210 resultados para Schedule-Induced Polydipsia
The effects of thyroid hormones on the nervous system are mediated by the presence of nuclear T3 receptors (NT3R). In this study, the expression of NT3R was investigated in spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia (DRG), or sciatic nerve of adult rats after immunostaining with a 2B3-NT3R monoclonal antibody which recognizes both alpha and beta types of NT3R. The specificity of this monoclonal antibody was confirmed by Western blots. The 2B3-NT3R monoclonal antibody recognized one band corresponding to a molecular weight of 57 kDa in extract of spinal cord or DRG. No staining was observed on immunoblot of intact sciatic nerve. In the spinal cord, the nuclei of the neurons and glial cells including both astrocytes and oligodendrocytes exhibited 2B3-NT3R immunoreactivity. While all the nuclei of the DRG sensory neurons expressed the NT3R, all the nuclei of the satellite and Schwann cells were devoid of any immunoreaction. In the sciatic nerve, the nuclei of the Schwann cells also lacked 2B3-NT3R-immunoreactivity. After sciatic nerve transection in vivo, Schwann cell nuclei, which never expressed NT3R in intact nerves of adult rats, displayed a clear 2B3-NT3R immunoreaction in proximal and distal stumps adjacent to the section. Double immunostaining with antibodies raised to 3-sulfogalactosylceramide or S100 confirmed that most of the NT3R containing nuclei belong to Schwann cells. In dissociated cell cultures grown in vitro from sciatic nerves, Schwann cells exhibited 2B3-NT3R immunoreactivity. These data suggest that the inhibition of NT3R expression in Schwann cells ensheathing axons in intact nerve is reversed when the axons are degenerating or lacking.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Purpose/Objective(s): RTwith TMZ is the standard for GBM. dd TMZ causes prolongedMGMTdepletion in mononuclear cells and possibly in tumor. The RTOG 0525 trial (ASCO 2011) did not show an advantage from dd TMZ for survival or progression free survival. We conducted exploratory, hypothesis-generating subset analyses to detect possible benefit from dd TMZ.Materials/Methods: Patients were randomized to std (150-200 mg/m2 x 5 d) or dd TMZ (75-100 mg/m2 x 21 d) q 4 weeks for 6- 12 cycles. Eligibility included age.18, KPS$ 60, and. 1 cm2 tissue for prospective MGMTanalysis for stratification. Furtheranalyses were performed for all randomized patients (''intent-to-treat'', ITT), and for all patients starting protocol therapy (SPT). Subset analyses were performed by RPA class (III, IV, V), KPS (90-100, = 50,\50), resection (partial, total), gender (female, male), and neurologic dysfunction (nf = none, minor, moderate).Results: No significant difference was seen for median OS (16.6 vs. 14.9 months), or PFS (5.5 vs. 6.7 months, p = 0.06). MGMT methylation was linked to improved OS (21.2 vs. 14 months, p\0.0001), and PFS (8.7 vs. 5.7 months, p\0.0001). For the ITT (n = 833), there was no OS benefit from dd TMZ in any subset. Two subsets showed a PFS benefit for dd TMZ: RPA class III (6.2 vs. 12.6 months, HR 0.69, p = 0.03) and nf = minor (HR 0.77, p = 0.01). For RPA III, dd dramatically delayed progression, but post-progression dd patients died more quickly than std. A similar pattern for nf = minor was observed. For the SPT group (n = 714) there was neither PFS nor OS benefit for dd TMZ, overall. For RPA class III and nf = minor, there was a PFS benefit for dd TMZ (HR 0.73, p = 0.08; HR 0.77, p = 0.02). For nf = moderate subset, both ITT and SPT, the std arm showed superior OS (14.4 vs. 10.9 months) compared to dd, without improved PFS (HR 1.46, p = 0.03; and HR 1.74, p = 0.01. In terms of methylation status within this subset, there were more methylated patients in the std arm of the ITT subset (n = 159; 32 vs. 24%). For the SPT subset (n = 124), methylation status was similar between arms.Conclusions: This study did not demonstrate improved OS for dd TMZ for any subgroup, but for 2 highly functional subgroups, PFS was significantly increased. These data generate the testable hypothesis that intensive treatment may selectively improve disease control in those most likely able to tolerate dd therapy. Interpretation of this should be considered carefully due to small sample size, the process of multiple observations, and other confounders.Acknowledgment: This project was supported by RTOG grant U10 CA21661, and CCOP grant U10 CA37422 from the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
Increased resting energy expenditure and malnutrition are frequently observed in patients with COPD. The aim of this study was to examine the possible contribution of an increased diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT) to weight loss. Eleven patients with COPD in stable clinical state and 11 healthy control subjects were studied. Resting energy expenditure (REE) was measured by standard methods of indirect calorimetry, using a ventilated canopy. Premeal REE was measured after an overnight fast. All subjects then received a balanced liquid test meal with a caloric content that was 0.3 times their REE extrapolated to 24 h. Diet-induced thermogenesis was measured over 130 min. Premeal REE was 109.9 +/- 11.7% of predicted values in the COPD group and 97.5 +/- 9.6% of predicted in the control group (p < 0.01). Seventy minutes after the test meal, REE had increased by 18.8 +/- 8.5% in the COPD group and by 15.1 +/- 5.8% in the control group (NS). After 130 min, REE had increased by 16.4 +/- 7.1% in the COPD group and by 12.4 +/- 5.3% in the control group (NS). The DIT expressed as a percentage of the caloric content of the meal was 4.3 +/- 1.6% in the COPD group and 3.3 +/- 1.4% in the control group (NS). We conclude that patients with stable COPD, although hypermetabolic at rest, do not show an increased DIT.
Accumulating evidence suggests that changes in the metabolic signature of astrocytes underlie their response to neuroinflammation, but how proinflammatory stimuli induce these changes is poorly understood. By monitoring astrocytes following acute cortical injury, we identified a differential and region-specific remodeling of their mitochondrial network: while astrocytes within the penumbra of the lesion undergo mitochondrial elongation, those located in the core-the area invaded by proinflammatory cells-experience transient mitochondrial fragmentation. In brain slices, proinflammatory stimuli reproduced localized changes in mitochondrial dynamics, favoring fission over fusion. This effect was triggered by Drp1 phosphorylation and ultimately resulted in reduced respiratory capacity. Furthermore, maintenance of the mitochondrial architecture critically depended on the induction of autophagy. Deletion of Atg7, required for autophagosome formation, prevented the reestablishment of tubular mitochondria, leading to marked reactive oxygen species accumulation and cell death. Thus, our data reveal autophagy to be essential for regenerating astrocyte mitochondrial networks during inflammation.
BACKGROUND: Visudyne®-mediated photodynamic therapy (PDT) at low drug/light conditions has shown to selectively enhance the uptake of liposomal doxorubicin in subpleural localized sarcoma tumors grown on rodent lungs without causing morphological alterations of the lung. The present experiments explore the impact of low-dose PDT on liposomal doxorubicin (Liporubicin™) uptake to different tumor types grown on rodent lungs. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three groups of Fischer rats underwent subpleural generation of sarcoma, mesothelioma, or adenocarcinoma tumors on the left lung. At least five animals of each group (sarcoma, n = 5; mesothelioma, n = 7; adenocarcinoma, n = 5) underwent intraoperative low-dose (10 J/cm(2) at 35 mW/cm(2) ) PDT with 0.0625 mg/kg Visudyne® of the tumor and the lower lobe. This was followed by intravenous (IV) administration of 400 µg Liporubicin™. After a circulation time of 60 min, the tumor-bearing lung was processed for HPLC analyses. At least five animals per group underwent the same procedure but without PDT (sarcoma, n = 5; mesothelioma, n = 5; adenocarcinoma, n = 6). Five untreated animals per group underwent CD31 immunostaining of their tumors with histomorphometrical assessment of the tumor vascularization. RESULTS: Low-dose PDT significantly enhanced Liporubicin™ uptake to all tumor types (sarcoma, P = 0.0007; mesothelioma, P = 0.001; adenocarcinoma, P = 0.02) but not to normal lung tissue compared to IV drug administration alone. PDT led to a significantly increased ratio of tumor to lung tissue drug uptake for all three tumor types (P < 0.05). However, the tumor drug uptake varied between tumor types and paralleled tumor vascular density. The vascular density was significantly higher in sarcoma than in adenocarcinoma (P < 0.001) and mesothelioma (P < 0.001), whereas there was no significant difference between adenocarcinoma and mesothelioma. CONCLUSION: Low-dose Visudyne®-mediated PDT selectively enhances the uptake of systemically administered liposomal doxorubicin in tumors without affecting the drug uptake to normal lung. However, drug uptake varied significantly between tumor types and paralleled tumor vascular density.
During brain development, spontaneous neuronal activity has been shown to play a crucial role in the maturation of neuronal circuitries. Activity-related signals may cause selective neuronal cell death and/or rearrangement of neuronal connectivity. To study the effects of sustained inhibitory activity on developing inhibitory (GABAergic) neurons, three-dimensional primary cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon were used. In relatively immature cultures, muscimol (10 microns), a GABAA receptor agonist, induced a transient increase in apoptotic cell death, as evidenced by a cycloheximide-sensitive increase of free nucleosomes and an increased frequency of DNA double strand breaks (TUNEL labeling). Furthermore, muscimol caused an irreversible reduction of glutamic acid decarboxylase activity, indicating a loss of GABAergic neurons. The muscimol-induced death of GABAergic neurons was attenuated by the GABAA receptor blockers bicuculline (100 microns) and picrotoxin (100 microns), by depolarizing potassium concentrations (30 mM KCl) and by the L-type calcium channel activator BAY K8644 (2 microns). As compared to the cholinergic marker (choline acetyltransferase activity), glutamic acid decarboxylase activity was significantly more affected by various agents known to inhibit neuronal activity, including tetrodotoxin (1 micron), flunarizine (5 microns), MK 801 (50 microns) and propofol (40 microns). The present results suggest that the survival of a subpopulation of immature GABAergic neurons is dependent on sustained neuronal activity and that these neurons may undergo apoptotic cell death in response to GABAA autoreceptor activation.
The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is constantly exposed to external injuries which lead to degeneration, dysfunction or loss of RPE cells. The balance between RPE cells death and proliferation may be responsible for several diseases of the underlying retina, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). Signaling pathways able to control cells proliferation or death usually involve the MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinases) pathways, which modulate the activity of transcription factors by phosphorylation. UV exposure induces DNA breakdown and causes cellular damage through the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) leading to programmed cell death. In this study, human retinal pigment epithelial cells ARPE19 were exposed to 100 J/m(2) of UV-C and MAPK pathways were studied. We first showed the expression of the three major MAPK pathways. Then we showed that activator protein-1 (AP-1) was activated through phosphorylation of cJun and cFos, induced by JNK and p38, respectively. Specific inhibitors of both kinases decreased their respective activities and phosphorylation of their nuclear targets (cJun and cFos) and reduced UV-induced cell death. The use of specific kinases inhibitors may provide excellent tools to prevent RPE apoptosis specifically in RPE diseases involving ROS and other stress-related compounds such as in AMD.
Transcorneoscleral iontophoresis was used to enhance ocular penetration of a 21-bp NH(2) protected anti-NOSII oligonucleotides (ODNs) (fluorescein or infrared-41 labeled) in Lewis rats. Both histochemical localization and acrylamide sequencing gels were used. To evaluate the potential to down-regulate NOSII expression in the rat model of endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU), anti-sense NOSII ODN, scrambled ODN or saline were iontophorezed into these animals' eyes. Iontophoresis facilitated the penetration of intact ODNs into the intraocular tissues of the rat eye and only the eyes receiving ODNs and electrical current demonstrated intact ODNs within the ocular tissues of both segments of the eye. Iontophoresis of anti-NOSII ODN significantly down-regulated the expression of NOSII expression in iris/ciliary body compared to the saline or scrambled ODN treated eyes. Nitrite production was also significantly reduced in the anti-NOSII applied eyes compared to those treated with saline. Using this system, intraocular delivery of ODNs can be significantly enhanced increasing the potential for successful gene therapy for human eye diseases.
Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) is a bacterial superantigen (SAg) that predominantly interacts with V(beta)8+ T cells. In vivo treatment of mice with SEB leads to an initial increase in the percentage of V(beta)8+ T cells, followed by a decrease in the numbers of these cells, eventually reaching lower levels than those found before treatment with the SAg. This decrease is due to apoptosis of the SEB-responding cells. In the present study, we use the distinct light scattering characteristics of apoptotic cells to characterize T cells that are being deleted in response to SEB in vivo. We show that dying, SEB-reactive T cells express high levels of Fas and Fas ligand (Fas-L), which are implicated in apoptotic cell death. In addition, the B cell marker B220 is upregulated on apoptotic cells. Moreover, we show that the generation of cells with an apoptotic phenotype is severely impaired in response to SEB in functional Fas-L-deficient mutant gld mice, confirming the role of the Fas pathway in SAg mediated peripheral deletion in vivo.
Addictive properties of drugs of misuse are generally considered to be mediated by an increased release of dopamine (DA) in the ventral striatum. However, recent experiments indicated an implication of alpha1b-adrenergic receptors in behavioural responses to psychostimulants and opiates. We show now that DA release induced in the ventral striatum by morphine (20 mg/kg) is completely blocked by prazosin (1 mg/kg), an alpha1-adrenergic antagonist. However, morphine-induced increases in DA release in the ventral striatum were found to be similar in mice deleted for the alpha1b-adrenergic receptor (alpha1b-AR KO) and in wild-type (WT) mice, suggesting the presence of a compensatory mechanism. This acute morphine-evoked DA release was completely blocked in alpha1b-AR KO mice by SR46349B (1 mg/kg), a 5-HT2A antagonist. SR46349B also completely blocked, in alpha1b-AR KO mice, the locomotor response and the development of behavioural sensitization to morphine (20 mg/kg) and D-amphetamine (2 mg/kg). Accordingly, the concomitant blockade of 5-HT2A and alpha1b-adrenergic receptors in WT mice entirely blocked acute locomotor responses but also the development of behavioural sensitization to morphine, D-amphetamine or cocaine (10 mg/kg). We observed, nevertheless, that inhibitory effects of each antagonist on locomotor responses to morphine or D-amphetamine were more than additive (160%) in naïve WT mice but not in those sensitized to either drug. Because of these latter data and the possible compensation by 5-HT2A receptors for the genetic deletion of alpha1b-adrenergic receptors, we postulate the existence of a functional link between these receptors, which vanishes during the development of behavioural sensitization.
The NLRP3 inflammasome acts as a danger signal sensor that triggers and coordinates the inflammatory response upon infectious insults or tissue injury and damage. However, the role of the NLRP3 inflammasome in natural killer (NK) cell-mediated control of tumor immunity is poorly understood. Here, we show in a model of chemical-induced carcinogenesis and a series of experimental and spontaneous metastases models that mice lacking NLRP3 display significantly reduced tumor burden than control wild-type (WT) mice. The suppression of spontaneous and experimental tumor metastases and methylcholanthrene (MCA)-induced sarcomas in mice deficient for NLRP3 was NK cell and IFN-γ-dependent. Focusing on the amenable B16F10 experimental lung metastases model, we determined that expression of NLRP3 in bone marrow-derived cells was necessary for optimal tumor metastasis. Tumor-driven expansion of CD11b(+)Gr-1(intermediate) (Gr-1(int)) myeloid cells within the lung tumor microenvironment of NLRP3(-/-) mice was coincident with increased lung infiltrating activated NK cells and an enhanced antimetastatic response. The CD11b(+)Gr-1(int) myeloid cells displayed a unique cell surface phenotype and were characterized by their elevated production of CCL5 and CXCL9 chemokines. Adoptive transfer of this population into WT mice enhanced NK cell numbers in, and suppression of, B16F10 lung metastases. Together, these data suggested that NLRP3 is an important suppressor of NK cell-mediated control of carcinogenesis and metastases and identify CD11b(+)Gr-1(int) myeloid cells that promote NK cell antimetastatic function. Cancer Res; 72(22); 5721-32. ©2012 AACR.
Inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has become the standard of care for patients presenting with wet age-related macular degeneration. However, monthly intravitreal injections are required for optimal efficacy. We have previously shown that electroporation enabled ciliary muscle gene transfer results in sustained protein secretion into the vitreous for up to 9 months. Here, we evaluated the long-term efficacy of ciliary muscle gene transfer of three soluble VEGF receptor-1 (sFlt-1) variants in a rat model of laser-induced choroidal neovascularization (CNV). All three sFlt-1 variants significantly diminished vascular leakage and neovascularization as measured by fluorescein angiography (FA) and flatmount choroid at 3 weeks. FA and infracyanine angiography demonstrated that inhibition of CNV was maintained for up to 6 months after gene transfer of the two shortest sFlt-1 variants. Throughout, clinical efficacy was correlated with sustained VEGF neutralization in the ocular media. Interestingly, treatment with sFlt-1 induced a 50% downregulation of VEGF messenger RNA levels in the retinal pigment epithelium and the choroid. We demonstrate for the first time that non-viral gene transfer can achieve a long-term reduction of VEGF levels and efficacy in the treatment of CNV.Gene Therapy advance online publication, 27 June 2013; doi:10.1038/gt.2013.36.
AIM: Improving cerebral perfusion is an essential component of post-resuscitation care after cardiac arrest (CA), however precise recommendations in this setting are limited. We aimed to examine the effect of moderate hyperventilation (HV) and induced hypertension (IH) on non-invasive cerebral tissue oxygenation (SctO2) in patients with coma after CA monitored with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) during therapeutic hypothermia (TH). METHODS: Prospective pilot study including comatose patients successfully resuscitated from out-of-hospital CA treated with TH, monitored with NIRS. Dynamic changes of SctO2 upon HV and IH were analyzed during the stable TH maintenance phase. HV was induced by decreasing PaCO2 from ∼40 to ∼30 mmHg, at stable mean arterial blood pressure (MAP∼70 mmHg). IH was obtained by increasing MAP from ∼70 to ∼90 mmHg with noradrenaline. RESULTS: Ten patients (mean age 69 years; mean time to ROSC 19 min) were studied. Following HV, a significant reduction of SctO2 was observed (baseline 74.7±4.3% vs. 69.0±4.2% at the end of HV test, p<0.001, paired t-test). In contrast, IH was not associated with changes in SctO2 (baseline 73.6±3.5% vs. 74.1±3.8% at the end of IH test, p=0.24). CONCLUSIONS: Moderate hyperventilation was associated with a significant reduction in SctO2, while increasing MAP to supra-normal levels with vasopressors had no effect on cerebral tissue oxygenation. Our study suggests that maintenance of strictly normal PaCO2 levels and MAP targets of 70mmHg may provide optimal cerebral perfusion during TH in comatose CA patients.