC and retinal cells. This formulation was therefore chosen for further experiments. In-vitro transfection of FITC ODNs in ARPE cells using DOTAP nanoemulsions showed that nanodroplets do penetrate into the cells. Furthermore, ODNs are released from the nanoemulsion after 48 h and accumulate into the cell nuclei. In both ex-vivo and in-vivo ODN stability experiments in rabbit vitreous, it was noted that the nanoemulsion protected at least partially the ODN from degradation over 72 h. The kinetic results of fluorescent ODN (Hex) distribution in DOTAP nanoemulsion following intravitreal injection in the rat showed that the nanoemulsion penetrates all retinal cells. Pharmacokinetic and ocular tissue distribution of radioactive ODN following intravitreal injection in rabbits showed that the DOTAP nanoemulsion apparently enhanced the intraretinal penetration of the ODNs up to the inner nuclear layer (INL) and might yield potential therapeutic levels of ODN in the retina over 72 h post injection.
In forensic pathology routine, fatal cases of contrast agent exposure can be occasionally encountered. In such situations, beyond the difficulties inherent in establishing the cause of death due to nonspecific or absent autopsy and histology findings as well as limited laboratory investigations, pathologists may face other problems in formulating exhaustive, complete reports, and conclusions that are scientifically accurate. Indeed, terminology concerning adverse drug reactions and allergy nomenclature is confusing. Some terms, still utilized in forensic and radiological reports, are outdated and should be avoided. Additionally, not all forensic pathologists master contrast material classification and pathogenesis of contrast agent reactions. We present a review of the literature covering allergic reactions to contrast material exposure in order to update used terminology, explain the pathophysiology, and list currently available laboratory investigations for diagnosis in the forensic setting.
Acute ethanol administration stimulates sympathetic nervous system activity. The present study was designed to determine whether this sympathetic activation affects glycogenolysis and total hepatic glucose production (HGP) during ethanol-induced inhibition of gluconeogenesis. Nineteen volunteers participated in four protocols. Two protocols aimed to study--using combined infusion of [6,6-2H2]glucose and [U-13C]glucose, VCO2 and 13CO2 measurements--the effects of ethanol infusion alone (n = 10) or with propranolol (n = 6) or phentolamine infusion (n = 4) on HGP, glucose disposal (Rd), glucose oxidation [13C]Glcox and non-oxidative glucose disposal (NOGD = Rd - [13C]Glcox). The fourth protocol assessed the effects of saline infusion alone on HGP. Using ethanol, HGP decreased by 23%, Rd by 20% and glycaemia by 9% (all P < 0.001); heart rate increased by 10%, whereas blood pressure remained unchanged. The effects were not observed with saline, except a slight (10%) decrease in HGP (P < 0.01 vs. ethanol). Ethanol did not affect [13C]Glcox but decreased NOGD by 73% (P < 0.001). Propranolol or phentolamine did not alter any of the effects of ethanol on glucose metabolism, but decreased mean arterial pressure. Propranolol prevented the ethanol-induced increase in heart rate. In conclusion, ethanol decreased blood glucose by decreasing HGP, presumably by inhibiting gluconeogenesis. Sympathetic activation prevented the decrease in blood pressure produced by ethanol but did not stimulate glycogenolysis.
Background and objectives: Interleukin-18 (IL-18) is a pleiotropic cytokine involved in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) pathogenesis. This studywas carried out to evaluate the efficicacy of interleukin-18 binding protein (IL-18BP) gene therapy in the rat adjuvant-induced arthritis (AIA) model and to decipher the mechanisms by which IL-18BP delivery lessens bone destruction. Materials and methods: Arthritis was induced in female Lewis rat by Mycobacterium butyricum and the mRNA expression of IL-18 and IL-18BP was determined in the joints. In a preventative study, rats were divided into an adenovirus producing IL-18BP-Fc (AdmIL-18BP-Fc) group (n=8) and an adenovirus producing green fluorescent protein (AdGFP) group (n=7). On day 8 after AIA induction, adenoviruses were injected. Clinical parameters were assessed. At day 18, during maximal arthritis, the rats were euthanized, ankles were collected, and X-rays were performed. mRNA and protein were extracted from joints for analyses by qRT-PCR, multiplex, Western blot, and zymography. Results: We observed a decrease in the [IL-18BP/IL-18] ratio from day 7 to day 45. Administration of AdmIL-18BPd-Fc decreased clinical parameters and prevented bone and joint destruction compared to AdGFP administration. IL-18BP delivery reduced the metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) levels by 33% (at protein level (Fig. 1B) and functional level (Fig. 1C) and the tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) level by 44% (Fig. 1D) in the joint homogenates from AdmIL-18BPd-Fc compared to AdGFP treated rats.However, no variationwas observed forMMP-2 at the protein level (Fig.1A) and functional level (Fig. 1C). Conclusions: In rat AIA, a decrease in the [IL-18BP/ IL-18] ratio was observed. IL-18BP delivery prevented joint and bone destruction by downregulating MMP-9 and TRAP, suggesting a potential benefit of a similar therapy in RA.
The effects of intranasal administration of increasing doses of synthetic human natriuretic peptide (4-28 hANP) were studied in six healthy volunteers. The peptide was administered as a nasal spray at doses of 50, 100, 200, and 500 micrograms in ascending order at 48-h intervals. Vehicle was administered by the same route randomly between any two of the doses. Intranasal hANP administration had no effect on either blood pressure, heart rate (HR), or hematocrit. Diuresis did not change consistently, whereas natriuresis tended to rise with vehicle as well as with hANP administration. This was attributed to the infusion of isotonic saline during the experiment. There was no significant increase in plasma ANP levels after intranasal administration of any of the different doses. Thus, no evidence that the atrial natriuretic peptide tested (4-28 hANP) can cross the nasal mucosal barrier was found.
BACKGROUND: Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) are often administered in salvage therapy even if genotypic resistance tests (GRTs) indicate high-level resistance, but little is known about the benefit of these additional NRTIs. METHODS: The effect of <2 compared with 2 NRTIs on viral suppression (HIV-1 RNA < 50 copies/mL) at week 24 was studied in salvage patients receiving raltegravir. Intent-to-treat and per-protocol analyses were performed; last observation carried forward imputation was used to deal with missing information. Logistic regressions were weighted to create a pseudopopulation in which the probability of receiving <2 and 2 NRTIs was unrelated to baseline factors predicting treatment response. RESULTS: One-hundred thirty patients were included, of whom 58.5% (n = 76) received <2 NRTIs. NRTIs were often replaced by other drug classes. Patients with 2 NRTIs received less additional drug classes compared with patients with <2 NRTIs [median (IQR): 1 (1-2) compared with 2 (1-2), P Wilcoxon < 0.001]. The activity of non-NRTI treatment components was lower in the 2 NRTIs group compared with the <2 NRTIs group [median (IQR) genotypic sensitivity score: 2 (1.5-2.5) compared with 2.5 (2-3), P Wilcoxon < 0.001]. The administration of <2 NRTIs was associated with a worse viral suppression rate at week 24. The odds ratios were 0.34 (95% confidence interval: 0.13 to 0.89, P = 0.027) and 0.19 (95% confidence interval: 0.05 to 0.79, P = 0.023) when performing the last observation carried forward and the per-protocol approach, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings showed that partially active or inactive NRTIs contribute to treatment response, and thus the use of 2 NRTIs in salvage regimens that include raltegravir seems warranted.
We conducted an open, randomized, and prospective study to determine the effect of hypertonic saline on the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and aldosterone in children with severe head injury (Glasgow coma scale <8). Thirty-one consecutive patients at a level III pediatric intensive care unit at a children's hospital received either lactated Ringer's solution (Ringer's group, n = 16) or hypertonic saline (Hypertonic Saline group, n = 15) over a 3-day period. Serum ADH levels were significantly larger in the Hypertonic Saline group as compared with the Ringer's group (P = 0.001; analysis of variance) and were correlated to sodium intake (Ringer's group: r = 0.39, R(2) = 0.15, P = 0.02; Hypertonic Saline group: r = 0.42, R(2) = 0.18, P = 0.02) and volume of fluids given IV (Ringer's group: r = 0.38, R(2) = 0.15, P = 0.02; Hypertonic Saline group: r = 0.32, R(2) = 0.1, P = not significant). Correlation of ADH to plasma osmolality was significant if plasma osmolality was >280 mOsm/kg (r = 0.5, R(2) = 0.25, P = 0.06), indicating an osmotic threshold for ADH release. Serum aldosterone levels were larger on the first day than during Days 2 and 3 in both groups and inversely correlated to serum sodium levels only in the Ringer's group (r = -0.55, R(2) = 0.3, P < 0.001). This group received a significantly larger fluid volume on Day 1 (P = 0.05, Mann-Whitney U-test) than did patients in the Hypertonic Saline group, indicating hypovolemia during the first day. Head-injured children have appropriate levels of ADH. They may be hypovolemic during the first day of treatment, especially if they receive lactated Ringer's solution. IMPLICATIONS: In head-injured patients, we recommend fluid restriction to avoid inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. In a prospective, randomized, and controlled study in 31 children, we were able to show that the antidiuretic hormone levels are appropriate in response to hypovolemia, sodium load, or both.