171 resultados para Re-extraction
The aim of this study was to evaluate the forensic protocol recently developed by Qiagen for the QIAsymphony automated DNA extraction platform. Samples containing low amounts of DNA were specifically considered, since they represent the majority of samples processed in our laboratory. The analysis of simulated blood and saliva traces showed that the highest DNA yields were obtained with the maximal elution volume available for the forensic protocol, that is 200 ml. Resulting DNA extracts were too diluted for successful DNA profiling and required a concentration. This additional step is time consuming and potentially increases inversion and contamination risks. The 200 ml DNA extracts were concentrated to 25 ml, and the DNA recovery estimated with real-time PCR as well as with the percentage of SGM Plus alleles detected. Results using our manual protocol, based on the QIAamp DNA mini kit, and the automated protocol were comparable. Further tests will be conducted to determine more precisely DNA recovery, contamination risk and PCR inhibitors removal, once a definitive procedure, allowing the concentration of DNA extracts from low yield samples, will be available for the QIAsymphony.
Objectifs: Exposer une nouvelle technique permettant le retrait de ciment extra-vertebral par fuite accidentelle lors du retrait du matériel. Matériels et méthodes: Nous injectons le ciment lorsque sa densité est celle d'une pâte dentifrice pour éviter les passages vasculaires. Lorsque la vertèbre est parfaitement remplie,nous patientons quelques minutes pour éviter la fuite de ciment le long du trajet (environ 4 a 6 cc en moyenne par vertèbre sont injectés). Malgré ces précautions,une fuite de ciment peut survenir lors du retrait du trocart. Cette complication est rare lorsque l'on prend les précautions nécessaires. Cependant, si la pressionintra-vertébrale est importante, le ciment peut être aspiré en dehors de la vertèbre. Résultats: L'aiguille du trocart est retirée pour être remplacée par une pince d'endoscopie 13 gauges. Sous guidage scopique, l'extraction se fait sous contrôle continu ; lapince retirant la fuite de ciment. Conclusion: La connaissance de cette intervention peut être très utile pour les équipes de radiologie interventionnelle , d'orthopédie et de neurochirurgie réalisant desvertébroplasties, pouvant être confrontées à ce type de problèmes.
BACKGROUND: Dietary fluoride supplements were first introduced to provide systemic fluoride in areas where water fluoridation is not available. Since 1990, the use of fluoride supplements in caries prevention has been re-evaluated in several countries. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the efficacy of fluoride supplements for preventing dental caries in children. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register (to 12 October 2011), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2011, Issue 3), MEDLINE via OVID (1950 to 12 October 2011), EMBASE via OVID (1980 to 12 October 2011), WHOLIS/PAHO/MEDCARIB/LILACS/BBO via BIREME (1982 to 12 October 2011), and Current Controlled Trials (to 12 October 2011). We handsearched reference lists of articles and contacted selected authors. SELECTION CRITERIA: We included randomised or quasi-randomised controlled trials comparing, with minimum follow-up of 2 years, fluoride supplements (tablets, drops, lozenges) with no fluoride supplement or with other preventive measures such as topical fluorides in children less than 16 years of age at the start. The main outcome was caries increment measured by the change in decayed, missing and filled tooth surfaces (DMFS). DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two review authors, independently and in duplicate, assessed the eligibility of studies for inclusion, and carried out risk of bias assessment and data extraction. In the event of disagreement, we sought consensus and consulted a third review author. We contacted trial authors for missing information. We used the prevented fraction (PF) as a metric for evaluating the efficacy of the intervention. The PF is defined as the mean caries increment in controls minus mean caries increment in the treated group divided by mean caries increment in controls. We conducted random-effects meta-analyses when data could be pooled. We assessed heterogeneity in the results of the studies by examining forest plots and by using formal tests for homogeneity. We recorded adverse effects (fluorosis) when the studies provided relevant data. MAIN RESULTS: We included 11 studies in the review involving 7196 children.In permanent teeth, when fluoride supplements were compared with no fluoride supplement (three studies), the use of fluoride supplements was associated with a 24% (95% confidence interval (CI) 16 to 33%) reduction in decayed, missing and filled surfaces (D(M)FS). The effect of fluoride supplements was unclear on deciduous or primary teeth. In one study, no caries-inhibiting effect was observed on deciduous teeth while in another study, the use of fluoride supplements was associated with a substantial reduction in caries increment.When fluoride supplements were compared with topical fluorides or with other preventive measures, there was no differential effect on permanent or deciduous teeth.The review found limited information on the adverse effects associated with the use of fluoride supplements. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: This review suggests that the use of fluoride supplements is associated with a reduction in caries increment when compared with no fluoride supplement in permanent teeth. The effect of fluoride supplements was unclear on deciduous teeth. When compared with the administration of topical fluorides, no differential effect was observed. We rated 10 trials as being at unclear risk of bias and one at high risk of bias, and therefore the trials provide weak evidence about the efficacy of fluoride supplements.
Dieser Beitrag geht davon aus, dass eine neue Gattung in anderen europäischen Sprachen und Kulturen bereits vorhandene Gattungsformen ,"(re)konfiguriert", um sie der eigenen Sprache und Kultur anzupassen und neue Aussageformen zu schaffen. Dieser Prozess wird am Beispiel der europäischen Märchen aufgezeigt, die der hier formulierten Hypothese nach weder Erzeugnisse einer Universalgattung noch nationaler Folklore sind, sondern komplexe ,"Rekonfigurationen" lateinischer, italienischen und französischer Gattungsformen. Am Beispiel der Histoires ou contes du temps passé, avec des Moralités von 1697 wird gezeigt, wie Charles Perrault mit einer neuartigen ,"Szenographie" das zum Gattungsparadigma gewordene Psyche-Märchen von Apuleius ,"rekonfiguiert". An die Stelle des erzählenden Esels Lucius, der vorgibt, Psyches Geschichte von der alten Magd einer Räuberbande gehört zu haben, setzt Perrault seinen Sohn, Pierre Darmancour, und schafft mit einer pseudo-naiven Szenographie eine neue Gattung, die von den Brüdern Grimm und deren ,"Beiträgerinnen" hugenottischer Herkunft zum Kinder- und Hausmärchen umgearbeitet wird.
The Radiello Passive Air Sampler is one of the latest innovations developed for the sampling of pollutants in the air by passive headspace. It has been reported that its properties allow an enhanced sensitivity, reproducibility and adsorption capacity. It therefore appears to be of interest in the extraction of potential residues of ignitable liquids present in fire debris when arson is suspected. A theoretical approach and several laboratory tests have made it possible to precisely characterize in a forensic perspective the potential of the device in extracting and concentrating the vapors of ignitable liquids found in fire debris. Despite some advantages, the Radiello device appears to be less efficient than traditional axial symmetry samplers.
The IRA and the NPL have submitted ampoules of 166Hom to the International Reference System (SIR) for activity comparison at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, thus becoming the third and fourth participants since 1989. The five samples of known activity of 166Hom now recorded in the SIR have activities between about 70 kBq and 500 kBq. The new results have enabled a re-evaluation of the key comparison reference value, and the degrees of equivalence between each equivalent activity measured in the SIR and the key comparison reference value (KCRV) have been calculated. The results are given in the form of a matrix for these four NMIs together with the recalculated degrees of equivalence of an APMP regional comparison held in 2000, comparison identifier APMP.RI(II)-K2.Ho-166m for six other NMIs. A graphical presentation is also given.
Résumé Cette étude analyse de façon approfondie la question des auxiliaires gaulois à l'époque tardo-républicaine par le biais des découvertes archéologiques. Elle couvre toutes les Gaules (Transpadane, Transalpine, Celtique et Belgique), ainsi que l'aire alpine. Le corpus est composé de 450 tombes de guerriers provenant de 145 sites répartis entre l'Italie du Nord, la Slovénie, la Suisse, la France, le Luxembourg et l'ouest de l'Allemagne, datables entre le IIe et le Ier siècle av. J.-C. 29 sites de bataille ou d'habitat et 9 sanctuaires, sur lesquels de l'armement a été mis en évidence, s'ajoutent à cet ensemble. Un point fort de cette recherche est l'étude renouvelée d'ensembles souvent découverts anciennement et dont les publications ne répondent plus aujourd'hui aux critères de la recherche archéologique. Le rafraîchissement de cette documentation permet de reprendre l'analyse de l'armement gaulois dans ces régions et de montrer comment, petit à petit, celui-ci est remplacé par une panoplie manifestement romaine. La mise en parallèle ce corpus archéologique avec les informations données par les sources antiques (Polybe, César, etc.), permet d'enrichir l'histoire des auxiliaires gaulois à la période tardo-républicaine en mettant en lumière leur rôle dans l'évolution de la République vers l'Empire.
Endoscopic extraction of a prevertebral migrated guidewire after posterior cervical instrumentation.
Images of Spine Care
OBJECTIVE: To identify characteristics of consultations that do not conform to the traditionally understood communication 'dyad', in order to highlight implications for medical education and develop a reflective 'toolkit' for use by medical practitioners and educators in the analysis of consultations. DESIGN: A series of interdisciplinary research workshops spanning 12 months explored the social impact of globalisation and computerisation on the clinical consultation, focusing specifically on contemporary challenges to the clinician-patient dyad. Researchers presented detailed case studies of consultations, taken from their recent research projects. Drawing on concepts from applied sociolinguistics, further analysis of selected case studies prompted the identification of key emergent themes. SETTING: University departments in the UK and Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: Six researchers with backgrounds in medicine, applied linguistics, sociolinguistics and medical education. One workshop was also attended by PhD students conducting research on healthcare interactions. RESULTS: The contemporary consultation is characterised by a multiplicity of voices. Incorporation of additional voices in the consultation creates new forms of order (and disorder) in the interaction. The roles 'clinician' and 'patient' are blurred as they become increasingly distributed between different participants. These new consultation arrangements make new demands on clinicians, which lie beyond the scope of most educational programmes for clinical communication. CONCLUSIONS: The consultation is changing. Traditional consultation models that assume a 'dyadic' consultation do not adequately incorporate the realities of many contemporary consultations. A paradox emerges between the need to manage consultations in a 'super-diverse' multilingual society, while also attending to increasing requirements for standardised protocol-driven approaches to care prompted by computer use. The tension between standardisation and flexibility requires addressing in educational contexts. Drawing on concepts from applied sociolinguistics and the findings of these research observations, the authors offer a reflective 'toolkit' of questions to ask of the consultation in the context of enquiry-based learning.