330 resultados para Wall Stress
BACKGROUND: All patients with extensive resection of the anterolateral chest wall and the sternum followed by reconstruction with methylmethacrylate substitutes were assessed prospectively 6 months after the operation to delineate chest wall integrity with pulmonary function and cine-magnetic resonance imaging. METHODS: Twenty-six patients underwent chest wall reconstruction by use of methylmethacrylate between 1994 and 1998 due to primary tumors in 35%, metastases in 27%, T3 lung cancer in 19%, and debridement for radionecrosis and osteomyelitis in 19% of patients. Three to eight ribs were resected and additional sternum resection was performed in 39% of patients. RESULTS: There was no 30-day mortality. All patients were extubated after the operation without need for reintubation. Prosthesis dislocation occurred in 1 patient and infection in 2 patients during follow-up. Nineteen patients (73%) suffered no restrictions of daily activities. Clinical examination revealed normal shoulder girdle function in 77% of patients. There was no significant difference between preoperative and postoperative FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) measurements in patients with lobectomy or wedge resections. Cinemagnetic resonance imaging revealed concordant chest wall movements during respiration in 92% of patients without paradoxical movements or implant dislocations being observed. CONCLUSIONS: Large defects of the anterolateral chest wall and sternum can be reconstructed efficiently with methylmethacrylate substitutes with minimal morbidity and excellent cosmetic and functional outcome.
Hailey-Hailey disease (HHD) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by suprabasal cutaneous cell separation (acantholysis) leading to the development of erosive and oozing skin lesion. Micro RNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous post-transcriptional modulators of gene expression with critical functions in health and disease. Here, we evaluated whether the expression of specific miRNAs may play a role in the pathogenesis of HHD. Here, we report that miRNAs are expressed in a non-random manner in Hailey-Hailey patients. miR-125b appeared a promising candidate for playing a role in HHD manifestation. Both Notch1 and p63 are part of a regulatory signalling whose function is essential for the control of keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation and of note, the expression of both Notch1 and p63 is downregulated in HHD-derived keratinocytes. We found that both Notch1 and p63 expression is strongly suppressed by miR-125b expression. Additionally, we found that miR-125b expression is increased by an oxidative stress-dependent mechanism. Our data suggest that oxidative stress-mediated induction of miR-125b plays a specific role in the pathogenesis of HHD by regulating the expression of factors playing an important role in keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation.
Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen presenting cells with an unique ability to induce primary immune responses. Different DCs subsets with an intrinsic capacity to polarise Tcells have been described: myeloid (Th1) and lymphoid (Th2). Plasticity is defined as DCs capacity to polarise T cells independent of the DCs origin. We investigated the potential role played by oxidants such as superoxide anion (·O2-), in the plasticity of DCs, measured by the induction of a specific DCs subset, cytokine release and antigen presentation. Furthermore, we are interested in the amplification of immune response analysed by the exosomes production after oxidative stress and LPS stimulation. Recently, we have demonstrated that exposure of cells to superoxide anions resulted in the activation of DC2 profile. To analyse the role of oxidative stress in DCs subsets, we used BDCA-1 and BDCA-2 antibodies, which identify myeloid and plasmacytoid DCs respectively. Freshly isolated monocytes have shown to be BDCA-1-, but BDCA-2+ populations. During 6 days culture up-regulation of BDCA-1, but a down-regulation of BDCA-2 were observed, giving a clear myeloid population. When DC were stimulated with superoxide anions or LPS, we have observed that both down regulate the expression of BDCA-1 when compared to immature DC. Antigen presentation was markedly altered according to the periodicity used, and antigens and oxidants exposures. Using DCs trapped in collagen "matrix" after LPS activation we were able to quantify DCs-exosomes (small membrane vesicles ~50-100 nm in diameter) by reconstruction pictures in three dimensions. Using double vital staining we have found that exosomes from activated DCs can fuse with the membrane of resting DCs. Understanding the capacity of DCs to integrate external signals we will be able to unravel and control Tcells-polarisation triggering a specific immune response or tolerance. We will be able also to understand the amplification role of DCs-exosomes in remote not yet activated DCs.
PURPOSE: Both acute hypoxia and physical exercise are known to increase oxidative stress. This randomized prospective trial investigated whether the addition of moderate exercise can alter oxidative stress induced by continuous hypoxic exposure. METHODS: Fourteen male participants were confined to 10-d continuous normobaric hypoxia (FIO2 = 0.139 +/- 0.003, PIO2 = 88.2 +/- 0.6 mm Hg, approximately 4000-m simulated altitude) either with (HCE, n = 8, two training sessions per day at 50% of hypoxic maximal aerobic power) or without exercise (HCS, n = 6). Plasma levels of oxidative stress markers (advanced oxidation protein products [AOPP], nitrotyrosine, and malondialdehyde), antioxidant markers (ferric-reducing antioxidant power, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase), nitric oxide end-products, and erythropoietin were measured before the exposure (Pre), after the first 24 h of exposure (D1), after the exposure (Post) and after the 24-h reoxygenation (Post + 1). In addition, graded exercise test in hypoxia was performed before and after the protocol. RESULTS: Maximal aerobic power increased after the protocol in HCE only (+6.8%, P < 0.05). Compared with baseline, AOPP was higher at Post + 1 (+28%, P < 0.05) and nitrotyrosine at Post (+81%, P < 0.05) in HCS only. Superoxide dismutase (+30%, P < 0.05) and catalase (+53%, P < 0.05) increased at Post in HCE only. Higher levels of ferric-reducing antioxidant power (+41%, P < 0.05) at Post and lower levels of AOPP (-47%, P < 0.01) at Post + 1 were measured in HCE versus HCS. Glutathione peroxidase (+31%, P < 0.01) increased in both groups at Post + 1. Similar erythropoietin kinetics was noted in both groups with an increase at D1 (+143%, P < 0.01), a return to baseline at Post, and a decrease at Post + 1 (-56%, P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These data provide evidence that 2 h of moderate daily exercise training can attenuate the oxidative stress induced by continuous hypoxic exposure.
Epidemiological data indicate that 75% of subjects with major psychiatric disorders have their onset in the age range of 17-24 years. An estimated 35-50% of college and university students drop out prematurely due to insufficient coping skills under chronic stress, while 85% of students receiving a psychiatric diagnosis withdraw from college/university prior to the completion of their education. In this study we aimed at developing standardized means for identifying students with insufficient coping skills under chronic stress and at risk for mental health problems. A sample of 1,217 college students from 3 different sites in the U.S. and Switzerland completed 2 self-report questionnaires: the Coping Strategies Inventory "COPE" and the Zurich Health Questionnaire "ZHQ" which assesses "regular exercises", "consumption behavior", "impaired physical health", "psychosomatic disturbances", and "impaired mental health". The data were subjected to structure analyses by means of a Neural Network approach. We found 2 highly stable and reproducible COPE scales that explained the observed inter-individual variation in coping behavior sufficiently well and in a socio-culturally independent way. The scales reflected basic coping behavior in terms of "activity-passivity" and "defeatism-resilience", and in the sense of stable, socio-culturally independent personality traits. Correlation analyses carried out for external validation revealed a close relationship between high scores on the defeatism scale and impaired physical and mental health. This underlined the role of insufficient coping behavior as a risk factor for physical and mental health problems. The combined COPE and ZHQ instruments appear to constitute powerful screening tools for insufficient coping skills under chronic stress and for risks of mental health problems.
Dans le cadre de l'activité professionnelle, des facteurs de stress d'ordre psychologique, social, et liés à l'organisation du travail, peuvent induire des réponses physiologiques et comportementales impliquées dans la survenue de pathologies comme les maladies cardiovasculaires, les troubles de la santé mentale et les troubles musculosquelettiques.Le Régime social des indépendants (RSI) a sollicité l'Inserm afin de disposer d'un bilan des connaissances sur le stress d'origine professionnelle chez les travailleurs indépendants et ses répercussions sur la santé.Regroupant à la fois des compétences en biologie, psychologie, sociologie et économie de la santé, cette expertise collective présente les modèles et les mécanismes explicatifs mettant en relation le stress au travail et les principales pathologies.Les stratégies de prévention individuelle et collective qui se développent dans le milieu des travailleurs salariés peuvent-elles être adaptées aux travailleurs indépendants ? [Ed.]
Dans la thérapie de l'état de stress post-traumatique chronique (PTSD), l'Exposition Prolongée (PE) à des stimuli associes à une expérience d'origine traumatique est considérée comme une méthode de traitement de pointe. Notre étude de cas, basée sur l'utilisation du manuel de Foa et Rothbaum (1998), concerne Caroline, une patiente adulte victime d'abus sexuels dans l'enfance, traitée en 40 séances, sur une durée d'une année. En complément, nous avons la technique de l'«Analyse des Plans» de Caspar (1995, 2007) pour la formulation de cas individualisée et la planification du traitement, selon le concept de Caspar de la Relation Thérapeutique Orientée sur les Motifs (MOTR). Le traitement a été très efficace, comme l'attestent les mesures quantitatives standardisées, les changements dans les schémas de comportements, ainsi que son compte rendu subjectif. Une analyse du processus thérapeutique illustre l'importance d'une combinaison de procédures basées sur un manuel avec des formulations et interventions de cas individuels. Le cas est discute dans le contexte de l'amélioration du traitement cognitivo-comportemental du PTSD.
L'article vise à identifier les déterminants du stress et de la satisfaction au travail parmi une population de cadres intermédiaires exerçant dans des établissements hospitaliers de Suisse romande. Il vise également à combler un vide dans les études sur les administrations publiques suisses: mieux saisir, au moyen d'une enquête par questionnaires, quels sont les principales variables qui se trouvent à l'origine de la satisfaction au travail et qui peuvent être des ressources pour les acteurs afin de faire face au stress. L'étude confirme des résultats de recherches internationales, montrant que des facteurs relationnels et des caractéristiques du travail sont les principaux déterminants du stress et de la satisfaction. Elle souligne dès lors l'importance d'adopter une lecture « structurelle » et « organisationnelle » du stress et de la satisfaction, soulignant aussi que les caractéristiques individuelles de la population étudiée n'expliquent qu'une très infime variance de ces phénomènes.
Le burn-out ou syndrome d'épuisement professionnel (Z73.0 selon le CIM-10) a été décrit la première fois en 1980 par le psychanalyste Freudenberger puis repris par Maslach et Jackson en 1986. [Auteure]
At the latitude of the Thor-Odin dome (British Columbia) the Columbia River Detachment defines the eastern margin of the Shuswap metamorphic core complex and localizes in a 1 km thick muscovite-bearing quartzite mylonite. We present a combined Ar-40/Ar-39, (micro) structural, and oxygen isotope study of the deformation history in the detachment and evaluate the spatial and temporal relationships between microstructure formation and localization of strain. High-precision Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology from different levels in the mylonite delineates a pattern of increasingly younger (49.0 to 47.9 Ma) deformation ages in deeper levels of the mylonitic footwall. The correlation of Ar-40/Ar-39 ages with decreasing deformation temperatures (similar to 550 degrees-400 degrees C) in the top 200 m of the mylonite indicates that deformation migrated downward from the contact with the hanging wall. Strain localization was diachronous in progressively deeper levels of the footwall and was likely controlled by fluid-assisted strain hardening due to advective heat removal and contemporaneous reaction weakening due to dissolution-reprecipitation of white mica. The observed constant high-stress microstructures across the entire detachment indicate that flow stress was buffered by the interplay of strain rate and temperature, where high strain rates at elevated temperature produced the same microstructure as lower strain rates under decreasing temperature conditions. The combined data suggest that the complex interplay among temporally nonuniform rates of footwall exhumation, heat advection, and embrittlement by meteoric fluids strongly determines the thermomechanical behavior of extensional detachments.
The most valuable pigment of the Roman wall paintings was the red color obtained from powdered cinnabar (Minium Cinnabaris pigment), the red mercury sulfide (HgS), which was brought from mercury (Hg) deposits in the Roman Empire. To address the question of whether sulfur isotope signatures can serve as a rapid method to establish the provenance of the red pigment in Roman frescoes, we have measured the sulfur isotope composition (delta(34) S value in parts per thousand VCDT) in samples of wall painting from the Roman city Aventicum (Avenches, Vaud, Switzerland) and compared them with values from cinnabar from European mercury deposits (Almaden in Spain, Idria in Slovenia, Monte Amiata in Italy, Moschellandsberg in Germany, and Genepy in France). Our study shows that the delta(34) S values of cinnabar from the studied Roman wall paintings fall within or near to the composition of Almaden cinnabar; thus, the provenance of the raw material may be deduced. This approach may provide information on provenance and authenticity in archaeological, restoration and forensic studies of Roman and Greek frescoes. Copyright (c) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Amantadine is an antiviral and antiparkinsonian drug that has been evaluated in combination therapies against hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Controversial results have been reported concerning its efficacy, and its mechanism of action remains unclear. Data obtained in vitro suggested a role of amantadine in inhibiting HCV p7-mediated cation conductance. In keeping with the fact that mitochondria are responsible to ionic fluxes and that HCV infection impairs mitochondrial function, we investigated a potential role of amantadine in modulating mitochondrial function. Using a well-characterized inducible cell line expressing the full-length HCV polyprotein, we found that amantadine not only prevented but also rescued HCV protein-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction. Specifically, amantadine corrected (i) overload of mitochondrial Ca(2+); (ii) inhibition of respiratory chain activity and oxidative phosphorylation; (iii) reduction of membrane potential; and (iv) overproduction of reactive oxygen species. The effects of amantadine were observed within 15 min following drug administration and confirmed in Huh-7.5 cells transfected with an infectious HCV genome. These effects were also observed in cells expressing subgenomic HCV constructs, indicating that they are not mediated or only in part mediated by p7. Single organelle analyzes carried out on isolated mouse liver mitochondria demonstrated that amantadine induces hyperpolarization of the membrane potential. Moreover, amantadine treatment increased the calcium threshold required to trigger mitochondrial permeability transition opening. In conclusion, these results support a role of amantadine in preserving cellular bioenergetics and redox homeostasis in HCV-infected cells and unveil an effect of the drug which might be exploited for a broader therapeutic utilization.