107 resultados para complement C5b-9
INTRODUCTION: Although osteoporosis is considered a disease of women, 25% of the individuals with osteoporosis are men. BMD measurement by DXA is the gold standard used to diagnose osteoporosis and assess fracture risk. Nevertheless, BMD does not take into account alterations of microarchitecture. TBS is an index of bone microarchitecture extracted from the spine DXA. Previous studies have reported the ability of the spine TBS to predict osteoporotic fractures in women. This is the first case-controlled study in men to evaluate the potential diagnostic value of TBS as a complement to bone mineral density (BMD), by comparing men with and without fractures. METHODS: To be eligible for this study, subjects had to be non-Hispanic US white men aged 40 and older. Furthermore, subjects were excluded if they have or have had previously any treatment or illness that may influence bone metabolism. Fractured subjects were included if the presence of at least one fracture was confirmed. Cases were matched for age (±3 years) and BMD (±0.04 g/cm(2)) with three controls. BMD and TBS were first retrospectively evaluated at AP spine (L1-L4) with a Prodigy densitometer (GE-Lunar, Madison, USA) and TBS iNsight® (Med-Imaps, France) in Lausanne University Hospital blinded from clinical outcome. Inter-group comparisons were undertaken using Student's t-tests or Wilcoxon signed rank tests. Odds ratios were calculated per one standard deviation decrease as well as areas under the receiver operating curve (AUC). RESULTS: After applying inclusion/exclusion criteria, a group of 180 male subjects was obtained. This group consists of 45 fractured subjects (age=63.3±12.6 years, BMI=27.1±4.2 kg/m(2)) and 135 control subjects (age=62.9±11.9 years, BMI=26.7±3.9 kg/m(2)) matched for age (p=0.86) and BMD (p=0.20). A weak correlation was obtained between TBS and BMD and between TBS and BMI (r=0.27 and r=-0.28, respectively, p<0.01). Subjects with fracture have a significant lower TBS compared to control subjects (p=0.013), whereas no differences were obtained for BMI, height and weight (p>0.10). TBS OR per standard deviation is 1.55 [1.09-2.20] for all fracture type. When considering vertebral fracture only TBS OR reached 2.07 [1.14-3.74]. CONCLUSION: This study showed the potential use of TBS in men. TBS revealed a significant difference between fractured and age- and spine BMD-matched nonfractured subjects. These results are consistent with those previously reported on for men of other nationalities.
Multiple lines of evidence show that matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are involved in the peripheral neural system degenerative and regenerative processes. MMP-9 was suggested in particular to play a role in the peripheral nerve after injury or during Wallerian degeneration. Interestingly, our previous analysis of Lpin1 mutant mice (which present morphological signs of active demyelination and acute inflammatory cell migration, similar to processes present in the PNS undergoing Wallerian degeneration) revealed an accumulation of MMP-9 in the endoneurium of affected animals. We therefore generated a mouse line lacking both the Lpin1 and the MMP-9 genes in order to determine if MMP-9 plays a role in either inhibition or potentiation of the demyelinating phenotype present in Lpin1 knockout mice. The inactivation of MMP-9 alone did not lead to defects in PNS structure or function. Interestingly we observed that the double mutant animals showed reduced nerve conduction velocity, lower myelin protein mRNA expressions, and had more histological abnormalities as compared to the Lpin1 single mutants. In addition, based on immunohistochemical analysis and macrophage markers mRNA expression, we found a lower macrophage content in the sciatic nerve of the double mutant animals. Together our data indicate that MMP-9 plays a role in macrophage recruitment during postinjury PNS regeneration processes and suggest that slower macrophage infiltration delays regenerative processes in PNS.
Carbon isotope ratio (CIR) analysis has been routinely and successfully used in sports drug testing for many years to uncover the misuse of endogenous steroids. One limitation of the method is the availability of steroid preparations exhibiting CIRs equal to endogenous steroids. To overcome this problem, hydrogen isotope ratios (HIR) of endogenous urinary steroids were investigated as a potential complement; results obtained from a reference population of 67 individuals are presented herein. An established sample preparation method was modified and improved to enable separate measurements of each analyte of interest where possible. From the fraction of glucuronidated steroids; pregnanediol, 16-androstenol, 11-ketoetiocholanolone, androsterone (A), etiocholanolone (E), dehydroepiandrosterone (D), 5α- and 5β-androstanediol, testosterone and epitestosterone were included. In addition, sulfate conjugates of A, E, D, epiandrosterone and 17α- and 17β-androstenediol were considered and analyzed after acidic solvolysis. The obtained results enabled the calculation of the first reference-population-based thresholds for HIR of urinary steroids that can readily be applied to routine doping control samples. Proof-of-concept was accomplished by investigating urine specimens collected after a single oral application of testosterone-undecanoate. The HIR of most testosterone metabolites were found to be significantly influenced by the exogenous steroid beyond the established threshold values. Additionally, one regular doping control sample with an extraordinary testosterone/epitestosterone ratio of 100 without suspicious CIR was subjected to the complementary methodology of HIR analysis. The HIR data eventually provided evidence for the exogenous origin of urinary testosterone metabolites. Despite further investigations on HIR being advisable to corroborate the presented reference-population-based thresholds, the developed method proved to be a new tool supporting modern sports drug testing procedures.
Alternative premessenger RNA splicing enables genes to generate more than one gene product. Splicing events that occur within protein coding regions have the potential to alter the biological function of the expressed protein and even to create new protein functions. Alternative splicing has been suggested as one explanation for the discrepancy between the number of human genes and functional complexity. Here, we carry out a detailed study of the alternatively spliced gene products annotated in the ENCODE pilot project. We find that alternative splicing in human genes is more frequent than has commonly been suggested, and we demonstrate that many of the potential alternative gene products will have markedly different structure and function from their constitutively spliced counterparts. For the vast majority of these alternative isoforms, little evidence exists to suggest they have a role as functional proteins, and it seems unlikely that the spectrum of conventional enzymatic or structural functions can be substantially extended through alternative splicing.
Abstract APO866 is an inhibitor of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) biosynthesis that exhibits potent anti-lymphoma activity. Rituximab (RTX), an anti-CD20 antibody, kills lymphoma cells by direct apoptosis and antibody- and complement-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicities, and has clinical efficacy in non-Hodgkin cell lymphomas. In the present study, we evaluated whether RTX could potentiate APO866-induced human B-lymphoma cell death and shed light on death-mediated mechanisms associated with this drug combination. We found that RTX significantly increases APO866-induced death in lymphoma cells from patients and lines. Mechanisms include enhancement of autophagy-mediated cell death, activation of caspase 3 and exacerbation of mitochondrial depolarization, but not increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, when compared with those induced by each drug alone. In vivo, combined administration of APO866 with RTX in a laboratory model of human aggressive lymphoma significantly decreased tumor burden and prolonged survival over single-agent treatment. Our study demonstrates that the combination of RTX and APO866 optimizes B-cell lymphoma apoptosis and therapeutic efficacy over both compounds administered separately.
The outcome of infection depends on multiple layers of immune regulation, with innate immunity playing a decisive role in shaping protection or pathogenic sequelae of acquired immunity. The contribution of pattern recognition receptors and adaptor molecules in immunity to malaria remains poorly understood. Here, we interrogate the role of the caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 9 (CARD9) signaling pathway in the development of experimental cerebral malaria (ECM) using the murine Plasmodium berghei ANKA infection model. CARD9 expression was upregulated in the brains of infected wild-type (WT) mice, suggesting a potential role for this pathway in ECM pathogenesis. However, P. berghei ANKA-infected Card9(-/-) mice succumbed to neurological signs and presented with disrupted blood-brain barriers similar to WT mice. Furthermore, consistent with the immunological features associated with ECM in WT mice, Card9(-/-) mice revealed (i) elevated levels of proinflammatory responses, (ii) high frequencies of activated T cells, and (iii) CD8(+) T cell arrest in the cerebral microvasculature. We conclude that ECM develops independently of the CARD9 signaling pathway.
The trabecular bone score (TBS) is a new parameter that is determined from gray-level analysis of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) images. It relies on the mean thickness and volume fraction of trabecular bone microarchitecture. This was a preliminary case-control study to evaluate the potential diagnostic value of TBS as a complement to bone mineral density (BMD), by comparing postmenopausal women with and without fractures. The sample consisted of 45 women with osteoporotic fractures (5 hip fractures, 20 vertebral fractures, and 20 other types of fracture) and 155 women without a fracture. Stratification was performed, taking into account each type of fracture (except hip), and women with and without fractures were matched for age and spine BMD. BMD and TBS were measured at the total spine. TBS measured at the total spine revealed a significant difference between the fracture and age- and spine BMD-matched nonfracture group, when considering all types of fractures and vertebral fractures. In these cases, the diagnostic value of the combination of BMD and TBS likely will be higher compared with that of BMD alone. TBS, as evaluated from standard DXA scans directly, potentially complements BMD in the detection of osteoporotic fractures. Prospective studies are necessary to fully evaluate the potential role of TBS as a complementary risk factor for fracture.
Rapport de synthèse : La présence de trois canaux d'eau, appelés aquaporines AQP1, AQP4 et AQP9, a été observée dans le cerveau sain ainsi que dans plusieurs modèles des pathologies cérébrales des rongeurs. Peu est connu sur la distribution des AQP dans le cerveau des primates. Cette connaissance sera utile pour des futurs essaies médicamenteux qui visent à prévenir la formation des oedèmes cérébraux. Nous avons étudié l'expression et la distribution cellulaire des AQP1, 4 et 9 dans le cerveau primate non-humain. La distribution des AQP4 dans le cerveau primate non-humain a été observée dans des astrocytes périvasculaires, comparable à l'observation faite dans le cerveau du rongeur. Contrairement à ce qui a été décrit chez le rongeur, l'AQPI chez le primate est exprimée dans les processus et dans les prolongations périvasculaires d'un sous-type d'astrocytes, qui est avant tout localisé dans la matière blanche et dans la glia limitans et qui est peut-être impliqué dans l'homéostasie de l'eau. L'AQPI a aussi été observée dans les neurones qui innervent des vaisseaux sanguins de la pie-mère, suggérant un rôle possible dans la régularisation de la vascularisation cérébrale. Comme décrit chez le rongeur, le mRNA et les protéines de l'AQP9 ont été détectés dans des astrocytes et dans des neurones catécholaminergiques. Chez le primate, des localisations supplémentaires ont été observées dans des populations de neurones placées dans certaines zones corticales. Cet article décrit une étude détaillée sur la distribution des AQP1, 4 et 9 dans le cerveau primate non-humain. Les observations faites s'additionnent aux data déjà publié sur le cerveau du rongeur. Ces importantes différences entre les espèces doivent être considérées dans l'évaluation des médicaments qui agiront potentiellement sur des AQP des primates non-humains avant d'entrer dans la phase des essais cliniques sur des humains.
Tumors are often compared to wounds that do not heal, where the crosstalk between tumor cells and their surrounding stroma is crucial at all stages of development, from the initial primary growth to metastasis. Similar to wound healing, fibroblasts in the tumor stroma differentiate into myofibroblasts, also referred to as "cancer-associated fibroblasts" (CAFs), primarily, but not exclusively, in response to transforming growth factor-ß (TGF-ß). Myofibroblasts in turn enhance tumor progression by remodeling the stroma. Among molecules implicated in stroma remodeling, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and MMP-g in particular, play a prominent role. However, the mechanisms that regulate MMP-g activation and function remain poorly understood. Recent evidence indicates that tumor cell surface association of MMP-g is an important event in its activation, and more generally in tumor growth and invasion. In the present work we address the potential association of MMP-g activity with cell-surface recruitment to human fibroblasts. We show for the first time that recruitment of MMP-g to the MRC-5 fibroblast cell surface occurs through the fibronectin-like (FN) domain, shared only by MMP-g and MMP-2 among all the MMPs. Functional assays suggest that both the pro- and active form of MMP-g trigger a-smooth muscle actin (aSMA) expression in resting fibroblasts that reflects myofibroblast differentiation, possibly through TGF-ß activation. Moreover, the FN domain of MMP-g inhibits both MMP-g-induced TGF-ß activation and aSMA expression by sequestering MMP-g. Xenograft experiments in NOD/SCID mice using HT1080 fibrosarcoma or MDA-MD231 breast adenocarcinoma cells stably expressing the FN domain of MMP-g revealed no changes in primary tumor growth. However, in the context of metastasis, expression of the FN domain by these same tumor cells dramatically increased their metastatic proclivity whereas expression of wt MMP-g either promoted no change or actually reduced the number of metastases. We observed a decrease of an active form of MMP-g in MDA-MB231 cells overexpressing the FN domain suggesting that the FN domain may inhibit MMP-g activity in Tumors are often compared to wounds that do not heal, where the crosstalk between tumor cells and their surrounding stroma is crucial at all stages of development, from the initial primary growth to metastasis. Similar to wound healing, fibroblasts in the tumor stroma differentiate into myofibroblasts, also referred to as "cancer-associated fibroblasts" (CAFs), primarily, but not exclusively, in response to transforming growth factor-ß (TGF-ß). Myofibroblasts in turn enhance tumor progression by remodeling the stroma. Among molecules implicated in stroma remodeling, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and MMP-g in particular, play a prominent role. However, the mechanisms that regulate MMP-g activation and function remain poorly understood. Recent evidence indicates that tumor cell surface association of MMP-g is an important event in its activation, and more generally in tumor growth and invasion. In the present work we address the potential association of MMP-g activity with cell-surface recruitment to human fibroblasts. We show for the first time that recruitment of MMP-g to the MRC-5 fibroblast cell surface occurs through the fibronectin-like (FN) domain, shared only by MMP-g and MMP-2 among all the MMPs. Functional assays suggest that both the pro- and active form of MMP-g trigger a-smooth muscle actin (aSMA) expression in resting fibroblasts that reflects myofibroblast differentiation, possibly through TGF-ß activation. Moreover, the FN domain of MMP-g inhibits both MMP-g-induced TGF-ß activation and aSMA expression by sequestering MMP-g. Xenograft experiments in NOD/SCID mice using HT1080 fibrosarcoma or MDA-MD231 breast adenocarcinoma cells stably expressing the FN domain of MMP-9 revealed no changes in primary tumor growth. However, in the context of metastasis, expression of the FN domain by these same tumor cells dramatically increased their metastatic proclivity whereas expression of wt MMP-g either promoted no change or actually reduced the number of metastases. We observed a decrease of an active form of MMP-9 in MDA-MB231 cells overexpressing the FN domain suggesting that the FN domain may inhibit MMP-9 activity in those cells and therefore prevent MMP-9-induced activation of TGF-b, which results in increased invasion. Curiously, xenografts of SW480 colorectal adenocarcinoma cells stably expressing the FN domain of MMP-9 displayed reduced growth at both the primary (subcutaneous) injection site and the lungs of NOD/SCID mice, in experimental metastasis assays, whilst the same cells overexpressing wt MMP-9 showed enhanced growth and dissemination. Gelatin zymography of conditioned medium revealed that these effects may be due to the FN domain, which displaces MMP-9 from SW480 cell surface. These observations suggest a dual role of MMP-9 and its FN domain in primary tumor growth and metastasis, underscoring the notion that the effect of MMP-9 on tumor cells may depend on the cell type and highlighting possible protective effects of MMPs in tumor progression.