212 resultados para commercial art


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Combined positron emission tomography and computed tomography (PET/CT) scanners play a major role in medicine for in vivo imaging in an increasing number of diseases in oncology, cardiology, neurology, and psychiatry. With the advent of short-lived radioisotopes other than 18F and newer scanners, there is a need to optimize radioisotope activity and acquisition protocols, as well as to compare scanner performances on an objective basis. The Discovery-LS (D-LS) was among the first clinical PET/CT scanners to be developed and has been extensively characterized with older National Electrical Manufacturer Association (NEMA) NU 2-1994 standards. At the time of publication of the latest version of the standards (NU 2-2001) that have been adapted for whole-body imaging under clinical conditions, more recent models from the same manufacturer, i.e., Discovery-ST (D-ST) and Discovery-STE (D-STE), were commercially available. We report on the full characterization both in the two- and three-dimensional acquisition mode of the D-LS according to latest NEMA NU 2-2001 standards (spatial resolution, sensitivity, count rate performance, accuracy of count losses, and random coincidence correction and image quality), as well as a detailed comparison with the newer D-ST widely used and whose characteristics are already published.


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Chronique de jurisprudence et de législation pour l'année 2008


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Motherhood and reproduction have been at the core of the feminist discourse about women's rights ever since its onset. For the first and second feminist movements, the right to abortion and the public recognition of motherhood have been main issues in the discourse on reproduction. Since the last two dec- ades of the 20th century, the potentials of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) have opened up new venues of feminist discourse.In this paper we sketch the main feminist lines of argumentation regarding motherhood and reproduction since the 1970s, and we identify specific shifts in their recurrent issues. We argue that an essential contribution of feminism to the understanding of motherhood as a structuring category has been its insis- tence on the distinction between biological and social motherhood. Feminist discourse shows how ART has further decomposed biological motherhood and has altered the meaning of motherhood and reproduction. Feminist analysis maintains that despite the rhetoric of choice surrounding ART, these technolo- gies have not increased women's reproductive freedom. The decomposition of biological motherhood, the medical, legal, and commercial development of re- production, and the change in the social perception of motherhood have rather established new forms of control over female reproduction.


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The activity of radiopharmaceuticals in nuclear medicine is measured before patient injection with radionuclide calibrators. In Switzerland, the general requirements for quality controls are defined in a federal ordinance and a directive of the Federal Office of Metrology (METAS) which require each instrument to be verified. A set of three gamma sources (Co-57, Cs-137 and Co-60) is used to verify the response of radionuclide calibrators in the gamma energy range of their use. A beta source, a mixture of (90)Sr and (90)Y in secular equilibrium, is used as well. Manufacturers are responsible for the calibration factors. The main goal of the study was to monitor the validity of the calibration factors by using two sources: a (90)Sr/(90)Y source and a (18)F source. The three types of commercial radionuclide calibrators tested do not have a calibration factor for the mixture but only for (90)Y. Activity measurements of a (90)Sr/(90)Y source with the (90)Y calibration factor are performed in order to correct for the extra-contribution of (90)Sr. The value of the correction factor was found to be 1.113 whereas Monte Carlo simulations of the radionuclide calibrators estimate the correction factor to be 1.117. Measurements with (18)F sources in a specific geometry are also performed. Since this radionuclide is widely used in Swiss hospitals equipped with PET and PET-CT, the metrology of the (18)F is very important. The (18)F response normalized to the (137)Cs response shows that the difference with a reference value does not exceed 3% for the three types of radionuclide calibrators.


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Dass der Weg der parlamentarischen Mitwirkung im Bereich der Aussenpolitik steinig werden sollte, widerspiegelte sich bereits in der Entstehungsgeschichte der Aussenpolitischen Kommissionen (APK). Diese haben zum heutigen Zeitpunkt unter anderem dafür zu sorgen, dass das Parlament seine Mitwirkungsrechte in auswärtigen Angelegenheiten frühzeitig und wirk¬sam wahrnehmen kann. Nebst verschiedensten Instrumenten auf Verfassungs- und Gesetzesebene steht den APK ein wichtiges Mitwirkungsinstrument zur Verfügung: die Information und Konsultation gemäss Art. 152 Parlamentsgesetz (ParlG). Seit Inkrafttreten dieser Bestimmung im Dezember 2003 offenbart sich jedoch, dass sich die praktische Umsetzung des Gesetzesartikels mit den damaligen Vorstellungen des Gesetzgebers anlässlich der Erarbeitung dieses parlamentarischen Instrumentes nicht deckt. Der Gesetzgeber wies seiner¬zeit auf das für die Umsetzung bedeutende Vertrauensverhältnis zwischen Bundesrat und Parlament hin. Allerdings beeinflussen nun Spannungen und Konkurrenz zwischen der Exekutive und der Legislative die Umsetzung von Art. 152 ParlG. Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht, die geschichtlichen Hintergründe, die Entstehung, den Sinn und Zweck sowie die Praxis von Art. 152 ParlG vor dem Hintergrund des erwähnten Spannungsfelds und im Zusammenspiel mit den weiteren Mitwirkungsinstrumenten im Bereich der Aussenpolitik darzulegen. Comme le montre déjà l'historique des Commissions de politique extérieure (CPE), la participation du Parlement à la politique extérieure n'est pas dénuée d'obstacles. A l'heure actuelle, les CPE doivent notamment faire en sorte que le Parlement puisse faire valoir, en amont et avec efficacité, son droit de participation dans le domaine de la politique étrangère de la Suisse. Outre divers instruments figurant dans la Constitution et les lois, les CPE disposent d'un important moyen de participation: l'information et la consultation au sens de l'art. 152 de la loi sur le Parlement (LParl). Depuis l'entrée en vigueur de cette disposition en décembre 2003, il s'avère toutefois que l'application concrète de cet article de loi ne ré¬pond pas entièrement aux attentes du législateur lors de l'élaboration de cet instrument parlementaire. En effet, le législateur s'était alors basé sur la relation de confiance entre le Conseil fédéral et le Parlement, relation essentielle à la mise en oeuvre de cet article. La pratique montre cependant que la mise en oeuvre de l'art. 152 LParl est influencée par des tensions et par une relation de concurrence existant entre l'exécutif et le législatif. Le présent travail entend exposer le contexte historique de l'art. 152 LParl, son élaboration, son but et sa mise en oeuvre, tout en tenant compte des éléments de tension et des autres instruments permettant la participation en matière de politique extérieure.