138 resultados para attribute dominance
In recent years much progress has been made towards understanding the selective forces involved in the evolution of social behaviour including conflicts over reproduction among group members. Here, I argue that an important additional step necessary for advancing our understanding of the resolution of potential conflicts within insect societies is to consider the genetics of the behaviours involved. First, I discuss how epigenetic modifications of behaviour may affect conflict resolution within groups. Second, I review known natural polymorphisms of social organization to demonstrate that a lack of consideration of the genetic mechanisms involved may lead to erroneous explanations of the adaptive significance of behaviour. Third, I suggest that, on the basis of recent genetic studies of sexual conflict in Drosophila, it is necessary to reconsider the possibility of within-group manipulation by means of chemical substances (i.e. pheromones). Fourth, I address the issue of direct versus indirect genetic effects, which is of particular importance for the study of behaviour in social groups. Fifth, I discuss the issue of how a genetic influence on dominance hierarchies and reproductive division of labour can have secondary effects, for example in the evolution of promiscuity. Finally, because the same sets of genes (e.g. those implicated in chemical signalling and the responses that are triggered) may be used even in species as divergent as ants, cooperative breeding birds and primates, an integration of genetic mechanisms into the field of social evolution may also provide unifying ideas.
To compete over limited parental resources, young animals communicate with their parents and siblings by producing honest vocal signals of need. Components of begging calls that are sensitive to food deprivation may honestly signal need, whereas other components may be associated with individual-specific attributes that do not change with time such as identity, sex, absolute age and hierarchy. In a sib-sib communication system where barn owl (Tyto alba) nestlings vocally negotiate priority access to food resources, we show that calls have individual signatures that are used by nestlings to recognize which siblings are motivated to compete, even if most vocalization features vary with hunger level. Nestlings were more identifiable when food-deprived than food-satiated, suggesting that vocal identity is emphasized when the benefit of winning a vocal contest is higher. In broods where siblings interact iteratively, we speculate that individual-specific signature permits siblings to verify that the most vocal individual in the absence of parents is the one that indeed perceived the food brought by parents. Individual recognition may also allow nestlings to associate identity with individual-specific characteristics such as position in the within-brood dominance hierarchy. Calls indeed revealed age hierarchy and to a lower extent sex and absolute age. Using a cross-fostering experimental design, we show that most acoustic features were related to the nest of origin (but not the nest of rearing), suggesting a genetic or an early developmental effect on the ontogeny of vocal signatures. To conclude, our study suggests that sibling competition has promoted the evolution of vocal behaviours that signal not only hunger level but also intrinsic individual characteristics such as identity, family, sex and age.
A critical feature of cooperative animal societies is the reproductive skew, a shorthand term for the degree to which a dominant individual monopolizes overall reproduction in the group. Our theoretical analysis of the evolutionarily stable skew in matrifilial (i.e., mother-daughter) societies, in which relatednesses to offspring are asymmetrical, predicts that reproductive skews in such societies should tend to be greater than those of semisocial societies (i.e., societies composed of individuals of the same generation, such as siblings), in which relatednesses to offspring are symmetrical. Quantitative data on reproductive skews in semisocial and matrifilial associations within the same species for 17 eusocial Hymenoptera support this prediction. Likewise, a survey of reproductive partitioning within 20 vertebrate societies demonstrates that complete reproductive monopoly is more likely to occur in matrifilial than in semisocial societies, also as predicted by the optimal skew model.
OBJECTIVE: To reveal the EEG correlates of resting hypofrontality in schizophrenia (SZ). METHOD: We analyzed the whole-head EEG topography in 14 patients compared to 14 matched controls by applying a new parameterization of the multichannel EEG. We used a combination of power measures tuned for regional surface mapping with power measures that allow evaluation of global effects. RESULTS: The SZ-related EEG abnormalities include i) a global decrease in absolute EEG power robustly manifested in the alpha and beta frequency bands, and ii) a relative increase in the alpha power over the prefrontal brain regions against its reduction over the posterior regions. In the alpha band both effects are linked to the SZ symptoms measured with Positive and Negative Symptom Scales and to chronicity. CONCLUSION: As alpha activity is related to regional deactivation, our findings support the concept of hypofrontality in SZ and expose the alpha rhythm as a sensitive indicator of it.
Ectoparasites are common in most bird species, but experimental evidence of their effects on life-history traits is scarce. We investigated experimentally the effects of the hematophagous hen flea (Ceratophyllus gallinae) on timing of reproduction, nest-site choice, nest desertion, clutch size, and hatching success in the great tit (Parus major). When great tits were offered a choice on their territory between an infested and a parasite-free nest-box, they chose the one without parasites. When there was no choice, the great tits in a territory containing an infested nest-box delayed laying the clutch by 11 days as compared with the birds that were offered a parasite-free nesting opportunity. The finding that there was no difference in phenotypic traits related to dominance between the birds nesting in infested boxes and birds nesting in parasite-free boxes suggests that the delay is not imposed by social dominance. Nest desertion between laying and shortly after hatching was significandy higher in infested nests. There was no difference between infested and parasite-free nests in clutch size, but hatching success and hence brood size at hatching were significantly smaller in infested nests. Nest-box studies of great tits have been seminal in the development of evolutionary, ecological, and behavioral theory, but recently a polemic has arisen in the literature about the validity of the conclusions drawn from nest-box studies where the naturally occurring, detrimental ectoparasites are eliminated by the routine removal of old nests between breeding seasons. Our study suggests that this criticism is valid and that the evaluation of the effects of ectoparasites may improve our understanding of behavioral traits, life-history traits, or population dynamics
Accurate perception of the order of occurrence of sensory information is critical for the building up of coherent representations of the external world from ongoing flows of sensory inputs. While some psychophysical evidence reports that performance on temporal perception can improve, the underlying neural mechanisms remain unresolved. Using electrical neuroimaging analyses of auditory evoked potentials (AEPs), we identified the brain dynamics and mechanism supporting improvements in auditory temporal order judgment (TOJ) during the course of the first vs. latter half of the experiment. Training-induced changes in brain activity were first evident 43-76 ms post stimulus onset and followed from topographic, rather than pure strength, AEP modulations. Improvements in auditory TOJ accuracy thus followed from changes in the configuration of the underlying brain networks during the initial stages of sensory processing. Source estimations revealed an increase in the lateralization of initially bilateral posterior sylvian region (PSR) responses at the beginning of the experiment to left-hemisphere dominance at its end. Further supporting the critical role of left and right PSR in auditory TOJ proficiency, as the experiment progressed, responses in the left and right PSR went from being correlated to un-correlated. These collective findings provide insights on the neurophysiologic mechanism and plasticity of temporal processing of sounds and are consistent with models based on spike timing dependent plasticity.
Summary : During the evolutionary diversification of organisms, similar ecological constraints led to the recurrent appearances of the same traits (phenotypes) in distant lineages, a phenomenon called convergence. In most cases, the genetic origins of the convergent traits remain unknown, but recent studies traced the convergent phenotypes to recurrent alterations of the same gene or, in a few cases, to identical genetic changes. However, these cases remain anecdotal and there is a need for a study system that evolved several times independently and whose genetic determinism is well resolved and straightforward, such as C4 photosynthesis. This adaptation to warm environments, possibly driven by past atmospheric CO2 decreases, consists in a CO2-concentrating pump, created by numerous morphological and biochemical novelties. All genes encoding C4 enzymes already existed in C3 ancestors, and are supposed to have been recruited through gene duplication followed by neo-functionalization, to acquire the cell specific expression pattern and altered kinetic properties that characterize Ca-specific enzymes. These predictions have so far been tested only in species-poor and ecologically marginal C4 dicots. The monocots, and especially the grass family (Poaceae), the most important C4 family in terms of species number, ecological dominance and economical importance, have been largely under-considered as suitable study systems. This thesis aimed at understanding the evolution of the C4 trait in grasses at a molecular level and to use the genetics of C4 photosynthesis to infer the evolutionary history of the C4 phenotype and its driving selective pressures. A molecular phylogeny of grasses and affiliated monocots identified 17 to 18 independent acquisitions of the C4 pathway in the grass family. A relaxed molecular clock was used to date these events and the first C4 evolution was estimated in the Chloridoideae subfamily, between 32-25 million years ago, at a period when atmospheric CO2 abruptly declined. Likelihood models showed that after the COZ decline the probability of evolving the C4 pathway strongly increased, confirming low CO2 as a likely driver of C4 photosynthesis evolution. In order to depict the genetic changes linked to the numerous C4 origins, genes encoding phopshoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), the key-enzyme responsible for the initial fixation of atmospheric CO2 in the C4 pathway, were isolated from a large sample of C3 and C4 grasses. Phylogenetic analyses were used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the PEPC multigene family and showed that the evolution of C4-specific PEPC had been driven by positive selection on 21 codons simultaneously in up to eight C4 lineages. These selective pressures led to numerous convergent genetic changes in many different C4 clades, highlighting the repeatability of some evolutionary processes, even at the molecular level. PEPC C4-adaptive changes were traced and used to show multiple appearances of the C, pathway in clades where species tree inferences were unable to differentiate multiple C4 appearances and a single appearance followed by C4 to C3 reversion. Further investigations of genes involved in some of the C4 subtypes only (genes encoding decarboxylating enzymes NADP-malic enzyme and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase) showed that these C4-enzymes also evolved through strong positive selection and underwent parallel genetic changes during the different Ca origins. The adaptive changes on these subtype-specific C4 genes were used to retrace the history of the C4-subtypes phenotypes, which revealed that the evolution of C4-PEPC and C4-decarboxylating enzymes was in several cases disconnected, emphasizing the multiplicity of the C4 trait and the gradual acquisition of the features that create the CO2-pump. Finally, phylogenetic analyses of a gene encoding the Rubisco (the enzyme responsible for the fixation of CO2 into organic compounds in all photosynthetic organisms) showed that C4 evolution switched the selective pressures on this gene. Five codons were recurrently mutated to adapt the enzyme kinetics to the high CO2 concentrations of C4 photosynthetic cells. This knowledge could be used to introgress C4-like Rubisco in C3 crops, which could lead to an increased yield under predicted future high CO2 atmosphere. Globally, the phylogenetic framework adopted during this thesis demonstrated the widespread occurrence of genetic convergence on C4-related enzymes. The genetic traces of C4 photosynthesis evolution allowed reconstructing events that happened during the last 30 million years and proved the usefulness of studying genes directly responsible for phenotype variations when inferring evolutionary history of a given trait. Résumé Durant la diversification évolutive des organismes, des pressions écologiques similaires ont amené à l'apparition récurrente de certains traits (phénotypes) dans des lignées distantes, un phénomène appelé évolution convergente. Dans la plupart des cas, l'origine génétique des traits convergents reste inconnue mais des études récentes ont montré qu'ils étaient dus dans certains cas à des changements répétés du même gène ou, dans de rares cas, à des changements génétiques identiques. Malgré tout, ces cas restent anecdotiques et il y a un réel besoin d'un système d'étude qui ait évolué indépendamment de nombreuses fois et dont le déterminisme génétique soit clairement identifié. La photosynthèse dite en Ça répond à ces critères. Cette adaptation aux environnements chauds, dont l'évolution a pu être encouragé par des baisses passées de la concentration atmosphérique en CO2, est constituée de nombreuses nouveautés morphologiques et biochimiques qui créent une pompe à CO2. La totalité des gènes codant les enzymes Ç4 étaient déjà présents dans les ancêtres C3. Leur recrutement pour la photosynthèse Ç4 est supposé s'être fait par le biais de duplications géniques suivies par une néo-fonctionnalisation pour leur conférer l'expression cellule-spécifique et les propriétés cinétiques qui caractérisent les enzymes C4. Ces prédictions n'ont jusqu'à présent été testées que dans des familles C4 contenant peu d'espèces et ayant un rôle écologique marginal. Les graminées (Poaceae), qui sont la famille C4 la plus importante, tant en termes de nombre d'espèces que de dominance écologique et d'importance économique, ont toujours été considérés comme un système d'étude peu adapté et ont fait le sujet de peu d'investigations évolutives. Le but de cette thèse était de comprendre l'évolution de la photosynthèse en C4 chez les graminées au niveau génétique et d'utiliser les gènes pour inférer l'évolution du phénotype C4 ainsi que les pressions de sélection responsables de son évolution. Une phylogénie moléculaire de la famille des graminées et des monocotylédones apparentés a identifié 17 à 18 acquisitions indépendantes de la photosynthèse chez les graminées. Grâce à une méthode d'horloge moléculaire relâchée, ces évènements ont été datés et la première apparition C4 a été estimée dans la sous-famille des Chloridoideae, il y a 32 à 25 millions d'années, à une période où les concentrations atmosphériques de CO2 ont décliné abruptement. Des modèles de maximum de vraisemblance ont montré qu'à la suite du déclin de CO2, la probabilité d'évoluer la photosynthèse C4 a fortement augmenté, confirmant ainsi qu'une faible concentration de CO2 est une cause potentielle de l'évolution de la photosynthèse C4. Afin d'identifier les mécanismes génétiques responsables des évolutions répétées de la photosynthèse C4, un segment des gènes codant pour la phosphoénolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), l'enzyme responsable de la fixation initiale du CO2 atmosphérique chez les plantes C4, ont été séquencés dans une centaine de graminées C3 et C4. Des analyses phylogénétiques ont permis de reconstituer l'histoire évolutive de la famille multigénique des PEPC et ont montré que l'évolution de PEPC spécifiques à la photosynthèse Ça a été causée par de la sélection positive agissant sur 21 codons, et ce simultanément dans huit lignées C4 différentes. Cette sélection positive a conduit à un grand nombre de changements génétiques convergents dans de nombreux clades différents, ce qui illustre la répétabilité de certains phénomènes évolutifs, et ce même au niveau génétique. Les changements sur la PEPC liés au C4 ont été utilisés pour confirmer des évolutions indépendantes du phénotype C4 dans des clades où l'arbre des espèces était incapable de différencier des apparitions indépendantes d'une seule apparition suivie par une réversion de C4 en C3. En considérant des gènes codant des protéines impliquées uniquement dans certains sous-types C4 (deux décarboxylases, l'enzyme malique à NADP et la phosphoénolpyruvate carboxykinase), des études ultérieures ont montré que ces enzymes C4 avaient elles-aussi évolué sous forte sélection positive et subi des changements génétiques parallèles lors des différentes origines de la photosynthèse C4. Les changements adaptatifs sur ces gènes liés seulement à certains sous-types C4 ont été utilisés pour retracer l'histoire des phénotypes de sous-types C4, ce qui a révélé que les caractères formant le trait C4 ont, dans certains cas, évolué de manière déconnectée. Ceci souligne la multiplicité du trait C4 et l'acquisition graduelle de composants participant à la pompe à CO2 qu'est la photosynthèse C4. Finalement, des analyses phylogénétiques des gènes codant pour la Rubisco (l'enzyme responsable de la fixation du CO2 en carbones organiques dans tous les organismes photosynthétiques) ont montré que l'évolution de la photosynthèse Ça a changé les pressions de sélection sur ce gène. Cinq codons ont été mutés de façon répétée afin d'adapter les propriétés cinétiques de la Rubisco aux fortes concentrations de CO2 présentes dans les cellules photosynthétiques des plantes C4. Globalement, l'approche phylogénétique adoptée durant cette thèse de doctorat a permis de démontré des phénomène fréquents de convergence génétique sur les enzymes liées à la photosynthèse C4. Les traces génétiques de l'évolution de la photosynthèse C4 ont permis de reconstituer des évènements qui se sont produits durant les derniers 30 millions d'années et ont prouvé l'utilité d'étudier des gènes directement responsables des variations phénotypiques pour inférer l'histoire évolutive d'un trait donné.
The physiological basis of human cerebral asymmetry for language remains mysterious. We have used simultaneous physiological and anatomical measurements to investigate the issue. Concentrating on neural oscillatory activity in speech-specific frequency bands and exploring interactions between gestural (motor) and auditory-evoked activity, we find, in the absence of language-related processing, that left auditory, somatosensory, articulatory motor, and inferior parietal cortices show specific, lateralized, speech-related physiological properties. With the addition of ecologically valid audiovisual stimulation, activity in auditory cortex synchronizes with left-dominant input from the motor cortex at frequencies corresponding to syllabic, but not phonemic, speech rhythms. Our results support theories of language lateralization that posit a major role for intrinsic, hardwired perceptuomotor processing in syllabic parsing and are compatible both with the evolutionary view that speech arose from a combination of syllable-sized vocalizations and meaningful hand gestures and with developmental observations suggesting phonemic analysis is a developmentally acquired process.
Inbreeding adversely affects life history traits as well as various other fitness-related traits, but its effect on cognitive traits remains largely unexplored, despite their importance to fitness of many animals under natural conditions. We studied the effects of inbreeding on aversive learning (avoidance of an odour previously associated with mechanical shock) in multiple inbred lines of Drosophila melanogaster derived from a natural population through up to 12 generations of sib mating. Whereas the strongly inbred lines after 12 generations of inbreeding (0.75<F<0.93) consistently showed reduced egg-to-adult viability (on average by 28%), the reduction in learning performance varied among assays (average=18% reduction), being most pronounced for intermediate conditioning intensity. Furthermore, moderately inbred lines (F=0.38) showed no detectable decline in learning performance, but still had reduced egg-to-adult viability, which indicates that overall inbreeding effects on learning are mild. Learning performance varied among strongly inbred lines, indicating the presence of segregating variance for learning in the base population. However, the learning performance of some inbred lines matched that of outbred flies, supporting the dominance rather than the overdominance model of inbreeding depression for this trait. Across the inbred lines, learning performance was positively correlated with the egg-to-adult viability. This positive genetic correlation contradicts a trade-off observed in previous selection experiments and suggests that much of the genetic variation for learning is owing to pleiotropic effects of genes affecting functions related to survival. These results suggest that genetic variation that affects learning specifically (rather than pleiotropically through general physiological condition) is either low or mostly due to alleles with additive (semi-dominant) effects.
This article examines the link between restrictions on the number of physicians and general practitioners' (GPs) earnings. Using a representative panel of 6016 French self-employed GPs over the years 1983-2004, we estimate an earnings function to identify experience, time and cohort effects. The estimated gap in earnings between 'good' and 'bad' cohorts can be as large as 25%. GPs who began their practices during the eighties have the lowest permanent earnings: they belong to the large cohorts of the baby-boom and face the consequences of an unlimited number of places in medical schools. Conversely, the decrease in the number of places in medical schools led to an increase in permanent earnings of GPs who began their practices in the mid-nineties. A stochastic dominance analysis shows that unobserved heterogeneity does not compensate for average differences in earnings between cohorts. These findings suggest that the first years of practice are decisive for a GP. If competition between physicians is too intense at the beginning of their careers, they will suffer from permanently lower earnings. To conclude, our results show that the policies aimed at reducing the number of medical students succeeded in buoying up physicians' permanent earnings. [Ed.]
Deeply incised river networks are generally regarded as robust features that are not easily modified by erosion or tectonics. Although the reorganization of deeply incised drainage systems has been documented, the corresponding importance with regard to the overall landscape evolution of mountain ranges and the factors that permit such reorganizations are poorly understood. To address this problem, we have explored the rapid drainage reorganization that affected the Cahabon River in Guatemala during the Quaternary. Sediment-provenance analysis, field mapping, and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) imaging are used to reconstruct the geometry of the valley before the river was captured. Dating of the abandoned valley sediments by the Be-10-Al-26 burial method and geomagnetic polarity analysis allow us to determine the age of the capture events and then to quantify several processes, such as the rate of tectonic deformation of the paleovalley, the rate of propagation of post-capture drainage reversal, and the rate at which canyons that formed at the capture sites have propagated along the paleovalley. Transtensional faulting started 1 to 3 million years ago, produced ground tilting and ground faulting along the Cahabon River, and thus generated differential uplift rate of 0.3 +/- 0.1 up to 0.7 +/- 0.4 mm . y(-1) along the river's course. The river responded to faulting by incising the areas of relative uplift and depositing a few tens of meters of sediment above the areas of relative subsidence. Then, the river experienced two captures and one avulsion between 700 ky and 100 ky. The captures breached high-standing ridges that separate the Cahabon River from its captors. Captures occurred at specific points where ridges are made permeable by fault damage zones and/or soluble rocks. Groundwater flow from the Cahabon River down to its captors likely increased the erosive power of the captors thus promoting focused erosion of the ridges. Valley-fill formation and capture occurred in close temporal succession, suggesting a genetic link between the two. We suggest that the aquifers accumulated within the valley-fills, increased the head along the subterraneous system connecting the Cahabon River to its captors, and promoted their development. Upon capture, the breached valley experienced widespread drainage reversal toward the capture sites. We attribute the generalized reversal to combined effects of groundwater sapping in the valley-fill, axial drainage obstruction by lateral fans, and tectonic tilting. Drainage reversal increased the size of the captured areas by a factor of 4 to 6. At the capture sites, 500 m deep canyons have been incised into the bedrock and are propagating upstream at a rate of 3 to 11 mm . y(-1) deepening at a rate of 0.7 to 1 5 mm . y(-1). At this rate, 1 to 2 million years will be necessary for headward erosion to completely erase the topographic expression of the paleovalley. It is concluded that the rapid reorganization of this drainage system was made possible by the way the river adjusted to the new tectonic strain field, which involved transient sedimentation along the river's course. If the river had escaped its early reorganization and had been given the time necessary to reach a new dynamic equilibrium, then the transient conditions that promoted capture would have vanished and its vulnerability to capture would have been strongly reduced.
Isolated primary human cells from different donors vary in their permissiveness-the ability of cells to be infected and sustain the replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). We used replicating HIV-1 and single-cycle lentivirus vectors in a population approach to identify polymorphic steps during viral replication. We found that phytohemagglutinin-stimulated CD4(+) CD45RO(+) CD57(-) T cells from healthy blood donors (n = 128) exhibited a 5.2-log-unit range in virus production. For 20 selected donors representing the spectrum of CD4 T-cell permissiveness, we could attribute up to 42% of the total variance in virus production to entry factors and 48% to postentry steps. Efficacy at key intracellular steps of the replicative cycle (reverse transcription, integration, transcription and splicing, translation, and budding and release) varied from 0.71 to 1.45 log units among donors. However, interindividual differences in transcription efficiency alone accounted for 64 to 83% of the total variance in virus production that was attributable to postentry factors. While vesicular stomatitis virus G protein-mediated fusion was more efficacious than CCR5/CD4 entry, the latter resulted in greater transcriptional activity per proviral copy. The phenotype of provirus transcription was stable over time, indicating that it represents a genetic trait.
RESUMECette recherche empirique porte sur les emplois temporaires subventionnés (ETS) instaurés dans le cadre du chômage et de l'aide sociale en Suisse depuis une dizaine d'années. La mise en place de politiques d'activation dans le cadre de la protection sociale met l'accent sur les liens explicites, souvent réglementaires, qu'entretiennent actuellement la protection sociale, les politiques de l'emploi et le marché du travail dans les pays industrialisés. Ces transformations ont largement contribué au développement d'activités exercées en marge du marché de l'emploi. Dans le cadre du chômage, comme dans celui de l'aide sociale, une mise au travail peut être exigée en contrepartie du versement des indemnités ; en Suisse, on nomme ce procédé l'assignation au travail. L'assignation est le processus par lequel un-e conseiller?ère en placement peut contraindre, sous peine de sanction (suppression des indemnités pour un temps déterminé) une personne au chômage (inscrit-e auprès d'un office régional de placement) à souscrire à une mesure du marché du travail (MMT), particulièrement les ETS.Cette recherche propose une analyse de l'assignation à un programme d'emploi temporaire sous l'éclairage de la sociologie du travail. Elle adopte une perspective compréhensive attentive aux tensions que vivent les individus pris dans une situation de travail hybride et inédite qui les place aux frontières des différentes catégories administratives de chômage, d'inactivité et de population occupée. Partant d'une étude empirique auprès de personnes assignées, cette recherche mène une analyse qualitative des conditions et de l'organisation du travail en ETS, des modalités contractuelles et statutaires des personnes assignées à une activité de travail contrainte et matériellement non reconnue, puisque non salariée. Elle s'attache également à cerner le vécu de l'assignation au travail, ainsi que le sens que les personnes lui attribuent dans leur trajectoire biographique et professionnelle.SUMMARYThis research investigates a specific and new form of labor, namely «temporary subsidized jobs» {emplois temporaires subventionnés, ETS) that have been developed since the late 1990s in Switzerland in the context of unemployment and social assistance benefits. Although ETS are specific to Switzerland, they echo similar «workfare» measures imposed on unemployed and welfare recipients introduced in recent years in almost all industrialized countries. Indeed, the evolution of public policies and the generalization of «active labour-market policies» {politiques d'activation) have become central to social protection in the majority of Western countries and have emerged in parallel to the expansion of work activities situated at the margins of traditional wage- labor.My analysis of the ETS phenomenon is informed by labor sociology and discusses the pertinence of a classical approach in grasping this hybrid and new work situation, which sets individual persons at the border between various administrative categories such as «unemployed», «inactive» and «at work». I investigate in particular the issue of contractual and statutory modalities imposed on persons who have been assigned to a form of activity that is both constraining as well as materially non-recognized (as it remains outside of traditional wage-labor forms). In order to understand ETS conditions and labor organization, my fieldwork consist of interviews of persons who have been assigned to it and observations. I investigate their personal experience, as well as the meaning that these individuals attribute to the ETS experience in the context of their biographical and professional trajectory.
In Neo-Darwinism, variation and natural selection are the two evolutionary mechanisms which propel biological evolution. Our previous article presented a histogram model [1] consisting in populations of individuals whose number changed under the influence of variation and/or fitness, the total population remaining constant. Individuals are classified into bins, and the content of each bin is calculated generation after generation by an Excel spreadsheet. Here, we apply the histogram model to a stable population with fitness F(1)=1.00 in which one or two fitter mutants emerge. In a first scenario, a single mutant emerged in the population whose fitness was greater than 1.00. The simulations ended when the original population was reduced to a single individual. The histogram model was validated by excellent agreement between its predictions and those of a classical continuous function (Eqn. 1) which predicts the number of generations needed for a favorable mutation to spread throughout a population. But in contrast to Eqn. 1, our histogram model is adaptable to more complex scenarios, as demonstrated here. In the second and third scenarios, the original population was present at time zero together with two mutants which differed from the original population by two higher and distinct fitness values. In the fourth scenario, the large original population was present at time zero together with one fitter mutant. After a number of generations, when the mutant offspring had multiplied, a second mutant was introduced whose fitness was even greater. The histogram model also allows Shannon entropy (SE) to be monitored continuously as the information content of the total population decreases or increases. The results of these simulations illustrate, in a graphically didactic manner, the influence of natural selection, operating through relative fitness, in the emergence and dominance of a fitter mutant.
The last decade has presented studies providing evidence for astrocytic exocytosis of glutamate potentiating nerve signals. To make further investigations into this astrocytic attribute we investigated the localization of the vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1) in small processes of astrocytes close to glutamatergic terminals in frontal cortex, striatum, molecular layer of hippocampus and stratum radiatum of hippocampus. According to the importance of VGLUT1 in glutamate exocytosis the presence of VGLUT1 in astrocytic processes indicates the ability to exocytose glutamate. METHODS: For qualitative analysis we used immunoflourescence histochemistry. Sections from rat frontal cortex, striatum, molecular layer of hippocampus and stratum radiatum of hippocampus were labeled with antibodies against glutamine synthetase (an astrocytic marker) and VGLUT1. Z-stacks of 4.5-5 lm obtained by confocal microscopy from each section were deconvolved and 3D reconstructed in Amira. Small astrocytic processes were analysed for the presence of VGLUT1 inside the processes. The quantitative analysis was done by immunogold labeling. Ultrathin sections from each brain region were labeled for GLT (an astrocytic marker) and VGLUT1. Pictures obtained by electron microscopy were analysed and the point density (gold particles/nm2) for VGLUT1 in astrocytic processes was measured. RESULTS: Using confocal 3D reconstructions we were qualitatively able to identify VGLUT1 within small processes of astrocytes in all four brain regions. Reflecting our qualitative findings the electron microscopical immunogold quantifications showed a significant density of gold particles signaling VGLUT1 in astrocytic processes in all four brain regions. CONCLUSION: We extend the results of previous studies on glutamate release from astrocytes, which have focused on the hippocampus, proposing that astrocytic exocytosis of glutamate is a global phenomenon in the brain.