184 resultados para epworth sleepiness scale


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Directed evolution of life through millions of years, such as increasing adult body size, is one of the most intriguing patterns displayed by fossil lineages. Processes and causes of such evolutionary trends are still poorly understood. Ammonoids (externally shelled marine cephalopods) are well known to have experienced repetitive morphological evolutionary trends of their adult size, shell geometry and ornamentation. This study analyses the evolutionary trends of the family Acrochordiceratidae Arthaber, 1911 from the Early to Middle Triassic (251228 Ma). Exceptionally large and bed-rock-controlled collections of this ammonoid family were obtained from strata of Anisian age (Middle Triassic) in north-west Nevada and north-east British Columbia. They enable quantitative and statistical analyses of its morphological evolutionary trends. This study demonstrates that the monophyletic clade Acrochordiceratidae underwent the classical evolute to involute evolutionary trend (i.e. increasing coiling of the shell), an increase in its shell adult size (conch diameter) and an increase in the indentation of its shell suture shape. These evolutionary trends are statistically robust and seem more or less gradual. Furthermore, they are nonrandom with the sustained shift in the mean, the minimum and the maximum of studied shell characters. These results can be classically interpreted as being constrained by the persistence and common selection pressure on this mostly anagenetic lineage characterized by relatively moderate evolutionary rates. Increasing involution of ammonites is traditionally interpreted by increasing adaptation mostly in terms of improved hydrodynamics. However, this trend in ammonoid geometry can also be explained as a case of Copes rule (increasing adult body size) instead of functional explanation of coiling, because both shell diameter and shell involution are two possible paths for ammonoids to accommodate size increase.


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The human brain displays heterogeneous organization in both structure and function. Here we develop a method to characterize brain regions and networks in terms of information-theoretic measures. We look at how these measures scale when larger spatial regions as well as larger connectome sub-networks are considered. This framework is applied to human brain fMRI recordings of resting-state activity and DSI-inferred structural connectivity. We find that strong functional coupling across large spatial distances distinguishes functional hubs from unimodal low-level areas, and that this long-range functional coupling correlates with structural long-range efficiency on the connectome. We also find a set of connectome regions that are both internally integrated and coupled to the rest of the brain, and which resemble previously reported resting-state networks. Finally, we argue that information-theoretic measures are useful for characterizing the functional organization of the brain at multiple scales.


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Carbonate mylonites with varying proportions of second-phase minerals were collected at positions of increasing metamorphic grade along the basal thrust of the Morcles nappe (Helvetic nappes, Switzerland). Variations of temperature, stress, and strain rate, changes in chemistry of solid and fluid phases, and differing degrees of strain localization and annealing were tracked by measuring the shapes, mean sizes, and size distributions of both matrix and second-phase grains, as well as crystal preferred orientation (CPO) of the matrix. Field structures suggest that strain rate was constant along the fault. The mean and distribution of the calcite grain sizes were affected most profoundly by temperature: Increased temperature, presumably accompanied by decreased stress, correlated with larger mean sizes and wider size distributions. At a given location, the matrix grains in mylonites with more second-phase particles are, on average, smaller, have narrower size distributions, and have more elongate shapes. For example, mylonites with 50 vol.% of second phases have matrix grain sizes half that of pure mylonites. Changes in calcite chemistry and the presence of synkinematic fluids seemed to influence microfabric only weakly. Temporal variations in conditions, such as exhumation-induced cooling, apparently provoke changes in temperature, stress, and strain rate along the nappe. These changes result in further strain localization during retrograde conditions and cause the grain size to be reduced by an additional 50%. The matrix CPO strengthens with increasing temperature or strain, but weakens and rotates with increasing second-phase content, These fabric changes suggest differing rates of grain growth, grain size reduction, and development of CPO owing to variations in the deformation conditions and, perhaps, mechanisms. To interpret natural mylonite structures or to extrapolate mechanical data to natural situations requires careful characterization of the microfabric, and, in particular, second-phase minerals. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V, All rights reserved.


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Aim Macroevolutionary patterns and processes change substantially depending on levels of taxonomic and ecological organization, and the resolution of environmental and spatial variability. In comparative methods, the resolution of environmental and spatial variability often defines the number of selective regimes used to test whether phenotypic characteristics are adaptively correlated with the environment. Here, we examine how investigator choice of the number of selective regimes, determined by varying the resolution of among-species variability in the species climatic niche (hereafter called ecological scale'), influences trait morphological diversification among Eriogonoideae species. We assess whether adaptive or neutral processes drive the evolution of several morphological traits in these species. Location South-western North America. Methods We applied a phylogenetic framework of three evolutionary models to four morphological traits and the climatic niches of Eriogonoideae (in the buckwheat family, Polygonaceae). We tested whether morphological traits evolve in relation to climate by adaptive or neutral process, and whether the resulting patterns of morphological variability are conserved or convergent across the clade. We inspected adaptive models of evolution under different levels of resolution of among-species variability of the climatic niche. Results We show that morphological traits and climate niches of Eriogonoideae species are not phylogenetically conserved. Further, adaptive evolution of phenotypic traits is specific to climatic niche occupancy across this clade. Finally, the likely evolutionary process and the level of detectable niche conservatism change depending on the resolution of environmental variability of the climatic niche. Main conclusions Our study demonstrates the need to consider both the resolution of environmental variability and alternative evolutionary models to understand the morphological diversification that accompanies divergent adaptive evolution of lineages to climatic conditions.


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In this paper, an extension of the multi-scale finite-volume (MSFV) method is devised, which allows to Simulate flow and transport in reservoirs with complex well configurations. The new framework fits nicely into the data Structure of the original MSFV method,and has the important property that large patches covering the whole well are not required. For each well. an additional degree of freedom is introduced. While the treatment of pressure-constraint wells is trivial (the well-bore reference pressure is explicitly specified), additional equations have to be solved to obtain the unknown well-bore pressure of rate-constraint wells. Numerical Simulations of test cases with multiple complex wells demonstrate the ability of the new algorithm to capture the interference between the various wells and the reservoir accurately. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Abstract One requirement for psychotherapy research is an accurate assessment of therapeutic interventions across studies. This study compared frequency and depth of therapist interventions from a dynamic perspective across four studies, conducted in four countries, including three treatment arms of psychodynamic psychotherapy, and one each of psychoanalysis and CBT. All studies used the Psychodynamic Intervention Rating Scales (PIRS) to identify 10 interventions from transcribed whole sessions early and later in treatment. The PIRS adequately categorized all interventions, except in CBT (only 91-93% categorized). As hypothesized, interpretations were present in all dynamic therapies and relatively absent in CBT. Proportions of interpretations increased over time. Defense interpretations were more common than transference interpretations, which were most prevalent in psychoanalysis. Depth of interpretations also increased over time. These data can serve as norms for measuring where on the supportive-interpretive continuum a dynamic treatment lies, as well as identify potentially mutative interventions for further process and outcome study.


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PURPOSE: Quality of care and its measurement represent a considerable challenge for pediatric smaller-scale comprehensive cancer centers (pSSCC) providing surgical oncology services. It remains unclear whether center size and/or yearly case-flow numbers influence the quality of care, and therefore impact outcomes for this population of patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We performed a 14-year, retrospective, single-center analysis, assessing adherence to treatment protocols and surgical adverse events as quality indicators in abdominal and thoracic pediatric solid tumor surgery. RESULTS: Forty-eight patients, enrolled in a research-associated treatment protocol, underwent 51 cancer-oriented surgical procedures. All the protocols contain precise technical criteria, indications, and instructions for tumor surgery. Overall, compliance with such items was very high, with 997/1,035 items (95 %) meeting protocol requirements. There was no surgical mortality. Twenty-one patients (43 %) had one or more complications, for a total of 34 complications (66 % of procedures). Overall, 85 % of complications were grade 1 or 2 according to Clavien-Dindo classification requiring observation or minor medical treatment. Case-sample and outcome/effectiveness data were comparable to published series. Overall, our data suggest that even with the modest caseload of a pSSCC within a Swiss tertiary academic hospital, compliance with international standards can be very high, and the incidence of adverse events can be kept minimal. CONCLUSION: Open and objective data sharing, and discussion between pSSCCs, will ultimately benefit our patient populations. Our study is an initial step towards the enhancement of critical self-review and quality-of-care measurements in this setting.


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Although age-dependent effects on blood pressure (BP) have been reported, they have not been systematically investigated in large-scale genome-wide association studies (GWASs). We leveraged the infrastructure of three well-established consortia (CHARGE, GBPgen, and ICBP) and a nonstandard approach (age stratification and metaregression) to conduct a genome-wide search of common variants with age-dependent effects on systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP), mean arterial (MAP), and pulse (PP) pressure. In a two-staged design using 99,241 individuals of European ancestry, we identified 20 genome-wide significant (p ≤ 5 × 10(-8)) loci by using joint tests of the SNP main effect and SNP-age interaction. Nine of the significant loci demonstrated nominal evidence of age-dependent effects on BP by tests of the interactions alone. Index SNPs in the EHBP1L1 (DBP and MAP), CASZ1 (SBP and MAP), and GOSR2 (PP) loci exhibited the largest age interactions, with opposite directions of effect in the young versus the old. The changes in the genetic effects over time were small but nonnegligible (up to 1.58 mm Hg over 60 years). The EHBP1L1 locus was discovered through gene-age interactions only in whites but had DBP main effects replicated (p = 8.3 × 10(-4)) in 8,682 Asians from Singapore, indicating potential interethnic heterogeneity. A secondary analysis revealed 22 loci with evidence of age-specific effects (e.g., only in 20 to 29-year-olds). Age can be used to select samples with larger genetic effect sizes and more homogenous phenotypes, which may increase statistical power. Age-dependent effects identified through novel statistical approaches can provide insight into the biology and temporal regulation underlying BP associations.


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Identifying adaptive genetic variation is a challenging task, in particular in non-model species for which genomic information is still limited or absent. Here, we studied distribution patterns of amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) in response to environmental variation, in 13 alpine plant species consistently sampled across the entire European Alps. Multiple linear regressions were performed between AFLP allele frequencies per site as dependent variables and two categories of independent variables, namely Moran's eigenvector map MEM variables (to account for spatial and unaccounted environmental variation, and historical demographic processes) and environmental variables. These associations allowed the identification of 153 loci of ecological relevance. Univariate regressions between allele frequency and each environmental factor further showed that loci of ecological relevance were mainly correlated with MEM variables. We found that precipitation and temperature were the best environmental predictors, whereas topographic factors were rarely involved in environmental associations. Climatic factors, subject to rapid variation as a result of the current global warming, are known to strongly influence the fate of alpine plants. Our study shows, for the first time for a large number of species, that the same environmental variables are drivers of plant adaptation at the scale of a whole biome, here the European Alps.


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SUMMARY: We present a tool designed for visualization of large-scale genetic and genomic data exemplified by results from genome-wide association studies. This software provides an integrated framework to facilitate the interpretation of SNP association studies in genomic context. Gene annotations can be retrieved from Ensembl, linkage disequilibrium data downloaded from HapMap and custom data imported in BED or WIG format. AssociationViewer integrates functionalities that enable the aggregation or intersection of data tracks. It implements an efficient cache system and allows the display of several, very large-scale genomic datasets. AVAILABILITY: The Java code for AssociationViewer is distributed under the GNU General Public Licence and has been tested on Microsoft Windows XP, MacOSX and GNU/Linux operating systems. It is available from the SourceForge repository. This also includes Java webstart, documentation and example datafiles.


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Functionally relevant large scale brain dynamics operates within the framework imposed by anatomical connectivity and time delays due to finite transmission speeds. To gain insight on the reliability and comparability of large scale brain network simulations, we investigate the effects of variations in the anatomical connectivity. Two different sets of detailed global connectivity structures are explored, the first extracted from the CoCoMac database and rescaled to the spatial extent of the human brain, the second derived from white-matter tractography applied to diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) for a human subject. We use the combination of graph theoretical measures of the connection matrices and numerical simulations to explicate the importance of both connectivity strength and delays in shaping dynamic behaviour. Our results demonstrate that the brain dynamics derived from the CoCoMac database are more complex and biologically more realistic than the one based on the DSI database. We propose that the reason for this difference is the absence of directed weights in the DSI connectivity matrix.


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Introduction: Following a disaster, up to 50% of mass casualties are children. The number of disaster increases worldwide, including in Switzerland. Following national order, the mapping of the various risks of disaster in Switzerland will be completed by the end of 2012. Pre-hospital disaster drills and plans are well established and regularly tested. In-hospital disaster plans are much less frequently tested, if only available. Pediatric in-hospital full scale disaster exercises have never been reported in Switzerland. Based on our local constraints, we set up and evaluated a disaster plan during two full scale exercises. Methods: In a university hospital treating more than 35 000 pediatric emergencies per year, two exercises involving mock victims of a disaster aged 9 to 14 years old were successively set up over a period of 3 years. The exercises were planned during the day, without modification of the normal emergency room activities. The hospital staff was informed and trained in advance. Variables such as the alarm timing and transmission, triage set-up and function, special disaster medical records utilization, communication and victims' identification were assessed. Family members participated in the second exercise. An evaluation team observed and record exercises activities, identifying strength and weaknesses. Results: On two separate occasions, a total of 44 mock patients participated, were triaged, admitted and treated in the hospital according to usual standards of care. Alarm transmission was not appropriate during the first exercise. Triage overload occurred on one occasion. In-hospital communication needed readjustment. Identification and in-hospital tracking of the children remained problematic. Hospital employees showed great enthusiasm and stressed the positive effect of full scale exercises on their knowledge of the hospital disaster plan. Conclusions: Performing real life disaster exercises in a pediatric hospital was very beneficial. The disaster plan was adapted to local needs and updated accordingly. An alarm transmission protocol was elaborated and tested. Triage set-up was adapted and tested. A hospital identification plan for injured children was created and tested. Full scale hospital exercises evaluating disaster plans revealed several weaknesses in the system. Practice readjustments based on local experience were made. A tested pediatric disaster plan adapted to local constraints could minimize chaos, optimize care and support in the event of a real disaster. Children's identification and family reunification following a disaster remains a challenge.