188 resultados para distal upper limb


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BACKGROUND: Four different types of internal hernias (IH) are known to occur after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGBP) performed for morbid obesity. We evaluate multidetector row helical computed tomography (MDCT) features for their differentiation. METHODS: From a prospectively collected database including 349 patients with LRYGBP, 34 acutely symptomatic patients (28 women, mean age 32.6), operated on for IH immediately after undergoing MDCT, were selected. Surgery confirmed 4 (11.6%) patients with transmesocolic, 10 (29.4%) with Petersen's, 15 (44.2%) with mesojejunal, and 5 (14.8%) with jejunojejunal IH. In consensus, 2 radiologists analyzed 13 MDCT features to distinguish the four types of IH. Statistical significance was calculated (p < 0.05, Fisher's exact test, chi-square test). RESULTS: MDCT features of small bowel obstruction (SBO) (n = 25, 73.5%), volvulus (n = 22, 64.7%), or a cluster of small bowel loops (SBL) (n = 27, 79.4%) were inconsistently present and overlapped between the four IH. The following features allowed for IH differentiation: left upper quadrant clustered small bowel loops (p < 0.0001) and a mesocolic hernial orifice (p = 0.0003) suggested transmesocolic IH. SBL abutting onto the left abdominal wall (p = 0.0021) and left abdominal shift of the superior mesenteric vessels (SMV) (p = 0.0045) suggested Petersen's hernia. The SMV predominantly shifted towards the right anterior abdominal wall in mesojejunal hernia (p = 0.0033). Location of the hernial orifice near the distal anastomosis (p = 0.0431) and jejunojejunal suture widening (p = 0.0005) indicated jejunojejunal hernia. CONCLUSIONS: None of the four IH seems associated with a higher risk of SBO. Certain MDCT features, such as the position of clustered SBL and hernial orifice, help distinguish between the four IH and may permit straightforward surgery.


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L'artériopathie oblitérante des membres inférieurs (AOMI) est une pathologie de plus en plus fréquemment rencontrée en raison du vieillissement le la population et de l'augmentation de la prévalence du diabète. Les patients souffrant d'AOMI se manifestant par une ichémie critique du membre nécessitent un geste de revascularisation, afin que le risque d'amputation, acte fortement morbide, soit diminué. La revascularisation par voie endovasculaire est de nos jours la technique de premier choix mais en cas d'occlusion longue des artères jambières, une approche chirurgicale avec confection d'un pontage ne peut être évitée. La technique nécessite alors, lors de la confection de l'anastomose, de l'occlusion temporaire de l'artère en amont et en aval de rartériotomie, ce qui est réalisé traditionnellement à l'aide de clamps ou cathéters intravasculaires. Ces instruments présentent différents inconvénients reconnus - efficacité médiocre au vu d'artères fortement calcifiées et induction de lésions endothéliales notamment. Un nouveau type d'instrument est apparu sur le marché après approbation de la FDA, sous forme d'un gel thermosensible qui constitue un bouchon occlusif une fois injecté dans l'artère et se dissout spontanément après quelques minutes. Ce gel ayant été expérimenté avec succès en chirurgie cardiovasculaire chez des animaux, nous avons voulu évaluer l'efficacité et l'innocuité de son utilisation lors de la réalisation de pontages fémoro-jambier dans une cohorte de vingt patients. Différents paramètres opératoires ont été notés tels que le volume de gel injecté, les temps d'occlusion efficace et de confection d'anastomose ainsi que la qualité de l'occlusion vasculaire obtenue. Une artériographie per-opératoire a été réalisée de manière systématique à la recherche d'emboles de gel résiduel. Les taux de perméabilité primaire, de sauvetage de membre et de survie à 6 mois ont été rapportés. Les résultats sont satisfaisants puisque la qualité d'occlusion a été jugée bonne à excellente dans la totalité des cas sans qu'aucun instrument d'occlusion supplémentaire n'ait dû être employé et que le temps d'occlusion dépassait légèrement le temps nécessaire à la confection de l'anastomose. L'artériographie des deux premiers cas seulement a révélé la présence d'emboles distaux, avant que nous corrigions notre technique pour obtenir une dissolution instantanée du gel. Nous avons obtenu à 6 mois un taux de perméabilité primaire de 75% avec un taux de sauvetage de membre à 87.5%, le taux de mortalité à 30 jours étant de 10% - sans relation avec le gel. En conclusion, nous avons montré que l'utilisation de ce gel comme instrument d'occlusion vasculaire temporaire est sûre et efficace lors de la chirurgie de pontage fémoro-jambier. L'hypothèse qu'il pourrait être moins délétère pour l'endothélium et contribuer ainsi à une amélioration du taux de perméabilité des pontages distaux mériterait d'être testée dans le cadre d'une étude randomisée multicentrique.


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The structural basis of the antifracture efficacy of strontium ranelate and alendronate is incompletely understood. We compared the effects of strontium ranelate and alendronate on distal tibia microstructure over 2 years using HR-pQCT. In this pre-planned, interim, intention-to-treat analysis at 12 months, 88 osteoporotic postmenopausal women (mean age 63.7 +/- 7.4) were randomized to strontium ranelate 2 g/day or alendronate 70 mg/week in a double-placebo design. Primary endpoints were changes in microstructure. Secondary endpoints included lumbar and hip areal bone mineral density (aBMD), and bone turnover markers. This trial is registered with http://www.controlled-trials.com, number ISRCTN82719233. Baseline characteristics of the two groups were similar. Treatment with strontium ranelate was associated with increases in mean cortical thickness (CTh, 5.3%), cortical area (4.9%) and trabecular density (2.1%) (all P < 0.001, except cortical area P = 0.013). No significant changes were observed with alendronate. Between-group differences in favor of strontium ranelate were observed for CTh, cortical area, BV/TV and trabecular density (P = 0.045, 0.041, 0.048 and 0.035, respectively). aBMD increased to a similar extent with strontium ranelate and alendronate at the spine (5.7% versus 5.1%, respectively) and total hip (3.3% versus 2.2%, respectively). No significant changes were observed in remodeling markers with strontium ranelate, while suppression was observed with alendronate. Within the methodological constraints of HR-pQCT through its possible sensitivity to X-ray attenuation of different minerals, strontium ranelate had greater effects than alendronate on distal tibia cortical thickness and trabecular volumetric density.


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Recently published criteria using clinical (ataxia or asymmetrical distribution at onset or full development, and sensory loss not restricted to the lower limbs) and electrophysiological items (less than two abnormal lower limb motor nerves and at least an abolished SAP or three SAP below 30% of lower limit of normal in the upper limbs) were sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of sensory neuronopathy (SNN) (Camdessanche et al., Brain, 2009). However, these criteria need to be validated on a large multicenter population. For this, a database collecting cases from fifteen Reference Centers for Neuromuscular diseases in France and Switzerland is currently developed. So far, data from 120 patients with clinically pure sensory neuropathy have been collected. Cases were classified independently from the evaluated criteria as SNN (53), non-SNN (46) or suspected SNN (21) according to the expert's diagnosis. Using the criteria, SNN was possible in 83% (44/53), 23.9% (11/46) and 71.4% (15/21) of cases, respectively. In the non-SSN group, half of the patients with a diagnosis of possible SSN had an ataxic form of inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy. In the SNN group, half of those not retained as possible SNN had CANOMAD, paraneoplasia, or B12 deficiency. In a second step, after application of the items necessary to reach the level of probable SNN (no biological or electrophysiological abnormalities excluding SNN; presence of onconeural antibody, cisplatin treatment, Sj ¨ ogren's syndrome or spinal cord MRI high signal in the posterior column), a final diagnosis of possible or probable SNN was obtained in, respectively, 90.6% (48/53), 8.8% (4/45), and 71.4% (15/21) of patients in the three groups. Among the 5 patients with a final non-SNN but initial SNN diagnosis, 3 had motor conduction abnormalities (one with CANOMAD) and among the 4 patients with a final SNN but initial non-SSN diagnosis, one had anti-Hu antibody and one was discussed as a possible ataxic CIDP. These preliminary results confirm the sensitivity and specificity of the proposed criteria for the diagnosis of SNN.


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The Lower Carboniferous Baralacha La basaltic dykes were emplaced along transtensional faults. The basalts exhibit tholeiitic and alkaline affinities. The tholeiites are TiO2-poor, moderately enriched in light rare earth (LREE), and display Nb and Ta negative and Th positive anomalies. The alkali basalts, compared to the tholeiites, have higher TiO2, rare earth and highly incompatible trace element contents and greater LREE enrichments. The Nd and Pb isotope compositions of the Baralacha La basalts suggest that they derive from the partial melting of an enriched OIB mantle source. characterized by a HIMU component, and contaminated by the lower continental crust. The Baralacha La dyke swarm represent the remnants of an early rifting event on the northern Indian passive margin.


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Introduction: High-grade evidence is lacking for most therapeutic decisions in Crohn's disease. Appropriateness criteria were developed for upper gastro-intestinal, extra-intestinal manifestations and drug safety during conception, pregnancy and breastfeeding in patients with Crohn's disease, to assist the physician in clinical decision making. Methods: The European Panel on the Appropriateness of Crohn's Disease Therapy (EPACT II), a multidisciplinary international European expert panel, rated clinical scenarios based on evidence from the published literature and panelists' own clinical expertise. Median ratings (on a 9-point scale) were stratified into three categories: appropriate (7-9), uncertain (4-6 with or without disagreement) and inappropriate (1-3). Experts were also asked to rank appropriate medications by priority. Results: Proton pump inhibitors, steroids, azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine and infliximab are appropriate for upper gastro-duodenal Crohn's disease; for stenosis, endoscopic balloon dilation is the first-tine therapy, although surgery is also appropriate. Ursodeoxycholic acid is the only appropriate treatment for primary sclerosing cholangitis. Infliximab is appropriate for Pyoderma gangrenosum, ankylosing spondylitis and uveitis, steroids for Pyoderma gangrenosum and ankylosing spondylitis, adalimumab for Pyoderma gangrenosum and ankylosing spondylitis, cyclosporine-A/tacrolimus for Pyoderma gangrenosum. Mesalamine, sulfasalazine, prednisone, azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine, ciprofloxacin, and probiotics, may be administered safety during pregnancy or for patients wishing to conceive, with the exception that mate patients considering conception should avoid sulfasalazine. Metronidazol is considered safe in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters whereas infliximab is rated safe in the 1st trimester but uncertain in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Methotrexate is always contraindicated at conception, during pregnancy or during breastfeeding, due to its known teratogenicity. Mesalamine, prednisone, probiotics and infliximab are considered safe during breastfeeding. Conclusion: EPACT II recommendations are freely available online (www.epact.ch). The validity of these criteria should now be tested by prospective evaluation. (C) 2009 European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Oman Mountains provide some of the best sections of Permian and Triassic sediments from ocean sea floor to base-of-slope environments related to the distal South Tethyan margin. The central part of the range exposes the Buday'ah section of oceanic sediments in the so-called "Hawasina allochtons". The locality of Wadi Maqam in the north-western part of the Oman Mountains is among places where the thick Permian-Triassic base-of-slope sediments is exposed (Baud et al., 2001). Overlying 400 m of middle Permian limestones and dolomites, the upper Permian sediments consist of 50 m of ≈ 10 cm thick beds of cherts and dolomites rich in sponge spicules. The top of the Permian units is well bioturbated lime mudstone-wackestone, devoid of cherts and dated as late Changhsingian (Krystyn in Richoz et al., 2005). The boundary yellow shales are overlain by very thinly bedded, laminated microbial platy lime mudstone with H. parvus. The dramatic loss of the burrowing infauna indicates the appearance of oxygen-poor water. These Induan sediments are about 25 m thick and show at the top the first calcirudites, commonly clast-supported (edge-wise conglomerates), and are characterized by tabular clasts representing the sub- in situ reworking of the laminated, platy calcilutite. The very thick Smithian overlying litho-unit (up to 900 m) marks the onset on the base-of-slope of a deep-marine basin in which carbonate submarine fan deposits developed This very thick unit consists essentially of platy limestones, calcarenites and calcirudites. It comprises mainly grey-beige calcilutite, laminated and flaggy, interbedded with sparse beds of fine-grained calcarenite in cm beds. Channelized beds of intraformational calcirudite are also part of this succession which constitutes the greater part of the outcrop available. During the Spathian to Anisian, the sedimentation changes to terrigenous mudstone and siltstone that ended with Ladinian radiolarites.


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Dystroglycan, which serves as a major extracellular matrix receptor in muscle and the central nervous system, requires extensive O-glycosylation to function. We identified a dystroglycan missense mutation (Thr192→Met) in a woman with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy and cognitive impairment. A mouse model harboring this mutation recapitulates the immunohistochemical and neuromuscular abnormalities observed in the patient. In vitro and in vivo studies showed that the mutation impairs the receptor function of dystroglycan in skeletal muscle and brain by inhibiting the post-translational modification, mediated by the glycosyltransferase LARGE, of the phosphorylated O-mannosyl glycans on α-dystroglycan that is required for high-affinity binding to laminin.


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Introduction: The original and modified Wells score are widely used prediction rules for pre-test probability assessment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). The objective of this study was to compare the predictive performance of both Wells scores in unselected patients with clinical suspicion of DVT.Methods: Consecutive inpatients and outpatients with a clinical suspicion of DVT were prospectively enrolled. Pre-test DVT probability (low/intermediate/high) was determined using both scores. Patients with a non-high probability based on the original Wells score underwent D-dimers measurement. Patients with D-dimers <500 mu g/L did not undergo further testing, and treatment was withheld. All others underwent complete lower limb compression ultrasound, and those diagnosed with DVT were anticoagulated. The primary study outcome was objectively confirmed symptomatic venous thromboembolism within 3 months of enrollment.Results: 298 patients with suspected DVT were included. Of these, 82 (27.5%) had DVT, and 46 of them were proximal. Compared to the modified score, the original Wells score classified a higher proportion of patients as low-risk (53 vs 48%; p<0.01) and a lower proportion as high-risk (17 vs 15%; p=0.02); the prevalence of proximal DVT in each category was similar with both scores (7-8% low, 16-19% intermediate, 36-37% high). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve regarding proximal DVT detection was similar for both scores, but they both performed poorly in predicting isolated distal DVT and DVT in inpatients.Conclusion: The study demonstrates that both Wells scores perform equally well in proximal DVT pre-test probability prediction. Neither score appears to be particularly useful in hospitalized patients and those with isolated distal DVT. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Rapport de synthèse : Introduction : La perfusion isolée de membre (isolated limb perfusion, ou ILP) par TNF-alpha et melphalan, utilisés en association, est une stratégie de prise en charge chirurgicale des sarcomes non opérables des extrémités. Elle a été en partie développée au CHUV dans les années 1990, sous l'impulsion du Professeur F. Lejeune, ancien Chef du Service d'oncologie médicale (CePO). Les résultats des 31 premiers patients ont été publiés en 2000 dans l'European Journal of Surgical Oncology. Les données dans la littérature manquant sur les résultats à long terme, nous avons revu tous les patients traités au CHUV depuis 1992 pour tenter des de déterminer ces résultats à long terme, en se focalisant sur l'efficacité du traitement, symbolisée par le taux de sauvetage de membres, autrement condamnés à l'amputation ou à une chirurgie mutilante. Matériel et méthode : Etude rétrospective. De 1992 à mars 2006, 51 patients ont été traités par ILP dans notre institution, certains à deux reprises (58 ILP au total). Quatre-vingt-huit pour cent présentaient un sarcome de haut grade de malignité, et 84% une tumeur localement avancée (T2b NO Mo ou plus). Résultats : Le follow-up moyen est de 38.9 mois (4-159, médiane 22 mois), on note 21 % de complications immédiates et 23% de complications tardives ou chroniques. Une réponse complète (nécrose totale ou disparition de la tumeur) a été observée dans 25% des cas, une réponse partielle (>50% de nécrose ou de diminution de taille tumorale) dans 42%, une stabilité de la maladie dans 14% et une progression tumorale dans 14%. Un traitement adjuvant a été entrepris dans 31 % des cas, une résection des résidus tumoraux a pu être effectuée chez 65% des patients. On note un taux de récidive locale de 35% (après 20,3 mois en moyenne) et un taux de récidive à distance de 45% (après 13,4 mois en moyenne). Le disease-free survival est de 14,9 mois et la survie à 5 ans de 43,5%. Le taux d'amputation s'élève à 24%. Conclusion : La perfusion isolée de membre est un traitement grevé d'un taux élevé de complications, mais il peut étre entrepris dans les sarcomes les plus sévères avec un succès significatif. Ainsi, dans notre série, une chirurgie mutilante (en général l'amputation) a pu être épargnée à 76% des patients.


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BACKGROUND: Differences exist between the proximal and distal colon in terms of developmental origin, exposure to patterning genes, environmental mutagens, and gut flora. Little is known on how these differences may affect mechanisms of tumorigenesis, side-specific therapy response or prognosis. We explored systematic differences in pathway activation and their clinical implications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Detailed clinicopathological data for 3045 colon carcinoma patients enrolled in the PETACC3 adjuvant chemotherapy trial were available for analysis. A subset of 1404 samples had molecular data, including gene expression and DNA copy number profiles for 589 and 199 samples, respectively. In addition, 413 colon adenocarcinoma from TCGA collection were also analyzed. Tumor side-effect on anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) therapy was assessed in a cohort of 325 metastatic patients. Outcome variables considered were relapse-free survival and survival after relapse (SAR). RESULTS: Proximal carcinomas were more often mucinous, microsatellite instable (MSI)-high, mutated in key tumorigenic pathways, expressed a B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase (BRAF)-like and a serrated pathway signature, regardless of histological type. Distal carcinomas were more often chromosome instable and EGFR or human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) amplified, and more frequently overexpressed epiregulin. While risk of relapse was not different per side, SAR was much poorer for proximal than for distal stage III carcinomas in a multivariable model including BRAF mutation status [N = 285; HR 1.95, 95% CI (1.6-2.4), P < 0.001]. Only patients with metastases from a distal carcinoma responded to anti-EGFR therapy, in line with the predictions of our pathway enrichment analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Colorectal carcinoma side is associated with differences in key molecular features, some immediately druggable, with important prognostic effects which are maintained in metastatic lesions. Although within side significant molecular heterogeneity remains, our findings justify stratification of patients by side for retrospective and prospective analyses of drug efficacy and prognosis.