115 resultados para conceptual profile
This study tested for the measurement equivalence of a four-factor measure of career indecision (Career Indecision Profile-65 [CIP-65]) between a U.S. sample and two international samples; one composed of French-speaking young adults from France and Switzerland and the other of Italian ado- lescents. Previous research had supported the four-factor structure of the CIP-65 in both the United States and Iceland but also showed that items on two of the four scales may be interpreted differently by young adults growing up in these two countries. This study extends previous research by testing whether the four CIP-65 factors are measured equivalently in two additional international samples. Results largely supported the configural and metric invariance of the CIP-65 in the United States and international samples, but several scales showed a lack of scalar invariance. Some explanations are offered for these findings along with suggestions for future research and implications for practice.
Proton NMR spectroscopy is emerging from translational and preclinical neuroscience research as an important tool for evidence based diagnosis and therapy monitoring. It provides biomarkers that offer fingerprints of neurological disorders even in cases where a lesion is not yet observed in MR images. The collection of molecules used as cerebral biomarkers that are detectable by (1)H NMR spectroscopy define the so-called "neurochemical profile". The non-invasive quality of this technique makes it suitable not only for diagnostic purposes but also for therapy monitoring paralleling an eventual neuroprotection. The application of (1)H NMR spectroscopy in basic and translational neuroscience research is discussed here.
The substantial recurrence rate of colorectal cancer following potentially curative resection has fuelled the search for effective adjuvant therapy. Previous trials using 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) as a single agent or in combination chemotherapy regimens have not demonstrated meaningful benefits, an impression reflected in the results of a meta-analysis encompassing large patient numbers. Newer developments utilizing intraportal chemotherapy and the combination of 5-FU and levamisole have resulted in lower recurrence rates and improved survival in patients with colon cancer. In advanced disease, the biochemical modulation of 5-FU by Leucovorin has been shown to prolong survival in some studies. Combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy or chemotherapy alone have showed promising results in rectal cancer. These developments have now been incorporated into ongoing trials.
BackgroundRecently, regulatory T (Treg) cells have gained interest in the fields of immunopathology, transplantation and oncoimmunology. Here, we investigated the microRNA expression profile of human natural CD8+CD25+ Treg cells and the impact of microRNAs on molecules associated with immune regulation.MethodsWe purified human natural CD8+ Treg cells and assessed the expression of FOXP3 and CTLA-4 by flow cytometry. We have also tested the ex vivo suppressive capacity of these cells in mixed leukocyte reactions. Using TaqMan low-density arrays and microRNA qPCR for validation, we could identify a microRNA `signature¿ for CD8+CD25+FOXP3+CTLA-4+ natural Treg cells. We used the `TargetScan¿ and `miRBase¿ bioinformatics programs to identify potential target sites for these microRNAs in the 3¿-UTR of important Treg cell-associated genes.ResultsThe human CD8+CD25+ natural Treg cell microRNA signature includes 10 differentially expressed microRNAs. We demonstrated an impact of this signature on Treg cell biology by showing specific regulation of FOXP3, CTLA-4 and GARP gene expression by microRNA using site-directed mutagenesis and a dual-luciferase reporter assay. Furthermore, we used microRNA transduction experiments to demonstrate that these microRNAs impacted their target genes in human primary Treg cells ex vivo.ConclusionsWe are examining the biological relevance of this `signature¿ by studying its impact on other important Treg cell-associated genes. These efforts could result in a better understanding of the regulation of Treg cell function and might reveal new targets for immunotherapy in immune disorders and cancer.
Objective: To assess the safety/tolerability of the combination lapatinib (L) and docetaxel (D) in patients with Her 2/neu overexpressing breast cancer (BC). This study is important as it will define how to deliver lapatinib with taxotere, a highly active drug in breast cancer. Patients and Methods: Female patients (pts) with locally advanced, inflammatory or large operable BC were treated with escalating doses of L from 1000 to 1250 mg/day, in combination with D given IV every 21 days at doses ranging from 75 to 100 mg/m2 for 4 cycles. At least 3 pts were treated at each dose level. The definition of dose limiting toxicity (DLT) is based on the toxicity assessed at cycle 1 as follows: any grade 3−4 non hematological toxicity, ANC < 0.5 G/L lasting for 7 days or more, febrile neutropenia or thrombocytopenia <25 G/L. GCSF was not permitted as primary prophylaxis. Core biopsies were mandatory at baseline and after cycle 4. Pharmcokinetic (PK) samples were collected on day 1 of cycles 1 and 2. Results: To date, 18 pts with a median age of 53 years (range 36−65) have been enrolled at 5 Dose Levels (DLs). The toxicity profile for 18 patients (68 documented cycles) is summarized below. At DL5 (1000/100), 2 pts had DLTs (neutropenia grade 4 _7 days and febrile neutropenia), and 3 additional pts were enrolled with primary prophylactic G-CSF. As expected, the safety profile improved and the dose escalation will continue with prophylactic G-CSF to investigate DL6 (1250/100). These findings are consistent with published Phase I data for this combination [1]. N= 18 patients n (%) Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 neutropenia 1 (6) 3 (17) 13 (72) febrile neutropenia 2 (11) fatigue 8 (44) 7 (39) diarrhoea 9 (50) 3 (17) pain: joint/muscle/other 5 (28)/4 (22)/3 (17) 4 (22)/4 (22)/3 (17) 0/0/1 (6) constipation 2 (11) 3 (17) 1 (6) elevated transaminases SGPT/SGOT 7 (39)/5 (28) Conclusions: The main toxicity of the L + D combination is haematological and was reached at DL5 (1000/100), without primary GCSF. An additional DL6 with primary prophylactic GCSF is being investigated (1250/100). PK data will be presented at the meeting plus the recommended dose for phase II studies.
Propane can be responsible for several types of lethal intoxication and explosions. Quantifying it would be very helpful to determine in some cases the cause of death. Some gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) methods of propane measurements do already exist. The main drawback of these GC-MS methods described in the literature is the absence of a specific propane internal standard necessary for accurate quantitative analysis. The main outcome of the following study was to provide an innovative Headspace-GC-MS method (HS-GC-MS) applicable to the routine determination of propane concentration in forensic toxicology laboratories. To date, no stable isotope of propane is commercially available. The development of an in situ generation of standards is thus presented. An internal-labeled standard gas (C3DH7) is generated in situ by the stoichiometric formation of propane by the reaction of deuterated water (D2O) with Grignard reagent propylmagnesium chloride (C3H7MgCl). The method aims to use this internal standard to quantify propane concentrations and, therefore, to obtain precise measurements. Consequently, a complete validation with an accuracy profile according to two different guidelines, the French Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Techniques (SFSTP) and the Gesellschaft für toxikologische und Forensische Chemie (GTFCh), is presented.
Résumé Les esters sont des agents thérapeutiques largement utilisés comme médicaments et prodrogues. Leurs dégradation est chimique et enzymatique. Le Chapitre IV de cette thèse a comme objet l'hydrolyse chimique de plusieurs dérivés esters du 2,3-dimethoxyphenol. Des composés modèles ont été synthétisés dans le but de déterminer leur mécanismes de dégradation. Les profils d'ionisation et d'hydrolyse de ces composés ont permis d'identifier la présence d'une catalyse intramoléculaire basique par un atome d'azote non-protoné. Les effets électroniques exercés par les groupes phenylethenyle et phenylcyclopropyle influencent également la vitesse d'hydrolyse des esters. La résolution des problèmes liés à l'adsorption et la perméation est devenue à nos jours l'étape limitante dans la conception de nouveaux médicaments car de trop nombreux candidats prometteurs ont échoué à cause d'une mauvaise biodisponibilité. La lipophilie décrit le partage d'un médicament entre une membrane lipidique et son environnement physiologique aqueux, et de ce fait elle influence sa pharmacocinétique. Des études récents ont mis en évidence l'importance de la détermination de la lipophilie des espèces ionisées vu leur considérable impact biologique. Le Chapitre V de cette thèse est centré sur une classe particulière de composés ionisables, les zwitterions. Plusieurs methoxybenzylpiperazines de nature zwitterionique ont été étudiées. Leurs profils d'ionisation ont montré que dans un large intervalle de pH, l'espèce prédominante est le zwitterion. Les profils de lipophilie ont montré que leur lipophilie est plus élevée que celles des zwitterions courants. Une interaction électrostatique entre l'oxygène du carboxylate et l'azote protoné est responsable de ce profil et rend la plupart des zwitterions non-donneurs de liaison hydrogène. Ces deux aspects peuvent favoriser le passage de la barrière hémato-éncephalique. Les données biologiques ont par la suite confirmé cette hypothèse pour un certain nombre de composés. Résumé large public Les esters sont des composés souvent rencontrés en chimie thérapeutique. Ils sont dégradés en milieu aqueux par une réaction d'hydrolyse, avec ou sans la participation d'enzymes. Dans ce travail de thèse, une série d'esters ont été étudiés dans le but d'établir une relation entre leur structure et les mécanismes responsables de leur dégradation chimique. Il a été prouvé que la dégradation est accélérée par un atome d'azote non-protoné. D'autres mécanismes peuvent intervenir en fonction du pH du milieu. La présence d'une liaison simple ou double ou d'un groupe phenylcyclopropyle peut également influencer la vitesse de dégradation. Il est essentiel, dans la conception de nouveaux médicaments, d'optimiser les étapes qui influencent leur distribution dans le corps. Ce dernier peut être visualisé comme une série infinie de compartiments aqueux séparés par des membranes lipidiques. La lipophilie est une propriété moléculaire importante qui décrit le passage des barrières rencontrées par les médicaments. Des études récentes ont mis en évidence l'importance de déterminer la lipophilie des espèces ionisées vu leur considérable impact biologique. Dans ce travail de thèse a été étudiée une série particulière de composés ionisables , les zwitterions. Une relation a été établie entre leur structure et leur proprietés physico-chimiques. Une lipophilie plus élevée par rapport à celle des zwitterions courants a été trouvée. Une interaction entre les groupes chargés des zwitterions étudiés est responsable de ce comportement inattendu et rend la plupart d'entre eux non-donneurs de liaison hydrogène. Ces deux facteurs peuvent favoriser la pénétration cérébrale. Les données biologiques ont confirmé cette hypothèse pour un certain nombre de composés. Summary Esters are often encountered in medicinal chemistry. Their hydrolysis may be chemical as well as enzymatic. Chapter IV of this manuscript provides a mechanistic insight into the chemical hydrolysis of a particular series of basic esters derived from 2,3-dimethoxyphenol. Their ionization and pH-rate profiles allowed to identify the presence of an intramolecular base catalysis by a non-protonated nitrogen atom. Electronic effects exerted by the phenylethenyl and phenylcyclopropyl groups that are present in the structure of the esters also influenced their rate of hydrolysis. Numerous works in the literature witness of the importance of lipophilicity in determining the fate of a drug. Most published partition coefficients are those of neutral species. In contrast, no exhaustive treatment of the lipophilicity of charged molecules is available at present, and a lack of information characterizes in particular zwitterions. Chapter V of this manuscript provides an insight into the physicochemical parameters of a series of zwitterionic methoxybenzylpiperazines. Their ionization profiles showed that they exist predominantly in the zwitterionic form in a broad pH-range. An electrostatic interaction between the oxygen of the carboxylate and the protonated nitrogen atom is increases the lipophilicity of the investigated zwitterions, and prevents the majority of them to express their hydrogen-bonding capacity. These two aspects may favor the crossing of the blood-brain barrier. The available ratios PSt/PSf measured in vitro have confirmed this point for a number of compounds.
Evolution of the neurochemical profile consisting of 19 metabolites after 30 mins of middle cerebral artery occlusion was longitudinally assessed at 3, 8 and 24 h in 6 to 8 microL volumes in the striatum using localized 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 14.1 T. Profound changes were detected as early as 3 h after ischemia, which include elevated lactate levels in the presence of significant glucose concentrations, decreases in glutamate and a transient twofold glutamine increase, likely to be linked to the excitotoxic release of glutamate and conversion into glial glutamine. Interestingly, decreases in N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA), as well as in taurine, exceeded those in neuronal glutamate, suggesting that the putative neuronal marker NAA is rather a sensitive marker of neuronal viability. With further ischemia evolution, additional, more profound concentration decreases were detected, reflecting a disruption of cellular functions. We conclude that early changes in markers of energy metabolism, glutamate excitotoxicity and neuronal viability can be detected with high precision non-invasively in mice after stroke. Such investigations should lead to a better understanding and insight into the sequential early changes in the brain parenchyma after ischemia, which could be used for identifying new targets for neuroprotection.
THE COMBINATION OF ADVANCED NEUROIMAGING TECHNIQUES AND MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS IN COMPLEX NETWORK SCIENCE, HAVE GIVEN BIRTH TO A NEW FRAMEWORK FOR STUDYING THE BRAIN: "connectomics." This framework provides the ability to describe and study the brain as a dynamic network and to explore how the coordination and integration of information processing may occur. In recent years this framework has been used to investigate the developing brain and has shed light on many dynamic changes occurring from infancy through adulthood. The aim of this article is to review this work and to discuss what we have learned from it. We will also use this body of work to highlight key technical aspects that are necessary in general for successful connectome analysis using today's advanced neuroimaging techniques. We look to identify current limitations of such approaches, what can be improved, and how these points generalize to other topics in connectome research.
BACKGROUND: Cerebrovascular disease (CVD) is a global public health problem. CVD patients are at high risk of recurrent stroke and other atherothrombotic events. Prevalence of risk factors, comorbidities, utilization of secondary prevention therapies and adherence to guidelines all influence the recurrent event rate. We assessed these factors in 18,992 CVD patients within a worldwide registry of stable outpatients. METHODS: The Reduction of Atherothrombosis for Continued Health Registry recruited >68,000 outpatients (44 countries). The subjects were mainly recruited by general practitioners (44%) and internists (29%) if they had symptomatic CVD, coronary artery disease, peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and/or >or=3 atherothrombotic risk factors. RESULTS: The 18,992 CVD patients suffered a stroke (53.7%), transient ischemic attack (TIA) (27.7%) or both (18.5%); 40% had symptomatic atherothrombotic disease in >or=1 additional vascular beds: 36% coronary artery disease; 10% PAD and 6% both. The prevalence of risk factors at baseline was higher in the TIA subgroup than in the stroke group: treated hypertension (83.5/82.0%; p = 0.02), body mass index >or=30 (26.7/20.8%; p < 0.0001), hypercholesterolemia (65.1/52.1%; p < 0.0001), atrial fibrillation (14.7/11.9%; p < 0.0001) and carotid artery disease (42.3/29.7%; p < 0.0001). CVD patients received antiplatelet agents (81.7%), oral anticoagulants (17.3%), lipid-lowering agents (61.2%) and antihypertensives (87.9%), but guideline treatment targets were frequently not achieved (54.5% had elevated blood pressure at baseline, while 4.5% had untreated diabetes). CONCLUSIONS: A high percentage of CVD patients have additional atherothrombotic disease manifestations. The risk profile puts CVD patients, especially the TIA subgroup, at high risk for future atherothrombotic events. Undertreatment is common worldwide and adherence to guidelines needs to be enforced.
We have previously reported that the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) induce profound modifications of the metabolic profile of astrocytes. The present study was undertaken to further characterize the effects of cytokines in astrocytes and to determine whether similar effects could also be observed in neurons. To do so, selected pro-inflammatory (IL-6 and interferon-γ, in addition to the above-mentioned TNFα and IL-1β) and anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-4, IL-10, transforming growth factor-β1 and interferon-β) were applied to primary neuronal and astrocytic cultures, and key metabolic parameters were assessed. As a general pattern, we observed that pro-inflammatory cytokines increased glucose utilization in astrocytes while the anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-4 and IL-10 decreased astrocytic glucose utilization. In contrast, no significant change could be observed in neurons. When pairs of pro-inflammatory cytokines were co-applied in astrocytes, several additive or synergistic modifications could be observed. In contrast, IL-10 partially attenuated the effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Finally, the modifications of the astrocytic metabolism induced by TNFα + IL-1β and interferon-γ modulated neuronal susceptibility to an excitotoxic insult in neuron-astrocyte co-cultures. Together, these results suggest that pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines differentially affect the metabolic profile of astrocytes, and that these changes have functional consequences for surrounding neurons.