156 resultados para hair-plot
The pathogenesis of androgenetic alopecia (AGA, male-pattern baldness) is driven by androgens, and genetic predisposition is the major prerequisite. Candidate gene and genome-wide association studies have reported that single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at eight different genomic loci are associated with AGA development. However, a significant fraction of the overall heritable risk still awaits identification. Furthermore, the understanding of the pathophysiology of AGA is incomplete, and each newly associated locus may provide novel insights into contributing biological pathways. The aim of this study was to identify unknown AGA risk loci by replicating SNPs at the 12 genomic loci that showed suggestive association (5 × 10(-8)<P<10(-5)) with AGA in a recent meta-analysis. We analyzed a replication set comprising 2,759 cases and 2,661 controls of European descent to confirm the association with AGA at these loci. Combined analysis of the replication and the meta-analysis data identified four genome-wide significant risk loci for AGA on chromosomes 2q35, 3q25.1, 5q33.3, and 12p12.1. The strongest association signal was obtained for rs7349332 (P=3.55 × 10(-15)) on chr2q35, which is located intronically in WNT10A. Expression studies in human hair follicle tissue suggest that WNT10A has a functional role in AGA etiology. Thus, our study provides genetic evidence supporting an involvement of WNT signaling in AGA development.
Objective: We assessed the awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in the Seychelles between 1989 and 2013. In the Seychelles, heath care is free to all inhabitants within a national health system, inclusive all hypertension medications. Design and method: Four surveys were conducted in 1989, 1994, 2004 and 2013 (Seychelles Heart Studies I, II, III and IV) in random samples of the population aged 25-64 (N >1000 and participation rate >75% in each sur acceptance of the program, though no objective index could be calculated. In total, 15% of device measurements were above high normal values and would correspond to either newly diagnosed HNT (second measurement required) or to poorly controlled known HTN. It should be stressed that 53 women without HTN who completed the questionnaire had abnormal BP values, including the 29 women who also contacted the research team. It could be speculated that approximately 2% of women would be first diagnosed with HTN following the completion of the initial phase of the screening program. Conclusions: Hypertension screening in the hair salon setting was proved to be conveniently applicable and well accepted both by owners and by customers and could lead to the new diagnosis of hypertension for 2% of the female clients. Further research is warranted to assess the effectiveness of the program.
Dermatophytes are highly specialized pathogenic fungi that exclusively infect the stratum corneum, nails or hair, and it is evident that secreted proteolytic activity is important for their virulence. Endo- and exoproteases-secreted by dermatophytes are similar to those of species of the genus Aspergillus. However, in contrast to Aspergillus spp., dermatophyte-secreted endoproteases are multiple and are members of two large protein families, the subtilisins (serine proteases) and the fungalysins (metalloproteases). In addition, dermatophytes excrete sulphite as a reducing agent. In the presence of sulphite, disulphide bounds of the keratin substrate are directly cleaved to cysteine and S-sulphocysteine, and reduced proteins become accessible for further digestion by various endo- and exoproteases secreted by the fungi. Sulphitolysis is likely to be an essential step in the digestion of compact keratinized tissues which precedes the action of all proteases.
Micas are commonly used in Ar-40/Ar-39 thermochronological studies of variably deformed rocks yet the physical basis by which deformation may affect radiogenic argon retention in mica is poorly constrained. This study examines the relationship between deformation and deformation-induced microstructures on radiogenic argon retention in muscovite, A combination of furnace step-heating and high-spatial resolution in situ UV-laser ablation Ar-40/Ar-39 analyses are reported for deformed muscovites sampled from a granitic pegmatite vein within the Siviez-Mischabel Nappe, western Swiss Alps (Penninic domain, Brianconnais unit). The pegmatite forms part of the Variscan (similar to 350 Ma) Alpine basement and exhibits a prominent Alpine S-C fabric including numerous mica `fish' that developed under greenschist facies metamorphic conditions, during the dominant Tertiary Alpine tectonic phase of nappe emplacement. Furnace step-heating of milligram quantities of separated muscovite grains yields an Ar-40/Ar-39 age spectrum with two distinct staircase segments but without any statistical plateau, consistent with a previous study from the same area. A single (3 X 5 mm) muscovite porphyroclast (fish) was investigated by in situ UV-laser ablation. A histogram plot of 170 individual Ar-40/Ar-39 UV-laser ablation ages exhibit a range from 115 to 387 Ma with modes at approximately 340 and 260 Ma. A variogram statistical treatment of the (40)Ad/Ar-39 results reveals ages correlated with two directions; a highly correlated direction at 310 degrees and a lesser correlation at 0 degrees relative to the sense of shearing. Using the highly correlated direction a statistically generated (Kriging method) age contour map of the Ar-40/Ar-39 data reveals a series of elongated contours subparallel to the C-surfaces which where formed during Tertiary nappe emplacement. Similar data distributions and slightly younger apparent ages are recognized in a smaller mica fish. The observed intragrain age variations are interpreted to reflect the partial loss of radiogenic argon during Alpine (similar to 35 Ma) greenschist facies metamorphism. One-dirnensional diffusion modelling results are consistent with the idea that the zones of youngest apparent age represent incipient shear band development within the mica porphyroclasts, thus providing a network of fast diffusion pathways. During Alpine greenschist facies metamorphism the incipient shear bands enhanced the intragrain loss of radiogenic argon. The structurally controlled intragrain age variations observed in this investigation imply that deformation has a direct control on the effective length scale for argon diffusion, which is consistent with the heterogeneous nature of deformation. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Recent evidence supports and reinforces the concept that environmental cues may reprogramme somatic cells and change their natural fate. In the present review, we concentrate on environmental reprogramming and fate potency of different epithelial cells. These include stratified epithelia, such as the epidermis, hair follicle, cornea and oesophagus, as well as the thymic epithelium, which stands alone among simple and stratified epithelia, and has been shown recently to contain stem cells. In addition, we briefly discuss the pancreas as an example of plasticity of intrinsic progenitors and even differentiated cells. Of relevance, examples of plasticity and fate change characterize pathologies such as oesophageal metaplasia, whose possible cell origin is still debated, but has important implications as a pre-neoplastic event. Although much work remains to be done in order to unravel the full potential and plasticity of epithelial cells, exploitation of this phenomenon has already entered the clinical arena, and might provide new avenues for future cell therapy of these tissues.
SPINK5 (serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 5) encodes the putative proteinase inhibitor LEKTI (lympho-epithelial Kazal-type related inhibitor). In skin, LEKTI expression is restricted to the stratum granulosum of the epidermis and the inner root sheath of hair follicles. Mutations that create premature termination codons in SPINK5 have been reported as the cause of Netherton syndrome (NS), a human autosomal recessive disorder characterized by congenital ichthyosis with defective cornification, a specific hair shaft defect known as trichorrexis invaginata or 'bamboo hair', and severe atopic manifestations, including atopic dermatitis and hayfever. Althought recombinant human LEKTI inhibits a battery of serine proteases including plasmin, trypsin, subtilisin A, cathepsin G, and elastase, the precise role of LEKTI in the physiopathology of NS remains unclear. Spink5−/− mice display a NS-like phenotype. Surprisingly, a psoriasis-like hyperplasia, basement membrane breakdown followed by evagination of spindle-shaped epidermal cells into the dermal compartment, and the presence of numerous sweat gland-like structures were also observed when the skin of Spink5−/− newborn mice, which die at birth, was transplanted onto the back of nude mice. Collectively, these observations suggest that LEKTI may play a role on cell proliferation and stem cell fate. Our current work aims at elucidating the mechanisms by which LEKTI impact these biological processes. Using keratinocyte stem cells obtained from NS patients, we have identified LEKTI as a regulator node in several signaling pathways involved in stem cell behavior.
Decline in gait stability has been associated with increased fall risk in older adults. Reliable and clinically feasible methods of gait instability assessment are needed. This study evaluated the relative and absolute reliability and concurrent validity of the testing procedure of the clinical version of the Narrow Path Walking Test (NPWT) under single task (ST) and dual task (DT) conditions. Thirty independent community-dwelling older adults (65-87 years) were tested twice. Participants were instructed to walk within the 6-m narrow path without stepping out. Trial time, number of steps, trial velocity, number of step errors, and number of cognitive task errors were determined. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated as indices of agreement, and a graphic approach called "mountain plot" was applied to help interpret the direction and magnitude of disagreements between testing procedures. Smallest detectable change and smallest real difference (SRD) were computed to determine clinically relevant improvement at group and individual levels, respectively. Concurrent validity was assessed using Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment Tool (POMA) and the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Test-retest agreement (ICC1,2) varied from 0.77 to 0.92 in ST and from 0.78 to 0.92 in DT conditions, with no apparent systematic differences between testing procedures demonstrated by the mountain plot graphs. Smallest detectable change and smallest real change were small for motor task performance and larger for cognitive errors. Significant correlations were observed for trial velocity and trial time with POMA and SPPB. The present results indicate that the NPWT testing procedure is highly reliable and reproducible.
RESUME L'homéostasie du tissu cutané est assurée par des interactions étroites entre les cellules le composant et par l'équilibre entre la différenciation et la prolifération des kératinocytes devant permettre un renouvellement constant du tissu. Après une blessure, les kératinocytes environnant la zone blessée sont activés par des cytokines. Ils acquièrent alors un phénotype migratoire qui s'accompagne d'une modulation de l'activité protéolytique de la matrice extra cellulaire, d'une modulation de la dynamique du cytosquelette d'active, de la polarisation de la cellule, de l'affaiblissement des contacts entre cellules et de changements dans leurs contacts avec la matrice extra cellulaire. PPARβ est un facteur de transcription activé par les acides gras et leurs dérivés. Il appartient à la famille des récepteurs nucléaires aux hormones et son expression est avérée dans les kératinocytes des follicules pileux et dans les kératinocytes inter-folliculaires activés par la blessure cutanée. Le rôle de PPARβ dans la peau est principalement lié à son effet protecteur contre l'apoptose ainsi qu'à son implication dans l'équilibre dynamique entre la prolifération et la différentiation des kératinocytes. L'objet de ce travail fut de déterminer le rôle de PPARβ dans les processus d'adhésion et de migration des kératinocytes activés durant la régénération de l'épithélium blessé. Nous avons montré que les souris dépourvues du gène codant pour PPARβ ont de sévères imperfections affectant la morphologie de l'épithélium. Ce phénotype est corrélé à la modulation imparfaite du réseau d'active chez les souris dépourvues de PPARβ, à un défaut de localisation de l'intégrine α3 impliquée dans les complexes induisant la migration cellulaire, ainsi qu'à la modulation de l'expression d'acteurs majeurs affectant l'activité protéolytique de la matrice extra cellulaire. En conclusion, nos résultats montrent que PPARβ est impliqué dans le contrôle de la dynamique du cytosquelette d'active et la polarisation des kératinocytes activés. PPARβ étant impliqué dans l'acquisition d'un phénotype migratoire, il est légitime de se demander s'il intervient de même dans d'autres types cellulaires, par exemple dans la transition épithéliale-mésenchymateuse durant le développement, ou encore la progression de cellules tumorales. SUMMARY Highly coordinated intercellular interactions and single cell metabolism ensure cell and tissue maintenance of the skin. Healing of a skin wound involves keratinocyte activation by cytokines and growth factors. Activated keratinocytes acquire a motile phenotype that requires extracellular matrix remodeling and subsequent ligand activation through proteolytic activity, as well as cytoskeletal reorganisation induced by the release of cell-cell junctions and by the signalling relayed via integrin receptors and their cytoplasmic adaptors. PPARβ is a transcription factor activated by polyunsaturated fatty acids and fatty acid derivatives which belong to the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. It is expressed in activated keratinocytes where it plays an essential role in protecting them from apoptosis. In addition, it plays an important function in hair follicle morphogenesis at the time of elongation, via the regulation of the balance between keratinocyte differentiation and proliferation. The aim of the present work was to determine if PPARβ is also involved in the regulation of migration and adhesion properties of keratinocytes during skin wound healing. We have shown that wounded PPARβ null mice display severe abnormalities of the keratinocyte migratory layer as shown at the histological level and using three-dimensional reconstruction. This altered migratory phenotype is correlated to altered dynamic of the actin cytoskeleton network, impaired α3 integrin localisation in migrating keratinocytes and changes in the expression of a key actor involved in extracellular matrix proteolytic activity. These results show that PPARβ is implicated in the fine tuning of the actin network organisation and the polarisation of activated keratinocytes following an epithelial wound. Whether these mechanisms are also controlled by PPARβ in other cell types during epithelial mesenchymal transition or tumour cell progression is an interesting question to rise.
BIOMOD is a computer platform for ensemble forecasting of species distributions, enabling the treatment of a range of methodological uncertainties in models and the examination of species-environment relationships. BIOMOD includes the ability to model species distributions with several techniques, test models with a wide range of approaches, project species distributions into different environmental conditions (e.g. climate or land use change scenarios) and dispersal functions. It allows assessing species temporal turnover, plot species response curves, and test the strength of species interactions with predictor variables. BIOMOD is implemented in R and is a freeware, open source, package
Dans «La Belle au bois dormant» et «Dornröschen», des personnages aux pouvoirs magiques déterminent l'avenir des héroïnes en leur accordant des dons positifs ou négatifs. La comparaison des textes montre toutefois que les fées et les weise Frauen (femmes sages), issues de traditions différentes, ne jouent pas les mêmes rôles dans les intrigues et que leurs actions ne sont pas présentées de la même manière. Si le conte de Perrault explique les motivations des fées et en fait des êtres réfléchis, le Märchen des Grimm représente les weise Frauen comme des figures énigmatiques appartenant à un univers où se déroulent des événements inexpliqués. Ainsi, le traitement de ces personnages féminins emblématiques reflète une volonté de rationaliser le merveilleux chez Perrault, contrairement aux Grimm, et témoigne ainsi de différences génériques, mais aussi historiques et culturelles plus larges. / Both in «La Belle au bois dormant» and in «Dornröschen», characters with magical powers determine the future of the heroines by endowing them with positive or negative gifts. The comparison of the two texts nonetheless shows that the fées (fairies) and the weise Frauen (wise women) -coming as they do from different cultural traditions- do not play the same role in the plot, nor are their actions presented in the same way. Whereas Perrault's conte explains the fairies' motivations and portrays them as rational beings, Grimm's Märchen depicts weise Frauen as mysterious women who belong to a universe of unexplained events. The treatment of these wondrous feminine figures thus testifies to a willingness to rationalise the marvellous in Perrault, and to present it as self-evident in Grimm, thereby reflecting generic as well as broader historical and cultural differences.
Mutations in the epithelial morphogen ectodysplasin-A (EDA), a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family, are responsible for the human disorder X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED) characterized by impaired development of hair, eccrine sweat glands, and teeth. EDA-A1 and EDA-A2 are two splice variants of EDA, which bind distinct EDA-A1 and X-linked EDA-A2 receptors. We identified a series of novel EDA mutations in families with XLHED, allowing the identification of the following three functionally important regions in EDA: a C-terminal TNF homology domain, a collagen domain, and a furin protease recognition sequence. Mutations in the TNF homology domain impair binding of both splice variants to their receptors. Mutations in the collagen domain can inhibit multimerization of the TNF homology region, whereas those in the consensus furin recognition sequence prevent proteolytic cleavage of EDA. Finally, a mutation affecting an intron splice donor site is predicted to eliminate specifically the EDA-A1 but not the EDA-A2 splice variant. Thus a proteolytically processed, oligomeric form of EDA-A1 is required in vivo for proper morphogenesis.
Acute organophosphate (OP) intoxication is associated with many symptoms and clinical signs, including potentially life-threatening seizures and status epilepticus. Instead of being linked to the direct cholinergic toxidrome, OP-related seizures are more probably linked to the interaction of OPs with acetylcholineindependent neuromodulation pathways, such as GABA and NMDA. The importance of preventing, or recognizing and treating OP-related seizures lies in that, the central nervous system (CNS) damage from OP poisoning is thought to be due to the excitotoxicity of the seizure activity itself rather than a direct toxic effect. Muscular weakness and paralysis occurring 1-4 days after the resolution of an acute cholinergic toxidrome, the intermediate syndrome is usually not diagnosed until significant respiratory insufficiency has occurred; it is nevertheless a major cause of OP-induced morbidity and mortality and requires aggressive supportive treatment. The condition usually resolves spontaneously in 1-2 weeks.Treatment of OP intoxication relies on prompt diagnosis, and specific and immediate treatment of the lifethreatening symptoms. Since patients suffering from OP poisoning can secondarily expose care providers via contaminated skin, clothing, hair, or body fluids. EMS and hospital caregivers should be prepared to protect themselves with appropriate protective equipment, isolate such patients, and decontaminate them. After prompt decontamination, the initial priority of patient management is an immediate ABCDE (A : airway, B : breathing, C : circulation, D : dysfunction or disability of the central nervous system, and E : exposure) resuscitation approach, including aggressive respiratory support, since respiratory failure is the usual ultimate cause of death. The subsequent priority is initiating atropine therapy to oppose the muscarinic symptoms and diazepam to prevent or control seizures, with oximes added to enhance acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity recovery. Large doses of atropine and oximes may be necessary for poisoning due to suicidal ingestions of OP pesticides.
Dermatophytes are highly specialized filamentous fungi which cause the majority of superficial mycoses in humans and animals. The high secreted proteolytic activity of these microorganisms during growth on proteins is assumed to be linked to their particular ability to exclusively infect keratinized host structures such as the skin stratum corneum, hair, and nails. Individual secreted dermatophyte proteases were recently described and linked with the in vitro digestion of keratin. However, the overall adaptation and transcriptional response of dermatophytes during protein degradation are largely unknown. To address this question, we constructed a cDNA microarray for the human pathogenic dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum that was based on transcripts of the fungus grown on proteins. Profiles of gene expression during the growth of T. rubrum on soy and keratin protein displayed the activation of a large set of genes that encode secreted endo- and exoproteases. In addition, other specifically induced factors potentially implicated in protein utilization were identified, including heat shock proteins, transporters, metabolic enzymes, transcription factors, and hypothetical proteins with unknown functions. Of particular interest is the strong upregulation of key enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle in T. rubrum during growth on soy and keratin, namely, isocitrate lyase and malate synthase. This broad-scale transcriptional analysis of dermatophytes during growth on proteins reveals new putative pathogenicity-related host adaptation mechanisms of these human pathogenic fungi.
The terminal segment of the intermediate hair in the semi-aquatic Chirmarrogale hantu and Bectigale elegans is investigated with a view to a taxonomic interpretation. Nectogale is characterized by especially fine hairs which strongly contrast with the distally thickened hairs of Chimarrogale. In spite of these differences, the hairs of both genera are characterized by a H-shaped profile. According to Vogel & Köpchen (1977), this criterion confirms the discussed membership to the Soricinae.
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) are ligand-activated transcription factors that belong to the nuclear hormone receptor family. Three isotypes (PPAR alpha, PPAR beta or delta, and PPAR gamma) with distinct tissue distributions and cellular functions have been found in vertebrates. All three PPAR isotypes are expressed in rodent and human skin. They were initially investigated for a possible function in the establishment of the permeability barrier in skin because of their known function in lipid metabolism in other cell types. In vitro studies using specific PPAR agonists and in vivo gene disruption approaches in mice indeed suggest an important contribution of PPAR alpha in the formation of the epidermal barrier and in sebocyte differentiation. The PPAR gamma isotype plays a role in stimulating sebocyte development and lipogenesis, but does not appear to contribute to epidermal tissue differentiation. The third isotype, PPAR beta, regulates the late stages of sebaceous cell differentiation, and is the most effective isotype in stimulating lipid production in these cells, both in rodents and in humans. In addition, PPAR beta activation has pro-differentiating effects in keratinocytes under normal and inflammatory conditions. Finally, preliminary studies also point to a potential role of PPAR in hair follicle growth and in melanocyte differentiation. By their diverse biological effects on cell proliferation and differentiation in the skin, PPAR agonists or antagonists may offer interesting opportunities for the treatment of various skin disorders characterized by inflammation, cell hyperproliferation, and aberrant differentiation.