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Long synthetic peptides (LSPs) have a variety of important clinical uses as synthetic vaccines and drugs. Techniques for peptide synthesis were revolutionized in the 1960s and 1980s, after which efficient techniques for purification and characterization of the product were developed. These improved techniques allowed the stepwise synthesis of increasingly longer products at a faster rate, greater purity, and lower cost for clinical use. A synthetic peptide approach, coupled with bioinformatics analysis of genomes, can tremendously expand the search for clinically relevant products. In this Review, we discuss efforts to develop a malaria vaccine from LSPs, among other clinically directed work.


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The theory of language has occupied a special place in the history of Indian thought. Indian philosophers give particular attention to the analysis of the cognition obtained from language, known under the generic name of śābdabodha. This term is used to denote, among other things, the cognition episode of the hearer, the content of which is described in the form of a paraphrase of a sentence represented as a hierarchical structure. Philosophers submit the meaning of the component items of a sentence and their relationship to a thorough examination, and represent the content of the resulting cognition as a paraphrase centred on a meaning element, that is taken as principal qualificand (mukhyaviśesya) which is qualified by the other meaning elements. This analysis is the object of continuous debate over a period of more than a thousand years between the philosophers of the schools of Mimāmsā, Nyāya (mainly in its Navya form) and Vyākarana. While these philosophers are in complete agreement on the idea that the cognition of sentence meaning has a hierarchical structure and share the concept of a single principal qualificand (qualified by other meaning elements), they strongly disagree on the question which meaning element has this role and by which morphological item it is expressed. This disagreement is the central point of their debate and gives rise to competing versions of this theory. The Mïmāmsakas argue that the principal qualificand is what they call bhāvanā ̒bringing into being̒, ̒efficient force̒ or ̒productive operation̒, expressed by the verbal affix, and distinct from the specific procedures signified by the verbal root; the Naiyāyikas generally take it to be the meaning of the word with the first case ending, while the Vaiyākaranas take it to be the operation expressed by the verbal root. All the participants rely on the Pāninian grammar, insofar as the Mimāmsakas and Naiyāyikas do not compose a new grammar of Sanskrit, but use different interpretive strategies in order to justify their views, that are often in overt contradiction with the interpretation of the Pāninian rules accepted by the Vaiyākaranas. In each of the three positions, weakness in one area is compensated by strength in another, and the cumulative force of the total argumentation shows that no position can be declared as correct or overall superior to the others. This book is an attempt to understand this debate, and to show that, to make full sense of the irreconcilable positions of the three schools, one must go beyond linguistic factors and consider the very beginnings of each school's concern with the issue under scrutiny. The texts, and particularly the late texts of each school present very complex versions of the theory, yet the key to understanding why these positions remain irreconcilable seems to lie elsewhere, this in spite of extensive argumentation involving a great deal of linguistic and logical technicalities. Historically, this theory arises in Mimāmsā (with Sabara and Kumārila), then in Nyāya (with Udayana), in a doctrinal and theological context, as a byproduct of the debate over Vedic authority. The Navya-Vaiyākaranas enter this debate last (with Bhattoji Dïksita and Kaunda Bhatta), with the declared aim of refuting the arguments of the Mïmāmsakas and Naiyāyikas by bringing to light the shortcomings in their understanding of Pāninian grammar. The central argument has focused on the capacity of the initial contexts, with the network of issues to which the principal qualificand theory is connected, to render intelligible the presuppositions and aims behind the complex linguistic justification of the classical and late stages of this debate. Reading the debate in this light not only reveals the rationality and internal coherence of each position beyond the linguistic arguments, but makes it possible to understand why the thinkers of the three schools have continued to hold on to three mutually exclusive positions. They are defending not only their version of the principal qualificand theory, but (though not openly acknowledged) the entire network of arguments, linguistic and/or extra-linguistic, to which this theory is connected, as well as the presuppositions and aims underlying these arguments.


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The prevalence of infectious diseases at our hospital (Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois, Lausanne [CHUV], 900 beds) was studied retrospectively over a two years period (1980-1981). The medical diagnosis of 30203 patients recorded in the computerized medical archives, representing 93% of the patients admitted during the period of observation, was reviewed. To assess the reliability of the computerized data, quality control was carried out through detailed analysis of all the histologically proven appendicitis recorded during 1981. 88% of the histologically proven appendicitis were registered in the computer and the diagnosis was specific in 87% of cases. An infectious disease was the primary reason for admission in 12.8% of the patients (3873) during the study period. Altogether, 20.2% of patients presented with an infection during their hospital stay. Because of the retrospective nature of the study it was not possible to determine whether these additional infections were nosocomially acquired. The organ systems most frequently infected were the respiratory tract (28.5% of all infections), the digestive tract (20.5%), the skin and osteoarticular system (16%) and the urogenital tract (11.6%). An infection was the primary reason for admission of 40.2% of the patients hospitalized in the dermatology service, of 19.7% of patients admitted in internal medicine, of 15-17% of the patients admitted in pediatrics, ENT and general surgery, and of 1-2% of the patients admitted in neurosurgery and radiotherapy. These observations highlight the continuing importance of infectious diseases in a modern hospital, in spite of high socio-economic levels, stringent hygiene and epidemiologic measures, and modern antibiotic availability.


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Cet article présente une recherche menée dans le cadre d'une consultation ambulatoire pour couples et familles. Les multiples niveaux impliqués dans une thérapie de couple ou de famille constituent une difficulté pour définir les variables pertinentes permettant d'évaluer l'efficacité d'une intervention thérapeutique systémique. Le but de notre recherche est d'évaluer l'efficacité à court et moyen terme d'une intervention systémique brève (ISB), qui consiste en un suivi thérapeutique de six séances maximum, en évaluant son impact au niveau de: (1) la symptomatologie individuelle; (2) la satisfaction conjugale; (3) la qualité des relations parentale et co-parentale et (4) le fonctionnement familial global. Les différents niveaux sont évalués par des auto-questionnaires avant et après l'ISB ainsi qu'après trois mois de catamnèse. L'alliance thérapeutique est également mesurée par auto-questionnaire (WAI) après chaque séance. Les premiers résultats sur un échantillon pilote de N = 10 couples/familles montrent, d'une part, une efficacité globale de l'ISB pour la plupart des variables mesurées, et, d'autre part, une efficacité plus grande pour les femmes que pour les hommes. Aucun effet thérapeutique n'est observé pour la symptomatologie individuelle des hommes et pour le fonctionnement familial global, suggérant que l'impact de l'ISB diffère selon les niveaux mesurés. L'importance de l'alliance thérapeutique pour la réussite thérapeutique est également confirmée.