132 resultados para Surface normal


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The blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), and humoral effects of single intravenous (i.v.) doses of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor captopril was investigated in five normotensive healthy volunteers. Each subject received at 1-week intervals a bolus dose of either captopril (1, 5, and 25 mg) or its vehicle. The study was conducted in a single-blind fashion, and the order of treatment phases was randomized. The different doses of captopril had no acute effect on BP and HR. They induced a dose-dependent decrease in plasma ACE activity and plasma angiotensin II levels. The angiotensin-(1-8) octapeptide was isolated by solid-phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) prior to radioimmunoassay (RIA). All three doses of captopril reduced circulating angiotensin II levels within 15 min of drug administration. Only with the 25-mg dose was the angiotensin II concentration below the detection limit at 15 min and still significantly reduced 90 min after drug administration. Simultaneous and progressive decreases in plasma aldosterone levels were observed both with ACE inhibition and during vehicle injection, but the relative fall was more pronounced after captopril administration. No adverse reaction was noticed. These results demonstrate that captopril given parenterally blocks the renin-angiotensin system in a dose-dependent manner. Only with the dose of 25 mg was the inhibition of plasma-converting enzyme activity and the reduction of plasma angiotensin II sustained for at least 1 1/2 h.


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Notch pathway is crucial for stem/progenitor cell maintenance, growth and differentiation in a variety of tissues. Using a transgenic cell ablation approach, we found in our previous study that cells expressing Notch1 are crucial for prostate early development and re-growth. Here, we further define the role of Notch signaling in regulating prostatic epithelial cell growth and differentiation using biochemical and genetic approaches in ex vivo or in vivo systems. Treatment of developing prostate grown in culture with inhibitors of gamma-secretase/presenilin, which is required for Notch cleavage and activation, caused a robust increase in proliferation of epithelial cells co-expressing cytokeratin 8 and 14, lack of luminal/basal layer segregation and dramatically reduced branching morphogenesis. Using conditional Notch1 gene deletion mouse models, we found that inactivation of Notch1 signaling resulted in profound prostatic alterations, including increased tufting, bridging and enhanced epithelial proliferation. Cells within these lesions co-expressed both luminal and basal cell markers, a feature of prostatic epithelial cells in predifferentiation developmental stages. Microarray analysis revealed that the gene expression in a number of genetic networks was altered following Notch1 gene deletion in prostate. Furthermore, expression of Notch1 and its effector Hey-1 gene in human prostate adenocarcinomas were found significantly down-regulated compared to normal control tissues. Taken together, these data suggest that Notch signaling is critical for normal cell proliferation and differentiation in the prostate, and deregulation of this pathway may facilitate prostatic tumorigenesis.


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Mutations designated gtaC and gtaE that affect alpha-phosphoglucomutase activity required for interconversion of glucose 6-phosphate and alpha-glucose 1-phosphate were mapped to the Bacillus subtilis pgcA (yhxB) gene. Backcrossing of the two mutations into the 168 reference strain was accompanied by impaired alpha-phosphoglucomutase activity in the soluble cell extract fraction, altered colony and cell morphology, and resistance to phages phi29 and rho11. Altered cell morphology, reversible by additional magnesium ions, may be correlated with a deficiency in the membrane glycolipid. The deficiency in biofilm formation in gtaC and gtaE mutants may be attributed to an inability to synthesize UDP-glucose, an important intermediate in a number of cell envelope biosynthetic processes.


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BACKGROUND: Urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR, CD87) is a widely distributed 55-kD, glycoprotein I-anchored surface receptor. On binding of its ligand uPA, it is known to increase leukocyte adhesion and traffic. Using genetically deficient mice, we explored the role of uPAR in platelet kinetics and TNF-induced platelet consumption. METHODS AND RESULTS: Anti-uPAR antibody stained platelets from normal (+/+) but not from uPAR-/- mice, as seen by fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis. 51Cr-labeled platelets from uPAR-/- donors survived longer than those from +/+ donors when injected into a +/+ recipient. Intratracheal TNF injection induced thrombocytopenia and a platelet pulmonary localization, pronounced in +/+ but absent in uPAR-/- mice. Aprotinin, a plasmin inhibitor, decreased TNF-induced thrombocytopenia. TNF injection markedly reduced the survival and increased the pulmonary localization of 51Cr-labeled platelets from +/+ but not from uPAR-/- donors, indicating that it is the platelet uPAR that is critical for their response to TNF. As seen by electron microscopy, TNF injection increased the number of platelets and polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) in the alveolar capillaries of +/+ mice, whereas in uPAR-/- mice, platelet trapping was insignificant and PMN trapping was slightly reduced. Platelets within alveolar capillaries of TNF-injected mice were activated, as judged from their shape, and this was evident in +/+ but not in uPAR-/- mice. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate for the first time the critical role of platelet uPAR for kinetics as well as for activation and endothelium adhesion associated with inflammation.


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The neuronal monocarboxylate transporter, MCT2, is not only an energy substrate carrier but it is also purported to be a binding partner for the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor GluR2 subunit. To unravel a putative role of MCT2 in the regulation of GluR2 subcellular distribution, Neuro2A cells and primary cultures of mouse cortical neurons were co-transfected with plasmids containing sequences to express the fluorescent proteins mStrawberry (mStb)-fused MCT2 and Venus-fused GluR2. Subsequently, their subcellular distribution was visualized by fluorescence microscopy. GluR2 was led to form perinuclear and dendritic clusters together with MCT2 when co-transfected in Neuro2A cells or in neurons, following the original distribution of MCT2. MCT2 co-transfection had no effect on the intracellular distribution of several other post-synaptic proteins, although it partially affected the intracellular distribution of GluR1 similarly to GluR2. Both cell surface and total protein expression levels of GluR2 were significantly reduced by co-expression with MCT2. Finally, partial perinuclear and dendritic co-localization between MCT2 and Rab8, a member of the small GTPase family involved in membrane trafficking of AMPA receptors, was also observed in co-transfected neurons. These results suggest that MCT2 could influence AMPA receptor trafficking within neurons by modulating GluR2 sorting between different subcellular compartments.


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OBJECTIVE: The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of YM087, (4'-[(2-methyl-1,4,5,6- tetrahydroimidazo[4,5-d][1]benzazepin-6-yl)-carbonyl]-2-p henylbenzanilide monohydrochloride), a new orally active, dual V1/V2 receptor antagonist were characterised in healthy normotensive subjects. METHODS: Six subjects were randomly allocated to receive, at 1-week intervals, a single oral dose of 60 mg YM087 and a single i.v. dose of 50 mg YM087 in an open-label, crossover study. RESULTS: YM087 had an oral bioavailability of 44% and a short half-life. Upon oral and i.v. administration of YM087, a significant sevenfold increase in urine flow rate and a fall in urinary osmolality (from 600 mosmol/l to less than 100-mosmol/l) were observed with a peak effect 2 h after drug intake suggesting effective vasopressin V2 receptor blockade. Simultaneously, significant increases in plasma osmolality (from 283 +/- 1.3 mosmol/l to 288 +/- 1.0 mosmol/l after i.v. and from 283 +/- 2.1 mosmol/l to 289 +/- 1.7-mosmol/l after oral administration) and vasopressin levels (from 1.5 +/- 0.3 pg/ml to 3.7 +/- 0.6 pg/ml after i.v. and from 0.9 +/- 0.1 pg/ml to 3.9 +/- 0.7 pg/ml after oral administration) were found. When administered i.v., YM087 inhibited the vasopressin-induced skin vasoconstriction, suggesting a blockade of V1 receptors. However, the YM087-induced antagonism of V1 receptors was less pronounced than V2 receptor blockade. CONCLUSION: These data show that YM087 is an effective dual V1/V2 receptor antagonist in man.


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Résumé Objectif: l'observation des variations de volume de la matière grise (MG), de la matière blanche (MB), et du liquide céphalo-rachidien (LCR) est particulièrement utile dans l'étude de nombreux processus physiopathologiques, la mesure quantitative 'in vivo' de ces volumes présente un intérêt considérable tant en recherche qu'en pratique clinique. Cette étude présente et valide une méthode de segmentation automatique du cerveau avec mesure des volumes de MG et MB sur des images de résonance magnétique. Matériel et Méthode: nous utilisons un algorithme génétique automatique pour segmenter le cerveau en MG, MB et LCR à partir d'images tri-dimensionnelles de résonance magnétique en pondération Ti. Une étude morphométrique a été conduite sur 136 sujets hommes et femmes de 15 à 74 ans. L'algorithme a ensuite été validé par 5 approches différentes: I. Comparaison de mesures de volume sur un cerveau de cadavre par méthode automatique et par mesure de déplacement d'eau selon la méthode d'Archimède. 2. Comparaison de mesures surfaces sur des images bidimensionnelles segmentées soit par un traçage manuel soit par la méthode automatique. 3. Evaluation de la fiabilité de la segmentation par acquisitions et segmentations itératives du même cerveau. 4. Les volumes de MG, MB et LCR ont été utilisés pour une étude du vieillissement normal de la population. 5. Comparaison avec les données existantes de la littérature. Résultats: nous avons pu observer une variation de la mesure de 4.17% supplémentaire entre le volume d'un cerveau de cadavre mesuré par la méthode d'Archimède, en majeure partie due à la persistance de tissus après dissection_ La comparaison des méthodes de comptage manuel de surface avec la méthode automatique n'a pas montré de variation significative. L'épreuve du repositionnement du même sujet à diverses reprises montre une très bonne fiabilité avec une déviation standard de 0.46% pour la MG, 1.02% pour la MB et 3.59% pour le LCR, soit 0.19% pour le volume intracrânien total (VICT). L'étude morphométrique corrobore les résultats des études anatomiques et radiologiques existantes. Conclusion: la segmentation du cerveau par un algorithme génétique permet une mesure 100% automatique, fiable et rapide des volumes cérébraux in vivo chez l'individu normal.


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Aims: 1) to create a new and reproducible animal model to produce heterotopic ossification (HO) 2) to be able to exactly quantify the amount of HO using a microCT scan and 3) to prove the hypothesis that COX-2 inhibitors are efficacious in the prevention of HO. Methods: We developed a IACUC-approved Lewis rat model, in which the ventral side of the right femur was scraped to mechanically disrupt the periosteum. By clamping the vastus intermedius ischemic injury to the muscle was produced to enhance HO. Finally homologous bone marrow from a donor rat was placed on the anterior surface of the femur. Half of the study group (8 rats) received chow mixed with a COX-2 inhibitor, while the other half received normal chow. After 6 weeks the animals were sacrificed, the femurs removed and imaged by microCT. Grading of HO was based on the thickness of ectopic bone as evaluated in a blinded fashion by 3 independent observers. Results: All animals developed bilateral HO. Rats treated with COX-2 inhibitors developed significantly less ectopic bone than the control group rats. Conclusions: The results suggest that we have created a very reliable, reproducible model to form ectopic bone in rats. Using the microCT we can precisely quantify the amount of HO. We have been able to show that COX-2 inhibitors significantly decrease the amount of HO formation and are thus a good alternative to non-specific NSAIDs with their potential serious side effects on the gastrointestinal tract and on hemo-stastis.


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BACKGROUND: The Contegra® is a conduit made from the bovine jugular vein and then interposed between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery. It is used for cardiac malformations in the reconstruction of right ventricular outflow tract. OBJECTIVE: To describe both normal and pathological appearances of the Contegra® in radiological imaging, to describe imaging of complications and to define the role of CT and MRI in postoperative follow-up. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-three examinations of 24 patients (17 boys and 7 girls; mean age: 10.8 years old) with Contegra® conduits were reviewed. Anatomical description and measurements of the conduits were performed. Pathological items examined included stenosis, dilatation, plicature or twist, thrombus or vegetations, calcifications and valvular regurgitation. Findings were correlated to the echographic gradient through the conduit when available. RESULTS: CT and MR work-up showed Contegra® stenosis (n = 12), dilatation (n = 9) and plicature or twist (n = 7). CT displayed thrombus or vegetations in the Contegra® in three clinically infected patients. Calcifications of the conduit were present at CT in 12 patients and valvular regurgitation in three patients. The comparison between CT and/or MR results showed a good correlation between the echographic gradient and the presence of stenosis in the Contegra®. CONCLUSION: CT and MR bring additional information about permeability and postoperative anatomy especially when echocardiography is inconclusive. Both techniques depict the normal appearance of the conduit, and allow comparison and precise evaluation of changes in the postoperative follow-up.


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Early detection of landslide surface deformation with 3D remote sensing techniques, as TLS, has become a great challenge during last decade. To improve our understanding of landslide deformation, a series of analogue simulation have been carried out on non-rigid bodies coupled with 3D digitizer. All these experiments have been carried out under controlled conditions, as water level and slope angle inclination. We were able to follow 3D surface deformation suffered by complex landslide bodies from precursory deformation still larger failures. These experiments were the basis for the development of a new algorithm for the quantification of surface deformation using automatic tracking method on discrete points of the slope surface. To validate the algorithm, comparisons were made between manually obtained results and algorithm surface displacement results. Outputs will help in understanding 3D deformation during pre-failure stages and failure mechanisms, which are fundamental aspects for future implementation of 3D remote sensing techniques in early warning systems.


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Merozoite surface protein 2 (MSP2) is a promising vaccine candidate against Plasmodium falciparum blood stages. A recombinant 3D7 form of MSP2 was a subunit of Combination B, a blood stage vaccine tested in the field in Papua New Guinea. A selective effect in favour of the allelic family not represented by the vaccine argued for a MSP2 vaccine consisting of both dimorphic variants. An alternative approach to recombinant manufacture of vaccines is the production of long synthetic peptides (LSP). LSP exceeding a length of well over 100 amino acids can now be routinely synthesized. Synthetic production of vaccine antigens cuts the often time-consuming steps of protein expression and purification short. This considerably reduces the time for a candidate to reach the phase of clinical trials. Here we present the evaluation of two long synthetic peptides representing both allelic families of MSP2 as potential vaccine candidates. The constructs were well recognized by human immune sera from different locations and different age groups. Furthermore, peptide-specific antibodies in human immune sera were associated with protection from clinical malaria. The synthetic fragments share major antigenic properties with native MSP2. Immunization of mice with these antigens yielded high titre antibody responses and monoclonal antibodies recognized parasite-derived MSP2. Our results justify taking these candidate poly-peptides into further vaccine development.


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Over the past decade, significant interest has been expressed in relating the spatial statistics of surface-based reflection ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data to those of the imaged subsurface volume. A primary motivation for this work is that changes in the radar wave velocity, which largely control the character of the observed data, are expected to be related to corresponding changes in subsurface water content. Although previous work has indeed indicated that the spatial statistics of GPR images are linked to those of the water content distribution of the probed region, a viable method for quantitatively analyzing the GPR data and solving the corresponding inverse problem has not yet been presented. Here we address this issue by first deriving a relationship between the 2-D autocorrelation of a water content distribution and that of the corresponding GPR reflection image. We then show how a Bayesian inversion strategy based on Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling can be used to estimate the posterior distribution of subsurface correlation model parameters that are consistent with the GPR data. Our results indicate that if the underlying assumptions are valid and we possess adequate prior knowledge regarding the water content distribution, in particular its vertical variability, this methodology allows not only for the reliable recovery of lateral correlation model parameters but also for estimates of parameter uncertainties. In the case where prior knowledge regarding the vertical variability of water content is not available, the results show that the methodology still reliably recovers the aspect ratio of the heterogeneity.


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MsrR, a factor contributing to methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus, belongs to the LytR-CpsA-Psr family of cell envelope-associated proteins. Deletion of msrR increased cell size and aggregation, and altered envelope properties, leading to a temporary reduction in cell surface hydrophobicity, diminished colony-spreading ability, and an increased susceptibility to Congo red. The reduced phosphorus content of purified cell walls of the msrR mutant suggested a reduction in wall teichoic acids, which may explain some of the observed phenotypes. Microarray analysis of the msrR deletion mutant revealed only minor changes in the global transcriptome, suggesting that MsrR has structural rather than regulatory functions. Importantly, virulence of the msrR mutant was decreased in a nematode-killing assay as well as in rat experimental endocarditis. MsrR is therefore likely to play a role in cell envelope maintenance, cell separation, and pathogenicity of S. aureus.


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Fine particulate matter from traffic increases mortality and morbidity. An important source of traffic particles is brake wear. American studies reported cars to emit break wear particles at a rate of about 11mg/km to 20mg/km of driven distance. A German study estimated that break wear contributes about 12.5% to 21% of the total traffic particle emissions. The goal of this study was to build a system that allows the study of brake wear particle emissions during different braking behaviours of different car and brake types. The particles should be characterize in terms of size, number, metal, and elemental and organic carbon composition. In addition, the influence of different deceleration schemes on the particle composition and size distribution should be studied. Finally, this system should allow exposing human cell cultures to these particles. An exposure-box (0.25 cubic-m volume) was built that can be mounted around a car's braking system. This allows exposing cells to fresh brake wear particles. Concentrations of particle numbers, mass and surface, metals, and carbon compounds were quantified. Tests were conducted with A549 lung epithelial cells. Five different cars and two typical braking behaviours (full stop and normal deceleration) were tested. Particle number and size distribution was analysed for the first six minutes. In this time, two braking events occurred. Full stop produced significantly higher particle concentrations than normal deceleration (average of 23'000 vs. 10'400 #/cm3, p= 0.016). The particle number distribution was bi-modal with one peak at 60 to 100 nm (depending on the tested car and braking behaviour) and a second peak at 200 to 400 nm. Metal concentrations varied depending on the tested car type. Iron (range of 163 to 15'600 μg/m3) and Manganese (range of 0.9 to 135 μg/m3) were present in all samples, while Copper was absent in some samples (<6 to 1220 μg/m3). The overall "fleet" metal ratio was Fe:Cu:Mn = 128:14:1. Temperature and humidity varied little. A549-cells were successfully exposed in the various experimental settings and retained their viability. Culture supernatant was stored and cell culture samples were fixated to test for inflammatory response. Analysis of these samples is ongoing. The established system allowed testing brake wear particle emissions from real-world cars. The large variability of chemical composition and emitted amounts of brake wear particles between car models seems to be related to differences between brake pad compositions of different producers. Initial results suggest that the conditions inside the exposure box allow exposing human lung epithelial cells to freshly produced brake wear particles.