198 resultados para Spiral colon
Résumé: Pratiquement tous les cancers du colon contiennent des mutations dans la voie de signalisation de Wnt qui active constitutivement cette voie. Cette activation mène à la stabilisation de la β-catenine. La β-catenin est transportée dans le noyau ou elle active des gènes cible en interagissant avec le facteur de transcription de TCF/LEF. Des adénovirus qui peuvent sélectivement se répliquer dans les cellules tumorales sont les agents qui peuvent permettre la déstruction de la tumeur mais pas le tissu normal. In vitro, les adénovirus avec des sites d'attachement du facteur de transcription TCF dans les promoteurs de l'adénovirus montrent une sélectivité et une activité dans une large sélection de lignées cellulaires de cancer du colon. Au contraire, in vivo, quand les adénovirus modifiés sont injectés dans la circulation, ils sont moins efficaces à cause de leur fixation par le foie et à cause de l'absence d'expression du récepteur du Coxsackie-Adénovirus (CAR). Le but de ma thèse était de modifier la protéine principale de capside de l'adénovirus, fibre, pour augmenter l'infection des tumeurs du cancer du colon. La fibre de l'adénovirus est responsable de l'attachement aux cellules et de l'entrée virale. J'ai inséré un peptide RGD dans la boucle HI de la fibre qui dirige sélectivement le virus aux récepteurs des integrines. Les integrines sont surexprimées par les cellules du cancer du colon et l'endothélium des vesseaux de la tumeur. Le virus re-ciblé, vKH6, a montré une activité accrue dans toutes les lignées cellulaires de cancer du colon, tandis que la sélectivité était maintenue. In vivo, vKH6 était supérieur au virus avec une capside de type sauvage en retardant la croissance de la tumeur. Le virus s'est répliqué plus vite et dispersé graduellement dans la tumeur. Cet effet a été montré par hybridation in situ et par PCR quantitative. Cependant, la monothérapie avec le virus n'a pu retarder la croissance des cellules tumorales SW620 greffées que de 2 semaines, mais à cause des régions non infectées la tumeur n'a pas pu être éliminée. Bien que la combinaison avec les chimiothérapies conventionnelles soit d'intérêt potentiel, presque toutes interfèrent avec la réplication virale. Les drogues antiangiogéniques sont des agents anti-tumoraux efficaces et prometteurs. Ces drogues n'interfèrent pas avec le cycle de vie de l'adénovirus. RAD001 est un dérivé de la rapamycine et il inhibe mTOR, une protéine kinase de la voie de PI3K. RAD001 empêche la croissance des cellules et il a aussi des effets anti-angiogénique et immunosuppressifs. RAD001 in vitro n'affecte pas l'expression des gènes viraux et la production virale. La combinaison de VKH6 et RAD001 in vivo a un effet additif en retardant la croissance de la tumeur. Des nouveaux peptides plus efficaces dans le ciblage de l'adénovirus sont nécessaires pour augmenter l'infection des tumeurs. J'ai créé un système de recombinaison qui permettra la sélection de nouveaux peptides dans le contexte du génome de l'adénovirus. Summary Virtually all colon cancers have mutations in the Wnt signalling pathway which result in the constitutive activation of the pathway. This activation leads to stabilization of β-catenin. β-catenin enters the nucleus and activates its target genes through interaction with the TCF transcription factor. Selectively replicating adenoviruses are promising novel agents that can destroy the tumour but not the surrounding normal tissue. In vitro, adenoviruses with TCF binding sites in the early viral promoters show selectivity and activity in a broad panel of viruses but in vivo they are less effective due to the lack of expression of the Coxsackie-Adenovirus receptor (CAR). The aim of my thesis was to modify the major capsid protein of the adenovirus, fibre, to increase the infection of colon tumours. Fibre of adenovirus is responsible for the binding to cells and for the viral uptake. I inserted an RGD binding peptide into the HI loop of fibre that selectively targets the virus to integrins that are overexpressed on tumour cells and on tumour endothelium. The retargeted virus, vKH6, showed increased activity in all colon cancer cell lines while selectivity was maintained. In vivo, vKH6 is superior to a matched virus with a wild type capsid in delaying tumour growth. vKH6 replicates and gradually spreads within the tumour as shown by in situ hybridization and Q-PCR. The virus alone can delay the growth of SW620 xenografts by 2 weeks but due to uninfected tumour regions the tumour cannot be cured. Although combination with conventional chemotherapeutics is of potential interest, almost all of them interfere with the viral replication. Growing evidence supports that anti-angiogenic drugs are effective and promising anti-tumour agents. These drugs interfere less with the viral life cycle. RAD001 is a rapamycin derivative and it blocks mTOR, a protein kinase in the PI3K pathway. RAD001 inhibits cell growth and has strong anti-angiogenic and immunosuppressive effects. RAD001 in vitro does not affect viral gene expression and viral burst size. In vivo vKH6 and RAD001 have an additive effect in delaying tumour growth, but tumour growth is still not completely inhibited. To further increase tumour infection new tumour specific targeting peptides are needed. I created an adenovirus display library that will allow the selection of targeting peptides. This system may also facilitate the production of fibre modified viruses.
Between 1976 and 1991, we observed lesions of the small bowel or colon in 39 patients having sustained blunt abdominal trauma. 70% of the patients presented with concomitant injuries. Except for 3 cases, all the patients presented with abdominal pain on admission. All the patients were operated on. The delay between admission and operation varied between a few minutes and 48 hours. Indication was hemoperitoneum, peritonitis or progressive abdominal pain. Overall morbidity is high, often related to associated disease. 4 patients died (mortality 10%), including 2 patients with isolated intestinal trauma who were operated on after 20 and 36 hours. Due to the lack of specific laboratory or X-ray test, we suggest a high index of suspicion for bowel lesions in blunt abdominal trauma, especially in unconscious patients. Close observation is mandatory. Indication for laparotomy must not be delayed if any doubt exists regarding the integrity of hollow viscus.
To investigate whether caveolin-1 (cav-1) may modulate inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) function in intact cells, the human intestinal carcinoma cell lines HT29 and DLD1 that have low endogenous cav-1 levels were transfected with cav-1 cDNA. In nontransfected cells, iNOS mRNA and protein levels were increased by the addition of a mix of cytokines. Ectopic expression of cav-1 in both cell lines correlated with significantly decreased iNOS activity and protein levels. This effect was linked to a posttranscriptional mechanism involving enhanced iNOS protein degradation by the proteasome pathway, because (i) induction of iNOS mRNA by cytokines was not affected and (ii) iNOS protein levels increased in the presence of the proteasome inhibitors N-acetyl-Leu-Leu-Norleucinal and lactacystin. In addition, a small amount of iNOS was found to cofractionate with cav-1 in Triton X-100-insoluble membrane fractions where also iNOS degradation was apparent. As has been described for endothelial and neuronal NOS isoenzymes, direct binding between cav-1 and human iNOS was detected in vitro. Taken together, these results suggest that cav-1 promotes iNOS presence in detergent-insoluble membrane fractions and degradation there via the proteasome pathway.
Reactive oxygen species are now widely recognized as important players contributing both to cell homeostasis and the development of disease. In this respect nitric oxide (NO) is no exception. The discussion here will center on regulation of the inducible form of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) for two reasons. First, only iNOS produces micromolar NO concentrations, amounts that are high by comparison with the picomolar to nanomolar concentrations resulting from Ca2(+)-controlled NO production by endothelial eNOS or neuronal nNOS. Second, iNOS is not constitutively expressed in cells and regulation of this isoenzyme, in contrast to endothelial eNOS or neuronal nNOS, is widely considered to occur at the transcriptional level only. In particular, we were interested in the possibility that caveolin-1, a protein that functions as a tumor suppressor in colon carcinoma cells (Bender et al., 2002; this issue), might regulate iNOS activity. Our results provide evidence for the existence of a post-transcriptional mechanism controlling iNOS protein levels that involves caveolin-1-dependent sequestration of iNOS within a detergent-insoluble compartment. Interestingly, despite the high degree of conservation of the caveolin-1 scaffolding domain binding motif within all NOS enzymes, the interaction detected between caveolin-1 and iNOS in vitro is crucially dependent on presence of a caveolin-1 sequence element immediately adjacent to the scaffolding domain. A model is presented summarizing the salient aspects of these results. These observations are important in the context of tumor biology, since down-regulation of caveolin-1 is predicted to promote uncontrolled iNOS activity, genotoxic damage and thereby facilitate tumor development in humans.
An increased expression of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) has been observed in human colon carcinoma cell lines as well as in human gynecological, breast, and central nervous system tumors. This observation suggests a pathobiological role of tumor-associated NO production. Hence, we investigated NOS expression in human colon cancer in respect to tumor staging, NOS-expressing cell type(s), nitrotyrosine formation, inflammation, and vascular endothelial growth factor expression. Ca2+-dependent NOS activity was found in normal colon and in tumors but was significantly decreased in adenomas (P < 0.001) and carcinomas (Dukes' stages A-D: P < 0.002). Ca2+-independent NOS activity, indicating inducible NOS (NOS2), is markedly expressed in approximately 60% of human colon adenomas (P < 0.001 versus normal tissues) and in 20-25% of colon carcinomas (P < 0.01 versus normal tissues). Only low levels were found in the surrounding normal tissue. NOS2 activity decreased with increasing tumor stage (Dukes' A-D) and was lowest in colon metastases to liver and lung. NOS2 was detected in tissue mononuclear cells (TMCs), endothelium, and tumor epithelium. There was a statistically significant correlation between NOS2 enzymatic activity and the level of NOS2 protein detected by immunohistochemistry (P < 0.01). Western blot analysis of tumor extracts with Ca2+-independent NOS activity showed up to three distinct NOS2 protein bands at Mr 125,000-Mr 138,000. The same protein bands were heavily tyrosine-phosphorylated in some tumor tissues. TMCs, but not the tumor epithelium, were immunopositive using a polyclonal anti-nitrotyrosine antibody. However, only a subset of the NOS2-expressing TMCs stained positively for 3-nitrotyrosine, which is a marker for peroxynitrite formation. Furthermore, vascular endothelial growth factor expression was detected in adenomas expressing NOS2. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that excessive NO production by NOS2 may contribute to the pathogenesis of colon cancer progression at the transition of colon adenoma to carcinoma in situ.
PURPOSE: The MOSAIC (Multicenter International Study of Oxaliplatin/Fluorouracil/Leucovorin in the Adjuvant Treatment of Colon Cancer) study has demonstrated 3-year disease-free survival (DFS) and 6-year overall survival (OS) benefit of adjuvant oxaliplatin in stage II to III resected colon cancer. This update presents 10-year OS and OS and DFS by mismatch repair (MMR) status and BRAF mutation. METHODS: Survival actualization after 10-year follow-up was performed in 2,246 patients with resected stage II to III colon cancer. We assessed MMR status and BRAF mutation in 1,008 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded specimens. RESULTS: After a median follow-up of 9.5 years, 10-year OS rates in the bolus/infusional fluorouracil plus leucovorin (LV5FU2) and LV5FU2 plus oxaliplatin (FOLFOX4) arms were 67.1% versus 71.7% (hazard ratio [HR], 0.85; P = .043) in the whole population, 79.5% versus 78.4% for stage II (HR, 1.00; P = .980), and 59.0% versus 67.1% for stage III (HR, 0.80; P = .016) disease. Ninety-five patients (9.4%) had MMR-deficient (dMMR) tumors, and 94 (10.4%) had BRAF mutation. BRAF mutation was not prognostic for OS (P = .965), but dMMR was an independent prognostic factor (HR, 2.02; 95% CI, 1.15 to 3.55; P = .014). HRs for DFS and OS benefit in the FOLFOX4 arm were 0.48 (95% CI, 0.20 to 1.12) and 0.41 (95% CI, 0.16 to 1.07), respectively, in patients with stage II to III dMMR and 0.50 (95% CI, 0.25 to 1.00) and 0.66 (95% CI, 0.31 to 1.42), respectively, in those with BRAF mutation. CONCLUSION: The OS benefit of oxaliplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy, increasing over time and with the disease severity, was confirmed at 10 years in patients with stage II to III colon cancer. These updated results support the use of FOLFOX in patients with stage III disease, including those with dMMR or BRAF mutation.