212 resultados para Substance-Related Disorders
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate a French language version of the Adolescent Drug Abuse Diagnosis (ADAD) instrument in a Swiss sample of adolescent illicit drug and/or alcohol users. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: The participants in the study were 102 French-speaking adolescents aged 13-19 years who fitted the criteria of illicit drug or alcohol use (at least one substance--except tobacco--once a week during the last 3 months). They were recruited in hospitals, institutions and leisure places. Procedure. The ADAD was administered individually by trained psychologists. It was integrated into a broader protocol including alcohol and drug abuse DSM-IV diagnoses, the BDI-13 (Beck Depression Inventory), life events and treatment trajectories. RESULTS: The ADAD appears to show good inter-rater reliability; the subscales showed good internal coherence and the correlations between the composite scores and the severity ratings were moderate to high. Finally, the results confirmed good concurrent validity for three out of eight ADAD dimensions. CONCLUSIONS: The French language version of the ADAD appears to be an adequate instrument for assessing drug use and associated problems in adolescents. Despite its complexity, the instrument has acceptable validity, reliability and usefulness criteria, enabling international and transcultural comparisons.
Le but de cette étude est d'explorer et de définir, par une analyse des besoins, si l'offre actuelle en services dans le domaine des addictions est encore adaptée à la situation épidémiologique actuelle des addictions, à l'évolution des types de comportements liés à la dépendance et aux besoins des clients. Il s'agit en particulier de répondre aux questions suivantes: Existe-t-il actuellement des besoins en traitement pour lesquels il n'existe aucune offre appropriée ? Quels groupes ne sont pas ou sont insuffisamment atteints par l'offre existante? A quels genres de problèmes liés à la dépendance et à quels nouveaux besoins des clients les structures oeuvrant dans le domaine de la dépendance sont-elles confrontées? Quels sont les besoins d'adaptation du système de prise en charge nécessaires concernant soit les groupes-cibles de services, soit les types d'offres - en particulier le besoin en nouveaux concepts/modèles de prise en charge pour répondre à l'évolution des besoins? Comment ces structures font-elles face à l'accroissement de l'usage de multiples substances (multi-consommation)?
Nicotine cessation programmes in Switzerland, which are commonly based on the stage of change model of Prochaska and DiClemente (1983), are rarely offered to patients with illicit drug dependence. This stands in contrast to the high smoking rates and the heavy burden of tobacco-related problems in these patients. The stage of change was therefore assessed by self-administered questionnaire in 100 inpatients attending an illegal drug withdrawal programme. Only 15% of the patients were in the contemplation or decision stage. 93% considered smoking cessation to be difficult or very difficult. These data show a discrepancy between the motivation to change illegal drug consumption habits and the motivation for smoking cessation. The high proportion of patients remaining in the precontemplation stage for smoking cessation, in spite of their motivation for illicit drug detoxification, may be due to the perception that cessation of smoking is more difficult than illicit drug abuse cessation.
When illicit drugs are taken, men and women have a different biological response to drug used. Likewise, gender differences show more stigmas, more complex familial environment, and more history of sexual abuse for drug addicted women. The expression of psychiatric co-morbidities differs according to gender, with increased mood disorders, eating disorders, anxiety, and post traumatic disorders among drug addicted women.
Subtypes of comorbid conditions and their associated trauma and clinical characteristics in full and partial PTSD were examined. Data from 289 subjects from the general population that met criteria for full or partial PTSD were analyzed. Latent class analyses (LCA) were performed to derive homogeneous patterns of DSM-IV Axis-I disorders and anti-social personality comorbid to PTSD. Logistic regression models were conducted to characterize these classes by trauma-related and clinical features. The LCA revealed three classes: (1) low comorbidity; (2) high comorbidity with primarily substance-related disorders and a higher proportion of males; and (3) more severe PTSD-symptomatology and higher comorbid anxiety disorders and depression, almost entirely represented by females. Exposure to sexual abuse was more likely in the substance-dependent class and contributed strongly to the distinction between classes. Affective disorders tended to precede the onset of PTSD in the substance-dependent class, whereas phobias were more likely to follow PTSD in the depressed-anxious class. Posttrauma onset of alcohol use disorders in the substance dependent class confirmed the self-medication hypothesis. The three classes of comorbidity and their sequence of onset with PTSD suggest different mechanisms involved in their development. Our findings suggest that PTSD-related comorbidity subtypes also apply to individuals with partial PTSD.
This year reviews on the addictions emphasizes five aspects, on a bio-psycho-social perspective: (1) The relationship between methadone and cardiotoxicity. (2) The introduction of Eye Movement Desensibilization and Reprocessing (EMDR). (3) The apparition of a possible specific pharmacotherapy for excessive gambling. (4) A better knowledge of the relationship between cannabis and psychoses. (5) Resistance to treatment in the doctor-patient relationship.
BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, general practitioners (GPs) manage most of the patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). METHODS: Using a cross-sectional postal survey of GPs who treat MMT patients and GPs who do not, we studied the difficulties encountered in the out-patient management of drug-addicted patients. We sent a questionnaire to every GP with MMT patients (556) in the French-speaking part of Switzerland (1,757,000 inhabitants). We sent another shorter questionnaire to primary care physicians without MMT patients living in the Swiss Canton of Vaud. RESULTS: The response rate was 63.3%. The highest methadone dose given by GPs to MMT patients averaged 120.4 mg/day. When asked about help they would like to be given, GPs with MMT patients primarily mentioned the importance of receiving adequate fees for the care they provide. Secondly, they mentioned the importance of better training, better knowledge of psychiatric pathologies, and discussion groups on practical cases. GPs without MMT patients refuse to treat these patients mostly for emotional and relational reasons. CONCLUSION: GPs encounter financial, relational and emotional difficulties with MMT patients. They desire better fees for services and better training.
BACKGROUND: The objectives of the present study were to evaluate Aids prevention in drug users attending low threshold centres providing sterile injection equipment in Switzerland, to identify the characteristics of these users, and to monitor the progress of indicators of drug-related harm. METHODS: This paper presents results from a cross-sectional survey carried out in 1994. RESULTS: The mean age of attenders was 28 years, and women represented 27% of the sample. 75% of attenders used a combination of hard drugs (heroin and cocaine). Mean duration of heroin consumption was 8 years, and of cocaine 7 years; 76% of attenders had a fixed abode, but only 34% had stable employment; 45% were being treated with methadone; 9% had shared their injection material in the last 6 months; 24% always used condoms in the case of a stable relationship, and 71% in casual relationships. In a cluster analysis constructed on the basis of multiple correspondence analysis, two distinct profiles of users emerge: highly marginalised users with a high level of consumption (21%); irregular users, better integrated socially, of which the majority are under methadone treatment (79%). CONCLUSION: Theses centres play a major role in Aids prevention. Nevertheless, efforts to improve the hygiene conditions of drug injection in Switzerland should be pursued and extended. At the same time, prevention of HIV sexual transmissions should be reinforced.
[Sommaire] Résumé. - 1 Introduction (Brève description du Monitorage suisse des addictions. - Module). - 2 Questions de recherche et Méthode pour l'enquête téléphonique: module 4 (module spécifique dans l'enquête CoRolAR) (Questions de recherche. - Méthode. - Limites. - Présentation du questionnaire. - Traitements statistiques). - 3 Données sociodémographiques. - 4 Données descriptives par catégorie d'âge et de sexe (Aperçu des consommations de substances psychoactives. - Multi-consommation lors de la dernière sortie. - Détail des consommations de substances psychoactives. - Prise de risques. - Finances. - Lieu de sortie). - 5 Données descriptives par région linguistique (Consommation. - Prise de risque). - 6 Consommations excessives (Les consommateurs à risque lors de la dernière sortie de fin de semaine. - Comparaisons des données sociodémographiques dans les deux populations d'intérêt. - Comparaison des consommations de substances psychoactives dans les deux populations d'intérêt. - Prise de risques. - Finances). - 7 Les jeunes qui ne sortent pas (Comparaisons des données sociodémographiques. - des consommations de substances psychoactives dans les deux échantillons). - 8 Conclusion. - 9 Références
OBJECTIVES: To compare the use of co-medication, the potential drug-drug interactions (PDDIs) and the effect on antiretroviral therapy (ART) tolerability and efficacy in HIV-infected individuals according to age, ≥ 50 years or <50 years. METHODS: All ART-treated participants were prospectively included once during a follow-up visit of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Information on any current medication was obtained by participant self-report and medical prescription history. The complete treatment was subsequently screened for PDDIs using a customized version of the Liverpool drug interaction database. RESULTS: Drug prescriptions were analysed for 1497 HIV-infected individuals: 477 age ≥ 50 and 1020 age <50. Older patients were more likely to receive one or more co-medications compared with younger patients (82% versus 61%; P < 0.001) and thus had more frequent PDDIs (51% versus 35%; P < 0.001). Furthermore, older patients tended to use a higher number of co-medications and certain therapeutic drug classes more often, such as cardiovascular drugs (53% versus 19%; P < 0.001), gastrointestinal medications (10% versus 6%; P = 0.004) and hormonal agents (6% versus 3%; P = 0.04). PDDIs with ART occurred mainly with cardiovascular drugs (27%), CNS agents (22%) and methadone (6%) in older patients and with CNS agents (27%), methadone (15%) and cardiovascular drugs (11%) in younger patients. The response to ART did not differ between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: The risk for PDDIs with ART increased in older patients who take more drugs than their younger HIV-infected counterparts. However, medication use in older and younger patients did not differ in terms of effect on antiretroviral tolerability and response.