174 resultados para Urinary Bladder Calculi.


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Urinary incontinence in women is a largely under-evaluated problem that affects nearly one out of two adult women. Even thouh its physiopathology is complex and its etiologies are multiple (and often intricate), urodynamic investigations are not considered necessary before starting a conservative therapy, which can be initiated by the primary care physician. Conservative management is based upon lifestyle modifications, specialized physiotherapy, and in certain cases medication. In the case of insufficient response after three months, the patient should be recommended to a specialist who can evaluate the need for a surgical procedure.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To review and summarize current knowledge on gender differences and sex steroid hormones in nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer. RECENT FINDINGS: Beyond the proven role of gender as a risk factor for the development of bladder cancer, recent studies indicate that women present with more advanced bladder cancer tumor stages than men, which may be due to differences in both bladder cancer care and biology. In addition, female gender has been identified as an independent prognostic factor for both recurrence and progression and may be associated with worse response to Bacillus Calmette-Guérin instillation therapy. Overall, sex steroid hormones and their receptors impact bladder carcinogenesis, recurrence and progression. Basic and transitional research evidence suggests that estrogens may initially protect against bladder cancer development, but later promote bladder cancer progression. Androgens, in contrast, seem to initiate and drive bladder cancer with its receptor playing a central role. Promising novel research shows a potential role of sex steroid hormones as therapeutic targets. SUMMARY: Whereas men are more likely to develop bladder cancer, women present generally with more advanced disease and have worse oncologic outcomes even after adjusting for tumor stage. Sex steroid hormones and their receptors play an active role in bladder cancer development and progression and represent attractive therapeutic targets for gender-specific care.


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Résumé : Introduction Cette étude est une analyse rétrospective des complications urétérales et de leurs prises en charge à partir d'une série monocentrique de 277 transplantations rénales consécutives. Matériel et méthode De septembre 1979 à juin 1999, 277 transplantations rénales (origine cadavérique) ont été pratiquées chez 241 patients. L'uretère provenant de la greffe rénale a été inséré dans la vessie selon la technique d'implantation extravésicale décrite par Lich-Gregoir et Campos-Freire. L'étude a analysé la date de survenue et le genre de complications observés. Les différentes procédures pour restaurer le tractus urinaire transplanté sont présentées dans cette étude. Résultats Des complications sont survenues chez 43/277 transplantations rénales (15,5%). Les fuites urinaires sur l'anastomose ou les sténoses urétérales étaient les plus fréquentes. La date de survenue de ces complications étaient soit précoce (< 1 mois) soit tardive (> 1 mois) dans un nombre similaire de cas. La plupart des cas ont été pris en charge chirurgicalement 33/43 cas (76,7%). La réparation chirurgicale la plus fréquente a été la réimplantation urétérovésicale (n-13), suivie par : l'anastomose urétérourétérale termino-terminale (uretère natif-uretère greffé, n-5) ; l'anastomose pyélourétérale (uretère natif-bassinet rénal greffé, n=5) ; la simple révision de l'implantation urétérovésicale (n=4) ; la résection et l'anastomose termino-terminale de l'uretère greffé (n=2) ; la calico-vésicostomie (vessie greffée, n=1) ; l'implantation selon Boari (n=1) ; la pyélovésicostomie avec bipartition de la vessie (n-1), et la pyéloiléocystoplastie avec greffe iléale détubularisée (n=1). Aucun décès en relation avec les complications urologiques n'a été rapporté. Cependant, 2 reflux vésico-rénaux consécutifs ont conduit à distance à la perte du greffon. Conclusion Le taux de complications constaté dans cette analyse rétrospective est similaire à celui observé dans d'autres études. Il se situe entre 2 et 20%. Si l'implantation urétérovésicale extravésicale classique reste une technique attractive en raison de sa simplicité, l'équipe chirurgicale dans un centre de formation doit rester attentive à toute mesure de prévention des complications urétérales, comme le choix d'une autre technique d'implantation de l'uretère et/ou de l'insertion transitoire d'un stent urétéral. Abstract Introduction: This study is a retrospective analysis of ureteral complications and their management from a monocenter series of 277 consecutive renal transplantations. Materials and Methods: From September 1979 to June 1999, 277 renal transplantations (cadaveric origin) were performed in 241 patients. The ureter from the kidney graft was inserted into the bladder according to the technique of extravesical implantation described by Lich-Gregoir and Campos-Freire. The study analyzed the time of occurrence and the type of complications observed. The different procedures to restore the transplanted urinary tract are presented. Results: Complications occurred in 431277 renal transplantations (15.5%). Anastomotic urine leakage or ureteral stricture were the most frequent. The time to appearance of these complications was either short (<1 month) or late (>1 month) in a similar number of cases. Most cases were managed surgically: 33/43 cases (76.7%). The most frequent surgi cal repair was ureterovesical reimplantation n =13), Followed by: ureteroureteral end, to end anastomosis (native ureter-ureter transplant, n =, 5); pyeloureteral anastomosis (native ureter-renal pelvis transplant n = 5): simple revision of ureterovesical implantation (n=4): resection and end-to end anastomosis of the transplant ureter (n=2); calico-vesicostomy graft-bladder, n = 1); implantation according to Boari (n= 1); pyelovesicostomy with bipartition of bladder (n = 1), and pyeloileocystoplasty with detubularized ileal graft (n=1). No deaths related to any of the urological complications were reported However, 2 consecutive vesico-renal refluxes led to the loss of the kidney graft in the long-term. Conclusion: The rate of complications observed in this retrospective analysis is similar to the experience of other studies, ranging from 2 to 20% If the classical extravesical ureteral bladder implantation is to remain an attractive technique due to its simplicity, the surgical team at the training center should be aware of all the means to prevent any ureteral complications, such as the choice of another implantation technique and/or insertion of a transient ureteral stent.


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We present a method for the analysis of urinary 16(5alpha)-androsten-3alpha-ol together with 5beta-pregnane-3alpha,20alpha-diol and four testosterone metabolites: androsterone (Andro), etiocholanolone (Etio), 5alpha-androstane-3alpha,17beta-diol (5alphaA), 5beta-androstane-3alpha,17beta-diol (5betaA) by means of gas chromatography/combustion/isotopic ratio mass spectrometry (GC/C/IRMS). The within-assay and between-assay precision S.D.s of the investigated steroids were lower than 0.3 and 0.6 per thousand, respectively. A comparative study on a population composed of 20 subjects has shown that the differences of the intra-individual delta(13)C-values for 16(5alpha)-androsten-3alpha-ol and 5beta-pregnane-3alpha,20alpha-diol are less than 0.9 per thousand. Thereafter, the method has been applied in the frame of an excretion study following oral ingestion of 50 mg DHEA initially and oral ingestion of 50mg pregnenolone 48 h later. Our findings show that administration of DHEA does not affect the isotopic ratio values of 16(5alpha)-androsten-3alpha-ol and 5beta-pregnane-3alpha,20alpha-diol, whereas the isotopic ratio values of 5beta-pregnane-3alpha,20alpha-diol vary by more 5 per thousand upon ingestion of pregnenolone. We have observed delta(13)C-value changes lower than 1 per thousand for 16(5alpha)-androsten-3alpha-ol, though pregnenolone is a precursor of the 16-ene steroids. In contrast to 5beta-pregnane-3alpha,20alpha-diol, the 16-ene steroid may be used as an endogenous reference compound when pregnenolone is administered.


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Primary adenocarcinoma of the bladder is a rare tumor. The classification between primary vesical and urachal is debated. We present the case of a young female who presented clinicopathological features of a metastatic urachal adenocarcinoma, but the histological result revealed primary adenocarcinoma of the bladder contrary to expectancy. To the best of our knowledge this is the first reported case of a metastatic adenocarcinoma of the bladder in a 25 years old female. This case emphasizes the challenge for urologists to recognize and manage this aggressive tumor in the setting described.


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Several factors influencing the carbon isotope ratios (CIR) of endogenous urinary steroids have been identified in recent years. One of these should be the metabolism of steroids inside the body involving numerous different enzymes. A detailed look at this metabolism taking into account differences found between steroids excreted as glucuronides or as sulphates and hydrogen isotope ratios of different steroids pointed out possibility of unequal CIR at the main production sites inside the male body - the testes and the adrenal glands. By administration of β-HCG it is possible to strongly stimulate the steroid production within the testes without influencing the production at the adrenal glands. Therefore, this treatment should result in changed CIR of urinary androgens in contrast to the undisturbed pre-treatment values. Four male volunteers received three injections of β-HCG over a time course of 5 days and collected their urine samples at defined intervals after the last administration. Those samples showing the largest response in contrast to the pre-administration urines were identified by steroid profile measurements and subsequent analysed by GC/C/IRMS. CIR of androsterone, etiocholanolone, testosterone, 5α- and 5β-androstanediol and pregnanediol were compared. While pregnanediol was not influenced, most of the investigated androgens showed depleted values after treatment. The majority of differences were found to be statistically significant and nearly all showed the expected trend towards more depleted δ(13)C-values. These results support the hypothesis of different CIR at different production sites inside the human body. The impact of these findings on doping control analysis will be discussed.


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There is a considerable discrepancy between the number of identified occupational-related bladder cancer cases and the estimated numbers particularly in emerging nations or less developed countries where suitable approaches are less or even not known. Thus, within a project of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centres in Occupational Health, a questionnaire of the Dortmund group, applied in different studies, was translated into more than 30 languages (Afrikaans, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Korean, Latvian, Malay, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese/Brazilian, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Spanish, Spanish/Mexican, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese). The bipartite questionnaire asks for relevant medical information in the physician's part and for the occupational history since leaving school in the patient's part. Furthermore, this questionnaire is asking for intensity and frequency of certain occupational and non-occupational risk factors. The literature regarding occupations like painter, hairdresser or miner and exposures like carcinogenic aromatic amines, azo dyes, or combustion products is highlighted. The questionnaire is available on www.ifado.de/BladderCancerDoc.


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Fluorescence cystoscopy enhances detection of early bladder cancer. Water used to inflate the bladder during the procedure rapidly contains urine, which may contain fluorochromes. This frequently degradesfluorescence images. Samples of bladder washout fluid (BWF) or urine were collected (15 subjects). We studiedtheir fluorescence properties and assessed changes induced by pH (4 to 9) and temperature (15°C to 41°C).A typical fluorescence spectrum of BWF features a main peak (excitation/emission: 320∕420 nm, FWHM =50∕100 nm) and a weaker (5% to 20% of main peak intensity), secondary peak (excitation/emission: 455∕525 nm, FWHM = 80∕50 nm). Interpatient fluctuations of fluorescence intensity are observed. Fluorescence intensity decreases when temperature increases (max 30%) or pH values vary (max 25%). Neither approach is compatible with clinical settings. Fluorescence lifetime measurements suggest that 4-pyridoxic acid/riboflavin is the most likely molecule responsible for urine's main/secondary fluorescence peak. Our measurements give an insight into the spectroscopy of the detrimental background fluorescence. This should be included in the optical design of fluorescence cystoscopes. We estimate that restricting the excitation range from 370-430 nm to 395-415 nm would reduce the BWF background by a factor 2.


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Objective This paper reviews the development and clinical validation of photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) of bladder cancer. Methods The authors reviewed the literature on the development of PDD, in particular the evidence for the clinical efficacy of hexaminolevulinate PDD in the diagnosis of bladder cancer. Results After initial work on ultraviolet cystoscopy following oral tetracycline, the focus of PDD research shifted to the use of synthetic porphyrins. First, the prodrug delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) was shown to cause a transient but significant accumulation of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) in malignant or premalignant bladder tissue. Excitation by blue light leads to PpIX fluorescence (red), which distinguishes tumour from normal tissue (blue). Hexaminolevulinate (HAL, Hexvix), an ester of ALA, was then developed and has greater bioavailability and stability than the parent compound. It has been approved for clinical use in the diagnosis of bladder cancer. Clinical studies have shown that HAL PDD detects tumours, including carcinoma in situ (CIS), that are missed by conventional white-light cystoscopy. Conclusions HAL PDD is a valuable aid to the detection of bladder tumours, including CIS.


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Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that exposure to fine particles is associated to adverse health effects, including cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. However, mechanisms by which particles induce health effects remain unclear. According to one of the most investigated hypotheses, particles cause adverse effects through the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are very hazardous compounds able to attack directly biological structures, including the DNA strand or the lipid bilayer of the cells. If the defense mechanisms, constituted of antioxidants, are not able to counter ROS, then these compounds will cause in the body a range of oxidation reactions called "oxidative stress". The aim of the present research project was to better understand mechanisms by which exposure to fine particles induces oxidative stress. The first point of this project was to check whether exposure to high levels of fine particles is directly linked to oxidative stress, and whether this oxidative stress is accompanied by the activation of the defense mechanisms (antioxidants). The second point was to study the role played by the particle surface characteristics in the oxidative stress process. For that purpose, a study was conducted in bus depots with the participation of 40 mechanics. First, occupational exposure to particles (PM4) and to other pollutants (NOx, O3) was measured over a two-day period. Then, urine samples of mechanics were collected in order to measure levels of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8OHdG) and antioxidants. 8OHdG is a molecule formed by the oxidation of DNA and allowing to assess the oxidative stress status of the mechanics. Finally, particles were collected on filters, and functional groups located on the particle surface were analyzed in the laboratory using a Knudsen flow reactor. This technique allows not only to quantify functional groups on the particle surface, but also to measure the reaction kinetics. Results obtained during the field campaign in bus depots showed that mechanics were exposed to rather low levels of PM4 (20-85 μg/m3) and of pollutants (NOx: 100-1000 ppb; O3: <15 ppb). However, despite this low exposure, urinary levels of the oxidative stress biomarker (8OHdG) increased significantly for non-smoking workers over a two-day period of shift. This oxidative stress was accompanied by an increase of antioxidants, indicating the activation of defense mechanisms. On the other hand, the analysis of functional groups on the particle surface showed important differences, depending on the workplace, the date and the activities of workers. The particle surface contained simultaneously antagonistic functional groups which did not undergo internal reactions (such as acids and bases), and was usually characterized by a high density of carbonyl functions and a low density of acidic sites. Reaction kinetics measured using the Knudsen flow reactor pointed out fast reactions of oxidizable groups and slow reactions of acidic sites. Several exposure parameters were significantly correlated with the increase of the oxidative stress status: the presence of acidic sites, carbonyl functions and oxidizable groups on the particle surface; reaction kinetics of functional groups on the particle surface; particulate iron and copper concentrations; and NOx concentration.


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The rate-limiting step of dietary calcium absorption in the intestine requires the brush border calcium entry channel TRPV6. The TRPV6 gene was completely sequenced in 170 renal calcium stone patients. The frequency of an ancestral TRPV6 haplotype consisting of three non-synonymous polymorphisms (C157R, M378V, M681T) was significantly higher (P = 0.039) in calcium stone formers (8.4%; derived = 502, ancestral = 46) compared to non-stone-forming individuals (5.4%; derived = 645, ancestral = 37). Mineral metabolism was investigated on four different calcium regimens: (i) free-choice diet, (ii) low calcium diet, (iii) fasting and (iv) after a 1 g oral calcium load. When patients homozygous for the derived haplotype were compared with heterozygous patients, no differences were found with respect to the plasma concentrations of 1,25-vitamin D, PTH and calcium, and the urinary excretion of calcium. In one stone-forming patient, the ancestral haplotype was found to be homozygous. This patient had absorptive hypercalciuria. We therefore expressed the ancestral protein (157R+378V+681T) in Xenopus oocytes and found a significantly enhanced calcium permeability when tested by a (45)Ca(2+) uptake assay (7.11 +/- 1.93 versus 3.61 +/- 1.01 pmol/min/oocyte for ancestral versus derived haplotype, P < 0.01). These results suggest that the ancestral gain-of-function haplotype in TRPV6 plays a role in calcium stone formation in certain forms of absorptive hypercalciuria.


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The most frequently used method to demonstrate testosterone abuse is the determination of the testosterone and epitestosterone concentration ratio (T/E ratio) in urine. Nevertheless, it is known that factors other than testosterone administration may increase the T/E ratio. In the last years, the determination of the carbon isotope ratio has proven to be the most promising method to help discriminate between naturally elevated T/E ratios and those reflecting T use. In this paper, an excretion study following oral administration of 40 mg testosterone undecanoate initially and 13 h later is presented. Four testosterone metabolites (androsterone, etiocholanolone, 5 alpha-androstanediol, and 5 beta-androstanediol) together with an endogenous reference (5 beta-pregnanediol) were extracted from the urines and the delta(13)C/(12)C ratio of each compound was analyzed by gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry. The results show similar maximum delta(13)C-value variations (parts per thousand difference of delta(13)C/(12)C ratio from the isotope ratio standard) for the T metabolites and concomitant changes of the T/E ratios after administration of the first and the second dose of T. Whereas the T/E ratios as well as the androsterone, etiocholanolone and 5 alpha-androstanediol delta(13)C-values returned to the baseline 15 h after the second T administration, a decrease of the 5 beta-androstanediol delta-values could be detected for over 40 h. This suggests that measurements of 5 beta-androstanediol delta-values allow the detection of a testosterone ingestion over a longer post-administration period than other T metabolites delta(13)C-values or than the usual T/E ratio approach.