226 resultados para morphology target tracking
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) family comprises three distinct isotypes: PPARalpha, PPARbeta/delta and PPARgamma. PPARs are nuclear hormone receptors that mediate the effects of fatty acids and their derivatives at the transcriptional level. Until recently, the characterisation of the important role of PPARalpha in fatty acid oxidation and of PPARgamma in lipid storage contrasted with the sparse information concerning PPARbeta/delta. However, evidence is now emerging for a role of PPARbeta/delta in tissue repair and energy homeostasis. Experiments with tissue-specific overexpression of PPARbeta/delta or treatment of mice with selective PPARbeta/delta agonists demonstrated that activation of PPARbeta/delta in vivo increases lipid catabolism in skeletal muscle, heart and adipose tissue and improves the serum lipid profile and insulin sensitivity in several animal models. PPARbeta/delta activation also prevents the development of obesity and improves cholesterol homeostasis in obesity-prone mouse models. These new insights into PPARbeta/delta functions suggest that targeting PPARbeta/delta may be helpful for treating disorders associated with the metabolic syndrome. Although these perspectives are promising, several independent and contradictory reports raise concerns about the safety of PPARbeta/delta ligands with respect to tumourigenic activity in the gut. Thus, it appears that further exploration of PPARbeta/delta functions is necessary to better define its potential as a therapeutic target.
Introduction: Since 2004, cannabis is prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for all sports in competition. In the years since then, about half of all positive doping cases in Switzerland have been related to cannabis consumption. In most cases, the athletes plausibly claim to have consumed cannabis several days or even weeks before competition and only for recreational purposes not related to competition. In doping analysis, the target analyte in urine samples is 11-nor-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol- 9-carboxylic acid (THC-COOH), the reporting threshold for laboratories is 15 ng/mL. However, the wide detection window of this long-term THC metabolite in urine does not allow a conclusion concerning the time of consumption or the impact on the physical performance. Aim: The purpose of the present pharmacokinetic study on volunteers was to evaluate target analytes with shorter urinary excretion time. Subsequently, urines from athletes tested positive for cannabis should be reanalyzed including these analytes. Methods: In an one-session clinical trial (approved by IRB, Swissmedic, and Federal Office of Public Health), 12 healthy, male volunteers (age 26 ± 3 yrs, BMI 24 ± 2 kg/m2) with cannabis experience (> once/month) smoked a Cannabis cigarette standardized to 70 mg THC/cigarette (Bedrobinol® 7%, Dutch Office for Medicinal Cannabis) following a paced-puffing procedure. Plasma and urine was collected up to 8 h and 11 days, respectively. Total THC, 11-hydroxy-THC (THC-OH), and THC-COOH were determined after enzymatic hydrolyzation followed by SPE and GC/MS-SIM. The limit of quantitation (LOQ) for all analytes was 0.1 ng/mL. Visual analog scales (VAS) and vital functions were used for monitoring psychological and somatic side-effects at every timepoint of specimen collection (up to 480 min). Results: Eight puffs delivered a mean THC dose of 45 mg. Mean plasma levels of total THC, THC-OH and THC-COOH were measured in the range of 0.1-20.9, 0.1-1.8, and 1.8-7.5 ng/mL, respectively. Peak concentrations were observed at 5, 10, and 90 min. Mean urine levels were measured in the range of 0.1-0.7, 0.10-6.2, and 0.1-13.4 ng/mL, respectively. The detection windows were 2-8, 2-96, and 2-120 h. No or only mild effects were observed, such as dry mouth, sedation, and tachycardia. Besides high to very high THC-COOH levels (0-978 ng/mL), THC (0.1-24 ng/mL) and THC-OH (1-234 ng/mL) were found in 90 and 96% of the cannabis-positive urines from athletes. Conclusion: Instead of or in addition to THC-COOH, the pharmacologically active THC and THC-OH should be the target analytes for doping urine analysis. This would allow the estimation of more recent Cannabis consumption, probably influencing performance during competition. Keywords: cannabis, doping, clinical trial, plasma and urine levels, athlete's samples
Microtubule plus-end-tracking proteins (+TIPs) specifically localize to the growing plus-ends of microtubules to regulate microtubule dynamics and functions. A large group of +TIPs contain a short linear motif, SXIP, which is essential for them to bind to end-binding proteins (EBs) and target microtubule ends. The SXIP sequence site thus acts as a widespread microtubule tip localization signal (MtLS). Here we have analyzed the sequence-function relationship of a canonical MtLS. Using synthetic peptide arrays on membrane supports, we identified the residue preferences at each amino acid position of the SXIP motif and its surrounding sequence with respect to EB binding. We further developed an assay based on fluorescence polarization to assess the mechanism of the EB-SXIP interaction and to correlate EB binding and microtubule tip tracking of MtLS sequences from different +TIPs. Finally, we investigated the role of phosphorylation in regulating the EB-SXIP interaction. Together, our results define the sequence determinants of a canonical MtLS and provide the experimental data for bioinformatics approaches to carry out genome-wide predictions of novel +TIPs in multiple organisms.
The gene encoding type I signal peptidase (Lmjsp) has been cloned from Leishmania major. Lmjsp encodes a protein of 180 amino residues with a predicted molecular mass of 20.5 kDa. Comparison of the protein sequence with those of known type I signal peptidases indicates homology in five conserved domains A-E which are known to be important, or essential, for catalytic activity. Southern blot hybridisation analysis indicates that there is a single copy of the Lmjsp gene. A recombinant SPase protein and a synthetic peptide of the L. major signal peptidase were used to examine the presence of specific antibodies in sera from either recovered or active individuals of both cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis. This evaluation demonstrated that sera from cutaneous and visceral forms of leishmaniasis are highly reactive to both the recombinant and synthetic signal peptidase antigens. Therefore, the Leishmania signal peptidase, albeit localised intracellularly, is a significant target of the Leishmania specific immune response and highlights its potential use for serodiagnosis of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis.
Yeast and mammalian MAF1 are both regulated by the TOR (target of rapamycin) pathway. However, the exact mechanisms of regulation diverge at TOR, with yeast Maf1 phosphorylated mainly by the TORC1 (TOR complex 1) substrate Sch9 kinase and mammalian MAF1 by mTORC1 (mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1) itself. Sch9 phosphorylation of yeast Maf1 regulates Maf1 localization, but it is less clear whether phosphorylation of human MAF1 regulates its localization. Replacement of phosphosites with alanine decreases Pol III (RNA polymerase III) transcription, but the effect is much more pronounced for human MAF1 than for the yeast protein. In both cases, Pol III repression can be further increased by rapamycin treatment or, in mammalian cells, serum starvation, suggesting that the TOR pathway controls another aspect of Pol III transcription that is closely linked to MAF1, as it depends on the presence of MAF1.
To test the hypothesis that the trophic action of angiotensin II on the adrenal zona glomerulosa may allow a sustained stimulation of aldosterone by ACTH by preventing the morphological changes of the zona glomerulosa cells into zona fasciculata-like elements we investigated the effects in rats of a 6-day treatment with ACTH (100 micrograms/kg/day) alone or combined with angiotensin II (300 ng/kg/day) on corticosterone and aldosterone production and adrenal morphology. The responsiveness of both steroids to an acute ACTH dose was also studied on the last day of long-term treatment. Morphologic data showed that prolonged ACTH treatment stimulated the growth of zona glomerulosa cells, though it transformed the tubulo-lamellar cristae of mitochondria into a homogeneous population of vesicles. Angiotensin II furthered the trophic effects of ACTH but prevented the mitochondrial transformation. Despite its ability to conserve the well differentiated aspect of the zona glomerulosa cells, the administration of angiotensin II was unable to prevent the fall in the secretion of aldosterone caused by chronic ACTH treatment and its subsequent unresponsiveness to ACTH stimulation.
Surgical decision-making in lumbar spinal stenosis involves assessment of clinical parameters and the severity of the radiological stenosis. We suspected that surgeons based surgical decisions more on dural sac cross-sectional area (DSCA) than on the morphology of the dural sac. We carried out a survey among members of three European spine societies. The axial T2-weighted MR images from ten patients with varying degrees of DSCA and morphological grades according to the recently described morphological classification of lumbar spinal stenosis, with DSCA values disclosed in half the assessed images, were used for evaluation. We provided a clinical scenario to accompany the images, which were shown to 142 responding physicians, mainly orthopaedic surgeons but also some neurosurgeons and others directly involved in treating patients with spinal disorders. As the primary outcome we used the number of respondents who would proceed to surgery for a given DSCA or morphological grade. Substantial agreement among the respondents was observed, with severe or extreme stenosis as defined by the morphological grade leading to surgery. This decision was not dependent on the number of years in practice, medical density or specialty. Disclosing the DSCA did not alter operative decision-making. In all, 40 respondents (29%) had prior knowledge of the morphological grading system, but their responses showed no difference from those who had not. This study suggests that the participants were less influenced by DSCA than by the morphological appearance of the dural sac. Classifying lumbar spinal stenosis according to morphology rather than surface measurements appears to be consistent with current clinical practice.
The morphological and functional diversity of astrocytes, and their essential contribution in physiological and pathological conditions, are starting to emerge. However, experimental systems to investigate neuron-glia interactions and develop innovative approaches for the treatment of central nervous system (CNS) disorders are still very limited. Fluorescent reporter genes have been used to visualize populations of astrocytes and produce an atlas of gene expression in the brain. Knock-down or knock-out of astrocytic proteins using transgenesis have also been developed, but these techniques remain complex and time-consuming. Viral vectors have been developed to overexpress or silence genes of interest as they can be used for both in vitro and in vivo studies in adult mammalian species. In most cases, high transduction efficiency and long-term transgene expression are observed in neurons but there is limited expression in astrocytes. Several strategies have been developed to shift the tropism of lentiviral vectors (LV) and allow local and controlled gene expression in glial cells. In this review, we describe how modifications of the interaction between the LV envelope glycoprotein and the surface receptor molecules on target cells, or the integration of cell-specific promoters and miRNA post-transcriptional regulatory elements have been used to selectively express transgenes in astrocytes.
The glandular system is crucially involved in main aspects of ant social life. The function of glands has been primarily studied in the workers (the non-reproductive individuals in a colony). In contrast, little information is available on queens (the reproductive females in a colony) or males in spite of the obvious functional differences between these castes. Here we report a comparison of the general morphology of the mandibular, propharyngeal and postpharyngeal glands between the three castes of the black ant Lasius niger. The analysis clearly shows that all these cephalic glands differ in relative size between castes and suggests a link between gland structure and its behavioral role in queens, workers and males. In particular, males present a hypertrophied mandibular gland. This is consistent with the fact that these glands might be the source of the sex pheromone in this caste. By contrast, queens exhibited the most developed postpharyngeal glands. This is consistent with the production of particular cues by queens for workers to help them to distinguish between reproductive and non-reproductive females. Finally, the propharyngeal glands were most developed in the worker caste and of similar relative size in males and queens. Their function is still enigmatic.
Pollination syndromes involve convergent evolution towards phenotypes composed of specific scents, colours or floral morphologies that attract or restrict pollinator access to reward. How these traits might influence the distributions of plant species in interaction with pollinators has rarely been investigated. We sampled 870 vegetation plots in the western Swiss Alps and classified the plant species into seven blossom types according to their floral morphology (wind, disk, funnel, tube, bilabiate, head or brush). We investigated the environmental features of plots with functional diversity (FD) lower than expected by chance alone to detect potential pollination filtering and related the proportions of the seven blossom types to a combination of environmental descriptors. From these results, we inferred the potential effect of the pollinator on the spatial distribution of plant species. The vegetation plots with significantly lower FD of blossom types than expected by chance were found at higher altitudes, and the proportions of blossom types were strongly patterned along the same gradient. These results support a biotic filtering effect on plant species assemblages through pollination: disk blossoms became dominant at higher altitudes, resulting in a lower FD. In harsh conditions at high altitudes, pollinators usually decrease in activity, and the openness of the disk blossom grants access to any available pollinator. Inversely, bilabiate blossoms, which are mostly pollinated by bees, were more abundant at lower elevations, which are characterised by greater abundance and diversity of bees. Generalisation through openness of the blossom could be advantageous at high elevations, while specialisation could be a successful alternative strategy at lower elevations. The approach used in this study is purely correlative, and further investigations should be conducted to infer the nature of the causal relationship between plant and pollinator distributions.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Adherence to preventive measures and prescribed medications is the cornerstone of the successful management of hypertension. The role of adherence is particularly important when treatments are not providing the expected clinical results, for example, in patients with resistant hypertension. The goal of this article is to review the recent observations regarding drug adherence in resistant hypertension. RECENT FINDINGS: Today, the role of drug adherence as a potential cause of resistant hypertension is largely underestimated. Most studies suggest that a low adherence to the prescribed medications can affect up to 50% of patients with resistant hypertension.A good adherence to therapy is generally associated with an improved prognosis. Nonetheless, adherence should probably not be a target for treatment per se because data on adherence should always be interpreted in the view of clinical results. In our opinion, the availability of reliable data on drug adherence would be a major help for physicians to manage patients apparently resistant to therapy. SUMMARY: The actual development of new drugs for hypertension is slow. Thus, focusing on drug adherence to the drugs available is an important way to improve blood pressure control in the population. More emphasis should be put on measuring drug adherence in patients with resistant hypertension to avoid costly investigations and treatments.
CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) can recognize and kill target cells expressing only a few cognate major histocompatibility complex (MHC) I-peptide complexes. This high sensitivity requires efficient scanning of a vast number of highly diverse MHC I-peptide complexes by the T cell receptor in the contact site of transient conjugates formed mainly by nonspecific interactions of ICAM-1 and LFA-1. Tracking of single H-2K(d) molecules loaded with fluorescent peptides on target cells and nascent conjugates with CTL showed dynamic transitions between states of free diffusion and immobility. The immobilizations were explained by association of MHC I-peptide complexes with ICAM-1 and strongly increased their local concentration in cell adhesion sites and hence their scanning by T cell receptor. In nascent immunological synapses cognate complexes became immobile, whereas noncognate ones diffused out again. Interfering with this mobility modulation-based concentration and sorting of MHC I-peptide complexes strongly impaired the sensitivity of antigen recognition by CTL, demonstrating that it constitutes a new basic aspect of antigen presentation by MHC I molecules.
OBJECTIVES: Pulmonary valve insufficiency remains a leading cause for reoperations in congenital cardiac surgery. The current percutaneous approach is limited by the size of the access vessel and variable right ventricular outflow tract morphology. This study assesses the feasibility of transapical pulmonary valve replacement based on a new valved stent construction concept. METHODS: A new valved stent design was implanted off-pump under continuous intracardiac echocardiographic and fluoroscopic guidance into the native right ventricular outflow tract in 8 pigs (48.5 +/- 6.0 kg) through the right ventricular apex, and device function was studied by using invasive and noninvasive measures. RESULTS: Procedural success was 100% at the first attempt. Procedural time was 75 +/- 15 minutes. All devices were delivered at the target site with good acute valve function. No valved stents dislodged. No animal had significant regurgitation or paravalvular leaking on intracardiac echocardiographic analysis. All animals had a competent tricuspid valve and no signs of right ventricular dysfunction. The planimetric valve orifice was 2.85 +/- 0.32 cm(2). No damage to the pulmonary artery or structural defect of the valved stents was found at necropsy. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the feasibility of direct access valve replacement through the transapical procedure for replacement of the pulmonary valve, as well as validity of the new valved stent design concept. The transapical procedure is targeting a broader patient pool, including the very young and the adult patient. The device design might not be restricted to failing conduits only and could allow for implantation in a larger patient population, including those with native right ventricular outflow tract configurations.
Transposable elements, as major components of most eukaryotic organisms' genomes, define their structural organization and plasticity. They supply host genomes with functional elements, for example, binding sites of the pleiotropic master transcription factor p53 were identified in LINE1, Alu and LTR repeats in the human genome. Similarly, in this report we reveal the role of zebrafish (Danio rerio) EnSpmN6_DR non-autonomous DNA transposon in shaping the repertoire of the p53 target genes. The multiple copies of EnSpmN6_DR and their embedded p53 responsive elements drive in several instances p53-dependent transcriptional modulation of the adjacent gene, whose human orthologs were frequently previously annotated as p53 targets. These transposons define predominantly a set of target genes whose human orthologs contribute to neuronal morphogenesis, axonogenesis, synaptic transmission and the regulation of programmed cell death. Consistent with these biological functions the orthologs of the EnSpmN6_DR-colonized loci are enriched for genes expressed in the amygdala, the hippocampus and the brain cortex. Our data pinpoint a remarkable example of convergent evolution: the exaptation of lineage-specific transposons to shape p53-regulated neuronal morphogenesis-related pathways in both a hominid and a teleost fish.
Toll-like receptor 4 (Tlr4) has a pivotal role in innate immune responses, and the transcription factor CCAAT/enhancer binding protein delta (C/EBPδ, Cebpd) is a Tlr4-induced gene. Here we identify a positive feedback loop in which C/EBPδ activates Tlr4 gene expression in macrophages and tumour cells. In addition, we discovered a negative feedback loop whereby the tumour suppressor FBXW7α (FBW7, Cdc4), whose gene expression is inhibited by C/EBPδ, targets C/EBPδ for degradation when C/EBPδ is phosphorylated by GSK-3β. Consequently, FBXW7α suppresses Tlr4 expression and responses to the ligand lipopolysaccharide. FBXW7α depletion alone is sufficient to augment pro-inflammatory signalling in vivo. Moreover, as inflammatory pathways are known to modulate tumour biology, Cebpd null mammary tumours, which have reduced metastatic potential, show altered expression of inflammation-associated genes. Together, these findings reveal a role for C/EBPδ upstream of Tlr4 signalling and uncover a function for FBXW7α as an attenuator of inflammatory signalling.